Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 361-370 of 8919

Louiseneema said …
i was just thinking in 3x21 when B and D are alone in the boarding house again, i mean they're alone for a while, and is only them, i like the thought, is just a shame that they don't make a thing out of it, suddently is just normal that they work together, but when others are alone together they're making a thing out of it, i mean scens with Matt, Caroline, Tyler, Alaric, Jeremy but when is about Bonnie, they make the scene as short as possible. I hate that! Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Dobrev added that she would like the love triangle between Elena and the Salvatore brothers to be reignited in season four.??? Reignited hello, what the BIP! has all three seasons been about, Bonnie? i don't think so, is all about the love triangle and she want's is reignited, what's wrong with Nina, i like her, but that's just crazy mans talk! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hm it's understandable. She is the main character, she plays two roles but she want more..it's pretty understandable.. -.-' over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Honestly if it's more of the same as per season 3 with Damon/Elena/Stefan then I am going to lose interest in the show altogether. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Good gracious NO. What was the last three seasons of mind-numbing triangle waste of time? season3 put a cap on how boring this hacking can do to the characters and the plot. Agree with Bellazz, if they don't give justice to the characters instead of pawning the females off on a mans arm - leaving this show is easier. over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
O God let me not that, the series began to decline because people are tired of the triangle over a year ago
Viky11 said …

haha I think there's definitely no Delena fan in the cast! XD But I feel they could deal with Bamon.. ;)
Oh I love Paul and MIchael so much!! XD funny funny boys.. :D Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
as I said: I LOVE Paul!! link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGosh!! Thankyou Viky11 - loveLOVElove Paul. He totally gets that she saves all their tooshies. It looked like Ian agreed too! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Of course Ian also agreed! Everyone knows that when troubles come Julie just pulls out Bonnie from the closet.. she's a Supernatural issue solver.. :/ Thanks the correction and sorry about the annoying icon! :D I know it's just...ewww over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
team bamon forever :) Posted over a year ago
Any_SJ commented…
word <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
and ever! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
AMEN!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Picture Prompt: For a quick fic, poem, art, video.

link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Who that be standing on the stair, finger-shhing "Witch, beware." Devil handsome - debonaire, To his judgeys safety care. The fiery witch & her dark knight fair. over a year ago
katesbon said …
I don't know if u guys read this but i post it anyway julie plec just said Bonnie is the hero of the show !!!!link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah, I heard a radio interview with Julie calling Bonnie a hero. I'm happy that she said something positive about Bonnie but I'd be happier if she gave our girl some intense storylines like she does Elena, Stefan, Damon & Caroline. I know Bon isn't the main character but she's the main witch of the show. With her strong personality & amazing supernatural abilities, the writers could have a lot of fun with her character. Hopefully, that's a great opportunity that they won't overlook. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Cool. Next time I wanna hear her apologize and the news , she takes writing lessons... over a year ago
Viky11 said …
Pleease someone make a Bamon+Elena video with the song : If your girl only knew by Aaliyah!! XD Just an idea.. :P Posted over a year ago
konta said …
If someone has a problem voting for TCA using hidemyass.com, I recommend inCloack.com. Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
thanks because I had problem with hidemyass.com over a year ago
Jolie-Monster said …
did kat and ian ever date? because on one web site it said they may have but it was never confirmed.... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Not that I've heard, no. She's been with her bf for a long time and very much in love. :) over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
I dunno maybe it's wishful thinking. But it said this was before her current boyfriend over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
no... but no the website ur talking about I wish though over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
linkon this web site... over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC: Think Twice updated
link Posted over a year ago
chi_chi09 said …
i uploaded a photo of kat and her brother!!! yayyy!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
That whole family is GORGEOUS!! over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
I know right! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
*Nightmarebeforechristmasvoice* Its time I have downloaded on my new Laptop the whole kat Graham against the wall album. My personal fav tracks are Wanna say (hint hint the bamon vid Im working on) and Heartkiller. I just need to know one last bloody question "Where does a baby bird go to find clips?" LOL Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
so cool bb!! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thnk you mate, Ugh do you know where I can find the clips lol? I dont even know how to make a vid. over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
This fanfic is great. :D link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb.. lovin' all the fic lovin'!! over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Thanks for the link, good thing I'm on holidays :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
VOTE! :D link THANK YOU. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
voting now - thnks sanja <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You're welcome. :D over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Voted :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
VOTED! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
LOVING all the Bamon Fan Fic I am seeing around the Web Writers Keep it Up Posted over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Making a Bamon video, with a song made by my Idol.(-: Posted over a year ago
4BonnieandDamon commented…
Can't wait to see a new Bamon vid. over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I will try to do my best. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love to see it darlin'!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Dormiente si updated. :D
link Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
WUHUU!! love that fic. :D over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Excellent, thanks for the link :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You're welcome. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb, will check it out. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is anyone else having trouble posting comments to the wall with the new format, doubleposting? Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
no i think is easy enough :D over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
No issues my end so far :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@4BonnieandDamon - bb!! (((huggles tightly))) Welcome to the den of wickedness. ;) I'm heading in to add ya and tst-snuggle. <3 over a year ago
foreverbamonfan said …
with haters we just need to brush our shoulders of like jay z said LOL haters will hate no matter what ..... i wanna see the look at their faces if our dream comes true and Bamon get 2gther Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
me too, their mad little faces, and they gonna say ' i don't wanna see the show anymore is a terrible show' so the only reason you watched it was only to see Delena, and not the story and how good the can be? over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
haters are so obsessed with their shippings! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Are the haters still at it? Good heavens - do they not have anything else in their lives? *shakes head, chuckling* Kinda sad and pathetic, innit? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Think Twice is updated
link Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Thanks for that, I don't usually read Fan Fiction but that was really good :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Very welcome Bellazz <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
2,523!!!! Last I heard it was 2508!! Well on our way to 3000 bbs!!

HUGE WARM WELCOME to the Bamily lovely newbies!! ((huggles)) Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Now 2524 :) yay over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YES! *glomps happily* over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
MUST SEE!! Michael and Steven talk about Kat link Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Thanks for posting the link, I hadn't seen that interview :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
your welcome :D over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Not to offend any Delena fans, but it's like people who ship Bamon, Klaroline, Matt &Caroline, you know (shippings that's not so popular, as Delena and Stelena) it's like they are more clever, or smart, you know behave like abults, but the Delena fans are so obsessed woth Damon and Elena, like kids with candy, they begin screaming when they get told vegetables is much better and healthier, (okay weird explenation) but they just get mad, and we talk and discuss things like adults and i'm only 15 Posted over a year ago
foreverbamonfan commented…
agree with you 100% over a year ago
big smile
DamonsLilBird said …
Ok so I had the hottest dream ever, Bamon and Stelena roughing it up in a sleazy dirty old motel. Elame decided to fight for Stefan after cheating on him an hurting his heart(Yet again) only to be confronted by Katherine. Damon goes on a bender but meets a most intresting darker Bonnie who's had it with his "Woe is me" crap. Suddenly both couples end up ruffing the other up, it was sooo bloody hott. I had to wake up and drink tons of bottle water. Dang I hope this happens next season. Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
OMG! y don't I have dreams about Bamon!! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
It was so bloody hott I had to wake up & drink tons of bottle water....LMFAOO....that was funny over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OHMYGOSH!! This was so HOT.. gimme the water, 'cause dang girl.. you're dream needss to go on the TOP of KWs 'to write next' list. Needs to be a fanfic, right.now!! *highfives* over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOL thnks mates, I ended up cleaning my mini fridge. Ugh the hottness. Im have to start back to writing my fanfiction again. over a year ago
katesbon said …
Hey guys i have a question ,why do u think whenever bonnie/kat fans mention about how great she is not only delena /elena/nian fans but caroline/candice fans go mad and say stupid things if memory serves me right they are bestfriends on and off the show i love everyone on the show so it annoys me why everything is not about bon/kat when it comes to it!! Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
We just gotta ignore haters...or put them in their place lol. Ur right. All 3 girls are close friends in TVD & real life but haters are so negative & stubborn, they tend to forget or overlook that. Forexample, when all the DE fans bash Stefan...And I'm like, it's ok to like Damon but why bash Stefan?? One DE fan said she wants Stefan to die so DE can happen. I'm like, " But Damon wouldn't want that! He loves his brother. If u were a character on the show that suggested you'd kill Stefan, Damon would totally snap ur neck!" Lmao...sometimes u gotta just laugh @ ppl but u bring up a good point. I'm sure the TVD characters would defend Bonnie on the show & the actors would defend Kat in real life. Kevin Williamson has often defended Kat lol. I give him props for that....Julie is another story lol. over a year ago
katesbon commented…
it still anooys me kat got nominated people say candice should be there then candice get nominated then they say kat shouldn't be nominated for the lead it should be only elena ,kat and ian attend something why the hell is kat doing with nina's man? kat attend a premier then they go and say why the hell is nina is not invited ,oh don't get me started on bamon or bonnie ,i recently read something so funny one girl said kat is the worest actress guess who is candice its just ohhhhhi love Ian cos of Lost but recently i am loving paul more cos of this all crap,i loved nina hey she Canadian also is a decnt person but ia m leaning towards kat i love caroline before now i am annoyed at the character Julie did that! over a year ago
katesbon commented…
sorry i meant to say nina ! i know my post is negetive sorry about that !there is no other active thread on the bamon spot other than tumbrl! over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Unfortunately you will always get the 'Haters' but I find refusing to get involved in petty arguments is the best way to go. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Hello lovely Bamonaters! Long time no see! :) Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Welcome back, babe! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Aww hello mate long time indeed, how ya been? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
DARLING!!! (((huggles you tightly, refusing to let go))) Welcome back! Missed you like crazy.. how's things bb? over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Great thanks! Been busy with exams! <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Season 4 wishes
Elena & Katherine fight over Stefan
Stefan & Elena have passionate vamp sex
Damon & Bonnie to get more meaningful scenes
Bonnie to go dark or get an impressive storyline
Bonnie loses her virginity ( I think she's the only virgin on the show)
Bonnie's in danger & the TVD gang busts their ass to save HER for a change
Damon & Bonnie's dad meet ( I have a feeling that would be crazy or funny)
Elena, Caroline & Bon get friendship screen-time again Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Amen to all! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
wonderful wishes!! <3 I want the 3. 4. 6. 7. and 8.!! :D I dont want Bonnie to loses her virginity because I want Damon to her first and they're not that close yet.. :/ over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Love them all! xoxo over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
DON'T hate me for this, just hear me out :D but i liked the scene in 3x19 where Elena and Damon kissed, not the exact kissing, but when he lays down next to her and the music begins, (btw love that song) but the way Nina and Ian act are different, is like we see real emotions, not just like the role their playing. The way Nina acted reminded me of Bonnie<3 so i just imagined that's how i wan't a Bamon scene to be! and i totally hope is gonna be better than this one! Bamon FTW!
Posted over a year ago
katesbon commented…
hey its fine ,i loved elena and damon scene when they danced i s1 and there road trip too well i was a delena fan then ! but i hate the eppy u just mentioned i didn't see any emotions there imo Ian acts great with kat and nina acts well with paul soooryyy over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I dont bloody hate ya mate, Infact I was a manky Dumb Entertaiment fan but wise up in Dark Reunion. I do not love Elame's character in the books she is complete soley for this mate here. Though her show presence gives meh hope. DE had chem in books on the show I see bloody forceness to the fulliest and the most contrived s/l's ever. So what Nian are dating who flippin cares, This is a show and as we all know actors should play to characters. Not by how they bloody feel for that person in life. Though I hope we do get a scene like this since they already stolen our other scene which was rubish. I do hope for some good stuff. over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
they better come up with some good stuff! over a year ago
katesbon said …
Hey lovelies . I am just wondering if any of u have an account on tv fanatic? if u have plz help me .My problem is i start there since s1 and in s 2 became a Bamon shipper i had a lot of fights there but the problem is for a long time i have been the only active bamon shipper,my account got deleted for 3 times idk the reason why this is happening all my post got deleted i made a bamon thread which alot of my friends help by posting so we can exist there any idea plz tell me thanks! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
tvfanatic? That sounds familiar and will check if I'm on there. sorry about them deleting it - sounds like it was out of spite. same things happened here. I'll look for my diary and see if I'm there. You are always welcome here anyway. We got your back katesbon! <3 over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
Unfortunately, anti-Bamonator agression is a bit common:(Don't let them get you down; just remember, they wouldn't bother attacking us if they weren't threatened! You're always welcome here katesbon;) over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Hope you get it sorted soon. :) over a year ago
Viky11 said …
A question: A vampire is able to compel a witch? Is there any evidence? I don't remember.. :/ but I hope not. Damon can't control Bonnie! Bonnie can but Damon just not! :D Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
I believe that vampires can't compel and can't control witches, but I'm not sure over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
i don't think they do! YESS!!! that's so GREAT! i mean, is just makes me happy, is like Bamon are made for each other, i mean Damon and Bree also had a thing didn't they? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Louiseneema, yeh agreed. Don't think witches can be compelled, but threatened through their loved ones yes.Kat got Lucys debt to her at the masquerade. Klaus threatened Jeremy/etc to get Bon to undo the spell. Bree and Damon were lovers. Bree and Lexi were besties too. @NakedBarbie. Yes, agreed. over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
have you noticed that Kat/B and Persia/Abby have the same skincolour? it means that her dad also need to be a mullato og a birace/ or what's is called, half white, half black person? there's many who think of him as a black person, me to untill now
just a litlle thought :)
Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed, and they look the same too with the exotic compelling eyes. I dunno, I think her dad could be darker like Lukas dad, or even darker than that. I'd love to know where she got her green eyes though. In a fic, it was addressed as coming from her mum (pre-s4) who was Italian (like salvatore) have they ever spoken their native language? Back to the topic, I really think her dad would be AA.. a stunner too. Just look at his babygurl. Gorgeous!! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
IDK. My mother (who is fully black) has blue eyes and her sister has grey eyes BUT their parents have brown eyes. I have hazel eyes and my sister has blue and my nieces have green and blue eyes. All this comes from ONE lone white man like three generations back. I don't believe Bonne's parents necessarily have to show the green eyed gene to make Bonnie's eyes authentic. Black people are known to throw out wild cards in their offspring... But it would be nice to see on the show! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
@Joile I agree same with me I have Ember brown eyes, My cousins eyes are hazel green. My newphew is Grey eyes and I am bonefided bloody mixed to the core, my skin is manky tanned brown with honey shades due to the sun and skin damages. But I use to have light skin like Kat and Perisa. I agree black gentics are weird over a year ago
X-NightSlash-X said …
Offtopic: What's a F4? Alot of users on here keep talking about it and I was wondering what it was? :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
F4? I dread to think with a 'F' in front of it. :D Final4. Friends4(eva) - that would be lovely! Fudge4(all) - that would be better. over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
No idea. Just know what F4 on the keyboard is :) over a year ago
X-NightSlash-X commented…
Thanks you guys for the help :) over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
Besides the exciting news of Viky11 turning 22 - our Bamon inspiration is slowing down. (I guess all tvd is having that problem)

Any suggestions to pick things up? New fic? Pics? Or artwork? Challenges? Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, i've noticed that there isn't so much to talk about anymore! i would like to hear about new fics aboutofc. Bamon but set after season 3 or in season 3 and it's realitic i mean all the others are also in it, not only Bamon, and there's just so long till season 4! :(/ over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
My pleasure - thanks for the other fic links as well. MUCH loveliness! :D over a year ago
Miss_Diaries commented…
@Wahinrtoa hugs for u too luv. Yes i would luv for this to be maniped: link over a year ago
big smile
Viky11 said …
Hey Ladies!! Today is my birthday!! I'm 22 now!!! Oh, sweet God!:/ :D Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
Gratz :D over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Thank you so much all the good wishes!!The BamonLove amaze me every time! Love U!! <3 over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Happy B-Day! Hope you will have a great day with the loved ones.<3 over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
have you noticed that Klaus, have no beard in flashbacks, but he has in "our time" Vampires are dead how can they grow a beard? Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I also thinking about that when Damon was in the basement (in the first season) and he also had beard ! I think it's - the nail and the hair is growing after death - thing..The biggest question: SEX ?! Without blood flow? Without ERECTION? over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah i also thought about when he was in the basement, and HAHA never thought about that, but you're right! Is magic! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YES!! Maybe there's a viagra for vamps only in hollywood? :D Good catch though, Louiseneema and Viky! over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
I was just thinking about season 4, and i just found out, there are three main topics that need to be explained in the start of the series, ofc. Elena, then Caroline and Tyler/Klaus, and then Bonnie, i think they will focus on the other two in the start, and then hopefully end with Bonnie, so in the middle to the end of the series it will be about B! :D Posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
I'm interested in Tyler, Bonnie, and Matt. I'd like to know what has happened to these characters since the start of season 3 and where the writers plan to take them in the forseeable future. over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, i think we have seen much about Elena and the love triangle, i think is time to see more about the suporting cast. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Exactly. Everytime they bring out a new promo pic, or so called 'cast pic' it's only THREE people. It's turning off a lot of fans who tune in for the other characters and stuff like, the story. over a year ago
elena1 said …
I change my icon with Italy because today my team will play Vs Spain for Euro2012 Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Forza Italia. :D I miss Fabio Cannavaro in the Italian team. over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Good luck :) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Congrats Italy for entering quarter finals. Hope they beat England and then meet with Germany on semi-finals over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC Link: Not sure if it's gonna be Bamon, but it's darkbonnie being wicked.
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you for recommending this story. I read it. It's great! :* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
(((huggles))) A pleassure to share the love. :) :) Thanks sanja! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …

link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm there bb! Thanks for the link. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
voted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
voted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you for voting. :* over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
We'll probably see Jamie in season 4. I wonder how he will affect her dark storyline. Maybe he will die & that'll make her snap ( since she keeps losing ppl) & that what will push her further into the darkness. Just a guess. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hmm, I don't know. I think he's not that important.. but who knows? bonnie barely knew him and still slept with him in her bed...:/( thanks Julie btw..) I think there will be something about her dad.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with viky - they've not given him enough to be important to her, or to us to care. But I think, if it's about her dad But she's lost so much already,.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Goodmorning my lovelies! Hope everyone is having a great Bonnie weekend.

<3 <3 <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC link: Has the gorgeous potential for Bamon but time will tell.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Tumblr contin
Also when the BOTH of them (Bonnie and Damon) work together it’s really a no holds bar let’s get this Ish done attitude and I freaking LOVE IT! I swear these two are just too effing EPIC together.
Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
3x21 Just reminded me why Bamon is my OTP. Seriously I ADORE Damon when he is around Bonnie because he is being HIMSELF. He’s not some watered down version who you think shit’s rainbows and puppies, like he is when he is around someone else. He’s true to his core because he knows that Bonnie can handle who he really is. And the same goes for Bonnie, she just exudes confidence and he supports her decisions 100% too the core and never ONCE does he doubt her.... Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
Love it! is true, When he's with Bonnie, he's himself, but when he's around Elena he tries to be what she want him to be over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
ITA Wahinetoa over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Damon tried to kill Bonnie in season 1 but do ya'll think we'll ever get to the point where it's the complete opposite & Damon is willingly to die for Bonnie? Of course they have a lot of progress to make before they get to that point. If Bonnie was in a very serious life/death situation that involved her ( only her, nothing to do with Elena at all) I wonder how Damon would react to that....with no distraction or cop-out like doing something for Elena's sake. Posted over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
For me, Damon is really confusing at times. It's hard to tell if he cares about someone else besides Elena and Stefan. Cuz, with those two, it's REALLY easy to tell. Who knows, maybe, right at this moment (S3), Damon does care about Bon-Bon. But yeah, that would be cool if he saved her life. The reason not being Elena, or Stefan. :D over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah, that's all I want..If he could save her at least once without the excuse of Elena or Stefan..& I'm not talking about the cave scene where he fed her blood. We didn't even get to see that scene. It happened off-screen lol. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Good point Louiseneema....I think he caresfor Bonnie deep down. It's a sub conscious thing. I don't think he realizes it yet. over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Do Bonnie turn 18 between the episode when she first meet Abby and 3x21 i'm not sure, but i think in the episode where they wanna find Abby, Elena and Bonnie talk and then B say she turned her back on me for 15 years, and in 3x21 she says you don't know what i'm capeable of, you turned your back on me for 16 years!
that's what i think i heard, so does B have her B-day inbetween those episodes? i mean we have seen E and C's B-day, but not Bonnies?
Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I'm not sure-I'll be pissed if they missed her birthday! I mean seriously! They did Caroline and Elena's but not Bonnie's.....it makes me angry that we still know so little about Bonnie (there's like a massive mystery) around her whereas we feel like we KNOW C and E and rightfully so as they are two leads! We don't even know if Bonnie's a virgin or not! I'm guessing yes but who knows! When will they show more sides to B?! OR at least tell us what age she is! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yes, Bonnie isa virgin. Kat Graham confirmed in interviews that Bonnie is a virgin. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's getting impossible to stick up for Julie, when she pulls Care and Lena as more important to develop than the actual one who is DOING the heroic stuff on the show. I'd love to see Bon be acknowledged birthday or not at how much she's loved in return. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bonnie doesn't sleep around or need a bloke to give her value, which is very cool. <3 over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
i love ian and paul, but i don't know why but i just think they're to old to play 17 and 24 or how old Damon is? i just don't have the feeling of all this in high school, i have the feeling of they're all older (i know they are) when they're in the school i get the feeling but with everything else i just think they seem way to old!
just lost the all ohh... he's so hot and all those, now i just see 2 men that are playing a way to young role!
just a little piece of what i'm thinking :) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
and playing with young girls...:D I understand what you say. I feel the same way. Although I only see Ian too old. And it's just worse with all the 'rejuvenating'- makeup..but nevertheless, I like that they got these roles.. :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, i think the one who play Damon need to look a little younger, but then i think who it could be and the only one i can imagine is Ian, he does an amazing job" over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yes, you girls have a point, but then who could encompass the role as much as they have. This would've been better set in collage, but then tvd would have alienated the tweens. I guess it was a toss up for ratings? over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I always laugh @ the things I see on tumblr. It's like an online comedy club. Someone posted the things they expect to see in season 4:
Bonnie's dad falling in luv with Elena
The janitor falling in luv with Elena
Every TVD male character falling in luv with Elena
Caroline getting 42352362662 storylines
s4 being worse than s3 because of JP's writing

The last two comments made me lol for 2 minutes straight Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
ROTFL... so very much funny, 'cause it's so very much true. :D over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
haha, so funny! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
the janitor.. hahahahah I wouldn't be surprised...:/ over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
hahaha-that's fantastic! I love all the Elena ones-class! over a year ago
chi_chi09 said …
I don't get whats so great about Delena ... I used to luv them but now i don't get why... (random thoughts) Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I never, ever saw the DE appeal. I can give u awhole list of reasons why I don't ship them but I won't lol. I prefer Stelena & Bamon. If those two couples are endgame, I might literally throw a party!! lol over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
invite me too it lol over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
Lol i just think the writing is getting worse in the show... no offense... but its still my fav show over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Have any of you when to The Writer's Coffee Shop .com & link to see all the Fan Fic if Not you guys should go and check them out Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks darlin'!!! I saw that the fanfic writers were heading out of fanfic.net to post their gems there too. Only thing is, you need to be registered to read the stories. :( over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
Yes for TWCS you have to sign up @Wahinetoa did you / can you sign up ? over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
katesbon said …
i had a dream today which freaks me out,i was stefans girlfriend and i was pregnant and then a bunch of vamps and zombies want to eat me then stefan saves me then i see abullet in my belly which he says that he wants our family to unite and i woke up covered with swate i am still freaked out guys! i once had a dream being the wife of damon and mason at the same time and once bon was my sister!! Posted over a year ago
katesbon commented…
i know this has nothing to do with bamon but i am bored and want to post ! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
lol I think dreams are meant to be weird. U were Stefan's gf? Lucky gurl lol over a year ago
katesbon commented…
guys u made me laugh so hard! my sis always make fun at me cos of my dreams ,iI i tell her my dream the first thing she asks if there is a famous person in it cos if there are none most of my dreams have a meaning hahah over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
2510! <3 600 before the new season?! Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
I Know that is so great over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Fantastic!!!!! over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
Bamontastic! <3 over a year ago
big smile
Louiseneema said …
have you ever thought of Ian somerhalder and Persia White? i just uploaded a picture and i think they look so good together! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Cute! (quietly, not as hot as Kian) but still cute. :) Is it a real photo or manip bb? over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
real! that's why i love it :D over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
i hope that! over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
think is funny that the show is called vampire DIARIES and is rarely we see anybody write in the diaries. only in the start we saw Elana and Stefan, and here in 2 episodes in season 3.
Just a little thought again :D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So true! hehe. JP said she cut out the diaries (Stefan and Elena) because they had each other to count on. She also axed the crow for damon too. The only book being used is Bonnies Grimoire.. hey, we could change it to The Bonnie Gimoire Diaries! :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah The Bonnie Grimoire Diaries, most about Bonnie, and a tiny bit of Elana! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Totally about Bonnie, Salvatores, Originals and Werewolves. and Elana gets Bonnies screentime s3. :) over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Have you noticed that the seasons have been split up, like 1 season it was all about vampires, 2 season werewolves, 3.... originals. they kinda jumped over the witch season, so season 4 have to be about Bonnie, i mean come on JP! she just wont give us a litlle bit Bamon! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, good catch Lousieneema! Yeh, hopefully we get Season4 of the witch.. love to know about the history of the true founders of Mystic (Witches & slaves) and Bonnies part in that amazing and heroic tradition. Perhaps Damons part in protecting them too. More Bamon please! :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
that could be so good to hear, even Kat says she want to hear more about Bonnie's history, i mean come on JP how hard is it! the show is getting boring when is all about the love triangle! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Exactly! over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 said …
Aloha my fellow Bamonators!!! If i'm not on here that much, it's because I'm going to be in Hawaii for two weeks and I'm already there! I love you guys so much! I'll try and be on here as much as I can! Let's hope for awesome Bamon scenes in Season 4 or a hot new man for Bonnie that isn't boring or a helpless human. Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Wish I was, freezing here. Hope you have a great time :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
have a good holiday, enjoy it. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Aloha Moonlightrose! Hope you have an incrediable, lovely and WARM time in theislands. It's jolly wintercold here.. do you need anyone to carry your suitcases? *flutters lashes* Hot new man for bonnie too! over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Thanks you guys! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
If we had to choose a boyfriend for Bonnie (while Damon got his backbone and sense back) who would we choose, what age and occupation, supernatural or not?, and who'd play him?

1. Elijah
2. OC: An Alfa-male Were, or Warlock that can protect her. (A human would be like Jeremy/Jamie, they'd need her protection 24/7. Unable to counsel, help or mentor her in magic etc.) Someone in his mid-20s or early 30s.

Too old, maybe? Posted over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Nice! 1. An hot original vampire Kol, Elijah or Klaus. 2. A hot werewolf. 3. A very powerful and charming warlock. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yes to all. Who would you choose to play them? James Marsden. The guy who played Suresh on Heroes?.Taylor Kitsch over a year ago
katesbon commented…
idk why but i can't imagine bon w/ elijha! dean from sn,angelous frm buffy and one of the guys frm the conveneant and also kol and klaus from human i want jess or sawyer(gilmore girls and lost) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You can't imagine them with her? Awww. I love Sawyer from Lost, but he might be a tad bit old for her.;) over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
I know they already said it was Elena who is turning into a vampire, but just had in mind, it could be so fun if it's Katherine, i mean we haven't heard from her in a long time. Think of Katherine waking up, everybody just looking and thinks is Elena, and then she says "got ya" Elena is still Human, and you just got punk'd!
haha omg! just my silly humor Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
haha that would be awesome! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, I'd much rather she'd kept her humanity - it gave it an edge where the audience could relate to her journey. That would have been cooler Louiseneema! over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, i'm actually a little sad that Elena is a vampire, i know it gonna happen sooner og later, but still a litlle too soon, is like there a no more human in our gang! exept Matt but he also has a small role :( over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
Bonnie is also a human, but she have powers, i mean she's more human than a vampire or a werewolf over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
This may sound harsh but I kinda wanna see Bonnie slap Damon. Wait, hear me out lol. Let's say they argue and she slaps him ( especially dark Bonnie, I can see that happening) I just wanna see his reaction. Elena slapped him a few times but I have a feeling a Bamon slap would be more intense. I think we'd see another side of Damon, whether good, bad or vulnerable. Love Damon, but let's face it, he kinda deserves a slap from Bonnie anyway, after all he's done to her. Just a random thought... Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
like your thought! that could be really fun, and i also think before we see any Bamon Love, he need to know Bonnie is not a toy, or Elena. He need to see the hardcore Bonnie! over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Yeah a slap wouldn't go astray, it's great that Bonnie isn't scared of him. over a year ago
katesbon commented…
the greates scene would be bon slaping damon first then when elena whines she do the same to he hahah over a year ago
Any_SJ said …
I think Damon digs the fact that Bonnie is the only female that has never responded to his charm and good looks and...well, everything :p they are meant for each other <3 Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Preach!!!!! over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
true! i'm tired of Delena fans saying that Bamon do not exist! they're just afraid! Bamon will happen in some way! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Delena for me are more afraid of Bamon that Stelena over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I LOVE our motto!! Need more scenes like this!!! :) Posted over a year ago
Saku15 commented…
YES!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Absolutely! And more conversations that show him paying her back for all she's done. :) over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
just wanna say that you're the best club to be fan of! there is post everyday on the wall, and is nice people in here! in the orher clubs, the lasst post is often 15 days ago or something!, and i'm acutally surprised that we're so many fans! i mean we're a lot (in my opinion) :)
Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
* × I'm agree! Love you guys!! <3 Bamily is the BEST!!!No one can stop us!! :)) over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I have to agree, I like to be part of a forum where there's no nastiness involved. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE YOU TOO! Yeh, it's great to be able to come in here and be fans of the show, without being attacked for who we ship etc. ;) That's part of the fans here. <3 over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Just watch the episode Homecoming, where they kill Mikael. I didn't remember that Bonnie helped Damon. Is where Damon is going to stake Tyler, and then Bonnie come and give them an anyrism or what it's called. The witchy migraine thing.
It just made me so happy, i thought they totally forgot Bonnie in that episode, all the time she was just standing in the background and doing nothing.

yeah i just got a little bit happy i don't know why, just wanted to share with u guys :) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I love that part! Especially when Damon groaned Bonnie's name. Bonnnnieee!! XD over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, i loved it! loved it! over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Yeah, that's one of my favourite scenes. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Even doing nothin', she was scoping out the joint, then keeping a stealth eye on 'flyofftherailsDamon' and keep his toosh on track. hehe. I loved the charades bit of their conversation too. Hilarious. :D Agree with Viky, the Boooonnie was XD over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
A fan on the Bonnie Bennett tumblr typed, " If I had a twitter I would tweet: @ Julie Plec so I hear we're going to meet Bonnie's dad. How long before you kill him off to protect Elena??
Omg I can't stop laughing!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. Couldn't agree more. One said "If Julie gives our girl a house, we're all nervous how many days Bonnie gets to enjoy it, before JP blows it up." :D No Insurance company would ever solicit this town. lol over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
lmao! over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
haha, awesome idea! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hahaha so true XD over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Hey! i'm rewatching season 3 and acutally there's a lot u don't think about first time you see it. In the beginning is acutally up to Bonnie to save them all..... again......
but am i the only one who notice how annoying it sounds, when Nina taking a deep breath? She's doing it all the time! i don't know if is a part of the role, but is so annooying to hear! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yeah, and always leave her mouth slightly open.. so she looks booby all the time..she looks so dumb, her face drives me crazy XD over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
They're doing repeats already? WORD to Bonniesaving them all again, yet they're comforting each other and ignoring her. Why again, is this strong, incrediably brave and selfless young woman friends with these people? hehe. ninas 'o' shock face is rather annoying - but the acttess is cool. :) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, is actually a litlle annoting that some people can see the difference between the actor and the role their playing. I mean sometimes i think Elena is boring, but then i see an interview with Nina and i just think omg she's so sweet! and the same with Bonnie, she can get a little boring, all overprotective guardian of them all, but then i see a interview with Kat, and i think, wow she like not like Bonnie! over a year ago
konta said …
I wanted to ask something that has nothing to do with Bamon.
I am the only one who has problems voting for the TCA using Proxy? Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
try with hidemyass.com I voted with this proxy over a year ago
Brylannie commented…
I had problems too. Wth? over a year ago
konta commented…
OK. I used hidemyass but since yesterday I couldn't vote. Then I tried inCloak.com, it worked. over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
We're getting new cast members in season 4. Speculation is that Meredith or one of the new cast members will be Damon's love interest. Yeah, I know. They're recycling their ideas if they put Damon with another NEW character like they did with Rose & Andie. Bonnie kinda needs to get over Jamie first anyway. Good news though. Julie said we will see Bonnie's dad in season 4. Yaaaaay. It's about time lol! Posted over a year ago
X-NightSlash-X commented…
Awesome. Can't wait to see Mr. Bennett. I'm kind of happy Damon is getting a new love interest. Elena doesn't deserve him. I hope Bonnie ditches Jamie soon. Their relationship is so meh -_- over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah, I'm hyped about seeing Bonnie's dad. Finally! I'd love to see more ppl from the Bennett family. I bet her fam is more interesting than the Gilberts lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It only took four episodes to give her a bedroom and a dad..A good move, agree with Bellazz.. bored with the triangle. We need Bonnies story!! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
You are hearing it here first mates, but I will be asking meh fav video maker and YT buddy Kindhiya for help with videos. My very first video will be a Kat Graham/Ian Somerhalder Bamon video, to Kat's Wanna say song. It's a beautiful love song, and I wanted to do it. So be patience and wait a lil longer for it. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
oww thats so sweet im so happy that you still love my vid... i'll help you for sure but for now ive lost all TVD episode on my computaer and sony vegas too thats why i cant make bamon vid....tried to download all of that things lool over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
Can't wait. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOl thnks wahinetoa *dances* over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
i love this picture link because first it show the pairs like they were. Stefan and Elana, Damon and Caroline, and Bonnie and Jeremy. they all stand next to each other. But see how they put Damon in the picture he
s holding his hand on Bonnies chair. I can't stop thinking that there's a reason why he stand like that, and why it's Kat who sitting there. It would be obvious if it were Elena. Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
because she the center of the story, but she totally in the left side of the picture, and Bonnie is sitting down so is like she the center of the picture and give the impression that she's the main character , and i hope Bamon will happen, if it happens in the books, they need to do it on the series too. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i was thinking i was the only one who noticed that too :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Brilliant! See, this was in the day when EVERY character meant something and had their own voice and life given justice. No one was put down or aside to further another life, and we miss those days when the cast photo, really was the Cast. Whole not just three. Bring.those.pics.back! over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
I CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 4!! i need some more bamon scenes! is there some new spoilers?
Posted over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
Not that I know of. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
For Bonnie screentime.. totally looking forward to it too! *highfives* over a year ago
big smile
X-NightSlash-X said …
I know this might be non Bamon related but it's regarding TVD convention.
According to their website on Ian & Kat are attending the Mystic Moon in Brasil.
Even though I was hoping Daniel & JoMo could come to I'm glad they didn't.
We are definitely going to get some amazing Kian moments!
BTW, for those curious here's the website: link Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
is so cool, and is today can't wait to see some of the interviews! thanx for the info ;D over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
you need to read this! link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
NNooooooooo! Howcome? Is it worth even Ian going now? Do we know why she's not? :( over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Okay how funny is this, my litlle sister comes to me and say i've found Kat and Paul on stardoll, (site where you can dress up celebrities) and then i said try to find Nina or Ian and they weren't there, that means Kat & Paul are more famous than Nina, or even Ian?

just find it funny, because right now there are really much focus on Nian as a couple Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGosh that is so funny and cool!! Love Paul and Kat. Our Stefonnie hearts! <3 Thanks for that gorgeous info sweet Louiseneema! over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
your welcome! :) over a year ago
MissElmeh said …
Vote for Ian on TCA
Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
and Kat! :) will do! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yay.. Kat and Ian!! <33 JoMo and the breathtaking Paul too. <3 over a year ago
HindEssa said …
I like the fact that Katerina Graham is the first from the Vampire Diaries cast, who got to be on Ellen.<333 Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
ME 2 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me 3!! over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Haha!<3 Gotta love you guys. :b over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Last night had a wicked dream that Kat Graham was the New Bond girl in skyfall. ;)

Damon was Bond, and stefan was the Villian.. but a good one, who cared more for Bonnie than Damon likes. Caroline and Alaric was M I think, though for some reason the same person. It was in the 60s, but with cooler clothes and those egg shaped chairs in white. *shrugs lol*

DanielCraig inspires naughtiness.. all I can say. :D Wouldn't Kat make an awesome Bondgirl?! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're an inspiration girl <3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
that would be a crazy damn good bonnie story or vid to make!!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*snuggles Tigerlily* ;) The ultimate BamonBond girl club - e v e r - :D over a year ago
elena1 said …
Now Kat's EP is #6 on i tunes album pop charts Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Well done Kat! Thanks for sharing it with us. :D over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
YAY! Heartkiller <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YEH BABY!!!! Congratulations Kat!!!! over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
I am so happy for her over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I agree wuth ginbell84. Please read NEWS Attn: Bonnie/Kat in the article section. I think it's a GREAT opportunity for Bonnie & Bamon fans to take a stand. Let's be honest but remain positive while doing so. Who knows, this could be effective... Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
I hope us Bonnie fans can be heard, but at the same time we must speak out. Not many of us do. We should change that... She wrote a great article! over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I know. I use to try and reach Julie, but I gave up. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks for supporting ginbells amazing post. Agree with BonnieStan, Julies bias (take the twittergate as example) is vile, but given the drop in ratings, will perhaps make her more receptive. staying positive is the key, championing our girls independent, intelligent heart and mind - to see her story because out of all it most needs to be told. <3 We love her! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
great article!!! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Can you guys Go Read NEWS Attn: Bonnie/Kat fans by - Niklovr in the Articles Thank You Posted over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I am reading it and spreading the word. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou bb, I'm heading in now. <33 over a year ago
BonnieStan said …
Who else is going to write a letter? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
ME!!! I'm writing one to Kat, one to the network. Depending on price from NZ to the Usa will do so with Bamony love. :) Right with ya!! over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^We be fangirlin' oldschool bb! ;) over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
Hahah yes we are :-) over a year ago
Any_SJ said …
I'll stop ship them when they stop being so PERFECT for each other <3 Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
**hi-five** over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*Highfives and SNUGGLES!* over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
IKR over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
anybody who have read the books, is it true that in the last book, Bonnie falls in love with a werewolf?... i thought that the series wasn't finish, didn't the ghostwriter just continue to write the books, and not end them so soon? or am i wrong? never read the books, so i don't know if the book series ended a long time ago? Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
yes in Moonsong the second books of the ghost writer she falls in love with Zander a good werewolf over a year ago
elena1 commented…
And there are another book after Moonsong "Destiny Rising" that will come out in October 2012 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, well.. the only one to free his soul - he'll think and feel differently, once Bonnie becomes more confident and mature. I've always wanted our Bonnie and bookBonnie to meet, given their opposition to the elder salvatore over a year ago
elena1 said …
Kat's EP is on #25 on i tune album charts. I'm proud of you Kat!!! Posted over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I am so glad. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I heard that it wasnt so good even though tats a lie, listing to supadope. I didnt like the mean comments from the haters. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm thrilled it's doing so well... kat has worked so hard and deserves the credit and praise. Admire her so much!! <3 over a year ago
BonnieStan said …
Anyone also ship Klonnie? Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
You mean ship them romantically? Unfortunately no sorry. While I do enjoy their dynamic as enemies/foes, I fail to seem them as romantic partners with everything going on the show. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I ship Bonnie with everyone, including Klonnie! <3 stefonnie wass lovely, especially ss1&2, they had a trust between them even if they were natural 'enemies' - he cared for her. It was devastating for them both s3. Miss them. :( over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I know and no their trust is gone and almost all of the relationships she had a gone except with Caroline. over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Have any body listen to Kat's new Songs what do you think Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Yes, awesome, awesome, awesome. I need her album like right now! over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I am so proud of her! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Im listing to Supadope and Heartkiller is really good. the others havnt heard lol I wish we had lyrics. over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
Love it, Katerina Graham and Ian Somerhalder
Bonnie Benner and Damon Salvatore forever and always ;)
Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
HELL YEAH!!!! <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
and ever and ever! over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
:) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
"Damon: Don't look now everybody but Judgy's on a power trip. Elame:Who? Damon:Judgy gosh didn't you hear a manky word I said beeyotch?! Elame:*crickets* Stefan:*rolls his eyes* Oh come off it Hoe its Bonnie he's talking bout. Elame:Oh *slow* I've always hated her. Damon: Huh? repeat that Elame? Elame: I always.... Gang "Ssh let her finished *giggling*. Elame: Hated Bonnie *dies* Bonnie: Hey guys meet my long lost witchy sister Willow? DarkWillow:It's nice to meet Bonnie's slaves. Posted over a year ago
katesbon commented…
can i just say i love you! you always crack me up ! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
lol thnk you mate I had to do something to cheer mehself up after meh family's lost. Love ya. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
thnk u mate gosh yall be making a mate cry. sniff sniff thnk you all. over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
just thought of if JP and KW could even think of cutting Bonnie of the show, i mean they could easily say, she was turned into a vampire and couldn't handle it and died, or ran away, i mean i'm just a little worried, but they can't i mean if they follow the books? ins't there a book where is Bonnie thats telling?

but anyway just a little thougt :) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
they can't delete Bonnie she's the only good thing in this ridiculous show! And they love to USE her so I think they NEED her.. btw, they know Bonnie has a big fanbase so it better if they don't piss us off!! :D over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
omg nooooo over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I can actually see this happen. I heard a Bonnie hater say she needs to die and be replaced. I can only think that if she died. Then they would bring in Lucy because they said she would return, but not when. over a year ago
BonnieStan said …
Will we ever see Bonnie in a happy lasting relationship? It can either be before Damon, Bamon should be endgame! Posted over a year ago
HPCouples commented…
True. over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I am just tired of her relationships being so fucked up! over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
i've just read this article about which vampire is Pauls favourite, and further down in the text, he says that even though we are happy that there is coming a season 4 we shouldn't get to happy, because TVD have a contract for 6 seasons but CW can cancel the show anytime they want :(

if season 4 is the last season it have to end with Bamon, i'm wondering if there's going to be any Bamon in season 4 so i kinda thought it would be in season 5.

So let's hope the show continues :S Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Me too. I definitely don't want season 4 to be the end. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
if the ratings will be good the CW doesn't cancel the show over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
He said that because everyone and him thought tje O.C. would last forever and it's true you can still be cancelled at anytime. But as Elena1 said as long as the ratings are good they will keep it. They have kept Gossip Girl this long only to have short it's last season to 11 or 13 episodes. over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Who did he say was his favourite? over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
I never understood because i never got to see that you are the women of my life..maybe i was too blind looking for the wrong women - Damon to Bonnie <3 Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
does he say that in the book, because that just make me so HAPPY to read this!!!!<3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
wow-that is so god damn beautiful!!! it's real right?! xoxo over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Cute :) over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
I saw it on Tumblr and they said on their it was from the books :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC: Stories by Irishcookie are some of the BEST. This is Damon with a dark!Bonnie.
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We must read it then. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*smishes happily* Enjoy bb! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGosh... SanjaTanja.. ThinkTwice is AH MAY ZING! Epic with Booktvdbamon goodness. <3333 Lovely! Agree with @jolie-Monster EPIC! over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
i hate that all the series end now, what am i going to watch when i'm bored? and i'm still pissed about the season 3 finale, i mean seriously couldn't they at least put more than 2 small scenes with Bonnie in it? Season 3 has generally been boring... Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
i totally agree. now elena is gonna find out that damon was the first before stefen to meet her. thats sooo unfair. and the triangle thing between elena, stefen and damon is gona start all over again......... over a year ago
kaspo commented…
i hope this time elena just stays with stefen. leave damon alone! over a year ago
kaspo commented…
totally agree. i guess we just have to wait until it hits October. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Has Bonnie ever been on a roadtrip? Do you think we'll get one? Hopefully with Damon tagging along being annoying and charming. :D

Imagine them in a car - hehe - mobile fireworks! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i cant imagine this without have bad though and naughty though looooool over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I'd like that. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@kaspo. That's right the elena/Bonnie fiasco with her mum. Hopefully Bonnie gets a trip that's about her story and take the lead. Not riding sidesaddle to the elenatrianglemess that followed them on it, if ya know what I mean. If Damon can pull his head in, I'd love too see that axed companionship repair. *beams* High hopes. over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
What do you think that Bonnies story for season4 will include?

Originals - the witch history with the Bennetts. (Hopefully Elijah or Esther to entice a new wicked direction for Bonnie)

Gilberts - (Jon was involved with Emily?) Did they have a child? Did he try and save her when Mysic betrayed the witches?

Bennetts - her Dad. Where is he?! Lucys return.

salvatores - both of them making amends, starting with a REAL apology and making atonement.

Bonnie. Being kick-tooshy! Posted over a year ago
BonnieStan commented…
I would hope that Julie Plec would try to do at least some of this! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too bb. :) <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Reading Kevin Williamsons' old tweet put me in a bad or sad mood. Someone asked if SE or DE will be endgame & he tweeted: We're not there yet but if u must know, she chooses Pacey. Kevin constantly says that Damon reminds him of Pacey from Dawson's creek. That's his code name for Damon. If Elena chooses Pacey aka Damon, doesn't that mean he just indirectly tweeted that delena will be endgame? That sucks for us Bamonators & the stelenas too. This is depressing....gonna go walk it off... Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I wouldn't give it another thought, anything could happen between now and then. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with Bellazz. Writers basically giving away endgame would kill the show. There will be de, but we all know it's always gonna be stefan. I just want Bonnie to have more screentime and happiness. <3 over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
don't trust JP and KW they always say they want it to happen in one way, and then make it another way :) over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Besides if it's an old tweet, we all know whom she chose anyways... over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Have you guys seen this ? link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
GET OUT! Is that real bb? *dies with the implication* Is it me, or is one eye blue? Heavens tabetsy - our girl is getting her dark!freak on! over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Is this REAL?!?! OMG!<33 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
una pena que no sea real es una maravilla de cartel over a year ago
Any_SJ said …
I think we should definitely see some of Damon/Bonnie interaction. I mean, we had it in the books, we should have it on the show!:) Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
definitely :) over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
You are 100% Right over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
i think season 3 was very boring, not only because Bonnie didn't have so many scenes, but there was many scenes were there didn't happend so much, and then suddenly in one episode a lot of thinks happens like the writers didn't have enough time to explain so they just put all the solutions in one episode :( and i hated the finale i mean it's was boring, and i felt they needed to have a cliffhanger to season 4 so they just made Elana a vampire, just how i feel about season 3 over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
I'm often bored in school, because we soon are going to have a long holiday to read for our exams, so i'm just hoping that there are some new post here on the wal :) it's really nice to write with people who have the same thoughts as me, love u bamily :D Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
xoxo over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love you back too! A holiday reading exams? Good gracious, that's not a holiday. :( You need drinks served by shirtless stefan/damon/tyler/jeremy/ric/elijah/klaus/kol/mason clones - by the pool - as they do your bidding. Now THAT we can all join ya on. ;) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
haha, yeah that could be SOO nice haha ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Just wondering about ratings for tvd in other countries.

NZ had tvd on primetime 8:30pm-9:30pm since s1. Ratings high. Yet, s3 has been constantly low that it's 10:30pm Friday.. almost graveshift, so bad the ratings. Was talking to a lovely Aussie a while back, and she said it's sorta the same where she is. It's also on paidtv, and she's not wasting money. ;)

Is it the same everywhere else? Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
i don't know about Denmark, but i only know a few people that know the series, but i know a lot that knows the books. The show was on the tv for a while, but then it just stopped, and maybe 6 months later there was a marathon, and then the show never came back. :( so i watched it online every Friday :) over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I'm an Aussie and don't have Foxtel which airs TVD 3 times on a Friday I think it is. Used to be on free to air tv and then went to a secondary free to air digital channel and was then taken over by Foxtel. I am not sure of the ratings, though I can't imagine it would stay on Foxtel if the ratings were dismal over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
just my words :) over a year ago