Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 711-720 of 21208

trueshadowwolf said …
I swear to god if someone makes a song about wolves that goes "what does the wolf say???!!!" I am done ! XD Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
XD i would hate that!!! over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
"what does the fox say?!" "it says F*** YOU!!!!!" *punches the person that was singing it* over a year ago
redwolf279 commented…
im afraid 'what does the wolf say' exists. over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
" what does th- *gets punched in the face* and the guy says "NO!" over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
You drive down the road on a road trip and you find 3 roads that lead to each city. Which road do you choose?
A. Raccoon City
B. Silent Hill
C. San Andreas
You can't turn back you have to choose which way. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I love San Andreas's awesome ...but I would love to go to Silent Hill too...I don't know which road I would chose D: over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
you have to. :3 over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
cj is the gangster bro over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
(not A&O related) Watching Thor 2 on my laptop. Thor and Loki are awesome :D Posted over a year ago
redwolf279 said …
Im back from my tour of duty in Afghanistan. Arrrrooo Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey red !! Awrooooooo !!! :3 over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
military service? over a year ago
redwolf279 commented…
yes over a year ago
JennaStone22 said …
link Please join this club I just created, it would mean a lot to me. :D Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
ok i will :D over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
ahh alpha and omega fan club where everyone is my friend and dont make me mad Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
The icon says it all lol over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
yep over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
k over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:

Guns solve only about 30% or problems, words are the 70% a warrior who fights with words can win every war ever as long as the words come from the heart. Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
your right, and thx for the quote of the day bro over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
np over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
One week till iTunes release! Posted over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
Amen to that!!!! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
w000t over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Just to tease around... I know the gas station manager meant well when he allowed Kate, Humphrey and the pups to sleep inside the gas station on Christmas night. But did he ever question the possibilities of what a mess he could've come back to in the morning? Torn chip bags, broken glass, claw marks on the walls, etc.
Lol just pointing out XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
if they show tht at the start of A&O 3 tht'd b hilarious xD over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Don't forget the cupcakes xD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
You cannot hide your fear from a wolf. Because the wolf will know your afraid. Like the wolves I got to be with. I think they knew I was afraid but they got up on me and licked my face and making me laugh heh. Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
so once your around a wolf. don't be afraid over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
im never going to forget the memory :) over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
once I was in the forest I saw a wolf spend it looking at me I look I was esterified but I was wrong over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day: (courtesy of William strife)

Put enough bullets in it and it will die." Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
good to know xD over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
but would you be wasting ammo while you could shoot it in the weak spot then it will die easier, but anyway thx for the quote of the day over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
yes thank you over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
haha don't thank me, thank my friend William strife over a year ago
ben15delas said …
I like this new gum I got its called Dentyne ice its awesome. Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
gum?what do you mean? over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It's a gum I got from the store look it up! over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
ah ok$ over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
OK LoneOmega, Jennastone, TimberWolf. If you guys really want to take care of wolves I can help. Just try look over the internet and look for a zoo website that's near you that has wolves and look for volunteer work. That's what I did. Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
TimberHumphrey sorry over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
but if you REALLY want to go to the Safari Sanctuary heres a link link over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
k over a year ago
secretlife98 said …
Hi guys im secretlife98 and i'm also a big fan of this movie. ;) Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey !! That's great ^-^ over a year ago
secretlife98 commented…
thanks;) over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
hi! over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
at the safari sanctuary, there were also big cats. there was one lion in one cage and there was another one in another cage. they keep roaring at each other their all like "SHUT UP!" "NO YOU SHUT UP!" "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP YOU MOTHERF***ER!"
shit i do the same thing if i was a lion ill tell the other lion to shut the hell up. xD Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
if i dont get my sleep over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I WANNA WORK AT THE SAFARI !!!! :( over a year ago
secretlife98 commented…
thats how I get when I dnt get sleep. lol over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
I hate it when there's a class and its very silent. But then you feel an urge to fart ._. But your teacher won't let you go to the bathroom. What would you do? Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
oh la la I do not know ... over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Just pre-ordered Alpha And Omega 3 on iTunes :3 Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
woo woo, im gonna wait and buy it the night of over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
really? is it any good? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
oh ok over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
Why do middle schooler girls think I'm weird ;( Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
dont worry. just be your self. who cares what they think over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
well judging by what Zoe told menu can guess why over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
i know just be your self okay i know your really good friend over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
guys, i need something 2 wake me up now
just sat through "Swan Princess 5" and... my god! it almost put me sleep Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
throws book at face, now your awake? over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Cannonball *cannon balls in* swims around, wait isn't it February...? over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
>_> its just the internet. its not like its for reals over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:

"All good things require sacrifice and must come to an end" Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
yeah :( im think about a relation that came to an end over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
but dont worry im fine a little bit over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
its true but good things tend to last longer over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i need a Kate around here, but... i don't think i'll ever get my Kate :( i'll b alone 4 the rest of my life Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Create a Kate OC like I did. over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
love wasn't anything but now its something living in me and well the Mrs. always keeps me busy haha she thinks I'm trouble but I really am not over a year ago
redwolf279 commented…
Brother, you will find somone we all do eventually, it taken me years to find my love but it paid off the end. over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
why with the boredom huh im bored too so yeah anyone wanna talk to me if so inbox me im a lone wolf who would like to rp right now im bored anyone ? Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
yes I'm bored over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
ok guys, if i pissed u off bout makin the same question over and over again, i'm sorry. not gonna make tht question ever again, but i didn't mean 2 piss y'all off. i was just tryin 2 b more active Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i know buddy, i know. it's just tht i get bored and can't think of anything else 2 do over a year ago
JennaStone22 said …
I'm so bored. Posted over a year ago
Liliya_01 commented…
:( over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
I rather be bored then tired *yawn* welp I'm heading to my den to go to sleep night :P over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
well im a lone wolf again and i already miss my girlfriend..... and im already very sad Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
i still remember he time that we had together :,D no tears... although one has fallen on the floor over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I'm a lone wolf too...Hi five ! over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Awe, I'm sorry. :''( over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
well new oppertunity to find an new and loyal girlfriend over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
i have been thinking if this club dies completely where would we all hangout together Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
The Spruz site, Deviantart, Facebook... That's all I can think of. over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
thats a good idea, but what i mean is that what club we will al be active in over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I miss when the fan fictions weren't so boring along with some other stuff. over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
I am so sore from last night playing hide and seek at night, so how are you guys doing Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I'm doing good, thanks for asking ^-^ over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
im sore from the consert i had, i play the biggest instrument in the brass family over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
air soft man they came in with a .50 caliber and destroyed me omg the blisters over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
where is everyone, this place is not that active and m bored and i want to talk to someone Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Hai :) over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
hello over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
im doing great over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
surely all of you guys are my friends so can you plz join my club here is the link:link Posted over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day: I('m doing two because you guys didnt like the communism one)

Isn't it funny how a thought, an opinion can start a revolution?

Morales are simply a matter of time Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
like i always say opinions are opinions... now facts they are true. well thx for the quote of the day over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
np over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
ok over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well i found the link 2 the whole "Swan Princess 5" movie... omg! i'm watching it right now and i'm tryin not 2 yawn or fall asleep. and the animation still sucks, even though it's a little smoother Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …

Credit to TheChriz1995 for the idea.
This story is not for the young of heart. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
This is pretty much an idea of how Princess's life could've been like before she developed as a mother figure for Runt. Given how the writers made King's character out to be, it just as much of a possibility than most anything else. Princess's white pup is a nod-off to the scene in Alpha And Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure where Princess was carrying Runt in her mouth through the snowy mountains. If you look close, Runt's fur is pure white. I liked the idea of "Snow Runt" being sort of a reminder to Princess about her lost pup and that helps to increase her character development in the film. over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
what time is it Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
lol when ever im sad that cheers me up... unless im too sad over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
damn he already had my idea... over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …

Blu-Ray/DVD Special Features include:

1. Great Games Amazing Maze
2. Wolf Awareness Trivia Game Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
The last making of barely showed anything animation wise for the second movie, would of been nice if they showed the voice actors and more like with the first movie. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
These are the only special features confirmed so far... this is not all of them. over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:
We are all human aren't we, were it so easy to only say that and nothing more" Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
it's good I finally understood after a few seconds xD over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
cough cough ( remember the last quote ) over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
jK I be sarcastic when I'm excited about something ironic right XD over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
hello ppl Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
Hello ! over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
hi over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
All we need now are non-spoiler clips. Bring on the clips! XD Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I only watched the first two for Howl-iday, after that point I didn't want to risk spoiling it since it was such a short movie. over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
well im staying up a little then im going to bed so good night ppl, see ya tomorrow Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
or whenever i see you over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
im not over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
do anyone has a youtube link to alpha and omega 2 the movie i havent watched it yet Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I have it downloaded from Youtube but I won't put it up there because of copyright. over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
oh over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
well i will try to find it on youtube and if i dont plz still post links over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
Pas moi aussi je l'ai vu MAIS je dis si J'en Vois over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
A&O 3's animation looks so much better from looking at those screenshots. Now there's just hoping that it stays that way through the majority of the film. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
fingers crossed! over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
Well this weekend was busy due to projects at school -_-. What about u guys? Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
im have to be busy too because of school over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
That sucks:/ over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
at least tomorrow its friday, still i have to play a concert at saturday from school... over a year ago
shadowwolf2 said …
this place has gone up hill since the last time i visit Posted over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
i wonder if anyone remembers me, maybe not.... over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I think I do remember you... JK!!! Of course I remember you ! ^-^ over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Same :3 over a year ago
shadowwolf2 commented…
well thats great over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:
Could you imagine a world where everyone truly was free, no politics, no killing, no war, no money, a truly free world like that is in existence its called Communism but where is it? Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
communism is not bullshit you could just ignore me if you don't share my philosophy anyways Americas government WILL fail so maybe one day we will all be red again comrade. over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
but your mate is pretty hot please don't punch me please... over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
well you have many thanks from all of the sanghelios race for understanding SHIP MASTER, take me home over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Watching Stephen King's Silver Bullet... Sure is one of the better werewolf movies out there given that the werewolf is actually scary and not made out of CGI. Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
I see movies werewolves it may be well over a year ago
dontforgetme said …
Wow this place is still alive Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Alive and well! over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Yep, still kicking. over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
really? really dude? over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
Called in to work today so I got a day of relaxation! X3 Finally! Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
That's ngreat ! x3 over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day:

I'm not afraid to take a stand, are you? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Watching Family Guy because, well... I like Family Guy lol Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
lol over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
I stopped watching when Brian died but since they brought him back I'm watching it again over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
THATS WHATS GOOD ABOUT HIM! HIS POLITICAL OPINIONS ARE AMAZING oops *turns off caps lock* there is my point proven? over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
you know what fuck it fuck liberals and capitalism period, communism loves us but we don't love it back why is that? over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Play this at my funeral please. link Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Why? over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
How about this. link over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Because it is relavent to what I liked, I guess over a year ago
sanman7 said …
Quote of the day: "people are strange when you're a stranger, places look ugly when your alone." Posted over a year ago
Zoe_alpha_wolf commented…
lucky you are not a stranger and you're not alone :-) over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
What Zoe said is true :) over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I actually want to see Kate bleed in the third film during this accident that the Alphas are supposed to get caught in. I love Kate but it's so annoying that whenever she gets hurt, there's not one bruise on her body. No bad bump on the head after being kicked down by a caribou, no bloody claw marks on her chest, sides or stomach after being swatted by a bear. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I'd like to see this too but Jett's right, hard to have some gore in a G rated film unfortunately. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Yeah, only Golden Age Disney and Don Bluth films had that kind of violence and those movies are decades old. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i really liked the jokes in A&O 2, expect one tht was kinda awkward and it was the only not-funny joke in the movie
ya know, when Humphrey says "part of the game" and King and the rogues laugh, i was like "ehhh! this is the only awkward joke in this movie", and i didn't really laugh.
other than tht, A&O 2 had great comedy and i loved it :) Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Only ~1,200,000 seconds to go until AO3, for iTunes at least Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
cant wait :D over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
lol over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
:))) over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny said …
Quick question, does anyone have any idea how old Kate and Humphrey would be? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I think Kate and Humphrey were in their adolescent years when they became mates so maybe 18 or 19 if you were to look at them as humans. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I would assume 2 years by the end of the first movie, and maybe 5 in the second considering Humphrey says "That was a few years ago" while swimming on the vine. over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Thanks all :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
is it just me or is the comedy in the A&O sequels getting better and better? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
it has gone better, I even laughed at one of the jokes :P over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I think so. Different writers would mean different takes on comedy. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Yeah, I also noticed that... I'm not sure why though... over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Anyone else notice that the first 5 minutes of AO2 look better than the rest? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Only reason for that is because they recycled landscaping from the first film. It'll probably be the same for the rest of the series. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Maybe they were trying to make the "sneak peak" part look good compared to the rest of the movie. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
No really, the framerate decreases, the shaders dissapear, and the colors become wrong after exactly 5:00. Before that it looks as good as the original. over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
welp went fishing yesterday. had a good day. but i suppose the ice was so frozen it killed almost all the fish. yes... i seen alot of dead fish. it was creepy. but hey my friend caught some dead fish. XD were just going to wait till they grow and repopulate under water or something. Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
is this really was not the right time to fish XD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
lol i didn't know there was going to be a bunch of dead fish. it was a nice day so me and my friend were like fuck it lets go fishing cause im tired of sitting in the house doing nothing over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
well almost half the ice was melted but it seemed like it melted. but the real problem was the poles. we have the ones that flip. not the ones with buttons over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
ah ok :D over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Is it taboo to put MLP in an animash? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I don't think so. MLP is no different from any other furry-ish movie or cartoon. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
What is "MLP"? over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
ah ok it is now clear over a year ago
TaZkG3me said …
last night when I went to bed I suddenly saw a white glow that crossed my curtain
When I TIRRE the curtain I saw the most beautiful most dazzling moon and most glittering of my life
I got carried away and I sing (needless to say I sing like a pot)
When the moon was staring at me I opened the window
the moon not stop making flash light and more it appeared the hair cell
and I lay down is this a sign? Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Probably nothing, I dont think there were any celestial events and I dont believe in "signs" over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
avec du recul oui je pense over a year ago
ObsceneQueen said …
The queen is back, now cut me some slack because I've been busy tending to my kingdom, Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Do u have gold:3 over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
XD over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
bref je dois y aller à demain ;) over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
and vhat kingdom vould zat be? (I'm speaking the way people vith German accent pronounce zere vords) over a year ago
TaZkG3me said …
I'm bored... Posted over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
Zoes going to murder me... over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
why? over a year ago
Zoe_alpha_wolf commented…
Wtf my computer just shut down and then went back on anyways don't interfere because I tend to pick sides and piss josh off even more over a year ago
ben15delas said …
I finally got my 3ds xl it's super cool. Posted over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
congrats, a full 4 inches of super mario :D over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
at least...thats the 1st thing i would do :D over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
XD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Going fishing this sunday :) Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
I personally have almost no fishing of my life but a little relaxation from time to time it is over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Did you know the word swagger is actually another word for Mafia? Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
oh no I did not know :) over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
there I see that I still have much to learn .. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Nice adaptation, Jett xD over a year ago
big smile
SweetHoneyBunny said …
Alright everyone, my muse has not abandoned me and I now have an idea for a story. My question now is to ask if anyone would like to be in it or have a character in it. If you would like to be involved inbox me a message and I'll give you a character sheet and an idea of what the story is about.

Also, Happy Valentine's Day to those who, unlike me, actually have someone to spend the day with! Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I don't have any characters to put in it but I look forward to reading it. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Pre-order it on iTunes now!

link Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Too early for iTunes lol over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I just noticed that iTunes says its expected to release March 4th, either its not correct yet or its coming out earlier. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Hmm... if it is March 4th now, then Lionsgate must be pretty eager lol over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Happy Valentines Day! Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Pointless to me, but okay over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
For me too....but happy valentines day for you too x3 over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
;) over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
I uploaded some funny videos to my club Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
You can join my club if you want
link Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
I hate Disney..................... Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
ah yes? over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
pfff over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
at worst there's no loss of life over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate: Roses are red, violets are blue. I will show you what an Alpha can do. ;) Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Perfect quote for Kate !!! over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
An alpha can do a lot. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
big dilemmas, I'll do anything for Valentine's Day? over a year ago
kateandme commented…
Roses are red violets are blue. This rhyme is old, do you think so too? over a year ago
sanman7 said …
I have changed my profile picture to honor my friend Jonathan Benson, he was a brother to me I just can't believe he's gone may he rest in peace Jonathan Andrew Benson, brother, soldier, leader, hell jumper, optimist. We will never forget him so I'm dedicating a quote to him by lord ackerson hood,

For us, the storm has passed, the war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return for his decision required courage beyond measure, and sacrifice... Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Amen over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
(continuation) and unshakable conviction to know his fight, our fight was healthy he ennobled me and he will not be forgotten. he took the cowards way out but he had the heart of a million roaring bears ironic right? but the point of this message was to help send him positive energy for his trip to heave ;( over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
thank you all but... he faked it he is still alive and living apparently the gun shot a blank round not a live one so 'happy! over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Cupcakes.... who likes cupcakes? Anyone? Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
I like Reeces cupcakes over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Cupcakes? I like cupcakes. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
I'd do anything for cupcakes ! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Yay I started my first story, well it a continuation of another one
link (rated m) Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Same ol' smile but I told you that Kate wasn't photoshopped XD Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
They still gave us what we wanted, can't say they didn't try over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Is it weird that I think Garth is kinda hot, even though Im a guy Posted over a year ago
Epic461 commented…
Depends in what way you think he's hot. If its a I want to bang you kind of way... 'Pose over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Not really. I know a few bisexual furs who are into Humphrey, Garth or both. over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Same lol over a year ago
Slenderwolf said …
Hi. Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Hai. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Sup over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
hi over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Hey :) over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny said …
Okay, I think I'll put this out to a bigger group. I'm thinking about writing a story for A&O, the problem is I have no ideas as to what to write. I was wondering if maybe you guys had any ideas that might work or would get me any further in the writing process. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hi SweetHoneyBunny ! I'll be honest I SUCK at writing...but I discovered some great talents in this fandom. So, you could try to talk to TheChriz1995 or MojoOmegaWolf ( though Mojo is a bit hard to contact) But I'm sure these users would help you a lot if they can :) over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I'm not good with writing tips, mostly because (like with anything) it took time to improve my skills through trial and error. Also I took time to read a lot of other authors A&O fanfic's for ideas and writing styles. Mostly all I can say is find an idea, plan it out, and write to the best of your ability, it doesn't have to be long or very original, a story is a story. No one starts off a great writer, I'll be honest I sucked at writing when I made "Adventures", but over time, story after story, I got better. So I'm open for any questions through a PM and I'll try to help out as best I can. over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Thanks to both of you. The problem is I don't have an idea torun with just yet. I have read most of the articles here. TheChriZ1995 I may be in contact with you in the near future. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Does anyone else go to the same couple site over again when they get bored? Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
yes me ;) over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Yup over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
for in one hour;) over a year ago
Angrygermankid said …
I Wonder what for DINNER Posted over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
Sauage eggs over a year ago
Slenderwolf commented…
Umm, DINNER, Raw...uhhh.......Steak..I..guess. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
spaghetti bolognese mmmmmm over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate has boobs and there's nothing you can say that would make me think otherwise XD Posted over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Ture she does *chuckles* and there big.... Hehe:3 over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
:D over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
hey I'm going to bed, good night;) over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Can't believe the lack of advertising for A&O 3 so far. I know it's over a month away but A&O 2 was discovered in July or August and since that time, there were 3 clips, a DVD cover, a trailer, a TV Spot, a flash site for the movie.
All we've gotten on A&O 3 since it's announcement is a trailer, release date and a DVD cover that may not even be the real cover. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
true over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Bizarre how quiet they are, you figure they would at least say something on their facebook page about the trailer being out. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
I noticed too, it's really weird over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
This artwork has a very sad story... Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
My newest artwork of a werewolf Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
My newest artwork and all new spirit heart version. I made him tougher and stronger then the last version Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
will it be cool if i upload my new drawings? Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
havent got a chance to show my new drawings heh over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I think it would be cool ! Upload it ! ^-^ over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
ok one sec over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
i added a link on a wall. just copy and paste the link over a year ago
Canada24 said …
Well.. Its my birthday, officially turned twenty Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
joyeux anniversaire over a year ago
thealphaboyz commented…
Happy b day canda:3 over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Happy birthday to you! over a year ago
thealphaboyz said …
God damit nothing to do on fanpop but just listen to the anlters! (a band) Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
XD I had an English assignment and I had to answer these questions and name stuff. It told me to name a mountain. I couldn't think of one so I put in Rabbit Poo Mountain :3 Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
XD Nice! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
^ over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Haha, very funny xD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
thank you Lilly for helping me on my Homework over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
I worked at a safari sanctuary once and it was fun. Its basically a zoo, but north american animals. I got to take care of and petted animals like Kodies and A white raccoon. They also have wolves. I was supposed yo come back and get to take care of them but alot of things are happening so I couldn't come back. Its my lifes dream and taking care of wolves like a wolf sanctuary Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
but i got to be friends with a wolf up there. his name was harly over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
thats sweet heh over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
(boy) over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Playstation all the way Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
yes :) over a year ago
thehumphrey commented…
only the 3 :D over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Well I started off wanting to write a short valentines day story that would be under 2k words, but now I'm at 4k and still not done with it! Hopefully I'll have it done and ready to read within the next two days, until then have a nice night. Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
That's great, Chriz ! I'll read it as soon as you upload it ! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Good evening guys *howls*
Why so inactive :( Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
We're probably all busy with other stuff over a year ago
SweetHoneyBunny commented…
Hey, I'm just now getting home. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
made in I'm not inactive but my father forbids me the computer the week except Wednesday noon and afternoon and then with the time difference it not help me much :/ over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
gonna b making my ending to A&O 3 Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
We dont even know that much about the plot.. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
that's the best part, cause usually trailers and infos bout movies nowadays kinda spoil the movie, so tht way the movie don't turn out good. but the trailer of A&O 3 doesn't spoil a thing, which is good over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
you tomorrow :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
yo everybody :D Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
Hi over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
ur my new fan? awww thanx :) over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
you tomorrow :) over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Good morning gaiz Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Mornin over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
soiré good for us :) over a year ago
Garth115 said …
What's up my nuggets? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I think I'm gonna go to bed now, lol xD over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
lol smiley face :) over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
For some reason on every french website the movie comes out on March 4th, perhaps they will get it first because Crest made that deal with PGS. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I also read everywhere that A&O 3 is 88 minutes but however, PGS says it's 44 minutes like the first sequel. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
PGS is the most reliable source we have at the moment... over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
cool I'll finally see 2 in March :) over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Yo!! Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Yo ! How are ya ? :3 over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
good is you? over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
guud over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I hope they take Eve back to her psycho killer roots in the future sequels. She was the one original character in Alpha And Omega 2 who just seemed totally out of character.

"Fab!" Really? Lol Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Lol for a moment there I thought I was looking at my old profile because of the picture xD over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
support. I loved eve lol. over a year ago