Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Grazer Chronicles: The Last Stand, Part 1

Nicolicious posted on May 13, 2013 at 10:30AM
In the year 2026, the Mist was destroyed by an ancient Drakon that broke free of its cage in the Pacific Ocean. When the Mist was destroyed mortals could see monsters and monsters could harm them. The Demigods acting out in defence destroyed the monsters, but revealed their secrets to the world. In fear the worlds governments formed a single united government and hunted down and slayed the Demigods. Demigods that survived were imprisoned in a maximum security prison called The Pitt, escaped to a sanctuary island called The City or joined the Demigod rebellion group known as the DSF( Demigod Strike Force).
In the year 2037, the Demigods in the Pitt broke out and four months later started their around the world trip till they ended up in Chernobyl, an irradiated overgrown city in Ukraine, Europe. At the same time as the landing in Chernobyl, The City was attacked by an army or Grazers and destroyed and with multiple casualties they escaped by boat to Chernobyl. The DSF suddenly made huge moves on the other Demigod prisons around the world and brought them to Chernobyl. The Demigods can survive in Chernobyl due to their mutative resistance to radiation and in Chernobyl the main base of operations for the demigods is found. Inside the Demigods train and plan their attack on the Grazers.
The year is now 2040. The Demigods have amassed a large army and are preparing to barge down the doors of the Grazers and defeat their enemy once and for all.
Alongside the Demigods there is a small Military force comprised of Ex-Grazers or Mortals who wish to fight for the Demigod's freedoms.
Inside the Demigod's army there is a group of Demigods known as the Inner Circle. Previous Rpers from the old Rps are in the Inner Circle if they want. The Inner Circle controls the Demigod Army.
If you already have a character from the previous Rps The City, The Pitt, The Pitt: Revelations or The DSF you can insert them, but with the new character sheet.
Demigod Character Sheet



Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:






Previous life in The Pitt, The City or The DSF:

Inner Circle?:

Mortal Character Sheet








Inner Circle?:

History before joining the Demigod's Army:

The Pitt
Taylor Kinley-Thanatos-Nicolicious
Blake Ironheart-Hercules-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alton Hamilton II-Poseidon-Alvin2442
Devin King-Apollo-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
Jaeda Embers-Hades-Inner Circle-1stJae513
Arik Takahashi-Nemesis-Inner Circle-Spikegilfer1997
Sam Irons-Kratos-Mutilation
Mion Sonozaki-Janus-SonozakiMion
Ace Armstrong-Ares-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Dalton David-Poseidon-torrent
Reece Morgan-Hermes-mcterra
The City
Blaze Phoenix-Mars-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alvin Hamilton III-Poseidon-Inner Circle-Alvin2442
Roberto Juarez-Kratos-Mutilation
Travis Knight-Hades-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Astral Bain-Knight-1999jacko
Leon Barnett-Hawkeye-Athena-Inner Circle-Rogue475
Ashleigh-Ash-Aphrodite-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
James Lucas-Apollo-Ranger487
Justin Mcullen-Poseidon-Inner Circle-bh56

Mark Ivory-Rogue475
Kate Rodrigues-Nicolicious

Previous Civilian

Jordan Ivory-Rogue47
Adrian Ewing-Alvin2442
"Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid-Spikegilfer1997
last edited on Feb 17, 2014 at 08:25AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 3580 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 3580

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I finish and grab the grazer's Assualt Rifle, it was an L85A2... The standard Iissue for base defense. this guy had four whole magazines on him, which I promptly swiped. then I head over to the door, and stacked up. against the wall. I took a deep breath and opened the door...
I finish and grab the grazer's Assualt Rifle, it was an L85A2... The standard Iissue for base defense
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
It got darker and a supply truck rolled up. Several guards pulled out flashlights and began to unload the vehicle. I used the light in the flashlight as a source to teleport to with photokinesis, then flip over the guard I'd teleported to and use umbrakinesis to hide in the shadows of his armor. Taking a vapory shadow form I materialized my hand and promised him his life if he didn't raise the alarm.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(May I ask why you need all these powers? and don't go: "We've been over this before"I simply want to know, why?)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Well I have answered your question so stop questioning my answer.)
Rogue475 commented…
no, the answer is you simply don't NEED them, but you want them, which would have been a completely acceptable answer. over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
I was asking you for a reason, not that you overlap your powers over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
It was going swimmingly until some loudmouth guard noticed something odd.
"Hey, Lawson," He said. "Why are you so pudgy looking?" I felt a tense sensation, odd considering my out of body experience. I'm not the best at shadow residence so a lump of pure shadow is located whenever I try to go flat. My mind went through multiple scenario's within a second, I came up with one but that would never work, I kept thinking.
"Lawson?" The guard asked my host.
"Uh..." The host started nervously. I sighed and a tiny gust of wind swirled to our left.
"Start crying." I told him. He made a chorus of confused noises, like a creaky door on a windy day. I turned the safety of his pistol, the distinctive click made him more cooperative. He began to sniffle. Now it was the other guards turn to sound confused.
"Uh.... Look man, I didn't mean it that way. It's not even that bad, you look buffer actually! I didn't say that because I didn't want you getting a big head." The other guys face was extraordinarily pale.
"Ask him if he means it. Through in a few sobs for good measure." I told the Lawson fellow
"Yeah! Hell I might even ask you your daily routine so I can get that Lawson build!" I admired the guys acting, he actually sounded pretty convincing.
"Laugh and treat him like a student." I ordered.
"Well you're gonna have to prove yourself worthy." Lawson said slowly like he was coming around.
"Maybe I can give you some speaking lessons?" He replied. "You kinda have a pause between when I stopped talking and you started."
"Sounds like a plan." Lawson responded, I had him pause to keep the charade going.
"See you around." The guard told him.
"See you." Lawson replied.
If I've said it once I've said it a million times, Grazer's are odd.
Rogue475 commented…
huh, loads of dialogue... I was curious if this was a fight scene, seeing as the majority of your insanely long posts are fight scenes over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I had to find the SOB who knew the truth, but I had to find him before the alarm was sounded. which was just a matter of time. I head deeper into the complex...
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Lets see, you can: Wield fire, lightning, possibly water, teleport(but this could be easily expanded), hide in shadows smaller than your own size, become relatively invisible, and um, anything you would care to add? what's wrong with having a single power?)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(I couldn't have just a single power. Well, Hydrokinesis, is basically the base of my powers.)
Rogue475 commented…
well I wasn't reffering to you over a year ago
Alvin2442 commented…
Just saying that. I know that you weren't talking to me. over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Ahem. What can I do with all these that you couldn't logically do with shadows? Different element, same form for majority of my powers.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Well for instance Mark cannot hide in the shadow of a person, he can only teleport to that shadow, but at night he can move freely without risk of being seen. to me Mark has one distinct power and that is simply to teleport from one shadow to another. I was asking you what is the reason for having so many powers? I was not accusing you of anything. I am aware that you have implicated that your powers can do the same thing, relatively, but the point of the question is: For what reason would one need all of the powers your character has?)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I'm extremely OCD, I must have the complete set.)
Rogue475 commented…
thank you over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(And then again, I know the Hamilton's don't need the Sharingan, basically an add on, but at least the rest of my powers are Poseidon based. Arik's a son of Nemesis, goddess of balance, justice, retribution, and vengeance. And grandson of Athena, he doesn't get elemental powers from that, but I don't know. I can't judge your character.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I'm honored you remember my legacy. Anyways, Alvin's character would be effectively the same without the Sharingan, he could just say he can see energy *Not that different from infrared which sons of Poseidon have* see through illusions and copy others moves because he's just that good. *Sunglasses* So overall these abilities are just spice for our characters. Strictness causes stagnation in my opinion, that's why we're in a forum like this. If anything I'm kinda sad that Alvin doesn't use Chidori/Raikiri to murder Grazers instead of regular old water.)
Rogue475 commented…
there is a fine line between Imagination and Realism, I like to think we all walk that very line, nearly every day of our diverse lives. over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Where does it state (In the Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus, or even that of Greek Mythology as a whole) that The sons and duaghters of Poseidon have the ability to see in Infared?)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(In the Titan's Curse when Percy goes to save the Ophiotaurus with blackjack he says that underwater he shouldn't have been able to see but he does in terms of heat.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Yeah, the children of Poseidon do need that to see, if they go far underwater.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Well, I'm logging off for now. Have fun everybody.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(As am I.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Didn't bother reading all of that...)
"Blake, we're not going to charge in and destroy the base" I say, getting off the copter "We'll sneak in and place C4s. I want to get information off the base. Hopefully we can find a weakness for the robots"
"Yes Boss" Blake answers as he gets his special bow and a load of arrows. I take my old Ghost Mask and put it on. The memories it had
"Is that suppose to be a cat?" Blake ask
"Yeah, deal with it. Now lets go, intel tells us there is an air vent we can go in through over there" I pointing to it
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Ok. I won't judge you." I smile a little and head towards the base.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I crawl into the vent and follow Blaze. After a while we drop into a janitors room.
"I'll go first" I load an arrow and go out, I shoot one guy in the head and crush the another's head
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I entered the bunker. I'm glad to say it was nicely ventilated. So I knocked out my host and put him in a janitors closet without all his gear. There was a problem in that my hair was far from regulation cut, but gods be damned if I had to cut it because of sheep.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
)Have no clue what to do.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Messing up Grazer experiments, either go to New Zealand with Cara and presumably Mark, to Russia with Blake and Blaze or to Mexico with me.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(umm Taylor is with Ace going to Mexico)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Travis is going to Mexico, Ace the Taylor are going to New Zealand.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Wait, their in New Zealand. Mark, well his on his own in new zealand too and Alvin and Alton just went out the war room...)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Alvin and Alton are truly champions of our cause.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I really doubt that its infared vision... But fine, I shall accept that as a book reference)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
("I should have been blind to, this deep in the water at night, but I could see the heat from living forms, and the cold of the currents." Seems like infrared to me.)
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
Thermal infrared more specifically. over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
We reach the base and I look at the wall separating us from the Grazers inside. "Do you wanna make a hole?" I ask Ace.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Smash away." I say, standing back.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"With what? I'm not Blake!"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I found that way more amusing then I should^)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
We've planted C4 everywhere on this thing. I stab one Grazer in the back and toss him over
"Break that door open" I tell Blake. He breaks the metal door and charge in. I dash in and kill the gazers. I go to the computer and start going through the files.
"Kirigaya Kazuto..Kirito..Their using demigods but..how" I plug in the device then the alarm goes off "I need time here Blake, cover me"
He nods and start firing arrows out the door.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"But you're a son of Ares! Don't they smash things?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Scarecrow...hey look at this, Sharingan, Andrew Hamilton, do you think it's their brother? the Als"
"Could be, how long more?" Blake ask
Before he could reply the wall break and the robots come in "Shit" I take my katana out.
Blake grabs two and start swinging them around. I jump over one of them and cut the head off. The next was impaled with my katane. I grab the head and my head burst into flames. The fire change from bright gold to dark black "Argh!" I take my hand off, it was burning me. The robot take my katana and break it in half, tossing it away. Blake grabs the robot and slam it into the wall. The fire seized. I tear off a piece of my clothe and tie it around my hand. I grab a shotgun from a dead grazer and start firing at robots.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I'll try." I sigh. I punch the wall as hard as I can, but the only thing that breaks is my hand. I bite my tongue to keep me screaming.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Epic Failure, Ace.)


I train with Alvin.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(So Infamous second son looks pretty good. I would say the same for dead rising 3 but seeing as it'll be a timed Xbox one exclusive I'll have to wait.)
I searched through a variety of files, nothing really stood out until.
"Severance weapons? Sounds utterly delightful. Oh, based of the Takahashi zero style? That could be potentially problematic." I said beginning to pale. I cracked my knuckles with a sigh. "Alright where is it. Level four, subsection......... B. Got it."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Oh my gods! I'm sorry Ace!" I pull some ambrosia from my pocket and hand it to him. "I don't know how long it's been in there, but the last time I used some was Christmas Eve last year...or was it the year before?"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
" I don't need ambrosia! I'll let it heal on its own." I mutter, not telling her the real reason why. "Lets just find a way to smash this wall.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
(time for another random jump in courtesy of me :D)

*falls from the sky and lands next to Ace*

*is clinging to Sam's back*
Did someone say something about smashing?
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Oh sure, they totaly need four people while I'm all on my lonesome because CaT is forgetful. No I don't no prefer it this way what would give you that idea? xD)
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
(Because you're Batman?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(I think Al would go with you)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(He's to busy playing with himself. Anyways GTG)