Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 511-520 of 21208

DancingHumphrey said …
I feel like I wanted to share this.. When I said "And the warm-hearted experience I hate with my favorite characters: Humphrey, Lilly, Garth, Kate, Tony, and more. You guys ruined that expeirence for me." I meant to say "I haVe with my favorite characters" I think. Sorry about that. Haha Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Ha... Ha... over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I have a feeling my parents are stalking me on here.... so creepy. Typical family life.... ugh. Posted over a year ago
Tazk711 commented…
lol, your parents registered? over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Be afraid because the NSA knows everything about you. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol, my dad would flip shit if he caught me... very strict ancient millitary family... ugh. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Would you guys feel better if I posted a few stories on the articles page, to get rid of the fight articles, as well as to have a good story? If so, who would be willing to chat through PM and do a dual author story? B3cause I can do one on my own, but I've never tried to di a dual authored article. Who, eh? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*do* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*because* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, I meant the articles with tge fighting ON it. As well as the polls. over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer said …
Is it me or is the first movie more violent than the sequels? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Nope. More violent, because of guns, (can't forget Eve), wars between the packs, etc. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
A&O 4 is the most violent out of the sequels. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Not quite. The only 'violent' scenes to me were daria's backstory, the fight 4ight after trying to give back Daria. That's all I can think of. But the first movie... man, I can think of SOOO many things... over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I might be getting a job soon yay. Now I can get a life, other than my stupid boring schedual. Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
me too I need money and I want my car to be fixed over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yep. I need my fomputer fixed, although I can do it myself, I don't have the money to do it lol. Dude, all my friends ahve a job or are getting one, all except Jon... heck, my friends Noah down in texas is 14 like me, but a few months younger still, and he already has THREE jobs. And I'm sitting here, like, "Oh my god. Why don't I get one?" and I talked to my dad and he said he'd look up some for me. Lol... over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Good idea. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hey i got a question: what if Yuri Lowenthal made his directorial debut in a A&O movie? sure i know he wrote the god awful scripts for the last 2 Swan Princess atrocities, but if he ever turned into a director and chose a A&O movie to start with, that would've been interesting in my eyes Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I don't think I'd watch it. Or... maybe I would, to see how it catually turns out. It depends. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*actually* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah, but it would depend. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I remember, they would say, it's okay, you'll be alright... Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh, the power of music. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I just now realized... DID FANPOP HAVE AN ENTRY IN TECHCRUNCH ONCE??? THEY HAVE A REVIEW FROM THEM! Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
Also happy Valentine day :D Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
(sorry for spamming a little) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Ditto! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Get over the spamming, no one says anything to me about it, and I post on the wall EVERYWHERE. XD over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
If the fight is still going on about "Rude" commenting I want you to go to YouTube and pick a video, any video like WatchMojo's videos and look at the comment section I think when you do, this little fight is going to be waste of time when you look. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
We aren't fighting anymore, lol. Don't worry about it. over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Ok I've seen some like "1 hour ago posts" so I didn't know if it was or not xP over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Idk. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Same to you! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
You too! over a year ago
Humphrey_Kirk said …
I am afraid I can not finish the 3D model of Kate...Her hair is so complicated... Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Awww..... :( over a year ago
Humphrey_Kirk commented…
I will, but in a few days.. over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Actually it's a mane. over a year ago
Hi. Good morning. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have no idea what time zone you are in, but it's 11:57 here. over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Now it's 1:45 AM here :P over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
2 here lol over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Who the heck is on at this time of night??? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Me but not for very long. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm normally on for a while. I am 14 and have my own daily schedual... wake up at 6, get ready for school and take a shower, go to school, come home, do HW, eat dinner, play a few games for about an hour, listen to music while reading, (I read A LOT), then keep listen to music while I workout, keep listening to music while I get on here for a few hours. Yep. My life is officially planned, lol. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Just on my phone, I estimate how far I should throw my finger in order to type a letter. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Well, I officially hate everything for the time being. Just bought a brand new PSU for my PC, put all the cables in, and when I did a test run, my cPU fan goes NUTS, because it is a stock AMD cooler, and then it started to burn and whizz... and tgen my dang AMD FX-4300 CPU blew up as well!!! Gonna cost me like about $300 to fricking fix! I cane down to figure out... I was shipped a defective PSU... damnit! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*came* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
This sucks. over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer said …
Compared to other fan bases, this fan base has an amazing amount of fanfiction. I don't know about anyone else but this makes me happy that this club is still active! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yep. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Yeah and in my oppinion, A&O fanfics are the best ! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, you can keep cheering and being happy, this club isn't going nowhere. ;) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Ugh... valentine's dance today... total drama. Although it was nice to go with my gf. But still... middle school students are so dramatic it's not even funny. Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I don't even have a gf and I'm 17 bro and I have never had one my parents say it can wait til your out of college over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Lol, that's not what I meant. I meant that some kids are just so dramatic. But what I meant by it's still nice to go eith my gf is because... the dance may be dramatic, but it was fun because I was with her. Now... you may think I am all drama like all typical teens, ya know... like, get a gf/bf for show or popularity... nah, I only get a gf if you actually LOVE her, ya know? Like, I can't stand that crap when someone gets with someone just for popularity. That is exactly why this is my first gf. But yeah, the da ce was pretty nice. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I know what you mean bro. had the aame problem till I met this one lol over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Anyone here a fan of anime? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i like anime :) over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Which animes do you like? over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
I am like anime too :D. BTW: My favorite is Futurama, Family Guy over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
What type of anime? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay guys, let's get serious here for a minute: enough with the fighting! i'm sick and tired of seeing people fight. why can't we back to how things were in 2011? weren't those great times? some people say that i start fights too, so if i really did start a fight, i'm saying it right here, right now. from the bottom of my heart, i'm sorry if i offended you. i just want the club to go back to the way it used to be. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Dude. Chill. We ARE done. Hav eyoh seen anymore since this morning, or maybe about 10 last night? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
No rudeness. Just telling ya, there isn't point of saying "Stop fighting!" anymore. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
okay i just saw it, my bad over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
It's fine dude. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
ya guys know what i DON'T wanna see? a actual Alpha and Omega musical. sure, i know some people said the original was kind of a musical since the wolves howled, but if it's an actual musical with songs like Strange Magic, i won't be watching it. it just sounds too stupid for the A&O universe Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I think it would be kinda odd, but atbthe same time a new expeience. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i might reconsider if it turns out to be a good musical like Frozen, but as of now: no over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
:( over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, if it were them actually SINGING, then yes, it would be odd. I don't know, maybe if they had the characters howl instead of sing, like the original, maybe it would be better than singing. over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
What's the most oddest, yet effective idea for an Alpha and Omega fanfiction you've seen? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have no idea. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sadly. over a year ago
Alpha_leader said …
Ive been part of this club for several years (overlapping ro my old account ) and I have seen how many people are rude to one another and I know plenty that have left over it too but still guys come on grow up stop being sensitive over things that barely give a damn. Sure im not active alot but I do remember when this club had 1400 fans and we were all happy talking about good things about life and the movie so will yoy guys just be happy and stop being a holes to eachother its pointless. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Exactly, right? All I wanted was for them to leave me alone and stop being rude to me and trying to turn everyone against me. Ha, it didn't work. I think it is all done now. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey, I tried apologizing. But, no one was paying any attention, becaus eoyu areb all too busy fighting and arguing. That's why I am saying I am not fighting anymore, because I am finished. Now wwwarea needs to apologize to ME for that stuff. Both of you over reacted about a stupid opinion/comment. I apologized, not wwwarea needs to too. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
And can you please at least tell Mojo that you are done fighting? The last thing. And thank you. over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
You know I'm gonna post videos from YouTube and possibly lighten the mood from the fight (and yes it's going to be non A&O related) :P Posted over a year ago
Alpha_leader commented…
good job tryung to help atleast over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well. I just want it all to stop, as much as all of you guys. I feel all of ya. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I am not going to coninue to fight with you guys. You can keep posting articles, polls, questions, posts on the wall, etc., but I will not respond to them, and will ignore them. So, you can either keep wating your time, or get a life and leave me alone. Either way, I will not be answering them. So keep wasting your time or shut up. I want to get back to my own life. Bye. Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
I will keep wating my time, tyvm over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, that's your choice. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
because I will just ignore it, and I also don't care what you have to say. :) over a year ago
SapphireFox16 said …
Good to see no more fighting right now -_- I Swear I i could go one year with out seeing fighting on here id fart my self to death Posted over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
I dont give a fuck who started it. it need to end over a year ago
NOSEE said …
Hi, what's up? Posted over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
Good morning today I failed at making waffles I made two good waffles though. That sums my start to the day. over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
I am doing excellent today. over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
I miss school. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
also in Richard Rich's wiki page, if you scroll down to his "filmography" section, you'll see it says Alpha and Omega 4 had a "limited theatrical release". wha..? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have no idea. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hmmm.... over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Hello Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
How is everyone? over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
Good and you? over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
ive been kind of sick lol over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Yay! Everyone who left here, can come back now! No more fighting! We did it! Now we can all get back to our normal lives on here. Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
if you'll escuse me, i;ll be trying to drown the fights out. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yes. I wish they would just stop. over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
So, I've looked around about this fight and uh I'll have to admit that this fight about opinions and such is actually getting worse than the YouTube comments on a opinion based top10s (like WatchMojo for example) ಠ_ಠ Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
I'll say acouple of things but that's about what i'll do :P over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
a couple* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, if wwwarea would just stop starting a bunch of articles and crap, we wouldn't have this. I am just as tired of the fighting as you guys. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Well, let's all go back to our normal business on here! Hopefully the fighting has stopped! Good riddance! I will be posting an article soon! :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Who all is on at this time of day, eh? Posted over a year ago
DancingHumphrey said …
Wow! After seeing the negativity torward sanman7's article (Especially that mojosomething's comment), seeing all the hatred and 'critique abuse' to one of my favorite scenes from the movie (Moonlight dancing), and unfair rude crap torwards wwwarea (he was just standing up for others and things), and whatever... I feel like my experience of liking this movie is RUINED. And I don't feel accepted to my own fantaties I always wanted to post in my own Fan Fictions. Thanks for ruining the movie guys. Posted over a year ago
DancingHumphrey commented…
And the warm-hearted experience I hate with my favorite characters: Humphrey, Lilly, Garth, Kate, Tony, and more. You guys ruined that expeirence for me. over a year ago
DancingHumphrey commented…
No I'm not. People can post and kindly ask others to not do that. It can still be considered harassment. Yet, if you don't want people to start fights, then don't comment on sanman7's article in the first place too. Just saying. over a year ago
DancingHumphrey commented…
I'm fine, and I'm right that it can be considered harassment. If the block system wasn't broken, people I block wouldn't even comment would they? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
might be making my own deleted scene of A&O 2, talkin about Princess's backstory. what ya guys think? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Nice. looking forward to it! :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
something i'll never understand: why do people call jump scares "scary"? they're not scary! they're just something popping in front of you or music that ends with a loud boom. sure, it makes you jump a little, but it's still not scary! sorry, i know this has nothing to do with A&O, but i had to get it off my chest Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
well the jump scares in that game worked, cause you're freaking out the whole time and it's not from outta nowhere, so it worked in that game over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yep over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
it's cary because it's unexpected and fits the tone like your in a game walking down a hall way of a school in the dark thinking that nothing will happen and then jumpscare gets you jumping out of your skin. over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
*scary over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Ya know... What a nice turnaround for my day. I'm down with the flu, but yet I'm on my computer, listening to dubstep with my $100 (Yes, very close to $100) 7.1 Surround HD gaming headset... oh, if you did not know.. the 7.1 is a stereo channel type. Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
That's some nice stuff mommy bought you over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
haha. I bought it with my own money, as well as build my own gaming rig. But nice joke BTW. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I know but I didn't get it :P over a year ago
bossyalpha said …
Ice cream and cake sound good for some reason oh hey what desert are you in the mood for this morning? Posted over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
My fave is gummy worms the sour kind. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm not in the mood for anything, sadly. I have been home sick for the past two days with a stomach flu. 😩 over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Not me. I just ate an entire medium pizza no joke over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I regret eating the whole pizza while having a stomach flu... oh crap lol over a year ago
ecology said …
BOO!! who did i scare anyone ? Posted over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
oh, sorry, I was staring at the wall for no apparent reason over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Thais.. Glad you remembered over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
2spooky4me (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Hey everyone! I hope we're all being mature wolves! ^~^ I also hope everyone's doing alright! Posted over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
:o i also hear that original members are being attacked. thas no good over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
What more do you expect over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
i think ill take my fanfics to facebook. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Why? The fighting is done now. over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
really? how old is that humphrey x tony thing? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
None of this would have started if you would've just ignored my opinionated comment. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I am just gonna say: I am done. You can blab your face away, wwarea, say what you want, think what you want. But my last word are: Alls I did was state an opinion. You attacjed me for an opinion. We fight. I try ti stop. You KEEP fighting. I keep my good reputation here, you lose yours, and I stop fighting. That's all there is to it. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Trust me, I win arguements most of the time, because I know exactly how to turn the tide of the fight in my favor, so that I win, or I lose, but still keep my reputation. So, I don't think you are gonna win. I am not going to look at any of those articles or posts. Even if you continue to fight, I will ignore it, because I don't care. It's clear that you are ibviously not mature enough to know when to shut up. I do. So I am. Al5gough I should've stopped a long time ago. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey. I know we look like idiots, but thats why I said this last thing, and now I am done. Like I said, if someone posts on those articles again, I will not respond, because I am done. I DID stop, man. And look like idiots to whom? wware, Kishin_Kira, and a few kthers, out of a few THOUSAND? lol. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
In fact, ststing an opinion is actually pretty mature, look it up. Especialpy an honest one, like I did. I just want to know... you say that I am attacking someones work, and I wasn't, it was an opinion, but yet YOU come in and attack ME for MY opinion. How the hell does that even work? over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I am just goi g to say: wwarea can think whatever the fuck he wants. And I need to respect that, wheather I like him or not. It's basic human rights to free thinking and speech. And I also don't care if he thinks I am rude or whatever on that gay fanfiction article. But I don't need to be attacked for it. How is that right? Now THAT js rude, so don't call ME rude, hypocrite. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Are ya sure it's done? I am trying to stop, and just as soon as I say I am done, wwarea goes and comments on all the wall posts and all the fighting articles and keeps fighting. And he continues. Guess we will have to get used to it, doesn't seem like he'll stop anytime soon. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
How was I wrong? Just asking. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
really? lol thanks. over a year ago
Canada24 said …
Hey. Posted over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Hey over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Well.. Tomarrow is my birthday. So.. Yeah. over a year ago
Canada24 commented…
Thanks.. over a year ago
Biggest_User said …
Whoa. I just joined here and saw the fighting. I joined yesterday but decided to stay away from everything, because there is some fighting. I guess I'll just leave, because I am not going to sit around dramatic people. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey man, don't leave! We are, yes, currently having people problems, but we'll be done with it soon! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I understand why though, if you still choose to leave. :( over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
BTW Biggest_User is me. lol fooled yall! over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I just want to tell everyone: If you hate the fighting, blame tehrealkatewolf, Sound_Wave, AND MOST DEFINITELY wwarea! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
So, let's all stop, ignore all three of them, and get along. I will even agree with wwarea though. WE NEED SOME RULES. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Anyone wanna help me with some? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*of* over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay, okay. i haven't lost hope on A&O 5 yet. maybe they'll give us something after A&O 3 gets re-released Posted over a year ago
What do you think about the A&O 3 (remeked) for this 10. March :D
Do someone think what they change? Posted over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
Hmm... I think they something change because A&O 3 The Wolf Great games is actualy released but they doing a new The Wolf Great games. So I think they try to something change. But I don't know... over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Just posted my FIRST EVER speed-paint above. Sorry, I know it has nothing to do with A&O. And I know it is a little rough, too. XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so all that info about a A&O 5 was nothing but a lie huh? i have no idea why Crest likes to lie at its fans. looks like it's official: A&O 5 is NOT real Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
maybe it's just a rumoe over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
*rumor over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Well I agree with Kishin, at least it ended with a good movie. Even with the series being over I'll never forget the happy moments I had with this movie and the feelings I had watching it. But hey, we can always watch them again! over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
how did they know? link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I don't get it lol over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
its a destiny in name thing over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer said …
After not being online for about 2 days and seeing all the pictures everyone has posted in that time, I feel like I was sealed away. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Can't say I don't blame ya, except I have been on everyday for the past couple weeks. lol. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Hello guys hope your having a nice afternoon Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yup I am. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Derp face derpa derp lol fubub Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sorry that was my friend Logan... I am at his house and he picked up my phone and typed random shit lol. over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah. He uh... had some brain injuries when he was younger. He has a metel plate in bis head where he has surgury. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
metal** over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
A&O 5 has to be real, it just has to be real! i mean, c'mon! the franchise's finally back on track. why end it now? Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Yes it is real remember on the alpha and omega TV movie over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Just calm down over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
dangit *anymore* over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hey, do you guys know where Kishin_Kira went? I know he said he was gonna leave, but he keeps posting once in a while on articles, but not on the ones that are visible on the main page here...😕 Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hey at least I'M not mad at ya anymore. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Wolfire14 commented…
No not yet over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Ugh. Guess I'll just have to listen to dubstep, EDM, FDM, Electro, House, Drumstep, etc. until it is realeased, if it even is... *facepalm* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
That's about the only outlet for my anger is all of those genres of music, they calm me down, and take me to a place where I can think. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Yay! I took my bond coyote Serge to the vet, and they said she only had a bad cold, and she'll get over it :) Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
that's nice to hear over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah, thanks. I litterlly wrote the most interesting article about how I bonded with a entire coyote family... and also explains that that's why I love. ature so much. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hi everyone :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hello man! over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Hey everyone, I'm back from forever. has anyone heard from lil Garth jr? Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
no i dont kni over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
know** over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sorry. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Oh no... Serge *one of my bonds, a coyote. Yes, I bonded with a wild coyote, get over it. XD* Is ill... taking her to the vet tomarrow. She seems like shehas a bad cold... eh, it's that time of year for all animals alike. XD Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hello. Ho2 is everyone doing??? :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*how* over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
Good nd you? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Good XD over a year ago
Alpha_leader said …
Hey everywiolf! How are yoy doing? -howls- Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hey there :) everything's goin great :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*THE* over a year ago
Alpha_leader commented…
lol ok I was wondrring so haha over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hey guys! :) Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Hey. :)) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hello! over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Oh, lol. I am not advertising anything on purpose, but I think it would be nice if you guys checked out the 'Coyote encounter!' article. It's actually pretty interesting. I know it may seem fake, and it isn't A&O related, but it's actually a pretty cool situatioj I got myself into. :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Anyways, I gotta go for tonight guys. Just PMe or wtite on one of my posts if ya need to say anything. XD :) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I feel like no one reads articles barely anymore. My last one didn't even get a view I don't think. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying I wish more people read articles too, other than just pictures, links, and polls. Oh well. Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I do when I get free time but there good don't quit over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Why the heck would I quit just because it's not used as much? As long as I have fun making stories, (which I do, and always will), I will keep posting articles. XD Don't worry! 😊 over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
And ya know what? I like that I can post freely, whetehr anyone likes it or not. It's called, I am a free citiz3n, surfing a free web/fansite. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*citizen* over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Okay... that below comment has me thinking... who here has a girlfriend/boyfriend/mate? If you do, what would you do for him/her, example, laying down your life? Lol. I would. Lol, you guys got my hyped up for some odd reason. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Wow.. I've already 'stared death on the face.' I'm not saying I am a hero, I'm just saying I would do anything for her. It comes natural, I guess, defence of your loved ones. To be honest... I could tell you I've been realy close to getting shot. It's a funny story. There were people shooting at cops, and at the time, I was young, so I took my dad's gun and went over to my window, and aimed at them, until a cop saw me and tild me not to olay with guns, and that he would talk to my parents. Lol, I wnded up getting grounded for like 6 months. Sucked horribly. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*wound up* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*I can't* over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Just gonna say, if you guys know what arches are cool. So, arches are kinda pre-braces. Well, a few months ago, I got my braces put in. So, when my arches broke and fell out of my mouth today, I WAS SO HAPPY. Thay caused so much problems. I've had them in for about severn years now, they are finally gone FOREVER. It's weird though. I haven't known what it feels like to touch the roof of my mouth for years, and not it feels all leathery and raw... oh god... lol so weird. Posted over a year ago
shadow353 said …
Who needs a mate Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have one thank you. XD names Abani (Abby for short sometimes) over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
If I had one it would be "beastiality." over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol. Ahhh.... feels good to love someone, ya know? Knowing there is someone there, and also someone you COULD spend the rest of your life with. There are just so many people in my school who THINK they love someone, and hookup with a random chick or guy, and break up with them in like a week. Me and Abani though... have been together for maybe a few months, and I actually KNOW what true love is. A lot of people hook up with another person to get 'popular' at school. Bunch of idiots. over a year ago
Hi all how are you? :) Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Good. Wbu? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
good. over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
@JenaStone, AlphaClub Fine thank you. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
You are completely welcome. 😂😆 over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I gotta say, if Crest and Lionsgate don't update us about A&O 5, I'M GOING TO BE PISSED. How about everyone else, eh? Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
it might come either may or June over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
maybe they might give us something in February,March,or April over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well, it was predicted we were gonna have at least SOMETHING yesterday, but we didn't. So, I don't know. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Not me. If we could, I wouldv'e liked to see a few more, maybe even some short TV shows. But, that's just how it goes. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i think A&O 1 should've had a Oscar nomination for Best Musical Score, since critics said it was great. i love the musical score Posted over a year ago
Hi, I'm started a new project here is it link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Did you code it by yourself, or have. website builder? I remember talking to you before I think, but I can't remember how you said you created your stuff. XZ over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*XD* over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
I code it yourself. I code it for 7 days but still I upgrade it :D over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
XD over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
LoneOmega commented…
ME over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah, well, I'll admit, I WAS doing stupid stuff. It wasn't immature, but it did seem like it, and I appologize. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sorry to anyone who was creeped out. I'll admit, I have some problems... but, I'm trying to fix them. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
YET AGAIN, NO ONE IS ON, EXCEPT ME... 😳 Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
I'm on, just nothing to post right now :P over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh... thought I was alone... like every day of my life yay. 😳 over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh, and if you aren't commenting on this ongoing post because you think I have problems, I understand. I... I'm... used to it. 😧 over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
tehrealkatewolf commented…
I'm beginning to think you're a troll. If you are, well done. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
If not, you need serious help, or are just very immature. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I have no idea. I havnt read the website coding to look for errors for a while. But, bey, if you guys need a computer techy oerson, im bere!!! also, if ya need to know something about t3ch, or programming/coding, just let me onow, i love helping people with tech!!! :) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Sorry if you dislike me posting random shit on here, but, this is the only place for me to get away from life and post my thoughts that no one else understands. No wonder my family thinks I am schizophrenic... So, I come bere on the wall and post random shit, wheatger it is relevent or not, or makes sense to anyone. All's I know is... IT MAKES SENSE TO ME! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*here* over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I'll foollow yoou too the EEEEeeend... Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I know the DS handheld console is OLD, but DID YOU KNOW THERE IS ALPHA AND OMEGA DS GAME??? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Yep, but never played it though. :P over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Ya, I've always wanted to play it. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
@wwwarea Yeah, I can see why. I've seen a few videos of it... I felt more embarased watching that then the movie itself, it was so odd. XD over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
Wow... Best super bowl in awhile. Good game to both teams and for the call on throwing it was clever on trying to throw them off but I think running it would of did the trick. But overall the game was awesome :D Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Cheaters they are cheaters cheaters cheaters Posted over a year ago
sxyomega said …
And another thing. There's FOUR Alpha and Omegas? O_O? Shows how far I've treaded from the fandom. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm not a prick for grammar usually, but as advice, it's actually 'how far I've TREAD' not TREADED. lol, sorry if this makes you mad. over a year ago
sxyomega said …
I posted earlier about me not wanting my fanfiction to go unread. If I posted it here would you wolves read it? I want to post it somewhere where people will give me some feedback about it. Besides, I've been working on it for a while and I would enjoy people reading it. You know? After writing a almost 4,000 words you kind of want someone to sit back and enjoy it...

I'm going to post it, read it if you want. But I will say this, you'll be lost if you haven't seen both rio movies. thanks. c: Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
We would actually read it but only some of us would give feedback. over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
7-0 😩 Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yep. over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
14-14 over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Not much of a football person. I can watch like ten minutes, then I'm done. over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
*looks at my TV* Super Bowl kickoff is ...NOW! who is watching? :D Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
ME over a year ago
big smile
Kitsune32 said …
Just uploaded Chapter 5 of Nars' New Love Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
OMG SO MUCH SNOW!!! TEN TO 20 INCHES HERE IN ILLINOIS!!! Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
i know i hate it over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
@ben15deles What town do you live in? I live in a small village, across the river from Cpinton, Iowa, called Albany. XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*Clinton* over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Ya know what, all? Maybe we were wrong about the club being inactive, after all. Maybe, there are about 20-35 of us that post, and are seen all the time, and then the rest or the majority of the rest just read what what we have on here, but don't normally get on and post anything. Who agrees with my hypothesis? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Logitech 7.1 Surround HD speakers with the best subwoofer I've ever heard... And listening to EDM/FDM/Dubstep/Etc. ... SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING!!! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay, it's february 1st today but we didn't get anything about A&O 5. c'mon Crest! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
We knew we wouldn't dude. It's probably a secret, for more suspence. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yea, i just dont wanna think its fake over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I don't either. Let's hope it isn't. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm praying over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
omegamode.........BRUH LET DO DIS!!!! Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
suger rush bruh XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Nope. over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
ok over a year ago
JennaStone22 said …
Yay!!! I know this isn't about A&O but I am finally 16!!! :D Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Happy Bithday :D over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
nThanks OmegaKing over a year ago
cblakes12 commented…
message me now over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
AlphaClub commented…
AlphaClub commented…
Anyways, gotta go for tonight. C'ya later people!!! And yes I have calmed down now. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Days that I have school off are the only days I have without having to do much. Yay. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Friend wanted me to post this. Just because.

link Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Oh haha very funny. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Lol kit... you fell for it? For me it wasn't very hard to figure out that it was a trap. XD over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
funk that troll head over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
So to let you guys know I posted two parts of my new story but it's going to be on FanFiction because of the content that Fanpop don't allow, so If you read I hope you guys enjoy it :D (also <Reader Discretion is advised> )

Part one: link

Part two: link Posted over a year ago
  I am looking for a theme for Google Chrome motive of Alpha and Omega but I have not found any. So I said that one message. I must make one. I will try to update and if you have interest to do so even more.
So the theme link is here: link Posted over a year ago
sxyomega said …
I feel bad because I used to be an active user here but I had left because my friends were all gone. Now I'm obsessed with a different movie and...I want to post the fanfiction I'm writing for it on Fanpop but I'm scared to. I hate asking you people for help but what should I do? I'm scared people wont read my fanfiction...Like they did my A&O fanfictions. Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
try and see. if it doesnt work out use a different website over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Wow, Mojo. You did it. Most inspiring furry on here. XD over a year ago
Hi all Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hiya over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Heya ! over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
yo over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Hello. over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
So... Super bowl is this Sunday with the Patriots vs Seahawks so um... >_>..... <_< ..... *talks in a fast pace* Seahawks are gonna win *runs and exits room* Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
kay over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Seahawks suck. :p over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
oh xP over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
is it just me or is Crest gonna give us a trailer of A&O 5 in February 1 just like they did with A&O 3 last year? not sure, that's just a guess Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I hope they do so...I can't wait anymore, I want news on this movie ! D: over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I wish but I have learned to be patient. over a year ago
Alphawolfben commented…
I don't think their will be a trailer but maybe like the 4th filn release the cover art and plot of the film or something like it over a year ago