Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 721-730 of 21208

DevilsWrath said …
Would anyone feel like joining the Wolves Pack of the Red Moon? Posted over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Can only wolves join? I know it says in the name "Wolves..." but I had to ask. over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
I suppose there can be other animals, look at Marcel and Paddy. XD over a year ago
DevilsWrath said …
Who here among you would say I am an omega? I do suppose I have been very boring recently.... Oh well, a riddle then. How can you be blind, but still see? (If you know it don't answer till at least a good few others try) Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
....Only one possible answer : TECHNOLOGY ! :D over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Suprisingly nope, that is not the answer. XD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
.... are you talking about DareDevil lol? the marvel character over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Haha, nah thr answer is Color blind over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Hey how is everybody? Posted over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
I don't know how I am, so i'll say i am alright. What about you? over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I'm fine ! You ? over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Hey, I'm good. How about yourself? over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
im good over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Why is uploading images so difficult? It wont work for me Posted over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
It's been like that a long time over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
You know what would be awesome? If the A&O devs came on here and awnsered questions and stuff :D Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
that would be cool, then I can finally ask what they were thinking when they came up with the pup's names xD over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
^ Id like to know that too :/ over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I guess every fan wants to know that xD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Because Runt was born last and Stinky has a stink lol (Claudette even mentioned that haha). over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
It's too bad this A&O 3 cover doesn't have a higher resolution right now. I need a better look. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I don't even know where that cover was found... Anyway, the high-res cover will appear in no time ! over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I do think Kate looks different in the A&O 3 DVD cover. That's just another sign that Crest Animation does listen to their fans.
Fans thought the animation in A&O 2 was meh so they decided to improve a bit on that.
Fans hated the fact that Humphrey and Kate were added to the A&O 2 case using photoshop so they decided to use that time to work more on Kate and Humphrey's designs.

Even the new main pup in the movie looks different from the pups in A&O and A&O 2. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I'll agree to that, I'm sure they know if they can keep the fans sticking around they will buy the DVD's and therefore make profit. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if a A&O 3 clip comes out, plz let me know Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
it'll be pasted all over if one comes out I'm sure, I think Sentinel got the trailer on here within 2 hours of it being released xD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i been hearing some ppl in a few sites saying A&O (both 1 and 2) is half American and half South Korean. i was like "WTF? -_-" Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Because the movie posters are mostly in American and Korean on the Internet. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i know but A&O was never produced in South Korea. hell, i never saw a Korean animator in A&O. they could've said it's half American and half Indian, but not half South Korean over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Yup, its re-dubbed and re-released in many different country's. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
want me to do my ending to A&O 3? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
saw both A&O movies again, and omg! Kate's so beautiful in both movies! but, the best shot of her in the whole saga so far, it's when she's asleep in the train. when i first saw tht scene, i just fell in love with her. never seen a girl as beautiful as Kate! Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
That's the moment I began falling for her too :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
another scene was in A&O 2 where she was waiting 4 Humphrey 2 get back from the berry patch. but there was something at her tht just made her gorgeous again over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
That train scene made me fall in love with her too dam she's so cute when she was sleeping like that:3 over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
I just finished watching the first movie just gives me this feeling that no other movie gives me...the romane and adventure, the beautiful audio score, the way it ended, it just gives you this deep, almost magical feeling...I may have made a post like this before but I dont care. This will be my favorite movie, possbily forever, people will laught at me but I dont care. To everyone who worked on this truly amazing film, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Awroooo! Posted over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Plus, it had Denny Glover and Dennis Hooper. What more could we want over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I agree, it just has this big sense of adventure and romance. Unfortunately, critics have overshadowed it just because of minor reasons like animation flaws and a story that is no different from any predictable film that critics have praised. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
big thanx 2 Steve Moore and Ben Gluck 4 creating the concept of Alpha and Omega. :) over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
Hey guys is my b day today !!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
happy birthday :D over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
happy late b-day lmao over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Thanks sexy omega :) over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
Come to think of it....If it took a long time to make the 2nd A&O movie but took lesser time to make the 3rd A&O movie. Wouldnt u think that A&O 3 would somehow woulda been apart of A&O 2? Just look at the time they run on both them movies. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
2nd, 3rd and 4th movies were all being worked on at the same time. That's why we're getting a sequel every six or more months. over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
There makeing a 5 th one look it up over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I know that but as far as we know, that sequel hasn't even begun filming yet. I think they're still working more on Alpha And Omega 4. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
and good tack, saying that developers work on Alpha and Omega 4 while we poor French they have not even put us Alpha and Omega 2 French-_-' over a year ago
LexiMcCoia said …
Is it just me or do you think that all the new A&O movies are being rushed? I can't tell if they are rushing, or if their budget is really that low. Maybe a combination of both? Anyways, on an unrelated note, please visit me at and ask a question. :) Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I'll agree to both. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
If they are really being rushed I don't know, but it looks like... over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
eh never watched the new ones, dont tend to either cause i think they arent as good as the first over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
It's a shame how animated movies like these are overlooked because they're stories of romance. Romance works better in animation films more than comedy or action, my opinion. That's why Legend Of The Guardians and The Nut Job are soooooooo meh to me.
Not saying that there are not good animated comedies and action films... Loved Rango and How To Train Your Dragon, also love Shrek and Madagascar as the comedies they are.
Kung Fu Panda was a perfect blending of both action and comedy. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
It's true, most of my favorite animated movies contain some kind of love interest between two characters. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I agree with every word. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
@Jett I don't much give a crap lol, Ben only rates movies on animation standards. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
You know what, now that ive watched the trailer thoroughly, it does look alot better than the last one. The visiuals are alot better and more like the first one, with colorful, bright enviroments, the characters are more back to normal, and they have a new soundtrack.
Looks like maybe we won't be dissapointed this time. Why is March so far away... Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I know, right? Some of the animation still seems off but it's a lot closer to how the animation of the first film looked. If Crest keeps it up, hopefully A&O 4 and 5 will continue to improve on that. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
It's not too far away, yeah it feels like eons but were lucky that we get one every six months or so ranted then every few years over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Never seen either new one.. So, got nothing to add over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
Hey guys my bday is comeing up which is in February 5 and I was thinking someone chould photoshop me with Kate (from a@o) that would be great gift so plz do<3 just msg me if u want to Posted over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
hey, happy early birthday. sorry if i cant do what you asked, still learning photoshop :D over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Aww is k Humphrey :3 over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
K lol over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
There's an A&O 3 Gift Set on Walmart now, not sure what it will include but I hope its something awesome like a Runt plushie or something x3. It could just be bundled with the two first movies.

link Posted over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Hmmm, ny guess is something like a plush and the two first movies. XD over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
If I get as much money as I plan, I will be able to buy 20 over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Kate plushie would be epic, as long as she looked like from the first film. over a year ago
TaZkG3me said …
I love alpha and omega, I am a fan, it's two super good movie, unfortunately the French version is not yet in parru 2, ah yes just a small clarification I'm french and I'm using google translation not be surprised if the translation is some lousy little Posted over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Bonjour, et c'est vrainment regrettable. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
(I'm a boy) you mean really unfortunate because the film is not yet released in France? over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
Hi over a year ago
DevilsWrath said …
What's going on, and is that image of what I think it is O.o Now, about those of you who wanted me to write a teen friendly story, you win. I suppose this club needs to be cut off mostly from any sexual themes. Chriz and all the others who helped, let me know if you want a certain base for the series and I will see what I can do. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
base as in how it should start? because if that's the case then its up to you! over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Indeed, if we do it is to show that we are working on making this club teen friendly again. I just hope everyone can pitch in. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
So true. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Why is Humphrey coaching the pups and little animals during the Wolf Games anyway? From what I've seen on the trailer, it's mostly Alphas who are coaching the separate teams. So shouldn't it be Kate or Garth coaching Runt, Stinko, Claudette and the little animals? Lol Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Maybe the omegas are trying to show they are capable of doing more than just breaking up fights and having fun, or for all we know Kate could have her own side plot going on and can't coach. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
That is possible. With the rumored subplot of Princess wanting to join the Western pack, she'll have to gain Kate's trust because she's the new leader. over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
Back yay so anyone miss me? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
hey welcome back! :D over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Thanks lol is great to be back;3 also my b day is comeing up over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey Alphaboyz ! I missed you around ! xD over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Ya same here lone:3 over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny said …
I need to ask you wolves for some advice. A friend of mine just told me that they are a furry but other then me (who is not a furry) he had no one/ no where to go to find someone to talk to that won't insult/make fun of him because of what he has chosen. Any help? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Well, as a furry, I never met any furry in real life...But I live in a small town and that's what makes it hard for me to find furry friends...But online, there's a bunch of places where you can find friends. Here's a couple of them : & over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Thanks Lone. :) over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
If you remember that tv tropes website I linked on the wall not too long ago, turns out there's another page of it I just found one that covers all the characters of both movies too.

link Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 said …
Hey everybody!!! Posted over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
Hi!!! over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
Hey Bro! over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
heyy!! over a year ago
Litio said …
Seems like a hell of a lot of people here are a bit... Well sad? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Nope. over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Not at all over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Hello shit heads its the evil side of Joshua graham Andrew vonhause enjoy me while I last, before Joshua kicks me out of his body again. Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
GET OUT ANDREW! *2 identical copies of me start fighting* over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
*kills evil me* over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
._. over a year ago
Zoe_alpha_wolf said …
Quote of the day

"In all of us there is evil, but there is also light, shining in darkness" Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
hey you tole my quote over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
*stole over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
so you read my book of quotes for the day? over a year ago
Canada24 said …
Just randomly stating.. It's weird how movies they made, since I left Posted over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Forgot the word 'many'.. Probably important to mention, over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey I remember you x3 over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
.. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
For those who didn't know there was an Alpha and Omega video game, besides the DS one, I added it to the link section. Its pretty basic but serves as some good entertainment for a few minutes. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I play that Fast 'N Furry game when I'm really bored lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
cool i'm gonna play it over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I didn't know about that one ! Thanks for sharing ! ^-^ over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey said …
♂ + ♀ = ♥ Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Cool math xD over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Α+Ω = ♥ over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Even better math lol over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
kate's gonna b in a&o 3 for sure cause if u look closely in the trailer, u can see Claudette in the cave, smiling, so i'm pretty sure she was smiling at Kate. also Marcel and Paddy r coming back so why would they not bring Kate back? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
What makes you think Claudette was smiling at Kate in the cave? Could've been Humphrey, one of her brothers, maybe even Princess if she shows up. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
tht was just a guess cause who knows? it might turn out Kate over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Like Jimmy Tatro in Grown ups 2.. Still mad about it over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
oh um who is online if so please inbox me Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
hai over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Now I am lol over a year ago
Canada24 said …
I know I don't really go here anymore. But my birthday is in two weeks, and I just like spreading that, cause.. I'm bored Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Well, happy two-week early birthday lol over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Heehee.. Thank you. It's on the 11th over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Glad to be remembered :) over a year ago
pitbull101 said …
My team didn't make it to the super bowl and now am so depres Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
was it sea hawks or broncos? I didn't see the whole super bowl over a year ago
pitbull101 commented…
i didn't. see it over a year ago
pitbull101 commented…
NOOO wait does that mean the seahawks win over a year ago
Zoe_alpha_wolf commented…
whoa! over a year ago
pabloescaval said …
Unrelated but, who do you think is going to win the super bowl? Me personally, I don't even care but I want to ask you guys. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I don't watch the Super Bowl other than for the new movie trailers so I don't really care who wins. over a year ago
OmegaLeader commented…
I'm going for the seahawks! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Dont know dont care :D over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Since were all waiting and searching for new stuff about the upcoming sequels, don't forget Crest is making Norm of the North for a release in January of next year, the trailer of which could appear at anytime. And this will actually be theatrically released. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It looks interesting. over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day

"We wish we could remember but memories are just burdens of the old world" Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I love my memories, the good ones at least. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I make sure to forget the bad ones ! x3 over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
oh lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm so excited 4 A&O 3, i can't wait! but before that, at the end of this month, they're gonna give us "Swan Princess 5" in February. and i agreed 2 watch and review it (i know, i'm a fucking idiot lol) Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i suffered through the first 4 Swan Princess, now i'm gonna suffer through this... over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Hehe, gotta hand it to crest, they sure love making sequels over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
if u ask me the animation in Swan Princess 5 isn't good. i mean it may b better than the animation in Swan Princess 4 but still tht doesn't save it over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i think A&O 2 was also a box success Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I don't think that's possible since Alpha And Omega 2 was not a theatrical release. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
^ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
tht's wat i heard over a year ago
big smile
nicker11500 said …
part 25 of my series is done and posted I hope you wolves enjoy it and on part 30 I'm ending the series but I'm starting a new series following up from this one so I hope you guys enjoy this one :P Posted over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:

I've walked a lonesome road. Have you? Posted over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
I did, then took a right turn on lucky street :D over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
I was the one running in cycles of panic over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
see what I mean we all have haven't we? over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
I like how the trailer is re-uploaded and posted everywhere, we sure do a good job at distributing news as fans! Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
as well as promoting it over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It's no wonder how so far, the Alpha And Omega movies have been so successful financially. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Looks like King and Princess will most likely return. Look closely at the trailer and you'll notice that just about all the Alphas seen were part of the rogue pack from Alpha And Omega 2.
So unless they're just different characters with the same wolf design, what exactly would be the point of bringing back all those wolves and not King and Princess? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Well I really wish to know what happened to them after the ending of A&O 2...Specially Princess... over a year ago
sanman7 said …
So people I've been thinking my birthdays coming up and idk if you guys would like a present from me list that funny? My present is the love and support from you guys and you all are irreplaceable and your all legends of a kind in my eyes my gift is writing the stories you enjoy. My birthday is February second so let me know, Do you want a story from me on my birthday or no? Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Yes!!! And Awesome birthday! Mines tomorrow. :D over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
happy B-day Jenna! over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
no problem! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
The bear cub and porcupine are now main characters
Kate and Humphrey are now side characters
Are we in a parallel universe or something? Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
idk I guess over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
O_O I don't like that over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
true over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
hello guys and girls Posted over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Hey. :) over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey ! How are ya doing, friend ? ^-^ over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
Hows everyone? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …

Trailer's out. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
saw it, really liked it :) over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Looks better than last time. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
That's what surprised me... I think this one will actually be funny over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Is it me or does strawberry fanta taste like red bull? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Strawberry fanta ? I wanna taste that ! over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Me too! over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
yeah i kinda think it tastes like redbull sorta over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
For me the online price of A&O 3 on Walmart has been lowered to ~$19. WOOO $2 discount xD Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Online $18.96 List Price: $24.99 You Save: $6.03 (24%) lol over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Used to be discounted to $21 over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Alpha and omega 3 is $18.96 and 12.96 for the giftset :P over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
atleast over where i'm at is the price :P over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
I hope that in one of the upcoming sequels they will add or take the time to explain where Humphrey's parents are. I think it would have been cool if they made one of the movies be about Kate, Humphrey, and the pups all going on an adventure to find his parents. Maybe A&O 5 could be about that, but for right now it's unknown. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I'm continuing to stick to the opinion that Humphrey was an orphan found by Winston and Eve. If a parents storyline is never made, then Humphrey being an orphan is the most believable idea there is. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Yeah or got separated, I use the idea of his parents being lone wolves and placed him in the pack just so he could live a good, safe and easy life with no troubles in one of my stories over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Hehe I laughed at the part, one of the best "Oh you don't say?" moments I've ever seen xD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I'm writing an Alpha And Omega Valentine's special :3 Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Cool ! over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Very nice, debating on if I should do one as well. over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
same here maybe I could bring back judge or Jennifer from one of my older stories over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
(the story was never published) over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …

I found this pretty funny actually lol Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Haha I never noticed that page before over a year ago
darkwolf396 said …
Good morning everyone I hope you have an awesome day Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Awrooo good morning over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
good morning to you too and same for you over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Alpha And Omega 3 will sure feel different to me... I'm used to Kate and Humphrey going on journeys. This time though, it looks like the whole plot will take place within the Western Pack's territory. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Yeah you are right...I hadn't thought about that before... over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I think its a good thing, barely any time has really been spent in Jasper over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Well until the last five or so minutes, the entire film of A&O 2 took place in Jasper Park. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
True considering "Banff" was just the valley scene, when in real life Banff is quite a long ways away from Jaxper XD over a year ago
sanman7 said …
So gross but funny story so I was about to take my shower and my girlfriend Zoe walks in She's never seen my dick so she said from the angle she walked in it looked like a rosey cheeked man with a long nose staring at her WTF Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
HAHA!!!!! LMFAO!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
LOL xD over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
lol ikr over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I have a feeling that we may get something pretty big concerning Alpha And Omega 3 around February 7th. The third film is supposed to be based off of the Winter Olympics and coincidentally, the Winter Olympics begin on February 7th.

What do you think? Blu-Ray cover, trailer, maybe a clip? Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I suppose that could happen, usually announcements regarding movies happen on Tuesdays but if I recall they did release the first clip on a Wednesday for the second film. Its really only a matter of time, they could come out with something in the next hour for all we know. over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
I agree with Chriz, but in a sense seeing as how it does revolve around events tgey may have some a couple day before or after. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
We can expect anything anytime !!! We are so close to it !!! :D over a year ago
darkwolf396 said …
I just watched Lizzie took an axe last night it was good. I think I might write an article about it what do you guys think? Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
I know not everyone will agree with me but I think Alpha and Omega deserved this:
link Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Deserves box office success? Technically the movie was a success because they doubled their investment. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Yeah, the movie did well financially and went above the budget. So it was a box office success. over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
I don't believe A&O deserves this. However, I don't see how Frozen is that amazing. Then again I haven't seen it, so I can't really say anything. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
I meant more like significant succes, but whatever, i dont really know what im talking about over a year ago
KATExLOVERx7822 said …
Good morning every one :) Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
good morning :D Like your name over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
morning :) over a year ago
stella2014 commented…
hi Good morning. :) over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Morning ! ^-^ over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …
Three and a half years later... Kate is still pretty hot. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
She will always be hot xD over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
@slender Dont care. @sentinel NO SHES MINE!! I WANT HER I DREAM ABOUT HER!! :( over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
lol I wouldnt mind making love to her over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Watching Alpha And Omega just out of boredom lol Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Guess I'm gonna watch it too... over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
i am playing a game... over a year ago
thehumphrey said …
If time is money, then are ATM`s times machines Posted over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
*Stares blankly at the ground* Uhmmm..... over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
LoL over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
the skuff is confused over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
ok guys after 11 months, i finally get 2 post part 5 of my fan made Alpha and Omega 2 :) Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
possible run time 4 A&o 4: either 45 minutes or 90 minutes
run time for A&O 3 and 5 r 45 minutes again Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I hope 90 minutes. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
just cause we got a different cast, doesn't mean tht the characters were ruined cause they weren't. also, somebody told me tht they might change it over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
They need to bring in the original actors, except the ones who have passed. But, as long as they do not downgrade like so many movies before, then it should be alright. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
If you read the wikipwdia on A&O2, it looks the the sequel could have been amazing like the first one, and ccould have had all the original people, and a theatrical release, and then something went horribly wrong. Does ayone know what happened? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
it went through a lotta production scandals and got delayed over and over again over a year ago
DevilsWrath said …
Hey everyone, I should be on more and it has been so long since I have tead a story or voted on anything. Posted over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
Haha Welcome back, everyones always here to talk :D over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Ja, nice to talk to yah again. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey Devils :) over a year ago
DevilsWrath commented…
Hey Lone :) over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
This is cool page to check out if you feel like having a laugh or two, and now it covers both movies:

link Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I've seen that before lol over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Wow, thats prett detailed...and "a thriving fanbase?" huh? not really... over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It is quite thriving on Deviantart. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Never seen it on DA...fanpop has the best people, but facebook has more people...wich dont speak english... over a year ago
beastly_hutch said …
Well I deciding to leave this decition up to the people of fanpop. You decide weather I leave or stay on this site. The choice is yours an I await you and will not be affended by any answer. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
stay over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Well...I think you should stay... And I don't know why you keep asking this, that's a decision you should take ! If you feel comfortable here, stay, if not, then leave ! I honestly think you should stay, you can make a lot of friends here :) over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
stay over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i miss 2010 (don't ask me why, i just do lol) Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I also miss 2010... It was one of my best years at school...had a lot of fun... over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
wish i could back 2 tht year over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I only found out about A&O in december 08 2012...The movie was only released in my country in the end of 2012 over a year ago
thehumphrey said …
Time moves fast:
I spent 10 minutes trying to fix a clock yesterday.
At least, I thought it was 10 minutes. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
feels like ten minutes but then it ends up being an hour over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I really laughed now xD over a year ago
sexyomega said …
Ok guys! Been a long long while! How is everybody doing? And does anybody still remember me? Posted over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
and uh.. did anyone else this think A&O 2 was nowhere close to as good as 1? just a thought that it was way too short over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
wtf happened my keyboard derped anyways I remember you sexy and you too Pablo but the old me was the trashy me and I have changed that's why no one can know who I once was. over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
you should message me who you where i used to have a trashy me as well. and i promise not to let it be known over a year ago
Kingdom3 said …
This club still going? That is nice to see, haha. So how is everyone? Posted over a year ago
kingdom23 commented…
signed in on my other account. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey Kingdom ! How are you ? over a year ago
OmegaLeader commented…
I'm doing good, how about you kingdom? over a year ago
kingdom23 commented…
I am good, just thought I would stop by to see you guys again. It has been a while. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Stupid facebook. NO ONE speaks english, and google translate sucks. There are even more A&O people over there than there are on here. Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
So why is facebook stupid again? over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I don't understand that too... In facebook 80% of the Alpha and Omega Fans speak spanish... over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
So true bro. over a year ago
humpherywolf34 said …
I'M BACK! :P Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
hello over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Welcome back! :) over a year ago
humpherywolf34 commented…
Thanks. :) over a year ago
big smile
tehrealkatewolf said …
Finally got the first movie in 1080p, (yes this is a big deal for me) Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Now u can see how detailed the fur is, in HD!!!! over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
lol :D over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Should I watch the movie "all dogs go to heaven"? People keep mentioning it in animation-related things... Posted over a year ago
OmegaLeader commented…
Its a pretty good movie, I prefer the 2nd one but I'd definetly recommend it. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I watched it only once and I was too young to remember... over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It's a good movie. Sequel's better though because it sends a more positive message. over a year ago
Epic461 said …
Everyone, this is a VERY important announcement. I have just named my first officer on Star Trek online after Kate. Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
cool over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Hah, cool. Was it "kate wolf" or something? because Kate is a real name. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Cool xD over a year ago
Epic461 commented…
Kate Wolfe, I put the e on the end so it sounds more like a real surname when people look at my crew :P over a year ago
big smile
SweetHoneyBunny said …
After a week of delays and angry phone calls the repair guy finally came to fix our satellite. The bunny is back! :) Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Welcome back to the interwebz! over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Welcome back Bunny ! ^-^ over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
welcome back! :D over a year ago
thehumphrey said …
Sorry guys I was gone a while, I had a bit of testing to do :D Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Hi, I missed you! I thought you had left :( over a year ago
OmegaLeader commented…
welcome back! over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
Thanks everyone :D over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Can I still be a furry if I dont like anthro? I guess Im more into what they would call "feral", like how it is in the movie. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
You can. I was feral furry for a few months before I got into the anthro stuff. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Make it how you want to make it, I prefer regular looking wolves but the movies style is good too. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Furry is a way of life, we believe that somewhere inside us ( furries ) we hold a true animal ( at least that's what I think the definition of Furry is ). Feral and Anthro are actually the way you represent a character on drawings, stories and everything else. Antrho furry is the one who has the human anatomy with slight modifications, feral in the other hand, is the furry representation of an animal with his real anatomy. over a year ago
usedtobe2 said …
guys i really need anyone to rea the preview im making its gonna be with anthro animals with humans and i want to hav a horror, scifi, and lovable moments with the characters and everything im trying to put everything in place so if anyone can read the preview i have for you and everyone and comment your honest opinion your really helping me out so if you can thank you :) Posted over a year ago
beastly_hutch said …
I think I will stay for a little while longer but I don't see why I should because I'm hardly ever on this site Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
WEll...what sites do you go on, then ? over a year ago
usedtobe2 commented…
yea...where XD over a year ago
usedtobe2 commented…
not that i wanna stock u or anything >:3 over a year ago
beastly_hutch commented…
I'm on fan a lot and sometimes on the alpha and omega fansite and I' m also a very busy person over a year ago
usedtobe2 said …
oh god oh god oh god^^ (/^.^\) im makiong a new but that im ACTUALLY gonna try and finish on! its about anthros and humans in a new generation going into space since a crew ship has suddenl disappeared but found mroe than just a missing crew but unknown alliances and new threats i want it to be like a sci fi horror and have that feeling of dead space and halo together^^ Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
New story ? over a year ago
usedtobe2 commented…
book^^ over a year ago
beastly_hutch said …
I think I might be leaving fanpop but I'm still undecided Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Please don't leave. :'( over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey ! Don't leave ! Stay here , you are always welcome :3 over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
yeah stay here man we still want you here who ever you are but please don't you got more to see over a year ago
AlphagnHomega commented…
Leave, no one wants you here. over a year ago
lillyishot76 said …
It's been so long since I've been back here. It's changed so much. (If you want to know how old of a fan I am, I was one of the first 30.) How many of my friends are still here? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Well, hello there. I was here way back during early 2011. Wasn't even 500 fans here back then. over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
i was here about 2 to 3 years ago! ... my original acount was bran 65 over a year ago
AlphagnHomega commented…
You never had any friends to begin with. over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey said …
Where's the live Chat bar? :-( Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Was removed long ago. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I disappeared a few months ago. over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
I used to like it talk to other people and stuff; it really passed the time over a year ago
LexiMcCoia said …
Life Goes On, part 4 is up! Read it if you want ^-^. As always, leave a comment letting me know what you think (: Posted over a year ago
big smile
nicker11500 said …
part 24 of my series is done and posted and it took about 3 long hours so I hope it was worth it and its always has been so I hope you wolf enjoy it :D Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Lionsgate's sure being secretive about the DVD/Blu-Ray cover for Alpha And Omega 3. We know it's coming out in a little over two months, the first sequel's DVD/Blu-Ray cover was revealed immediately once it was available for pre-order on
Maybe they're actually putting some creativity into the film cover. Because with the first sequel, they took their time animating the pups and the background but Kate and Humphrey were clearly photo-shopped. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
No, Humphrey was photoshopped from a screencap. I have the screencap that Lionsgate cropped him from. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Yeah, that picture of humphrey is from the last scene of the movie, when he's howling with Kate. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Their just teasing us over a year ago
darkwolf396 said …
I bought alpha and omega2 the other night and i was not impressed, it was good but to many glitches, still in glad they made a sequel Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Gamer vocabulary xD over a year ago
Epic461 commented…
Yes, gamer vocabulary. I have it to. over a year ago
big smile
nicker11500 said …
part 23 of my series is done and posted after a hell of a long time but here it is I hope you wolves enjoy it :D Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
ok, nice work by the way over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
thanks over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate's tail is snugly! *snuggles her tail* :3 Posted over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
L0L over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
XD over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Went to the National Zoo today and saw the two wolves they have there, pic: link Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Lucky you! No wolves anywhere near me :/ over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I don't have wolves around too... over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Wolfy! :D over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
*unrelated* VOTE NO:
link Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hey guys Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey Timber ^-^ How are ya ? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
great ^_^ really pumped and excited 4 A&O 3 over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Yeah, I was REALLY excited for A&O2, but not so much this time. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Damn, never realized how good the OST was, especially "pre teen wolves", its just so memorable and goes with it so well. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Pre-Teen Wolves, Idaho Or Bust, Tails It Is, Love Train, Requiem For Kate and Big Finish. Best tracks in the OST. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
In my opinion the best tracks are Pre-teen wolves, Love Train, I've Had Fun and Requiem for Kate over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'd say they're all amazing! A&O had some of the best music i ever heard in a really long time over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I love listening to the whole thing, favs being love train, I've had fun, Idaho or bust, main titles, and wolfnapped over a year ago
SorenGuardian1 said …'s been so Long and I finally return to Fanpop....I forgot how much I missed you guys, here in the A&O club, gonna be changing my username, however I will post on the Wall with my new User soon after Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Welcome back :D over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
hello:) over a year ago
TheHangedPriest commented…
Damn it's been a while. You probably don't remember me over a year ago
LexiMcCoia said …
Life foes on part 3 is out. Stop whatever it is you're doing, and go read it haha. Leave a comment and you'll get a prop! Posted over a year ago