Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 151-160 of 21208

TimberHumphrey said …
a glorious 0% rating for The Emoji Movie, and ya know: it's really sad for a movie, when one of the first reviews for it on Rotten Tomatoes literally says "Hear that? It's the end of the world". Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Time to send hatemails to the director, prodoucer & the writers non stop until a decade later they'll be miserable just like the writer of Dragonball Evolution did that took a decade to apologize to the fans over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
"What the ass?!"
~ Wade Wilson/Deadpool, 2016 Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Oh I love that Movie XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
DishonouredWolf's reviews on the sequels are fucking hilarious! XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hell yeah XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
TimberHumphrey said …
well from what i've heard, early reactions of The Emoji Movie are people calling it shit.... no surprise there Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Its still going on for giving huge hate to Emoji Movie mostly cause their against Sony Pictures for cancelling Popeye to replace it for this movie and many other rants too over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Many a season passed since I have left...and now... Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
best way to sum up the first Alpha and Omega movie: not great, but competent and enjoyable, and at least it had SOME effort put into it Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i really doubt a TV show will ever happen. besides, we saw that on the A&O wiki, a place where anybody can make edits. so, i'm not sure if a show's ever gonna happen, and - again - i really doubt it. it also doesn't help how Lionsgate never told us anything about this Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
We all know if this tv series is real that it will be mainly
about those Abominations that are supposed to be
puppies. But if some miracle happens and it's actually
about Kate and Humphrey Lily and Garth before the pups
Ever happened then I'd watch it. But we all know what's
Going to happen if this turns out to be True Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
personally, i think it's interesting to see James Wan branching out into making action movies Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Wish Upon was fucking terrible! well i guess that's what you get from the director of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation and Annabelle Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
MK Annihilation sucked extremely bad, it had nothing related to the games with horrible CGI over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
R.I.P Chester Bennington (lead singer of Linkin Park) Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
*Crys* over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I can't believe he commited suicide :( over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
:"( over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i've thought about it ever since the trailer came out and i finally decided: i think i'm gonna give the MLP movie a chance in theaters Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I'm gonna see it while wearing one of my MLP shirts with accessories to wear too over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
While going to every theater over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lucky y'all. Idk if ill get to see it. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
I have A Rooster Named KFC. And a Hen Named
Churches. XD OH! I almost For Got! I got another rooster
call Nugget! *Bursts In Laughter* :,) Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …

who'd be fucking stupid enough to film something like that?! if i was the camera guy, I'D SET THAT CONTAINER ON FIRE! Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Oh fuck No! D: *Screams* over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
TimberHumphrey commented…
this is one of the reasons why aliens never visit us D: over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the right Rotten Tomatoes score for the first Alpha and Omega movie should've been between 30 to 35% Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Should of been 60% at least. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
40% at most. But 35 is reasonable over a year ago
112702 said …
Who make the pups grown up on fanpop fan art because l love it Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
NY-Stray. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
ya know what? it's pretty sad when a MLP episode can actually make a MUCH better Romeo and Juliet-esque story than Alpha and Omega could. seriously, the show's latest episode "The Perfect Pear".... it actually made me tear up. oh yeah, you heard that right: a MLP episode actually made a non-brony tear up with some of the best Romeo and Juliet-type stories i've seen in a long time. can't believe i'm actually saying that, but it's true Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I was a damn good episode. over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I liked that episode, although idk if Applejack's parents are even alive at all or not cause Lauren Faust at first did stated "their dead" over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
They are dead. The whole episode was just more like flashbacks over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
outta all the MLP episodes i've seen (mind you, i haven't seen all episodes from every single season), i can say The Perfect Pear is without a doubt my favorite episode of the show so far over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
honestly, i can't think of a better actor for Iron Man than Robert Downey Jr Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I agree. It's the same with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Literally, everyone I've ever talked to about
Norm of the North hates the movie. Every review of it I
Have Seen said they hated it. So why make a Sequel? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
it's Splash Entertainment, a company made up by people who want nothing but money. they don't give a shit about making a good movie or their target audience. all they want is cash over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
But that's just my point. Make a bad movie you get a little bit of money. Make a good movie and you'll make a lot of money. So where's the logic behind their thinking? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
My friend watched Alpha and Omega 8 last night. She only made it 1/3 of the way through before turning it off XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
good for her XD over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Can u blame Her? Lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Thank you :) over a year ago
big smile
TimberHumphrey said …
Spider-Man: Homecoming was awesome! :D Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Did you see the after credits? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yep. loved the patience scene with Captain America over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
I haven't seen 7 & 8 yet, but I will do mine next Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
God O_O I Posted My Ratings For Each Movie And BAM!
Everybody and there Mother started Posting There Ratings
Lol. I'm A Bad Influence Posted over a year ago
HyenasRAwesome said …
Here are my ratings

Alpha and Omega
Alpha and Omega 2
Alpha and Omega 3
Alpha and Omega 4
Alpha and Omega 5
Alpha and Omega 6
0/10 I freaking hate it
Alpha and Omega 7
Alpha and Omega 8
2/10 Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
my ratings:
Alpha and Omega 1: 7/10
Alpha and Omega 2: 5/10
Alpha and Omega 3: 1.5/10
Alpha and Omega 4: 6/10
Alpha and Omega 5: 4.5/10
Alpha and Omega 6: 1/10
Alpha and Omega 7: 5.5/10
Alpha and Omega 8: 2/10

overall: 4/10 Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Alpha and Omega- 7.5/10
Alpha and Omega 2- 5/10
Alpha and Omega 3- 2/10
Alpha and Omega 4- 6.5/10
Alpha and Omega 5- 5.5/10
Alpha and Omega 6- 1/10
Alpha and Omega 7- 5.5/10
Alpha and Omega 8- 1.5/10 Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Theses Is How I'd Rank each movie in the franchise
A&O 1: 8/10. Amazing
A&O 2: 4.5/10. Ok
A&O 3: 2.5/10. Dog Shit
A&O 4: 6.5/10. Halfway decent
A&O 5: 4/10. Meh
A&O 6: 1/10 Taylor Swift Trash.
A&O 7: 4.5/10 Its Ok
A&O 8: 1.5/10 Oh Come On! >:( Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
(from Alpha and Omega 2)
Kate: oh, hi Salty.

the only kinda interaction we ever get between Kate and one of Humphrey's friends in the entire franchise Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
The only missing one was Shakey over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …

what a load of bullshit! now, i don't wanna be a dick to the guy who posted the video, but the problem is: he's saying this is proof for more A&O sequels, when it obviously ISN'T Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i've been hearing new rumors for TWO more A&O sequels....
i'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping and praying to god that these are just rumors and those sequels never happen. please Lionsgate! don't let them happen! Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Let's hope it's nothing but a joke. I bet they check this club to see, what we say and laugh at us. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
we're all hoping it's just a joke over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
But you never know over a year ago
shadow353 said …
I wish they would make a alpha and omega movie where it starts right after kate and Humphrey howl together the movie would be what happened between the first movie and the second Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
A 90 minute movie of Humphrey and Kate bangin' XD over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Ooooo o_o me likey over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
90 minutes of Kate and Humphrey fuckin'? sign me up! XD over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
LoL over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
honestly, the Autobots/Decepticons in the Bayformers movies are pretty much the "nobody-gives-a-fuck" version of the actual Autobots/Decepticons Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
*realizes The Emoji Movie comes out at the end of this month*
me: oh no! OH FUCK NO!! Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Someone just robbed my Cousins store! D: Bastards!
Grrrr. >:( lucky I wasn't there! Is gun their Ass down! I won't
Kill them with it though. That's what my hands and knives
For >:) ik. I'm a sadistic Bitch. But they would deserve it. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas said …
This club has a decent amount of activity. Pretty Good to see. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Suppose So over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Happy 4th of July y'all! Who's proud to be living in the
USA?!? I AM! :D Posted over a year ago
big smile
TimberHumphrey said …
happy 4th of July!! :D Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if i'm gonna be 100% honest with everybody here..... i'm not really dreading the MLP movie. sure, i'm not actually excited for it either, but honestly, it could've been worse. so i'm pretty neutral on that movie Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Well I'm Excited For It. 😎☺ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Splash's motto: "fuck the fans! we do what we want!" Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
So true! over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Sees A Police Officer Walkin' In To Burger King.
Me: What? Got Tired Of Krispy Kreme And Dunkin Donuts?
Officer: *Just Looks Back*
me: Oh! Shit! *Turns Away Quickly* Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Koba: Caesar weak!
Caesar: Koba weaker Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
*sees that the Blu-Ray Extended edition of Transformers: The Last Knight is 190 minutes long*
me: *is screaming in terror* THE HORROR! THE FUCKING HORROR!!! *breaks down, crying in agony* Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I'm honestly surprised anything was cut from the movie. Michael Bay rarely ever cuts scenes from his movies. over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Whoo, can't wait! :D over a year ago
shadow353 said …
I think the first movie of alpha and omega was the best the rest just seem like they did not take time on it and wanted to get it published and out there to quickly Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
the first movie will always be the best one in the franchise, even if it's not necessarily a great movie over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
Yep over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so, the 4th of July's just around the corner again. what are your plans on that? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Getting drunk and having a good Time :D over a year ago
shadow353 said …
I am finally back it has been so long Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
welcome back over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
Thanks for the greeting over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Welcome back over a year ago
LittleMissKate said …
I should really get on here more! But it's irritating that this Humphrey dude keeps asking me for a Relationship! Chill tf out bro. 🙄 Posted over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
That dude is desperate just tell him to find someone else over a year ago
TheRealHumphrey commented…
:( over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Wow that's sad :/ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so i went to see Despicable Me 3 today...... easily the weakest one in the trilogy. it wasn't bad, but it could've been better Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Guys we might get to two or 7 more alpha and omega sequel movies Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Where's your source? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
still ain't buying it. i mean, if these con-artist motherfuckers really, REALLY wanna turn A&O into the next Land Before Time, then Lionsgate would've announced it a long time ago, but that never happened over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
They truly do not care about it. Along with us fans. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
one of my favorite scenes in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Caeser vs. Koba Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
That was a pretty Damn Good Scene over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I love that movie. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so the MLP movie got its first, full length theatrical trailer last night, and..... it looks amateurish at best. i'm not sure why it's hitting theaters, when it looks more like a made-for-TV special Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I loved it :/ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
glad you did over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I'm looking forward to see it over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 said …
I gotta wonder, would this place still be active if the sequels hadn't happened? Back during my prime time here it was active and a lot of fun, but, that was around the time the original came out. I miss those days, it was chill as fuck here, we had our own fun and nobody bothered us. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
amen, bro. i wish we could go back to those days over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It was fun when I came around. I miss the old days and old friends. over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Oh ya, I remember those guys! Haha over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm actually impressed with that Sonic Boom tv show. it started off as nothing special, but now it's pretty good Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
What? Never Heard Of It over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
R.I.P Michael Nyqvist (a.k.a Viggo Tarasov from John Wick) Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
when it comes to the Despicable Me movies, i think Despicable Me 2 was the best one. with that being said, i might see Despicable Me 3 this week Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I hope to see it. As well. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Loved Both Of Them! Especially The Scene "Its So Fluffy Im Gonna Die!" over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
The minions effectively make me wanna hang myself. When I visited Universal Orlando 2 years ago, it was fucking minions everywhere and they even opened up a ride dedicated specifically to them. I guess I just don't see the amusement in them, never have. Probably all the irritating little sounds they make. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
how i rank the Bayformers movies (note: this is just my take on these movies):
1) Transformers
2) Dark of the Moon
3) Age of Extinction/The Last Knight (it's a tie for me)
4) Revenge of the Fallen Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
There wasn't even any effort with the wolf howls in A&O 8. Felt more like recycled sound footage. The original movie probably did the same thing but at least it sounded more authentic whenever a wolf actually howled, when they weren't howl singing anyway. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Thats All It Was For All Of The Sequels. Reused Sound & Effects over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
those were definitely recycled sound effects over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Hey Y'all Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
And who might you be? over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Check profile information. Your learn a little bit about me over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Welcome over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
it's pretty dead here. where's everybody? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
They died over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Non to talk about now :/ over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I'm still active but I plan to post some pics from my DA gallery to post on here over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
thank god for Ben Diskin announcing that there won't be anymore A&O sequels Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay, i know there are a lotta people who're super excited for The Last Knight, so before you jump my ass for hating the movie, i wanna let y'all know: it's just my opinion. i don't mean to offend or insult anybody who likes these movies, and if you like The Last Knight, awesome. more power to you, have fun watching it. i - personally - couldn't stand it or any of the other sequels, but again, that's just my take Posted over a year ago
Alphawolfben commented…
I always love the films I agree they can be stupid but I love em and also I watch the TV shows etc so certain things like Unicron which My mom will know nothing about but I do makes it more fun since I know the lore for Transformers also Bumblebee is my fav Transformer so It may not be as good as I hope I am seeing it at 2:20 today but I'm sure there will be some good scenes I love over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Tbh I thought it was one of the best ones in the series. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Tell me why did bumblebee fight Optimus Prime! Who was bad in the situation and who won? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
just got back from watching Transformers: The Last Knight........ oh sweet Jesus! that was..... not only is it on par with Age of Extinction, but it's tied with Fifty Shades Darker as the worst movie i've seen so far this year! no joke, no sarcasm. it was really that fucking awful! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
other than the great special effects and solid cinematography, i can't come up with ANYTHING good to say about The Last Knight. it was a 2 and half hour DISASTER! over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
I couldn't find any information about alpha and omega 9 I guess I show message the voice actors at Twitter Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
I ment should instead of show over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Just for shits I emailed Splash and asked if there are any more movies coming XD Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Oh god lol over a year ago
ben15delas said …
I'm glad I stayed even though the sequels amazingly bad. And the club fights in the past. A
TRUE fan stays. Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Damn straight lol over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Damn it made an error. Oh well I was half awake that time anyway. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
why A&O 8 is better than A&O 3: at least Journey to Bear Kingdom had action in it. sure, they weren't great action scenes, but at least they TRIED to make the movie a little exciting. all we got in A&O 3 was just the pups running around in circles. how's that supposed to exciting? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I hated A&O 3. Worst one on my list. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
A&O 3, 6, are the worst over a year ago
Shadow1997 said …
Another day in Nigeria the children beg for bread,
The crops failed, the well ran dry
When they lost the watershed

A baby dies, its mother cries, the children gather 'round
They're wondering what the day will bring
Will they be the next one found?

Do you dare to gaze into their hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Are they staring holes in you with their hollow eyes,
Hollow eyes, hollow eyes? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so The Last Knight comes out on Wednesday. and i'm calling it right now: it's gonna get slammed for sure Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Except for one major difference- Michael Bay fired the original writer of the past three movies. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i still don't think it's gonna be any good over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i mean, Michael Bay promised he'd make a better Transformers movie with Revenge of the Fallen, and we all know how much of a atrocious piece of dogshit that turned out over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Its gonna suck big time until later were getting 14 more movies in the future over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
confession: i actually like the Sonic Boom tv show Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Its ok over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I actually like it, although I need to finish season 2 over a year ago
GreyFox99 commented…
Interesting is that Amy and Eve share the same voice actress, Cindy Robinson. over a year ago
TheRealHumphrey said …
Will i ever find true love again? I cant seriously be the last standing Humphrey or Kate on here can i? Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Dude enough ur not the real humphrey, people grew up and left that shit Behind. This isnt a dating web site over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
yes really like for the best of it. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
lol over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
If they were to make another A&O handheld video game: what should they do something better compared to the DS version? Like better gameplay for instance Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
definitely better gameplay. the DS game didn't have anything to it. it was just a anthology of boring mini-games over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Yeah, they should make a sidescroller type over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
It's too bad Alpha And Omega wasn't successful enough to warrant a Garth & Lilly spin-off. They'll most likely never follow the trend of side characters getting their own movies (Finding Dory, Minions, The Penguins of Madagascar). Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Probably for the best. Tom kane will just fuck that up too over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
if a Garth and Lilly spin-off does happen, let's hope Tom Kane stays the hell away from it over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Chances are Tom Kane wouldn't touch it anyway, since he seems to dislike the two of them. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
He dislikes anything we like over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
honestly, i agree with Jeremy Jahns: Cars 3 wasn't all that good. even if it does pick up in the second half, where it starts getting entertaining (well, kinda), to get to that you have to sit through a PAINFULLY BORING first act! seriously, aside from Lightning McQueen's crash (by the way, that's shown in the trailers so it's not much of a spoiler), i hated the first act of Cars 3. biggest props i can give for this movie is: it may not be all that good, but at least it's better than Cars 2 Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm going with a solid C on Cars 3. can't go any higher over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Alpha And Omega 3 had the most misleading synopsis of the entire series.

"Coach Humphrey must assemble a ragtag team of underdogs after an unexpected accident puts many of the alpha wolves out of commission." Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Big ass lie to me over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
the biggest lie they've ever done! i mean, what the fuck were they talking about? accident? what fucking accident? that never happens! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …

one of the funniest shows ever! XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Patrick Stewart's worst decision so far: agreeing to voice a actual piece of shit in The Emoji Movie
why, Patrick? just why? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Right when I saw that I started cursing like a sailor. "What the fuck is wrong with thesemotherfucking animated movies god damnit!" over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I still wish Emoji movie should get cancelled over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i hate them even more for doing that over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
my question: since when the hell did Stinky and Brent became best friends? i don't remember them having any scene together in A&O 3. hell, i don't really remember them talking to each other that much. so how the hell are they best friends in all the other sequels Brent's in? i have no fucking idea! i guess it's just more proof on how much Tom Kane loathes continuity and his audience, and how much he fucking sucks as a writer! Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I guess they got better acquainted between A&O 3 and A&O 5, since it was strongly implied that Kate and Humphrey have had to dealt with Brent and his "grizzly mama" on at least one other occasion or more. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
two movies i love that got low Rotten Tomatoes ratings: Home Alone 1 (only 55%) and 2 (only 24%) Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
yeah, i definitely agree that 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is a little too low for Alpha and Omega. i'd say the movie should've had a 30% Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Yeah, somewhere between 30-40%. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well, a 63% rating for Cars 3. i always knew it wasn't gonna be among Pixar's best movies, but i'm kinda surprised people are saying it's way better than Cars 2 Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
The trailers were kinda proving it was gonna be a step back in the right direction. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
And it's 73% right now. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
also, he hated Cars 3 way more than GOTG 2 over a year ago
Shadow1997 said …
I just love how everyone relies on Rottontomatos. Rotten Tomatoes is trash.
Ok even I'll I meant Alpha and Omega wasn't the best movie ever only receiving a 16% on Rotten
Tomatoes. Ok fine but then I found the rating for Sharknado. 82% fuckin' Rotten Tomato!
Sharknado has to be one of the worst movies ever yet it gets an 82%. And a lot of my childhood
favorite movies get and 30%-70% rateing. So I Say fuck rotten tomatoes. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Rotton Tomatoes has some of the toughest film critics out there. Sure, Alpha and Omega was kind of trash, but I agree that it didn't deserve a 16 over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yeah. the better rating for Alpha and Omega should've been - at least - 27 or 30% over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
I'd give it a 35% 40 at the highest over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I love a lot of movies that are well under 30%. Personally IMDB should be the go-to place. It leaves a more unbiased view on movies than RT does. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
ok is it just me or is there now some good crossover fan art? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
you guys wanna hear a joke?

the A&O franchise Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Meh heres one Norm Of The North over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Another one is called Problem Solverz. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
Norm of the North is more of a sin than a joke over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
More like a dirty joke to me over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
R.I.P Adam West :'( Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
No! :( over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I can't believe he died over a year ago
ben15delas said …
We have trolls now, again but I don't think it matters anymore. Nothing's F*cking worth it. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It's also not going well for this guy. link over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
damn, i never thought i'd enjoy the hell outta Captain Underpants, but i did. it was pretty good Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
July 7: the day we finally get to see Tom Holland kick ass as Spider-Man on the big screen Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
but seriously: why did FP get rid off the live message setup? Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Because it was buggy as hell. Back in the day there was an IM service called Meebo that was really awesome but it was bought out by google. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Yea i remember Meebo. Good times... over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
The old days were better and more fun. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
bunnies are adorable! :3 Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
True 😣 XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if a A&O tv show does happen, i'm pretty sure it'll only get 1 season Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Its not happening. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Unless they improve. Which i doubt over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
Thats IF they are trying to compare with The Land Before Time but who knows over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
is there another runt out there or am i the real runt? Posted over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
how did lady and the tramp get so popular all of a sudden? Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Someone spaming this place with that crap. Thats how over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
well i prefer pete's dragon 2015 as that warms my heart over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
That is kinda what u said :/ But idc. I like A&O more then those 2 soo does that make me narrow minded? over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
How did you guys first time discovered A&O back when it first got announced? example: a trailer from what movie you seen in theater at as a example Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
ignore the "at" thats next to the "as" I kinda typed a bit fast over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
well... i dont remember over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
The trailer. I joined the club January 2011. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
bark i am back Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
welcome back over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
*lifts up Kate's shirt*

Kate: HEY! *grrrr* Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Wow over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
me: awww babe, just a peek. please? over a year ago
FunLovinTucker said …
Can I have Kate as a pet??? PLEASE. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay, what's going on here? why do i see so many Angel pics in this club? o.O Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Why is this place getting flooded with angel stuff Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Ugh idk over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
^ Really? Can't you post that crap elsewhere? over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It's not related to the club so please keep it off. over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha said …
So who here is bored and want to talk to someone? Let me know if you want to talk. Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
or talk to me as well over a year ago
Shadow1997 said …
Let the Rambling Man Keep On Rambling.
Rest In Peace Gregg Allman. You will be missed Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Haven't posted much here in a while. There's just nothing to talk about anymore now that the series is over and done. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
and thank god it is over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I myself honestly stil think there is possible way if its really over, cause in the trailer they didn't mention "the final adventure" or something, cause what if their taking a few year hiatus and then they'll make more like look at other franchises we think they are over (Toy Story 3, Shrek 4, Ice Age 4, & The Jetsons 1990) like how The Land Before Time just ended with 13 we all thought its over but 14 got released in 2016 over a year ago