Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 191-200 of 8919

Wahinetoa said …
Bamon: Glad that the and I are even
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bamon work together to bring down Silas
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
AUBamon: Sooooooo cute!
link Posted over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Hahahahaa, so cute :D <3 <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: La Petite Mort
link Posted over a year ago
nansoula said …
hey lovely bamonators, how are you? I've been a little away from the spot and I have so much material to add :P Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Baby gurl!! Hello darlin',we've missed ya!! I do like the new stuff you've put out, the story and the artwork turning up hither and tither with the "Everything is Bamon and Nothing Hurts" tag. <3beautiful!<3 Add away!! We be ready for some bamoness brightness. :) over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
@ nansoula omg I've missed you so much. How's my fellow hardcore bamon shipper doing? lol. Good to have you back. xoxo! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
hey sweethearts!! I'm trying :) to keep up with the uploads because I ve got material to add for our bamon family :) I've missed you too, I will try to come here as often as possible :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
BamonAU (we get all the gorgeousness with Bamon week!)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
link Posted over a year ago
jetaimeBamon said …
Hey everybody I just saw (another) Bamonfic and...ugh so many feels!Idon't no if you watch the video already so I give the link link Posted over a year ago
jetaimeBamon commented…
bamonvid* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE IT! DsRedbird is our hunny too, so major win on the vid. <3 <3 Gotta say, the Stefan fanboy at the end, was worth all the love in the world. Thanks jetaimeBamon! **smooches** over a year ago
jetaimeBamon commented…
smooches back :3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: La Petite Mort

^^Not what you'd expect, but jolly good none the less! ;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
This gif set by Idontownemotion looks like a promo for a supernatural tv show I'd watch 24/7.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
AU: Pirate Bamon
^If this was a real fic, we'd read the heck out of it!! <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Speaking of sweltering, we checked in with Vampire Diaries Star Kat Graham (whose short hair was looking very chic) to see if she had any fashion tips to beat the heat — after alll, they film in Georgia. Surely she's learned stuff. “They've had me in a sweater, because I have to film in what [My character; Bonnie) died in. So it's a hot swearter jacket. So I have no tips on how to stay cool. We have Ice cubes? I asked Craft Services one day to bring Otter Pops," she offered. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It seems UNFAIR, we said, that Heaven has no wardrobe changes and poor Bonnie has to sport the same warm jacket for all of eternity, what if it goes out of style? "I KNOW,” KAT SAID. “IN MY AFTERLIFE WE GET A NEW OUTFIT EVERY 30 MINUTES." - the Fug Girls, covering NY Fashion Week over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Which begs the question... Emily and Grams died in something different, yet changed. Same with Rose, didn't she die in a robe, but Jeremy saw her at the hotel in something different? lol. The plot holes, logic and bias in this show keeps on going. *lazy and lame excuses* to keep Bonnie in the background in death and life. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Darn tootin' bb. ((huggles)) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
AU: Bamon in Grease
link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I have a question for my fellow Bamonators. I know this topic has been discussed before but I'm just curious to know if ya'll think another reason Bamon isn't happening is due to racial issues. Do you think Bamon would be cannon on the show if Bonnie was portrayed by a white actress? Do you think that would've made a big difference? I think there's a lot of reasons the writers are shying away from Bamon & I hate to say it but I think "race" is one of those reasons. I also think that could play a Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
factor in why Bonnie doesn't get as many love interests as Elena & Caroline. It's as if Bonnie is not supposed to be seen as attractive, desirable or love interest material. I guess the writers see Elena & Caroline (white characters) as beautiful & desirable since so many men in MF are drawn to them, even borederline obsessive over them. Bonnie on the other hand...Well, ya'll know how our favorite witch gets treated. I hate to bring up race but I can't help but wonder & speculate if she'd recieve better treatment by the writers & fandom if she were portrayed by a white actress. And don't even get me started on the racist comments that some of the hateful DE'rs (not all) make. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
This is a really GREAT question bb. I think it us a large part bias from JPs comments on not able to write from a non-white girl perspective, or some lame excuse like that. I mean, wth, We are EVERY woman.. colour changes some situations but not the strength, heart and intelligence it takes to overcome, outwit and surpass them. More than racial it's Julie pandering to her own writing bias, letting only the three consume the show and other characters prop them up, rather than give them a SL of their own. By 'them over a year ago
Miss_Diaries commented…
yes...totally agree. One girl asked me in my school which fanfics i read about TVD. I answered honestly "Damon, Bonnie or Stefan, Bonnie". Being a dullena fan, her reaction was: "EWW". I couldn't help but think it was cause she is dark skinned that she is not accepted like when people mention steroline (stef/caroline) no one saids anything. But hear "Damon/Bonnie" in a sentence the whole world attacks. Like why can't people see a white male character with darkskinned female character? why judge by color or race? Im latino and i accept all races/background over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
SEASON 5 POSTER link Posted over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
and of course elena had to be the only on wearing red and wth is matt doing in the middle, this is awful, you can barly see Bonnie :? and it looks like matt and elena are going to reconnect of bloody coure, i hate this show and i didn't like that poster over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
The poster is beautiful but I think it's symbolic of what's to come. For example, Damon & Elena are next to each other & Katherine is nearby. I think Katherine will pose a threat to DE since the writers confirmed Damon will help Kat, possibly have her live with him & that will upset Elena. Bonnie is with Jeremy so I assume Beremy will happen again in season 5 which I'm not at all happy about. I don't have a problem with Forwood but they'll supposedly be happening again. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I've just seen the poster, thanks bb for posting it. Seems like all posters we've seen tbh. Elenas dress tho'. lol. Is she doing a Miley Cyrus? Toosh hanging out in red, hmm.. isn't that what ladies of the night wear for a uniform? Trying to say something show? Twerk to the camera. Interesting, she's facing away from Damon towards Bonnie. Bb Bonbon! Her arms cut down her space tbh, they should be extended up and out creating the fires throughout the picture.. my edit would be dark shadowy angel wings. Don't you think? LOVE Stefan in forefront of them all, leaning in with a look of danger and destiny about him. Matt.. dude, love the abs. It's a cover of a lame Mills&Boon tragedy (when hasn't it been, tbh?) but it isn't enough to tempt the first page turning, when the blurb says all we need to know about it. $2.00 material for bargain bins. Go buy a coffee instead. It'll give you a bigger, longer hit of happiness & you can real people watch that JP can't fudge up. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kendra soundbites sweetest honesty of all..
"Damon IS capable of real feeling outside of serving Elena; it just takes the right person to bring it out of him. And that person was Bonnie."
"I DO think it’s important to note that not only did Silas threaten/hurt/use Damon as leverage to get to Bonnie, but so did Galen and Professor Shane, so what did they see in him that made them think he’s the most connected to Bonnie? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kendra (about the college episode)
"And the fact that Bonnie gave him a verbal smackdown, he argued about it and then two seconds later, he brings it up to Elena as he’s dropping her off?

Damon listens to Binnie, whether he wants to admit it or not and he knows he was wrong. Point blank."

^^PREACCCHHHH! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hahah I know its not the point but 'Binnie....'hahaha so sweeet over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
and yes Preach!!! I just love the way how Damon respects Bonnie. Its like he is the only one who truly know her and her morals.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. I didn't see that! ;) hehe. Ur right, he knows her well enough that when he hears she's with her mum, after Abby abandoned her three times, she wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye in person, let alone trust someone with her life they hasn't been invested enough in it, to course correct. He's gonna be suss. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Differences (M for a reason)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kendra *Goddess of all truth*
if the writers are worried about numbers, they shouldn’t be. Between the Bamon fandom and the many in the Stelena and Klaroline fandoms who are behind it as well, we all blow DE fans and their “biggest ship” nonsense out of the water. Seriously. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
no way :O seriously??? I was never this happy than now!! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yep bb! Apparently more and more are coming on board the Bamon train. Hopefully they'll start following the book more. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kendra and all things quoted with truth
"There is just something about him—his snark, possibly—that makes her want to be better and I love it, because most of Bonnie’s development as a witch can be attributed to her clashes with him.

She doesn’t want him to see her as weak. And Damon, though he knows how strong she can be, doesn’t miss a moment to sort of egg her on because he knows more than anything, proving somebody wrong is what gets Bonnie going." Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Bonnie gave Damon an aneurysm? He still goes after her and feeds her his blood to save her life. Bonnie inadvertently almost gets him KILLED, by not de-spelling The Device? He calls her a hero. She’s getting brainwashed by Silas and about to be exorcised by a bunch of witches because her expression is legit problem? He asks Stefan if he needs him to come home and help, instead of cutting his losses and considering her “collateral damage.”

Damon, you know the deal." Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
ahhh this ^ over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*loves* :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Damon as a Warlock and Bonnie as a Vampire
Prompt: Reverse Bamon.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
link over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
INTERVIEW: "Would You Rather" with Kat Graham
Would you rather have your character Bonnie
have a romance story line with Stefan or Damon?
Analysis: Stefan or Damon? Paul Wesley or Ian Somerhalder? You actually want us to choose? That's like saying cake or pie and really, who can choose? Although, we're pie people, so Damon. Wait. No. Stefan. Wait. Is there an option for both? Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Kat's Answer: "You’re not gonna…. No. No. They're like my brothers. That's like asking would you rather make out with, your older brother or your younger brother. I want Bonnie to explore every single side of her with every single character on the show, which she has yet to do." over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You know what I love too, is the whole 'Dry spell' quote and the interviewer saying "She needs to break that spell quick." lol. I can just imagine what Ian had to say about it. Damon is up for the task. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Favorite Scene That Brought Bamon Together:
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Don't you ever say, I walked Away." Bamon Week
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Scenes that brought Bamon together
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"We have a problem" scenes
(The problem: is that they're not having copious amounts of wild nookie.)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kat Graham and Rose McGowen
The first time Mystic Falls witch, met the Charmed sister. ;)
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
NEW FIC : link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Cannot wait to read this, thank you Sanja.. you're my fic pimp. Love you! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Bamon Week - Day 2: Stefan the Bamon Fanboy : link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOL. That bb, was fun. Thanks for the link! ((huggles)) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You're welcome! :*** over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kat and Julie tweets

argh. When has Julie ever cried for Bonnie tho? Kat is all about supporting her bbs, so no doubt it's for them 'the big scene' is for. Maybe it's a Stefan fanboy moment. lol. It IS Bamon week, just saying.

Any thoughts on what it could all mean? Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I doubt Julie's tweet was about Bonnie. I don't think Julie cares enough about Bonnie to cry for her. Bonnie doesn't really get quality storylines like Elena and Caroline so I'm not excited about Julie's tweet at all. Julie seems to only care about the main trio and Caroline. I hate to be negative but the writers haven't given Bonnie good treatment in so long that I I don't even expect them to change their biased behavior at this point.. over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Ummm, confused, rather...... Both of you are right, about Julie never caring about Bonnie, so maybe she just wants to get attention from Bamon fans? .. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Naked and @ Werewolf: In agreement bbs. Julie doesn't do balanced writing, because then Bonnie would have to have more screen time than 3seconds per episode that isn't caring for others over her own welfare. Can't have that. :P I think you're right, this was manipulation to undo damage they could correct by writing with integrity, than feeding teasers with no substance. Junkfood tv. :D over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Junkfood tv - yes :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Love, hate is such a fine line
"That sounds like the beginning of a Love Story."
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Stefan the Fanboy back from the Dead
by the lovely esmeralda
link Posted over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
God, I love Stefan even more, beyond the limits....... <3 :D :D :D :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
BABY GURL! Kat Graham, smokin' freakin' Hot!!

See, now this?^^ This up in tvd business, is what a Bennett Witch needs to happen to go from Sacrificial lamb to leatherclad-bad-to-the-bone Tigress. And lookee there, those bracelets with the handles, well, Damon, there's one place you can grab onto, to drag a wicked-judgey from her all too soon grave. If you're brave enough, there's a few more places to hold.. but she might just grab back. ;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
The first thing he says is when Bonnie appears is “i could actually hug you right now,” though he and Bonnie aren’t exactly the “affectionate-with-one-another types.” However, Bonnie—much to Damon’s clear and initial shock—actually stops, walks in closely, and leans in, so Damon can comfort her because he, once again, knows just what she needed in that moment. This time, it wasn’t any words to build her up, but a simple touch, to calm her down. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Damon successfully helps her again by giving Bonnie just what she needs, in contrast to Elena; because he only gives her what he needs and what he can handle. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Damon deals with Elena’s pain selfishly, while dealing with Bonnie’s logically. Damon has been met with an openness and acceptance each time he has been put in the position to console/propel Bonnie, because he has proved to never be afraid of dealing with whatever her emotions may throw his way. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bamon and Music bbs (fantastic art)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bamon vid
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
OT: Is Nina dating some guy called Derek? Not Derek Hale, surely. :D Whoever he is, lemme get his address, I wanna send him flowers. Nian melting the heck down, hate on Nina like you would not believe (but we've been subjected too since s1 in our tags) So much for loving Nina for Nina. Only conditional on their ship.

Kendra quote: Nina, gurl—do ya thang. Nobody pays your fu**ing bills but you. You don’t have to answer to anyone tbh.

Kat and Nina rockin' it - fearless! <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*sly grin* So, um... Nerek, anyone? over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Good for her :) :) :) Nian has never existed, IMO. It was just Delena PR, neither Nina nor Ian were really happy. But now both of them are blissful. These two have somewhat "changed", you know, like they aren't the same people after 4 season. That's a cool thing <3 *wink* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^ Lemme huggle you forever Werewolf_Lupa. The PR system just died outright, lol. Gotta love the karma. over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Yep :))))))))))) "huggles back" over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: Curious Case of Bonnie Bennett (chptr11)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: Curious Case of Bonnie Bennett (chptr10)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Day 1: Favorite Fanfiction
Second Verse Same As The First by IronyRocks
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
AU: Bonnie is a dancer in an underground burlesque club. Damon and Stefan immediately take notice of her and long forgotten sibling rivalries are renewed.
link Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
Hey :-) I'm going to Ireland for a few days so I won't be here for the Bamon week :-/ But I can't wait to see all the Bamon vids, pictures, gifs,... when I'll be back :-) See you soon girls :-) (L) Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Bon voyage I hope that I write correct I didn't know french over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
Thank you elena your french is perfect :-) over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Have a good trip! Bon voyage! :)))) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Some great gifs of Bamon/Kian! Sooo much with the Shipping madness. <3.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Story: The Walls Listen (had be weepy, won't lie)
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
KAT tweeted : Kat Graham ‏@KatGraham 12h
Amazing bday night ended w Claire, Candice, Nina, Julie, Zach, Paul and Ian and my baby. Love love love. Posted over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
ahaaa i know :) ahaaa everyone was wondering how Ian and Kat were going to be like with eachother, since her finace was there ahaaa XD something i found strange though is Kat never says finance she hasn't said it once :? and when she gets asked about him you would think she wold gush about him but i never see it over a year ago
jetaimeBamon commented…
ooh stop you >:P im gonna imagine me things i know its not good shipping actors in real life but they're to perf. omg !i'm sorry I stop think if I talk about my OTP ;) over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
no no that comment about her and her fiance has nothing to do with Kat and Ian its just something i have noticed and i thought. hmmm why? if i was getting married to someone i would gush about them and stuff like that but she barely mentions him and i never see them happy together and i see them in videos supposily holding hands romantically( sarcasm) and its not like that all i see is Kat pulling cotrell with her like you would with a child and when they went to that festival Kat was always taking pics with someone else. :? that in my opinion doesn't sound like a couple in love( and guys i don't want an arguemnt or anything its just something i thought to see if anyone has noticed the same or if its me ahaaa, could be me but hey whatever) i swear this has nothing to do with Ian and Kat at all it over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Careful Damon" Artwork from Dance Scene.
By Yinx1 <3 <3 <3
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
As I promised ,there is a link of Ian : link Little story of an amazing woman on set...Happy Birthday Katerina Graham!!!! @katgrahampics we LOVE you! Love, Ian Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Awwww..... *melts into puddle* Ok, I'm gonna give you MAJOR PROPS for this link bb. I didn't know that Ian filmed it as well! *sobs* Those are our babies. MUAH! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Ian wished happy birthday to Kitty Kat on twitter/instagram. I will post a link later because now I have to go to work. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGosh.. did he? YES!YES!! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Happy Birthday KatGraham is trending world wide!
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
elena1 commented…
Italians do it better (I'm Italian) and I'm kidding over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
IT was so beautiful, I ended up teary eyed too. Thanks Sana, and elena too. Just perfection! Awesome fans we have, don't we? over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
INTERVIEW WITH KAT GRAHAM! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Loved the episode, especially showingt Silas and Elena don't ever threaten her in the guise of someone she loved. She will fricken own you. ;( Sanja *whispers* You own me with this one link. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
**H*A*P*P*Y*** ** ***B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*** ** *** K*A*T *** ** *** G*R*A*H*A*M** Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Happy Birthday Kat over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Did you see bb, #HAPPYBIRTHDAYKATGRAHAM is trending worldwide! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
FIC UPDATED! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's amazing!! ♡♡♡ Really enjoying the discovery of both their worth with this story. Thnks darlin' for sharing. ♡ you! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: Stand up when you're talking to me.

It has all the elements of a wonderfully bamon tussle and bite. Enjoy darlings! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Nina about Kat on Twitter. Awww..
link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah that was so cute!! It's wonderful when the tvd cast shows support for one another. ♡ over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed. Especially since nina unfollowed recently. You can tell, their friendship is strong as ever. Like Bamily, aye? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Esmeralda does it again.. perfection art manip of promo pics
(aka, how the photo shoot SHOULD have gone)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
More Photos from L!nk Magazine.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Which to enjoy more.. Arguments or Aneurysms. Both, really. ;) :D
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Gothic Kat.. why so gorgeous bb?
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
FIC UPDATED! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Tanja, ya smoking diva of lovely you!! Thnks bb for the links, loving all the fics. ♡♡ over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
OH MY GODDESS... did you all see Kat Graham from Zink Magazine?
Can I get an Amen up in here, #cause HOT DAMN Posted over a year ago
Monluna commented…
She is amazing... as always over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You too, Monluna.♡♡♡ over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Effervescent
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic update. Curious case of Bonnie Bennett
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Theres a line in this chapter.. " soothing, because he's feeling guilty that he had always expected her on the frontline and never considered what being her friends' magical guardian had taken from her. " That sums up EVERYTHING this show has taken from her and doesnt compensate back. But fanfic writers do. Maybe it's time we stop watching and read instead, ♡ over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
It's like the sun came out.. Bamon moments
link Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Ahh, I needed that. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
bb! You are a lovely sight for sore eyes, how are you? <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Damon getting Bonnie visuals
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
When canon and fandom tell us our ship is sunken and gone...
link Posted over a year ago
Monluna said …
Hi, I'm Bamon fan since season 1. When I first heard about TVD show (I didn't know about the books then) I thought Bonnie and Damon are together. I read your posts and finally I found courage to join you.

Hello to the entire Bamon family :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Huge warm bamily Welcome!! So lovely to meet you and have you with us.♡♡♡ I didntvknow about the books either, I just saw Bonnie stepping up to confront Damons bullpucky, and melted on the spot. ;) Bless her courage and yours - it brings the best out of all of us. **hugs tightly** over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Hello and welcome to the Bamily! It's wonderful to welcome another Bamonator to the fold. :) over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Hello and Welcome! Really nice to meet you :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
“One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat a man.” — Marlo Thomas (via a-rritmia)
See, our baby gurl could have done with this advice. Jeremys life ain't more important because she loves him or his sister. She don't owe them, or anyone else on this planet; her life. She's important, valuable, precious and worth fighting for too. Posted over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Amen to that, sis. Our lovely Bonnie reminds me of myself. See, like her, I've always been in a shadow at school, because no one seemed to understand me, besides my "quirky", moody, taciturn, introverted personality caused a lot of gossip. "Why isn't she like others?" "Why doesn't she join her classmates?" "Why is she so calm, what does she think about there, sitting in a last row of desks?" Not only my schoolmates thought of me this way, but even my own family and relations. I've always helped others, however, I hardly ever asked for the same.. :) over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
One old lady whom I was particularly close with, told me once : "That's life. Some folks come, you do a really difficult task, they utter "thanks" and then goodbye! They don't even say Hello. No one appreciates your kindness or gentleness. World plunges deeper into cruelty, violence and rage. " Poor old soul, she was so right (RIP). But it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm what I'm, that's all *dances, sings on her own tunes.* :) :) :) over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Sweet Bonnie deserved much better fate than her actual predicament. over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Damn yes, she could have. Bonnie is too self-sacrificing for her good. She needs to realize that she has worth, herself, and not just as a way of helping her friends. Which is great that she helps them, but she needs to think of herself sometimes. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Updated by our lovely Nan! <3
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I love you Bamily. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
love you too sweetie <3 so much over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Love both you ladies & the entire bamily!! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
We love you too, and the whole Bamily! We're some pretty cool cats. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kendra.. goddess speaking
damon not wanting to say the word doppelganger again, well guess he chose the wrong person to date. i am guessing that was something ian wanted to say. lol
LOL. Damon, your Ian is showing. Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
ahah open your eyes Damon you'll never be happy with a doppleganger :-) serisously if Damon says that he probably knows about Silas ! And he knows that the spell depends on Bonnie so he probably knows that she's dead ! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
“I will tease that there is a [through] line from the beginning of the episode for Bonnie and the end of it and there’s one [through] line and I’ll be able to talk about it after the episode airs, but… I like it and I’m happy and I hope the fans like it.” —
Kat Graham

What does that even mean?! :Could it be something to do with Silas? Kendra said that what happens if Silas pretends to be Bonnie? Goes to Damon, who figures it out & goes to get her back? <3 Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
Silas knows that Damon feels something for Bonnie, if he wants to manipulate him that would be a good way to get what he wants because Damon knows that Bonnie is always right (except when she was brainwashed...) I can't wait to see Bonnie in episode one :-) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
From Nisha
"The only thing being selfless ever got Bonnie was death. Death for her Grams, death for her mom, death for herself. You’d think she’d be over “selfless” by now."

Bonnie is too busy sacrificing for everyone else to be happy - that isn't selfless, it's sacrificial. Her Mum, her Grams - Her. Add her father now & that's her entire family!! What mssg is Julie giving, to allow this 17yr old to be subjugated for 1 girl to be happy? Hell No. Time someone else is selfless 4 Bon! Posted over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa commented…
Amen! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
God this is disgusting...JP is such a bad writer over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Couldn't agree more. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bamon Art: I owe you
by the amazing Nisha
link Posted over a year ago
Werewolf_Lupa said …
Nooo, we have to suffer Dullena nightmare again!!! Well done, Julie, don't be surprised if you loose the majority of spectators. Now you can have your fun with Delena fanbase whom you've coddled for so long. My decision is taken : I'm NOT watching season 5 :(((
"Waaake me uuup, when Dullena eeeeends" Green Day improvised lyrics........ Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh! *highfives* As for dullena (lol) Ian is throwing shade in interviews about it with the doomed statements, lol, and since the breakup, tumblr is rife with how awkward their scenes are going to be. On the other hand, the Stathrine scene had a gazillion more chemistry. *squee* Kendra said it better, so I'll quote below. LOVE YOU, Lupa!!! over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
i am not looking forward to Datherine :? never liked it much, over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Yeah, I think it's pretty sad that not even the ACTORS like the relationship they're portraying (and yes, I imagine it will be very awkward now that Nina and Ian have split up). Whereas Ian's always shown more interest in Bamon.... :) over a year ago
ftlovex said …
i am getting major feels right now :O MAJOR MAJOR FEELS. THEY ARE BOTH SAT IN THE SAME CHAIR AND HAVE THE SAME BACKDROP AND EVERYTHING :D ohhh god i am trying not to be reeled in too much but my god it has to mean something, the same has been done with steroline, accept there's is blue, i haven't seen Elenas yet Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
SSSSQQQQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! oh my gosh.. you've made my whole week, ya lovely wild poppet. MUAH, all the chair awesomeness! ♡♡♡ over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
do you think it means anything :O i am starting to think that we might be getting it ( don't know ) over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
there isn't any pics of jeremy which i am finding strange, if its just of the four of them then i am most certain it was done on purpose, and yeah i saw those pics broke my heart, and eveyone wasn't okay with it.most of the fans so yet again Julie is going to get backlash for this one, and yeah i say the beremy scenes looks like him and damon( when he finds out, it seems like its gunns be soon, that silas and Bonnie scene just had him and Jeremy because the other two are at college so i think he might find out prett certain, actually i don't know) are going to be the only ones to give a damn about her. over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
UPDATED Effervescent! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY!! Thanks bb, you are amazing! *♡♡♡* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Stanning our BonBon hard out.. preach sista, preach! <3 <3
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kat Graham in Dallas
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Bts Promotional Photos
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Hello my darlin's!! ((huggles all)) Hope your week is going fab - how's my gurls doing?*highfives the Bamily* Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Preludio by Swamy
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you for posting it! :*** <3 over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
This fanfic' is great, thanks bb :-) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
My pleasure lovely lasses. ((huggles)) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bonnie is always the one left bleeding. Hero it up for her Salvatores.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …

Ian on a possible Damon and Bonnie hook up in 2012(?)
Yes. Hot dang, and he kept switching tenses with Kat and I, and Damon and Bonnie. Like their chemistry cannot be separated from either the characters or the actors. So much. Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …

(from docilepersephone on tumblr) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Wow, very sultry and 50shades. ;) Love it thanks Aliciaa! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Miss meh lovelies how mates any bloody good news of bamon? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Miss you too bb. How's things? <3 Nothing so far. We've waited this long, might as well wait a bit longer. :D over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
Someone said on tumblr that Bonnie and Damon could be related by blood, and now everybody is freaking out ! link

If JP dares... I don't know what I'm gonna do I can't even imagine Posted over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
i would just ignore it if it happend ahaaa its not going to affect anything in the shippers, me i will still ship the same ignore the incest because i know even if it was in the show that incest shit is fake, bet you no one will take it seriously and it would be a spit in the face to the book over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
wow...I dont know what to say..This would be extremely cruel to us. I hope its not right. I cant fint the words.. over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
That's bullshit. I don't think it's gonna happen (in fact, I highly doubt it), but if it does... JULIE PLEC! *fist of rage* over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
Kian/Bamon : "Hot" ^^ link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YYYEEESSS Baby! Thanks bb.. you're on fire with the new goodness. <3 over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
BAHAHAHAA That's perfect! Ian never seems to mention Bonnie or Kat without mentioning how hot she is. Well, can't blame a guy for telling the truth! :D over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
Kian tweets :-) link Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
HI Bamily ! :-) Hope you guys are okay :-) have you seen this amazing new vid from the wurzelx3 ? :-)

link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
All the sweeter for having you near, bb. Thank you so much for the vid, link.. it's amazing, sexy and just what a girl needs starting the week. MUAH! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
yes the Valentina's video are amazing over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: The Curious Case of Bonnie Bennett Updated
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Quotes about BamonKian Hot
link Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
I thought that we posted the same link but it's not the same : Ian talks so much about Kat that we could make a hundred gifs ahah :-) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Aliciaa, my goddess and Mage! I know right? He's promoting her all the time now, random love-speak, as if he's doing a daily reminder of her awesomeness to fandom. Best.ever! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Ian at the Dallas Convention
"Kat Grahams really hot." Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
<3 he cant help it but say it over......and over again looooool over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe. He's got the Kitty Kat fever.. bless. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
They're secretly married scenes of Bamon
Can I just say that when Bonnie says something, he LISTENS and changes his motivation, just because she's Bonnie and has earned his respect. All the awards. Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
Thanks bb :-) Damon listens to Bonnie but not to Elena, he pretends to love her but how can you love someone if you don't even respect that person ? over a year ago
ftlovex said …
after watching this clip i am now 100% certain damon is going to react bad to Bonnies death as damon only starts to pay attention when Jeremy says Bonnie's name, but then he doesn’t say it because i think he knows that if he tells Damon about Bonnie then something bad will happen :? and strangely enough Damon looks miserable in this clip :? not sure if this after or before the ( insert sarcasm) big love talk ahaaa with Elena( please) Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
It reminds me in the scene were dullena first meet, it was Bonnie's name that made him get up to find the voice that said it. If it wasn't for the name Bonnie, Damon would not have met dopple. Damon reaction to dopple was not of I am so in love it was you look like kat your not her oh well lol. Damon reacts whenever he hears Bonnie's name or he says her name when she is not around over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
I dont understand what damon was saying in the first 5 seconds or until jeremey says bonnie and then stops T____T over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
Or maybe in that moment once jeremy said im back for good damon realizwd bonnie died and he cant be truly happy now even if he got the girl he lost his brother and bonnie is gone. I like how they paralleled stefan and bonnie of the two ppl other than alaric and liz who damon was actually truly close to and now he lost two of them. I.e stefan and bonnie. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"The Twilight thing and a lot of these franchise attempts coming out, everything rests on what this girl will do, but she’s completely passive, or not really knowing what the hell is going on,” he said. “And that’s incredibly frustrating to me because a lot of what’s taking on the oeuvre of Buffy, is actually a reaction against it. Everything is there - except for the Buffy. A lot of the things aimed at the younger kids is just Choosing Boyfriends: The Movie."
Joss Wheldon Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
julie, you hack.. if a MAN can figure out what is inherently wrong with that damaging message to young wonen, why the heck can't you? ps; Joss, please write for Bonnie because she's the one who actually embodies Buffy and they stole her life for it. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I've read this before as well and I hope Julie comes across Joss' coments so badly! His comments should be a wake-up call to her. I love that he says a lot of these movies or shows are just about choosing boyfriends because that's the way Elena and Caroline are constantly written. Their storylines have become more about love interests & which man they will pick (this time) instead of something that focuses on their individual journey. Julie really needs to read this lol. Somebody should send her a link to this quote, I'm not even kidding lol. TVD has become more about relationships & catering to the loudest fanbase (DE'rs & KC'rs) which Paul, Julie & Caroline Dries have all admitted to in different interviews. They admitted that they cater to DE shippers because of their active begging & ranting. Caroline Dries once said they want to REWARD DE shippers. Wtf?? How is that professional or wise? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
can I quote you pls? this needs a lj post all its own. flawless. over a year ago
Aliciaa18 said …
I know it's not really nice to be happy about that but anyway : DE relationship will be affected by something not supernatural and I really hope that Elena will fall for that guy (Aaron) so Damon will be single and realize that he cares about Bonnie XD

link Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
So the golden vagina will have an other guy interesting (I'm kidding) the show must have new names: 1 The Dullena Diaries 2 50 Shades of Dullena 3 The Gold vagina Diaries 4 The Gold Vagina Boys over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I doubt Elena will fall for this new guy because Caroline Dries said DE will last for a long time cause it took so much time for them to get together and how they earned their love story, blah, blah, blah. This new guy might just be a ploy to make Damon jealous or just another excuse to show that Elena and Caroline have limitless options while our favorite witch just gets the option of dying for her friends and doing magic for their sake instead of having fun, going out on dates and just doing normal, fun teen stuff. Nope, she gets to watch everybody have college fun and enjoy their love lives while her dad dies and she's stuck as a ghostt. Season 5 doesn't even sound interesting .. Sorry my fellow bamonators. Rant over lol.l. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^That's perfect! A taste of her own medicine.. here for it. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Y'know how Dean and Sam (Supernatural) have Cas, as a guardian Angel? Could we get Samuel L. Jackson as Bonnies Guardian Angel?

Can you imagine the advice or better yet, lol, the sweet voiced suggestions to this 17yr olds friends, and the dopple? I would actually watch this season to see it. :D Posted over a year ago