Monster High Escape From Skull Shores *Monster High RP*

xMiss-IceQueenx posted on Mar 17, 2012 at 01:33AM
Escape from Skull Shores

Hey Everyone out there in the Monster High RPing world. This is an official Escape From Skull Shores RP!

With the story line of Skull Shores where the guys and ghouls get trapped on a terrible deserted island with creepy tiki Individuals and they really strange tour guide man.  Also Frankie is apparently the only way to get rid of the terrible monster that haunts the island and the tiki's want to sacrifice her!

Can everyone survive and get off the island can choose their fate in this RP.


Other Rules 

1. If you are not on the invited list please ask to join using these - -> ( )

2. When I say yes you may join in :D then you can be all the cannon characters you want to RP unless someone else is already RPing them .
3. Please try to RP the characters that are on the Escape From Skull Shores Special first that are going that we know of and then you can choose others that seem to not be going but can in this RP such as Deuce, Spectra, and Heath. The after that you can have 2 OC's if I approve.

4.Please stay on the topic and not go into random gibberish and adding characters I never approved it just sort of irks me sorry :(


My Characters~Frankie, Abbey, Draculara, Gil, Clawdeen, Clawd, and the Creeper Dude also Ghouila if no one else wants her :)  Maybe Jackson.
Beginning Post~

It was the start of Spring Break and everyone was going to The Great Barrier Reef  with Lagoona's Parents and they were all about to board her boat to get their.

Frankie waited with her stuff at the docks with the others as she could not wait to go on her first tropical vacation.

Monster High 1580 replies

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over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus smirked as she caught the shirt "Okay, I will be out in like 5 minutes." she told him as she headed into the bathroom.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Okay see you then" Jackson chuckled as he waved at her.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus nodded as she finished changing, coming back out with the shirt over her tights having it tied back with a ponytail. "Im back." she announced as she sat up on the bed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Comfortable?". Jacksin asked her chuckling .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Im very comfortable." Venus giggled as she snuggled her head against the pillow "So this is a bit different, a sleepover with like a guy."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Well first of all more like a sleepover with your brother" Jackson chuckled "and then I am not really creeper or pervy so I think you will be fine" he said .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Thats true, so it's not really awkward at all." Venus smiled in relief "Good thing your not a pervert. That would be like spending the night with Heath or something." she cringed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I think after the nights I have spent with Heath his door swings both ways "Jackson chuckled cridging.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus's eyes widened "You spent the night with Heath? Okay thats a bit too much info there."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Not really I mean we are cousins I have kind of spent my whole life with Heath" Jackson told her . "He is like a brother to me"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus nodded "I know exactly what you mean." She sighed " Family's like always sticking together."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Yeah so you can kind of see how I have a different point of view of Heath" Jackson told her "He actually trusts me with things"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Yeah I mean everyone thinks he's like a jackass but to you he's like actually normal." Venus told him slightly smiling "I can see why he trusts you, like your just the nicest guy ever."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Yeah I guess I am pretty nice"Jackson chuckled "and Heath really is not a jackass it's just that he uses Rhys whole thing to block out his true feelings" he told her simply" He is not a fan of expressing them"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Ok now don't get too conceited." Venus told him rolling her eyes "And is that really true about him?" she asked him curiously "Has he ever shown affection for like anything in his life? Or is it just mutual and small feelings?"
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"More like let's hit on ever ghoul to show everyone that I am not tied down or just have a crush on one ghoul like a loser would" Jacksin told her simply. " He just has like a mask to hide his real feelings " he said shrugging.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Oh now thats what makes him seem like such a jerk." Venus said as she listened "I just really think that he should just stop hiding and just be himself, like everyone else." she sighed "But if he wants to be that way then he should just go ahead."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"He does truly love someone though if he would just let her get to him I am sure she would turn him around" Jackson told Venus "But since she used to always not let him near her I really do not know how that is going to happen" he sighed.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"so who would this someone happen to be? I would love to meet the ghoul who could turn Heath into himself." Venus asked curiously slightly interested "Wsll maybe we could make it happen." she told him smirking "We are like a pretty good team."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I am hoping she already has started" Jackson chuckled as he told Venus " And it's Abbey, I think she would do some good for the fire-elemental " he said to Venus "But from what I have seen she keeps pushing him away" he told her sighing . "I do not even know if they are together that was why I was nervous when they got put in a room together."
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"But yet I think there is a slight chance that there already has." Venus smirked "And I already knew that he sort of had feelings for her. She would do a pretty execllent job at straightening him out." she pointed out "I suggest you open up your eyes and just look at the small hints they lay out for each other."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"She has maybe"Jackson said thinking " and I know right she would have to have some kind of good effect on Heath" he said nodding and smiling "But I really have not seen any hints" he chuckled.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus nodded "Yeah, she could like bring out the real Heath hiding under his shell of fake lies." she smiled beaming "And about the hints, I may have seen a few but it could just be me."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Then he can stop being a jackass" Jacksin said smiling "and what hits are you talking about?" he asked Venus curiously and interested.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Thats exactly my point bro." Venus said giving him a playful wink "And I mean the hints that they could possibly like each other." she pointed out "I think there's a small spark between them."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Yes" Jackson beamed "and I think there might be too " he said smirking "What kind of hints have you see between the two?" he asked her wondering.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus nodded "Not only beachse they are opposites, but they like complement eachother so well" she chuckled "But I've seen Abbey like slightly blush every time that Heath would look I've at her, and check this out." she smirked showing him her iCoffin from the story from earlier on the ghostly gossip.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Jackson's jaw dropped "No way" he gasped looking at Venus's iCoffin "I think I might have just died from shock "
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus snickered nodding "Yeah it's so true." she told him "I was even there, and I think everyone else knows too."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Well like give me the full details I know Spectra either leaves stuff out of adds things in" Jacksin said beaming as he looked at her "I can't believe I was sleeping at this" he chuckled.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Okay I will, and I know how Spectra can be with her little stories." Venus said rolling her eyes "Okay so first Spectra and Clawdeen were planning to hook the two up, so then Clawdeen was flirting with Heath in the hot tub, then like Abbey got so mad she threw Clawdeen in the tub and kissed Heath." she told him "It was kind of shocking to see."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"That I think would have been amazing to see". Jackson beamed " And I think that is me in the video sleeping in the lounge chair". He chuckled pointing at it.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Actaully it was really shocking and scary more than amazing." Venus chuckled nervously "And yes I think that is you, I'm surprised that you didn't wake up from from all of that splashing it has caused." she said giggling.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I am a pretty heavy sleeper " Jackson chuckled " and I am not really sure I am thinking from a guys perspective it would have bee just simply amazing" he told Venus smirking .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
" Yeah i can tell." Venus rolled her eyes " And guys always see things differently from guys."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I'm sure you can" Jackson chuckled rolling his eyes playfully towards Venus."and I guess we kind of do"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
" The only reason why guys see everything differently is because their like jerks." Venus mumbled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Oh so I am a jerk?" Jackson asked her slightly offended as he crossed his arms .
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Oh so I am a jerk?" Jackson asked her slightly offended as he crossed his arms .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus quickly shook her head in shock "No not you! your not a guy, your Jackson." she told him biting her lip "I mean your just different from the other guys."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Jackson still frowned but his eyes showed slight confusuion. "So I am not a guy ?" he asked her confused "so does this mean you think I am gay?" he asked her again frowning "Because I am a real guy Venus" he said explaining " and I do not see what would not make me a guy"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus face-palmed her self " Never mind just forget about it." She told him " And your but gay at all, it's just that I'm stupid." She sighed "I never meant to call you that."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Well okay I will try to forget" Jackson sighed "Thanks for the apology Venus" he said giving her a slight smile.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
" Good because it really was an accident." Venus smiled " and i give out apologies to make things right."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Just tell me that I really am a guy" Jackson said smiling teasing Venus.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus playfully rolled her eyes " Fine Jackson, your an actual guy."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Thank you Venus" Jackson said smiling proudly "That I am"
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
" Your so welcome." Venus said in slight monotone " Yeah you definitively are a guy."
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"And How could you tell" Jackson asked her smirking.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Venus rolled her eyes " Lucky guess."