Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 1761-1770 of 21208

Xscash232 said …
Night Guys TTYITM {talk to you in the morning} Im so tired Posted over a year ago
Alphaman commented…
Night over a year ago
big smile
Metallica1147 said …
WOO! The 49ers won today in their season opener! We beat our rival the Seattle Seahawks 33-17! WOO Good start for my SF 49ers! NINER NATION BABY! :D Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Cool!!! over a year ago
lilIypop commented…
Yes that would be nice but if they had time travel back then there would be no reason to go back in time in the future and give them time travel in 1600 this creating an endless paradox over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey said …
HEY! I can't see the meebo chat bar!!! and i don't klick on "hide" Posted over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
oh ok i'm glad cause i was attacked by a virus today. my antivirus said that it was blocked but now i thought that the virus had destroyed something over a year ago
azkaban commented…
Idiots, they're removing meebo. Haven't you heard? over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
No i haven't heard! And thats not a reason to call us idiots! over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom said …
My History teacher was talking about 9/11 on Friday... Then he said we shouldnt blame Al-Queda. WTF is wrong w/ this picture? Aren't we (technically) at war w/ them? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
ya we r over a year ago
EightySix commented…
I guess I could see that being a true statement under certain views. You can't blame an organization for blindly following what some insane asshole says is right and just. You gotta blame the madman. and the intelligence of his followers. and their willingness to question genocide. I think I had a point when I started this ... over a year ago
lilIypop commented…
Besides, more innocent people died in the aphgan war then 9/11 over a year ago
hank666 said …
There are some saying IM will be off Fanpop October 4th....I don't think it will!! I looked on and it said "October 4th Meebo Rooms will be removed." I looked at Meebo rooms and it is on and its like a chat room thing on Meebo. So I don't think IM for fanpop will be removed. Posted over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
WTF is meebo? over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Thats cause we're experiencing a site-wide cluster-fuck. I'm not sure WHATS wrong with it, I looked for a few minutes but couldn't find anything usefull on the subject. I wonder how many people are actually having this issue. over a year ago
zmanz commented…
i am over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
Watched fast five 1080p on my laptop via HDMI to HDTV and with 2.1 speakers. That was one hell of an awesome experience! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Watch "Battle: Los Angelas", its a fckn thrill ride! LOL over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Maybe someday :) over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i see theres more debate on scar.....i know you lot call the female one scar and fair enough i can except that..but when they say that is her name.....i know their people cant be right when the end credits of the movie are wrong....scar is the male time you watch the movie look at the cast........only claw had a line scar never did thats how i know scar is the male one.... Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Can we just stop with It? It's getting damn annoying!! over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
trying to get the point across but some dont get that..that is right over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
??????...... over a year ago
hank666 said …
IM on fanpop seems to be working, people are available again and logged on! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
its still not workin for me! :( over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Me too!! over a year ago
Xscash232 commented…
MIne still aint working over a year ago
hank666 said …
There is no one on chat!! I think I'm the only one with a working Chat
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Thanks to the firefox add on, I can chat even when the Fanpop IM is down, I cen even chat logged out of fanpop with the meebo add on! :D over a year ago
sky-af commented…
Well, you gave! I too, so I want! xD over a year ago
big smile
katealphawolf said …
my first Life with Kate and Katie story has been posted! Keep in mind I have a clone Katie so you are not confused Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
sucks chat is not working today, hope they get it fixed soon over a year ago
hank666 commented…
i downloaded the firefox meebo add on so i can chat even if the Fanpop IM is down! XD over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
dude you better not be booing me or wer are going to have problems! if you dont like my stories then dont read them ok? over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
Will anyone make me a song!? Any one!? Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
Called metalwolf? Genre:metal? over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
You will get a reward over a year ago
azkaban commented…
No. over a year ago
Alue26 said …
For all the American out here, my utter most respect for the lives lost at 9/11! I may be European, but what happened that day, nobody should have to see that again. Greetings from Belgium! Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
I agree forth with over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Thank u! I salute u too. over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
It's no problems! over a year ago
Alphaman said …
Lily cried this morning when she saw the video of 9/11 she won't stop crying so I'm cuddling her telling her that the people that were killed are at peace Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
and it all could have been prevented too, just our governement is either too lazy or just simply does not care, that is what is really sad over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Agreed. I'm loosing faith in the government. Only God I truly trust. over a year ago
Alphaman commented…
Oh stop over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
THROW THE CHEEEESE!! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Soldiers: TAKE COVEEERRR!!!! over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
link over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Yeah, funny!! over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
Hey, people! Text me! 214*407*2932 Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
someone tell me whats going on! i cannot get on meebo and i was signed out when i came on here! who reported me!!! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
I have that too Daniel, nobody knows what's going on! over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
could be betta over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
I gotta go pal bye over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Well good news and bad news, lost the race on the final lap, was running 3rd and got wrecked by some prick asshole out of town kid riding a KTM, should of kicked his ass but i held my temper! (it was partially my fault too i think lol) My friends put in a good run 2nd and 4th for them, i finished dead last which is 12th:( I am okay, a little banged up and sore but my bike is fine! Which is a good thing! XD Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
The good news is after getting home I took Kate, my Katie clone and my buddy Zach out for a night on the town in the Mach 1, when we first took off Kate was being cocky and was like "Pssh! This thing has no power!" I said, "Oh really Kate?" I stomped it to the floor in first gear, it threw us all back in our seats and powershifted into second, before hitting 3rd. After that Kate did not complain about the power of the car! hehe over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
and i got a feeling i got them both a little "excited" during the ride so idk what they have planned for me tonight! lol over a year ago
Thelosthuston54 commented…
dude, your fricking lucky. i wish so bad that i could have a mate by now, but i dont dude. ive never had a mate. it sucks cause everyone is taken over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
Unlucky about the race but it is good you r safe pal over a year ago
SweetsOmega said …
Is it just me, or has Meebo stopped working for anyone else? I'm gonna try to find the browser plug-in. Posted over a year ago
SweetsOmega commented…
Sorry, everyone. I can't get the plug-in to work. Gotta get Arctic to help me. I might not be back on tonight. over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Cando had the same issue just earlier. Just got back from playing BRINK with him, says he'll be going to sleep. Sissy. XD over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
ya me too over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom said …
Here is a test of ur A&O Fanship. They came up with an A&O 2, u watch it, but u notice the voices were nothing like the first A&O. They change the voicecasters!!! What will u do? A. U r still a fan and dont care about the voice change up. B. U abandon A&O and become a fan of something else. C. U still r a fan of A&O but hate A&O 2. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
meh, A&O is A&O, ill like it and love it now matter what. over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Its an A, B, or C question. over a year ago
big smile
SweetsOmega said …
Hey, everyone! How are ya tonight? I just posted a little surprise for ya all. I hope ya enjoy it! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Enjoyed over a year ago
big smile
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
joined over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom said …
Wow...The news just got done explaining how the towers fell. They also got done explaining what ground zero is going to be. Sad and hopeful if u ask me.
Posted over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
Ground Zero won't be anything any time soon. Its been almost a decade since they said they would and they STILL haven't. I've seen a section of interstate highway take less time to build. over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Well they acomplish the 38 waterfall display or at least some of it, right? over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Yeah, I could not build something in HALF the time its taken them to not build something, lolololololol!!!11oneexclamationpoint over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom said …
Here is a question I believe everyone wants answered...........IS THERE GOING TO BE AN A&O 2??????......I speak 4 all here.
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
maybe, im still searching in the upcoming movies over a year ago
EightySix commented…
well, pre-production is good. It means they're filming, digitally or traditionally. They've got a voice cast so I'd say that the possibility of funding being pulled is slim at this point. As far as sequels go, I'm still holding my breath for A Firefly continuation or a Serenity 2. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? XDD over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Lol.. over a year ago
CandoAlpha said …
Shit on a stick! I just came back after a 10 day sabbatical and read through the backlogs for this place... what sort of self-detonating place is this? What happens when I'm not here?!
Holy freaking GOD man... Posted over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Same here friend. Losing my internet put me far behind on blogs and comments on Fanpop lately.... over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
I meant all the backposts of bullshit sometime a few days ago? People keeking out over something? what the hell?? over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
HA, your on you Engineer peice of garbage! XD i'll still keep trying to sign in here tho too over a year ago
EightySix said …
Its not about who you are, what you look like, what you think, feel, believe or enjoy. What makes you a good, bad, or smart person is what you DO. Actions measure the person, not their opinions. Posted over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Thats a cool saying. *looks for book* Hey Did u steal my book of sayings! Not Fair! over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Pff, as though I couldn't come up with something as coherent and intelligible without stealing it. No, Its a long-standing philosophy of mine in a long line of long-standing philosophies. over a year ago
EightySix commented…
link over a year ago
hank666 said …
The IM thing isnt working, anybody else have this problem? Posted over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
I dont get it but I dont care over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
nope it didnt work. i can turn it off and back on and i se e the little bar down there but nothing is on it. oh well i guess lol over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
ninja989 said …
shit, we just hit 1313 fans i smell bad luck! Posted over a year ago
ninja989 commented…
13 is unlikey over a year ago
ninja989 commented…
9oh over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
actually 13 is unlucky to most people i know but it dont matter to me cause bad luck follows me everywhere.. over a year ago
Gin-Sama commented…
13 is my lucky number Lol!!! over a year ago
bossyalpha said …
should i leave this club Posted over a year ago
azkaban commented…
Yes. over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
.....IDK Do u like this club? over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
i love this club i even uploded pics over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
no over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
That salad DIED just so you can be a vegetarian.

Have a heart, eat a rock. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
what type? Igneous, sedimantary, or metamorphic? XD over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
DEATH!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented… U Grind the salad w/ ur teeth. Then its churned in ur stomach acids. If that dont kill it then the bacteria in ur large intestine eats it. BOOM! a LONG TORTURous DEATH!!!! over a year ago
big smile
katealphawolf said …
oh yes YES YES! i am so happy right now! have not felt this good in years, nothing has gone this good for me in a long long time! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Whats is so good? over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
i have two of the best mates i could ever dream of, the best friends anyone could have (you guys and my friends around here) we got my dads 69 Mustang running and drove it today, it just brings back so many happy memories, the last time the car was running i could not see over the dash. Everything is just so complete and perfect right now in my life, only thing missing is having my step mom and dad back together over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
and me and my buddies will be competing in one of the biggest races of the year around here with our motorcycles, all are running good and tuned to maximum performance, it should be a good race and we are gonna work together and win it! lol over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
it is just a simple flat track that the cars race on, we race at intermission over a year ago
EightySix said …
And I would'a gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!! Posted over a year ago
Fearlessdude88 commented…
haha over a year ago
hank666 commented…
but you didnt get away with over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Fearlessdude88 said …
I'm back finally I've been really busy lateley and Humphrey is to it's good to be back though Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
hey everyone i am staying in the alpha and omega club i am not leaving i decided t stay!
Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
thank u alphakate! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Awesome!!! :D over a year ago
Clonewolf commented…
WTF azkaban? over a year ago
Wolfman32 said …
I'll talk to you guys later in a week. I'll miss talking to my brothers! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Bye then!! over a year ago
lagtr77 commented…
see you later over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Damn, another good day so far. Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Yes, everything Is running smooth!! over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Uuuraa over a year ago
lagtr77 commented…
Hooah over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
KATE AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Don't you mean Katie? over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Kate, Katie and I are getting married over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Cool! over a year ago
Thelosthuston54 commented…
hey! congragulations!!! over a year ago
TheTrueKate said …
Yesterday at school. There was this weird nerd guy trying to grab my butt! he better be glad he didn't or he would be dead... gosh man im so attractive! in human and wolf form XD but I hate that guy... *growls and snarls* Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
I would have kicked the shit out of him. NOBODY grabs my Kate's ass. The only one who can have her ass is me because I love her and shes my mate! over a year ago
Thelosthuston54 commented…
hey. that guy wouldnt be beaten the shit out of, his head will be mine to burn. im kate's brother. no one messes with my sister! kate? if he does that, tell me. i will kill him easily. over a year ago
Alue26 said …
You never believe what I dreamed this night!! I dreamed about A&O 2!! Unfortunate I don't remember what It was about, but..... Posted over a year ago
sebator commented…
Lol over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
cool, unlucky about not remembering it but still it must have been cool over a year ago
Xscash232 said …
Good morning Everyone another long wounderful weekend day with my friends Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Hey, buddy!! over a year ago
Xscash232 commented…
hey :) over a year ago
EightySix said …
Ayayay... por qué debo dormir? No lo quiero. Por qué usted me preocupa, sueños?
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
translates to: Oh my God ... Why should I sleep? I do not want. Why do you bother me, dreams? over a year ago
EightySix commented…
You must have used a translator, as your translation is incredibly literal and without context. But, its pretty close! over a year ago
WOLFofWisdom commented…
Buenas Noches Senors! Como Eres? over a year ago
REDWOLF116 said …
night night everyone hee hee. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Night over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
bye :) ~your aunt kate over a year ago
TheTrueKate said …
THE THING THAT WILL CHEER ME UP IS CHOCOLATE! LOTS OF IT! *sniffle* :((( *cries* Posted over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
PWEESSSEEE!!! :( over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
lol Cheesy Poofs are amazing! Have some! *gives you some* you like? over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
*eats* om nomz :D over a year ago
TheTrueKate said …
sigh... Im thinking about leaving FP.. Posted over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
forever... over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
baby I'm here. I'm open again scar and I broke up. the only reason Is I thought u were never coming back I'm sorry over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
i do to kate i don't want you to leave over a year ago
Xscash232 said …
katealphawolf said …
wow definitely know i am back on a Microsoft when it takes 40 minutes to log on and finally get here! thats one thing i really miss about being at college is the Macs i use on campus, zero problems, no freezeups, no running slow, just pristine smooth performance like they should be! I will be so happy when Apple puts Microsoft outta business, deny it all you want but its going to happen in the next 10 years or less, unless Microsoft somehow makes a huge comeback, unlikely though! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
well back to work on the car, tty all later tonight! :) over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Double the price, half the versitility, shelf life, and power... yeah, the Mac sure is a great machine! lol. I'd love to have one as a spare, but I can buy 4 GREAT laptops for the price of the Macbook I want... Everything has its pros and cons though. over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Ah the good 'ol fight about wich is better. Jon, you're oppinion about that microsoft sucks is because your PC probably reaaaaly sucks (no offence), try using windows 7 on a good pc for a week. But anyway I'm good with macs too, but I think they're just not for me. over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
glad to see every things calm for once Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
nice and calm over a year ago
lagtr77 commented…
And now we can live our lives in peace. over a year ago
Knittenqueen commented…
Lets thank the Omegas! over a year ago
anubis210 said …
a world wide news broadcast has said theirs gonna be another attack on america on 9/11 Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
What? Really?! over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i think they would....the 10th year they might do can happen easy over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
not easily no wif alot of diffficulty over a year ago
Xscash232 said …
thealphaboyz commented…
.... over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
um we settled this long ago, we made a deal, its no big deal if the club gets deleted we already have plans for that over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
nobody is to do any fighting period, i wont have it over a year ago
Xscash232 commented…
Ight alright guys i didn't know over a year ago
AlphaAndOmega said …
Friends, Vengeance is back. He writes: then put this exactly on the forum for me "I have another account, banning with this one wont stop me from bringing in a moderator, you now have 6 days.

DO NOT GIVE IN! POST WHAT YOU WANT! Posted over a year ago
AlphaAndOmega commented…
We will not listen to him. Seeing how this is an American website, even though I'm not living in the US I know that it's you people's rights to post what you wish. And we shall do that over a year ago
hank666 commented…
dude its settled, its not a bid deal. vengence already made a deal, and the mojority voted yes over a year ago
Xscash232 commented…
Dude i hate how he's trying to get this club terminated when we can post what we want anytime we want Am i right over a year ago
AlphaAndOmega commented…
Why would they vote? over a year ago
big smile
Xero_Pyramid206 said …


Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Guys, I hate to say this, but this club has gone to hell. Its been reported and it may be in its final hours. But remember this, no matter what happens, I love you all. I will make a new, better club to start over. So I suggest you salvage what you can here before you loose it. Im sorry but my brother is an ass. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
So my asshole of a brother reporeted this club on my account..... FUCKING GREAT Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Why did he do that? over a year ago
hank666 commented…
that sucks! DX over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
NOOOOOO!!! D: over a year ago
hank666 said …
Goodnight everyone, even through everything that has happened...Goodnight to everybody, Even though fighting happened, We are still the A&O, every one of us. :) Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
The A&O club over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
so true over a year ago
BadEolf said …
"This is VengeanceWolf, my goal has been to clean this club up and make it a little more user friendly, so ill make you all a new deal now 'I VengeanceWolf will forever leave this club, if certain circumstances are met, I will not return under until such a time as these transgressions are forgotten. 1. The posting of pictures containing sexual content with any a and o charactor will be stopped 2. the fan picks will be kept free of choices that involve sex
Message me with answers individually
Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Ok, I can live with that over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
attack me personally and leave these good furries alone over a year ago
Boltdoglover commented…
sounds like a deal but no funny business this is your only warning. CAN WE TRUST YOU TO KEEP YOUR END OF THE DEAL? over a year ago
sebator said …
Sex shit is destroyed this awesome club DAMN :( Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
bye leaving the club! Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
bye i did love you konw..... over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
i am so tired of this crap i wish we would all just calm down i know u are mad vengeance wolf but theres no reason to remove the club there are other peaple here that really havnt posted anything bad so please just calm down and leave us alone! Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
i am no longer doing insider articles and i am leaving the club thanks to vengeancewolf! goodbye! over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
im not removing it!!! im giving you guys the option to clean the club up over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
i am sorry vengeance wolf over a year ago
BadEolf said …
Do you fucking get it now? You still have the wall, the forums, and the articles to post as much sexual shit as you want
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
I know, I just wnt people to see this too. We can still ahve our fun, but just limited. over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
i am sorry but one person doesnt need to come on here and tell us what to do the article are just as bad as the photos! over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
vengeance wolf, bowing down to you means to die in your wake, I WILL NOT BOW TO YOU SO FUCK OFF!!!!! over a year ago
hank666 said …
That os it, I'm tired of the fighting going on, I'm gonna say this once. I dont care if you hate me after this but hear me out, Vengence just wants the stuff of the fan picks and answers gone, the rest is fine. You can still write about it in your articles. And yes I know its hard and you dont want to listen to him but do, i don want to but I care too much about this club. Just listen, smooth out the edges and we can all be happy. Fighting will get us no where. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
This is the A&O club, we all have one thing in common,: we all want this club to stay. (I know some of you will rage me with hate but im just speaking my mind) over a year ago
hank666 commented…
We all love A&O and we are fighting each other, come on,lets be the A&O club again, no fighting over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
i dont hate u hank i care about u to so i will agree we should all just stop the fighting and just go on with the club! over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
i didnt draw henry everyone but he is my new mate Posted over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
congrats over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
thank u! over a year ago
BadEolf said …
this is VengeanceWolf you now have 6 days and counting, though ive had a nice chat with fanpop administration today, havent mentioned this site... yet. But my account will be unsuspended in three days on account of the reports of an abusive user being false. Nice try though
Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
U r being abusive. Ur blackmailing us over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
please just stop the fighting! u are being a jerk and u are doing this just to provoke us is a laugh to u or something cause it shure as hell isnt to me! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
*facepalm* fighting is making it worse, its as easy as just agreeing, working out somethings and done over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
just to let everyone know my mate isnt garth anymore his name is henry! i will post a picture of him in a moment comment if u want to see! Posted over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Jody and i's 3rd pup has been born. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
congrats! :) over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
thanks :) over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
thanks over a year ago
KateLillyWolfy said …
Today we had to do a charater anyalysis report and I chose Kate! I'm making a poster for her now. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Cool! over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
no fair, for these reasons i miss school, but in college at least i get to practice drawing her in my drawing class over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
ok sorry u couldve just sent me a message ime 13 2 over a year ago
Wolfman32 said …
Signing off for 2 weeks guys. Talk to you then. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
later :)>- over a year ago
big smile
LIL-Humphrey said …
Let's set up our own religion!!! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Well idk about that, but yes, Furries FTW!! im proud and I tell it to peoples faces at school, if they dont like it, they can kiss my furry ass over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
haha kiss my shiny furry ass! :-D over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
i agree. over a year ago
AlphaAndOmega said …
Friends, VengeanceWolf is gone.…but don't celebrate too quickly. He may be back sooner than we expect… Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
I actullay thought he was a good guy at first. I was wrong. over a year ago
EightySix commented…
You guys are geniuses. over a year ago
AlphaAndOmega commented…
Xero, your right on the abusing bit. Joseph Stalin may have had good leadership but he killed 60 million people in the great purges. It all depends on the leader over a year ago
Boltdoglover said …
did anyone actually do anything about you know who? Posted over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
nope, in fact i chatted with fanpop administration earlier, my account will be unsuspended here shortly on the grounds of false reports sorry all over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
but im not going anywhere over a year ago
Boltdoglover commented…
guess what GO FUCK YOUR SELF DOUSBAG!!!!! over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
sebator said …
SerIOUSLY noone likes him and he got banned Posted over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
nope im still here over a year ago
sebator commented…
yay over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
i have more accounts if nessisary also over a year ago
Scar_Alpha1 said … one on hear likes vengeance, by the way hi! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 said …
Vengeance, If you read this, my darkest fear has come out! You single handly destroyed this club, and anything else!! I feel myself ashamed for being on this club, and Fanpop In whole!! I even curse the Internet right now!!! Posted over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
interesting over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
Scar_Alpha1 commented…
what? whos taking it away? over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
What choice do we have? noone is thinking 'bout removing all that stuff, they just left to another club instead or something over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
ignas my friend, i love my yiff and i refuse to be in a club that takes it away over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
PISS OFF VENGEANCE WOLF!!!! over a year ago
JosipBrozTito said …
Hello. I'm new to fanpop and all I can say is I thoroughly enjoyed this movie Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Greetings comrade!! over a year ago
BadEolf commented…
they turned this site into yiff, just a heads up over a year ago
transformer101 said …
if there is anyone that would like to help with the resistants go to this club and help us please link Posted over a year ago
transformer101 commented…
if the link dose'nt work look for this club and go to the wall, humphreyalpha over a year ago
Xscash232 said …
Good morning from Me/Kate and Daniel In about an hour Daniel is going to work so him or i won't be on Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
ATTENTION MY FELLOW WOLVES!!!! JOIN THE METAL WOLF PACK, IT IS HERE FOR PEOPLE WHO FEEL THAT THEY ARE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYMORE!!!!!! SEE THE WOLF COVERED IN METAL AND HOWL TO ACT AS ONE!!!! you want to join, see my profile page and look for the pic of a wolf shredding on a guitar! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
actually everybody is going into my club now, but thanks for the suggestiong over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey said …
DAMN! I forgot that "The Blanks" are on tour in germany and missed their Konzert! DAAAAAMN! How could i forget this???!!! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
that sucks you missed them over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
Yeah! I would realy like to see them cause i'm a big fan of "Scrubs" :-( over a year ago
hank666 commented…
:( over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i know theres still confusion on whos who with scar and claw....scar is the male claw is the female....tells you on end credits claw is played by Marilyn tokuda as well as Janice...some probably all ready know this others might not...i just wanted to see for my self Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
thank you, i always thought it was this way over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
yeah after the Life with Scar stories that name is burned in my head, actually it was UriahA that told me all ot this in the begging so i always thought she was Scar over a year ago
anubis210 commented… them what ever but it is in fact the other way round over a year ago
Wolfman32 said …
Talk to you guys tomorrow! or Friday! Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Guys, goodbye, We have lost to a goddamn tyrant who I hope burns in hell for fucking eternity. Ill damn him myself if I have to. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
link Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
link Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Honestly, im gonna go make a club for yiff and furry A&O. Im done dealing with this shit 24/7. Im seriously leaving this club. Im not going to be ruled by a goddamn tyrant. See you all and Only certian people will be invited to my club
Posted over a year ago
VengeanceWolf said …
link Posted over a year ago
VengeanceWolf said …
Posted over a year ago
VengeanceWolf said …
Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Sitting here watching Valtiel turning his little valve and staring up the nurses skirt. Lol valtiel Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
1300 fans! yay! still how many would u guess use this club on a regular basis? i would say 20 or less lol Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
how is your night everyone? Posted over a year ago
hank666 said …
Looked at the comments on rotten people say that the graphics are dull, the plot is predictable, and its a bad movie. they are wrong, Lets take a look at the movie "Rio". it has the same plot: "Underdog gets girl". And the graphics are much of the same. Some people say its a inaccurate movie that is inaccurate with facts about wolves. Though this may be true, the key word in this film is "Fiction". And they say this movie ripped off other movies, well, Rio, Shrek, Mega mind, etc. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Also have used, refrence, or copied other movie plots too. So the hate for this movie is unneccasary. over a year ago
hank666 commented…
who agrees? over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
I do! over a year ago
hank666 said …
Looking for A&O 2 in upcoming movies in the next 1 - 4 years, nothing yet. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Nothin like havin my Scar and Katie sitting with me, loving me. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Katie: Well, looks like theres gonna be two of me Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
thats alright =) over a year ago
transformer101 said …
MY STORY, FALLOUT ALPHA AND OMEGA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FALLOUT GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
Calm down man. over a year ago
transformer101 commented…
sorry, but pepole keep thinking fallout alpha and omega has to do with fallout, but its realy a cross over with alpha and omega, and transformers over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
ok over a year ago
Alphaman said …
Red-Pyramid is gone!!!*begins to cry* Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
But not forever! over a year ago
Alphaman commented…
BUDDY UR BACK!!! over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
Welcome back Red! over a year ago
Wolfman32 said …
I'm about to start on that story guys! I'll just wait an hour in case other people and thier mates what to be in it. Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
I put you up I thought over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
A bit of good news: Our friend Alue26 met Candy, and according to them, they like each other! Posted over a year ago
Alue26 said …
Guys, we got another one!! Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
Troll inbound! over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
I'm flagging his post, even before he Inflicts more damage!! over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
I am sorry every one. College is taking up most of my time. You might not hear from me for a while Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
For how long? over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
Maybe you, my friend, although I use that term extremely loosely, should cease and desist harshing on people for no reason over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
i dont know (answer to alue) thank you (answer to alphakate21) and what the hell have i done (answer to HA) over a year ago