Monster High Escape From Skull Shores *Monster High RP*

xMiss-IceQueenx posted on Mar 17, 2012 at 01:33AM
Escape from Skull Shores

Hey Everyone out there in the Monster High RPing world. This is an official Escape From Skull Shores RP!

With the story line of Skull Shores where the guys and ghouls get trapped on a terrible deserted island with creepy tiki Individuals and they really strange tour guide man.  Also Frankie is apparently the only way to get rid of the terrible monster that haunts the island and the tiki's want to sacrifice her!

Can everyone survive and get off the island can choose their fate in this RP.


Other Rules 

1. If you are not on the invited list please ask to join using these - -> ( )

2. When I say yes you may join in :D then you can be all the cannon characters you want to RP unless someone else is already RPing them .
3. Please try to RP the characters that are on the Escape From Skull Shores Special first that are going that we know of and then you can choose others that seem to not be going but can in this RP such as Deuce, Spectra, and Heath. The after that you can have 2 OC's if I approve.

4.Please stay on the topic and not go into random gibberish and adding characters I never approved it just sort of irks me sorry :(


My Characters~Frankie, Abbey, Draculara, Gil, Clawdeen, Clawd, and the Creeper Dude also Ghouila if no one else wants her :)  Maybe Jackson.
Beginning Post~

It was the start of Spring Break and everyone was going to The Great Barrier Reef  with Lagoona's Parents and they were all about to board her boat to get their.

Frankie waited with her stuff at the docks with the others as she could not wait to go on her first tropical vacation.

Monster High 1580 replies

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over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey's eyes widened as she saw the giant tentacle when she turned around "What the Yak Butter" she yelled .
Draculaura screeched as she hugged Clawd "Save Me" she told him as he stood there panicking.
Frankie thought for a minute "It's a Kracken !" she yelled "Everyone off the boat now and onto the life boat " she said pointing at it and running to go wake up Venus and get her stuff. "Someone get Jackson and Deuce!" she said as she then disappeared into the hallway.
Gil shook his head "Um grab your stuff , we need to get off this boat." he said to Lagoona.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath ran to his room for his stuff in a panic, leaving Abbey stranded.
Spectra rolled her eyes "Just go get your things, we don't have enough time for intamacy!"
Venus woke up in shock "Shit, whats going on?" she asked as she started to gather her things.
Cleo ran to get her things and wake up Deuce.
Lagoona nodded as she ran to her room and started getting her luggage.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey started running to her room as she grabbed her stuff and took her suitcases to the life boat where she found Frankie waving her over with her stuff already on the boat.
Draculaura nodded as she grabbed Clawd's hand and they ran to their rooms soon meeting everyone back at the life boat.
Before Frankie had gotten to the life boat she banged on Venus's door yelling "Kracken run" and she did the same to Jackson as he had woken up and was running to the life boat avoiding the tentacles .
Clawdeen screamed as she almost got knocked by a tentacle while running towards the life boat with Jackson . "No those are my fucking shoes" Clawdeen yelled as a tentacle picked up a small suitcase.
Gil grabbed a couple things of his before heading to the lifeboat setting his stuff down and sitting beside Frankie.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Hearh hopped into the lifeboat with his backpack and suitcase.
Spectra floated on to the lifeboat "Wow this is a pretty great story." she squealed only paying attention to her iCoffin.
Venus nodded as she grabbed her bags and started running towards the lifeboats jumping in.
Cleo started dragging Deuce and thief bags to the lifeboat "Seriously! Hurry up!" she yelled.
Lagoona hopped into the boat next to Gil "Woah, that was out of the blue." she sighed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey sat near the back with her stuff beside her.
Draculara sat beside Spectra and Clawd beside her as Clawd sat their stuff down Draculaura snuggled into him now really scared .
Jackson finally reached the boat as he threw he stuff in beside Frankie's and sat down now slightly relived.
Clawdeen was still out trying to fight the tentacle as it stole her shoes when it came back down she bit it releasing her suitcase "Take that" Clawdeen yelled grabbing her stuff as the Kracken let out a large growl and Clawdeen squeaked jumping into the lifeboat with her things.
Gil nodded "I know right" he sighed with relief.
"Everyone Here and Ready for me to release this boat?" Frankie asked everyone holding onto the release rope.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra nodded "Just let go of the rope." she yelled "I need better shots from an angle."
Lagoona wrapped her arms around Gil "Dont say that you told me so." she mumbled.
Cleo sat besides Deuce in shock "That was way too much for me too handle." she sighed.
Venus giggled "So do you have everything now?" she giggled to Clawdeen.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Frankie nodded to Spectra as she let go and the boat fell down into the water . "And we are off" she said and then turned around her eyes widening as the Kracken's tentacles wrapped around the ship dragging it down under.
"Fine I won't " Gil sighed as he hugged Lagoona back.
"That could have been us" Abbey cridged as she saw the boat go down into the water.
Clawdeen nodded to Venus "I hope" she said laughing back.
"Ghoulia did you grab you laptop" Frankie asked her In hope of a navigation device.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra took a shot of the kraken sinking the boat "Wow, that was amazing." she smirked uploading it.
Lagoona smiled up at him "Thanks for warning us. We could of been ginsrs."
Heath nodded "W-w-water everywhere." he cringed.
Venus smirked "I can't belief you fought off that thing."
Ghoulia nodded as she pulled it out and started searching for a nearby place to stay.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil nodded "I'm glad I did" he said "But now I'm in a small boat surrounded by the ocean" he crindged scared.
Draculaura nodded to Spectra "It was" she gasped "But so scary" she said as she shivered in fear.
"Do not be pansy" Abbey told Heath crossing her arms and rolling her violet eyes.
"Well no one jacks my shoes" Clawdeen said proudly to Veuns" Without getting their ass kicked by Clawdeen Wolf."
Frankie sat beside her wondering if Ghoulia found anything yet as she looked with her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona rolled her eyes "Calm down. Your acting like a scared guppie." she sighed
Spectra giggled "You think so? It was kind of a rush, and a crazy mixed up feeling."
Heath rolled his eyes back "I am not, or will I ever be a pansy." he scoffed "Im brave."
Venus giggled "Good thing you have the wolf strenght."
Ghoulia found a nearby ship in the distance as she pointed to it.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil rolled his eyes "Fine " he said brushing himself off as he tried to stay calm.
Draculaura nodded "But an amazing story" she beamed to Spectra.
Abbey smirked "Then stick your foot in water" she told Heath.
Clawdeen nodded "I know" she beamed "I could do nothing without it."
Frankie sparked "Another boat this way" she said to Ghoulia excitedly "That is amazing ." she squealed clapping her hands.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona giggled "Theres a boat over there." she beamed pointing to it "Lets try to get it over here. "
Spectra nodded "Every story is a good story. Unless it's about the creepateria food." she cringed.
Heath shook his head "No way." he said in a shaky tone.
Venus giggled "Its what makes you fierce."
Ghoulia handed Frankie a flare gun and told her to fire it.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil nodded "I think Frankie an Ghoulia are on it" he told Lagoona pointing at them.
Draculaura crindged also "The food it just terrible" she said argeeing with Spectra.
Abbey then smirked proudly "Then you are now pansy." she told him.
Clawdeen nodded "Totally" she giggled back to Venus.
Frankie nodded as she aimed and fired it towards the other boat .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona nodded as she snuggled into him.
Spectra nodded in agreement "Im pretty sure the food isn't even food." she giggled.
Heath rolled his eyes "No I'm not. I will prove it anyother way." he whined.
Venus smirked "A fierce and fashionable wolf. Nice."
Ghoia watched as the flare ran across the sky.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil held Lagoona tightly.
Draculaura nodded "More like the pit of horror slop." she said .
"But you are afraid of water" Abbey told him "So you are a pansy when it comes to water" she explained to Heath.
"A awesome combination " Clawdeen smirked posing.
"Is it working.?" Frankie asked Ghoulia "Do they see us ?" she asked her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona looked up beaming "Keep me safe." she whispered "Or at least try to."
Spectra giggled "Exactly my point. That stuff is scary, and not even in the good way."
"Whatever, but Gil is afraid of the freaking ocean." Heath scoffed.
Venus gigled "Let me add funny too."
Ghoulia nodded as she pointed to the ship getting closer.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil nodded "Okay I will try" Gil told Lagoona holding her.
Draculaura nodded "So not in the good way" she crindged.
"Well so are you" Abbey pointed out.
"Okay " Clawdeen giggles setting down.
"Yay" Frankie squealed watching the boat.

(So who is going to be playing Farnum and Andy later ...just wondering ?)
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona kissed his cheek "Thank you."
Spectra giggled as she glanced over in the distance "A boat!" she gasped.
Heath rolled his eyes "No, i'm afraid of water. Big difference."
Venus playfully rolled her eyes as she waited for the boat.
Ghoulia clapped her hands as she watched the boat get closer.

(Hmm not sure, but what about the big eared guy ? D: I guess I'll play Andy.)
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil nodded "Your Welcome" he told her smiling.
Draculaura clapped "Yay! We are saved " she cheered.
Abbey rolled her eyes "Heath the ocean is made of water" she told him.
Clawdeen grinned as the boat came closer "Here over here" she said waving her arms.
Frankie cheered as she watched the boat get closer also.

(Okay :) and I forgot about Kipling fail XD Hmm so I will be Farnum and sometimes Kipling a little ... so wait who is on the boat?)
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona beamed "Looks like we can get out of this little lifeboat now." she smiled as she saw the boat.
Spectra rolled her eyes as she played on her iCoffin until the boat came.
Heath face palmed "Oh i didn't know that. I'm not the best in math anyways." he shrugged.
Venus stood up "Here! We are stranded!" she yelled also.
Ghoulia patiently waited.
(I think just Farnum and Kipling)
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Gil nodded "Wonderful" he said rolling his eyes.
Draculaura and Clawd started yelling at the boat with Clawdeen and Venus.
Abbey face-palmed "Heath that is Geography " she said to him.
Clawdeen started jumping up and down .
"Look at them Kipling" Farnum grinned as he held out the telescope looking at them "Thu are such freaks and we could make so much money to let the public pay to see them" he told him "I say we let them on board" he smirked as Kipling nodded "Yes sir" he said as he ancord down beside the life boat .

"Ahoy" Farnum said to everyone as he walked down the ramp into the lifeboat " We would love to be helpful to let all of you on our boat." he told them.

Frankie beamed "Really" she said smiling "Thanks so much , guys did you hear that ?" she asked everyone.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona nodded smiling "Thanks a lot mate. You really saved our fins back there."

Heath shrugged as he got on the boat and pulled Abbey up.

Spectra floated up on the boat "Hello." she smiled shyly.

"Wow thanks for saving us. That was really rockin'" Venus beamed as she got up on also.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Yeah thanks" Gil said monotones as he got on the new boat with his stuff.

Draculaura smiled showing her fangs "Thanks again" she giggled getting on with Clawd following behind her with their things.

"Thanks Heath" Abbey smiled as she picked up her stuff letting Heath pull her up "And thank you for letting us go on your boat" Abbey told Farnum politely .

Jackson nodded as he hopped on the boat with Clawdeen "Yeah Thanks". Clawdeen smiled.

Frankie beamed "May I ask you name" she asked Farnum as he nodded .

"Well first of all you are all welcome and Hello to you" Farnum said pointing at Spectra "I am Farnum they great byer and seller mender and giver of the ocean blue" he announced as Kipling stood beside him "And this is Kipling" Farnum told everyone as Kipling shyly waved.

"So who may you be?" Farnum asked the group of monsters.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Well we are a group of students from Monster High. We are supposed to be going to the Great Barrier reef until a kraken dragged our ship down." Lagoona explained.

Heath smiled back "No problem babe." he winked.

Spectra's eyes widened in shock as she store down.

Venus gave a friendly wave to Kipling as he was introduced.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Farnum nodded "I see I see " he said to them "and do you guys need a ride back there?" he asked Lagoona.

Abbey giggled blushing "I told you my name is Abbey " she said playfully .

"Spectra what is wrong" Clawdeen asked her .

Kipling waved back to Venus smiling inside.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Lagoona nodded "Actually we do. Do you mind taking us there?" she asked politely.

Heath rolled his eyes playfully "Like i said, i'm still addressing you." he smirked.

Spectra shook her head "Nothing." she whispered.

Venus smiled as she leant against the railing.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Farnum smirked "Not at all" he told them as he looked around and then saw Frankie as his eyes widend and Frankie waved back nervously "Frankie Stein nice to meet you" she told Farnum as he grinned widely "There may be a few stops to gather supplies though" he told Lagoona Still glancing at Frankie.

"No you are not" Abbey told him crossing her arms and sticking her nose up.

"Are you sure?" Clawdeen whispered back to Spectra.

Jackson stood their rocking back on his shoes.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Ok, but we have to get there soon. Or else my folks will be worried sick." Lagoona sighed.

Heath rolled his eyes as he turned away from her.

Spectra nodded "I'm sure i'm a bit sea sick."

Venus pulled out her iCoffin and started listening to music through her headphones.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Farnum nodded "I understand and I promise it will not be long ." he told Lagoona "Now Kipling show them to their rooms" he said as Kipling nodded. "Okay who wants one first ?" Kipling asked the crowed shyly.

Abbey giggled as she playfully bumped Heath with her hip.

Clawdeen crindged "Try not to barf on the boat" she told Spectra.

Jackson chilaxed on the side of the railings bored.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Cleo stepped forward "I want my room now, please. Oh and carry my bags." she told him firmly as she started handing them to him.

"Oh i'm sorry am i in your way Abbey?" Heath smirked.

Spectra nodded "I guess i'll just lean over the railing."

Venus was rocking out to her music as she waited to get a room.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Kipling nodded as he soon guided Cleo to a small room near the back "Here you go" he said smiling sheepishly.
Abbey nodded "Yes very much so Heath" she said to him.
Clawdeen nodded "It would be best."she told Spectra.
Draculaura waited next in line for a room with Clawd behind her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Cleo raised her eyebrow "This is not to my liking. Any better rooms?"
Deuce rolled his eyes at Cleo "Its fine." he smiled "But Cleo can be a little perfectionist."
Heath rolled his eyes as he slid off to the side "Happy now?"
Spectra nodded as she turned around and gazed at the ocean over the railing.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Kipling nodded "Enjoy you two" he told them as he went back around and showed Clawd and Dracualaura to a larger room as they set their stuff in. "Thanks Kipling" Draculaura smiled as he and Clawd walked in and Kipling circled back around to everyone "Who is next?" he asked them .
"Very" Abbey smiled as she started walking "Thanks Heath." she said exagerating his name again.
Clawdeen stood next to Spectra keeping her company.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra turned around and raised her hand shyly "I want a room next." she smiled as she grabbed her bags.
Heath groaned "Whatever." he whined.
Venus glanced over at Jackson, and smirked.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawdeen giggled "I will go with since apprantally we have to share" she said following Spectra as Kipling brought them to a medium sized room.
"What is wrong with you?" Abbey asked Heath .
"What are you smirking for "Jackson asked Venus walking over to her smirking back.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra smiled "This is a nice room." she told Kipling "And thank you." she told him shyly.
Heath pointed to a bottle of water "That thing, and that thing." he said also pointing to the ocean.
Venus shook her head "Oh nothing." she lied smirking "Just a little thing i picked up from last night."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Yes Very nice" Clawdeen smiled "T-Thanks you too" Kipling stammered to Spectra and Clawdeen.
"Awww is Heathy afraid of a little water" Abbey pouted to Heath giggling.
"What did you do last night?" Jackson asked Venus curiously.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra giggled "No need to be nervous." she told him smiling.
Heath rolled his eyes "I just can't be by water."
Venus bit her lip nervously "I just spun some tracks with Holt." she sighed dreamily. "And nothing else. That's it." she added firmly.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Kipling nodded "Okay well I will see you two later " he told Spectra and Clawdeen " Next ". Kipling announced coming back .
Abbey smiled "It's okay" she told Heath patting his back.
Jackson smirked "Wait does spinning tracks mean what I think it does?" he asked Venus his eyes widening .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra examined the room "I actually like it, and I feel less sick." she beamed.
Lagoona stepped forward "I would like my room next." she told him as she carried her bags.
Heath sighed "Good. At least you know what i mean."
Venus shook her head quickly "No." she lied "I'm still a virgin. You know, pure and all." she giggled nervously.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawdeen clapped "Good" she cheered.
Kipling nodded "Who will you be sharing with ?" he asked Lagoona" Sorry we have limited space " he told her.
Abbey nodded "Yes like me afraid of volacanoes" she said to Heath.
Jackson bit his lip "Venus are you sure?" he asked her "You seem awfully nervous."
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra giggled nodding "I guess it was the fact that i was actually staring at the ocean."
Lagoona shrugged "I guess I'll share with Gil."
Heath bursted out laughing "Are you serious? Volcanoes are a source of power, a way of life."
Venus nodded quickly "Its just new people make me feel nervous." she lied.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawdeen smiled "Well I'm glad you feel better now" she told Spectra.
Gil nodded as he walked over with his stuff and Kipling showed them to another medium sized room "Here " he told them opening the door.
Abbey crindged "Not for me in a 100 ft. Procimeter and I melt" she told Heath biting her lip.
Jackson smirked "But you waved a Kipling just fine a few minutes ago so you are only nervous around me" Jackson pointed out "So this must do with Holt".
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra nodded "Okay, I think I need to lay down."
Lagoona beamed "I like it, but how long are we staying here?" she asked.
"Aww my little Abbey is afraid of volcanoes." Heath playfully pouted.
Venus rolled her eyes "Either way you won't find out."
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawdeen nodded "I know I'm so exhausted " she said to Spectra laying on one of the beds .
"Master told me a couple of days is all" Kipling told Lagoona shyly as Gil beamed "You know he could keep us longer I don't mind" he told Kipling.
Abbey rolled her eyes "Very funny" she sarcastically chuckled to Heath.
Jackson smirked "I think I already know" he beamed.