Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 651-660 of 8919

ApplePie88 said …
I find it interesting that Bonnie is the ONLY person who Damon protects on the entire book series. He's not even that protective of Elena. LOL It's always about Bonnie when it comes to Damon protecting someone. Posted over a year ago
m_lima commented…
The coolest thing is that Bonnie definitely was the first to show the human side of Damon. We see this in "After Hours" over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Yep yep. :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
She never gives up on him like Elena did. :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
es impresionante como bonnie saca lo mejro de damon es super tierno eso de que ella la tierna y "debil" lo proteja a el un vampiro poderoso los amo son tan tiernos juntos se cuidan entre ellos sobe todo damon over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Oh poor Damon!!! Woe is him!! This is the epitome of ALL the comments of the "As I lay dying" clip video!! SICKENING!! It's like, GET A FREAKIN LIFE!! Dude's NOT dying! Stop threatening to leave the show, and seriously, there's talk of CRYING?! I won't be shedding a TEAR for Damon Salvatore, while he acts like Elena's punk! I can guarantee that!! Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
LOL!!! It' true!!! over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
LMAO. And ditto., over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
Thank you!! I agree 110%!!!!! over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
There is a new scene on youtube from As I lay dying: link Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Bonnie is looking for cure for Damon :D Go girl :D over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Way to keep hope alive, Ace! I'm with you girl! ;D over a year ago
martinachan commented…
@BB8fan Tina is ok :) over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
I cant belive I have been away from this amazing spot and you amazing people for a whole week anyways im back now hahah :) Posted over a year ago
nasraDsalvatore commented…
WeLcOmE BaCk DeAr ;) over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
hahhaha thankyou :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
:D bienvenida yo no puedo estar mas de una hora sin entrar a este sitio over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I find it so amazing how every character in the entire TVD book series knows that there is something highly significant and something real going on between Damon/Bonnie. Stefan, Matt, Meredith, Caroline, Elena, even Shinichi. Everyone in this series knows that there is something going on between Damon/Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
shannonfin commented…
Everyone knows that! #) Least Delena fans! (Could not resist ...) over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Delena fans know that there is something going on between Damon & Bonnie but they refuse to acknowledge it and to actually admit it. Even as a Bamon fan, I admit that Delena has a connection of some sorts, it's just not a meaningful, deep and significant connection with real feelings. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
es claro el amor no se puede ocultar me encanto caroline con su canción sobre ellos pero ¿shinichi? el sabe algo no lo creo over a year ago
el0508 said …
Guys, you disagree with the 8 May as a Bamon-Day, but you liked the idea of the 2x18, the last dance, i think it was the 14 April...our Bamon-Day?? Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
YEEEESSSSS!!!!! over a year ago
LilRihanna commented…
agree :) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
YES!!!! Please April 14th!!! Such a PROFOUND day for us Bamonators!!! Like I said in another post, 2x18 is the episode MANY Bamonators refer back to whenever discouraged on our favorite ship! It was such a meaningful day for us, and I LOVE the thought of it going down in history as Bamon day!! :D over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
el ultimo baile sue sin duda el mejor de los mejore momentos bamon over a year ago
solangel said …
BAMON is AWE-and-SOME-more! Posted over a year ago
el0508 commented…
Agree <3 over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
:) over a year ago
darlingbear said …
VOTE for your least favourite TVD female character:)

link Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yaaaa over a year ago
solangel said …
Hi everyone! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Hello!!! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
hello mate. over a year ago
nasraDsalvatore commented…
Hiiii over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
HOLA :D over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
LOL, I love how Delena trolls like to come on this spot and spy on us and our forums. It's so hilarious. Closet Bamon shippers.... Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
LOL they must be closeted Bamon shippers. Because why waste your time commenting on a spot made for a couple/ship you hate? Do I comment or lurk on the DE spot? Noooo. I stay away. But DE trolls cant seem to stay away from our Bamon spot LOL. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ LMAO. Exactly. I think they are secretly obsessed with Bamon/Bamon fans. over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
I'm not hating on you, but the way you diss Delena, and have ago saying its pathetic and that, but its not all of you. I have nothing against Bamon tbh, even if I do prefer DE. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted an article about Bamon's connection in the books. Go check it out if you like.. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
On my way... over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
todo lo de damon y bonnie en los libros me gusta mas si es un articulo de una gran fan bamon de los libros over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Well first of all, I would like to thank el0508 for coming up with the BRILLIANT idea of a Bamon day! Then I would like to thanks the AWESOME Aceg for being the first to respond to this suggestion, and kindly stating her opinion on things! Then I would like to thank LilRihanna, SalvatoreBroFTW, NaeNae1495, and anyone else to voted to have episode 2x18's date as our Bamon day! But at the end of the day, Bamonator's rule! Bamon rules, and Bamon DAY will rule! So I'm okay with whatever! :D 2x18! jk Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
your welcome! :D Also I would love to know what you take in your coffee every morning cuz you are the MOST optimistice person I've EVER met. :P keep it up though we really need all the optimism for season 3 :P lol over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I have to agree with FrenchGiirl sadly! Don't need another female (book) character because that will only steal screen-time for the females we have now, namely Bonnie who we have to PRAY just to keep around for 3 consecutive episodes for more than FIVE MINUTES! If she's more closer to Alaric's age and quite obviously a love interest for HIM and no one else, though? I'm ALL for it! I'm flexible! ;) over a year ago
aceg commented…
@FrenchGiirl,BB8fan: I don't think the writer will exactly follow the book with Meredith. There is no room for her to fit in "childhood best friend" mode with Bonnie and Elena, considering Caroline already replace her on the show. I don't know what exactly writers' plan havefor her. Maybe she would be a secondary character next to brothers and Bonnie, Elena? Or she would have some causel flings with Damon first? Who knows...But I do agree with both of you, I hope the writers make her older, at least older than 18. And Yes, I don't want her screentime overshadow Bonnie's,.. over a year ago
LilRihanna said …
if we do have a bamon day i think it should be when the episode 2x18 was aired. it was an EPIC episode, brought us a lot of fans to the spot, I love the idea of May 8th being TVD day but i think that Bamon day should be to be episode 2x18 day! Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
seria un sueño momentos bamon en el final de la temporada pero también hay amenaza de momentos delena :/ over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Agreed!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
yepp! April 14 i think it was!! :D over a year ago
aceg commented…
Sure. The air date for Last Dance: Bamon-Day. May 8: Victory Day. By the way, is it May 8 also the day Russians captured Berlin? over a year ago
martinachan said …
I read this on an Italian website few minutes ago:
@julieplec Pls tell me Bonnie&Jeremy will get more development in s3 (if they make it). They have so much more potential together/separately
@KGrahamOrg feel fre to ask me that question again a week after finale has aired if it still apllies
What does it mean??? Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
There is hope for Bamon!!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
And yes, TOTALLY!! You don't have to be in a relationship to care for a person! Personally I don't want Bamon in a relationship any time soon! Season 4 or 5 can start that! As for now, like I said before, I'm looking forward to Bamon's friendship! And Jeremy being gone does create even MORE similarities between our vamp and witch, as far as angst goes ! And it will be cool to see them relate in this way! He could help her a lot with her heartbreak! But you never know what the writers will do honestly! There's so many possibilities! I'm excited to watch them explore them though! :D I really can't complain too much with the way the show is going thus far! Bamon's been building nicely, and I know they will continue in season 3! Gonna take the world by STORM!! Seriously TV's HOTTEST couple imo! ;D Just REALLY need to see this week's episode! But all in good time I guess! :D over a year ago
martinachan commented…
oh girls thank you for these thoughts, I have read now because I was sleeping...it's time zone fault!!! over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
So Bamonators, what do we want for the finale? Beside one scene of Bonnie saving Damon's ass. I was thinking it would be big if we got another 'thank you' out of Damon. And hopefully, this time Bonnie might respond friendly... that's everything i'm realistically hoping for, but i would love to be positively surprised... :) Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Deep in my heart I hope that writers will surprise us for example with an sweet hug... over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
bonnie saving or atleast trying to save him,then damon saying thank you and bonnie saying your welcome. over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I stick to my first idea which was Damon saying something nice about or to Bonnie ( a compliment, something that shows he kinda cares in a way, anything). I mean the guy's dying, he could surprise us lol. over a year ago
el0508 said …
Guys, I have a question....
Do we have a Bamon-Day???
Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
no we don't :( ... we should actually make one :P over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Maybe the day that after hours came along, or the when the 1st book was released OR the last dance ep...so many we can choose over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'd agree with Ace, but I don't even want to give that person the satisfaction! If we must, we could dub that day TVD day!!! The day all of the TVD fans put there differences aside and celebrate the show as a WHOLE! LOVE the idea of episode 2x18's date being Bamon day though!! over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 said …
You guys do realize LJSmith was fired and yet to are happy about Phantom??? Why? Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Sorry, I'm confused as to what you're saying? over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
@skysamuelle : DE fans who're nice and/or just curious are welcome here you know ? I think it was a genuine question, no need to be paranoid lol. @lizzie_jo5 : I think some DB fans are excited about it because they're hoping and thinking the ghost writer will develop DB more than LJS had planned to, that's all. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
as LJ. has said in her mail that she will give Phantom manuscripts to the ghost writer, so we still hope that we will get the Bamon monets like LJ. has told in her mail to a DB fan. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
1653 were blooming mates Happy Bamon Love from Damonslilbird!!!!! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Hell yes over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
hey mate ugh soo pist right now but yea were blooming. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
lol a fessy over here. over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Posted a new Bamon video!! Would be VERY happy if you guys checked it out!! :D Stayed up most of the night working on it! Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Going to watch :) You must be tired :) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Just watched. Very nice :P Hopfully you have a good rest :) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Yes I AM, Last_kiss!!! But you guys looking at the video makes the work worth it! Thanks for watching, girl!!...And thanks for watching, Ace!!! REALLY appreciate it! Just went down for a cat nap a few hours ago, but I'll probably rest again soon! SO tired! Thanks for every thing, and I'm sure I'll have an even BETTER rest in a few minutes because of your words! :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
lo vere :D over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
So glad to see our spot back to normal :D Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
yep ! ;D over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
tambien me alegro es extraño como no entro en un par de horas y veo que hay un caos :) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Troll gone? Check!
Dirty pictures gone? Check!
Wall posts gone? Check!
Lame picks gone? Check!

Finally our spot is back to normal! :D Posted over a year ago
el0508 commented…
OMG, yes! Finally! over a year ago
lexiie commented…
YAY ! Everything is perfect again ! :) over a year ago
shannonfin commented…
YAY! \o_ over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Honestly, when I was reading the Phantom preview at the end of SD's, when Elena was "talking to Damon", I noticed how all Elena talks about is Damon's looks and how drop dead hot he is? I mean, seriously Elena? It's always about looks when it comes to Elena's "love", no obsession, with Damon. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
And the same can be said for Damon about Elena. I'm trying not to let it bother me too much. It could very well, like you said, be the un-edited version before L.J made the announcement that she was "fired" over a year ago
uluai commented…
where can we read it? over a year ago
uluai commented…
me too! please post it! thank you :) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
1650 fans!! yay
We have grow so much! I'm so happy
Saying "Welcome" to all the new fans!
*happy dance* Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
:) over a year ago
aceg commented…
1651:) over a year ago
veronicaaa said …
can anyone who has read the passage from the end of Stefan's diaries about Phantom tell me what happens in it?
Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I think it's Elena basically dreaming about Damon and both of them talking about how they belong together and all that crap. And then she wakes up and sees some sort of black crow at the end of her dream. But we all know that the crow isn't Damon because he's in another dimension. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ah thanks but it seems silly that she is the dream of bonnie damon communicated with her ​​through dreams when Elena was dead so it must be the one to talk to the witch she is damon I think a spoilert said that a new evil attacks and go after the people elena hate everything revolves around it over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Yes, that's right. Someone is supposed to come to attack Elena but now that Damon is another dimension, Elena only has Stefan to protect her and doesn't have Damon because he is locked in the other dimension. over a year ago
KazceyLov said …
Bamon scenes were meh last tonight, but I did like that the first thing Bonnie asked John was: "Where's Damon? i loved it Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si fue bueno ya no lo menciona con desagrado como antes over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
RIGHT!!! I noticed, and LOVED it as well!!! AWESOME! And the writers SO could've had Jeremy do that, but it was Bonnie!!! Undercover Bamon work at it's best!!! Loves it! over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Wow I didn't even noticed that! So cool!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
You didn't, goodekl? Yeah girl, rewatch the scene, it was pretty awesome! :) over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
Hey bamonators kinda need to vent, being harassed by an awful troll at the glee spot and now I'm upset. I shouldn't let people get to me just really can't stand trolls!!!!! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Don't let them get you down, ForsakenMoon! Those people say things without even thinking, they speak out of their butts with one intent only: to hurt you. Don't allow them to! Don't respond to them! They aren't worth your time! Keep your head up, and stay encouraged knowing that the Bamonators have your back! ;) over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Oh my god!! What is this troll day or some kind of troll convention? Seriously where are all these trolls coming from!! So sorry you're being harassed. Urgh trolls should be banned from fanpop permanently! over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
It totally sux:( over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Sorry to spoil our celebrating mood, Bamonators, but I just finished reading the last Stefan's Diaries book and at the end of the book, there is a preview of Phantom. It's all Delena nonsense and both of them fawning all over each other and saying how they belong together. Ugh, so annoying. I wanted to post this earlier but that troll got in the way. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
So the publishers want DE now? I'm confused... over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I don't know if it's from L.J. Smith's old manuscript BEFORE she was fired. I think The Craving was written and published before L.J. Smith was fired. I think it's possible that the ghostwriter will change it. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
¿que dice la vista previa de phantom? estoy confundida :/ over a year ago
big smile
Maximumridefan said …
THANK GOD! I guess now I can stop my angry tweets on Twitter now LOL Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
lol i guess u can hun over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Lol, I saw... x) over a year ago
big smile
goodekl said …
Let's all give a big thanks to Papa for getting rid of the troll. He just sent me a pm saying that he got rid of "it". So Hurray for Papa and thanks so much!! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
thank u papa over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
gracias :D over a year ago
aceg commented…
Thank you Papa over a year ago
big smile
ApplePie88 said …
Let's all celebrate now that the useless stupid troll is GONE. Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
yeah i just hope that troll dont come back with another account... but god yeah im happy its gone... over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Woo!! Ding Dong The Troll is Gone!! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
jajaja muy bien over a year ago
aceg said …
That moron is gone!!! It is time to celebrate guys lol Thank you TVD fans!! Thank you!! I will write a Benedictus for all of you :D Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
we all tvd fans, being bd, de, or se,etc work together to get rid of me4me... im proud of us... we're awesome :) over a year ago
goodekl commented…
^^Got that right!! TVD fans are the best!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yeah!!!! over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
dear bd family, guess what? the stupid sick me4me is gone!!!
yay... finally! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol we post on the same moment. over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
haha yeah over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
no se que ha dicho? pero que bueno se ha ido over a year ago
goodekl said …
Good News!!!! Troll's account has been deleted!!! Let's celebrate!!!! Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
YES!!! FINALLY! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! About FREAKIN time!!! Please don't let us have to deal with this again!!! This was the WORST bullcrap EVER!!! I'm celebrating! We got the job done! GREAT job Bamonators, Delena's, Stelena's, Forwoods, Catts, TVD fans all around!!! AMAZING job!!! It wasn't EASY and we couldn't have done it without ALL of you!! :D over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
bamon book and show rocks! Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Seconded that notion!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
3rd it! :D Just wanted to see what the consensus was! But I TOTALLY agree!!! No matter what, both Bamons are AWESOME!!! And I pray we get to see them both happen!!! It's possible!!! And I will be like the HAPPIEST person in the WORLD!! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
OK, I'm getting beyond angry. WHY ISN'T THIS STUPID TWAT REPORTED AND GONE YET???! Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Seriously!!????!!!!! I thought the troll would've been gone by now!! God fanpop is inept!!! over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
Okay, WTF is wrong with fanpop? Pratically the whole TVD fanbase is reporting the bitch and NONE of the pictures are going down in any of the Bamon, Delena or Stelena spots! Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
You are telling me!!! I even emailed the fanpop people but still nada over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Twice even!!! over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan said …
Guys in an attempt to get that smut off of the front page of photos I'm going to post some repeated bonnie and damon stuff. I can't even find where we can report those photos >_> Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
iτs.under each photo the flag aka.report icon over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
aaah i thought it was gone ! but it's the news photos you posted ^^ THANKS because it's was disguting to see it everytime we come here over a year ago
aceg commented…
I will write a Benedictus for you. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I'm so angry about this stupid dumb troll destroying our spot. I'm still fuming like crazy. Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
all we can do is report and report over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
totally grossed out. I wish i could slap the hidiot silly. over a year ago
kylie175 commented…
It's NOT just here. It's on EVERY tvd spot! Every1 is reporting her but so far nothing >:( over a year ago
deluv said …
I know we have our differences but this troll has to go!!! Please report them ASAP!! They make me sick, their pictures the racism. I swear I wanna kill them. This person's parents must be proud *sacarsm* Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
lol over a year ago
Anna_JH commented…
this is totally a time when DE and BD fans unite, haha! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Who posted all this nasty stuff here. Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
A troll posted those staffs and we are reporting those. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
thats freaking sick. and to have a picture of a black man and have it say bonnie's boy.That person is sick over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon
Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon Bamon
Bamon Family ♥ Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
<3 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
:D over a year ago
nansoula said …
I will miss you all my exams start this Wednesday so i wil be gone for a couple of weeks bamon hugs to everyone xo xo xo p.s. besides praying for bd scenes this Wednesday pray a little for me too rolf bb all Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
I will miss you nancy, good luck on your exam. I will pray for you lol. over a year ago
nansoula commented…
thank you so much hun :) :* over a year ago
nansoula commented…
thanks so much ladies xo xo over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
1649!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bamon is the best!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1650!!! YAY bamon!! Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
:) over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
More like 1649 (you-know-who has joined) but it's still great :) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
wow over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
True! over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
On a lighter note, Sacrificial Lamb updated: link
i love that story. Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
vamos ver :D over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
BAMON BAMON BAMON BAMON! Posted over a year ago
LilRihanna commented…
whoo bamon <3 over a year ago
LilRihanna said …
can't we remove the pics? Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
We've been trying to report them, but like the troll they won't go away. Hopefully the troll and its pics will be goon soon over a year ago
LilRihanna commented…
yeah i hope so too over a year ago
smackyy commented…
That same troll has been spamming all TVD spots!! He posted the same pic in the Stelena and Delena spots!! over a year ago
goodekl said …
Guys don't even bother responding to this moron! It's obvious that this waste of space gets off on our responses.
Just try to ignore Sir Shithead and hopefully it will be going to hell or away soon( which ever comes first) Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
repost!! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I agree, please guy stop answering this person. The more you do that, the more they'll continue. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
aceg commented…
I second that over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Guys, please stop reacting, you're giving them what they want. Report them, contact the FP creators and wait. They will go, hopefully soon. Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
IT's making picks now! Report! :S Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
The hell!!?!!! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I'm mad as hell over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Like @goodekl said. Don't respond. Ignore. :) Agree, I'm also mad. :o over a year ago
goodekl said …
Guys don't even bother responding to this moron! It's obvious that this waste of space gets off on our responses.
Just try to ignore Sir Shithead and hopefully it will be going to hell or away soon( which ever comes first) Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
Bamon Rules! <3 ;P Posted over a year ago
aceg said …
To Me4Me: I don't which country you are from. But as long you live on this planet, you should have the knowledge that racism is universally denounced as disgrace to humanity and international community, based on the legal documentions such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
OMG! i just ate and i feel like i'm on a porn site! :| Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
Me too D: over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Report! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I'm about to eat.. and.. I don't even want to eat anymore... ugh.. over a year ago
TiBiscuit commented…
I think I'm gonna throw up... over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
lexiie commented…
It's WAAAAAAAR ! XD over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Iluv TV you have to report them over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
LOL you guys are crazy :P I think we've done everything we could now. It's jsut a matter of time I hope. Ignore her/him/idk until he/she/idk is gone. over a year ago
aceg said …
A internet court is really needed in dealing with idiots like Me4Me. Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
What is wrong with this troll... ugh. I don't feel like clicking on the updates... :S Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I agree... this is sick... I'm just 15 year s old and this makes me very uncomfortable... to all of us. .. but ill report the photos anyways over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I'm 13! xD over a year ago
lexiie said …
Our lovely Bamon spot is devastated by some porn picks...
I'm gonna cry !
This girl (or whatever kind of f***ing monster it is ) should be banished from the net forever ! Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Aww don't cry! I agree! This is the prime example why fanpop should have on the clock moderators! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
It's not a girl it's a needing man over a year ago
lexiie commented…
Of course it is ... over a year ago
StarrieNites said …
Hey Bamon fans! I dont ship it but report this TVD hater! She's a stupid twilight fan who is spamming EVERYYYY ship from TVD. We should all band together and protect our fav show :)
link REPORT HER OR HIM... I dont know lol Posted over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
*REPOST* over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Done :) over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 said …
Guys write to Dave about this troll!!!
link Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Done!!! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Done! over a year ago
AngelusB said …
What is with the porn? oO; Posted over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
linkREPORT HER! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I don't know... but all we can do is report or contact fanpop ... this is a sick person... gross! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*shudders* over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I have reported her and her pictures. :) over a year ago
LilRihanna said …
what the hell is going on??? Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Basically some psycho troll is attacking all of the TVD fans over a year ago
LilRihanna commented…
:0 wow over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
linkREPORT HER over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Guys, keep reporting this stupid dumbass troll who is destroying all of the TVD spots. Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
their doing it to every spot? over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Okay guys, take it to the next level, contact the FP creators. I've already done it, it's not normal she's not already gone. Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
IKR! I've contacted fanpop twice and she's still not gone! over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
and her posts also along with her, it should be gone as those have been reported :O over a year ago
BB8fan said …
What I don't get is that most VAMPIRE DIARY fans are TWILIGHT fans!!! What's the idiot trying to accomplish?? Posted over a year ago
goodekl said …
Guys I contacted fanpop about this troll so hopefully this nutcase will be gone shortly.
Man, I've seen some crazy fans in my day, but this loon takes the cake Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
The whole freakin BAKERY!!! I've never in my life!!! Having to go to my spot, and see this pornography?? DISGUSTING!!! Rude and sick in the HEAD!! Kids come on this site, and they have to look at this crap!!! Person is seriously a LUNATIC! over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Got that right!! Seriously, I don't what she's on, but she needs to stop and take some Prozac or something! over a year ago
StarrieNites said …
Hey Bamon fans! I dont ship it but report this TVD hating loser! She's spamming EVERYYYY ship from TVD. We should all band together and protect our fav show :)
link REPORT HER OR HIM... I dont know lol Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
We're on it! Working diligently! REALLY don't understand why this creep isn't gone yet! But we're with you! TVD fans unite! :) over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
:D thanks over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
She won't be here much longer guys....users don' t last long when they piss of both the DB AND DE spots LOL over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
LOL I hope soo. She's also posting on other TVD ships :/ over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
Guys please report those porn pictures and poop picture , the troll has posted, please...
She can't even spell also....:O Posted over a year ago
StarrieNites commented…
lol very true over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said …
Guys, Bamon and Delena fans dont usually work together but we need to now, to get that stupid shit head from posting crap on our spots! report them xx Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Working on it! Man this dude makes us ALL look like freakin ANGELS!!! Glad we can put aside our differences and work together! :D Hopefully we'll have them off of the site soon! over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
i know right! lol. yeah hopefully enough of us can work together to get them off the site soon, :) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
I got a MEDAL!!!! What the heck?! I've been trying to figure out how to get one of them, since I joined this spot!!! STILL don't know how I got it, but pretty darn COOL! I'm honored!! :D Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Congrats! over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
congrats :D over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks, SalvatoreBro! You guys are really all TOO kind!! REALLY appreciate it! :D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
come on let's report the stupid picture please! Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
Please help report on SE and DE spot just letting you know :) over a year ago
aceg commented…
I feel sorry for your mother, dear troll. over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
*Rolls eyes* they're doing it on the SE and DE spots too... *Hops off to report* over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
In the promo for this week's episode, Bonnie is trying to help Stefan saving Damon. And she almost looks sad and sorry for Stefan because she's powerless in this situation.
Last year at the exact same time, she was telling Stefan she would have no problem taking Damon down if he ever hurt anyone. We've come a long way, already. Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
To Bamon friendship!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
AMEN, French!!!! Seriously, it's like NIGHT AND DAY!!! REALLY makes you excited for their journey through season 3!!! SO excited to see these two grow! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Oh no don't ruin my optimistic wall post xD over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Just wanted to THANK the authetic IDIOT who showed up at our spot today for making me feel closer to the Delena fans than I've EVER felt in my life, and for reminding me why I'm proud to be a Bamonator! Bamon rules AND Vampire Diaries rules! And you just made me a little ashamed to be a Twilight fan, but it rules as well! But people like you SURE don't help! That's it! Get help, and a life, and some love in your heart! Not healthy to be so hateful and confrontational! ;D Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
People, report the troll post please. Just click on the little flag and it's done. Do the same at the Delena spot and the Stelena spot. Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Just did "sign" over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Reported, please report the picture of poop also, I'm eating sth when I come to the spot......and that pic... over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yes already flagged it. over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
the racist troll posted a picture of shit among our pictures... go and report it please. (insert sarcastic eyerolling at the utter pathethicity of it ) Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
You forgot homophobic apparently *rolls eyes* over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Congratulations ? :P over a year ago
aceg commented…
Congrats !!! over a year ago
elena1 said …
Happy Sunday to all Bamon fans! Posted over a year ago
TiBiscuit commented…
Thanks, happy sunday to you too :) over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Happy Sunday! :) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Bon dimanche, Schönen Sonntag, Domingo feliz, Bamonators!!! over a year ago
Lempicka said …
julieplec :"I watched the next promo for 222 and TONS of pieces didn't make it to final cut. No one's fault, it is what it is, just wanted to warn you."

Hope it doesn't involve Emily or Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hope so too!! Otherwise I would be really disapointed!! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Ugh. I hope she's exagerrating :/ over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
it has probably more to do with the delena moments that were much hyped so far. :P over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
I just got my hands on Shadow Souls:D in which chapter I can find some Bamon scene, because I don't think I can go through Delena :P Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Sadly, there aren't many Bamon scenes in Shadow Souls :( But i'll get back to you later if I can find some... over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
es un libro totalmente delena no hay bamon solo unos minimos pedazos espero los disfrute over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
You guys need to quit making these awesome theories on the season finale. I keep getting new ideas for fanfics and I NEED to finish the ones I already have going LOL :) Posted over a year ago
solangel commented…
LoL...that's a sign you need to finish them quickly and start new ones ;) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Hey guys! Just discovered something pretty darn cool!!! You know how ever since episode 2x21 everyone's been refering to Bonnie and Damon as team bad***?? Well we can totally add BAD to the list of nicknames for this wonderful pairing! Not only is it an acronym for "Bonnie and Damon," but it's also a PERFECT illustration for Bamon's Bad***ness!!! I'm OFFICALLY team BAD!! ;D Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
^ LOL good one! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
lol agree ;-) I team bad too lol !!!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Aww, thanks, Ace! Power duo is cool too, if you want! And thanks EVERYBODY!! Think we offically have another new nickname for this AWESOME pairing!! ;D over a year ago
el0508 said …

link Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
listo :D over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
voted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
:) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Ugh, as much as I want Stelena in the books, I really, really want Bamon. If the books are strict Stelena, I won't bother reading them again. Bamon is really what keeps me reading the books Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I agree. I actually considered NOT reading the Return trilogy until I read the Bamon bathtub scene. Hopefully the publishers will hear our pleas and keep Bamon in, because they are the only reason i'm still reading too. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
estoy muy de acuerdo aplepie al principio lo admito los leia por damon y como el salia solo con elena me gustaba verlos pero elena jamas gano mi cariño y la odio en la nueva trilogia pero desde reunion oscura solo los leo por bonnie y por bonnie y damon over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with ApplePie88 over a year ago
elena1 said …
In the last book of stefan's diary there is a sneak peack about phantom. This sneak peack is a elena's dream about damon. I read this in the guest book 11 of lisa jane smith's blog Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
But Stefan's diary is not Lj's book, it's CW's book.So, how come Phantom sneak peak is there. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Why would Phantom be in Stefan's Diaries? over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
@ApplePie I think the same, Bonnie was the only one who contacted with dead Elena so I hope it 'd be the same with Damon :) over a year ago
elinochka said …
lmao sorry but Id rather Damon die, then Delena happen. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
:O That's.....extreme.. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
EXACTLY, Ace! I must agree!!! Suffering through Delena will not be THAT bad!! I mean their entire relationship is built on BULL CRAP, you can HARDLY take it seriously!!! I will suffer through Delena with a SMILE, KNOWING it is only getting us closer to Bamon!! :D over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Well DE will happen and Damon won't die, so the choice doesn't even need to be made lol. DE still allow us to have DB some day. With Damon dead it would be just a tiny little more complicated xD. over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Bamonatiors - we have a specific forum thread for songs related to Bamon -please use thaat instead of posting them on the wall, or it will look all messy! Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
we do :S omg sorryy ill post it there :P over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …

Damn baby I'm feignin
I'm trynna holler at you, I'm screamin
Let me love you down this evenin
Love you love you ya you know you are my demon

Girl we could form a team and
I could be the king you could be the queen and
My mind's dirty and it don't need cleanin
I love you long time so you know the meanin Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
× this song is: just can't get enough by black eyed peas! i think this song suits bamon cuz they are ADDICTED to each other and they dont' even know it :P over a year ago
cizzi-B commented…
Omg I have this song on my iPod and everytime I listen to I I'm like "this is soone over a year ago
cizzi-B commented…
Bamon"glad someone else thinks so too :plolxoxo over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Boy I think about it every night and day
I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough

I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough

Honey got a sexy all steamin
She givin hotness a new meanin
Perfection mama you gleamin
Inception you got a brother dreamin dreamin Posted over a year ago
terabac said …
VOTE if Bonnie is your fave female character on TVD.

link Posted over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
voted!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
voted over a year ago
MillieMorris107 commented…
Me too over a year ago
elena1 commented…
just voted over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I wonder if there is going to be a Damon/Elena/Bonnie triangle in the upcoming books. I have a strong feeling that it might happen. Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
yup i garuntee it over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
That's what I have been expecting to happen ever since the ending of Midnight. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
en los libros antes de que despidieran a l.j estaba segura de que si habria un nueva triangulo elena,damon,bonnie y el chico nuevo,bonnie,damon over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …

^^vote Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ya :D over a year ago
elena1 commented…
just voted Bamon of course! over a year ago
MillieMorris107 commented…
Done over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
So, there's a rumour that the season will close with a cliffhanger... can you imagine if said cliffie was Bonnie being kidnapped by Klaus and his Original Family?

Afrer all, it's said that season 3 is going to be very dark, and i have the feeling that Greta was been at first kidnapped and then brainwashed to join/love the Klaus Cult.

And Klaus HAS a thing for collecting witches.
Posted over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
That would be awesome. And then Bonnie comes back all dark and powerful. I wish there had been more explaining behind Greta's story, like when/how/why she decided to join up with Klaus. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Idk...this would be AWESOME, but I have a feeling it'll be centered around Damon!! He'll probably fake die! You know the routine! Try to freak us out a bit! NOT buying it whatsoever!! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
BB8fan si talvez damon muera en falso como en el libro midnight beepo123 bonnie siendo mala por que klaus la convirtió seria increíble y ver como todos la quieren recuperar over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Don't seasons ALWAYS end with a cliffhanger ? :P I don't know I think the cliffhanger about the Originals already happened in the 2x21 but we'll see. @BB8fan : A life or death cliffhanger around Damon would be extremely stupid, I hope they won't do that because it won't fool anyone xD. over a year ago
aceg said …
I couldn't wait for next season. This long wating will be a torture.... Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Ditto ! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
muy cierto over a year ago
SpuffChick141 said …
Was it just me or did anybody else find the Klaus/Bonnie/Elijah scenes to be extremely sexy & interesting? Lol I was just wondering :P Posted over a year ago
elinochka commented…
Me too omg! Klaus+Bonnie=pure sex. Alarick+Bonnie=hot. Elijah+Bonnie= OMG. She is a queen of ships over a year ago
aceg commented…
eww Alaric is Bonnie's teacher that would be yuck... over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me gusta klaus y bonnie me alegro un poco de que el no muriera a si habra mas peso de bonnie en la tercera temporada over a year ago
elinochka said …
team BAMON is a badass, badass with+badass vampire. Not some human and badass vampire turned into a coward/ Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
:D Agreed!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Team Bamon= team badass hotties soulmates !!! over a year ago
bamon4eva said …
OMFG, i just saw the latest episode and Bonnie was just incredible - the scene with klaus was officially the most kickass scene ever in the vampire diaries. I love it Posted over a year ago
Allison__ commented…
Oh, I totally agree with you ! over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
completly agree!! ☺ over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me encanto bonnie lo mejor es que klaus seguro vuelve por ella over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
I'm convinced that Bamon will take its hard-won spotlight in season 4 - When Bonnie is in college. Obviously, it's doubtful that they can get into one official relationship before she is out of highschool. Season 3 is supposed to be a dark season that will probably wrap up the delena storyline and will push Bamon closer into fighting Klaus and his merry band. It's also likely that Bonnie will confront her dark side in that season as well, thus Posted over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
putting her in a position to understand Damon even better than she already does. over a year ago
MsJeremyGilbert commented…
the love triangle isnt gunna end. everyone knows that. this is the general info taken from CW site "THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is the story of two vampire brothers obsessed with the same beautiful girl". see stefan and damons love for elena is a series long thing. over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
Are you a btroken disk or something? I am fully entitled to have a different opinion. We will agree on disagreeing, and this is my last word on it. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
What if next season klaus or elijah kidnap bonnie or something, and she gets a darker side to her character? Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Let me just say I've seen this idea here before and I love how all of the Bamily members think alike. LOL! But I SO want this to happen. Maybe Klaus had a witch seal each body away and they need a witch to unlock them or something and Klaus says that he won't tell Elijah where they are unless he gets Bonnie because he wants her power. It would be even better if she went in and outsmarted both of them into helping her hone her magic(and lose the nose bleeds) and then turned on them at the end of the season. Either way the Klaus/Bonnie/Elijah scenes would steal the WHOLE show! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
I love the way you think! :P yesss it would be 100000 times more interesting than the love triangle!!! and it would also give a nice little closure to the originals storyline. Now if we could only incorporate damon in this little thing, it would be such a kick-ass season! :P over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
a mi me encanta la idea 100% deacuerdo over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I think Elena is a vampire. She seemed "off" in the last few minutes of last night's episode... Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
She seemed off to me to. It was just weird. I don't know maybe she's a vampire or maybe something went wonky when she got John's soul. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I think she's fine guys! After rewatching the episode, I think the look she gave Damon was one of disdain! Had to watch it a SECOND time to notice, but it's there! I think Elena Gilbert is A-OK, and hasn't forgiven Damon quite YET, but she ain't foolin NO ONE, she will soon!! over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Maybe you are right because he is begging her to forgive him the promo! :P over a year ago
ducky8abug said …
The concept of FAMILY ruling every waking moment of Elijah and Klaus' existence is fascinating and a refreshing departure from Damon and Stefan's issues. I love it!

The only thing that would make that story perfect was if Bonnie was irreparably seduced by Klaus and Elijah. C'mon ladies, I maybe a Bamon fan but I crackship (thanks for that word CrazedBamonfan) Bonnie with everyone under the sun.
Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're not the only one..GUILTY!!!! lol over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Either or works perfectly fine, Ace! ;) Actually BOTH would be satisfactory!! :D over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol Narsa, Damon is more than likely to be aroused than getting jealousy. He is trying hard to control his urges...until he is no longer able to hold back his physical demand as if it has a mind of its own... over a year ago