Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 2081-2090 of 21208

kates-mate101 said …
Well I'm grounded. It's going to be till april 9th and it's starting after march break which sucks ass. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
that sucks, what did you do? over a year ago
alphakatewolf said …
Hey guys, im finally back on fanpop again.
Anything happened lately? Posted over a year ago
EightySix commented…
people had fun, people fought some, people left, people came back, people stopped fighting, people started fighting, people stopped fighting and people, more or less, have kept their good natures in tact. over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
^^what he said! it was rough for a couple days this past weekend but thankfully we all stayed together over a year ago
shewolflilly commented…
hey in not immature! i jsut like getting all peoples nerves plus it easy to get in a fight via internet! over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
God, bless people in Japan :( Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
terrible whats happend, but it looks like its also Australia new Zealand and surrounding countries and islands that are also in trouble because of it, also part of america over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
wait whats going on? over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
i saw it in school today over a year ago
big smile
Metallica1147 said …
Random Fact!: Lilly is now a San Francisco 49ers fan (my fav football team) A San Francisco Giants fan (Fav Baseball team) San Jose Sharks fan (fav Hockey team) And a Los Angeles Lakers fan! (Fav Basketball team) She likes all the same teams I do! ^^ Posted over a year ago
UriahA commented…
That's good for you (Not good for me on the football side) But Humphrey is a fan of Sehawks and Mariners over a year ago
UriahA said …
lol I found out Anubis does believe in God. He told me (Or I thought he did) that he doesn't believe in God. MAN SUCH A RELIEF THAT HE DOES Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Very good to know, now he will go to heaven ^^ (If he's good of course but we all know he is :) ) over a year ago
UriahA commented…
lol over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
It is so hot here! 50 degrees is a major heat wave lol! Going to a BBQ with Kate later XD! Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Oh god here we go again XD over a year ago
UriahA commented…
Darkarticwolf10 commented…
Metallica1147 thats wat she said XD over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
I'm making an A&O music video on sony vegas 10 pro, have any advice you could share? :D Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
if you are actually making a video? make a song that in a cool way tells all the critics who gave bad reviews to this film to f*** off lol! over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Mayne another time lol :D now i'm making it with Linkin Park music , wont tell wich song though ;) over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
*Maybe over a year ago
UriahA said …
Holy crap! it's a roflcopter!
Err my mistake... Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
oh my gosh really? Cheeze ballz are falling from the sky lol! over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
I'm working on Humphrey right now based on this picture link and I can only say that he is harder to draw than Kate, I cant get the nose right :( Posted over a year ago
EightySix said …
I can't keep from it. Its time to post again...
But maybe if I nailed my hands to something... No, no, How would I nail the second one? Then there's the prospect of blood loss. ITS TIME TO POST AGAIN!! Posted over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Yeah! Do it, man. DO IT! OK, I'll ask nicely. Pleeeese! Pleasepleaseplease! over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Oh, Oh I am. I'm doing it. and you can't stop me. NO ONE CAN. Not while I posses the power to alter the chances of probability!! over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Oh, don't tell me you have an Infinite Improbability Drive! I'd never DREAM of trying to stop you from putting your stories up, my good fellow. I enjoy them FAR too much to deny myself and everyone else the pleasure of anything new from you. over a year ago
EightySix commented…
No, not the improbablity drive. Altering probability is my superpower. Some would call it 'luck'. Very, very obscure and unexplainable luck. New story's up - it would have taken less time, but chicken happened. So I took care of it. over a year ago
IronMaiden343 said …
if any of you want to join my deus ex club just let me know Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
'sup? i'm bored :| Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I'm eating pork and beans right now for lunch XD! :) over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Bon appetit! :) over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
its 7:31 here, i havnt finish my homework over a year ago
UriahA said …
hay guyz humphrey tiping hear Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Why? over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Kate gets on now and then lol! She was talking to Tony last weekend when i came downstairs after a nap lol! over a year ago
UriahA commented…
o yah i still lov them over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
You know who else likes Alpha and Omega?...Chuck Norris! :D Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
You know what Kate likes? Cheesey puffs that I got from the store today lol! over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
i like pancakes!!!! lol over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I like biscuits! lol! over a year ago
UriahA said …
I'm getting front row tickets to see A&O fans take a massive dump on the critics who said this movie sucked. Anyone else want any? Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Hellz yeah! over a year ago
UriahA commented…
lol over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
hell yea lets give thema pounding over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar said …
think its safe to post my articles again, are those two done now!? Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
i think so, have not heard either of them for awhile over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
I agree. I see that the two "articles" from the second person are finally gone. Hopefully that means both the people are, too. over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
@shewolflilly - I didn't name names, now did I? Whatever. Meh. I'm done with it. Here's me walkin' away. Buh-bye. over a year ago
UriahA said …
A message to that critic... DIE DIE DIE MY DARLING Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
wich one? XD over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
my darling? over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Probably not. Sorry. over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
454 fans! The 454cid was the best performing GM big block V8 ever made in stock form. My 74 Monte Carlo has one and it churns out 395hp in stock form! None of these goofy hybrids made today could even compare to it, but they may fit into the trunk as a spare car lol! Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
wait, how many cars do you have? :D over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
where i live electric cars could never work uneless they somehow made it possible for them to go more than 300 miles and could be recharged instantly, there is still a lot of things left to do on electric cars before they get them out to the general public, i like the idea of electric cars don't get me wrong but there is still a lot of bugs that need to be worked out with them too over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Hyundai put one out on the market not too long ago. Looks dopey, and naturally I hate it, but they're a working thing now. Of course they'll have to figure on a way - place I live is full of areas of vasting nothingness too, so... that could be a problem. over a year ago
nikaitla said …
whats happening to this club? Posted over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
As Paddy said "That's up for debate." Really, though, there were two girls that decided they didn't like each other and they tried to drag everyone else into their flame-war. Almost killed the club. over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Things seem to be settling down, now, since they've both been reported. If they're not already gone, they will be soon. over a year ago
nikaitla commented…
cool over a year ago
arcticwolf07 said …
Has the "all clear" been given? Don't want to come outta the bomb shelter too soon. Posted over a year ago
EightySix commented…
So far, I've gotten a qualified "maybe" over a year ago
EightySix commented…
I had too much to say and nowhere to say it, So I stepped in, cautiously optimistic. over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Sounds like a plan. I'm in, sorta, for now, anyway. over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Posted up the first part of my new series! I hope everyone likes it! Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Just curious. How many chapters do you think your story will be? over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Oh at least a dozen, but hey my last series I wrote was only supposed to have 6 and it ended up with 13 lol! over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Don't worry I still have a lot do do on Part 2 yet! Won't be up for a day or two I suppose over a year ago
EightySix said …
Is it safe? Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I think so, but be on the look out lol! over a year ago
EightySix commented…
I'll be sure and watch my head. link over a year ago
EightySix commented…
lol. Very nice. Again I bow to your Kung-Fu. Clerks is almost a must watch, though, its a kevin smith flick, so be ready for a lot of jabber jabber jabber. Clerks 2, much better, greatly funnier, talking mixed evenly with events. The series... Corny jokes and re-used oneliners. Worth a look anyway. over a year ago
anubis210 said …
like every one else, i'm afraid i'm going to have to quite using this until the shit dies down, to who ever's causing it, thanks for making another fan leave! Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
so far 6 of us have left hear! over a year ago
boltfan2011 said …
shit i cant believe peole r leaving this club i hope it doesent turn out like the bolt club every got in fights and there like ont five people on it now not even Posted over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar said …
well im out, this hasnt stopped, the stupid fighting and now im pissed so im out, ill not post anymore articles until this all resolved either Posted over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
what is this all fighting about? over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
just a fight between two girls that dont like each other and they are trying to drag everyone into it im tired of it this was my fav club now its sorta annoying to be on here over a year ago
UriahA said …
Everyone said they'd abandon this spot. Oh where did they go? They're still here Posted over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
I'm certainly not going anywhere... over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
me too :P over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
niether am i over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
No matter what becomes of this place Kate is still my mate until the end lol! Posted over a year ago
UriahA commented…
Does she believe in God? If so, you willl go to Heaven together. Humphrey and I do over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Oh yes she does for sure, He is the Creator of all living things large and small and deep down I do believe that the 2nd Coming of Christ is soon! The signs are just too obvious to overlook anymore over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
yh me too, died during surgery on his lungs, i was in the waiting room too over a year ago
KurrK said …
What's happend around here lately, if it's okay to bring it up? I'm not on here frequently enough know what's happening most of the time. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
we got another invasion of immature dipshits that invaded posting up pointless shit and pissing everyone off, thats all in a nutshell! Several of our members have left already and will not return until things change back to normal over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
In a nut shell, that's pretty much what happened. over a year ago
UriahA said …
Hay guys, I didn't mean to join the fight, I just wanted to write that article because the part where Shewolflilly beat up Humphrey made me RAGE!!! That's the only reason I wrote that article. I am sorry to anyone who is offended by it. It was supposed to be a fun story Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
thats okay dude, trust me I felt the same way when I came here and found this war underway late last night, I was FURIOUS! But now have taken that nasty article of mine off over a year ago
arcticwolf07 said …
I guess it was fun while it lasted. I'm outta here, too, at least until all the bullshit blows over. When or if. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Me 2, i just turned off IM and removed my venting article from yesterday, i will be on maybe but annonymously. I'm not giving up though so nobody better write me off just yet, I have a plan and shall execute it! over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I will come back on IM in a day or two, until then happy trails everyone! over a year ago
EightySix said …
Its been fun, folks! When the drama, whining and overall bullshit gets canned, someone shoot me an e-mail.
I'll be pulling my stories and probably won't be around so, you guys have fun in your back and forth "Mine's Bigger" contest. Posted over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
Hey yo you got to forgive UriahA hes been like that since i joined this club like in november so its no reason to ditch the club its those other asses that start fan wars we all generally agree that Humphrey belongs to him and Nadinedeer over a year ago
UriahA said …
Fuck me man! Quit fighting you two! Man, now I know how it feels to the other people when NadinDeer and I fight. Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Can't we all just get along? over a year ago
zachwon2 commented…
Rodney King! over a year ago
EightySix said …
I'm bored. Posted over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Someone, QUICK! entertain me! over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Hey, can't argue with that bit of logic! over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
have to agree as well i wont be posting a lost love 8 (already writenand waiting until this little war stops over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i come on hear or escape the problems i got to face every day, i can say this whether you are friend or not, just stop the fucking arguing i came on hear and found that katealphawolf wrote an article about some childish shit that was going on, found another article written by shewolflilly which pisses every one off including me then i saw another article that kennedy9987 wrote and pisses more people off, after that theirs the stupid fan pick shewolflill or kennedy9987 just leave it ok?
Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
all ive ever noticed was arguing, insult and fucking cunts on this club (not including friends) over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
well damn i hope im a friend wouldnt want to piss you off over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
oh yeah were still friends, im not moning at you for anything^^ over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
Hey does anyone know where to find A&O iPhone/iPod touch wallpapers? I found a few, but maybe there's more? :) Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I'm not sure but eventually I want to get the movie on my ipod cuz it has 120 gigs and can fit a ton of data on it! over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
so just download it and convert :) over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
would if i had the digital copy over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
you can download it from a torrent site over a year ago
EightySix said …
I guess I've been enough of a diplomat for the evening, or tried to, anyhow. Not that its really any of my business, lol. Anyway, Night all. Night internet. You guys enjoy that new chapter. Posted over a year ago
UriahA said …
Giggity giggity goo! I have the thought of Humphrey in my head! Giggity Giggity! Posted over a year ago
EightySix said …
Yikes. Deadsville. Well... guess I should doodle or... scribble or write or something... Posted over a year ago
EightySix commented…
What happened to the internet? There's nothing to do! Oh... Its Saturday. I guess I should be out having a social life or something... *shrugs* oh well I guess. Its like even the world wide web is out partying or something. over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
OK, this is it. Me and Lilly are about to get married! :D This wall post is going to be a little RP or so to speak XD Well yeah RP so play along and yeah.

*Comes out to the spot of where I'm going to get married* OK, uhhh, wow I'm nervous, I'm not even talking stright lol. *Looks to my friends but looks kinda nervous* Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
you will do fine! just try and not to giggle or anything, Kate would make faces at me in order to get me to giggle I know she would! over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Thank you all for your support for me and Lilly! We say thanks and Lilly, I have a special song I want to sing just for you, it took me a long time to play this song on my guitar but it was worth the wait and this is for you Lilly :) *Gets my guitar and starts to play* link over a year ago
EightySix commented…
*claps and cries a little* over a year ago
UriahA said …
Hay, guys guess what? I get my privleges back! Posted over a year ago
ElGalloCaballo commented…
that's good! over a year ago
UriahA said …
I hate this! I'm grounded again! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
what? why?? over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
He said he forgot to do the dishes last night over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
if u ever hurt someone, my dad will break ur arm over a year ago
boltfan2011 said …
i have an idea crash a car and say the state farm jiggle with kate humphery or lilly who ever and maby u could have twins of them lol. Posted over a year ago
boltfan2012 commented…
or crash a car and say well i was just kidding hahahahahahaha over a year ago
UriahA said …
OMGWTFBBQ! Idk, I just like saying that.

Humphrey Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Kate likes my BBQ's did you know that? over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Hey Uriah your back! And just in time too cause today is the day me and Lilly get married! :D XD over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Yeah he missed the party last night, but he is ungrounded now over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
I just cant understand why it has only 4.7/10 on imdb and why everybody hates it. It's a wonderful movie, almost as good as HTTYD. By the way i was sad because i thought that because of the ratings there aint gonna be a sequel, but i've read that there will be in 2012-2013, so I just wish the second movie better luck with the ratings than the first one has :) Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
where did you hear that? please don't say wikipedia:( over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
ya even if it was true it would take longer than 2012 or 2013 to make it animated movies take a long time to make over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
its a puplice site ppl can say lies on there over a year ago
boltfan2011 said …
crap i swear to god if i have to lift another 80 pound presser washer in work im gonna scream Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I hate Obama, need I say more? Not racist but am pissed off at rising gas prices right now, can't afford to pay them and I have to drive to work and shcool everyday, public transit does not exist here and Obama does not seem to understand that at all, he thinks we are all rich I guess over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
but there goin to change it tomarrow to 3.13 because its gettin warm here over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
well they all rise at some point sice its getting warmer people r gonna start going on vacations and there just gonna rip more people off ay rasing them just becase they think more people need gas for going in trips it ridiciouls over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
I'm not trying to discourage anyone from writing new articles but could you all please slow down on them so we all get the chance to read them??? I enjoy and want to read other people's stuff but can't when there are new ones being posted up practically every hour, I will get them all read eventually but please just slow down a bit! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
also if you want to write ahead of time just save the article to your drafts and wait when the time is right to post, that is what I did when I wrote my last articles, you can save as many drafts as you want over a year ago
EightySix commented…
Thats how come I post one a day. Although I may not get around to a post today til very late in the evening. Weekends stuff, y'know. over a year ago
shewolflilly commented…
lol ur kate u realize shes a cartoon? over a year ago
anubis210 said …
tony icon^^ yay :D:D Posted over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
lol nice u found a new one over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
actually ive had that for ages, at the moment i got like 72 image of tony saved over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
oh i know where they all are over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
OK to let people know, my wedding with Lilly will be online at the same time with it being in my home state California (VERY HARD TO EXPLAIN SO DON'T ASK! XD) So yeah people I think you can come to the wedding and bachelor :D (Wedding is this Saturday and Bachelor party is on Friday) So hope you can make it now! :D Posted over a year ago
zachwon2 commented…
link over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Why do you got to be like that? over a year ago
EightySix commented…
I've made a pneumatic rice cannon for weddings and home defense, can I bring it for after the celebration? over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Looks like this club has exceeded the weighted phrase limit at my school, so now when I try to come here on a school computer it says "access has been denied: weighted phrase limit exceeded!" I think this has to do with some content issues here lol! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
i figured out a way around it though! But the problem is once I get into the club I cannot acces pictures, articles, my profile etc. But at least I can see if there are any new updates over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
no internet whatsoever? over a year ago
katealphawolf said …

That is the link to where I have been finding a bunch of new A&O pics, some are already here but a lot are not so someone start posting them up, hey maybe you will get a dedicated fan award! Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Thanks man! I just saved a bunch of pics right now! But I won't add them on here in case someone wants to try to become a dedicated fan on here :) over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
ok well try your best! over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
thx for the link and the articals i like them hope for more over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
I've already gotten a dedicated fan award here, anyone want one cuz I know of a place that has a TON of A&O pics not yet posted here so let me know if you want the link! I've been posting most anything with Kate in it but there are several Humphrey, Garth, and Lilly pics that I've found there not yet posted here. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Really nobody wants a shot at a dedicated fan award? I guess I'll just post them all and maybe get 2 for this club but I doubt it I think I can only get one per club over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I don't know how to screencap or I would over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
I would use the print screen button you have on the keyboard. It's very easy to capture if you want to get a pic. over a year ago
anubis210 said …
lol i made Tony an account on facebook, add if u like ^^ Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I think I found it, but IDK if it is the one you made, I sent a request! over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
ill check it out over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
awesome thanks, the links on alpha and omega club anyway over a year ago
big smile
Metallica1147 said …
Well me and Lilly are going to get married this Saturday and you are all invited! :D LOL Out wedding will be in California but at the same time the internet! :D (Hard to explain) Anyways, katealphawolf is throwing me a party the day before the wedding (This Friday) and all the dudes are invited (IDK, guys are suppot to have a guy only party or something, IDK. Its the same with girls too) Anyways, hope you guys can make it! :D Posted over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
srry, but i have some stuff to do on friday and im goin to the cemetery on Saturday over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Congrats, man! I'm just sorry I can't make it there in person for the wedding or the bachelor party. I'll be there in spirit, though. If you webcast the wedding, I'm there, man! over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Well it will be online at the same time! (Don't ask XD) over a year ago
Knittenqueen said …
Hey A&O fans, what I told you that I found the script to ''Alpha and Omega" and would you freak out? Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
good find! I won't read it all but thanks for the link! over a year ago
Knittenqueen commented…
your welcome. over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
I have no idea how she did it, but Lilly end up coming to school with me today. Oh god I got in soooooo much trouble, and calls was so not easy cause the whole time I was trying to do work Lilly would, try to kiss me and do other stuff...XD Oh god I was so embrassed, but I can't ever be mad at Lilly for loving me....even thou now everyone at him school is making fun of me cause I'm an animal lover (And really, they do really make fun of me cause I love animals. They call me a Fury -_-) Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
That sucks, Kate came with me today too, it was interesting! Most people just stared in amazement at her beauty! Most of the time they are too afraid of me to poke fun at me or Kate over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
I know why. You and Kate and kick peoples asses with ease. Me and Lilly can't XD over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
omg bbq! over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Bad dream last night, it was about me and Kate making out on the bank of a river, but all the sudden the river swelled up and swept Kate away, I tried to save her but could not. I then woke up and she was sleeping next to me lost in her own dreams peacefully, whew what a relief! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I hate these kind of dreams! over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Oh, man! Me too. Glad it was just a dream! over a year ago
Lillys-mate101 commented…
me to over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
same here over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
I... CAN't... feel... my... arm... THat same kid punched my shoulder in the same spot again. 20 times. Now it hurts to move it. (THis is gonna be an eve moment) I'm gonna rip off his cock and shove it up his ass. How's them apples... Ow... Posted over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Dude, that sucks! "Eve moment". lol! Good one! over a year ago
xscash23 commented…
PrinceRhaegar commented…
well since im a senior in high school that would be a little uneven if i went and beat him up over a year ago
Phineas-Fangirl said …
I feel as if the idea for this movie was sort of taken from Balto. Not saying stolen, just taken. Posted over a year ago
ipukerainbows commented…
I've never seen Balto, what's the plot of it? over a year ago
Phineas-Fangirl commented…
Still, not the entire idea, just the idea of wolves traveling.....Balto is about a wolf-do hybrid saving a little girl named Rosie after leading a dogsled all the way across Nome to get medicine, I think....XD Can't remember taht well. over a year ago
PftFan99 commented…
YUSH YUSH YUSH over a year ago
ipukerainbows said …
Not trying to be rude or anything, but why are some of you acting like you're in relationships with the characters in this movie? They're animated wolves...
Just asking, not trying to be mean. Posted over a year ago
Phineas-Fangirl commented…
Agreed there over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
because we want to have fun and dont want this club to die like so many others have over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
I wouldn't really say "abandoned". We're up over 400 fans, now, and when I joined earlier this month there were less than 250 or so. True, it's not near as big as most of the other clubs here, but I'd hardly call it "abandoned". Besides, I don't think there are many clubs with as dedicated of fans as there are here. Not that it's a competition or anything, of course. :) over a year ago
josemurcia2 said …
i not goin to read the articles anymore because ther way to many to read and it will take me like an hour to read one of them, so make one at a time and i will read them Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
only only read one persons anyway over a year ago
UriahA said …
Hay guys, school is starting back up so I'll be grounded again. Just thought I'd tell you. I'll still be having mass fun with Humphrey! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
yup same over here with Kate! over a year ago
ElGalloCaballo commented…
Why would you get grounded when school starts? over a year ago
WolfCryer commented…
lol ^ i know right? over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Dad approved of Kate so that is good! No romancing tonight though, don't want dad to know about that, maybe if we are really, really quiet! Posted over a year ago
UriahA said …
Random fact: Humphrey's favorite band is Pantera Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Random fact: Kate likes my BBQ's! over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I make the meat and she helps make the sauce (if you get my drift!) over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
random fact me and humphry like hores over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
Hey I have a question. Does anyone like me and Lilly as a pairing? I'm only asking cause whenever it comes to a pairing with me in it, not many people really support me and that character as a pairing. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
ya I do, I think you two are great together and you have my support all the way! over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
YAY! =D over a year ago
UriahA commented…
Of course man! over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
Absolutely! :) over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Anyone try the game I posted in the links yet? If not do so it is fun! I never knew that there was a online game for A&O and am stoked about it! Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
I did but I really suck at it XD over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
now 2309! over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
2504 over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Well dad is coming home today, I wonder what he will think of Kate? Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
I wish you luck there man, I still have to hide Lilly from my family. Not easy I tell you over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
how do you do that? over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Well he's okay with the dogs being in the house so I don't see any reason why he would not like Kate being there but I'll found out soon enough! over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
I made a fan club for Ford Broncos, not A&O related I know but feel free to join if you are a Bronco fan or a car nut in general! I will be posting valuable info and cool videos and images on there to show the world my love of one of the most successful SUVs of all time, thanks! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
I posted it in the links, forgot to mention that over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
I don't even drive yet but what the hell? I'll join :D over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
all join i love that stuff over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
coolness! over a year ago
UriahA said …
In Soviet Russia, Kate is an Omega and Humphrey is an Alpha Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
How? over a year ago
zachwon2 commented…
Its Soviet Russia thats how over a year ago
UriahA commented…
What about Smirnoff? over a year ago
boltfan2011 said …
cant wait to go quading up the farm this weekend yea Posted over a year ago
GDL said …
Alpha and Omega was cute, but not the best movie in the world. Not really something to obsess over. Posted over a year ago
Martyrockz12 commented…
Well we're all entitled to our own opinions. :) ^^ over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
and obseesing is fun lol over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
u like what u like GDL and we like what we like leave it at that over a year ago
anubis210 said …
some ass wrote this

Dennis Hopper impresses in his last film though as a film overall it is not something I don't think people will remember him by. Posted over a year ago
Martyrockz12 commented…
that is so disrespectful beyond belief. :| over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
i have to agree with anubis on this though over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
just go on alpha and omega IMDB ur see about 50 shit reviews over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Never thought this place would reach 400 fans! When I started there was like 125. Posted over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
its gained 150 since i joined thats alot lol over a year ago
TheAlphaWolf commented…
amazing, huh over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
I just watched Alpha and omega again and scared myself shitless cuz i almost got ass raped by a giant creature in Dead space 2 called the tormentor. Luckily, i flew out into space, landed on a shuttle and shot some explosive barrels before it could eat me. I'm pro. Posted over a year ago
Martyrockz12 said …
I wanna do a A&O fanfic sometime, what do u think guys? x :) Posted over a year ago
ElGalloCaballo commented…
jajajajajajajaja over a year ago
Martyrockz12 commented…
ok then :) over a year ago
alphakatewolf said …
Alpha and omega
times watched: 11 Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
28 here over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
i got you both beat at 37 lol over a year ago
HumphreyAlpha commented…
Beat all of you! I've watched this movie at least 75 times. I was keeping track, but I lost count... :) over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
I have a picture request for anyone who can draw good: Could anyone please draw a picture of Garth but as a puppy? Because we all know what Humphrey, Kate and Lilly looked like as pups but not Garth. So could anyone draw him as a pup please? I would do it myself but I suck at drawing, really I draw like a 3 year old and I'm 15. Yeah so would anyone like to give it a shot? :) Posted over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
hmmmmm, maybe :D over a year ago
UriahA commented…
lol, I'm able to draw planes, busses and drum kits. That's it over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Well just try your best :) over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Another -20 night, Kate you get top! Got to keep warm somehow! (Our room is in the basement and we can see our breaths!) :o Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
XD Lilly is going to be on top this time too. Can't wait! :D over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Me too, I hope we don't wake the neighbors again! over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Well I think me and Lilly will do that but its ok! I always keep my neighbors with my loud heavy metal! So they should be use to the noise :D over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
lol but this is a diff kind of noise! over a year ago
boltfan2012 said …
i love this movie Posted over a year ago
ElGalloCaballo commented…
Gris over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
waaaaaaat? over a year ago
boltfan2012 commented…
what over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i just had a go at someone on deviantart because they wrote a shit article about alpha and omega as all ways! Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Link? I'll go bash them for a bit too! over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
WTF?!?!?! Why must people hate on this movie?! I can accpect the fact not everyone will like it but that gives people no reason to hate on this awesome movie! Damn it, it seems like more people hate this movie then like it! D: over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
im not a youtuber im just saying that youtube has that option over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
I'm about to go to bed right now but I had to log on to put this wall post up. I was on Youtube a few hours ago to see if someone made a good review about A&O but what I should have guess, nothing made me happy from any video -_- I did find 2 good ones but there were a lot more I watched and they all talked crap about this great movie. Well I have a message for all the movie critics who said bad things about this movie and it's in this video

link Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Now this video is from a Metallica concert but one part of the song has the message from me to the damn movie critics. Just you look at the video skip to 4:20 and keep watching till like 5:11 over a year ago
UriahA commented…
how is it a message from the movie critics? Dude this concert was in '91before they even came up with the movie idea over a year ago
UriahA commented…
wait, oh lol I get it now, it's from you to the movie critics. Creeping DEATH duh, lol over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah XD over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Some one watch this and tell me if the game i play looks creepy or not.
link Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Yeah but this has nothing to do with Alpha and Omeha over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Omega^ over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
have u hears of a game called fear over a year ago
josemurcia2 said …
just to make things clear, i dont like being called by my username
call me jose or jose jalapanio on es stick Posted over a year ago
UriahA said …
I feel like the only person here who hates pop music Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
I hate pop music, you know that XD over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
cant stand that shit over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
i hate that shit 2 over a year ago
UriahA said …
I got good news and bad news
The good news: I got a girl friend
The bad news: I don't know how to tell her I'm with Humphrey Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Ouch that sucks! over a year ago
kates-mate101 commented…
wow.... over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
ooooooooh over a year ago
UriahA said …
Chuck Norris has approved this wall post Posted over a year ago
ElGalloCaballo commented…
No he rejects it over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
W- what?? over a year ago
big smile
Metallica1147 said …
My name is Brandon and I approve this message!....Lilly is freaking Sexy! 8D XD Posted over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
well good for u over a year ago
UriahA commented…
lol over a year ago
Martyrockz12 commented…
lol we gathered u thought she was xD over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
lol. does she do turtle impressions over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Ah!... omg... Watching ALpha and omega repeated ly after burning a session of dead space 2 into your eyelids is not a good thing... I'm watching and then alll the sudden, my door comes open. But wait... I locked it... I hear a howling noise... wtf... Steps come down the stairs. I reach to my dad's office and grab his glock. I crank it and almost kill my girlfriend. It turns out the wind was just REALLY strong and i forgot i gave her her own set of house keys. Fuck me. Posted over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
omg that is funny lol over a year ago
arcticwolf07 commented…
This is why I never drink a soda while sitting at the 'puter when I'm on this forum. Think about it. over a year ago
xscash23 commented…
Its the worst thing to watch when your alone over a year ago
UriahA said …
My grandmother just died Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Wow. That really sucks :( over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
sorry man i know how u feel my grandma passed away a couple years ago shes still in my heart may uriahas grandma RIP over a year ago
NadineDeer commented…
Aww I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I know what it's like too. My grandma passed away when I was 14 years old. It's a hard feeling, but don't worry. Your friends will be here to support ya. over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
cuts off your leg. You are dead and the screen fades. Posted over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
It wishes to dine on your flesh. You look at it and realise it's not alien. It's a dead body re'animated. Shooting it in the body doesn't work and you're running out of ammo. You're only resort it to smash it with your gun. Smash. It falls to the ground and you manage to take off one of the arms with a blade extended from it's palm. Your RIG, (The health bar on your back is red... One more hit you're dead. You walk up to the body expecting to pick up an item. The creature lashes out and... Posted over a year ago
D0nuts commented…
Hmm, sounds like that time I tea-bagged a dead body on Halo 2 or 3. My shield was low and for some reason I died when I tea-bagged the person (it was counted as suicide). O_o over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
O_o has this got ANYTHING to do with alpha and omega>? over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Oh My god... Now i'm jumping at every shadow. A dead girl with her face all bloody, her teeth all crooked, her nouth fglowing with white light, same with her eyes, whispering... "Make.... Us... Whole..... Dead space 2 baby... It scares you. You're walking down a hall... There's a container with some ammo in it. It's right in front of a locked door. You walk up to it and proceed to stomp on it to break it open. Before your foot connects, that door explodes with a horror incarnate bursting in. Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
Great another -20 cold front is on its way, fuck I'm ready for spring, oh well this means more cozy nights with Kate! Posted over a year ago
josemurcia2 commented…
its not cold here hahaha, im bored over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
its 18 degrees right now but its supposed to drop below zero overnight over a year ago
boltfan2011 commented…
we had a coulple days in the 60s and 50s but now its frezzing again the the winchill factors r up over a year ago
big smile
awsomegtax said …
YAAAY!!! got my Bruno Mars Metal i also got the album the day i got it haha last one too BRUNO MARS IS LIKE MJ TO ME THEM 2 ARE THE BEST Posted over a year ago
UriahA commented…
I'm sorry but I hate pop music. I like Michael Jackson though over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
Yeah I hate all types of Pop Music too, expect MJ, he's awesome like Uriah says over a year ago
UriahA commented…
I pretty much consider him rock because rock doesn't suck like Pop over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
meh, i dont like pop over a year ago
kates-mate101 said …
Does anyone think sending death threats to someone over a fight concerning an ALpha and omega character is taking it too far? O.o ... (Awkward silence) *Checks out his window* Uriah posted a coment saying if Kate ounched Humphrey he would put an M-1 to her head and he said he would kill me if i said Humphrey listened to Beaver boy... Eh? Metallica? :D I've got Kate in my room. I also have the sentry gun i was taking about ready... XD No offence to you uriah Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
what? Kate's with me! over a year ago
UriahA commented…
I said if you kicked Humphrey's ass, not if you told everyone he listens to Bieber. It would still be offensive but I wouldn't kill you. over a year ago
kates-mate101 commented…
already found a new threat for Humphrey over a year ago
anubis210 said …
i finally got alpha and omega on blu-ray ^^ yay Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
YAY! :D over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
no we just dont get anything alpha and omega here!!!! over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
oh same dvd and blu ray are the only 2 things we got and ever will get hear over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar said …
i will start getting some dedicated fan awards damn it!! but maybe i should start trying too lol Posted over a year ago
boltfan2012 said …
i love alpha he's awesome Posted over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
whos alpha? over a year ago
boltfan2012 commented…
the alpha over a year ago
UriahA commented…
oh the Alpha lol it's a she and her name is Kate over a year ago
PrinceRhaegar commented…
Kates the best!!! i love her lol over a year ago
UriahA said …
Humphrey and I both reached Lt. Colonel in Halo reach Posted over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
i reached brigader with kate over a year ago
UriahA commented…
damn that's good over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
i play left 4 dead 2 :D over a year ago
UriahA said …
Metallica1147 commented…
Awesome! I knew you would! :D over a year ago
UriahA said …
HUMPHREY!!! Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
LILLY!!!!!!!! over a year ago
alphakatewolf commented…
ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
kieranalpha commented…
kate!!!!!!!!! humphry !!!!!!!!!! over a year ago