Monster High Escape From Skull Shores *Monster High RP*

xMiss-IceQueenx posted on Mar 17, 2012 at 01:33AM
Escape from Skull Shores

Hey Everyone out there in the Monster High RPing world. This is an official Escape From Skull Shores RP!

With the story line of Skull Shores where the guys and ghouls get trapped on a terrible deserted island with creepy tiki Individuals and they really strange tour guide man.  Also Frankie is apparently the only way to get rid of the terrible monster that haunts the island and the tiki's want to sacrifice her!

Can everyone survive and get off the island can choose their fate in this RP.


Other Rules 

1. If you are not on the invited list please ask to join using these - -> ( )

2. When I say yes you may join in :D then you can be all the cannon characters you want to RP unless someone else is already RPing them .
3. Please try to RP the characters that are on the Escape From Skull Shores Special first that are going that we know of and then you can choose others that seem to not be going but can in this RP such as Deuce, Spectra, and Heath. The after that you can have 2 OC's if I approve.

4.Please stay on the topic and not go into random gibberish and adding characters I never approved it just sort of irks me sorry :(


My Characters~Frankie, Abbey, Draculara, Gil, Clawdeen, Clawd, and the Creeper Dude also Ghouila if no one else wants her :)  Maybe Jackson.
Beginning Post~

It was the start of Spring Break and everyone was going to The Great Barrier Reef  with Lagoona's Parents and they were all about to board her boat to get their.

Frankie waited with her stuff at the docks with the others as she could not wait to go on her first tropical vacation.

Monster High 1580 replies

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over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce shook his head "No, he can't even get a gil." he laughed.
Lagoona came back and sat with the ghouls.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey smiled "I now feel mean" she said slightly saddening.
"Hey Lagoona".Frankie waved.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce shrugged "Well you never know until you know. You know?"
"Hey gill. SO how's the boat trip so far?" She smiled asking Frankie.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Huh?" Abbey looked at Deuce confused.
"Amazing" Frankie giggled to Lagoona.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce chuckled "Never mind. That one always gets Cleo too. I am just saying, empty your mind and the answer will come."
Lagoona smiled "That is great. I was worried about not being a good host."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey smiled "I will think on that" she told Deuce . "Maybe answer will come sooner" she said as she went and sat back down on her lounge chair.
"You are the best host I have ever seen" Frankie giggled as she sparked.

"Ghoul never doubt your abilities" Clawdeen added while taking a sip of her drink.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce nodded as he went back to the tiki bar.
Lagoona beamed "Well thanks gills, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves. Especially Gil." she smiled.

Cleo took a sip of her coconut "Are you kidding? I love this boat." she giggled.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Hey Deuce" Clawd smiled as he and Draculara were hanging out at the bar.
"Speaking of Gil" Frankie giggled as she pointed to Gil walking over to them "I think he needs your services " she giggled.

Clawdeen beamed "Oh You know what would be fun?" she said " A moonlight party tonight on the dock" she smiled.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Hey man." Deuce nodded as he grabbed a berry smoothie "So how's it going for you so far?" he asked.
Lagoona blushed as she walked up and started headi g towards Gil. "Hey Gil." she smiled.

Cleo giggled "Lets just hope you and your brother don't go full wolf under the moonlight." she smirked.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Acctually pretty good" Clawd smiled as he glance at Dracualara who was looking up at him slightly giggling.
"You?" he asked Deuce interested.
"Hey Lagoona" Gil smiled "I just wondered if you wanted to do something" he asked her cheerfully.
Clawdeen rolled her brown eyes "Yeah right it's only a half moon tonight so nothing would probably happen" she said to Cleo. "It is probably more likely that Heath will fall into the swimming pool and burn out than us going full wolf tonight" she laughed.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce chuckled at the couple "Pretty good. Well until Cleo has me fanning her, and fetching drinks for her." he rolled his eyes.
Lagoona nodded "I would love that." she smiled "So what do you have in mind?"
Cleo giggled "Oh Heath." she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

Venus came and sat with Clawdeen and Cleo "So what are we talking about here?" she asked smiling.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Oh I'm sure Cleo will give you a break" Dracualara said smiling.
"Or you could say your hanging out with us" Clawd suggested to Deuce.
Gil shrugged "maybe we could have a seaweed date just you and me at a table inside" he beamed.
"Speaking of Heath I wonder when he is going to be unstoned?" Frankie wondered outloud.

"Well I was thinking of having a moonlight party tonight on the docks" Clawdeen said smiling to Venus.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce smiled "I hope so. She seems like she just wants to relax." he told them.
Lagoona smiled "I would like that very much." she beamed.
Cleo shrugged "Usually the monsters that Deuce stones only stay that way for 24 hours." she told Frankie.

Venus beamed "That sounds outrageous! Hopefully lots of sick beats to jam out to." she giggled.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"That is what all the ghouls want to do today" Clawd said to Deuce as he looked at Dracualar who playfully rolled her eyes.
Gil smiled as he pulled a small square lunch box from behind his back and held it out "Well I have some seaweed" he said still grinning.
Frankie nodded "Even if he is kind of annoying It sort of is not a party without him" she said.

Clawdeen nodded "Defintally Ghoul " she told Venus" We need light stranks though and maybe some candels around the hot tub" she said naming things off.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce chuckled "Ghouls will be ghouls." he smiled pointing to the group of ghouls.
Lagoona giggled "I guess we could have that picnic now." she smiled.
Cleo nodded in agreement "He is that spark of fun that everyone missed." she giggled.

"Dont forget an awesome DJ stand and the rockin DJ himself." she smiled pointing to Jackson.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded as Dracualara gave him a kiss on the cheek and went over and sat down with her ghoul friends.
"Exactly" Clawd chuckled with Deuce.
Gil smiled as he opened a side door to reveal a little table with a candle in the middle. "No we can" he beamed.
Frankie smiled "Yeah hmmm wish the unstoneing would go faster ." she sighed .

Jackson nervously shook his head "Oh you are not turning me into Holt tonight" he said shaking his head.

"Please" Clawdeen begged to Jackson with puppydog eyes.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
(Can I join please, we haven't Rped in a long time together... And I'm really missing it :-(, accept me)
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce playfully rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his smoothie"You guys are so sweet." he chuckled.
Lagoona's eyes lit up "Wow Gil. This is amazing!" she gasped as she walked in.
Cleo nodded "I will go see if Deuce has any gorgon powder."

Venus shrugged "Its the music's decision. Not yours." she smirked.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd laughed "Well thanks but so are you and Cleo" he chuckled " There she is now" he said pointing to Cleo walking over.
Gil smiled shyly " I thought you would like it" he told her.
Frankie beamed "That is a great idea" she told Cleo.

Jackson cringed " Well I think I will be hiding in my room to make sure I don't turn into that tonight" he said .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce smiled as he saw Cleo walk over "Hi."
Cleo smiled back "Hey Deuce." she grinned as she kissed his cheek "Do you have any gorgon powder?" she asked.
Deuce nodded "Its in my backpack." he told her.
Lagoona smiled "I love it! Thanks Gil." she told him as she kissed his cheek.
Cleo came back with a small box of gorgon powder, "We should keep him stoned for a few more hours." she giggled.

Venus rolled her eyes "Why? You can not resist that you do not love being DJ Holt Hottie." she giggled as she playfully punched him.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smiled "See you two are cute "he told Deuce as he slightly chuckled again taking a sip of his drink.
Gil beamed "Well I did it all myself" he said proudly as he sat down the lunch box in the middle.
Frankie shrugged "Maybe " she giggled "But which one of us should blow on him the powder?" she aske Cleo looking around at everyone.

Jackson rubbed his arm . "Hey " he whined. " Buf I don't enjoy being him when he is worse than my cousin at a party. " he explained to Venus.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce rolled his eyes "Well we are the couple that rules the school accoriding to her." he shrugged.
"Well it is very impressive." Lagoona smiled as she opened the lunch box.
Cleo shrugged "Maybe we should let someone with more experience do it."

Venus giggled "You are such a party killer." she laughed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "That is kind of true" he told Deuce "I mean she is fearleading Captain" he pointed out.
Gil beamed as he took a piece out sad down and started to eat.
Frankie sat for a minute "Well we know Deuce has experience and Abbey has used it before to unstone Bloodgood..." she pointed out two people but kept on thinking.

"Yes I am and I'm proud" Jackson smiled laughing.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce nodded "And i am on the Casketball team." he added.
Lagoona giggled as she also grabbed a piece.
Cleo smiled "So either one is fine." she told Frankie.

Venus playfully rolled her eyes "A party is not a party with Holt Hottie."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "Captian" he corrected Deuce " so you would both be very popular."
Gil smiled as she took a peice "Good?" he asked her.
"I'm thinking Abbey because Deuce seems to be in guy time with Clawd." Frankie explained to Cleo.

"You jut want to flirt with him don't you" Jackson sighed.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce nodded "That is true." he smirked taking another sip.
Lagoona nodded "Very good. Is it fresh?" she asked.
"And i guess i could leave Deuce alone for a while." Cleo nodded agreeing with Frankie.

Venus scoffed "No! He just has awesome music, that i love to jam to."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "Yes it is very true" he chuckled.
Gil nodded "Yes I just fetched it this morning." he told her.
Frankie smiled "You could" she said " and we should go tell Abbey"

Jackson rolled his eyes "Then why did you call him hot" he smirked.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce shrugged "Then i guess you and Draculaura are the second couple. A fearleader and a casketball player." he told Clawd.
Lagoona smiled "Then it is delicious." she smiled as she took another bite.
Cleo stopped her for a second "Do you really think she wants him un-stoned right now?" she raised an eyebrow.

Venus shrugged "Have ever noticed his flaming hair?" she smirked.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "Hmm I wonder who the third would be or is" he said to Deuce.
Gil beamed "Want to seaweed tug" he asked her slightly chuckling.
Frankie shrugged "She might , why would she have against him?" she asked Cleo.

Jackson rolled his eye "Yeah Yeah " he said but then smirked "But Heath has flaming hair too and you called Holt hottie not just hot" he pointed out to Venus.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce shrugged "Maybe it would have to be with someone who everyone knows."
Lagoona playfully rolled her eyes "Your on." she smirked.
Cleo rolled her eyes "The fact that he is always hitting on her."

"That is... Because umm Holt is awesome." Venus told him.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "Possible Gil and Lagoona or everyone knows Spectra he pointed out and I hear Heath might be promoted to track captain or Holt being a DJ and all" he said naming things to Deuce.
Gil laughed as he got out a long piece and stuck it in his mouth.
Frankie nodded "True but whatnot she liked it" she asked Cleo smirking.

"Caught you" Jackson chuckled "You like Holt you like Holt" Jackson sang.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce nodded "So Gil and Lagoona, both on the swim team. Heath is just that annoying flirt, and not sure if Holt is dating."
Lagoona grabbed the other end "Its on freshy." she giggled.
Cleo shrugged "Whatever, lets just un-stone him."

Venus rolled her eyes "Shut up sweater vest. Do not tell anyone." she growled.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "But all of those things make you popular" he said pointing out.
"Hit me with you best tug salty" Gil chuckled wanting her to start.
Frankie nodded as she went over to explain to Abbey their plan as Abbey nodded and grabbed the powder she then walked over in front of Heath grabbed a small hand-full of the green powder and carefully blew it on Heath.

Jackson smirked smoothing his sweatervest "I won't Venus, but I could hook him up with you" he told her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce agreed "So there would be a mess of popular couples." he nodded.
Lagoona tugged first, she only tugged lightly.
Heath un-stoned "Hey ladies." he winked when he saw the ghouls.

Cleo rolled her eyes "Just be lucky, that you are no longer stoned.
Venus shrugged "That is beacause you ARE Holt." she rolled her eyes.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd cringed "Yeah nevermind" he laughed to Deuce.
Gil grinned as he tugged back a little bit harder.
Abbey rolled her eyes "Maybe I should have not done that." she said pointing to Heath.

Frankie nodded in agreement with Cleo.
Jackson smirked "That I am" he laughed.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce shrugged as he took another sip, then his phone rang but he ignored it.
Lagoona giggled as she tugged harder.
Heath smirked "So what shall we do together?" he asked still smirking.

Cleo rolled her eyes as she went to the Tiki bar away from Heath.
Venus rolled her eyes "But Holt is way cooler." she mumbled.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"What was that?" Clawd asked Deuce about his phone.
Gil tugged slightly harder back as he chuckled.
"Nothing" Abbey said to Heath frowning.

Frankie sat back down in her chair taking a sip of her drink.
"Only because you have a crush on him" Jackson muttered.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce checked his phone "Oh it's just another update from Spectras blog." he told Clawd rolling his eyes.
Lagoona giggled as she accidentally bit the seaweed "Whoops." she giggled.
Heath rolled his eyes as he walkedaway from the ghouls.

Cleo came back with a fruit punch cocktail "Is Burns gone?" she asked as she sat down.
Venus shrugged "I will not deny it." she smirked.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"What does she say" Clawd asked Deuce raising his eyebrow.
Gil laughed "It's okay" he told her as he slurped his seaweed up.
Abbey nodded "For now " she tons Cleo "Unless he does come back for me" she said rolling her eyes.

Frankie giggled at Abbey's crude humor as she took a sip of her drink.
"Of course you won't to me" Jackson smirked "So I'm guess you want an appearance from him tonight."
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce grabbed his phone ~A crush on a DJ cassenova blooms from a new sprout. ~ he read "The only thing I can make out from it is a crush on Holt." he shrugged.
Lagoona smiled as she ate her half of the seaweed "Nice match freshy." she giggled.
Cleo giggled "I hope he stays away." she nodded as she sipped her smoothie.
Venus nodded quickly "I would enjoy that very much." she blushed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd shrugged also "I bet Jackson know though" he smirked.
Gil chuckled "Same to you Salty" he told her.
Abbey nodded in agreement " I doubt that though , he has been hitting on me ever since my first day of school" she said to Cleo sighing.

Frankie put her glasses on so she could relax.
Jackson smirked "I knew you would to bad he isn't though" he said simply.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce nodded "Should we go ask him?" he asked as he took one last sip.
Lagoona smiled as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Cleo nodded "He just keeps trying and trying." she rolled her eyes "but he always fails."
Venus rolled her eyes "You are such an ass." she giggled as she shoved him.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I think he is hanging out with Venus" he said pointng over to them . "wait....Venus" he said confused.
Gil blushed "T-Thanks" he stuttered.
Abbey frowned but then looked up "Do you think I should give him chance?" she asked the others.

"What" Frankie spit out her drink and looked at Abbey in disbelief.
Jackson brushed himself off" hey " he playfully yelled at her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Deuce glanced at Clawd confused "What does Venus have to do wi- Wait, Venus is a plant, and plants bloom."
Lagoona smiled "No prob Freshy." she winked playfully.
Cleo shrugged "Its your decision. I think you would keep him in line." she smirked.
Venus smirked "Sorry nerd." she giggled.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…