Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Grazer Chronicles: The Last Stand, Part 2- A New Era

Nicolicious posted on Apr 24, 2014 at 09:37AM
“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”
― Frank Herbert

In the year 2026, the Mist was destroyed by an ancient Drakon that broke free of its cage in the Pacific Ocean. When the Mist was destroyed mortals could see monsters and monsters could harm them. The demigods acting out in defence destroyed the monsters, but revealed their secrets to the world. In fear the world's governments formed a single united government, the United Nations of Earth(UNE), and hunted down and slaughtered the demigods. Demigods that survived were imprisoned in a maximum security prison called The Pitt, escaped to a sanctuary island called The City or joined the demigod rebellion group known as the DSF(Demigod Strike Force).
In the year 2037, the half-bloods in the Pitt broke out and four months later started their around the world journey till they ended up in Chernobyl, an irradiated overgrown city in Ukraine, Europe. At the same time as the landing in Chernobyl, The City was attacked by an army of Grazers and destroyed. With multiple casualties they escaped by boat to Chernobyl. The DSF suddenly made huge moves on the other demigod prisons around the world and brought them to Chernobyl. Demigods can survive in Chernobyl due to their mutative resistance to radiation and in there the main base of operations for the demigods is found. Inside the half-bloods train and plan their attack on the Grazers.
The year is now 2041. A few months ago the Grazers created a serum that mutated a mortal's genetic code and enabled them to become immune to minor doses of radiation. With this serum they amassed an army and attacked Chernobyl. Many demigods died in the defence of their new home but in the end they prevailed. Driving the Grazer forces back, the half-bloods are now preparing for their biggest and final assault on the Grazers and the UNE.
Chernobyl is brand new. After the invasion, we started anew and began repairing the irradiated city. Now in the place of old destroyed apartments and schoolhouses there are buildings of Ancient Greek and Roman architecture, thanks to the children of Athena/Minerva. In place of broken down cars and machinery there are wooden and steel carts being pulled by bronze bulls and horses, curtesy of Hephaestus/Vulcan's children. We built a temple to our parents: the Olympians, the Titans and the Primordials. In the centre of New Olympus, as we now call Chernobyl, there stands a mighty swirling tower lined with statues of mythological creatures, much like gargoyles, and at the tip sits an imperial gold eagle which overlooks our new home. The tower is the home of the Inner Circle, the leaders of the Half-Blood Army and their friends and family. Houses and small tent markets line the streets and at the edge of our city, before the fortified wall, there is a large military encampment where we train new half-bloods and create our weapons. Lastly, encasing our city in its protective glow, stands a wall almost 300 feet high and 400 metres wide. The wall is made of both Stygian iron and Celestial bronze, Imperial Gold is still to rare to be used for anything but weapons, and is deemed impenetrable. Time will tell if what our architects say is true, but that doesn't matter. This is our home and it will stay standing for as long as I live and, if the gods allow it, longer.
This is the beginning of a new era. Our era.
Solum fortis, fortior simul
'Strong alone, stronger together.'
Demigod Character Sheet



Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:






Mortal Character Sheet









~Taylor Kinley, Thanatos, Nicolicious~
~Blake Ironheart, Hercules, Blaze_of_Ares~
~"Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi, Nemesis, Spikegilfer1997~
~Alton Hamilton, Poseidon, Alvin2442~
~Alvin Hamilton, Poseidon, Alvin2442~
~Derek Knight, Zeus, marshanboy~
~Elizabeth Trace, Aqua Walker, pink-bookworm~
~Mark Ivory, Shadow Walker, Rogue475~
~"Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid, Elementalist, Spikegilfer1997~
~Kate Rodrigues, Sky Walker, Nicolicious~
~Severran Lucius, Oculus II, Rogue475~
[b][i]“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” 
― Frank Herb
last edited on Jun 16, 2014 at 12:00PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 1392 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 1392

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Spring! I'm calling it now, it's spring :P )
"I don't suppose you do want to go...?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"I don't know," I tell him. "Do you want me to go?"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Excellent, I was going to have this scene play out before now but then I realized I never imagine a season for TGC. It doesn't have snow but it also doesn't have color. It's just a atmospheric grey-black environment.)
I awoke in an irradiated field. Other than it it was most pleasant and no bugs were in my hair. That's all Cherry-town really amounted to recently. Eat, enjoy nature/spar/learn, sleep. While not the most stressful of circumstances it lacked a challenge. The challenge that day would be chocolate. I found myself hungry and the supply of it was running low. So it was decided, now how I was going to accomplish it was a different story. Walking takes too long and the bronze constructions of the building bunch were off-limits to me as they apparently were "To important for joy rides" claimed the children of the smith god. So I decided it was best not to burn that bridge and looked for another way.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I laugh at how this conversation was spinning in circles. "Well, I think it might be good for us to get out and do something insane for a change." I grin.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I laugh. "Well let's do this insane thing," I say to Mark, smiling towards him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Mr. Ivory
I nod and as if on que; Leon walks into the Barracks, heading over to the two of us. "Hey Las, how is everything?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I see Leon walking towards us. I smile at him. "Hey Leon. Everything is good," I say to him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(that was simple... its been good haha)
"Glad to hear it!" He announces and turns to me. "The team is meeting at the Armory in ten." Leon informs me with a nod. "Oh um... Make that plus two." I add, taking Elizabeth's hand softly.
(Last Post, gtg to bed, still sick as ever :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I feel Mark grab a hold of my hand and I smile as he talked to Leon. I listen to them, remaining quiet.
(Okay, night. And oh, that sucks. Hope you feel better haha)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"How're are you feeling?" Kate asks as she strolls into the half-blood's cell. "Agony? Yes, well...that's generally the emotion you feel when you're being tortured. Glad to see you're functioning correctly. Now we really should move on. I have things to...remove and skin to slash."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Well, I'll see you guys in a bit, gotta inform another person." Leon nods and wanders off. "This should be fun." I muse with a grin, watching as Leon heads deeper into the barracks.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I smile at Mark. "It shall. It'll be interesting, I know that," I say, as Leon walks off.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Oh, I'm just gonna grab my pistol from the room, do you need anything?" I ask.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"How long have you been travelling?" I ask one of them. He seem to be the leader, he does not look as bad as the others, probably looking the part of leader. I look at his sword, the bottom of the hilt was Gold, probably Imperial Gold. I wonder where he got it from...
"3 months and 27 days..." He answers, drinking the water provided.
"Where did you start?"
I nod, looking at the demigods. They are 12 of them. I'm certain they had casualties....an instinct I guess.
"I am Blake Ironheart, son of Hercules. Along with the others of the Inner Circle, with the leadership of Lady Taylor Kinley, we are in-charge of the Half Blood Army." I announce to them.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
-Severran Lucius


-Seekers of Έρεβος

-Oculus II

-Deathly pale skin, Grizzled complexion, Pure black eyes, Blood stained mouth

-Pitch black trench cloak, Grazer light armor beneath.

-SoulReaver, Nazi Mauser C96 9mm handgun
(Cara please set this Character as Seeker, below Grazer please, it will all be explained as the story continues)
-Severran Lucius


-Seekers of Έρεβος

-Oculus I
Nicolicious commented…
KK over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Seeker Lucius
"And you would take our order as fools?!" He shouts the question, kicking the dishonored soldier from his knees, to the floor. "You thought you could hide?" Severran steps over the man, holding his boot firmly against the fool's back. "I have nothing to say to you, Seeker..." The Grazer sneers, just before a round blasts through his head.
"No matter how far you run, no matter how deep you go, the Darkness will always find you... You knew that the moment you touched the Artifact..." The Seeker looks away, setting his Mauser inside the holster attached to his armor. "... Yet you still ran, knowing we would come for you... Rest now, for your judgment awaits." Severran announces, as if talking to the now limp body. He then walks off, leaving the old bunker.
"Tell Prime General Reins, his predecessor has been dealt with..." The Seeker utters, boarding his personal stealth Black Hawk helicopter. "Oculus, what are your orders?" The Grazer pilot asks, flicking switches to bring the chopper to life. "Germany, The Prime Oculus wishes to see progress on one of his new Operatives."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"No, I'm fine?" I tell him, looking around the place at all the people.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I'll be right back, why don't I meet you at the armory?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I nod. "Alright sounds fine," I say giving him a small smile.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I smile and jog off towards my room. Once there I quickly search the drawers and find my pistol to be missing. "Where'd I put it?" I mutter, checking under my pillow. Unlike the famous spy, I had never kept it there before.
"Oh... Parker..." My handgun was with Parker, I had left it there for a tune-up. I curse and simply open the closet taking the old Colt .45 I'd found in New Zealand, the very same one that I used in the Battle for Chernobyl, last year.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I made my way over to the armory to wait for Mark. There were a lot of people passing by and most of them were demigods, I gathered.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I quickly jog back to the armory, right away I spot Ellie and walk towards her. "Hey, are you all set?" I ask sitting next to her. My boot's laces were undone so I hunch over and work on tying them up quickly.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah I am. You?" I ask him as he sues beside me and begins to tie up his shoes. I stare out infront of me and looked at all the armory in the place.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Just need to grab a vest and rifle and I'll be all set." I sigh, just as I finish tying my boots. I then stand and take a light ballistic plate carrier(Kevlar) and throw it on me. Then I move over to look at the different firearms available. "Here try this!" Leon tosses me a shotgun. I catch it instantly with a grunt. "M3... Benelli?" I mutter, looking back up at Leon. "Yeah, Twelve guage buckshot'll tear right through em."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Lady Taylor, we've finished repairing the schoolhouse and can start sending the younger of us to school." My personal guard, Roman Drake, son of Mars, says as he bows. I frown at the display and shake my head.
"You don't need to bow, Roman. And thanks, tell Blake about this and he'll find someone to teach them." He nods and backs out the door. "Goddamn Romans." I mutter while walking towards my bedroom window. "Rank and power means way too much to them."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Do you mind if Kate is in Germany?... Unless you already said she was somewhere else...)
Nicolicious commented…
Sure, I can role with that. over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(A Roman named Roman)
A tall slender man enters the room wearing a suit which does not compliment the rifle he had on his back.
"Please follow Mr Webb here, he is our scribe. He will take down your necessary data, like name and Immortal Parent. And don't worry, he will take you to a place to rest while explaining to you more about the City is detail" I stand "And feel free to ask anything. Now I have some work to do, good day"
Rogue475 commented…
I was thinking the exact same thing Bro, lol over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares commented…
haha over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(I probably won't post until I'm back on my iPad. Hard to read long posts)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Kate savoured the half-blood's screams as she harshly removed every nail on his left foot. There was no need for the torture but it sated Kate's inner animalistic desires.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Sir" a voice call out. I turn and see Roman bowing to me. "The school has been repaired and we can start sending the children to school."
"Wonderful, has Lady Kinley sent out any orders?"
"No, she said you would find someone to run the school"
"I see, thank you" I nod and he leaves, back to the tower.
I enter the town center and meet with the daughter of Athena
"Carol, the school is now open. You can start teaching"
"That's great! I'll tell the rest"
"Just be at the school with the other teachers"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Seeker Lucius
He opens the door to the Interrogation chamber, noticing Kate's disgusting methods. "The Master wishes to see progress..." The Seeker trails off, gripping his hands behind his back. He walks closer to the Demigod, the poor fool. "Suffering is not necessary, you know that Rodriguez..."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I stand silently watching Mark and Leon. I was exactly sure on what I was suppose to do. I stood up from my sitting position and wandered to where Mark and Leon were.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Oh, I do believe this one is yours." I hand Ellie her UMP-45 off the rack, along with a spare clip. "Yeah stock up on ammunition, we're hitting a bunker complex in Hamburg." Leon informs the team, taking an assault rifle for himself.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Oh, thanks," I say grabbing a hold of the UMP -45 and the clip that he handed me. "How much exactly would we need?" I ask Leon,
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Bout four mags will do." Leon murmurs, taking a few for himself. I turn to Ellie and nod. "Yeah with that it'll only take about one or two rounds to take em' down. But of course, you already knew that didn't you?" I grin.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Alright," I say and turn to Mark as he begins to speak. I laugh with a small smile. "Of course I already knew that," I tell him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Ha, well just checking." I laugh a little and hand her one extra magazine, just in case. "Well I'm all set then." I snatch a few twelve gauge dragon's breath rounds(fire spraying bullets) and store them in my coat's inner pocket. They'd likely come in handy later...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"So, what now?" I ask them, keeping hold of all my weaponry stuff, looking towards the two. I wasn't exactly sure what was suppose to happen now.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Now we um..." I trail off and turn to Leon. "Is this mission sanctioned?" Leon looks away slightly. "Right well, now... Now we go tell Taylor or Blake." I announce with slight agitation. "Come on." I murmur to Ellie as I walk out of the barracks, toward the Inner Circle's tower, or what I like to call; the Court of the high and mighty.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I bid, following Mark as he walks to go find Taylor and Blake. I remained silent looking out at everything we passed,
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"this place has changed so much." I say as we make our way towards the entrance. "I remember the crumbling buildings and freezing showers." I laugh a little, glancing at her as we find ourselves in the bronze elevator.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I laugh. "Cold showers. Bet that would've been some fun," I say to Mark as we enter a bronze elevator.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(She was there, he's talkin about last year :P)
"Yeah your section had a working water pump, you guys were lucky!" I laugh an look up, just as we begin to rise through the many floors of the tower. This place was filled with demigod whom they thought were better than mortals... I hated this place, and the people. They were the reason I decided to live with the soldiers, and not the Inner Circle.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Oh oops. Sorry, my mistake. I'll edit it haha)
I laugh. "Yeah it wasn't the greatest working pump, but it was probably better than yours," I smile, remembering when we had been here last year. Everything had gone so far.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(lolz I'll shh. No worries)
"Yeah at least yours worked!" I grin, just as the door opened to the lavish Inner Circle's floor. "You know we could've stayed here..." I murmur to her, looking about the place, for it had changed a lot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Hehe okay, thanks )
"Yeah lucky for me," I tell him as we open the door to the inner circle. "Yeah, I know," I say in reply to Marks comment.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Gotta wonder what it's like staying here..." I trail off, walking into the hallway. Circling around the bend we spot Tay's quarter's. The guard posted began to grin as we walked up. "We would like to enter." I sneer with a grin at the obvious roman. "None are permitted to see Lady Kinnley, except the Inner Circle of course. "Yeah? How about her brother?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I look at the door in front of us as someone says how only the inner circle are allowed. I stay quiet, not wanting to get into it.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
We probably looked pretty intimidating, what with our full assault gear and everything. It was surprising that the guard wasn't even phased, he simply did not care who we were. "Even if you were her f*cking dad, I wouldn't let you in!" He roars, a real Roman(-_^) "Is that right?!" I nod, mocking the boy and getting up in his face.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Look, we just want to get in there. You can even tell her who we are and see if she wants to speak to us," I tell the roman demigod.