Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 431-440 of 21208

moondragon01 said …
*sits watching the other wolves* link Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Who hear likes the 8os band? Like Motley Crue,Bon Jovi, And Ratt and ect? Posted over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
bon jovi for the win over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Oh Shit!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! D: over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
what!!!!!!!!??????? over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
God don't tell me it's mating season already.....*lowers ears and covers my eyes with my furing hand* oh god, all the fvking horny female come...........a little creepy...... Posted over a year ago
rose-the-fox53 commented…
will if it is mating season, some females dont get horny.... over a year ago
Hiding 129 comments…
shadow-omega commented…
its ok hy over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
just dont talk about pups over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
Ok so chapter two is done Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
" Any of y'all know that hill in the distance? The green one? I found the way over there, send em a message if ya wanna go there." Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
me* over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
" I hear there's peace over there." over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
idk* over a year ago
AquaWolf73 said …
good:i have not seen a flame war since i got on again. good progress. YAY Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
One can only hope it stays that way :/ over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
True. over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
@OmegaKing You know your obviously part of the flame war right? That you exploded? over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
If u guys remember I made an 18 chapter of a dark secret, will here the second part of the story, maybe I will change things, some of u guys got mad how I made it Kate and Cooper, humphrey and Lilly, but it's ok Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
awesome over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
i liked it :) over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
thx over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
i like it man good job over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
Four words:fvk, all, this , fighting Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
anyway, anyone up for rp....lije ang rp, im just rly board over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
like, any* over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
am i the only one here who thinks the flaws in A&O 4 are just nitpicks? Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
no i do. i didnt see nothing wrong with it over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
sure the movie still had small animation glitches, and some of the characters are just remodels, but... i think that's it for negatives lol over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yea obviously over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
not again! it's official: no matter how much i think about this franchise going back to the way it used to be, things always get worse. well i guess it's never gonna end Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
It wont and you can think (No offince mojo) Mojo and area over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
well i do well i dont care about offending area soooo over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
I just finished my monologue here. link Posted over a year ago
JourneyerMan said …
Guys on that suicide thing, you people should seriously look at my own response on the dear mojo picture.. Calling suicide "selfish" but making others live through a bad fucked up life not is very, VERY wrong. Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
then get of this web site/ over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Well u started it. i just spoke my mind and how i felt, u didnt have to respoand but u choice to. i did make u. u have free will and u choice to respond so yea? over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
with that said i wish u a good day sir, over a year ago
big smile
MyDarkestDays said …
Hows everyone? I see we had a vist from Pests :( Other then that how was the night while i left Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
i do too, its already gone way too far if an innocent person lost their life over this. over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
Also your posts can also cause people to do something bad. Anything can so don't excuse something out of fear. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
She may not m kill again someone elss duh. And so can uses so your not any better then me over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
S.W says: This is something random, but something maybe you ought to know. If you remove the ability to feel offended from someone, you further turn them into nothing more than an empty shell. Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 said …
Dear Mojo: I saw your comment to Journeyer, and I like to say that what you say about me is bullshit.
First of all, I never wished any Death Threat, and the reason why I said "Hope dies" (Which I no longer do, and I already said sorry because that can promote murder) was because of the pain and suffering that one person caused (Which is over, because he said sorry).
I never physically hurt anyone.

All I mainly did was give my opinion and argue that your wrong and such. Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
While maybe I did do a couple of stuff I should of done otherwise (Like do other things instead), I like to say that you don't seem to respect others for there right to give an opinion.. Example: Remember your forcing opinion forcing that "Fandom will die"? All I wanted to do was disgaree, because I believed I had a better source, and a more open argument, in respect to disagreeing, so I wanted to make a more better faith article (More realisticly than your guesses) to give more happiniess, but then later this year, you brig that out as a "bad" example of me, which I find extremly rude of your free speech.. - Man, I'm going to let JourneyerMan come later and talk to you as he doesn't mind. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
You claiming that I'm "non-sense" is biased, and rude MojoOmegaWolf. You should talk better honest <Constructive Criticism>. And no, that's NOT the only other way. One other way is if you say sorry and deleted it or just deleted it, because I do not condone article claims out of your own subjectives that talks shit about me, just because I stated an opinion back. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
I was most of the time Mojo. All I did was wanted to address rude opinions that were honestly disrespectful, and I was standing up that your article was harassment, wrong, and disgusting. Standing up against abuse like that, is civil. - And I'm sorry, but if that thing contains offensive creul lies about others, I will freak out about it, and so will other people. Same when people are acting rude in other ways. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I won't be in here for a while, I lost my phone for a while... I have my moms tiny little iPhone 5 s lol... So smal... Expect me to be gone for a while, at most a month, PM me if you wanna talk, I'll get back to you when I get my phone back, or my computer... I'm sorry guys... :( Posted over a year ago
pablopj commented…
i only got on to check on people on here, so i wasn't really staying long, off and on, you know over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
Ok over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
good to know. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
a&o parody: Kate you have to come back with me. Where? Back to the Future
Credit Universal Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
Great scott!! over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
linksorry, couldnt resist. over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
BOOM point blank, broad daylight Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
Mmmmmmmamamammmmaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaa, I have no idea what I'm down ng, all ik is um gonna party all night tonight Posted over a year ago
SapphireFox16 said …
Hello ^-^
Howls Everyone? Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
"Good." over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
Uahk: " Hey y'all!" Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
what's the best idea for spin-off in the franchise:
a movie about Garth and Lilly
a movie about Daria
or a movie about Princess? Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
A movie about daria Hands down lol over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Whatever XP over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
But Daria only appeared in the 4th, Lilly had much more.. I think when it's best to say that Kira is when Daria was used like all the time, but that's not the case.. Though I still want Lilly and Garth instead personality. over a year ago
It is good to see that the Alpha and Omega never forget because there are still new people. :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah XD over a year ago
AquaWolf73 said …
hey i've got a MAGICAL solution to stop this utter bullshit that you guys want to fight over. want to hear it? IGNORE EACHOTHER. now isnt that simple? if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it. <- that is a very good saying to live by Posted over a year ago
AquaWolf73 commented…
and im not going to take anyones side, because its just that stupid. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Uh what do u think I'm trying to do now? >.< over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Let's see, AlphaClub never ignored me, luv never did, and same with OmegaKing (The hitler supporter), etc. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Hello ^^ Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hallo over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Thanks. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Np over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Public live chat: link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hello all Posted over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
hello you get to read my new series over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
sorry, be back in over an hour and half. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Okay over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Looks like bitch one and bitch 2 come on after i went to bed........Wow thigns just wont stop..........fuck u area Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
The only way this will end is if we ignore the fuckers and Act like they are not there over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
Yup. over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
oh yea FVKING BICHES!! over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
alpha and omega, back to the future chapter 1, the gift is now available Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
This is bullshit!!, why is everyone stay fvking fighting, this isn't how this club was, a year ago, so why is it like this now?! Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
still* over a year ago
rose-the-fox53 commented…
will let mw tell u omega, its cuz some of these guys have no life, have nothing better to do, but blame other wolves/ppl in this cluh, cuz thet dont want to tell the truth that its rly them over a year ago
shadow353 commented…
they get me mad to over a year ago
JourneyerMan said …
Holy fuck OmegaKing, judging by your disgusting comments. You are saying that I don't count? I hate humans, but I love me some canine furries. This is another way that makes me bisexual and/or gay.. In fact, I think my main emotions are for 'manly' which gives me a stronger desire for.. anthropomorphic/human-like people.

OmegaKing, you were a jerk, and you should of been open about criticism such as disagreeing with the claim over sanman7's content that DON'T BELONG TO THEM. Posted over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
You have no right to define me, and society has no right too either. Gay or bisexual is about gender only. Not the shape.. If I'm in love with a talking wolf that's a man, and a women one too. Then I am a Bisexual.. So FUCK OFF. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
You tell IT JourneyerMan. This is why I have no respect towards the MLP fandom anymore. Why? Because tolerance is a big f***ing LIE. over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
Maybe it will make him feel bad for his bigotry he's promoted. What's the point though? Some people on here are stuck to there prejudice knee-jerk beliefs either way.. possibly. over a year ago
AquaWolf73 said …
so whats all this mess in this clubnow? i keep hearing a few names. wwwarea, alphaclub, omegaking, and superwolf. SOMEONE tell me the relationship they all have together and WHY the club is going SPASTIC over them Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
OmegaKing was attacking me and my friend as a bisexual furry, which caused a war today. AlphaClub keeps blaming me for everything when it's not true, and people blame me for a possible fake attempt at a murder (Claiming I made someone mad (When I didn't intend this crap) that he/she tried to kill someone), etc.. Also, MojoOmegaWolf is the huge blame in all of this, he WON'T take down that offensive harassing creul like article about me: "Area Has to Go: Petition". It's a lying article on the top part, and it made people harass me (I'm wwwarea) on DA, etc, etc. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Trust me. Nearly all these people are idiots and/or sycopaths. MojoOmegaWolf is a 'perfectism bigot' and he continues to make abuse claims over me that's all wrong. - So I would love to advice if I can explain this whole thing in PM.. I'm 20, and I have a deeper explaination about what happened. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
MojoOmegaWolf, people have every right to disagree and argue if that thing they don't like hearing actually BOTHERS people. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the imdb rating for A&O 4 is going down, cause the people who ''review'' the movie said stuff like "this movie sucks!; the worst sequel yet!; the puppies are obnoxious; Kate and Humphrey are hateable; Daria's story is laughably bad; the plot's a mess; the animation's rancid; the story and concept are horrendous; the acting suck" etc. i've never heard reviews so wrong since bobsheaux's god awful take on the movie. and that's sad, that's REALLY sad! Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
That sucks. I'm not a fan of the forth movie much, but the quotes are just awful mostly. The only thing I agree with bob is the rabitpoo mountain thing. But that's it involving him. over a year ago
Arrows11 said …
Society is not king. Half of it are actually different and don't agree with each other either.
Society doesn't have the right to define things and act like there claims over me, gamer, etc, to be "facts".

Just because they say so, doesn't make it true. Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
I hope OmegaKing learns his own fucked up lesson about me.. Hell, I even respect that his friends can feel offended if they want, but what I don't respect is that the wrong audience who are more slightly different than sanman7 somhow "gets" to be the only one to decide.. That's fucked up.. If they make a claim over something they don't know, other people (EVEN if I wasn't a gay or bisexual at all) still get to disagree if it's a global claim involvings works not thiers. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Today, I'm not going to bother with Mojo right now. Right now, I just feel in great denial of my self due OmegaFuck's words about me and society. It makes me feel bad about myself, about my whole idenity, etc, etc.. This is just fucking sad.. I think OmegaKing is starting to get just as bad as MojoOmegaWolf... in fact in some parts, he's already worse. I fucking hate bronies even more now.. I mean I can't hate all, but he's one of the worst rabid bronies I've ever seen.. The ones that make ALL bronies look BAD. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
@Also OmegaKing - Your claims about me as a bisexual isn't truth. Nor is your making up bullshit about the right to disagree is either.. Your claims are NOT science, nor is it based off any REAL dictionary. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
GTG tonight, guys... bye!!! ;) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
This song describes me lol, okay, OmegaKing??? Lol: link Posted over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
um the link is broken over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
IK... but I reposted it as a video, and the thumbnail shows up... means it works... bug I posted it here just in case it is somethi g wrong eith the site for you or your PC over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
*but* over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
area........I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Oh, I get it now. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Oh lol \ over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
I PMed you, OmegaKing... also, give me a second, WolfGamer, I'll PM you your IP when I find it, it takes a second. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Damn, the sub on these customized Monster DNA headphones... holy shit... Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
Gamerwolf, I thought there was a kum ba yah moment last night. Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
yeup, something happened last night. well, last night in my timezone that is. over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Alright this getting me curious when did the article came out Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
IN JANUARY over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
They have been fighting for two and a half months... over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Oh ok over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Im looking up some funny Jokes! want me to post them too u let me know by pm lol Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
sure over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
You No im done with this shit im tired of the fighting i havent been on here long and its already stupid >:( Area can go fuck him self not like it matters since he most likewly has aids or shit thats way he acts like he has problems with the world. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Don't leave....!!! over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
have everything i need and a copy of that HD, i had like 18 hard drives compatible with the ps4 lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Well... if you could format this drive I gave you a link for, it would be perfect for it. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Quote from pablopj in a PM, proof that I am NOT superwolf: I just got out of court not long ago, she is going to do time, outside before they took her I asked her if she was super wolf from fanpop, she said yes, as prove, she told me her password, 0000000000, that zero ten times, they took her, she was like a 25 year old, around there, if you want, you can get on it and close it down or use it, IDC, it actually over, really, if only getting rid of area was so easy, anyway, Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
that all I wanted to say, say bye, take care over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
no the protocol command is going to a location in the ocean off the coast of bermuda over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
But it still has to pass me in order for me to see it, which, I did... although it does depend on what you intended for it to affect... over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Someone gotta read my article about the new GTX Titan X (GTX 990) Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
going to read it soon over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
D: i'll right out the specs when i release the non test copy ok D: over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Ignas357 said …
Alrighty then,.. So.. someone got attacked by a fan of a fan and died?
Like, first of all, who was it? How did the person find the victim? How did he attack her and for what, a silly internet fight over some bullshit that no one should care about anymore?
Do we even have any proof of anyone dying or getting attacked? Because, I don't know about ya'll, but this seems just sliiiightly far-fetched.
*ringring*, calling bullshit. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yep, pretty much. It was pablopj's sister who died... over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
That sounds closer to it lol over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Yeah, no. If you 'provoke' a murder like that, it still doesn't make it entirely your fault. over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Everyone went silent....
WTF Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
What??? i didnt over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
I'm quiet all the time, soo... xDD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I wish it ended when it started... over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Pablopj left now. Another user left to this damn fight. General Patton needs to come in and kick some ass. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
??? over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
No you didnt honey lol i announced it last night when i augured with area lol over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
oh forgot lol over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Take this to a real time discussion? : link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
GTG eat for a bit... see ya'll later!!! :) Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Back, lol over a year ago
pablopj commented…
are you still back? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
yeah over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hallo, how are ya'll? (German: Wie gehts dir so?) Posted over a year ago
pablopj commented…
as good as i will be over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
I meant user interface over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
So, the UI over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Watch this video on the GTX Titan X, or, the number name, GTX 990, it is super funny... this guy hates the Titans, so when he reviews this card, he gets all pissed of at NVIDIA...: link Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
About halfway through he finds out that his packing peanuts are edible and starts eating them... over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
so, what were those comments on that one forum post? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
not showing up for me over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hey area, and hamer, you bitches!!! Pablo's sister died because of your promotive fighting, gods damnit!!! Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
How about you stop??? over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
they might be planning something. over a year ago
pablopj commented…
at this point, I'm not sure anyone even updated the cops what happened and noone in my family wanna talk about it right now over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if the Razzies had a category for animated movies, who knows how many razzies Foodfight would've got Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Razzies? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
it's kinda like the Oscars, but it's for bad movies over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
foodfight is know as one of the worst - if not THE worst animated movie ever made! over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
did area or one of his lackeys do any more hacking? Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Idk over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Area hacked? Let's see what he does when I double hack him... (Hack a hacker) over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
sure over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
looking at the characters details in A&O 4, their fur looks really soft and real Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Which is a good thing that they look more realistic, right? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Agreed XD over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Them tricksters!!! over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hallo, how are ya'll? Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
I'm good thanks u. over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
im doin ok. over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
hey ares, how bout we rp how i met Nova here? link over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Sure over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Look".........about area........there is only two things we can do..........try and ignore him...........or delete that article....... Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Oh how do I delete the poll I was trying to make a point and I'm done with it :p anyone knows? over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Never tried to delete a poll, but IK how to delete almost anything else on here... sadly.... over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
It's ok over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
am i the only one here who thinks Sia's "Elastic Heart" (the original one with The Weeknd) fits with either A&O 2 or A&O 4? Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Never heard the song... although I never listen to pop anymore, only electronic music from Monstercat or Skrillex, more preferably Monstercat, and Country. XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
ok lol over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Good morning everyone or good night or good afternoon or good evening Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Good morning XD over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
my ratings for the FNAF franchise:
FNAF 1: A-
FNAF 2: B+
FNAF 3: B+ Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
yea fnaf 2 was pretty hard over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Never played any of them, but also, never found any videos about them scary, nor did I find watching my friends play it scary... over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
i give all 4 Fs cuase they weren't scary at all........they were over hyped.....and the story idea was just horrible over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
why do people say A&O flopped at the US box office? it grossed a little over $26 million, which - although not that great - doesn't mean it's a failure Posted over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
According to wiki, it did say it made it.. Not sure why either myself.. I think I been through some issues with people involving this before... over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
never mind that kum ba yah moment! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
link this is random, but it may do a lot of good in this our darkest days. Posted over a year ago
AquaWolf73 said …
my god. i joined this three years ago when it was brand new. and people are STILL active on a thread about A&O? Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 said …
"She hurt my reputation... it's all over this small town... but theres a little bit of fire under all that smoke, ya know how word get's around.. well, back in the day you were a streight A student, daddy's little girl, "Honey, what are you doin', talkin' 'bout lettin' your hair down...? We'll take a ride on the wild side of town!"" Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
I'm off to the patch! Anyone wanna get wasted on berries with me? Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Ja hold on over a year ago
skyrim2244 commented…
I'm drinking beer over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
.... okayblol over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
*okay lol* over a year ago
MyDarkestDays said …
Its Sanali Area and your the most selfish Sorry piece of shit no that would be that little stalker u had. nope she just as bad as u someone almost died because of this and all u care about is your self. So all i can tell u is BURN IN HELL!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
*knocks you down and licks your face* over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Not much, just using super's account, lol over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Again he is being selfish because he won't stop this non cences and hey hybrid. now gamer stop acting like ur not over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
moondragon01 said …
#iwantout Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Why? over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
why do you think? over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
I was asking if you were gonna leave permanantly or temporarily over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Well guess we have to wait longer for alpha and omega family vacation Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Yep... over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Yeah I hope over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Awesome over a year ago
Arrows11 said …
"Damn right I won't apologize. I have the right to speak my mind when I see fit, and yes he has the right to say that he disagrees, but he does not have the right to tell me that I am wrong simply because my views differ from his. For somebody who advocates love and freedom of expression, he sure is a spiteful control freak."

MojoOmegaWolf, people have every right to call you wrong, because your claims about me are wrong, and you have no right to CENSOR other people in disagreement. Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Don't you dare pretend that your shitty opinion is "right" over others or things. I have every right to disagree and argue, and you have no right to get away with lies about me. over a year ago
Hiding 144 comments…
Arrows11 commented…
Dude Mojo, not really. I mean they may have a right to have it, but they don't have a right to abuse it. Sorry.. You are wrong on your opinions about me, and you always will be. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
I mean they don't have the right to speak up about it involving things they don't own. And honestly Mojo, you are wrong. You are wrong about my friends, and wrong about my own past. And you have (fuck it) no right to take that biases away from me and share to others. Sorry but you don't. over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
......AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaa help, I'm not a wolf!! Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
i was drinking wtaer fron the lake and now, will idk what i am now.DD over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
XD over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
the big bad wolf is only 5 feet tall and 6 feet from nose to tail tip, its fangs are shorter and duller then most wolves. nothing scary there over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Today I just found alpha and omega in target werid is it Posted over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Hey I was worried that super was coming oh ok over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Yes I am alive over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Hi area over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Hi everyone you guys must be shocked that I was dead well I was pretending to be dead Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Hi over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
She is locked up for a few years over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
XD over a year ago
RadLilly said …
Heey dudes and dudettes .3. xD Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Hallo over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
chat? over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
Okie over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Awws, how ya'll doin? Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
not too bad. over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
RP? over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Im ok :) Thanks over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
:) over a year ago
AlphaClub said …
Hallo, people!!! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
hi over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Yeah over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Yep over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
link Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
any questions? over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
Lol, this place. Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Omg! That Pick D: (Screams) over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Shh, jumping spiders are adorable. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Boring as ever. I miss the old times. over a year ago
pablopj said …
I found the fight sanali had with wolfgamer and area that maybe got them mad to actually ban her Posted over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
well considering her profile name is up and the fact that it says temporay ban on her profile name in the "list" i'd say she is baned over a year ago
pablopj commented…
now i said maybe, not for sure, it happened not too long ago in a different club over a year ago
pablopj commented…
ok over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
OoooooOOOOOOOoooorooooooooohhh.... Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
What? over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
is there anyone in contact with sanali outside fp? Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
link over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
no berries tonight. We howl. over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
i might have a contact anyone who wants it pm me over a year ago
superwolf000 said …
GTG eat, workout, do some homework, etc... be back on in a few hours... and Uahk, bro, I'll be on the RP later, too!!! :) Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 said …
Sanaliwolfofluv eas either banned or deleted her account!!! WTF?!?!?! Posted over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
Who? over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
I HAVE NO IDEA BUT I'M PISSED over a year ago
pablopj commented…
him, you mean, oh, ok, carry on then over a year ago
superwolf000 said …
Okay, wow... I see now, all of you guys fanned SuperWolf, while she still owned her account??? WHY WOULD ANY OF YOU DO THAT??? I mean, you can fan this account now, it's AlphaClub, but back then... WHY??? Posted over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
PM from DancingHumphrey to Super: Hey, can you please leave him alone? I don't think he's done anything bad. Heard you said he should die, I think you need to stop that.. If you love so much, you should listen.. lol over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Conversation between DH and Super: Oh.. Well forget about it then.. I wanted you to click on it so I would get some kind of computer information.. If it were to show a certain code I know, then I would have thought you were somebody (Sorry I was just being safe). > > >>I can probably tell (Make things more clear) for my own personal issues or not if you go here: >>link >>It could solve something I'm fearing about. >I tried ur link, took me to, then it didn't load anything, jus a white page over a year ago
pablopj commented…
do anyone understand this? over a year ago
superwolf000 commented…
Not me sorry over a year ago
superwolf000 said …
Okay, so it's me, Alphaclub!!! Pablo said he got outta court and that it WAS superwolf who hurt his sis... he asked her and she said yes, and gave him her password, so I logged in on it and now I have fomplete control over it XD Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Just logged back on to my main user, lol, this is completely funny, I have TOTAL control XD over a year ago
pablopj commented…
what so odd? over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
that fact that pablo's sister knew superwolf000's password...... over a year ago
KateFan27 said …
If only somebody would spill some Coca Cola onto this site. Maybe then there would be happiness. Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
Lol probably not. over a year ago
KateFan27 commented…
Right? If it can bring those two together, it could probably bring Nazis and Jews together over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
@Kate Yup. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
another reason why bobsheaux sucks: he actually calls the first Transformers movie worse than Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i just found out that Gina Bowes (the voice of Daria in A&O 4, one of her most famous roles) also had a cameo in the god awful Swan Princess Christmas. why Gina?!?! why did you do that?! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
" Ughh..." * rubs throat* Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
" I think I attempted a kamikaze last night." over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
Dont try an talk about him. Talk about him and he gets pissed. Givin him more of a reason to start another fight............. over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
wow Lol over a year ago
JourneyerMan said …
God, I came back and MojoOmegaWolf is still acting like an idiotic psychopath. Calling WolfGamer1000 and me a "sheep", calling my friend a "false idol" with religious talk, laughs like a sadistic, claims his opinions about FanFictions that doesn't effect the original a "fact", his idiotic claim that wwwarea "ruined" everything when he didn't, etc..

I fucking hate this guy so much.. And I don't usually talk like this.
And he believes that he "doesn't" tell people how to think when he does. Posted over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
I even give him the dictionary showing that you must be "mindless" to be a sheep, which I wasn't.. He just continues to ignore that.. Speaking of this... over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
"beyond signing their names on the petition is not my concern," but you told them lies and untrue things about wwwarea, and you asked and promoted people to do so. Also, some people are dumb to believe you, and it doesn't give them the right to do this when yet, they could of ignored the entire fight. Also, wwwarea never started the fight from what I experience. And wow, joking about suicide eh? Bravo, you sadistic fuck. over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
According to the dictionary, you actually are a sadistic. You have a right to define my life if it fits well with the dictionary, but considering I'm not "mindless", I actually argee, then you don't have a right to call me that 'anyway' since that would be considered 'made up'. - If you want it to end MojoOmegaWolf, then do the RIGHT THING and delete something that triggered this fight and war. over a year ago
skyrim2244 said …
Coming soon my new series Alpha and Omega, Back to the Future Posted over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
:) over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
Sounds cool. over a year ago
SapphireFox16 said …
Ugh im finally back...........Still see that fights going on............oh by the way i may be only comeing on at night.....Maybe at day from time to time............. Ugh I hate this shit i feel like Well how ugly the fights gotten lol Posted over a year ago
big smile
MyDarkestDays said …
Hey! :D Posted over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Wow.........This, non of this have to do little to nothing with alpha and omega wow...... over a year ago
JourneyerMan commented…
Blame MojoOmega, and a few other people for triggering anxiety, emotional pain (if that's any different) and the harrassment mojo advocates. over a year ago
MyDarkestDays commented…
Uhhhh i dont really care whos fought it is.......... :/ over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
ABANDON ALL HOPE! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
SanaliWolfofLuv commented…
WHat Ever area over a year ago
SanaliWolfofLuv commented…
Whatever over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
I MUST LEAVE THIS DAMNED SITE!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
*retracts claw and tears throat* over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
*wraps throat with bandage and passes out from blood loss* over a year ago
AlphaClub commented…
NOOOOO! YOU STAY HERE!!! over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
I have lost hope! * scratches throat* Posted over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
have you banned us from having fun? Posted over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
MojoOmegaWolf has ruined many poeple's fun (As provided from evidence, including me), he ruined my fun as a member with lies, and harassing action (And promoting), he insults my own open hearted theories about Alpha and Omega and the fandom, calls my freinds "sheep", etc, etc.. Now you guys (mostly Sanali, OmegaKing, etc) are ruining it. over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Of course you do then.. I'm done with this stupid life maybe. It was a waste of my 20 years then. over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
thank you for your evidence... over a year ago
moondragon01 said …
know that feeling you get when someone gets into your private space without permission? Posted over a year ago
SanaliWolfofLuv commented…
Oh Yea...........I have a baby sister remember lol (Winks) over a year ago
moondragon01 commented…
... over a year ago
Arrows11 commented…
Too bad it's actually not private according to Fanpop. over a year ago