Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Grazer Chronicles: The Last Stand, Part 1

Nicolicious posted on May 13, 2013 at 10:30AM
In the year 2026, the Mist was destroyed by an ancient Drakon that broke free of its cage in the Pacific Ocean. When the Mist was destroyed mortals could see monsters and monsters could harm them. The Demigods acting out in defence destroyed the monsters, but revealed their secrets to the world. In fear the worlds governments formed a single united government and hunted down and slayed the Demigods. Demigods that survived were imprisoned in a maximum security prison called The Pitt, escaped to a sanctuary island called The City or joined the Demigod rebellion group known as the DSF( Demigod Strike Force).
In the year 2037, the Demigods in the Pitt broke out and four months later started their around the world trip till they ended up in Chernobyl, an irradiated overgrown city in Ukraine, Europe. At the same time as the landing in Chernobyl, The City was attacked by an army or Grazers and destroyed and with multiple casualties they escaped by boat to Chernobyl. The DSF suddenly made huge moves on the other Demigod prisons around the world and brought them to Chernobyl. The Demigods can survive in Chernobyl due to their mutative resistance to radiation and in Chernobyl the main base of operations for the demigods is found. Inside the Demigods train and plan their attack on the Grazers.
The year is now 2040. The Demigods have amassed a large army and are preparing to barge down the doors of the Grazers and defeat their enemy once and for all.
Alongside the Demigods there is a small Military force comprised of Ex-Grazers or Mortals who wish to fight for the Demigod's freedoms.
Inside the Demigod's army there is a group of Demigods known as the Inner Circle. Previous Rpers from the old Rps are in the Inner Circle if they want. The Inner Circle controls the Demigod Army.
If you already have a character from the previous Rps The City, The Pitt, The Pitt: Revelations or The DSF you can insert them, but with the new character sheet.
Demigod Character Sheet



Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:






Previous life in The Pitt, The City or The DSF:

Inner Circle?:

Mortal Character Sheet








Inner Circle?:

History before joining the Demigod's Army:

The Pitt
Taylor Kinley-Thanatos-Nicolicious
Blake Ironheart-Hercules-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alton Hamilton II-Poseidon-Alvin2442
Devin King-Apollo-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
Jaeda Embers-Hades-Inner Circle-1stJae513
Arik Takahashi-Nemesis-Inner Circle-Spikegilfer1997
Sam Irons-Kratos-Mutilation
Mion Sonozaki-Janus-SonozakiMion
Ace Armstrong-Ares-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Dalton David-Poseidon-torrent
Reece Morgan-Hermes-mcterra
The City
Blaze Phoenix-Mars-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alvin Hamilton III-Poseidon-Inner Circle-Alvin2442
Roberto Juarez-Kratos-Mutilation
Travis Knight-Hades-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Astral Bain-Knight-1999jacko
Leon Barnett-Hawkeye-Athena-Inner Circle-Rogue475
Ashleigh-Ash-Aphrodite-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
James Lucas-Apollo-Ranger487
Justin Mcullen-Poseidon-Inner Circle-bh56

Mark Ivory-Rogue475
Kate Rodrigues-Nicolicious

Previous Civilian

Jordan Ivory-Rogue47
Adrian Ewing-Alvin2442
"Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid-Spikegilfer1997
last edited on Feb 17, 2014 at 08:25AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 3580 replies

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Showing Replies 1401-1450 of 3580

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"No...no, the things I've done, if anything I deserve this." I pause again trying to formulate the right words. "Take it from me, the life you live is better spent free, rather than being a slave. its not worth it dying alone... then again, we all die alone" I say and step out from the cover, letting the pistol fall to the ground. "Do it..."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(The suspense is killing me, I just put Mark's life out of my own hands... spooky)
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
Scumbag Cara decides to take a break just then. lolololololololololololololololololololololololololol over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
Scumbag? -_- over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
I'm fine. :) Just some bad fried rice. over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I raise my pistol and aim straight at his head. Resting my finger on the trigger I slowly start to squeeze...then stop. "No." I lower the gun. "I'll let you live, but you owe me something."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Mark is so much nicer then Arik......)
Rogue475 commented…
he wasn't always this way over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
he was a lot meaner in Revalations over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
I'm just sayin Arik would've seized victory before trying to make friends. Then again if he had an affliction he would've run or done the same. over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"...I understand" I say, then wince all the sudden and cough out more blood.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Call him Silver-tongue.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Take me with you." I say, bolstering my pistol.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I wanted to say yes, but there was still the possablity of a trap. I didn't want to risk Elizabeth's life. "Fine, I can take you to Chernobyl, if you help me destroy what your father built"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I think you mean holster, though I'm not sure. This is why I like wonderful physical key boards.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"We cant allow your father to use the DNA" I say, and think for a moment. "...Did they finish there work on the Radiation Resistants?"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"I don't know. They injected something into me the other day." I tell him.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(There is one way to find out. Well, multiple ways to find out but one method.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Hmm... we need to destroy the research... All of it" I say and pick up the pistol and my backpack. "you wouldn't happen to have any alcohol would you?"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Or hypothetically you could have her go back to the G's and take the rad resist for you and your trio could head into Chernobyl problem free.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Or there could be some grazer killing?)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(This is why delayed explosions are wonderful.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"I don't drink, so no."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I was hoping on using something to at least delay the effects of the infection." I say and reveal the scar from my fight with Jordan. "Problem is I don't know what kind of poison it is"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I'm tempted to make a Jarlaxle style Grazer.)
Rogue475 commented…
I was gonna talk to you before you made a whole sheet. I know you and knew how you were gonna make your character, and before you did that we needed to clear some things out first. over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Neither. They never attacked me with poison."
Rogue475 commented…
-_- over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I would like to Rp but it's 3:47 in the morning in my time zone. Peace out.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I liked it better when it was just mark, there was a reason why he seperates from the group, its freedom to post and not having to wait and the freedom to create whatever I want for the story, without having a Character spoil it. I don't mean to be rude but this is really stressing me out. to the point of jnust abandoning and making the fan-fiction.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Your gonna hate me for this... but its necessary. There were only four Grazer assassin's, they were the result of the experiments. they were given the most power, because of the fact they were gonna help bring down the demigods. the experiments were even more limited than the Assassins, so they only had like one power. Keep in mind that all of them are mortal, they can't control that much power. the demigods were the only ones that could, and that's were we get OP. this is the story I created, that I love more than any other writing I've done, its the very reason why I'm still here. I'm prepared to fight for this story.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Okay then. Removed. It's okay man, it's your idea and it's not like I could just use him as a son of Thanatos somewhere else then, right?)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Arh, I actually think having more characters is better(for the story), I just wanted to keep this legit with the story.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Well, he's simply umbrakinetic *I wish my computer would recognize these words as real* now with a scrying orb for spying. Does that work?)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(What doe it mean to be Umbrakinetic, but I need to explain to me both)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Control of shadows. Manifest or become darkness. Shadow control is a variant of becoming darkness, whereas manifestation is giving it a "Physical form" like with Jackie Estacado's darkness or that time in Rev's where Cara caused a "Shockwave" of shadow energy.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(So basically exactly like mark, actually that's a pretty ood definition of marks ability)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(explain the orb please also)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Scrying is similar to the idea of fortune telling with a crystal ball only it is things in the present. An ethereal eye like Percy's dreams only the addition of the orb allows the ability to be invoked at will.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(That is alright, what about having your character struggle with his powers, since he was an experiment he could have difficulty controlling his power? like for instance it drains him, just like Mark used to get drained after a jump. The mortals already took many more years to control their abilites rather than demigods.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Mark getting drained after a jump seems like it's pretty normal. What I see for Jack is control degradation. In the beginning his control is quite refined but as things drag on he may lose fine control and end up using to much energy or to little. His shadow control is semi-sentient I guess.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Am I clear to enter the country?)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(I stay off for a while and all this happens. )
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(What tense are you using?)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Perhaps the orb could be used in combat but I don't think so.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Oh, my reply didn't post)
(I said: alright sounds cool, yeah your clear to enter this country, just don't set anything on fire XD unlike blaze)
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
Take 2. And...... action over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
I get that problem sometimes. Usaully when I post something big because the fates dislike me. over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Name: "Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid

Age: 18

Parents: Phillip and Rosaline Reid

Powers: Umbrakinesis and scrying Via a orb

Appearance: Shorter then the average male, slender, violet eyes, short black hair, amused smirk
Apparel: Dress pants, dress shirt and black vest, black trench coat, pork pie hat. Kevlar under clothes

Personality: Eternally pragmatic. Serves the smartest people around, the ones that pay him. This Hades Mutate as avoided the conflict unless it has presented a profitable investment.

Weapons: Silver weapons that take the mist-form of buttons on his coat and many spare buttons which he summons by pulling the button off, a button will regrow if the weapon is lost as long as it isn't destroyed. As a result of this enchantment Jack considers his coat to be priceless and is EXTREMELY PROTECTIVE OF IT. His personalized equipment is really the only thing he has a opinion about. The only weapon he keeps on his person directly is a Beretta M9, this and shadow-form weapons are the only ones he uses unless threatened.

Fun Fact: During their occasional dealing Arik refers to Jack as "Black sheep"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Do you know where I might be able to cure this... infection?" I ask her.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(It's occurred to me that Arik's Roman brother should be the far less mature of the twins and that's a scary thought. Justice and wisdom get traded out for jealousy and nick-nacks.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"No." I say sighing. "I'm not that helpful am I?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Well seeing as you didn't kill me, I think your doin allright so far." I remark with a smirk. "First things first, we need to get out of this mine."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"I feel like we've been here for days."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Don't start, I'm trying to find Mark."
"What about the girl I was supposed to murder as well? Oh, by the way, my name's Kate Rodrigues."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Mark Ivory, and I'm sure she's heading somewhere safe, in fact I can bet where she'll be." I reply and start heading toward the exit of the mine.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"I'm an instigator. Which I'm pretty sure I can blame on my heritage."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"That's fantastic." I mutter and continue to search the Shadow Relm for any trace of Mark.
"Good, we need all the help we can get." I tell him and follow after him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I spit out some more blood and find the elevator... or what was left of a mining elevator. "Right, one way to find out if it works." I say with an uneasy smile.