Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 251-260 of 21209

Kishin_Kira said …
Lol its funny how you bleep out the name of the spurz site. There is only one other real fansite. Its pretty obvious. Heres the link even

link Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
But OMG OUR SECRET IS OUT! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
No, its not, its pretty obvious since this place and that site are the only real fan clubs in existance over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Share it with your friends too! :D The more the better hahaha over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
So why would you like to see the club die slowly? It's kinda rude because there are still people that like this club and/or the franchise, Kish. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Because it should have died long ago. This whole franchise should have died a lot time ago, but like with anything, they have to beat it with a dead horse and keep it alive. The activity on here is nothing compared to what it was like in 2010,2011. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
This place gets trolled constantly, there is a major fight like every other day, people just taking things way out of context. Its a never ending shitshow with this place. It has it's intermissions but soon it just starts up again. I over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sorry, troll, to say that it won't end up that way. You are failing. It's been months and there are still people on here. Sorry, but you failed. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Anyone home? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Me over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha said …
Hey um anyone up for some role playing with me? If so I will pm you if you are interested. Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
(Hope people knew that) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have some good stories to RP if you want to, @AlphawolfAlisha over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
okay so where are those of stories you want me to role play? @AlphaClub over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
I will report all you trolls no matter what it takes Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
It's probably time to move on to greener pastures. There will be plenty other places where we can actually enjoy the characters of alpha and omega. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Actually not really XD over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Actually there is. But I'm not sure why many focus on this site more than the other. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Spurz site you mean, club? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Lol this club will never change. Its kinda fun watching it die slowly. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
It hasn't changed in the past 5 years and dpn't ever see it changing lol over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Where the hell did my comments about being called a retard go? They were all deleted.... Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
It's not possible so that's a plain lie, sorry to say but you aren't that good at what you do :) over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
I am not giving up Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
What happend to LoneOmega? Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
They all left due to the trolls that just started showing up. I honestly don't get why people still hang around here. This place has been doomed for years and should just be deleted. Idk why the admins think it's worth keeping alive over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
@Kishin_Kire - It's because other people care about the characters and likes to talk about them. You may not care about them, but they are special for other people and likes to talk about them. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Plus, we should never depend on what other people think and delete something people find great for them just because of what trolls want. So no, it shouldn't be deleted. Bad stuff may come, but there are far better solutions. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Idea: Just ignore the wall. Bonus, if the need to look at the wall, just pretend the troll posts are just random ads, and ignore them or something. It's not so hard.
Reporting may work too. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Really doubt that will work. Besides, the wall is where we go to socialize. Fanpop used to have an IM system called meebo but they dropped it after meebo was bought by goodle over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Meh, I'm not really a furry per say. I don't do conventions, I hate fursuits, and I don't really associate myself with other furries. My icon is the mascot for youtube channel. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Mikey's a nut, what do you expect? over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
" Hello...Is there anybody in there?...Just nod if you can hear me...Is there anyone home?" Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Well, it looks like there's no one left but me, kishin, barely ever ares and them. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Lol this is great Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
....... over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Are you actually happy that this is happening? Do you have something against these people? over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Well, I guess it's down to us now. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
And there goes another one. Posted over a year ago
LivialovesU said …
Well I'm done too guys. :( Thought this club would be fun I guess not.
Bye.. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Good don't come back. over a year ago
LivialovesU commented…
Fuck off! over a year ago
LivialovesU commented…
He just hates me. I'm use to it. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Oh, there's also this with me and Zantubr (AKA Alphaclub). link Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
I might be on less often. Here's a group where you can keep in contact with me and Cpuds. Thankfully, unlike fanpop, this one has a better ignoring function. link Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
And there goes two. Does it bring pleasure to you to ruin other people's fun Donald_Trump, AKA MRMC/MRGHOSTY? Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Lol MrMcPancake dosent even come on here anymore XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
pat yourselves on the face, trolls! you're destroying what used to be one of the best and most popular clubs on this site. you got what you wanted, and i hope you're fucking proud! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm really sorry guys, but i can't do this anymore. i'm done, i'm out! peace! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Dumb fuck. You think you're funny? If you were in real life I'd give ya a punch on the face a few times. That's right, piece of shit. Stay behind the safety of your display. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm sorry to say this but: this club's turning into one of the worst and most broken clubs in Fanpop, and it used to be one of the best! why can't we go back to the old days? is that really too fuckin' much to ask, you dip-shit trolls?! ugh, i'm done! i don't think i'm gonna be on here anymore till all this bullshit finally ends Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
It's been the most broken club on the Internet for the past several years. I never thought I would find a place that gets trolled more than Balto source but wow this place proved me wrong. I don't even know why the admins brought my account back. I didn't even want it over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Well Donald_Trump, or is it MRMC or MRGHOSTY? Anyway, you just ran off one of our active users. Are you proud of yourself? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
This is ridiculous. This isn't an Alpha & Omega club anymore, it's a 'spam, hack and call people names (that are highly offensive) for their opinion' club. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm not going to sit here and let someone I thought was a friend call me retarded for having my own opinion. That's like calling someone retarded for not liking a certain food but you do. Get the fuck over it. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
It said that some cybercrime spams can actually track a persons ID Or adress over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
"I didn't call you retarded for god's sake. Opinion isn't fact. Fact isn't opinion. I don't know if the rager thing is Fact or Fake. Just please tell me the truth. Are you truly a rager, or are you not." YO)U didn't call me retarded... Kishin did. I am a 'Rager', but it has nothing to do with actually raging or being mad. You still don't know what it is. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I really hate how you try and say that the rager doesn't exist or that I'm not one. Because you don't even know what it is. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Whoever is doing all this hacking shit needs to go. They're doing it to Quotev now, too. I bet Google is next. I'll be damned if Google stays out of it completely. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
great! now this wall's turning into a wall about politics. who the fuck gives a flying shit about Donald Trump? this is a ALPHA AND OMEGA wall! i mean, what the fuck is wrong with this club?! it's making me wanna leave for good Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Exactly. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
And I hate to be rude but it doesn't help when Kishin went on and did a pro Trump #, which aslso seems to have triggered the troll called Donald_Trump to spam about it, which doesn't help. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
"...I'll just..." *backs away* Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
And now I see why some websites (maybe) don't allow discussions of politics. Some people here are kinda forcing people to believe that Trump is the truth with no clear evidence and possible ignorance of past, and some supporters are just turning this entire wall into a politics war. There are some insults too. Seriously, most poeple don't want this. - I wish discussion of politics was not allowed in places like these. In fact, it's considered off-topic so it could turn to spam maybe. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah I went a little overboard with arguing about why I don't like Trump but this needs to end. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Shadow1997 commented…
Yays!!!! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
xD over a year ago
MVG commented…
Hell yeah over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I have a RP idea if anyone wants to. Just PM me. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Private Message over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
So like, message me over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Quotev isn't working if you read that PM and went on Quotev over a year ago
Shadow1997 said …
Just got back from watching batman vs superman.
And I loved it. Idk why people hate it. People be to damn
Unappreciative. Posted over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha said …
My brother was so tired after he had been drawing and now I am going to take over. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
sorry i haven't been on here a whole lot, guys. it's just that i've been really busy in rl with school and family stuff Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm gone evry other week over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
I will be able to draw forests and caves. And maybe even some more wolves I might do draw. Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
Annakian and alpha's characters are finally posted .come and check it out. Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
I can't do much but I did it for you guys. now how about some epic scenes? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Scenes of what? Also, thanks! :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh, IDk then over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
#Trump2016 Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
No over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Anyone who votes for Clinton is retarded. End of story. And shut the Internet down? Seriously? How absurd is that. Just another lie crafted by the left winged progressive media over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
So I'm retarded for my opinion. Nice one. How immature can you be...? Seriously, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I don't call you retarded for liking Trump. Actually, the whole 'shutting the internet down' was something that was actually true. You see, candidates like to make things like that (even the dumbest things) just to gain as many votes as possible over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
YAY MRGHOSTY IS GONE! :D Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
He not gone his account is not delete over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Check his account over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Oh over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Tbh I was hoping he would see this and post again because its funny XD over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
CpudsGaming I have finished Kelly on your story. It was too easy for me to draw your character. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
OOh can I request one? over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Can I request? over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
okay so far i am not that good. But it is worth it to me and you? over a year ago
big smile
AlphawolfAlisha said …
Hey everyone my brother was just thinking about doing drawing requests for you. If you guys are interested in that. Posted over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
he might do his best but it won't be very accurate. but he will get it done. over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
okay I'll get him to do it for you. But he will look at it before he begins to draw over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
We definitely lost some people. Great. Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
What happen over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
not me over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hell no. She was an asshole to me when I tried to ask to be friends again. She also said she was NEVER coming back. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
I was on roblox and said "Hey what's zootopia?" And a person replied back saying "It's a Disney move that makes furries go crazy elsewhere." Is that true? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
:/ over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Lol when I went to Zootopia there were people in fursuits trying to sit up front, but people started booing them when they started dancing in their seats and moving up and down the isles trying to act like they are funny or cool. Eventually they got kicked out. I shit you not this actually happened and I really wish I caught it on video. I don't have a problem with fursuiting, I mean, its not my cup of tea and I find it a bit uncomfortable when people like that are around me, but if thats your thing then fine, but when you're at the movies in a bulky costume where people who are sitting behind you can't see the movie and you're moving up and down the isles trying to act silly during the movie and just bothering people thats when I have a serious problem with it lol over a year ago
bliggazarewet commented…
What Buzzfeed test did you take? 11 months ago
big smile
AlphaClub said …
I made a new Zootopia club here: link :) :) Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
mrghosty is not gone... Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Saddly No. Oh well. Meh he isnt much of a nuisance to me. And idk why over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey guys, listen to this: link(I made it) over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
Everyone else thinks that MrGhosty is gone? That might be true but it would be great. Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
by the way i have posted my drawing in my club and I have it as my icon. I have been working on it and it turned out. The rest is just for you to see if you are interested. tell me what you think. over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
I might take a look. over a year ago
big smile
Slydog900 said …
Um i have a random question for you. Who would like to have as a pet? Kate or lilly? I have Humphrey as my pet. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Woah dude over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
I would have lilly as my pet. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
It's quiet...too quiet...
Also, it looks like the wall is finally working again! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
YESS! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
link over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey, email me, I have a RP idea, based off that story there. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
It wasn't just this club's wall, it was EVERY wall. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
Forgot to post Happy Easter everyone! I know it was over but I wanted to put it on Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Wats up guys Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Another spammer. over a year ago
QuietWind said …
Well, last day of spring break for me and I have to wake up at 6:30 to go over to my grandfather's to move furniture so they can start putting hardwood down. But I made a deal with my dad that if I do that then he'll drop me off at the theater, lol. I'll probably watch Zootopia. lololol. I have like ten bucks but I still have to pay for gas, too... so I'll have to go to a afternoon movie where it's cheaper, around $3-4 USD/movie+snacks. Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Trust me when i say u will love the movie over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I DID love it. over a year ago
QuietWind said …
This is odd... my mother is more harsh than she is, but I don't consider her abusive :/ link Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
Cpuds is pissed with me thinking im a spammer Honsetly the witnesses i find are fake, Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
You are a spammer lol over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Not as bad as cpuds. over a year ago
bliggazarewet commented…
I genuinely hope the Vatican sends a death squad to your doorstep, you repulsive, fat odor-reeking faggot., 11 months ago
sanman7 said …
You know, before I delete this profile (Because of all the cringey bullshit.) I want to put out my departing quote: "I came to realize fear is the worst of it, so get up, get out in the world, and you kick that bastard as hard as you can, right in the teeth." - Walter White You all know my G+ link, and my twitter link and my wattpad link so come say hi to me on my other social media, I don't bite... Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i gotta be honest: Zack Snyder is NOT a good director. really, he hasn't done a good movie since 300 as far as i can remember. even Legends of Guardians doesn't hold up that well anymore. he clearly shows that with Batman V Superman, which ended up being another big let down. really, it's not that good. and that kinda makes concerned about the upcoming Justice League movies Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I'm more of a marvel person. DC is cool, but you cant beat spidey or venom. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
They need to do another batman crossover. There are so many good ones, like Batman vs. Alien and Batman vs. Predator over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Deadpool way better over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Watchmen wasn't too bad. It's one of the most faithful comic book adaptations out there. over a year ago
big smile
Slydog900 said …
Hey guys I just posted the forth part of my story. I hope you enjoy it. Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
I'll check it out over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
good over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
What is up and down the road? Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Idk over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
straight road to the middle of nowhere. over a year ago
big smile
Shadow1997 said …
Just saw zootopia. And I say pass down 2nd best movie
Of the year! Loved it! Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Ugh! Paws down not pass, dumb ass autocorrect over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Lol over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Is it over? Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
No over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha said …
Ah yes I haven't had posted on here. So how are you guys? Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Good. over a year ago
AlphawolfAlisha commented…
that's cool. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
I'm out. Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Awe. Okie bud. See ya. :( over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Bye over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Yeah probably or fanpop is using him to get rid of us lol! over a year ago
shawnroberts said …
Wow MRGHOSTY, you really surprise me. Aside from copying and pasting the same information over and over again in different post eventually taking up three to four pages of the wall with your spam. You still continue with out getting banned from the site. You truly are one of the most enduring and tough troll or fitness troll as they call you, in the history of the alpha and omega club. Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Please don't think I'm praising him for this, but I'm merely acknowledging his endurance after being reported I don't know how many times. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Is isnt shit to the few we have had before him lol over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Dope over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
am i the only one who wants a Zootopia 2 to happen? i loved the movie and i wanna see more of these characters Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
I want to see the first so bad D: over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
The movie was alright:/ over a year ago
MVG commented…
The movie was very good over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
I reported MRGHOSTY. I also included the link to the club wall and told them where he was spamming. I think the reason he's not gone by now is some of you aren't giving enough details when reporting. You can't just hit the spammer button and expect him to go away. You have to provide evidence. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I reported the person on the wall. I assume if I report from a specific location, they wouldn't need a link from that specific location. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
it's impossible to get rid of this spammer. looks like Fanpop doesn't give a shit either Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
You have to provide a link with the report. Tag the club wall in the notes section and report him as a spammer, then they will ban him. They can't just ban someone because you hit the report button over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
They are working on the update over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
i'll handle it.... over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Yeah over a year ago
OmegaKing said …
hi everyone.... i have a message from RadLilly.... she was never banned she deleted her account so whe wouldnt have to deal with the idiot trolls...... good day Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Ok over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Um ik why she left. Ik she didnt get banned -_- over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
Oh god save us from the fitness troll Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Lol over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Yes over a year ago
bliggazarewet commented…
Kira when they realise they've still been jabaited by an autistic 6 year old over 5+ years later: 11 months ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
Shut up stupid peace of shit exercise bot we don't need your crappy, fitness Shit. Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
I am not. Why are you keeping it up? over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
I don't have his account Quit saying that. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
You think I lie well you make your danger choose over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Damn it! I jinxed it! Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
So far so good, no mrghosty...*knocks on wood* Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
*runs* oh god HES HERE LOOK ABOVE YOU!!! over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so i went to a early screening for Batman V Superman last night, and let me tell y'all: i was so excited for it. so i watched the movie and.... there were stuff that i loved about the movie, but in the end, i was disappointed. it felt too long and it was a mess Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
wait a sec.... they added coins? how come i never saw that? Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
holy god over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt said …
I have returned hahaha , this place hasn't changed much Posted over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Idk about that. over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
Hahaha what's changed ? over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
They added coins over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
Hahaha yea I saw that over a year ago
QuietWind said …
I come bac to more trolls. SO... what happened? Why does everyone think that the coolswagwolf is MRGHOSTY? What proof or even evidence do we have? I looked and looked and other than cpuds' post about him wanting to be 'skinny' and MRGHOSTY spamming the fitness gram thing, nothing was found. Which, CPuds' 'evidence' wasn't really that valid, IMO. Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Also, what's up with these new coins things? over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Profile background and banner and other stuff over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
"Plus coolswag is just a dick and has a reason to do it" Uhm.. any evidence? He seems like a nice guy. over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
Whats your Top 6 favorite A&O movies so far?

from lowest (6) to the greatest (1)

here are mine ahem:

6: Dino Digs
5: The Great Wolf Games
4: Family Vacation
3: A Howli-Day Adventure
2: The 1st movie
1: The Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I meant to say "least" on "lowest" sorry over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i actually think Dino Digs isn't as bad as The Great Wolf Games, but it's still not good over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Ok the 3rd 5th and sixth are the worst 2nd is meh. And the 4th and 1st is amazing over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
Me: D= Why am I getting abused Future self: Coolswagwolfalt you must tell them the truth and more evidence that your not MrGhosty Me: There to powerful and don't understand they think I'm spamming! Future self: Just say that you never knew what fitness gram was because you never knew what that was Me: Okkkk... Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Ummmmmm? over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
^ hai over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Cpuds, Autism is a regression dissorder... you have the wrong disorder. You must be thinking of Schizophrenia. over a year ago
bliggazarewet commented…
The fact people with 2009 "uwu so emo..." wolf pfps are talking about mental disorders is actually fucking unreal. I think I'm stuck in a simulation. 11 months ago
TheJOKER88 said …
Good Afternoon, ladies and, gentleman. Tonight I am your entertainment. Now, all I wanna know is, where, is MRMC? Ohh....Timber, you look nervous. Is-is it the scars? Wanna know how I got em?
Ah.Look at me. My sister, smiled alot. She was the center of attention, the show. One day, I was riding home. I open the door, and my sister, stand there covered in blood, stands over my parent bodies with a big smile on her face! All over the walls were writing in blood, Why so serious? Posted over a year ago
TheJOKER88 commented…
She comes at me with the knife, I, grab it, and stab her in the arm pit. She lay there, crying, I laugh, I stab her in the chest.......and carve a smile on her face....soo...I decided,MY TURN. So, every day I carve a little bit in my cheek, to the smile I have now....I'm gonna do the same to you, just, alot, faster. HooHa! HA HA HA! over a year ago
shawnroberts commented…
Lol over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
< Not me ghosty
v Please be nice and don't say I spam because I don't spam. Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
Thank you. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
That was just a thing I found from WillyFatCrazedKids video the batderp thing And no I'm not mr ghosty. Stop saying it was me because I saw loads of fibs over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
Ugh stop please when you say I have spammed I have not. Honsetly where would I find spams? over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
I have some cool whip to go with the berries. *shows a can of cool whip.* Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Cool whip, hm? How's about a sundae to go with that? over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
I'm sure you are going to like this. *adds the blueberries to the sundae and added the cool whip up on top of it* over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
hmm well i guess I can add it in the sundae. *added to the sundae* over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt said …
I'm fat in real life SOMEONE HELP ME Get skinner Posted over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
I do not want attention Please don't give me a hard time. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
Is this a drug I'm talking to? Your also spamming to over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
11 replies would be a spam. over a year ago
CoolSwagWolfAlt commented…
It's not me stop saying it was I cant take it with you saying I'm "mrshitly" or "MrGhosty" over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Is it time for another break from fanpop already? Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yeah exercise troll won't go away. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Yeah him/coolswag won't go away. over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
Well I have ran out of people to talk to me. I am even more bored than ever. Anyone want to up to talk to me? I have some of them berries and other stuff. *puppy eyes* Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
*shrug* " Eh, could go fer some berries." over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Go for raspberries. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
*pulls basket out of bush and lifts lid* over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
What u fam havent been on in a while Posted over a year ago
QuietWind said …
About to go run my RC car. 60 MPH tops but it doesn't go that fast anymore because of battery issues (I think) and I'm just going to run it to see for sure. It only goes like 40 now... which, the tops speed it's supposed to get to is about as fast as my racing moped :/ Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Maybe I'll post a video. :) over a year ago
OmegaKing said …
for anyone who doesnt know..... MRGHOSTLY is not a meme its skot deemings......who happens to be a game designer....... this is just a spam bot......using his name Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Or just a person using his name, guess we'll never know :( over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
If you're refering to that other post where I started talking about a meme, I was talking about what he or she was posting, not the username. over a year ago
QuietWind said …
Gods damn. Shut up ya stupid thing, bot or person... Nobody wants it so go away. Posted over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
to the better of what question......... (which is actually wrong...) the titan X is old school old news now.... we have the black box :D a special piece of hardware software combination that optimizes your pc for what your using it for :D also the new ti is 3-4x faster over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I'm sorry, but I find all of that hard to believe. But don't take offense to that, if its true then so be it, but I've seen so much bullshit on the web, and plenty of it on this site, so forgive me for being a bit skeptical over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Well I am a bit spoiled I will admit, and lucky. But I seriously do, even look at my YT channel where I have that 'How to blow an eardrum' video. That was when I was still building the system, although it was for my step-dad. I said those Cerwin-vegas were 30"s but that's a HUGE exaggeration, they are only 15"s. I know people who even have higher wattage systems than I do, lookup THELIFEOFPRICE and steve meade on YT. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i really hope that wasn't the final cut of Dino Digs. i mean, we got less than 2 months till the movie comes out on DVD, so hopefully Tom Kane has enough brain cells to make some changes to the script, remove that god damn fountain lake ENTIRELY, and try to explain how the dinosaurs came to life a little bit better. i doubt that's gonna happen, but hey: there's still hope Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
well im pretty sure it is. Look how they just choped up the ending for the 5th one. They had time to fix it but they didnt over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
So how many of you who don't like the movie? How many of you who liked it? Explain Why! I will give you a prop who answers first. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I'm mixed. The parts I liked was the focus part of Kate and Humphrey and how they gave them more effort. I didn't care about the dinosaurs, unless they took too much focus away, and more dislike (more personal though) was how Humphrey hated everything new.. wish they could of shown a sign that he liked something new in that area. XD over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Like a clear sign. lol over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
My article explains everything. over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
I thought so. over a year ago
big smile
QuietWind said …
Lol, OmegaKing. You have a single Titan X (as you told me a while ago) and I have three :) Posted over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
we moved on to bigger and better since that conversation..... and with the black box implemented now it purchases the optimum choice for our needs......once every 3 months..... over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Better of what? Lol, the 980 Ti is faster but has less CUDA cores :/ over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Than the Titan X over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
Somebody GET RID OF THAT SPAMBOT!! It's taking up too much space in the wall!!! Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
True, RP? Like, at a stable pace, instead of a post an hour? lol over a year ago
dan11774 said …
Ugh i hate how that T Rexs eyes never move Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
The funny thing about that is that all the other animals (except for the little birds) are like people.. but not the T Rex? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
I was looking up that name this spammer was using.. I noticed there was a "meme" suggestion and discovered people been using that as a meme. So I don't know if this is a bot (either way, this is a problem). I think it's another troll actually.. Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Either way it needs to go. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I already reported too. over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
I've done it three times now to each and nothing has happened. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Hmm.. I don't know why nothing happened then.. over a year ago
QuietWind said …
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! GODS DAMN! Posted over a year ago
QuietWind said …
Hate Mediacom. They came to 'fix' my internet (it runs fine when on but always drops) and now, my DHCP is disabled again so I can only access certain sites... Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
SO AGAIN, I have to re-enable it... over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Dont feel bad. Cox is pretty bad too. over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
The only ISP I've never had trouble with is DirecTV but their prices are huge over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
So what they gave us this movie. I ain't complain about it and it was not bad at all. But I hope that they are going to give us the big fur freeze. I agree with all of you. Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
'Wasn't bad at all'? WHAT? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
it's his opinion. if he liked it, he liked it over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
so you guys are still waiting for the big fur freeze. over a year ago
QuietWind said …
Not to start a fight or to be rude, but I feel like some people (not calling names) just WANT to believe it was an 'okay' movie. I feel like they like the series too much to believe that it was a bad movie, and they don't want to be rude to the creators who at least TRY to make their fans happy. Lol. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Well, it's not really fair to call it a bad movie because you don't like their intentions. I believe it was an OK movie as their intention, so it's fair. But to say it sucks because of a few errors, or because people hate how they did it, sounds more bias than objective (or whatever the word is). I think TGWG was far worse, because that one lacked purpose, while this one... lacked some. XD over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I said I was sorry if I took things out of context.. Jeez.. - Yes, but an attempt based off can be considered "intentional". Example: The designs in Alpha and Omega were intentional.. Again, I didn't say you took me out of context.. over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
They were intentional as in there were MEANT to do that, yes. over a year ago
Annakian_Priest said …
SOMEBODY GET RID OF THAT SPAMBOT!!! Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
OMFG YAS over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
RP in email?? over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I know, it just looked funny personally.. like as a real person doing that on it's self. I'm going to report it though. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the REAL props i gotta give for the sixth movie is: at least, at the very least, it was original and creative. sure, most of its "creativity" made the movie bat-shit crazy, but hey. at least Splash's showing us that they're more creative than Crest Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm pretty sure Tom Kane was high on acid and tripping balls when he wrote the script for Dino Digs Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Ditt fucking o. over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
I second that. over a year ago
OmegaKing said …
i demand from the developers of the A&O movies to add more scenes with lilly, humphrey and kate as the main focus of the scene...... i also demand that they give garth a cameo appearance.... and a son..... Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Why not simply have them get rid of Tom Kane? over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
I second that OMEGAKING. Lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
annakian, they don't wanna get rid of Tom Kane. they adore his scripts, so they'll keep him over a year ago
dan11774 said …
Splash and Crest are JERKS Posted over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
Ditto over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
That they are over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
especially tom Kane over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
my ratings for the movies:
A&O 1: A
A&O 2: B-
A&O 3: D-
A&O 4: A
A&O 5: B+
A&O 6: C- Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the one thing i truly loathed in Dino Digs was..... the fountain lake. oh my fucking god! not only does it have NOTHING to do with the story, but it also makes the movie even crazier and stupider. it would've been A LOT more tolerable if Tom Kane didn't write that god damn fountain lake in the script! Posted over a year ago
Shadow1997 commented…
Ikr over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
VERY TRUE. I HATED THAT over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Honestly I agree a bit. The part where they did that for like no reason... that was just unnecessary. I know it's a kids movie, so they can do childish stuff, but I think this was way too off even for that. over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
I am just going to be making a article on the big fur freeze .If you guys are still barking at Dino digs. Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
Good luck. lol over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
but again I don't know what to write for the real thing. over a year ago