Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 521-530 of 21208

Wolfire14 said …
Yes finally five nights at Freddy 3 coming February 5 Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
i am wondering how it is gonna play over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
It the same over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I refuse to play this game ever since the game theorists video. This game now haunts my mind along with Nathan Dunlap. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I don't know why, but I feel like some of these comments could go on forever, but then I step in and comment on someone's wall post, the comment dies. Does no one like me or something? Normally, people like to PM me or comment on my posts more often the now. I am not asling to be noticed, I am just wondering why no one is talking to me as much now... ideas? Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Perhaps you're either too late to answer questions and comments or nobody's online when you're online. I highly doubt people hate you. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I didn't say I think people hate me. I just said not LIKE me, as in, not like what I say. Maybe I AM too late to answer questions, but IDK. Seems like theu never get xommented on ecen AFTER people get on. But it's fine, it's probably just due to the new mobile update, so not many people want to get on. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Like I said, I wasn't complaining. I was just wondering why. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Is it just me... or is it more innactive on herw right after the mobile website update? Because if the glitches, maybe? IDK. I am also not getting any emails when someone comments on one of my posts or posts that I've posted in, or articles... UhOh. Like I said, messaging systems broken. Improper HTML coding causes glitches, and can screw up account's messaging systems. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*Here* over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
yes but i dont have to much of a problem over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Guys... please stop. It is getting fixed. It was just a glitch in the HTML coding fot the website when they updated it. Yes, it was really dumb how they messed up, but... it is being fixed. I explain it all on the "What fuck mother fuck?" question/article. over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Guys who saw the trailer of five nights at Freddy 3 i will post it now Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
oh shit! he's coming back alright. i've only played the first game and that freaked me out over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I refuse to play a game about the death of people. over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Watch this video and you'll never see the game the same. link over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
And there going to be a fourth one over a year ago
mattwolf199 said …
how many movies do you think they will make? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
for now, all that's being rumored is that A&O 5's probably gonna be the last movie since there hasn't been any announcement for a A&O 6, but we don't know that for sure over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I don't think they're gonna make more than 5... over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
I heard people on alpha and omega Wiki that there a six movie called secert caves over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
The fifth one is the last one. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
bored this afternoon read the next chapter of my story Posted over a year ago
Uncle_Kage said …
Hello Furries, and fur-people, I guess. I just wanted to remind you to follow me on twitter and FA if you want more updates from me, this is the only place I follow that seems to pay any attention to me, that's the reason I left this blasted website in the first place, any ways, thought you should all know, since you're sorta... Furries I guess. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I am not a furry but I'm not sure about everyone else. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I'm more wolf than amy of you. XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Bet me and lose. XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Anyone? over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Anyone having troube with the website today because I have only half the page and it won't let me do anything anyone else having this issue Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
on my phone yes. idk about the desktop site over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
yeah they'll fix it I'm sure over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Let's just hope it doean't mess with any of our accounts. Improper HTML coding can cause errors in accounts, message systems, etc. over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Oh ok they might be 3 or 5 reason they didn't show us any screenshot or plot or trailer number 1 maybe they doing new voice acting for the pups number 2 they might make it long number 3 new characters design number 4 new music number 5 maybe new texture Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I'll wait if it makes it beetter over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
a little backstory: back in 2010 when i first heard about A&O (heard it from a friend of mine who was excited), i was interested but i had doubts on the movie. i had no idea the movie would've been so good it would've made me watch it 3 times in the theater. and that's how i became a A&O fan Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I wish I would've seen it in theatres in 3D but money was extremely tight and there are no theatres in the area I live in. over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
So i just got up, feeling like i never did fall asleep last night, so any part of my body, last night doesn't anymore, which is coo, and weird at the same time..... Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
any part of my that hurt* over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
body* i cant type good at this time over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol. I woke up this morning feeling like I had a tree shoved into my lungs. XD over a year ago
mattwolf199 said …
I remember a time when this club was very active and the big name people were here we had a hell of a time reading the books people had made and now it seems to be just forgotten and is being left out to die. Let's try and bring this club back to life Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
that's what im trying to do, but looks like nobody's on my side over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
im on your side over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol not as in football. I don't care about football. I mean a patriot... like a patriot to a country? Only here i'm a patriot to the club. :) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
we're waiting for something about A&O 5, Crest. also, i have my doubts on the movie coming out on March. cause if it were gonna come out in march, we should've had something by now. so my guess: it's probably coming out in late April or early May. or who knows? they might push it back to June so it can be a early summer movie. who knows? but all i'm hoping is for the movie to be good Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
i can see a early summer movie over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
It might go iTunes on spring then dvd on summer over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
sorry for a non A&O related. but as a motorsports fan this is big, has anyone heard about Jeff Gordon retiring? Posted over a year ago
mmmzone said …
hello Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
I'm gonna write the next chapter for my fan fic any suggestions Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Something not too serious or perilous but something calm and interesting enough to catch readers attentions. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i've heard a couple of critics say Five Nights at Freddy's 2 wasn't as scary as the first game. but i'd say both are equally terrifying! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I don't think they are scary at all XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
they scared the shit outta me over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
@SapphireFox16 I don't think they are scary. The animatronics popping out SURPRISE me, but don't scare me. :) over a year ago
Alpha_leader said …
Heyyo morning everyone -stretches and yawns- how you all doing hope you have asplendid day! Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
How's everything doing? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
for god sake, Crest! just give us something of A&O 5: a screenshot or a little of the plot, something. don't make us think you're cancelling it Posted over a year ago
Alpha_leader commented…
haha I know seriously they need to give us something not just nothing on it over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I know, right? Like WTF?! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Although I believe it is Crest AND Lionsgate. XD over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
I hate to bring Politics in this but are you guys watching the State of the Union address? Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Nope. Fells good to be 14 and not have to care as of now XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
sorry, (feels) over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
link over a year ago
big smile
Alpha_leader said …
Hey guys hows the ol' pack going? Hope everyone had a nice weekend and lets get a howl for old times sake. -howls loudly- Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I'm doing fine ! * I Howl as loud as I can * over a year ago
Alpha_leader commented…
thats great too hear for both ya:) over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Hey guys, how's the weekend been for you? Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
hope you get the chance to read my fan fic over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
good I guess but thanks to a stupid snow day I'll have to go to school tomorrow D: over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Good XD over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Hope you like my new fan fiction it's my first Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well its official: looks like i won't EVER post any of my A&O 4 videos online just Lionsgate and Crest Animations hate it so much. it's like they don't give a shit that we're fans of the movie Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 said …
I haven't been on in a LONG time can some one tell me if you still do leaders. And things that have happened? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Welcome back :D, no we don't luckily xP over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
hows everything club wise? any old vetterns come back? over a year ago
bossyalpha commented…
I am a&o veteran I am still here from time to time. over a year ago
Alpha_leader said …
Hey everyone how you all doing hoping too be more active soon ive been so busy if anyone wants to messege me go ahead ill be on like every other day for now maybe day after day but no promises and try and get 5k fans! So close too haha and has anyone seen the 4th alpha and omega legend of saw tooth cave? Im trying find a torrent or place I can download it. Tell me what you think anout it Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I never saw, it either you're not alone. over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I got it off youtube over a year ago
Alpha_leader commented…
yeah haha nice see you you again too lone and I know its been tooo long haha and thanks for the link -HOWLS- over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Join Nocturnal Underground if you guys are bored. You can talk all day and night. If you'd like pretty much talk about any thing. But read the rules first. I am Cosmic_Trashbin the admin on the site fourm. link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Cool. Was it coded directly by you, or did you use a website builder? Or is it even yours? XD over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yeah, I used a web builder this fourm is mine and thanks if you joined I need more people. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Can you join? It would be nice if you did. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
It's like another place to hangout. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
link Posted over a year ago
Tazk711 commented…
great page! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Also relevant: link(Yes, this is a real account of the event that A&O1 is based off.) over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
Does anyone know any money cheats for SimCity Build it (IPhone 5c) that doesn't require a stupid "survey" that is an obvious scam and a ticket for burglary? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
or virus?... :P over a year ago
Tazk711 commented…
you want to do a glitch? :P over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
if it involves getting money in Sims City Build it on the Iphone than sure :P over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
what's your honest opinion on the franchise? i think it's great Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Definitely one of my favorite, if not my favorite, movie franchise. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
The franchise is in my top 5 over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
@kitsune same here over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
on a top ten list of mine it'll be a third right behind HTTYD in second and The Lion King #1 :P over a year ago
big smile
lonewolf8547 said …
here is a link to a story i wrote about a year ago. i know some people read it and like it and im thinking of writing something else but i wanna see what people who have read this yet feel about it and if they like then maybe ill write something else. so plz read it and tell em how you feel :) thanks and i hope you guys like it. link Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Well it seems the water in my city has returned :D Hey what should I make Daria's and Nars's pups look like? Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 said …
Am I the only one who thinks that they struck gold then rruined it by not taking the time to do the story with care Posted over a year ago
mattwolf199 commented…
sequel-wise over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
HTTYD 2 won the Golden Globe and now it's a Oscar nominee. sadly, The Lego Movie didn't get nominated for a Oscar and i feel bad cause The Lego Movie was a great movie too. but that's the Academy for ya Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yea. and i'm surprised that the directors weren't pissed off of The Lego Movie getting snubbed over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i don't know over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Hey guys! I made a Bonnie the bunny club! please check it out, we need more fans! y'know Bonnie from fnaf Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Just uploaded Chapter 5 of my story Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
The bot that generated the text on this page got one thing right.
(This is what one of those "Watch Alpha and Omega 1080p Free" scam/malware videos led to) Posted over a year ago
Humphrey854 said …
hey everyone!!! im back after about 2 years Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
same here I joined about a month ago and realized there were sequels welcome back over a year ago
Humphrey854 commented…
thank you:) how is everyone over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
good just waiting for the next movie hoping it's gonna be as good as the 4th or first over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if they ARE planning to make a A&O tv show, i wonder what it'll be about and when will it be set Posted over a year ago
lonewolf8547 commented…
that would be awesome if they made a T.V show!!! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I WOULD WATCH TV MOR EIF THEY MADE A SHOW. I don't normally watch TV, it gets boring. But watching A&O wouldn't get boring, it would be kore interesting. over a year ago
BatDerp1989 said …
CoolWolf471554 commented…
WHAT IN THE WORLD. over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 commented…
Lol Jk. I was making a YouTube Vid. Link: link(But I don't know about BatDerp... I think he's dead.) over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 commented…
But don't worry, I don't really need that account anymore. over a year ago
Mitsi1991 said …
Hello everyone! I am currently taking commissions! If you are interested message me and lets see what I can do for you! Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
comissons? over a year ago
Mitsi1991 commented…
Drawing commissions over a year ago
Hi what do you think about my new profile pictrue. You can see it on this url: link Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
also, thankfully there's a wiki page for A&O 4 Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
hopefully we can get something of A&O 5 anytime soon. i'm just praying to god for it to be good Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i really am hoping for this probably last movie to be good since Crest's been pretty quiet on it ever since A&O 4 came out over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
That's what is scarying me...WHERE ARE THE NEWS ?!?!? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hopefully they can show us something soon. i don't want the franchise to get cancelled now over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
It not going to be in March because liongate website had update so it might be april or May or summer over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
link Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Zello Mobile walike talkie channel (Alpha and Omega) is up though I may not be on still enjoy and test it out Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Wow. We have gotten like ten times more active than in November. That's really impressive. Let's keep it up guys!!! :D Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I know right! The trolls are hopefully gone! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I don't know about gone, but I'd say slowed down quite a bit. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
does anybody know if the YouTube copyright shit is down? i wanna start posting my A&O 4 videos Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
idk. over a year ago
big smile
LorMel said …
How's the pack doin' today?! :D I'm like, SUUUPER happy for some reason!
Howl on!
LorMel Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Doing fine :3 over a year ago
LorMel commented…
:D over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Hey friends! love you all :D Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hi Garth ! x3 over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
PM me your fanpop username if you want a shoutout on my website within the next few weeks! (Yes, I programmed the site from scratch, it is my 'baby', so don't abuse this chance to get noticed. If you want to check it out, just know that it is primarily a website for my minecraft interactions, so beware if you are not a fan of minecraft. link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Also, the site js very new, so the design is very crummy. Won't be for long though. Also, please excuse the video on tbe page, that does not show anything other than a scrubber bar. I bave no idea whats wrong, I need to contact my FTP server host to see what is going on and why it won't read my CSS files or the video. Also, yes, it doesn't read my CSS files, so I used a internal HTML / PHP CSS3 instead of external CSS3. over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
It is powered by CSS WordPress, but the teme is full of HTML or CSS coding over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Cool. I coded mine from scratch. Most people, when they code things, use a program to code, like CodeBlocks for example. I code the weird way though: through Windows Notepad. lol. I type the code in the notepad file, than save it as a HTML or PHP file. And as for the CSS, well, asbof now I am using internal CSS inside my HTML/PHP files, so I don't need CSS external file, but when I do need it and use an external CSS, well... the CSS file by default opens in Notepad. So I don't have to worry about saving it to a different file. :) Oh, and also I am a very messy coder. My code isn't in incriments like it should be, like as if every line was a stair going up, or a stair going down. But hopefully I'll fix that later and re orgonize it. XD over a year ago
True-Humphrey said …
Night world Posted over a year ago
TrueOnlyKate commented…
night humphrey see u at school over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol wtf over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
AAAHHHH ITS THE BANANAS FAULT!!!(means night) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Nice new profile pic, Mojo. XD I'mbplanning on changing mine to a photoshopped / edited one soon. :D Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
You are very welcome XD over a year ago
shadow353 said …
It's me shadow354 I have a new profile shadow353 fan me Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Not to be rude... but, are you asking to be fanned? I earn MY fans by posting good content, being as nice I can, being mean when nessessary, and being very active. You sir, should've just said, ' Hey, this is (so and so), and i just got a new user. Please feel free to fan me again if you were my original fans, so you don't think I am inactive on my other user. Thank you vuys. XD :)" over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*guys* sorry, not trying to be rude, just giving a tip man. :) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
XD over a year ago
ThetrueBalto said …
hey ive been gone for a few years have I missed anything guys? Posted over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
Welcome back. Luckily you've only missed the bad parts. over a year ago
ThetrueBalto commented…
always nice to come back to warm welcomings and im doing good myself sitting with my brother in the hospital hoping he can pull through over a year ago
ThetrueBalto commented…
well he asked me not to say but ill say it involved a stabbing and so im hoping he is going to be alright over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Zello channel is up it's Alpha and omega join guys please Posted over a year ago
hank666 said …
Anyone else find Daria's eyes kinda intriguing? I know she is blind, but the way her eyes seem fogged just, it's different in a nice way, it fits her overall charater design. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I actually thought her backstory was kinda sad. I think what I like about her best is probably just her personality. It's nice, gentle, loving, caring, and PISSED when she finds out that the male wolf killed ber mother. XD (Tried to make her sound badass, if you didn't notice. XD) over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I know I would've went ham on that wolf when I found out he killed my mother for hiding me. XX over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I feel as though if she wasn't blind, her eyes might've been either green or golden. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
With 4k people on here we ought to be able to make a Zello channel (walkie talkie) it's really fun to speak with others that live either 500 miles away or 5k miles away it's fun and anymous if you want this to happen comment. It would be a great way to increase activity Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I will create it anyone who wants to join it will be (alpha and omega) over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
Make one ^^ over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
I made the first message btw over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
In alpha and omega 1 I keep on noticing that daria is one of the extra wolves Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
That's her original skin. Most of the wolves in the sequels are reskins of original characters. Princess, Daria, all the pups, Lois, Nars, the Head Wolf, etc. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Blame Lionsgate for that since they dump all their cash on Hunger Games which is not really that great. It's basically children killing children. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It's the only film franchise besides Saw that they dump their cash on. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I am not trying to spam or advertise, but I just released my first article of 'Tough Life,' and I will only be keeping this new series open if it is well received, otherwise, what would be the point? Thanks for understanding. (The purpose of this comment was to let you guys know that, not to get views.) Posted over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz said …
Hey sorry guys for spamming ...
Plz join cx
Share this for your friends !

It's a moive that I want to show you all and you can join ^^ plz do cx Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
hehehe over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Who is excited for alpha and omega 5 Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I am :D over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
me!! after A&O 4 blew me away i'm super pumped for the next one over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
HEHE ME!!! over a year ago
GANGSTA-BoSS commented…
I am over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
there's this guy on youtube who reviews animated movies that go by the title "Infamous Animation". his channel's name is ShogunGin0 and even though he's on a hiatus, i gotta say: his reviews are pretty decent, they're a lotta fun Posted over a year ago
AShadowWithLove commented…
Yeah over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
hehe theres a guy on youtube called Ironarmygeneral IronArmy over a year ago
Hello everyone how are you? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
So who's planned on seeing, Selma (the Martin Luther King Jr. movie)? I'm not but I'm wondering who is so that whenever it's up on Redbox I can know if it's good or not :P Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
American Sniper too? over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
selma was excellent over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Me too they both look really good especially Selma. over a year ago
boltfan2012 said …
Girls rule the world, am I right? They're just awesome. Posted over a year ago
boltfan2012 commented…
Correct over a year ago
boltfan2012 commented…
Cool wolf pic btw over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
XD Yeah! :D I love being a girl. :D Sometimes over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
just saw Taken 3... i can barely remember it. that's a bad way to end a trilogy Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yea taken 3 sucked :/ the first one was awesome over a year ago
20micphi commented…
HELLO Timber humphry how are you doing over a year ago
20micphi commented…
IM AN EMINEM and Dr'Dre fans over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Tell me folks, what are ya up to? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
sleep lol over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
good, I'm glad that Friday is finally here xP over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
wonderful over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I love how everyo e is niw changing their profile pics. Lol. Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
hmm I haven't changed mine, and probably won't for a while :P over a year ago
Garth115 commented…
haven't changed mine in years over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Lol. I have changed mine once too, because I am writing a fan article series, and the main character I had in mind looked like the wolf in my profile picture, only animated like a cartoon instead of like an A&O movie. XD over a year ago
LorMel said …
10 people France in an attack RIP Posted over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 commented…
What? Terroists... :( (Correct me if i'm wrong) over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
ik. but nothing can be done. over a year ago
LorMel commented…
:C over a year ago
TrueOnlyKate said …
Humphrey is sooooooo cute when he begs!!!!! Posted over a year ago
AShadowWithLove commented…
Heh over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
omg over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
what? over a year ago
TrueOnlyKate commented…
*sees humphrey begging* awww! over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
The second part of my series is posted I hope you guys like it :^D Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Sup bros how's everything? Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Good finished with the second part of my short series Rough Winter posted, you? over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
A little off subject but does anyone like the song by Fall out Boy called Save rock and roll Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Never listened to it... over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Never HEARD of it... over a year ago
big smile
TimberHumphrey said …
hey guys :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
hello XD over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
I feel so bored, oh wait cuz i am bored, wait that's wasn't a good joke, wait what am i talking about, did i get a rabbit?, WHY AM I TALKING LIKE THIS!?!?! Posted over a year ago
shadow354 commented…
lol it gone to your head lol over a year ago
lilly_the_wolf commented…
lol over a year ago
Sexykate commented…
i wanna rabbit!! over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
WTF??? lol this wolfs crazy!!! Take him to the Ward!!! over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Anyone like that part on Alpha and Omega when the porcupine jumps out and yells at the pups Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol over a year ago
big smile
nicker11500 said …
Sooo my new but short article series "Rough Winter" is up and finished I hope you guys enjoy it, it took me about two and a half days to finish the first part and I'm working on the full version on Fanfiction as we speak, please leave a comment of what you think, Thanks :D Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
cool XD over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
damn you and puns xD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol hehehe over a year ago
LoneOmega said …
Hey everywolf ! Today is my fanpop birthday ! It's been two years I've been around coming here everyday and annoying everybody xD! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
happy fanpop birthday buddy :) over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Thanks x3 over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
happy popday! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
almost every A&O 4 video on youtube has like 1K or more. is it just me or does that mean there are so many people who like the movie? Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
I think that the movie got more fans after A&O 2 because of the new characters such as Daria and princess over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
So how's everyone this morning? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
great :) wbu? over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Good over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
well morning was horrible and will be horrible until around May... 6th I think. you? over a year ago
Garth115 said …
Hallo everyone! it's good to be back! What's going on? :3 Posted over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Hey Garth ! welcome back ! over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Hey Garth long time no see :D over a year ago
Silver_Alpha said …
Hey everyone. I know this isn't alpha and omega related, but you guys should add me on skype.

My username is exactly this: why-you-no-dub Posted over a year ago
Silver_Alpha said …
Hey everyone. I'm leaving fanpop, and I don't want any drama over it. I think I've outgrown this place, and maybe one day I should return. But as for now, I'm leaving. Getting on here has caused me to loose my job and fail half my classes. I need to make a change, and I hope you all understand that. Thanks to all my friends and peers for talking to me and helping me through tough times. And as for those who don't know me, don't like me, or don't talk to me, thanks anyway. It was great being here Posted over a year ago
lilly_the_wolf commented…
oh silver, good luck over a year ago
Silver_Alpha commented…
There* over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
ok hope you for the best in life and see you sometime in the furture over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Is he gone Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Guess that a yes over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i just literally saw somebody on IMDb say that A&O "promotes incest". WTF?! Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Just ignore them. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
There were a lot of critics saying A&O 1 was innapropriate for children, due to sexually involving things, ALSO on IMDb. They also said that you could hear Humphrey cuss at least once, althougb, I watched the movie like 50p times, couln't figure out where he cussed. Bunch of liers. over a year ago
Hey guys yes... ik it's a long time no see but hi again Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
Hey, Welcome back long time no see :D over a year ago
LILLYxLOVERx commented…
Ya thx man over a year ago
LILLYxLOVERx commented…
nvm it's on the wall xD been so long srry over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Sorry if this has nothing to do with A&O. Look up Kimi no Tonari. It's beautiful. Posted over a year ago
Tazk711 commented…
which is Kimi no Tonari? over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
It's from Persona 2 Innocent Sin over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 said …
It seems that Sound Wave's gone... But it's a good thing that a few of the A&O Members were ignoring him... But finally. :/ Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
He is not gone. over a year ago
Wolf_Tamer commented…
I'm starting to wonder if he is even old enough to be using this website. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh, he's away from here all right. Now we just need to get rid of tehrealkatewolf... over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
Soundwave Superior, wolfaboos inferior Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
soundwave = biggest fag ever! over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
Well, I think I've had enough fun for now XD it's been fun pissing you wolfaboos off as usual and of course destroying what should have been destroyed long ago lol. Toodles everyone! I'll be back another day! XD Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 said …
*sigh* UUGGHH.... last Saturday and Sunday until school starts again ;_; Posted over a year ago
Tazk711 commented…
oh no! no school! over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
My school starts tomorrow. :( over a year ago
shadow354 commented…
i start tomorrow over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
Ok so my real identity is Kishin_Kira and of course Carnage_Wolf ;)

Some of y'all remember me also as Red_Pyramid206 Posted over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
I was actually really liked as red. This was back before all you cerebral palsy retards took over and ruined this place. Ever since then I've been enjoying trolling you All and have been loving it! over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
You are soooo fucking stupid over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
and yeah that was my goal :3 so I pretty much achieved it XD over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
I love you all! <3 Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Gay over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
Not in a gay way smart one XD over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Omg @Wolfire14 *face palm* -_- over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 commented…
I love you too. over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Would you imagine Daria trying out one of those fermented berries? Posted over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …

This video pretty much sums you all up.

MerkMusic (xbox Troll) - Me

Upset kid - You all

Enjoy XD Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Go fuck the troll face over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
Lelz over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
could use that in montage parodies over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
Ok, heres my proposition for you: I will leave, and delete my account, never to return again, if one of you makes a video of how I trolled you all, and pissed a majority of you off. It also must say that Sound_Wave_ is the greatest troll ever and that you all fell for lulz. Oh and have the trolololo song in the background. You have till 9 PM Central time to make said vid. Do this and I will be gone forever. You have my word :) Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Oh fuck no chicken man over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
Im in college, I got plenty of time XD over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ commented…
If it gets easily banned then why am I still here :3 over a year ago
Sound_Wave_ said …
Ok, I have a proposition for you all! :) I will leave this club forever, if you do one small thing for me! :) Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Get the fuck out of here chicken man over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Go fuck yourself over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
What took you so long were you taking a dump over a year ago