Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 1741-1750 of 21208

hank666 said …
Well metallica1147....IDK what else to say. I said I'm sorry, I said everything I could. We are friends, remember that. You can yell at me cause I hunt, you can insult me all you want. But if please, forgive me for all this. please man, your my best friend. DX Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
what makes me so special about being your best friend? After all the shit I said to you. over a year ago
buddydevos commented…
Hey I'm not trying to get into anything that's not my business but if you want some help with anything I am here to help. Sicerly, buddy over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
From what I hear deer season is coming soon. Awww, those poor deer. I hope not many are killed this year. Deer may not be my fav animal but its STILL an animal and I love animals. Which means I love deer. *Hugs a deer* I hope not to many deer are killed this year. :( Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
As much as I love deer, it has to be done for population control over a year ago
SkipperFan commented…
Some people are nasty and just kill the deer for the sake of killing them. And THAT must stop. over a year ago
Deadsoul23 commented…
i love hunting deer but ill eat them hmmmhmmm its better fresh :P over a year ago
big smile
hank666 said …
I have some good news guys! Since Y'all liked the articles with Sweets and I in them, Sweets and I have teamed up and we are going to have a mini series with me in it!! Oh, and Sweets got her dedicated medal for this club! :D Posted over a year ago
Alphaman commented…
Ohhhhh wow.....Oh boy.... over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
hank666 commented…
I have showers and t storms, nothing servre over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Its just odd that we have a tornado in the middle of september over a year ago
TheTrueKate commented…
AHHHHHHHHHH!~!!!! over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
Just found out an interesting thing: If you plug in your earphones to your ipod (dunno 'bout iphone or ipad), set the volume to 0 and when playing a song you listen very closely (with 0 volume) you can hear the song still playing! can anyone try this out? I wanna know if only my ipod does it. Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
I soooo dont give a fuck now XD Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
what about later :3 over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Dont know. Dont care xD over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol! over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Hey fellow pack members i just woke up and have to do yardwork until i leave for campus at 3 PM, wont be around much until 8 or 9 i dont think, cant tolerate working on this computer, only get an average of 45 minutes out of it before it has a catastrophic meltdown and i have to manually restart it, typical Microsoft for ya though. Anyway all have a good day and those that have my number can contact me at any time, if i am mowing though i wont get it til i am done. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
k over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
Police Officer: Have you been drinking tonight?
Person: Occifer, I swear to drunk I'm not God. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
RustyandJuneP commented…
hahahahaha That's Funnah! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
New AMV is up! Posted over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt said …
my friend is looking for a girl he can chat wif on cam Posted over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
any1 no any 1 who will over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
y is this club so quiet all of a sudden over a year ago
anubis210 said …
hey people can we stop with the, do you think i should leave questions? if you wanna leave....just leave Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Agreed. I wonder how many of those we have here anyway lol? over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
a hell of a lot over a year ago
hank666 said …
Well guys, I have found out something while I was thinking. I get mad when ever I see something that makes me mad, such as hate things. or jealous, like good drawings on DA. And then I just discovered I get mad for no reason. Like I could just sit here, think, and something would pop up that would piss me off. So more than likely it is a phase, my hormones are probably all jacked up. And lack of sleep probably contributes to that to. So guys, just deal with me and I'll try to control myself. Ok? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
And know that I'm still the old Hank! I'm just having my anger problems spike up for some reason over a year ago
EightySix commented…
I get irritated and pissed at the world for being so dumb. I hate everyone and everything seems stupid to me. I blame that on being too smart for my own good, but thats a flimsy justification so what I WILL say is this; getting angry is normal. If you don't get angry something's wrong with you, and people who say they don't get angry or upset are liars, lol. You just gotta know how to let the little things go. Don't sweat the small stuff. Alternatively, you could always be more like Lewis Black; link over a year ago
NadineDeer said …
Check out my new icon image. Bambi is high on weed! ROFL! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol I used to watch bambi just to see him get kissed by feline in this moment! over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
high lol over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol maybe! over a year ago
Mitsi1991 said …
My new group is all set up if anyone would like to join! There I will post all of my art and of course I would love to see everyone elses work posted there aswell! :) I hope to see u there!! link Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
joined before you even gave the link lol over a year ago
hank666 commented…
kk over a year ago
Katelover812 commented…
joined over a year ago
Mitsi1991 said …
Hello!!! Ive been wanting to make my own fan page where I can post all of my alpha and omega art, and take requests, and just to chat with friends and fans!! Any 1 know how??? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
link over a year ago
Mitsi1991 commented…
Alright thanx!!! Its all set up!! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
kk over a year ago
hank666 said …
Ive looked at the answers I have gotten and I have concluded....I'll stay. Seeing how much people would miss me, seeing how much they care about me really speaks to me. I was actually on the page of "edit profile" and was about to hit "Remove account". But a last minute, I decided not to. A quote from katealphawolf spoke to me the most:" to be honest, when ever I think of the A&O club, first thing that comes to mind is a picture of hutch zombied, and that means something." Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
But you all to know something, If I yell at you for any reason, I'm sorry. There will be these times when I'm pissed for no reason. My horomones and bulling and other things are making me this way. But remember that I'm still the same ole' sweet Hank. over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Foregive me anyone who I upset badly over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
I forgive you hank over a year ago
hank666 commented…
thanks over a year ago
arcticwolf07 said …
I need to say something, everybody - I just barely talked Sweets out of shutting herself in her room. She's upset about all the things going on here with our friends, and she's feeling overwhelmed, since she seems to be expected to get into the middle of everything. I've talked her into coming onto IM, and I'll do what I can to keep her out here, but if things start to get TOO bad, she's likely to bolt.

You all may look to her for help, but right now, SHE'S the one who's likely to need it. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
well....for sweets................................I'll stay... over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Sorry about the f'ed up timing, man. I know you've had a hard day. over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
i, will have to post on her wall, im no better, i handle things bad sometimes, used to chat, just to chat, lately i have been like this; just go to her like a bad christian preys, , only time they do it is when everythings went to hell, n they fear death or disaster is near, then like a toy a kid gets bored with, *tosses back in corner* must deeply let the friendsip be a two way street, you never realize.,,,, what you have till its gone, untill i can put into better words, i hope you read this to her, give a hug, n tell her, im sorry, from whatever is left of my heart, im sorry, brian/ *ashamed* sentinelwolf,.... over a year ago
ninja989 said …
i really think that there r people who like like me ! i want to know to they r ? Posted over a year ago
Kate-alpha-wolf commented…
I like u as a friend. over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! XD Posted over a year ago
ScarAlpha said …
Hey, guys, all of you either block Colby or just totally ignore him... Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
ok over a year ago
AlexHamilton said …
Hello Ayxa :D and fans :P Posted over a year ago
sexylily commented…
Hi Alex xD over a year ago
AlexHamilton commented…
Hello :D Ayxa lol over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
Does anyone want to buy a Dodge Viper ACR, a Nissan GT-R, a Volvo S60R, or a Jeep Wrangler?
I'm putting my place up for sale... Contact me... Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
I forgot Scar's old Benz C63 AMG sedan... over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
The GT-R is taken over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
*up over a year ago
hank666 said …
Betas FTW! Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
YEAH!!!!! over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Rock On Buddy!! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
:D over a year ago
anubis210 said …
does anyone know their is a furry version of myspace? Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
There is? over a year ago
lillyishot76 commented…
rlly? over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
no furspace over a year ago
BaltoWolf said …
I Hate fanpop......(Humphreywolf11) Posted over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Yeah Why over a year ago
hank666 said …
Anybody else notice something that I didn't notice until alphakate21 pointed it out to me. I'm growing more aggressive and hateful lately for some reason. I just snap for no reason, and I'm swearing and fight more often now. IDK what is going on but its not just here, I shoved a kid to ground onto other people cause he sounded like the troll. I'm changing and I'm not liking who I am changing into, If you all can forgive me if I yelled at you or anything. I'm sorry guy, I'm changin in a bad way.. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
This isn't me though! Something isn't right. over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
i think it may be that u are changing, i went through an aggresive stage so bad a few years ago that it nearly got me in juvenile hall, beat up a kid so bad he was hospitalized for 3 days, that was when i realized i needed to change my ways or i would end up in prison eventually over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Hey cheer Adam at least you got us that's what Kate say over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
I've made a horrible mistake...
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
no offense, but clearly you have over a year ago
cameron98 commented…
no offense, who gives a rats ass now, he gave away his own flesh and blood, and he also gave up the one who he loved, so sorry if i sound like a dick but he had this coming over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
You guys aren't helping! over a year ago
NadineDeer said …
RAISE YOUR PAW IF YOUR AN OMEGA LIKE ME! *raises mine* :D Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
at school i'm a Omega, but here I'm a beta! *raises hand* over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
*Raises paw* Omegas FTW! :D over a year ago
hank666 commented…
FTW! over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Alpha's pack i've to protect over a year ago
hank666 said …
I'm afraid to say this, but it looks like Colby and Scare are done...yes, done. They broke up. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
yep. scar is moving in with me. over a year ago
hank666 commented…
kk over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
Yeah... We're over. over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
No she with me over a year ago
arcticwolf07 said …
Okay - I have some good news, and some bad news.

How 'bout I tell you the bad news first and get it out of the way, all right? Sweets and I won't be on IM tonight, since we need to get up early tomorrow.

Now for the good news: Sweets isn't the only one who had a writing streak this last week or so. After about a two-month hiatus, I've got a new story in my "Southern Pack" series up for your enjoyment.

Enjoy, please! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
awww, she wont be on. but hey, ill read the new series!!! :D over a year ago
big smile
katealphawolf said …
counted 6 dead deer on the highway today, makes me happy i hate those rodent bastards! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
I might be going deer hunting tomorrow! its about time deer season is in over a year ago
lagtr77 commented…
hooray for fall! over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
plus they shit all over my yard and sidewalk, that ticks me off over a year ago
KateLillyWolfy said …
'ello wolves of the world Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
hello' over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
hello over a year ago
buddydevos commented…
Hello over a year ago
NadineDeer said …
How many of you are watching Alpha and Omega while your online? I know I am! :D Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol i do sometimes over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
I just did for the first time lol over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
big smile
metalwolf116 said …
hey every one i got a die hard medal :D Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
for this club YAY! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
cool!!!!! over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Congrats, pack-brother! Sweets says so, too! over a year ago
jason74633 said …
Who's is this girl RustyandJuneP Posted over a year ago
uilaberrie13 commented…
lol over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
link EPIC. Posted over a year ago
anubis210 said …
one more member needed on my pack to get 100....who will that 100th person be! Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i got a 100 now over a year ago
hank666 said …
I thought about something today: Eve is a nice, caring mother, but she has her over protective, pissed off side which we see a lot.....I thought WAAAAAYYY to much into this O_o Posted over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
Lol I keep thinking of the same thing too lol over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
Kate-alpha-wolf commented…
haha over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt said …

Join my club Posted over a year ago
SweetsOmega said …
Well, goodnight, everyone! Thank you for all your wonderful comments about my latest story! Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
good night sweetsest thing over a year ago
hank666 commented…
night over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
She is the sweetest Omega over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
yep by far Sweets you are the sweetest, kindest, most loving wolf of my pack! I feel so honored to have you here!^^ over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
This just made Katie and my's day! HAHAHAH!

link Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
XD LOL over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Sad news for Katie and I. Since she is from an alternate dimension, here genetics and Chromosomes are much different and more complex. THat means our genes cant mix even through cloning. So in other words, Katie and I can't have pups no matter how hard we try. Katie is sitting here crying in my chest. Hell, I am crying now. I can never have my own son. Sure adopting is nice but its not the same as having your own pup. Katie and I are in so much pain Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
dont feel bad man, it is the same with me and my mates over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Im Quizzing sweets in Algebra and Physics! hehehehe! Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
If she gets the question wrong I shock her with a cattle prog over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
im so evil! over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
Go RICH! over a year ago
SweetsOmega said …
Hello, everyone! How are ya all tonight? My Arctic and I are fantastic! I've got my Thursday night present for ya all, and I'll get it put up for ya as quickly as I can. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
yay over a year ago
SweetsOmega commented…
It's up! I hope ya all enjoy it. over a year ago
hank666 commented…
I VOTE FOR BEST. ARTICLE. EVER. over a year ago
anubis210 said …
Sir Isaac Brock (1769-1812), hero of Upper Canada was born in Guernsey where i live....many people think he was born in america...we have a street named after him....little fact :P Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
cool over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i dunno what he did though lol over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
I'm guessing he might have been a knight. maybe. over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i think he separated canada from america...i dunno..something like that over a year ago
big smile
LIL-Humphrey said …

Woof woof Bark Bark Woof! Woof, Woof Woof, Bark, Woof Woof!!!
Bark Bark Bark, Woof Bark!
Bark Bark Bark! Woof ... Bark!

Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
I'm so sorry. over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
Me in slow motion: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
bark bark woof woof bark bark bark bark woof sniff woof bark over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i is watching cars 2! waited 6 years to watch this :P Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
awesome! did you like it? i liked the first better cuz of Doc Hudson but the second one was awesome, Finn is my fav from that movie over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i watched 19 minutes of it...didnt have the same wowness of the first one over a year ago
LIL-Humphrey commented…
I was disappointed with the second part. over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
What to do if at the middle of the night you see a flying TV in your room?
-Yell: "Drop it nigga!"

*I'm am not a racist, and dont care about how people look, so dont take this joke too seriously* Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
ok lol i hate how people think i am racist for hating Obama, i am not just he is the worst president the US has ever had in the past 20 years over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
Yeah. He won't be re-elected I know it. I've asked almost my whole town and none of them will vote for him. I'd rather have Bush again. over a year ago
hank666 commented…
XDDD over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
hey people alue is on face book, add him, add him, ADD HIM!!!! Posted over a year ago
AlphaWolfCurt commented…
wats he under over a year ago
Alue26 said …
I'm on Facebook, after negotiating with my nephew.If someone wants to friend me, feel free to ad back!! Posted over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Nah stay in Fanpop over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
I'ml still staying on Fanpop! over a year ago
anubis210 said …
for the record the new banner doesnt have cando in it...incase anyone didnt notice Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
hmm i didnt notice before over a year ago
EightySix commented…
yeah. if i had more space and an hour or two to go in direct and get screencaps that i see it would be different. over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
yup yup over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Good Night Fanpop! Katie, Kate, and I are gonna put Hayden (Colby's Daughter) To bed. Night! Posted over a year ago
hank666 said …
Hutch doesn't sleep...he waits....
Hutch once went to burger king and ordered a big mac, and got one.
Hutch once entered the NASCAR 500 and won, but he was soon disqualified, apparently you have to have a car.

(a parody of the chuck norris jokes) Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
If anyone wants to adopt a pup, Scar and I have agreed to adopt ours out. Message or chat me if you're interested. Posted over a year ago
cameron98 commented…
you didnt agree man, you just got rid of them over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
yea i am that bored! XD over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
true dat over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Aleu Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …

Check out this site! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
you jackwagon! >:( over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Lol haha! over a year ago
Wolfman32 said …
Guy's, Tony's gone. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Huh? Whos tony? over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
No my son Tony is the one who died. We named him after Rose's grandfather on her father's side. over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Oh over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
grrrrrrrrr..............hhehehehehe Posted over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
What's going on? :( over a year ago
Wolfman32 commented…
Oh. You have to use peace man. Compramise man. I'm getting to deep into my stash right now man. over a year ago
Alue26 said …
You know, this Is something that happened to me a long while ago. Iwas watching Downfall In my homecountry, and then came the sence where Frau Goebels assasinates her children by Cyanide pills. Cut to commercial, and what do I see? A commercial featuring little children!! I was really like Kate after she heard what her mother said If Garth should get out of line!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
katealphawolf said …
Yay today is the very first day of my favorite season, autumn! :) Posted over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Mine's winter!! Buit still.... over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Didn't autumn start like at the beggining of this month? lol over a year ago
Deadsoul23 commented…
lol i agree i got to work in this rain lol and it isint warm XD i love the winter much better then Spring summer fall its all bad weather XD over a year ago
Alue26 said …
I've looked something up today, In my school agenda, there was a table for the Greek Alphabet, and as you now, the first letter Is Alpha, and the last Is Omega, so, maybe they have looked that up before they made this movie, and the same counts because It's In the Bible!! It's the first, and the last!! Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
the alpha and the omega are really old saying...i think in the bible some where god called him self alpha and omega,..they probably know that...but they wont need to look that up anyway because alpha and omega are wolf ranks anway over a year ago
Alue26 commented…
Yes, I know, some person said that In airqoutes, she didn't want to believe that those are wolves ranks!! She thaught that It wasn't orriginal!!! over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Who's stupid Aleu and I need to find out over a year ago
hank666 said …
Man, my zombies aren't getting as many views, kinda disappointing but hey, they did have at one time LOTS of views. I remember 1 had 463 views, and I put it up 1 day ago! Posted over a year ago
hank666 said …
A&O is like lays potato chips, you can't have one! Posted over a year ago
NadineDeer said …
ATTENTION FACEBOOK USERS! It got some new layout looks. Is anyone else bother by this? Because I'm thinking about deleting my account for it by tomorrow. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
it is the same for me right now, but i hardly ever use FB and may delete my account anyway over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
Yeah most of my other friends too also hate it. It's horrible, disgusting and highly distracting to be looking at! over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
Updating status? Isn't that what Twitter is there for? ^^ over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
Tomorrow, Scar and not-so-little-anymore-Sweets are heading up to Jasper to put Sweets through Alpha school. She'll hop on one more time tomorrow morning before we set off. Wish them luck! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
good luck to them both over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Yeah Good Luck God bless you by Aleu and I over a year ago
EightySix said …
Can I get a HOWL YEAH?! Posted over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
HOWL YEAH!!!! XD over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
No, I'm all out, can only give ya a NYAN YEAH! over a year ago
EightySix commented…
IGNAS! Your out. Pack your things Get the howl out of here. XD over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Fine! but I'm taking the rest of your howls with me! over a year ago
KateLillyWolfy said …
XD I posted my Kate report. It's finally done! I just hope my techer likes it... Posted over a year ago
KateLillyWolfy commented…
*teacher over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Life with Kate and Katie part 5 is up! fan and comment dear readers! Posted over a year ago
big smile
LIL-Humphrey said …

to everyone! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol this reminds me of the frosted flakes! "THEEEIIRIRRRRRRR GRREEAATT!!!!! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
XD they are over a year ago
Fearlessdude88 commented…
lol XD over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i need 10 more members on my pack to make 100....who ever hasnt joined can you? thanks! :)

link Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
if i remember right i was like the 4th or 5th person to join lol over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
you were? wow lol over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
:) over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
I had to edit Life with Kate and Katie part 4 a few days ago, can all the people that read it fan it back? Thanks! Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
If in the word "milk" we change four letters, we get "beer". Think that's just a coincidence? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
lol XD over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha said …
DAMMIT, NOW I WANT A JENNA CLONE!!! Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
And Kodiak! over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Then get one! But idk where you can get one over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
how come? over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
I don't need to I love have Aleu Kins Aleu from Balto 2 over a year ago
EightySix said …
PFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff..... Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
... over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Yeah. THAT. over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Herp a derp over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
damn this wind sucks! i was just out in the parking lot and it blew over some kids motorcycle, back home i guess it is worse and blew a cottonwood on a trailerhouse, yikes! Maybe winter is on the way, that wind sure has a nasty bite to it thats for sure Posted over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
yeah its pretty bad over here to! everytime i go outside to read the wind blows my pages all around and i cant sit in peace and quiet! over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
well tonight i am going to watch alpha and omega with my cat! haha Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
nice over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
yeah i know i am weird haha over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
but i still love my cat! may it be a feline movie..... over a year ago
VenezuelanOasis said …
apha and omega will be on 3d at venezuela! Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Cool! :) over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
thats awesome over a year ago
VenezuelanOasis commented…
i am waiting for the movie over a year ago
hank666 said …
Cool thing happened today, I was at the hospital (Family matter, don't ask) and I was on the 3rd floor and I looked down to the first floor, and there was Jeff Gorden (or kyle Busch)!! He was with a camera man and He was giving 5 gifts to a kid with cancer. Didn't have my phone on me and the elevator was about to leave so I couldn't get a pic. Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
I could tell it was a nascar drivere cause of the gifts and the shirt he was wearing, it was a racing suit over a year ago
hank666 commented…
correction , it was Cruz Pedregon over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
wow wish i could have been there over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
I got to work with some amazing tools, for effects. Shiny, dark, shading, colouring, the whole works. But I have finally finished this master piece. link Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
awesome pic dude over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Worth the whole summer over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
what is that? over a year ago
kates-mate101 commented…
Oh just some picture ^^ over a year ago
hank666 commented…
:D over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
My little bro's to be girlfriend's mom has the hair style of Eve... O.O
Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Oh shit...not a good sign over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
your profile pic isnt you over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
OMG! Ok I was watching A&O right now! (Still am) and I just finished watching the part where Garth does his "fail" howl in front of Kate, and I have my window open cause its hot and my next door neighbor who is working on stop outside that is right across from my window hears Garth and he asked me "Is there something dieing in your room?" XDD OMG I totally burst out laughing! I told him it was a wolf from a movie and he said "Hope he doesn't painfully" XD Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
haha lol that shit is funny! XD over a year ago
hank666 commented…
XDDDDDD over a year ago
katewolf56 commented…
i like your pick of my sissy(lilly) and so yea over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
I'm going to take 2 quotes (one from the movie, the other I heard from wrestling) and put it together! Alpha and Omega Totally Reeks of Pawsomenes! XD Wow that's somewhat stupid but I find it funny. "Totally Reeks of Pawesomeness!" I'm gonna start saying that now XD Posted over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
SO........BORED!!!!!!!!! college is a drag on a monday, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY FUCK UP YOUR TIMETABLE!!!!! shit i dont know what i have now! maths?! business?! or drama? Posted over a year ago
Wolffeelings commented…
Do that that is pleasant)) over a year ago
big smile
hank666 said …
Who else uses Fanpop more than Facebook?
I use it more then FB! :D Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Not me over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
i do over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Me used Fanpop more than FB over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
why is this b-dawg stuff coming back up? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
idk over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
idk but it is pissing me off over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
he is a douch, i hate B-dawg over a year ago
kingdom123 said …
wow it rained with no clouds haha i dont know what is going on here! anyway how is everyone tonight? (A&Q) Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
im good over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
thats good hank i am glad over a year ago
kingdom123 commented…
=) over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
hi, if you are mad at me, im sorry, i commented on an answer to your b-dawg question, aimed at language, i know you prob. know every swear word, i just thought, when in the presence of a lady, this pack/family/menbers, could be descriptive, without the vulgar. brian/sentinelwolf over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
*Sniff* Well, all alone tonight. Can't stand to see Skipper right now. I know he's just so disspoimented after that game. Just like how my first 49ers game was, watching my dad's team lost to a rival. Skipper is with Jon right now. Skipper if you see this I'm sorry. I wished your first 49ers game would of been better then my first 49ers game. But I guess it wasn't. Maybe Jon could make him a Packers fan. I mean they don't suck. *Sigh* sooo I'll just be here by myself.... Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
Well I hate to break a promise to my girls. Does anyone want to take Lilly, Marlene and Sapphire tonight and have fun with them? I feel bad that I won't live up to my promise. So might as well have someone else live up to something I can't. First come first serve. Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
well Phil has them tonight. So I'm sold out tonight over a year ago
TheOneTruekate said …
Kate's Quote of the Day
Kate: Life is like a your life the way you want to...follow those dreams...and life, like a diamond, dont ever break it.... Posted over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
She the perfect one over a year ago
TheOneTruekate commented…
Perfect one? over a year ago
ayonamiller55 commented…
i do over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
Wow...49ers just lost. I mean this was Skipper's first 49ers game ever, was watching with my dad, Marlene, Lilly, and Sapphire. Was all excited, and I even told my girls we would have fun tonight cause I was so pumped up today even if its a school night tonight, but.....all of it went away cause Niners lost. Even worse Skipper is all disspoineted....*looks down* Yeah, the good feeling is gone. Nothing to do now is just wait for school tomorrow :\ Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Damn, what a bummer that must be :( over a year ago
CandoAlpha commented…
that was a hella close game tho. when i tuned in i though the Boys were done for, they pulled a miracle out at the last second. over a year ago
lagtr77 commented…
wow, sorry to hear that over a year ago
jbiehl said …
Eve vs Derpy.......who would win? Posted over a year ago
hank666 commented…
Eve and Derpy over a year ago
jbiehl commented…
yay! over a year ago
metalwolf116 commented…
EVE! over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
Eve! over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Does anyone here have a PSN "Soldier boy 714" Posted over a year ago
jason74633 commented…
No over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
An idea got to my head... now it's searching for the brain. Posted over a year ago
jbiehl commented…
Cool. over a year ago
KateLillyWolfy said …
I'm on page 5 for most contributions here. Hope I'm able to get to page 4 by October. Posted over a year ago
big smile
Metallica1147 said …
My little Skipper will be watching his first San Francisco 49ers game today! The 49ers face the Dallas Cowboys today (one of our rivals!) So 3 hours me, Skipper, Lilly, Marlene, Sapphire, and my dad shall be in the living room watching the game on our HD big screan TV! WOOT! And best part, Skipper will be whereing my old 49ers jersey that I had when I was a kid. Its the jersey of the 2nd grestest QB in the 49ers history, Steve Young, number 8! It fits him good and Skipper will where it proud! :D Posted over a year ago
RustyandJuneP said …
Can Somebody Report This Dumbass. Her Name Is KitkaTheFalcon and She Benn Trollen on Skipperfan5431 and Jhordan232. Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Reported over a year ago
RustyandJuneP commented…
THANK YOU! over a year ago
RustyandJuneP commented…
THAKS GUYS! over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
Kate's been offly Naughty today which i like any ideas to let her Be normal? Posted over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i made a legend of the guardians club yesterday can you join? ive added the link hear Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Good luck not getting it removed, since there's allready one :/ over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
theres all ready another alpha and omega club over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
indeed you do over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said …
Im sick of all this balto crap. Get it off of here please. After all these fights I dont want see any off topic. And I find this fat pictures kind of offensive. Would it be to much to ask to remove this crap please? Posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
Honestly, I dont care if the club is dead or not. It is strictly and Alpha and Omega club and we dont need balto stuff. If they wanna do that, go to balto source over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 commented…
That place shut all the other balto sites down over a year ago