Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 71-80 of 21208

TimberHumphrey said …
which big YouTuber do you enjoy watching? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Markiplier <3 over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and Jacksepticeye. Markipliers my favorite. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
okie over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Ugh. Im sick of getting notifications about politics.

Politics=Cancer Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yeah... same. over a year ago
kateALPHAleader commented…
i mean wall paper over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
If you want to get a profile banner you must get "gold" by contributing to a club. As in an article, image, or pole. I think you have to have 5 or 10 gold over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
my theory is that Tom Kane is horrified of birds in real life, so he wanted to let the world know about that by creating Brent. it's not because he wanted to come up with a funny running gag or somethin', oh no no no no (Brent's anything BUT funny). dude has to have a phobia of birds in real life. that's the only theory/explanation i could come up as to why Brent came to life and ruined everything. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
You've got a weird obsession with Tom Kane lol. I think the whole point behind Brent is that bears are supposed to be intimidating and scary but Brent is literally the exact opposite. It was just a cliche gag that failed miserably. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I always just saw Brent As A Manifestation of him. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Ahh! Kate caught Humphrey’s worms! Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
Am I the only one here that doesn't understand the E meme? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Nope. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
dead club is dead! Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Don't Know How To Type Proper English? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
^ Do you know how to type without a capital letter at the start of each word? over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
I was just kiding... or basically saying that half of the time I don't use grammar. Lots of times while writing I put a capital letter on a random word for no reason. over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Just got an email saying if i didn't give this guy 649 dollars he'd make me a meme. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yet how can he make a meme if he doesn't really know who you are? over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
Why would you pay 600+ for memes, though? over a year ago
JennaStone22 said …
Hey guys wassup? It’s been awhile Posted over a year ago
Ashleythewitch commented…
Hey over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Heyy over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
Hello over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Humphrey is the Devil. Kate is Wolf Jesus. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Um. No. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
The tenth anniversary is gonna make me feel old Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
How You Think Im Gonna Feel? over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yea... over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well, the first movie is officially 8 years old today Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Wow... over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
ewww over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I'd watch it, but I don't have it on me at the moment. over a year ago
Chidori1334 said …
todays the 1st Alpha & Omega movies “8th” anniversary Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
8 years has passed since it came out over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Lilly’s got a cutey booty 😋 Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lily Is Simply A Cutie. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
also, the first A&O movie used to Lionsgate's highest grossing animated movie ever. now, that title rightfully belongs to the 2017 MLP movie (that grossed over $60 million worldwide) Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
wow.... over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
A&O 7 might be the only time where Splash actually put SOME thought and effort into making it, but considering how repetitive and predictable it was, along with its stupid slapstick, King being a big pussy at the end and the return of Brent and Agnes (who have NO purpose in the movie), calling it the best Splash sequel isn't really saying a whole lot Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm kinda looking forward to seeing the new Halloween movie Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
What Halloween movie? over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
the new one that's coming out next month over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It looks really good and I’m excited for it. The trailers have completely hooked me in and judging from the RT score right score, this could be the best Halloween movie since the original. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Who would you hire to snuff Brent out- Deadpool? Or John Wick? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Deadpool! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
John Wick - hell he could snuff out the corgis and the porcupines too. Maybe Humpy on the side :p over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
why not both? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Brent’s awesome. Alpha and Omega is nothing without Brent. Brent, Brent, Brent. Tom Kane, you’re a fuckin’ genius for creating Brent. Brent rocks. Love ya, Brent. 💕💕💕

Fuck off, Brent. Posted over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Your old buddy, your best friend ?-? over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg. Lmfao! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
also, looking back at the first movie.... am i the only one who thinks it would've been better if Garth and Lilly were the main characters instead of Kate and Humphrey? Posted over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
If they babies over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
No. I've Always Preferred Lily Over Kate. Wished She Was The Main Character. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
honestly, with the way most of the sequels turned out, i'm having a hard time believing Tom Kane's a "professional" writer. about 90-95% of his ideas sound like really shitty fanfics that even KIDS won't like Posted over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Babykane over a year ago
ben15delas said …
The Good stuff. link Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Wtf, that is just... over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
An old youtube series. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yeah.. weird. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Still better than the YouTube crap now. And the A&O sequels. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
A&O's most iconic scene gets brutally butchered by Tom Kane's piss song. apparently, that's what we get for liking and supporting this god damn franchise Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Leave it to Tom Kane to butcher Alpha And Omega’s best scene with a song about urine. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Yea. Fuck Tom Kane over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
That song...UGH, ITS THE DEATH OF ME!!! over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Makes My Ears Bleed. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
Norm of the North 2 looks so good, it makes me wanna wish for someone to nuke the fucking Arctic, and shoot my brains out Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Good God. Lol over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Wow over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
But if we nuked the arctic we'd all die XD over a year ago
ben15delas said …
I legit cringe at my old posts from my old account ben14delas. This was around the time I popped out of nowhere. Damn it so awkward. To forever be seen my all. DX XD Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
A&O <::::::::::::::::()xxxxx)• Can anyone guess what this means? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Uhhhh? Free Cookie? over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
A sword in A&O... It's so dead now. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Norm Of The North 2 will be the best animated movie of 2018. Just wait XD Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg No! XD over a year ago
pabloescaval said …
Leave for nearly 2 weeks and miss all the juicy stuff :p. Anyways, hope everyone has their Halloween decorations all set up Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Its September. over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
And? Can never be too early lol over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
There's a cool fanfic worth checking out yet it's not finished. link Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
It's a Balto and A&O crossover. over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
finally a fanfic crossover usually theres fanarts over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Just Watched Mlp Season Ep 28 Sounds Of Silence.
And I Loved It! Posted over a year ago
WolfFreeland said …
Can’t believe Alpha and Omega is about to be 8 Years old but Not Yet lol Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yeah.... over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Yep.... over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yeah... I have Hulu HBO-Go and Netflix, so I might be able to do that. All three have different ones, they all add to all 8 over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
A&O got 7 sequels, but the 2017 MLP movie won't even get one sequel. what the hell, Hollywood? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Can I Get A #FuckHollywood over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Knowing what they did with A&O, you would think they WOULD come out with lots of sequels. over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
A television series isn’t enough? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Alpha and Omega fell into the exact same trap as Ice Age. Movie after movie after movie until it finally hit rock bottom and nobody wants another movie anymore, not even the fans. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Very true over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Idk i loved Ice Age. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Meh. All The Sequels Where Pretty Good To Me. over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …

Eve: “Well, then. I know a certain Humpy Humper who's sleeping with Mommy tonight.”

Kate: *confused* “WHAT?” Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
The Fuck? Lol over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
South Park reference lol over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Wow over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
Never call Humphrey "Humpy-Humper". X( "Wolfy-wolfy" would've sufficed. over a year ago
LivialovesU said …
I'm still here too just busy. :P Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
No one cares. lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Rude Much? over a year ago
LivialovesU commented…
Don't mind him. I just ignore him. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
probably the biggest shocker when it comes to theatrical movies that came out this year has to be the Teen Titans Go movie. i went into it, expecting for an absolute disaster (seeing how much i fucking hate the show), but in reality.... it's actually pretty decent. i don't love it, but i'm shocked that we actually got a good movie from an atrocious cartoon. when it comes out on DVD or on the internet, i wouldn't mind watching it again Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Didn't see it, but it looked good. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I'm Not Wasting Money On That Garbage. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I hope it won't prevent a revival of the actual Teen Titens, and I also hope it won't cause another Teen Titens Go spider egg to hatch. -_- over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate is the Nacho Queen! Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Taco Queen over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Nachos are ick! over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …
Brent: "Mister Humphrey, I don't feel so good." *feels himself fading away into ashes*

*Humphrey tries to get to him but he's pulled back by Kate*

Kate: "Humphrey, no. No. Maybe... just maybe the end of half of all life in the universe has it's own benefits." Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
That's perfect over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Oh God. HAHAHAHA. Thats To Good over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
well in this case... she's right over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Yaa over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm 21 years old now. but already, i feel like an old man lol Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I'm almost 20 lol over a year ago
WolfFreeland commented…
Sorry for the late comment but can’t believe your 21 tho :) over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
As of now, the drama is over. Lets move on. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Hopefully... over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
It is. I'm putting my foot down. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Ah, I figured that was what it was over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Ouch. The traffic. link Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
anyway, i'm gonna try not to think about any of the drama in here, since it's my birthday today and i'm about to head out and celebrate in a few hours Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Happy birthday but ignore the attention drama. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Dramas over anyway. Kid deleted her account. She didn't really have to, but I hope that she's seeking help from REAL people that can actually help her in this situation - cops, parents, etc. over a year ago
humphrey234 commented…
happy birthday timber over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
like for real: all i did was tell y'all that i used to hang out a lot on that A&O fansite on Spruz back in the day. i never said anything bad to start drama Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
You didn't. Just with how out of the blue it was more than likely somebody was trying to start drama. If they really were worried that some predator was stalking them on here they would block the guy, tell their parents, and alert the cops. Even if they can't do anything yet they will at least be on the lookout for any potential attempts at abduction or violence on a child. The reason I know this is that I have friends in law enforcement who have been in this situation. The last thing you need to do is call for pitchforks and drama on a dead website. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
so... i made a post on this wall only telling you guys about how i used to be active on the Spruz A&O fansite (that's completely dead now) and..... someway somehow, it led to drama Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
What else is fucking new? Some kid was starting drama on a member who doesn't even come on here anymore. over a year ago
soldierboy7141 said …
I adore how out of all the clubs on this site, this one is SOMEHOW, still kicking. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
that's Fanpop for ya over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Amazing ain't it? over a year ago
soldierboy7141 said …

What a cringy phase in my life this was. Eugh. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i don't think i've ever met you before (no offense) over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Welcome back it's been years since I last saw you. Like in July of 2013 lol XD over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Sorry I have no idea who you are XD over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
who are you exactly? I never seen you before over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Ok, I'm going to shut this shit down before it gets out of hand because frankly, I'm sick and tired of all the potential made up bullshit. If somebody is threatening you online and is trying to come to your home in real life: Instead of ranting about it on a dead fan club for a kids movie, CALL THE FUCKING COPS AND REPORT IT. If he has messages saying he's going to come to your house, screenshot them and show them to the authorities.

For once, enough with the goddamn drama. Fucking hell man. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And threaten as in threatening your life, meaning if somebody says "Im gonna slit your goddamn throat" and knows where you live. THAT Kind of threat, not something petty or childish. Don't call the cops because some kid is like "im gonna kick your ass" or some stupid petty reason. Its a waste of resources. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And also, they probly can't arrest the guy right away because technically they didn't do anything illegal but at least the cops will be aware of your situation and will be quicker to act and get behind bars. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Its true. I've almost had to draw on somebody before due to aggressiveness but they were smart enough to back down. Sadly people assume that people like myself enjoy shooting other people when in fact that its the exact opposite. Self defense can be very tricky - like for instance you can't shoot somebody if they have their back turned to you, which could indicate that they are trying to get away and there is no need for lethal force. I'm in the process of getting my carry permit, so you have to know the self-defense laws here. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
Wow... this place is just fulll of Drama.Thats it. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Ikr? And it doesn't help that 95% of the time its all made up shit because some kids were bored. I've seen this same drama come through countless times. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
And not gonna lie, I've been guilty of it before. Its amazing how quick people will believe anything they see on the internet. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I know some of you might think I'm a dick because of this, but I'm putting my foot down. I'm tired of the drama. I'm tired of the fighting. I'm tired of the bullshit. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
before i found out about Fanpop, i used to hang out in the Spruz A&O fansite, from 2010 to 2012. i don't remember much, but i do remember being a butthurt fanboy, and looking back, i really regret being like that. hell, now that i think about it, i'm not sure why i loved A&O so much back then lol. well, the last time i logged into that site was in 2014, and now it's totally dead Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I never used it much the login thing always have me problems. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
She deleted her account. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Shame. Well, I hope that she is able to seek the help that she needs. Theres no reason to come on here and rant since nobody is really on here. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the wolf pups in this franchise aren't actually wolf pups. they're demon spawns! Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
I just thought about the three pups... HELP ME!!! PLEASE MAKE THEIR LEGS LONGER!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Freakin Corgi demon children lmao over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Seriously though, they are so disturbing to look at. over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Your right.I mean wolves climbing trees... sounds like demon to me. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg. The Nightmares. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
link Lmao I remember making this like a year ago XD Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I subscribed over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
I also subscribed but that video... It was AMAZING!!!! over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Oh thank you XD over a year ago
ben15delas said …
lol Alpha the trailer pops on the A&O trailer. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I saw that too. It was beautiful over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
I watched Alpha today... and as already said I thought it would be way better that A&O. Well it was! Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Good over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I mean, there are a LOT of things better than Alpha and Omega, lets be honest lol. But Im glad its doing well. I heard some amazing reviews over a year ago
ben15delas said …
The Spruz A&O fansite is dead and has some problems I sent a message to the owner. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I don't think anyone is going to respond. Plus from what I remember the owner used to be a member on here and he was a communist dick. Or maybe it was one of the admins I don't know anymore lmao. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I found my account on the archive thing. To bad I wasn't that active. The login thing always gave me trouble. So I was never on it much. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
That website was a hot mess when I joined. It was so confusing that I ended up leaving over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Same result. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Idk Why I Thought I Could Find A Good A&O Story. Ugh. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
The high school ones are kinda boring. What did you find? over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
I Found A Life With Kate A While Back. It Had A Pretty Sad Ending. It Was Ok. Probably The Best I've Seen So Far. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I found this. link over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Ok, I'm going to be blunt here. Why are some Alpha and Omega fans so fucking creepy? I was taking one of those "Which character based on zodiac" quizzes and my character was eve. Some dude in the group I assist with sees this and PMs me asking for a sex roleplay as eve. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
A. I don't know the guy over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Ill Just Show My Self Out Lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Just tell us what you were talking about lmao over a year ago
big smile
SentinelPrime89 said …
Infinity War is infinity times better than Alpha And Omega. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
understatement of the year! over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz said …
I honestly think Alpha, (coming to theaters tomorrow) will probably be WAY better that A&O. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I know it will be. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I think that movie (the realism likely) shouldn't be compared to an anthropomorphic cartoon movie like Alpha and Omega, but I wonder if certain "anti-wolfaboos" gonna get triggered over it? over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I don't really think anyone is going to get triggered by it. Its gotten great reviews and its not being compared to the furry fandom like Alpha and Omega. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I remember some people hate the idea of a human being friends with a wolf (though I do not know for sure since I didn't see the movie) and I started to wonder. XD over a year ago
Wolfire14 said …
Hello everyone it's been a while Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Hey bud how's it? over a year ago
Wolfire14 commented…
Good and you over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Awesome over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm having a lot more fun now watching MLP than i ever did while watching the A&O sequels Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Thats Because MLP Is 10× Better! ;D over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Chapter 9 is up and part of the final chapter, chapter 10 is up too. Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux said …
Four years with my special lady and still going strong! ;) link Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Congrats dude! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
congrats Bob! :) over a year ago
FleetAlpha commented…
Are you talking about the female plague doctor she looks like one or is she a crow over a year ago
FleetAlpha commented…
Were you sick with the Bubonic plague now that is something I want a girl who is a doctor who can help me your in good hands bob:) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
i'm surprised this place isn't 100% dead, 'cause some of you are still here lol Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
Cause I ain't leaving my childhood past over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
You have to eventually. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Agreed over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Back then: link And now: Posted over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker said …
Man, literally nothing new about the franchise except fanfiction stories Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
It Will Most Likely Stay That Way. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Its going to stay that way. Like I've said, Ben Diskin confirmed that there were no more sequels in development over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I’m actually making a audio drama video where I actually read the actual A&O junior novel, I got 3 chapters recorded so far over a year ago
ben15delas said …
This is where our story ends. It was somewhat fun while it lasted. To bad Norm wasn't that big. Yet a sequel awaits us for some reason. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
By the way how did you guys discover this club? Mine was through a funny image. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
Norm was one of the biggest pieces of shit to grace the big screen over a year ago
Witt107 commented…
Back when the first movie came out, I got into this one spruz fansite for A&O. Honestly was addicted to that site because I made a lot of friends on it back in the day. Just thought about it the other day and it was gone so I decided to look up another fansite lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Lmao one of my favorite wannabes on this site was that Hybred98 kid. He was like "OH YEAH I LOVE FUCKING SMOKING DOPE AND GETTIN PUSSY FUCK YEAH"

Biggest call of duty wannabe kid ever XD Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
lol over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I’d eat Kate’s juicy peach. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Wow. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I'd snort crack off of her ass over a year ago
TheRavenMcoker commented…
OML over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I'm doing one last movie for Alpha and Omega after Missing Parents to wrap up the franchise and finish Humphrey's story. I'm calling it: The Legend of the Peaceful Warrior. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Sounds good!! over a year ago
NemesisPrime92 commented…
Baby time! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
"yeah, you didn't know papa was a Rolling Stone, did ya?"
"you didn't get that reference, did ya? okay"

oh look! Tom Kane's trying to break the fourth wall. real cute, Tom! Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
dead franchise is dead lol Posted over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
deader than dead over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Deader then Myspace? :p over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Lilly’s got a cute little white ass ;-) Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
You fucking racist piece of shit get out of here :p over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Pffffft over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss that Alpha and Omega VR kid. Not because I believe any of it but shit that was entertaining as hell XD. TBH would have been cool if it was indeed real, because I love VR, but alas, it's not. Guess he finally gave up after I said that I reached out to Steve Moore lol. Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
That and/or because TheDarkReindeer shut his ass down in one of the videos lmao over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Jesus! Lol. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
He should make a comeback. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
There’s literally NOTHING to talk about lol Posted over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
The franchise is dead lol over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
We Can Talk About How Dead It Is. :P over a year ago
ben15delas said …
We need to do a history book thing on this club. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Whenever I come across and edgy kid on the internet I reply "So dark.... ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE NOT FROM THE DC UNIVERSE?!" over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
RIP Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
This club has been Myspaced. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well, i'm back from my 3-day family vacation, and.... this place's just as dead as when i left Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
As dead as Myspace over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
constantly dead. But it's not surprising over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
Where'd you go on vacation? over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Almost halfway through the movie and it's about to get epic. Chapter 5 will be probably the longest chapter, but a lot of plot twists will happen. Prepare yourselves. From this moment on, Alpha and Omega 9 will only get sadder and sadder. This franchise is about to take a dark turn. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Mine was pretty dark to begin with but remember to add a happy time. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
So Dead. Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
As dead as over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Wow Lol. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
this club has been.... Myspaced! over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
So far, what do you guys think of my A&O 9 story? You can read the script for scene 4, although it's not done yet. Posted over a year ago
KnudsonBlitz commented…
Definitely very good and creative. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Dark Souls 3 So Broken As Fuck. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
damn! it's like a desert here. so quiet! Posted over a year ago
Bobsheaux commented…
I got a question, just to satisfy my curiosity. Who was it in here who brought up the topic of A&O lemons? It must have been SOMEONE, but I'm not finding anything... over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
As dead as Myspace over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Norm of the North gets a sequel. Wtf? link Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Its Kinda Been Known. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Oh didn't know that. I'm not on here that often. over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
I'm pretty sure people wanted to see the movie.... then again, my memory is probably wrong lol over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan said …
Made some stupid jokes on Twitter 9 years ago, and showed regret saying them for years? Too bad, you're fired anyway because even though some of our movies are showing forgiveness, we don't forgive. *sarcasm* Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
In case anyone doesn't know, their is a story about someone recently getting fired from Disney for making some stupid jokes on Twitter 9 to 10 years ago even though I heard the person apologize for it. over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Yea I Saw That. Disney Truely Is Stupid. :/ over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
And he's back to direct Gardians off the Galaxy 3, get bent, Disney over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Script for scene 3 is done. Sorry it's short. Posted over a year ago
big smile
QueenWhiskey said …
I Got A Tangela On Pokèmon Go. And I Named Him
Giggles. Because He Makes Me Giggle. Can You Guess
Why? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Some People Are Worried About Lookin' For Intelligent
Life On Other Planets. I Say 'You Need To Look For It On
This Planet'. Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Script for scene 2 is done.
link Posted over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
nice :D over a year ago
QueenWhiskey said …
Describe The 4 Original Character In The A&O Sequels.

Kate: Took To The Vet By Park Rangers To Get 'Fixed'.
Humphrey: Well Nudered By Them too.

Lily & Garth:...........WolfNapped? Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Are Lily And Garth.........Getting It On Like Rabbits? Behind The Bushes? over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
Okay, Chapter 2 is done if you want to read it. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
Okay, script for the opening scene is done. Feel free to check it out. Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
But I still need names for his parents. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
HO-LY CRAP!!!! I just heard a song that would go perfectly for the climax where Humphrey remembers what happened the day he lost his parents. Then they get trapped by the humans and the pups are calling out the same words that Humphrey called out to his parents. Hearing these words motivates him and awakens his protective father side and he headbutts the cage door, trying to break it open. He finally succeeds around time 2:20 in the song and he attacks one of the humans. The other one pulls out a gun and shoots Humphrey in the side at around 2:30 in the video that I'm leaving the link to. link over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
What do you guys think of, Alpha and Omega: Missing Parents for a title for my script of A&O 9? Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
*sees R34 art of Stinky, Claudette and Runt*

......... KILL ME! Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lol over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
You see stuff like that and you think "why" lol over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
If those pictures, then it's not even "cub" anymore. lol Not that cub is enough evidence to be something else, but yeah they don't even look like puppies besides maybe part of the face (though that's even more subjective?). Also I'm just gonna kinda guess it's one of those "looking for Kate, but found this on the side" things. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
So I got a PSVR headset for my birthday when it first launched in 2016. I haven't really played it that much due to my at the time poor internet and just not a lot of time or space to play. Now that I have my own place and have amazing internet, I just tried it for the first time since maybe early last year and VR has come a long way since then. Its awesome. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Lucky! over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
So I decided for Humphrey to get shot at the end of my script and for him to be very gravely injured. But, I want you guys to decide whether he lives or dies. And if you guys think he should die, I will kill him. This decision is entirely up to you guys. I can have no say in it at all because of my love for the character. But I want to do what the fans want, not what I want. So, should he die after getting shot in the side? Posted over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I say he should live, since I like Humphrey. I guess also because he is a likable character by many. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira said …
Sadly Steve Moore never responded to my message. So I'm going to leave it alone as of now. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Meh. Oh Well. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Darn over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I need some help thinking of what Winston's Father's Day gift should be for A&O 9. Any suggestions? Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
What do you guys think we should name Humphrey's parents? over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
And, what do you think happened to them? We really need to solve this mystery of what happened to his parents, and the first thing is decideing whether or not they're alive. So, what do you guys think? I personally think that they're dead, and that Humphrey was surviving on his own until he was found. But I want a second opinion so then everyone likes this story, not just me. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
I just had a great idea. What if Humphrey's parents knew Garth's mother? And then that lot hole could be filled up, too. But, I feel like that's stretching it a little, so I'll some input from you guys. over a year ago
TheRadLilly said …
I feel like the only time I log on is when I just want to say hey LOL Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Hi. Lol over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
Same for me, or just drama in general. But even that is getting boring. I'm slowly losing my interest in this place completely and I feel that I will eventually move on. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
Same I'm trying to find a similar club to this one. So I can relive Nostalgia. over a year ago
Chidori1334 commented…
I’m still active on this site over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 said …
I'm in the process of thinking up a script for A&O 9 to sort of redeem the franchise. It'll be about Humphrey's parents and Garth and Lilly will be in it (for more than 2 minutes like in A&O 2) and maybe Daria to since we never really saw her after A&O 4. But I'll need your guys' help. I need names for both Humphrey's parents and the title. It's going to start out on Father's Day if that can help you think up a title. Posted over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
And don't worry, I'll try not to have things the wolves shouldn't know about and I'll keep it close to what people liked about the original. And hopefully, word about this will reach the people that worked on A&O and maybe, just maybe, they'll decide to do and A&O 9 using this script. Which is why I want help from all of you guys because then if it does happen, then you all will have contributed to it. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
I think Kate and Humphrey are actually related and don't know about it lol. Incest is actually quite common in wolf packs, plus it explains why the pups are so damn ugly XD over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg lol over a year ago
ben15delas said …
The Humphrey's lost it fanfic thing was still very very messed up. So very dark. Posted over a year ago
QueenWhiskey commented…
Omg. Tell Me About It. Its Just A Very Demented Porno over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
That sounds hilarious actually. over a year ago
Kishin_Kira commented…
But to be fair, lost episode pastas are hard to write without being cliche. Its just there is only so much you can do with them that it gets harder and harder every time a new one comes out. over a year ago