Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 81-90 of 21208

Kishin_Kira said …
So after some investigation, I decided to reach out to Steve Moore regarding something Alpha and Omega related. He hasn't responded yet and I'm not sure if he will. You probably know what I'm talking about but I wont say anything further unless he responds. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
So I spoke to the landlord about that racist lady and apparently, she's been a major nuisance in the past. I've only lived in this apartment for about 4 months now (I moved in early February). So I'm not sure whats going to happen to her. But the landlord assured me that I won't have to worry about her again. From what it sounds like the lady might be on their last nerve, so she might be getting a final warning before eviction. I don't know and its none of my business. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
All I know is that I was told to report her again if she harasses me and they would take it from there. So I'm just going to leave it at that. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Bravissimo over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Good boy! Here’s a Scooby Snack! *tosses you a treat* 😛 over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
lol Sentinel over a year ago
pabloescaval said …
It's close to being 10 years since I joined this club. I was in middle school when I first came here, and now I'm in college. This place was my childhood and it makes me kinda happy people are still here posting their post(?) here. I still think about the people I met here and wonder what they are doing. Anyways, enough of me reminiscing here, you people probably see this message once in a while lol. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Lol man I haven't seen you since like 2010. I was Red_Pyramid206. Most of the original members are gone except for me, Alphakate21 and a few other people lol over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Well I'm new over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Sup Pablo over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Eve: Not now dear. Mommy's in a rage.
Me: Mommy's always in a rage. Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I like that scene over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
This question's a little out there, but how was Humphrey able to have kids after hitting the rock in the river in the scene where they're chasing Marcel in A&O 1? I mean seriously, just how? Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
It depends on how hard you got hit. Let's say if Humphrey fall off a small cliff with Kate and landed on 'it,' he wouldn't have kids after that over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
thats a good question over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Also, I wonder how far they rode in the camper and how far they rode in the train. Because their journey home was over 650 miles, so either that camper has amazing gas mileage, or they were on the train for at least half a day. And if it's the latter, then how come no one had to go to the bathroom again. (I just realized, I'd be great at CinemaSins) Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Careful... Some folks around here don't take too kindly to people saying there might be a flaw or two in A&O. lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Good question, since this movie might be following that kind of logic, and IF it is, then it might be a good point. XD over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
Now that I've seen one of your videos, Bobsheaux, I understand that joke a lot more. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I looked up Jasper Park on Google Earth and I just realized how big Humphrey's lie was in A&O 2. There is no way, dude, that you chased a freakin Grizzly Bear from Alaska to Jasper Park. That's over 1,000 miles even from the Alaskan border. Humphrey, you liar! I'm gonna post a screenshot, too. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
........ over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I mean considering how Humphrey has ZERO combat/alpha training its pretty obvious that he's lying lol over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
I wholeheartedly agree. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
So that racist lady came over again today. She knocked on my door and told me that she didn't feel comfortable with me having guns in the building. I politely reminded her that the apartment does allow firearms as long as they are properly stowed in cases when being transported outside of your unit. I even showed her my safe how I keep all of my guns locked. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Still, that wasn't enough for her. I asked why she was suddenly so afraid of me and I am going to quote exactly what she said "Because I know your type. You are a white man with a gun and a danger to this complex. All people like you are." Of course this made my blood boil over but I kept my cool and told her to leave and that I would be talking to the landlord this week. I plan on doing so too. Racism of any race, even whites is not cool. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
So yeah I have to set up an appointment with the landlord to discuss her harassment. Again, I haven't broken my lease or anything. I don't care what happens to her either. If it bothers her so much that I exercise my 2nd amendment rights then she can pack up and move. I don't tolerate racism or harassment of any kind. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Vent away, sir. Vent away. (What a bitch) over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
There are days where I really fucking hate people. So I own several firearms including an AR-15. Usually they are at my parents house but since they are moving to an area with extremely strict gun laws, I figured it was time to bring them back with me to Texas. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
So I stripped down all of my guns (took them apart) and placed them in my gun safe which I loaded onto the back of my truck and drove all the way back to Texas. So after putting my safe in the closet I was relaxing and there is a heavy knocking on my door - its the apartment security guard and my landlord over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
We're all human. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Exactly over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I know why there are almost no pack members in the sequels. Isn't it obvious that Thanos snapped his fingers? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg. Haha. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
RIP 😂 over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Too important to Kane’s shitty stories lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
finally graduated college last night! :D Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Nice man. I'm just getting into College over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Way To Go! Congrats! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Congrats and welcome to the working world lol over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Welcome to hell. XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so y'all, how did you spend the 4th? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Working. I’m not big on fireworks and so on, unlike others. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Just watching TV. My dogs were scared of the fireworks and I was home alone so I couldn't really watch over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Shooting my next review, working (bleh), getting bloated on hot dogs (GOOD bleh *lol*), and watching Team America: World Police. ;D over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
I'm celebrating my Independence Day by expressing opinions which would've gotten me LYNCHED a few years ago! lol

Have a fun and safe holiday! Love you guys! ^_^ Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Hue hue hue over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Happy 4th! Let Us Celebrate The Little Bit Of Freedom We
Have! Go U.S.! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Alpha and Omega: Lionsgate's highest grossing animated movie ever (until the MLP movie in 2017)
only grossed almost $51 million worldwide.......

yeah, you can tell what kinda track record Lionsgate has with animated movies from that detail Posted over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Check out this fanfiction guys it's totally worth reading sad and Good at the same time. link Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
I agree that it is good. But it was kind of strange, you know those moments with Humphrey...sort of disturbing. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Just went and saw Jurassic World - Overall I thought it was great. Few minor disappointments but the ending really set it up for an amazing sequel. Sadly we've got a few years to wait XD Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg! I'm So Jealous! XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'll be honest: when we first saw King, he looked like he could be a genuinely decent villain. man, were we wrong! so damn wrong! Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
He was maybe the best villain in the franchise but that's not exactly a good thing here. He was a coward. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i guess Tom Kane's a coward in real life too over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
True over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
"I'm still pretty good at analyzing how something works I think."
You took credit for a picture about wanting to marry Kate, and you somehow expected the majority of viewers to NOT be sqwicked out by it. Your analytical abilities know no bounds. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Are you talking about the OP of the picture? That wasn't me, and I think the person tried to credit and thanked me for giving what I believed was the proper credits in the comments. I'm pretty sure the little backlash was directed toward the marrying edit because it's probably considered "weird". If you are talking to me, why? I gave out what I believed to be proper credits in the comments? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
When I said mod, I was talking about the Mario mod, not the text. I am sorry if I didn't quite say it right. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Yeah this place really is bad even more. XD I see "fans" attacking a fan for expressing himself of something harmless, non-threatening, and creative. XD For any new fans, I suggest not joining this place. It's not really a fandom if many fans are gonna get bashed for something like that Mario 64 thing for example. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
And I think the behavior I saw was part of the reason why this fandom isn't much active anymore. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Face it, it's a disagreement. When I argue against the argument, THAT IS A DISAGREEMENT. Get over it. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
And maybe even a disrespect too? Of course I'm not gonna respect those opinions posted by simply saying what I said. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
What fans wanted~ Humphrey’s parents, an A&O prequel, a Lilly & Garth spin off.

What they got~ Dinosaurs, puppy Olympics and clip shows. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
We didn't get what we wanted for christmas. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
We didn't get what we wanted for Christmas... TWICE. lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol. over a year ago
ben15delas said …
ok now its dead. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
whats dead? over a year ago
Zach-Coley said …
I'm actually surprised you guys aren't that amazed, if at all amazed at the fact that i have read the original Alpha and omega treatment that NO ONE ELSE HERE HAS SEEN BEFORE!!! But anyway. you guys obviously don't care that i have actually showed something that you guys actually believe is real BECAUSE IT IS REAL! BTW! I mean guys this is seriously big news! the treatment is sooooo different from the original film that we all know and "might" love? I'm not spamming! BTW! JSYK Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
If that isn't a big deal to you guys? then i'm not sure what is!? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Its fine. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Its Fine. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
I've Become Comfortably Numb.

Get The Reference? XD Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
can someone please look at this!!! linklink over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Don't Spam My Wall With This. I've Looked At It. Doesn't Mean I'll Comment On It. over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
fine! over a year ago
Zach-Coley said …
Hi guys here are links to some of the photos of the gift my friend Michael killey got from A&O's creator Steve Moore link and the front page of the Treatment for Alpha and Omega. Steve used this to pitch the idea of A&O to Lionsgate back in 2006. Check it out! Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
A film treatment in case you are wondering according to Steve Moore it is like a roadmap and the final A&O script was based off this treatment. over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
So the gift is a document from Steve Moore and it has a copy of the original treatment for A&O in it. That's what my friend Michael received from Steve Moore In Idaho all the way to New Zealand. I can't show you guys it though as Steve said he'd prefer that Michael and I only show the cover of the treatment and the message that Steve wrote to Michael. That's whatcha the links go to on fanpop. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Cool man, but do you mind not spamming our wall posts with your stuff? We can see your pictures from the club wall and will comment when or if we feel like it. Its annoying when you spam links on our posts. over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
Ok I was not intending to spam. I apologise if it is annoying. over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …
*Thanos snaps his fingers*

Brent: "Agnes, I don't feel good..." Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Thank you thanos! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
"That's because where i come from.... we eat... BEARS!"

Jesus Christ! i can only imagine poor Ben Diskin in the studio, saying that line and trying not to cringe his ass off. he was probably like: "oh my god, Tom! what the fuck did you make me say?" Posted over a year ago
ben15delas said …
If anyone here liked Myspace back in the Good old golden days here's an alternative. I'm on there a bite more than here. link Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley said …
Here's some very exciting news! My friend Michael Killey recently received a document from Alpha and Omega's creator Steve Moore! And it came in the mail today! All the way from Idaho to New Zealand!
The document is signed by Steve himself! The document is the original script for Alpha and Omega! It was written in 2006 and then pitched to Lionsgate! And it is interesting to read! I have asked my friend Michael to ask Steve if I can show some of it to you guys! Pretty cool huh? Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
Here are the links to the message my friend Michael got from Steve Moore link linkand the front page of the first original script for Alpha and Omega that Steve used to pitch the idea of the film to Lionsgate back in 2006. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Ok. I Caught A Male Cubone In Pokèmon Sun. I Named
Him Judas. Idk Why But I Felt It Fitted Him. I Looked At
His Nature And. I Died Lol! He Is NAUGHTY Nature. And
His Characteristic Is Thoroughly Cunning. XD Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Freaky Fred from Courage the Cowardly Dog "naughty...". over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Alpha and Omega is better than The Emoji Movie, 100%. Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Yeah, but that's like saying breathing is better than NOT breathing. lol over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate could've done better than Humphrey with a whole plateau of Alphas for her to choose from. Hell, she and Garth would have been the perfect power couple with their techniques combined. 100% hunts successful. Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
But no... she goes with Humphrey, and the entire valley somehow falls into such disarray that her entire extended pack just... disappears. O_o We see the occasional cameo by Humphrey's fellow omegas, but... where did the rest of their pack go? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Shakey never makes ONE appearance after the original. Neither do most of the background characters like the two Omegas that Salty failed with, or the female of the two Easterns who butchered Kate’s hunt. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Thanos may have snapped his fingers bob. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
With all honesty, I think Kate married Humphrey out of pity and for the sake of her sister because her heart had been broken enough. I don't even think the thought of kids even got into Kate's head until after she and Humphrey made love lol Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Think He Raped Her In Her Sleep Or Something. Lol. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Humphrey always reminded me of those kids in high school who thought they were such hard asses but in reality they got their ass handed to them by everyone. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Okay, fine, Kate was seduced by Humphrey's sexy howling... When does that infatuation wear off and how does she decide that he'd make for a decent father? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I think Kate married Humphrey because of the howl and saving thing. Which sounds like a nice way. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
"C'mon! what, are you kidding me? a great sportsman like yourself always knows a few ways to win the game"
~Humphrey, Alpha and Omega (2010) Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
From What I Hear Its Arguments Like Below That Kill This
Club. -_- Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It's always been arguments I lost somewhat Good friends over stuff like this. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Even though I did say troll, sadly some trolls are liked and are more serious when arguing. If a troll goes around sending false information to me, maybe I need to say it's wrong. And I still needed to say what I said when he went in to show how dumb his behavior was. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Also I guess the drama is over today. That's good. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
*says the words* "Alpha and Omega" and "YouTube critics". "Oh no, let's talk about a certain person, stalk his comments, talk about it, directly reply to the person, and even start replying to an old post years ago." Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
It's quite funny, no drama was happening on here. Then that guy comes in and starts it for the show. This is a fact. What a f***ing troll. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
"Why can't he just let the guy have his opinion?" over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
And if I did say my sentence right, ignore my meant comment. And I don't get what you mean if you were saying something else. I'm allowed to stand up for myself against false information. over a year ago
big smile
awsomegtax said …
I'm just going to quietly leave images here. I remember when this movie first came out, and I had a best friend who used to get on here at the time. We contributed so much to this club. Either way, I still love the film, but it took them too long to make a sequel, and by that time... I was uninterested in the movies sequels. Never seen any of them. But... I still love the movie regardless! Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
2nd and 4rth are only sequels worth seeing. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
2nd, 4th, maybe 7th. Rest of the sequels are a pass. over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
"I'm not talking about YOU, I'm just talking about works that are specific to you and no one else! That's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Why don't you try moving on with your life, like I'm doing as demonstrated by how I do literally nothing but complain about people I disagree with??" Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Oh boy here we go lol. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Wha? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
part of the rules* for this other part of a comment on this thread. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
pretty dead around here..... again Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yep. over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Ask, and ye shall receive. lol over a year ago
mattwolf199 said …
wow, havent been here in a long while Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Welcome back. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Lilly is gorgeous! Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Shes Adorbz! <3 over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yes! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
So I was in this discord server with my friend and some kid happened to be discussing alpha and omega and how Kate and Humphrey was the best couple ever. I literally just said something along the lines of "Personally I think Garth and Kate were better together as well as Lilly and Humphrey" and this kid goes fucking ballistic telling me to go hang myself because I didn't know shit. It was probably a troll but at the same time its hard to tell these days. Why I don't really talk to a lot of fans Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Though it wouldn't be the first time I've been insulted by an alpha and omega fan over something trivial. I really do think Kate and Garth should have ended up together and Kate and Humphrey should have just been friends. Humphrey's too immature and Kate's personality began to suffer because of it. She went from a no non-sense alpha to a complete pushover mom whos scared of her own kids. Humphrey and Lilly are literally perfect for eachother and would have had a great litter of omegas most likely. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
But anyway, thats really the reason why I don't associate with a lot of Alpha and Omega fans these days. Like dude, chill the fuck out. It didn't hurt my feelings at all, I'm just tired of that childish bullshit. Of course I know not ALL alpha and omega fans are like that but it seems like I keep running into more and more of them these days. Hell I wouldn't be happy if anyone acted like that in the BBA fandom or the Kingdom Hearts Fandom - and sadly, we have them too... lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I see Humphrey as the male equivalent of Peggy Bundy from that old 90's sitcom Married with Children lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Kingdom Hearts III dominated E3 this year. If they hadn't shown off those three trailers and dropped the release date E3 would have not been anywhere near that good (Though I did like Cyberpunk and The Division 2). CoD has been pretty competitive for quite some time now, but sadly I feel like Assassin's creed is getting the same way. Nintendo was extremely underwhelming. They put all of their eggs into one basket and a majority of non-smash fans were pretty bummed out. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
How Can You Say that when Re2 Remake Is On Its Way! Lol. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Oh I forgot about that! XD Yeah RE2 looks great also. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Saw A Little Demo Gameplay. It Looks Like They Are Mixing Up The Camera Angles Again. Which I Love. Im So Excited For It! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Idk why I said competitive when talking about cod, I meant repetitive XD. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Jenna’s WAY hotter than Kate ;-) Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Idk about that lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Yea Thats. Like Misinformation! Lol. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Ha.ha.ha. -_- Bad Joke! Lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I gotta be honest. I wasn't too impressed with Death Stranding. Nothing against Kojima at all, but I REALLY wish Silent Hills was still happening. That game would have been revolutionary due to the disturbing realism and of course, norman reedus would have nailed his role. Death Stranding, however, just doesn't seem to interest me. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Isnt He The One That Would Have Been The Main Character In The Silent Hill Game That Got Cancelled? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
To be honest, I wasn't impressed with E3 this year. The whole thing mainly felt nothing more than a random game meh event outside of E3 kinda. Nintendo was the last hope for me but sadly after, I still felt empty. Yeah yeah, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but I'm not that kind of fan much. XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Yeah Nintendo really put their money on Smash. this year. They were really underwhelming. I would say Xbox won E3 this year over a year ago
big smile
QueenWhiskey said …
Fallout 76 Sounds Great!..........but. It Sounds very
Disappointing. The Idea Of It Sounds Great! But The Way
Its being Executed Is Terrible. But Resident Evil 2 Remake
Look Fantastic! AND! Im Totally Psyched For Elder Scrolls
6! XD Posted over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
I'm with you on RE2 and TES6! ^.^ over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Those 2 Im Probably Most Excited For. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
96% rating for Incredibles 2. told y'all it'd be soaring! Posted over a year ago
big smile
awsomegtax said …
Whoah... How is everyone on here! Glad this club is still alive! Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Hello Nice to see ya. XD over a year ago
awsomegtax commented…
Heya! How've you been? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so, we'll be seeing official reviews for Incredibles 2 this week. and with all the universal praise it got in those early reactions, i'm pretty sure the rating's gonna be real high (around 95-98%) Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Guess Fallout 76 will be online, even for single player. The cancer of video games is making me want to quit gaming. It hurts thinking about that too. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Cancer Of Gameing? Really? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I have to admit it is kind of sad that now some single-player games require an online connection. Its almost as if devs think everyone has access to premium fiber internet. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Actually Area. Your Right. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Ok, i'm literally having a massive freakout moment right now. Aqua got turned into a fucking xehanort. Which means they can't rescue ventus. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
So Far E3 hasn't really impressed me aside from Kingdom Hearts 3 getting a release date (Jan 29, 2019). Though I expect it's going to get better once it really gets going. Posted over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
Watch them push it back even further at the last minute "Oh you wanted Kingdom Hearts 3? Nah we got something even better! Instead we push it back to 2025! And we bring... *Drums play*... Kingdom Hearts 2.69 Chain by Sleep!!" over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Fallout 76 Seems Promising. If Its Not Strictly Online It Will Be Promising. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
"how am i gonna distract an entire pack of big bad alphas?"
*not even 5 minutes later*
"they don't know me, as an alpha"

*facepalm intensifies* Posted over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox said …
Balto is WAY better than A&O IMO ^.^ Posted over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
Especially ADGTH over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
I think Balto is overrated. I mean it's kinda ok, but it's not as personalized like A&O is, and it didn't even spawn as much creative anthropomorphic activities in fan work as Alpha and Omega had. Plus I think Balto is a bit too different to compare anyway IMO.
But hey, it's fine to prefer it personally over Alpha and Omega too. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I forgot to say, some other people were making separate wall posts, so I wanted to as well. XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I'm with Sentinel as well! Balto is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Better than anything Alpha and Omega XD Posted over a year ago
big smile
QueenWhiskey said …
Just Played A Mobile Version Of H1Z1 and I Came Out On
Top. LOL. But I Cant Do Shit On The Actual H1Z1. LMFAO. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
How to Train Your Dragon 3 looks amazing! it's officially one of my most anticipated movies of next year Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Im So Excited To See It! :D over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Same over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
yep. i'm with Sentinel: Balto's WAY better than any of the A&O movies Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Indeed over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Balto is better than Alpha And Omega, 100%. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Errrr. Wouldn't Know. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
LOL Alpha and Omega is not that hard to beat. over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
You're not wrong ;) over a year ago
ben15delas said …
A&Q 2 was released 69 pages ago. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
On this club. If you look through the history. over a year ago
CinnamonWaffle commented…
Alpha and Qmega over a year ago
badasseli commented…
69? huehuehuehuehue over a year ago
xSexyKatex said …
Anyone looking for a new den? I think my friend knows some great places to stay. If you are interested. Alisha is the wolf to go to talk about them and stuff. I am a thinking about moving to another den. Posted over a year ago
xSexyKatex commented…
anyone want to hug me? over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Times change. over a year ago
CinnamonWaffle commented…
What if I had a rifle? over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker said …
Did anyone read Alpha and Omega fanfiction stories? Just curious. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Used To. Non Of Whats Being Written Is Worth My Time. over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Yeah sure over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
PM me over a year ago
Zach-Coley said …
Hey guys remember the email you guys think is fake? here's a link to a video and the room in the video is the SAME room that Arjun Madhavan was in! When he did a Skype call with me! Arjun was in front below the A&O poster in the video on the wall! I saw the poster in the Skype call! Arjun is from India and he sent me the email you guys think is fake like Timber Humphrey said! It's not from Lionsgate! Here is the link: link thanks! Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
Please watch the video the man named AK Madhavan he is Arjun Madhavan's father I did not meet Arjuna father though! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
He means "Gay" as lame. Like "Dude thats so gay" over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
ok WTF over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
People Need To Stop Being Whiney Little Bitch's About
Roseanne's Tweet. I'm So Fed Up With Seein' Stuff About
It. People Are Just Too Sensitive About Everything.
Fuck Over It!

Omg. Sorry But I Needed To Get This Off My Chest. :/ Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I feel like that tweet wasn't the only reason her show got cancelled. Hollywood tends to be hard on conservative actors/actresses and shows. There is just a genuine hatred for Conservatives everywhere. People keep getting them confused with the alt-right/neo-nazis. I've met a lot of conservatives in my life and they are some of the nicest people ever and are totally far from the racist assholes you see on the news. Just saying. Some of them even dont like trump. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
They Most Likely Don't Like Trump Because They're For Clinton's Sluty Ass. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Agree. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
how long was it since my last visit here? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
A year over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Not sure. But to be fair you didn't miss anything. Nothing ever happens around here other than drama over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
True. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
A Kingdom Hearts/Alpha and Omega Joke (Probably only KH fans might get this lol)

So two bears are eating a Dusk and one says to the other: "I taste nothing" Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Oh! OH! OH! I Say We Get Rid Of All Our Nukes And I Mean
Every Country Not Just USA And North Korea. And We All
Trade In All Our Guns For Bows And Arrows. For Old Times
Sake! Oh! And Swords Too! Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Never going to happen. There are too many guns out there for the government to confiscate them all. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
It's Just A Joke. Lol. over a year ago
WolfFreeland said …
Well I know it’s been a year ago since the Alpha and Omega franchise have ended. Rest In Peace :,( Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Indeed over a year ago
TheRadLilly said …
Hey ya'll Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Ola over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
Hi over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
hi over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
honestly, with the way it ended a year ago... i'm not gonna miss this franchise Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I don't think a lot of people will haha over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
TBH I'm pretty sure people outside the fanbase forgot about it after the first one came out. It seems the only people who were aware of the series were the fans over a year ago
xSexyKatex said …
So who regrets watching franchise? How do you think of it all? I don't really care much for it. But there are many other people who have different prospective view of the franchise. What you guys think? Just let you know that I have been watching it over and over again. I will figure out the puzzle once I keep thinking about it. I am just thinking out loud. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I don't really know how anyone can "regret" watching this franchise. Sure some don't like it, but what happens after? As for me, I don't like the sequels as much but I would of rather had some of the sequels rather than no sequels. I won't say having dino digs and knowing some human stuff is bad, but I do think they were still lazy a bit. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I was OK with the 2nd film because it obviously answered the question I had at the time of if Kate and Humphrey ended up having kids. Though I never realized how as time moved on the kids would get brattier and brattier and Kate and Humphrey would eventually turn into literally the worst parents I have ever seen. Have ZERO control of their kids and they constantly let them talk back. If I had control of this entire franchise I would give it a serious overhall - like start completely over from scratch over a year ago
xSexyKatex commented…
well at least something worth watching. If someone could have done it better version of it. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Been well over a year already since this franchise ended. No regrets. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Regret Wasting Time On The 8th Film. And On The 6th. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
and the third. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Fuck the third! over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
It's Not As Bad As The 6th And 8th. That's Why I Didn't Add It To My List. Geez. You Really Dislike The 3rd One Don't You? over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha said …
So anyone have find anything new? What's new? I liked to know if you guys feel like talking about it. Posted over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
any alpha and omega lore? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Nothing. Ben Diskin confirmed that the franchise is done over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
kate you did find what you were going to say? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hey Bob, i got a question for you:

the A&O sequels or the Swan Princess sequels? Posted over a year ago
LorMel said …
Need to decide where my happy place lies... Posted over a year ago
LorMel commented…
Fine over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
why is it that almost every time i come in here, this place's pretty much dead?
where is everybody? Posted over a year ago
LorMel commented…
life tends to get in the way over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
It could be livelier, I suppose, but I think most of us have learned by this point to not feed the trolls. lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Yeah, there are days where I just want to not come back. The only reason I come here is because the drama is amusing to me lol over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
I don't remember if I said this, but I think we need a proper blocking system. In this new system, when someone is blocked, it would prevent that someone from commenting on the blocker's content. Like many websites do. And we would have a rule prohibiting anyone who's blocked from mentioning the person's name in a place like this, and the other way around too. This might actually lower drama a lot. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I think sites like DA, Fanpop, and Twitter should adopt a blocking system similar to that of facebook. Where you block somebody they cant see you/you can't see them. Make it almost as if that person does not exist on that site. Would make things a lot easier over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Definitely! Then I Wouldn't Have To See Comments From That Sick Whiny Bitch. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I guess one problem is that someone who blocks may make bad public posts about someone, which in one case I think the person should be able to see it and report it if needed. I remember experiencing this issue with DA's outdated "user can't see blocked and blocker" system. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Kate's level of intelligence:

Winston: THERE IS ONLY ONE THING WORSE THAN A RAPIST! *removes covering to reveal the world Child above Rapist making it CHILD RAPIST*

Kate: A CHILD!

Winston: ... Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Well judging from the three kids they raised, is she really wrong? lol over a year ago
HyenasRAwesome commented…
That's so true, and YES A BRANDON ROGERS FAN over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
A bit off-topic, but have you ever seen someone bait a mousetrap, wait patiently for the mouse to arrive and take the bait, but when mouse finally DOES arrive, he just laughs at the guy and leaves? Hilarious. lol Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
? over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
I think Alpha and Omega would be awesome if they went on a magical adventure, even if it's another planet. Sadly some people don't want creators to make what they dream of and freak out anytime someone does anything other than generic realism, even if the creator explained it as a half cartoon or explain it more realistically. I guess we need another movement for freedom of creativity of safe and legal works. Kinda like modernism. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
We might even need a movement for modernism again. Considering some things I've seen. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Deleting My Comment Just Proves Your Losing The Argument. And I'm Not Stifling Jack. Because Your The One Tellin' Me That I Pretty Much Can't Post On Your Wall. I Have The Right To Protest Against Your Stupidity. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
That's a fallacy. Sometimes stupidity can be influenced to some others, and me deleting your comments doesn't prove you right at all. I'm allowed to say you should stop commenting, it's my wall, get over it. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …

Alpha and Omega in a Nutshell Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Plus it gives a great highlight to Kate's oblivious nature as a mom XD over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Just be happy it died before they could cross that threshold. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I mean with the dancing dinosaurs it kinda already did? over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Damm Oklahoma Gov. -_- Fuck You. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
what happened over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
It's no big deal over a year ago
CodyTheWerefox commented…
Mary Fallin is a bitch I will say that over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Doctor Strange: *throws Tom Kane in an endless time loop* “Tom Kane, I’ve come to bargain.”

Tom Kane: “You can’t do this forever.”

Strange: “In fact, I can. You’re in my world now, and that makes you my prisoner.”

Kane: “LET ME OUT!”

Strange: *reverses time* “Tom Kane, I’ve come to bargain.”


Strange: “I want you to quit writing these shitty movies and get a goddamned life.” Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Whatever happened to letting go of Tom Kane? Plus personally attacking the creator for a story one doesn't like? I don't even do that I think. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Can't take a joke? Seriously? lol over a year ago
boinormaly said …
........ Posted over a year ago
boinormaly commented…
wish crest would make another A&O movie splash just ruind it over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Welcome stranger over a year ago
boinormaly commented…
thanks over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
The sequels were ruined LONG before Splash entered the picture. lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
this place is pretty dead Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yep nothing exciting or New. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Imagine the first A&O movie but with an epic ACDC “Highway to Hell” montage that involves Kate having to deal with Humphrey’s silly shenanigans lol Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
When you say ACDC, I think of ACDC town from the Megaman Battle Network game series. lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hey Bob, which movie do you think is better: the first Alpha and Omega movie, or the first Swan Princess movie? Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Oooh, there's a conversation for my next anniversary video! ;D over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I’m just gonna go with A&O and the franchise as a whole because they at least stopped eventually when they did. Swan Princess doesn’t seem to know when to quit. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Did I? I think I meant the sequels. I know for a fact that i've seen the first one. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
is there any way to post the A&O 7 deleted scenes in good quality? Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
Try not using bandicam! I’m not being a dick or any anything thhere! It might work a step bandixam has bad quality video! over a year ago
WolfFreeland said …
I have great things to think about Wolves! Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
nice over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
great over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
May the 4th be with you! :) Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol! That's Bad Timber! over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
I uploaded my reaction on Stardust app for A&O1 and A&O2 so far Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm all for a A&O remake. as long as Splash and Tom Kane stay the hell away from it, it should be at least something worth watching Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I would watch it if they gave it a complete overhaul/reboot with designs similar to the deleted scenes, better voice acting, and just more effort into it in general. Go with maybe a completely different plot and give them an actual rouge wolf threat and not make King a big sissy like he always turns out to be in the end over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
I've made the suggestion in my reviews that Humphrey should take his role as a comedian VERY seriously. Kate thinks that he's just a slacker, and she expresses her opinion while they're making their way back to Jasper, but he puts her in her place after telling her how much the pack means to HIM as well, which is why he's risking it all to get her home when it'd be too easy to just settle down in Iowa. She recognizes the personal sacrifice that Humphrey is making for the sake of the pack, which she finds admirable. ;) over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And then they both assume their duties and stay friends, the sequels never happen, those evil corgis from hell never spawn. All is well over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Honestly, Zootopia is a very bad movie because it has a fox in it. Just because it's creativity, doesn't stop it from being ridiculous. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
You realize how very little sense that makes? over a year ago
yankeefan9239 commented…
Yet you started with him in the first place over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Victim blaming. The truth is, he did. I didn't do anything until he started it. Just becuase you don't like it when I speak something you don't like, doesn't make it my fault. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Just for shits and giggles I sent Splash an email asking about future Alpha and Omega sequels. Don't expect anything in the near future or even a response. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I don't think that company replies to any emails like that anyway. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Still, it was worth the try for fun. I dont expect anything honestly over a year ago
boinormaly commented…
wish they would over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm still seeing a few people here and there saying A&O's gonna be getting another sequel.... without proving it. i mean, come on. Lionsgate themselves should've let us know about that. it's been like a year since A&O 8 came out and we got nothing about another sequel. so it's pretty much official: this franchise is dead! Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
It'll find SOME way to stay alive... over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I think if we were getting a sequel we would have heard something by now. Its been a year since Bear Kingdom. Hell the next sequel should be coming out just about now over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
if Lionsgate really wanted to keep the franchise alive, then they should start all over again, from scratch over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
"I don't stifle creativity"
*dogs in space*
"That's a stupid idea!"
Wow... Just. wow... Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
In a movie where it's explained, or where it's not meant to be all realistic. Of course. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
And yet, it's still funny that you whine at me whenever I prefer a certain two-legged anthro over another. You're just another one of those hate agenda wwwarea type of people. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Deleted other one but adding a edited one: Great, another one of those "It's my opinion so I can say offensive things." people. You know what, you're also a hypocrite for not dealing with MY "OPINION" about handling yours. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Infinity War grosses $630 million worldwide, breaking Star Wars's record! Posted over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt said …
I’m actually amazed that this group has reached over 5000 fans 😂😂 Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I highly doubt that. So many people have multiple accounts and of course the number includes people that have deleted/banned accounts. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
If I'm going to be frank, I would have to say for the real fans there might be only a small handful left. This franchise is slowly fading into obscurity now that its safe to say that its done ( I mean, come on. If there were another sequel we would have heard about it by now) over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
Hahahahaha yea , I was one of the first in this group like 5 years or so ago 😂😂 over a year ago
Zach-Coley said …
Hey everyone!
Do you remember how I was going to go see Staples VR on the 27th of April this year?
Well that didn’t happen because Aliesha Staples (the founder and CEO of Staples VR) told me in an email that apparently something more important had come up and it was clashing with my meeting day! So I’m really pissed off, let’s just say! So now I have to wait until June before I can arranged another meeting with them! >:( Posted over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
This doesn’t mean A&O VR is not going to happen though! Besides A&O VR is up Lionsgate anyway over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Like I Said. I'll Believe It When I See It. over a year ago