Pokémon Pokemon gijinka RP! The history of the gijinkas!

alexischaos2004 posted on Nov 05, 2014 at 11:39PM
Gijinkas have been a rare sight in the Pokemon universe, but there are so many out there, a few have been seen only. But, maybe they can be seen?

Please create your own character forms :)

Here's my character:



24 years old

Description: Below

Arelazai was an orphan as a child, and nobody would ever pay attention to him. He was just a homeless child, until, he met Yveltal. Even though he was young, and wasn't a trainer, he had a huge connection with Yveltal. Thus, now he has Yveltal as his only companion. He can also transform into an Yveltal with the DNA half of Yveltal's.

What is a Pokemon gjinka? A Pokemon gijinka is a human that has the ability to transform into one or more Pokemon, and may have the looks of a certain Pokemon. There is a gijinka for ever single Pokemon in the world.

Plot: Marina, an agile, cocky troublemaker! She happens to stumble along Arelazai and his friends and she isn't very their type. What will Marina do to join their adventures? Who knows, she is such a troublemaker, after all.
Gijinkas have been a rare sight in the Pokemon universe, but there are so many out there, a few have
last edited on Nov 14, 2014 at 11:55PM

Pokémon 720 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 720

over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Arelazai chuckled, looking at Dixon. "Alright, lad. Syuk, you can come too..." He laughed, accepting Syuk for now.

Syuk didn't mind Dixon's sudden behavior, but she was not certain about Arelazai. "Alright, I'll come." She nodded in agreement, flipping her hair and puffing up her ears. She wagged her tail only once.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
'What am I doing?! She could be like Mary!'Sam thought,getting his thoughts together."Anyway,let's go!"Sam exclaimed,turning into Dialga.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Electra said "May I come to I am an engineer I could be useful"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Arelazai nodded at Dixon, transforming into Yveltal and flying off into the skies. "Come on, Syuk!" He called out to her.

Syuk smirked and chuckled, transforming into Jolteon and running super fast like a Jolteon would. Fast as a tornado.

over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Depends.What about your crutches? And I'm pretty sure this is a mission only for Gjinkas."Dixon told Electra."Sorry"
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Electra said "Well I am coming if you like it or not" looking offended
"I am a ginka too you know" she said
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Arelazai kept flying through the sky, until he sighted a mountain. "Hmm, sounds like this is already a plan." He smirked, flying faster towards the mountain's edge.

Syuk saw the mountain, and leaped onto several rocks to reach the top of the mountain. "Arelazai, you beat me I guess to the top." She sighed, reaching the top and seeing Arelazai on top already. He was into human form, and now Syuk transformed back into human form.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
When the got to (wherever we are going),Dixon turned back into human form."What is this place?"Dixon asked Arelazai,seeing Syuk running up. 'Wow,she's so fast'Dixon thought.'That makes her even more pretty.'
Monmonny commented…
When I only put on Quotation Mark,I am thinking. over a year ago
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said" Wait up I can't run very fast"
Luke said "Well I can" transforming into Lucario
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Glittering Cave." Arelazai told Dixon the exact name, he remembered it because Arelazai came here before with Yveltal as a child. He went inside of the cave, and admired all of the shining gems on the walls.

Syuk followed Arelazai and Dixon inside of the cave, sighing deeply and ignoring all of the crystals shoved into the walls. "....." She was completely silent throughout their small walk.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Electra turned into Luxray went in the cave and said "Pretty"
Luke said "I wonder"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Monmonny said…
As Dixon was walking through the cave,he heard crying."Guys,what is that?"Dixon asked,walking towards the sound.He come to a small entrance where he found a small Oshawatt looking boy.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said "Hey look it looks like the kid that ran off"
Empoleon said"Tell me about it"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Guys,over here!"Dixon yelled,gesturing them'"I think I found a Gjinka!"Dixon exclaimed.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Arelazai widened his eyes, to see Fluctus! "Kid, why'd you come all the way here all alone?!" He asked Fluctus, Arelazai was worried about Fluctus's safety.

Fluctus sighed and responded "Because.... I will never ge- WOAH WHO'S THIS PRETTY LADY?!" He was distracted by Syuk's beauty, and instantly became so attached to her.

Syuk tilted her head at Fluctus and flattened her ears. "Ummm... Hello." She said quietly, slightly waving to Fluctus,she saw his tail wagging.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"I don't think so kid,she's mine!"Dixon stared at Fluctus,fire in his eyes.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
New character
Name Simon
Gijinka Staraptor
Gender male
Age 31
New character
Name Simon 
Gijinka Staraptor
Gender male
Age 31
Monmonny commented…
So many new characters! over a year ago
piplupfan1 commented…
year I just like to add alot over a year ago
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
A person turned up and said "trust me I would not allow any harm to a fellow gijinka"
Electra said "Now I like the cave more"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Electra,your a Gjinka too?!"Sam asked.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"I saw her first!" Fluctus growled, hearts in his eyes and he vowed to protect Syuk from anything, even scary legendaries!

Syuk face-palmed, and sighed. "..... You two...." She muttered to herself, so quiet that nobody can hear. Her ears flicked once again.

Arelazai chuckled, and saw the two fighting over Syuk.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"No,I did! If you had stayed with Arelazai,you would have seen her first!"Dixon growled.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Luke said "I don't know what is the fight over Syuk is about I think she dose not wear enough clothes"
"That was rude" said the man "mind your manners"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"You two stop it!" Syuk yelled over the two, trying to make the both of them stop fighting over her. She wasn't interested in Dixon or Fluctus, yet.

Fluctus suddenly stopped talking and exclaimed "Yes ma'm! Anything for you!" He glared at Dixon, chuckling with a smirk.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Fine! But kid,you better sleep with one eye open!"Dixon whispered to Fluctus.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The man said "I think your making the lady uncomfortable"
Luke said "Uh your making the lady uncomfortable bla bla"
The man said "I am older than you"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Grrrr... I'll claim her before you....!" Fluctus whispered to Dixon with a growl.

"I was feeling uncomfortable..." Syuk growled, crossing her arms and continued to walk with Arelazai and his friends through Glittering Cave.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Well,I gotta go! I'm meeting a friend at Six Flags.See you later!Except you Fluctus,Dixon said,glaring at him."Transform!"Dixon yelled,right before levying the cave,he winked a Syuk.
(I really do have to go.I am using my dad's computer,so my brother has to get on now.Later!)
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The man said "I am sorry I haven't introduced my self I am simon gentlemen by the looks of things you need one"
Luke and Napoleon "Show off" they looked at each over blushing
Electra was purring "year"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…

Fluctus cackled "Now that he's gone, Syuk wanna date?" He asked her with heart shaped eyes.

(No! Not with a ten year old!) Syuk thought, staring at him with un-pleased eyes.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Simon moved Fluctus and said "Why not fall in love with over 10 year olds not to break you heart but your way to young for her"
Electra said "Do you think I am to young to go out with him" still purring
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"You're someone normal..." Syuk looked at Simon with a pleased smile and a wink. She accepted Simon, well because he was normal.

Fluctus growled and whispered to himself "I'll get Syuk.... Age doesn't matter in dating..."
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Luke not liking Simon Luke said to Fluctus "Fluctus you don't listen Simon when your in love age dose not matter he just wants to bring you down go for her"
Napoleon said "Using kids for your plans that's low"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Syuk growled, hearing Luke behind her talking about Fluctus going out with her. " That's it!" She turned around to Luke and Fluctus, using Thunderbolt on both of them with complete anger. "I'm not going out with anyone yet!" She yelled.

Fluctus was in severe pain when he was hit by Thunderbolt, considering it was super effective. He didn't get angry though, he was just silent and stood laying down on the floor with widened eyes.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Electra said "Nice thunder blot"
Simon looked at Luke and said "That was naughty of you the more you put in his head the more he will fall"
Napoleon said "Yep you were thundered"
Luke said "That was a rubbish pun"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Now, just leave the dating situation alone." Syuk growled, turning her head away from the two boys and making a scoff. She already started to dislike the whole gang.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said "Have I did anything wrong yet?
Electra said " is it me or the girls in this group are the smartest"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Your opinion, truthfully." Syuk directed to Electra, still walking straight down the path the gang was going. She perked her ears, and heard a faint noise in the distance. "Guys, stop." She ordered everyone, remaining silent so she could hear the noise again to see if anyone else was there. Syuk's tail was straight up.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Simon went forward "mmm" he said
Luke finally got up and said "let the real men deal with this" then he said to Fluctus "This is your chance to win syuk's heart"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"I heard that...." Syuk growled at Luke, yellow static coming out from her clothing. She was ready to use Thunderbolt on Luke, this time.

Fluctus didn't dare move one step toward his crush, but still felt more attached to her every time she was angry.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said to Luke "If you try to wind up Fluctus one more time I'll kick you all the way to China"
"Ep" Luke said
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(I'm back!)

Dixon came up to Six Flags,seeing that it was being taken down! 'Man!'Sam thought.
"Well,might as well go back to the cave!"Sam said.
When he got back to the cave,he was surprised to see the were still there.
"Hey! I'm back!"Sam yelled.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
(One more competitor for Syuk's love!)



Age of 26

Nyanko was a complete outsider from the everyone. Everyone hated him and denied him no matter how many times he was nice to everybody. Mewtwo was the only one like him at his age, and soon a large bond between Nyanko and Mewtwo formed. Mewtwo'a DNA merged with Nyanko and therefore Nyanko can transform into Mewtwo.
last edited over a year ago
(One more competitor for Syuk's love!)



Age of 26

Nyanko was a complete outs
Monmonny commented…
I swear,this is going to be an EPIC battle for Syuk! over a year ago
piplupfan1 commented…
who will win? over a year ago
Monmonny commented…
Hopefully Dixon! Dixon FTW! over a year ago
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
(Hi Monmonny)
"Hi" said Napoleon "your just in time for Luke's death"
"Hey" said Luke "I still need a cake" "Your still about the cake forget about it" said Napoleon
Electra said "I think they are cute together"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Luke's death?What are you talking about?"Dixon asked,"By the way,did anyone else happen to see Mewtwo walking in the forest?I saw it when I came back."
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said "I meant it as I am going to kill him"
Luke said "And why would you want to do that?
Electra said "i can think of plenty of reasons"
Simon said "He may be a pain but no one should die"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Sorry XP I'm finally here!)
Holis was off looking for someone. "Sola?" he asked.
Suddenly, a Volcarona burst from the bush, wings flaring, and she changed into a gijinka. "Hello, Holis, dear!"
Holis sighed. "Always making a grand appearance, aren't you?"
"Oh, come now," pouted Sola. "Don't go insulting the only other gijinka you know."
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
(Hi dragonAura15)
Electra said "I think I saw somthing over there"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Hello,Fructus.Umm...what happened to those two? ThinderBolt from the beautiful Syuk,I'm guessing?"Dixon guessed.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Syuk sighed, and transformed into Jolteon. She ran out of the cave and went back to where the gijinkas were before. She finally got out, and now she was free.

Nyanko was wondering around, now sighting Syuk. He locked his eyes on her, instantly falling in love with her. "She's perfect for me..." He muttered to himself, sighing deeply. He was so interested in her stunning appearance.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Oh, boy. Run, Syuk XD)
"As of now, you're not the only gijinka I know. And that's exactly why I called you here," Holis informed her.