Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 21-30 of 21208

Kishin_Kira said …
F for this club Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …

Alpha and Omega 9 is fake. I know the person who made the logo and edited the press release. It was all a big prank. There is no new movie coming out. Quit messaging me about it, and also leave Ben Diskin and Kate Higgens alone if you have been bombarding him with messages. It was all a prank and its not happening XD Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And no I'm not saying who it is because knowing how people tend to "behave" out of this I'm not giving out his identity due to safety. And for the record I had nothing to do with it really I just happen to know the guy. He's not even on here. So don't bother harassing me about it lol over a year ago
simba23a commented…
Why did he do it then over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Because idk he wanted to and thought it was funny? lol over a year ago
simba23a said …
Why I think that Tropical Vacation is really happing look at Family Vacation logo they look similar and it was found on the splash website before they took it down and for the leaks they took down two clips for the Big Fureeze then they leak it and I don't think now can make the logo in 5 minutes in photoshop see that why I think is really happing. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
It's not happening because I know the person who made the logo and the press release. It was a prank he decided to do. It's not happening over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I was playing along with it because it was funny. It's not happening over a year ago
ben15delas said …
*Spits out drink eyes go cartoon big looking at this club* Dead club is dead! Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
My dog is dying.......😪😪 Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Aww that sucks over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Sorry to hear that. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
She is some how still alive. Idk whats wrong with her. I think she had a stroke. She cant stand half the time. She shakes constantly. The day after i post this she acted pretty fine. Then started shaking again the day after over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
I ordered the Alpha and Omega Junior Novel last week and I got it yesterday. I'm honestly really excited to have it because I had a copy way back after the first movie came out and I ended up losing it somehow. I remember someone pulling an April Fool's Day prank by pretending that they'd doing a reading of the Junior Novel, and even though it ended up being a joke, it actually inspire me. I think I might try doing a reading. :3 Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
nice, I actually got all 3 of them over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Weird, I thought I posted a comment on that rumor post where there might be a chance of Alpha and Omega 9 happening, but it's removed? Or for some reason it didn't post. If anyone saw my comment there, I don't mind knowing. XD Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
This is my first time hearing about the fake 9th movie and while I'm glad it's fake, I can't help feeling a little disappointed, even though I have no absolutely no idea why. There's just something about this franchise that really digs deep for some reason. But I'm glad they're not taking a ninth movie away from me. Be honest, if Tropical Vacation was real, and if I somehow made my 9th movie fan fiction into a fan-film, how many of you would consider the fan-film canon over the actual 9th movie? Posted over a year ago
penguinsir23 commented…
l do consider fan film of alpha and omega over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
I actually hope to make at them into fan films. That's part of the reason I'm going to be an actor once I'm done with high school. Alpha and Omega itself is the other big reason. It had such a big impact on my life and I would like the chance to do the same for someone else. Plus, judging from all the behind-the-scenes stuff I've seen, it looks like you get to have some pretty good times and meet a lot of new people. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
I've thought about acting before. I think I'm too socially awkward. over a year ago
simba23a said …
Now A Few things that I have to tell you it about tropical vacation first some users saw the logo a month ago on splash website second how has any still alpha and omega 2 press release and now can't make a logo in 5 minutes so this I think it may still be happening Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
No, it’s fake. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
100% fake. If it were real, there’d be real sources. Like the Splash website, for example. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
LMAO dude I can guarantee you that its fake. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …

oh Bob, i'm so sorry you had to suffer through this.... THING for the sake of our entertainment. you deserve way better, man Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Yo, Bob, I love your reviews and all but I think this movie melted my brain over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so, there is no A&O 9.... thank. fucking. god! tho i do admit: that was a great troll. even i fell for it, and i did 2 videos on it lol
on the other side, Nick Confalone - one of the MLP writers - decided to shed a bit of light on the future of EqG: he's not sure if the franchise is gonna continue or if it's really dead, but he did confirm a bunch of new shorts coming real soon Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Idk if you guys saw = every now and then I check to see if there is any new leaks on Alpha and Omega 9 and it looks like everything is fake. So there is no Alpha and Omega 9. Posted over a year ago
penguinsir23 commented…
Thank god it's all fake l thought it was real last mouth we got troll for real and it better off this way well at least purpledragon02 can make it more better than splash over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
thank. fucking. god! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
did.... did Hasbro really axe the Equestria Girls franchise entirely without telling anybody about it? based on a tweet from one of the writers, the newest special Sunset's Backstage Pass... is also the last one.
so this is it, huh? no other specials or movies? no proper conclusion? Hasbro just wants to kill it off like that, and without even telling the staff? Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Omg. Fuck Hasbro over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
seriously, none of the people in the staff had any idea Hasbro wanted to end EqG without a proper closure. Hasbro did it completely behind their backs over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
So? over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Here I thought the franchise was long dead... Yet here comes Splash to squeeze another pile of cash out of the franchise. Shame... Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
Lionsgate signing the rights over to Splash was the worst thing to happen to this franchise over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
How much cash can they really GET from these movies? Sure, SOME of us HAVE to buy them just for the sake of tearing into them, but how much of a profit can they really be making from these movies? over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
They may see it as. Money is money. No matter how Much it is. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
They make a few cents per movie. over a year ago
simba23a said …
Has anyone has talked to Ben Diskin on twitter about this leak of Alpha and Omega Tropical Vacation Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
He may be under NDA and can’t legally talk about it over a year ago
simba23a said …
Now that Tropical Vacation Have press release that confirmed it real now we need some on to leak the trailer and DVD cover Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
And the movie. Lmao over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Honestly am I the only one who knows that a picture of a so-called "press release" like that isn't enough to be officially comfirmed? Someone might of made it up still, even if it feels convincing. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
@Kishin_Kira I think I was trying ot question if this is a real press release itself. Like someone could of made up a "press release", and acted like it's an official one. If it's official, then I'm very sure Alpha and Omega 9 is happening. lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
yeah, it's safe to say the 2019 remake of The Lion King..... is not good. i know that sounds like sacrilege, but it's the sad truth. it's yet another soulless, heartless and unnecessary cash-grab from Disney that only exists to cash in on the nostalgia of the original 1994 classic. hell, even the visuals can get kinda creepy at times, especially with how the characters almost ALWAYS have a blank stare Posted over a year ago
simba23a said …
What that really like in a sequel is Kate and Humphry get kidnap taking to a zoo and find a way to escape and get back home Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Maybe Lily will be in this one? That would be the only thing
That would make it Worth 45 minutes of my time. Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
You KNOW she won't be in it. And if she is, it won't be the REAL Lily. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Ik. I can Dream Cant I? XD over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
I'll dream WITH you. over a year ago
simba23a said …
Alpha and Omega 10 Alpha and Omega Sunshine Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
A&O 11 Goes To Mars! Lmfao. Or A&O 12 Finds Bigfoot! over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
A&O 13 Everybody Dies! A&O 14 The attack of the Demon Corgis! over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Before I found out about this place hella long time ago. I used to binge read A&O fan fictions before that I used to read Sly Cooper fan fics with Sly and Carmelita getting together. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Hell Sly and Carmelita make a better couple than Kate and Humphrey. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
what's next? Alpha and Omega 10: Kill the Franchise? Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Mark my words, a sequel where the pups are shot into space IS coming! *facepalm* over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Tropical Vacation will be the best thing since sliced bread. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
lol over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Heads up folks, that "Press Release" has a lot of spelling issues. For example, "Alpha And Omega", "Tropical vacation", "BLU_RAY", (Is it normal for shift to be hold down for "-" when intentionally capitalizing the word "Blu-ray"?), "Into" in one part is capitalize in a title.

Either a person making this up isn't very good at grammar. Or it's real and the official writers are not good at grammar. XD Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I've seen a lot of press releases with typos. I mean they fucking wrote it in comic sans XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Alpha and Omega: Tropical Vacation releases Oct 28 of this year Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And I have a PR degree, I've worked with press releases multiple times in my career. If they have a press release for it, it's pretty legit. I'm just telling you from experience. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Hell im waiting for an Sequel with bigfoot in it. Lol 10 bucks says at some point that will happen. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
for a brony like me, waiting 'til August 3rd to watch the rest of S9 is a complete pain in the ass, especially since the first 4 episodes of the season's second half were aired way too early in China, and there are spoilers almost every-fuckin'-where i go. but i can do this. almost there..... i can make it. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Ive been watching the leaks ^^ its about the only way i can. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
of all the episodes that have been leaked so far, episode 17 is easily the one i'm looking forward to the most. seriously, i'm so excited for that episode, i'm actually hoping and praying it's something great. but only time will tell for sure. i just don't wanna be disappointed over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
so how long we should search for more information about alpha and omega ninth movie Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm pretty sure that 4chan post was fake over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Hopefully. God knows we dont need another half-Ass Made Movie over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I bet they read this wall. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
even if Alpha and Omega does end up having a TV show of its own down the road, i'm almost convinced it won't survive past its first season. hell, even if i were to be generous, it'll probably get.... only 2 seasons max Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
It's a waste of money at this point. I'm pretty sure nobody outside of this club really remembers the movie at all. over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
I hope they do something better. I don't want some kind of lousy crap that they focus on. Could've been better if they showed us what happened after the first movie and leads to like how the rogue wolves are formed, but they ended the franchise over a year ago
Foch_F said …
Oh god this fandom still hasn't died LOL. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Not really a fandom. Its more like a hate club. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
A ruins im rarely on same with this site over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
I’m probably the closest thing to a fan on here :P over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Normally i hate shows or movies with a lot of singing.
But Mlp literally has Tons of catchy songs. Its kinda hard
For me to Hate them :/ :) Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Damn it, Weird Al... lol link over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
can somebody post the link to the 4chan post that had the supposed A&O 9 title card and synopsis? i'm planning on making a video on that soon to share what i think of it Posted over a year ago
simba23a commented…
The link to 4chan have been taken down sad but have save the logo of it on in my folder over a year ago
simba23a said …
For the Alpha and Omega logo leak on 4can have any one seen the plot summary it be really cool to what would the movie be like? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
“Everyone’s favorite wolf pack hits the road once again! Join Stinky, Claudette, Runt and their pals as they head down to the tropical paradise of Tokapa Beach for fun in the sun. But the fun is soon cut short when an undersea army plans to take over the beach and ruin the fun for everyone. You and your family are invited on this wild undersea adventure with new songs, and new friends!” over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Wow over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Lol. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Disney made Copyright too long, Disney tried to prevent Winnie the Pooh grave, and recently Disney denies a final wish from a dying little kid to have a Disney character on their grave. It might be safe to say that Disney is officially the WORST popular company in the entire world. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Well Copyright was already too long before, but they made it longer. XD over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Yea i just saw where they denied a parent who wanted to put spiderman on his 4 yearold's Grave. Like Seriously. Fuck Disney. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I feel that I should say that I am actually not sure if the little kid actually made the wish, but regardless that was still a messed up move from Disney. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Informational article on my last 3 fanfics is up.
link Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
one thing i noticed while watching Rainbow Roadtrip:

Pinkie Pie: "plus, we get to see the mayor give Rainbow Dash an award!"

that.... never happens. not even at the end. at no point in the special do we ever seen Dashie get ANY kinda award. i guess the writer completely forgot she wrote that little bit in the script Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I've got three more fanfictions planned after A Hero's Past. I know I said that Legend was going to be the end of the sequels but when I had the thought of "what if there was a psychological villian in A&O, I knew I had to make another story. Psychological villians are my favorite kind of villains because it's almost impossible to outsmart them. Take Grand Admiral Thrawn as a good example. I'll be posting an article explaining these (I mean it this time) final three entries in the A&O franchise. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Dude try to write a Norm Of The North fan fic just make it better than the actual movies. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so how was the 4th of July for you guys? Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
It was nice🇺🇸 over a year ago
WolfFreeland commented…
It’s was really Great :) over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
Happy Independence Day, everybody!

link Posted over a year ago
WolfFreeland commented…
I know I’m late to say it but Happy Independence Day to you too Bob ^w^ over a year ago
Itz_Humphreyyy said …
Oof. Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Awoo-oof over a year ago
Itz_Humphreyyy commented…
Ayeeeeeeeee over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
Just joined the Discord.I honesty don't know of I'm going to even visit it. I don't really want to get into it. Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
That’s cool man, do what you wanna do :3 over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Last night I changed my mind. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
That's what I thought. over a year ago
ben15delas said …
I bet PurpleDragon02 could write a better script than splash. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Definitely, We messaged back and forth about his stories. over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Fuck Canada! They gave us Their Trash! Take Justin
Bieber Back! Lol. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Jk. I do love Canada. But Seriously fuck jb. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hey! i'm half-Canadian! (P.S: i know you're joking, don't worry. this is a joke answer too lol) over a year ago
Alphamike123 said …
Alpha and omega now has an official group! Just don't send any inappropriate content there. Link link Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Um. Kool. But no thank you over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Happy Feet vs Norm of the north Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Definitely Happy Feet; it was actually good, and had talented VAs in it. Plus, I liked the songs. You know, it’s kinda like Alpha and Omega 1 in a way where you and your soulmate’s songs (or howls) go perfectly together, and I can dig that. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
The last song in happy feet. (If I remember Correctly) id A Beatles Song ^^ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm pretty sure TODDLERS can come up with something better than the shit Splash did over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
false alarm, folks! Joey-O is alive!
the whole "he passed away" thing turned out to be fake since somebody hacked into his account Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
That was fucked up. Cant believe some one would do Something so sick. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well, today we lost another brony YouTuber. RIP Joey-O. we'll miss you :( Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
This week has just been the worst. :"( over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
I just saw that there is rumors that he might still be alive. Omg Im praying that is the case. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
He Is Alive! I think he got hacked. Trying to watch the video now. over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Omg.......i was on tweeter when i found a tweet. A tweet
From A MLP Youtuber. Named Joey O. He Created
Some mlp Content that i loved. Many others loved.
Called Pony Meets World. Earlier Today He Was
Rushed To The Hospital. 2 Years ago he was diagnosed
With Cancer. Last i Remember is that he had Gotten it
Under control. Just Recently While on tweeter i see a
tweet From his Account. Basically Saying He Has Passed.

Im Hoping this is just some sick Joke. If its not. Im so
Sad! Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Nvm. It seems that he is Dead...............:""""( over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
So let's review... In Dino Digs, the pups made a stink over how they're WILD ANIMALS, so them living in an artificial habitat is just plain wrong. Now it's looking like there might be a movie in which they partake in a TROPICAL VACATION? Whatever they're smoking at Splash Entertainment CAN'T be legal... Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
that whole studio can't be legal with all the shady, con-artist stuff they come up with over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
10 years ago, we lost the King of Pop

#ADecadeWithoutMichaelJackson Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Not a Huge fan. He was a dick to Paul McCartney. He was how ever a Talented Musician. I won't deny that. over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
Hey, hey guys, look what I made: link Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Wow, it looks pretty good! :) over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …

For those who were wondering. This is the link where I found it. It doesn't say much tbh. The plot summary was found on a different thread which I can't seem to find anymore. Sorry guys, but this looks legit on my end. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Trigger Warning: There are people bashing the post because... well its 4Chan. Just saying. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Safari said that the address was invalid. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Ah alright. XD Sadly to me it does look very legit. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Ok, who got my post deleted? Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
He who shall not be named. Lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I don't think it was anybody. I think this website is so broken due to neglect by the admins. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
i aint sure if i asked this question a long time ago, but what would you guys think of a Alpha & Omega and Balto Crossover, and would you prefer seeing it in A&O Style (3D) or Balto Style (2D)? Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Maybe Balto-style? I feel like maneless wolves would be a little weird in the 3D artstyle over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
just what I was thinking over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Hold on just a moment this is gonna be fake there's no way they are making another movie because remember back when I question Ben Dising the voice of Humphrey he said eight is the last one Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Unless there's new voice actors over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Or maybe they change their mind. Or maybe he thought that the 8th one was gonna be the last. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
Alpha and Omega was good up to A&O4, then I believe the ones after just got meh Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so..... I just read the supposed synopsis for A&O 9...... KILL ME!! Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
If kate or lily isnt in it. Im not even bothering. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I found some more proof of alpha and omega 9. A user on 4chan leaked the logo. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Is it alright if I can ask for a link? over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
This might sound weird but whenever I sit down and try to write about Alpha and Omega, I always end up procrastinating by watching wolf documentaries. I dunno why, though. Maybe it's my way of getting into the zone Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Lol you'd be better off using them as a ref instead of the actual movies XD over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Lol that’s true over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
wait.... Norm of the North 3 and 4 have the exact same story. seriously, i went on to Splash's website, and both these abominations are the exact same damn thing.... no! no, they're not gonna splice these two "stories" into one movie like they did with the second one.... right? i hate you with the fiery passion of 1000 burning suns, Splash! Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
@$@%!%@:$, Lol. Jk. For the love of God I hope this isn't
Happening. They Missed every chance to Make A Great
Sequel. Now it would just be a waste of money for them.
So why bother? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
true over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
I...honestly kinda wanna see if there is an Alpha and Omega 9. I guess I'm just that much of a masochist, or maybe I just have a tiny shred of hope deep down inside me that the writers at Splash have seen all the Alpha and Omega videos on Youtube and realized, they needed to get their shit together. Just kidding it's the first one lol over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
wish it happen tho over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Please, no more Alpha and Omega movies. Let this mediocre franchise die already over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
I'm still the king of the forest right? Well I must be, since I dont see any other brave wolf pups around here Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
yep you're still it over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
oh good, at least i know the forest is still my domain over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
Just make sure to be home in time for dinner, eh, buddy? Your mom might get worried. ;3 over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
So what did i miss since i've been away for a long time? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Not much not much at all over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Mortal Kombat vs A&O lame sequel characters we hate so much I see a lot of blood and gore happening. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
and norm of the north over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
its been so long, i really gotta keep checking back often Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Welcome back dude Good to see ya :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
on a side note: after 9 years of hard work and great memories, production on MLP: FiM finally comes to a full close. Jim Miller put up a 6-page goodbye letter thanking everybody at DHX and.... it hit me right in the feels. i legit teared up reading it
link Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Ive seen that there Actually might be a second Sunbutt and Moonbutt Episode. XD this could possibly be the best season. (IN My Opinion) so many great eps. Why does it have to end?!? D: over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so Kishin told us about something that could've been listed as a ninth A&O movie over at Splash's website...... that had something to do with a beach...... i really hope that was a prank by Splash..... but then again, they took it down almost immediately, so i'm not sure if you'd call it a prank Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
There is no evidence that there even was an Alpha and Omega 9. Not to sound mean to anyone here, but it might be possible the claim was a lie to get a reaction, or the person is serious but might of mistaken, or he really did see it. I looked all over Splash Entertainment, url editing of already existing Alpha and Omega pages, checked Facebook, and still got no sign of a 9th A&O movie. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
it is over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
maybe they didnt want us to see it over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
I saw a lot of talk about Splash Entertainment’s website so I went to check it out for myself. I didn’t realize they made so much weird shit. I also didn’t realize there were Norm of the North sequels (and one’s called family vacation? Wonder if they passed through Jasper ;)) Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Their entire marketing team is a joke XD over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
their entire existence is a joke XD over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
XD over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
Yo, what up, nerds. Been a while since I’ve been here. ;) Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
OH SHIT WHERE YOU BEEN over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
You know, just hanging around, going on vacation...a FAMILY VACATION DOHOHOHO over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Just Watched Godzilla King Of The Monsters. 10/10 Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Splash's entire website is a fucking joke. it's like they don't even know how to manage it properly Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
the company is a joke over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Humphreywolfman a.k.a wwwarea, give it a rest already Splash Entertainment is a joke of a company, deal with it. Funny how you say the fanbase(what ever is left of it) is a joke, yet you're part if this fanbase. Are you're saying that you're a joke as well? Also, it's called OPINIONS, don't tell me that you're shilling for Splash Entertainment? over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Also, why do you keep saying legal over and over again? That word you keep using is losing its meaning. Seriously stop saying legal all the time, it's redundant 😑 over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
I actually wanna go see Yesterday when it comes out.
It looks Really good. Especially something as Kinda
About The Beatles. Well their songs.

#GreatestBandEver Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I just went on Splash's website and saw something for Alpha and Omega 9. I was about to take a screenshot but when I came back it got deleted. I saw something about beaches...

FUCK Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Oh hell no over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I'm not over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
..... i really fuckin' hope that doesn't happen over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
MLP: Rainbow Roadtrip is only 2 weeks away, and Hasbro still hasn't put out a trailer yet. but, on the plus side, they did tease us with these 2 preview screenshots yesterday:

link Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Looks Great!. Oh have you seen Best Sisters Play? Look it up on youtube. Its Funny As Hell! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yeah, i saw it XD 2Snacks nails it again lol over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Ikr? My Favorite is The Fallout 4 XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Frozen is a good movie, but it's also overrated. and don't get me started on its theme song. we're in 2019, and i still hear that shit to this day. but Frozen 2 definitely looks like it's gonna be a pretty solid movie Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Good to hear over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I just realized that it's been exactly one year since I first came up with the idea to write my fan fiction about Humphrey's parents. It doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. How time flies Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
should have done it eariler over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
I swear it feels like it's only been a couple of months. I'm super excited for the 10 year anniversary because first of all, it's a great excuse to do an all day marathon and second, I can finally release my prequel fan fiction on here. I've taken a little break from that because I'm fixing a couple things in the other two. The biggest thing I'm changing is how Humphrey gets stabbed. The way he gets stabbed originally isn't his character. He's not a vicious character and that's how I portrayed him and that's not right. So I'm going to change the circumstance a little bit. I already made a big addition to Chapter 9 of Missing Parents and I added some stuff to Chapter 1 of Legend of the Peaceful Warrior so that the story that the wolves tell in the den is more accurate to what happens in A Hero's Past over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
2020 alpha & omega over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Frozen 2 definitely looks interesting Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
better than the first over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Looks like Frozen 2 focuses on how exactly Elsa got her powers. Exactly what the fanbase had been wanting. I’m honestly interested.

Gotta chill out with the singing though. No pun intended. I don’t mind songs because Disney was brought up from the ground on singing, but the first Frozen had one too many filler songs. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
first was annoying I was a high school freshmen that time over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Hell im game. Ill Try almost anything once. But the first one was annoying. It was very Overrated. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm surprised this place is still active Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Kinda over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
im hardly here over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Same even tho I;ve had Good and bad times here over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Maldita sea, mierda! I Fucking Hate Mondays Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
I have a ton of respect For Those who serve In the Military.
I even wanted To be in The Army. But now. Its not worth it.
Cant get a job. It your injured Your basically Ignored. Or
Simply not helped. So many store wont hire them out of
Protest against Trump. (Starbucks). So Simply put.

They hate you till they Need You.
I say Fuck all of those people. Id just let your sorry asses die.

#ThisCountryIsAJokeAndALie. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
My grandpa that had lived right next door to me served in the navy. I saw him every day for years. He died not long ago at five in the morning. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Sorry to hear that. May his soul find Peace. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Shit they are against everything he does. Plain and simple. Lol. Their IQ is Literally 0 over a year ago
LorMel said …
I'm in college now Posted over a year ago
ShadowxSonicd45 commented…
Congrats!~ Thanks for the memories! <3 over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so i watched the new Godzilla movie. it was okay. pretty much on par with the 2014 movie in my eyes Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Really? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
From what I’ve seen and heard, the Godzilla sequel is everything 2014 should’ve been. Monsters, monster fights, no cutaways just as the fights begin, and the human element takes a back seat like it should. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I watched Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom last night. I think splash outdid themselves this time. Best movie in a while. Posted over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Ikr? The first movie was a masterpiece too! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well, looks like the new Godzilla movie is another case of sequel-itus Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Lol how? I've heard nothing but amazing reviews so far over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
I want to watch it so Bad! D: over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Agreed over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
from what i've heard, S9 has a great mid-season finale. god, i hope that's true Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Ive seem all the Episodes that have been Released early. The last one i have watched was fucking Awesome. Probably my Favorite over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
E3 is almost here... Whoooo. >_> Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yay! Ya! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I honestly don't have too much to ask for this year. Some new stuff on the KH3 DLC maybe, a trailer for Metroid Prime trilogy on Switch, and supposedly Respawn is working on something Titanfall related even though they are focusing on Apex Legends so I would like to see what that might be. Other than that... surprise me. over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Stop hiding my comments, you coward over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters looks better and better every time I see a new ad for it, plus the musical score is amazing. Kinda wish they’d held back on some spoilery things though, myself being a longtime fan of the franchise. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Same. I grew up with all the Old Movies. This is the movie ive been most Excited for. over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Princess Celestia...........Scared Of Chickens? Lmfao. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Hayden Panettiere’s boyfriend was charged and arrested for domestic violence. In simpler words, she was receiving threats and probably worse than that. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Bastard. over a year ago
mightzombie12 commented…
JazzyJazz98 what the made up sequel is about going to war with the rogue pack in your dream? over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 said …
I had an Alpha and Omega dream last night. It was about a made-up sequel about Kate going on a journey with some other Alphas (I don’t remember where they were going or why, though), and there was this side-plot with Humphrey feeling really insecure about being Kate’s mate since he’s an omega and not some strong alpha. A lot of the minor details are fuzzy, but there’s one thing I do remember: I didn’t see a single pup in sight. ;) Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Lol. Does sound like a dream. Lol over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
That would’ve made a better sequel than the ones we got lol over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Is that where we are? Fans are coming up with better stories IN THEIR SLEEP?? *facepalm* lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
John Wick: Chapter 3 was AWESOME! :D Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate’s a Nacho girl... in a Taco world! Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Taco girl in a nacho world XD over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
This is not the first time i have seen something about Kate and Tacos. XD. I don't get it. Lol over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Oh. Lol. over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Omg. There is a batgirl trailer. Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
BatGIRL, or BatWOMAN? Because they're two very different characters. over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Shit. I forgot that there is a batgirl and Batwoman. I meant Batwoman. over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
It's going to fail over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Lionsgate owns A&O. Lionsgate owns John Wick. Ohh, the possibilities!

BANG! BAM! BOOM! Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Kills all of the alpha and omega characters XD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Humphrey kills his puppy. DEAD. over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
You serious? over a year ago
big smile
TimberHumphrey said …
John Wick: Chapter 3 is coming out this weekend. i'm pumped! Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I need to watch the first two movies back-to-back really soon. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Parabellum was just fucking fantastic. over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
Hey all. We like to joke about how inept Kate and Humphrey are as parents, and how Lilly and Garth make for a far more compelling couple... If I could steal a few minutes of your time, let's talk a little about me and Raven, and how we're trying to get together for our 5th anniversary. ^_^


Stay awesome! Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 said …
Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need
Is this the world we created?
What did we do it for
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law
So it seems in the end
Is this what we're all living for today
The world that we created Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I post A&O content, I get flagged. OK. Posted over a year ago
JazzyJazz98 commented…
It be like that sometimes over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
It's because you're gay xD over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
And you are...? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I watched Nostalgia Critic’s review of Balto 2 a few days ago and you know what the scary thing is? I think Humphrey’s a better dad than Balto. Posted over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
What??? How?!? Lmfao over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Balto sleeps through most of his pups childhood, flat out tells Jenna that nobody will ever love Aleu while Aleu i sleeping literally right next to them, Aleu literally drowns at the end and Balto is just like "OMG YOU OK?", and he doesn't even really attempt to stop Aleu from running away. I could probably go on XD over a year ago
Imagine7197 commented…
Wow. Has it really been that long since i watched Balto 2? Damn. Thats Sad. Lol. over a year ago