Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Grazer Chronicles: The Last Stand, Part 2- A New Era

Nicolicious posted on Apr 24, 2014 at 09:37AM
“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”
― Frank Herbert

In the year 2026, the Mist was destroyed by an ancient Drakon that broke free of its cage in the Pacific Ocean. When the Mist was destroyed mortals could see monsters and monsters could harm them. The demigods acting out in defence destroyed the monsters, but revealed their secrets to the world. In fear the world's governments formed a single united government, the United Nations of Earth(UNE), and hunted down and slaughtered the demigods. Demigods that survived were imprisoned in a maximum security prison called The Pitt, escaped to a sanctuary island called The City or joined the demigod rebellion group known as the DSF(Demigod Strike Force).
In the year 2037, the half-bloods in the Pitt broke out and four months later started their around the world journey till they ended up in Chernobyl, an irradiated overgrown city in Ukraine, Europe. At the same time as the landing in Chernobyl, The City was attacked by an army of Grazers and destroyed. With multiple casualties they escaped by boat to Chernobyl. The DSF suddenly made huge moves on the other demigod prisons around the world and brought them to Chernobyl. Demigods can survive in Chernobyl due to their mutative resistance to radiation and in there the main base of operations for the demigods is found. Inside the half-bloods train and plan their attack on the Grazers.
The year is now 2041. A few months ago the Grazers created a serum that mutated a mortal's genetic code and enabled them to become immune to minor doses of radiation. With this serum they amassed an army and attacked Chernobyl. Many demigods died in the defence of their new home but in the end they prevailed. Driving the Grazer forces back, the half-bloods are now preparing for their biggest and final assault on the Grazers and the UNE.
Chernobyl is brand new. After the invasion, we started anew and began repairing the irradiated city. Now in the place of old destroyed apartments and schoolhouses there are buildings of Ancient Greek and Roman architecture, thanks to the children of Athena/Minerva. In place of broken down cars and machinery there are wooden and steel carts being pulled by bronze bulls and horses, curtesy of Hephaestus/Vulcan's children. We built a temple to our parents: the Olympians, the Titans and the Primordials. In the centre of New Olympus, as we now call Chernobyl, there stands a mighty swirling tower lined with statues of mythological creatures, much like gargoyles, and at the tip sits an imperial gold eagle which overlooks our new home. The tower is the home of the Inner Circle, the leaders of the Half-Blood Army and their friends and family. Houses and small tent markets line the streets and at the edge of our city, before the fortified wall, there is a large military encampment where we train new half-bloods and create our weapons. Lastly, encasing our city in its protective glow, stands a wall almost 300 feet high and 400 metres wide. The wall is made of both Stygian iron and Celestial bronze, Imperial Gold is still to rare to be used for anything but weapons, and is deemed impenetrable. Time will tell if what our architects say is true, but that doesn't matter. This is our home and it will stay standing for as long as I live and, if the gods allow it, longer.
This is the beginning of a new era. Our era.
Solum fortis, fortior simul
'Strong alone, stronger together.'
Demigod Character Sheet



Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:






Mortal Character Sheet









~Taylor Kinley, Thanatos, Nicolicious~
~Blake Ironheart, Hercules, Blaze_of_Ares~
~"Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi, Nemesis, Spikegilfer1997~
~Alton Hamilton, Poseidon, Alvin2442~
~Alvin Hamilton, Poseidon, Alvin2442~
~Derek Knight, Zeus, marshanboy~
~Elizabeth Trace, Aqua Walker, pink-bookworm~
~Mark Ivory, Shadow Walker, Rogue475~
~"Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid, Elementalist, Spikegilfer1997~
~Kate Rodrigues, Sky Walker, Nicolicious~
~Severran Lucius, Oculus II, Rogue475~
[b][i]“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” 
― Frank Herb
last edited on Jun 16, 2014 at 12:00PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 1392 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 1392

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"No I don't think you understand, it happened differently, I chose to be with you... When I know, I-I remember going back."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I look at him, confused. "What are you suggesting?" I asked him, although I already sort of knew it.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Spam War over by Treaty of NoSpam which will be broken as soon as I fix them fricken batters...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I mean... Maybe I did go with you all those years ago. Or maybe I didn't..." I tell her, then shake my head dismissively. "I'm rambling aren't I?" I chuckle uneasily.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
A sword went throguh his stomach, "You have to die...to becoem stronger...is what I would say if I was was freasksihly insane...like this sword is made of water...and its not even harened...so i really just splashed you....Sorry...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Mark~ not real)
"Arghh... Curse you!" I let out one last whimper and succumb to the shadows.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah you are and I think I'd know if you went with me," I say to him, slightly confused as to what he was saying.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Mhmm, maybe I'm just going insane." I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Wouldn't be the first time too."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"I don't think you're going insane, maybe it's some type of trick," I say, thinking about that fact.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(A RolePlay inside a RolePlay RPception....)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Makes no sense at all, but anyway)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(*everything blows up on me*)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(You can't take it back now, haha)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Yes I can....it called the ultimate move...SPAMDELETE!)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Ohh, I see. If course)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alton walked around the city, obviously distressed. Mark was basically dying...and by doing a little eavesdropping, he found out Taylor slept with Mark. She better hopes Blake doesn't find out.....

He started running, panting as he did. He also swung his sword, increasing his speed as he went. Alton know how it felt to die...after all. When you slowly felt yourself being pulled to the underworld. He experienced it everyday. After all...he should be dead. "Taylor....needs to do her the job....her dad left her...."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(... Are you kidding me? Eavesdropping? God now three people know. :P Just shout it out then. "I am Mark Ivory and I fucked Blake's girl!!!" jk )
Alvin2442 commented…
Are you trying to get punched by Blake? over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Haha soon everyone's going to know. But whys everyone thinking about Blake's reaction and not Elizabeth's? And geez Rogue way to shout it out :P)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Cuzz Blake is a Hulk. :P Get it? as in: HULK SMASH ;-) I'm kind of not trying to think of Elizabeth's reaction, to be honest it bothers me to think of the consequences that would occur if she found out. I mean Mark knows how to run away, he doesn't know how to repair a broken heart...)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Haha oh has Blake suddenly turned green? :P and yeah, I see. Well for now Mark doesn't even realise himself. Haha but yeah I get what you meannn)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I definitely feel it needs to be difficult for him, if in fact he does survive. But I also am kind of fascinated with the whole love sickness thing that's going around, I mean soon it may become a love hexagon XP)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Haha a love hexagon. Maybe. Love, creates so much drama. And yeah, makes thing all the more exciting either way. I don't mean any offences to Mark, though)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(God we need to throw Spike into the mix, like have Elizabeth secretly crushing on Arik! Or vise-versa! What if Mark turned to the darkside and started fooling with Kate? Hmm? What'cha got to say bout dat Dear Pink?)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Spike hasn't been on since I got back. And seriously Elizabeth crushing on Arik? Hmm who knows how everything will turn out, but I'm sure it'll be drama filled any way we go)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(What'cha got to say bout Mark and Kate doing it? Perhaps if mark gets better he changes into a darker person, then joins forces with the enemy?)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(That would definitely be a major plot twist. It'd be interesting to see how that one turned out. As for Mark and Kate doing it, well let's hope Kate wants that from Mark. Also, I have to go. So I'll see ya later)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(haha, okay I guess this is enough contemplating for now, I'll see you later Pink)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Wait what...so Mark goes back to the enemy side? Lets not forget that Mark is a Ex-Grazer...I'd be like..oh non. Ace and Devin go hide again...he's coming to kill you...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Ace is dead... *Sniffle, sniffle*)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Lol...Ace and Devin are both dead apparently...And Peter.....OH MY...we've lost so many members...)

(And Mark is a player...Sleeping with Taylor, getting with Kate, you know there's a flashback of him screwing Elizabeth...At this rate, I might as wait make a female character to throw onto Mark...)

(The Shadow Mark on Mark disappears, and the mind control from the main Grazer kicks in(Forgot about that fact...) So he switches back to the dark side. He screws Kate, because Aphrodite...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(We really have lost a lot of good writers... It's pretty depressing)
Almost dropped my laptop I laughed so hard... Ah, you kill me. Technically he's only really... you know, with Taylor, the Kate thing was just a muse, and the Elizabeth thing... Well, we'll see if he survives. :P)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(It will happen! And Mark will hold the record of being the first person to sleep with three of the most dangerous women...Lol PINK! Alton and Elizabeth need to have bonding time! NOW!)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Wait since when was there a flashback of Mark doing it with Elizabeth?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(I just realized, Blake spent most of his life in the Pitt...which means he wouldn't be able to read or write.)
Rogue475 commented…
Aww, man that sucks, but coodos for remembering that over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(So let's see what has to happen for that record; Mark has to survive this deadly infection, then needs to sleep with Elizabeth, hopefully not evil by then. Finally he needs to go just kidding! and start doing it with Kate... God this conversation is fairly messed up...
There is a line man... You just ran over it with a tank... Don't mess with Mark's girl, or he'll sleep with Alton's half-sister hard.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Wait...what. Do that and he'll wake up to find that he has 4 hours left, because of ice slicing up his veins. The Poseidon connection bro...even if she's not a demigod, she can manipulate water, and she's one of the only few left that can...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I was kidding man don't go there bro... No-one but Mark needs to die here, lol gtg)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Why'd you say "LOL PINK!" Alvin and haha oh my god geez Mark just wants a piece of every chick out there. Altons half sister should be very scared of Mark. Anyway, just a little, Rogue, but then again I've heard worse)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Nice conversation with Alton and Elizabeth.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Not from me I hope, Pink ;-) Mark is a MAN what more would you expect?! PS In all honesty, Mark's loyal nature would make it really hard for him to sleep with more than one woman. Then again he didn't even know about the Taylor thing so, yeah.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Well the evil side of Mark might just not give a SHITZ!)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Ellie, don't join Alton, his black hair is longer than mine!)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Lol......Alton would corrupt watery soul...)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Why would I join Alton when I've got you?
And haha no, not from you, geez haha :P haha yeah as long as they get him drunk. It'll be all good. He'll never remember a thing)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I don't get drunk, and I would never sleep with another woman, I mean come on! How long have you known me!?)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I never said you slept with another woman. How could I accuse you of such a thing?) :P
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
("No reason..." I mutter and head towards the Bar.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…