Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 291-300 of 8919

big smile
Viky11 said …
new episode tonight? or its next week? it will be a BonnieDaddy episode, right? I'm so out of the picture... :D Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Next week. Sorry babe. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Viky, your icon is WIN. @NakedBarbie *smooch!* One more week of rest.. and then DaddyBennett. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
My gorgeous divas.. hope you're having a beautiful day. <3

Do you think we'll get to see Lucy again? Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I don't know, maybe...if she has to do something with elena, definitely.. :/ over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I would LOVE so much to see Lucy again. That would be a TVD dream come true but I'm pretty sure it's not cuz lately the writers seem to forget what they've written in the past. It seems they've forgotten Lucy just like Elena apparently forgot Stefan lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Lawd help us with Bennetts giving their lives for ungrateful Gilberts. :D Love to see her again too, hopefully reminding our Bon where to set the Damonfire like in good ol'days. ;) Miss those moments! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Kaleidoscope has been UPDATED! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thnku bb! *smooches* over a year ago
Viky11 said …

Oh My God read the tags!! I couldn't agree more! So fucking true! Jeez this bitch. Sorry it's not Bamon but Dullenah and Caroline I've just seen it yesterday night and I have to share with you. I've always thought of what's the difference between Caroline and Elena? I mean when Caroline become a vampire it wasn't big deal but when the Princess turned... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I've seen this and SO MUCH!! This is why I don't watch tvd, is that all the 'lead' does is cry, whine and get things handed to her. Others have to actually EARN and WORK for redemption etc. Care and Bonnie deserve better than having a useless self-entitled friend like this. I even wonder if Elenas ring came with the same rules, or is she getting a free pass? (Frat party) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: Blood Moon Inception
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: We're Not Friends
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic on Tumblr
link Posted over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Hey just a light thought but does anyone think Kat has a girl crush on Bonnie or does she see Bonnie as a threat? CRUSH: She had to meet the vampire hating Bennett witch in season 2. Called Bonnie Damon's lil witch, felt at first Bonnie could get her out of the tomb. Tormented dopple about because of her, Bonnie's losses. THREAT: When Damon got the phone back from her on the trip to find michael, he saw that Bonnie called and was ready to go back and Kat was like remember what you said. Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
If you go back to season 1 finale when Damon stated that Bonnie didn't have to be she help Stefan saved him she had this look and in the first episode she had to meet the Bennett witch. I feel Kat senses something between Bamon. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I thought of this too & If I'm not mistaken, I remember Kat looking kind of disappointed when Klaus said he was gonna kill Bonnie. Kat was tied to the chair & if u look at her face closely, she looked disappointed at the thought of Bonnie being killed. Hmmm...And I do remember Bonnie trying to get Kat outof the tomb for Jeremy's sake & she said she wasn't strong enough but Kat told Stefan, " Maybe she is." (about Bon) as if she had faith in her or something. Too bad Bonnie doesn't have enough scenes with Kat..or Damon..or Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah or ANYBODY. Come to think of it...poor Bonnie doesn't have much scenes with anybody but Jeremy or maybe Elena when she needs help as usual. Ugh! over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Is it me or do the other characters in the scenes with Bamon stop and watch their banter. Stefan on more than one occasion , especially in season 2 epi 6 and 7. Now he's like you two do your thing lol. Dopple on several occasions 2x1 and when they went to the university to meet Shane are two I can think of right now. Klaus was in the room in 3x20 when they were having their discussion and sitting back looking then he interrupted. Caroline did in season 1 at the dance when damon approached. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*gets giddy and happy* OMGosh, you're right!! Loves your insight lacage. over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Found this on TUMBLR : KatGrahamSpain ‏@KatGraham_Spain We will be TRENDING #WeLoveKatGraham Mon Jan 7th The times are Spain 7pm, Brazil 2pm, EST 1pm, GMT 5pm, UK 6pm and CST 12am #KatArmy!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So cool! If anyone is in Spain, please please take pics and tell her we absolutely LOVE HER! <3 over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
DamonsLilBird commented…
oops bloody forgot her name. its Robin A Murray she has everything copyrighted for her saftey. but she meh play sissy . so please thank thee over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"I am the Bonnie Bennett in MY show. With zero decent prospects and too many users in my past."
True for me as well. :D 98percent of women understand Bonnie,because the bravery and endurance it takes to fight through it, toxic friendships and hard life choices, we've come through & beaten.
Longing to see our girl do the same. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update: Differences
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
This is fun - have a go..
Mine was. A date with Alaric at Mystic Grill because he loves me.
How about you? Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
LOL mine was i stabbed damon in dopple's classroom because sometimes I do things that I don't have to do over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
i want to add that with this damon that i don't have to do was a must lolol over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
An having a bloody I spy Matty's sack game lol. over a year ago
elena1 said …
Dormiente Fanfiction is update Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
The best news! Thank you! :**** over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks darlin'! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sorta OT again, but Kat/Bonnie positive, it needed to be stated boldly, joyously and with as much
saucy glee and wanton cheering as can be summoned by hearts & Bamon souls everywhere.
Bonnie/Kat has a harem of co-stars, fans, friends and shippers all over the place.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
OT: A friend gave me her tablet to tinker with the paint programme. I'm flailing at everything android, but did you know that it takes a few seconds to make an oilpainting off a picture? (of course it's technically cheating, with filters etc, and it's not art) but the shortcuts to create is staggering.
Eegads, it takes me a full week to do all the blends/brushstrokes by hand/mouse!!
I've had to give it back, but now, I so want one. Photoshop touch. Anyone else using this? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: link Posted over a year ago
haalo_ said …
SWITCH is updated!!
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks! Was just aboutto post.. you're quick as lightning. <3 over a year ago
haalo_ said …
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY! Thanks bb, and Happy New Years to you too. :) over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
Thank you Wahinetoa, hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! :) over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Happy New Years Fam!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
<3Love!<3 over a year ago
elena1 said …
Happy New Year I have the worst hangover of the world Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
**cuddles ya, gives you 'hair of the Damon cure* A good night, yeh? ;) over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Happy New Year!!!!! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Me too! The worst hangover ha ha. If Bamon gets together we should all do a toast to that moment lol. over a year ago
Viky11 said …
-“Across the street , Damon stood in the shadow of a tree watching Bonnie kiss Zander. He had to admit he felt a little pang , seeing her in the arms of someone else. She was brave and intelligent under that coton candy exterior.There was something so sweet about Bonnie , the witchy angle added a little touch of spice to her too. He had always thought of her as his. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Then again , didnt the little redbird deserve someone of her own ? He huffed out a breath of self mocking laughter , “i’m getting soft with my old age ” he thought Back in the old days he would have eaten her and here he was worrying about her love life. “Still…it would be nice if the little redbird could be happy” he thought. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
-She always had felt a special bond with Damon , ever since she’d had a crazy , embarrassing crush on him. When they had traveled through the dark dimension together , they had looked out for each other. And Damon sacrificied himself for her. It ached that he had turned his back on her now. over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Oh God, how the show writers not see how AMAZING Bonnie and Damon are together! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
2635!! WELCOME and Happy New Year 2013, gorgeous Bamily!

Hope it's going fab and we're so happy that you're joining us on our rampant Everything great and sexy Bamon-love fest in the coming year. :) <3 Lovely to have you here.<3 Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
I read on Twitter and Tumblr that maybe Damon on 415 will die for save Elena so JP will steal another Book Bamon scene because Damon in the book Midnight die for save Bonnie so JP has already steal a Bamon scene in #AfterHour(Damon and Bonnie meet before the 1 book) for give to Dullena. I'm scared that JP also steal the book Bamon bathtub scene for give it to Delena also because the show is already 50 shades of dullena so the bathtub scene it will be hot Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
this show is a bunch of crap. the bathtub scene and Damon's death for Bonnie were the two greatest Bamon moments beside the After Hour. if JP would able to still these too she is a cruel b*tch and I hope her fucking useless ship will die just as the show, soon. :/ over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
< my mood right now. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Just a thought, but isn't it time Elena saved her own life, instead of letting other people do it for her? If Damon should sacrifice his life for anyone worth saving, it is Bonnie Bennett. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE, ya saucy minxys!!!!!!
3 1/2 hours to go till fireworks, hotcocoa and sparkly confetti. Happy 2013 darlin's - have a safe, wonderfully positive and brilliant New Year. Looking forward with BAMILY glee!! *loves* Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Touche Bonnie Bennett
link Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
You guys need to go read some Fan Fic It really hit's the spot when I NEED MY BAMON Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Totally - sometimes this club and fanfic are the tonic we need most of all. <3 over a year ago
big smile
lacage0 said …
Does anyone else find it interesting that Damon either interrupts Bonnie with the guy who she is associated with or he is always along for the trips. With Carter he compelled him and be became Caroline's meal and with jamie, he interrupted and had a scene or two with them. With jerms, he was everywhere with them witches house martin's residence, Salvatore manor, tomb and now it seems Damon is everywhere that she and Shane are hmmm coincidence??? any thoughts my Bamon fam. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe Hey, yeh.. he does! He's the nookie blocker of Bonnie gettin' some. And goodness knows the blind males in this show should be on their knees worshipping the Goddess she is. About time our girl has some happiness, fun and flirting that's all about who she is, not just what her powers are. I hope he keeps blockin' by putting himself between them.. and she responds with the verbal antagonistic foreplay they usually do. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I'm waiting for Damon to place a sign on Bonnie that says mine lol but yeah personally I think Damon is jealous of Bonnie's feelings for Jerms because they were real and notice when he and dopple were talking and she said what she felt was real and she knew he felt it also, Damon looked in at Bonnie and Jerms and changed the subject to her relationship with her brother and his with stefan over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I think that was the reason that the situation felt awkward to him between Bonnie and Jerms, he deals with obsessions not real love and true emotion over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
I also agree, as well as i feel that that example is one thing the writers maybe kind of ish kept from the books to damon and bonnie's relationship where damon still is keeping that pact he and emily had even though it isnt in void anymore or so i tell myself to have that one hope the writers did at least one thing right. But honestly i think damon has that gravtiational pull towards bonnie just like in the books the subconcious need to protect her without knowing it. :) after all she is his little bird/witch haha over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Taking on Water (just found it, and it's beautifully written!)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: As the Crow flies
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
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…………Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Bamily!! Posted over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
Beautiful :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too.:****** over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Ok which shows love more Damon helping dopple feed her dark side or Damon keeping Bonnie from going dark or lead her away from the dark side? One guess on which one I think is love! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
The second one, because the first would make him more in love with Katherine to create her mirror image. But with Bonnie he'd be the hero, he was always meant to be. Love you Lacage! over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I agree, the 2nd one. :) over a year ago
gypsy9735 said …
A girlfriend of mine said something the other day. She is a Damon fan. "I don't know where I am from a girl that has sex with 2 brothers is a hoe." I laughted and she said "I mean why doesn't she just leave them alone. Who comes between family members and people go OMG She is such a warrior." She has a point I know it is a TV show but she is a hoe. Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
So agree with your friend! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
she said the damn truth lool over a year ago
Miss_Diaries commented…
exactly...well said. DE fans don't understand that. over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Merry Christmas to my Bamon family! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
merry christmas to my beautiful friend <3 and to all of our Bamily !!!!! love you all over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
same to you lovely lacage0! 7 Kindhiya <3 Bamily<3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Hope everyones having a blast at the Boxing Day Sales.
Please drive safely - the traffic, little munchkins jumping out from parked cars and mental shoppers are madness! Still - a brand new slowcooker for $20. and a tablet for $89. is pretty good.
(((huggles all))) :) :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
If Santa didn't give you what you wanted... this is sure to fix it.

Updated: As the Crow Flies
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Detente
link Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
Merry Christmas Eve to everybody also if in Italy we are on 16:30 on the 24 December Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Merry Christmas Eve for you too! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Merry Christmas to you too bb's! It's the big day here, and the glazed ham is in the oven, along with jacket potatoes, and puddin'. *Gets y'all a plate* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Touche bonnie Bennett
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: And Lightning Strikes
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
A very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy, safe and peaceful New Year my dear Bamily!
link Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Merry Christmas to you too, Wahinetoa! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
merry Christmas sweetie! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*LOVES!* over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Hello Bamonaters! Hope everyone is doing well during this festive season! Well I was bored and snopping around the TVD wiki website and saw this comment that made me shout "PREAAACH!" Thought I'll share it to you all! "Some folks claim Bonnie Bennett is ``Judgy``. What do they mean by this term, exactly? Does ``Judgy`` mean that she is bold and outspoken? Do they mean that she isn`t afraid to call friends and enemies alike out on their mistakes and questionable actions? Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
Or do they possible mean that it is a young woman who actually has a backbone & isn`t brushed aside by a pretty face and charming smile, who says what she means even if that opinion may be frowned upon by a majority of people? Well, if these are all the aspects that make up the term ``Judgy``, then I shall proudly label Bonnie so ;D" over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
AMEN!! Would there be more 'judgey' role models in this world, 'cause for dang sure we need heroines like our Bonnie <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Dormiente!
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you! :* <3 It's an amazing chapter! At one moment my heart stopped! :* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, so true! She has an incrediable talent - the song made it sweeter. <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
DETENTE : BAMON FIC link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY! A new fic? It's gotta be Xmas with this kinda love.. <3 Thanks sweet Sanja! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You are welcome. :) :*** <3 over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
I have gotten tumblr mates still not understanding it? Help meh on phone it allow meh to choose cover but online it messes up why? I also need help making customized background? I need help love ya stay bamon. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Get outta town, you're on tumblr?! What's it like? Is it like lj where you can tinker with everything? Lemme know how you're going bb, I wanted to join but thought next year when I've got time. <3 Congrats DamonsLilBird! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Its bloody horrible mate nothing but manky trouble. cant make custom wallpaper or see page on flippin web. Mobile on Nokia lumia 900 lets meh see but web not let meh see. i hope thee come over. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Anyone on tumblr (Bonnie Bennett tags) recently? Is there any way to stop the trolling? Oh, my goodness.. it's like nearing Christmas, goodwill and peace, and there's still this petty shouting down of our bbs? Wow.. you've no idea how PROUD I am to be around intelligent, fricken amazing and respectful young woman as Bamon are. *Worships*

Never stop, ladies. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Mayan Calendar says the world ends 21-12-2012. It's that now, in NZ, and so far we've just had rain. Ya never know it could happen later on, so I'm off to the shop to buy the biggest creambun I can find and reread some of the Bamon legendary fics. Might as well go out doing something indulgent. :)
Talk to you saucy divas later! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
we are alive to in the middle of Europe. We got some fog and its very very very very cold. otherwise the world go round peacefully as I can tell so far:)) Good for ya sweetie I have to rush back to work. :( yayy Enjoy your creamthing :D Love ya <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
(((hugs, winks))) Good to hear it bb. Keep warm, have a good time at work, and *shares her donut with ya* MUAH, love ya too! ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: Deck the Halls
link Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Just a reminder to Team Bamon to vote for Stelena here--> link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb, you're amazing! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Want
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you! :* <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
A pleasure Sanja <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
OK this probably means absolutely nothing but I just thought of something. Damon never really cared about Sage but they did have some sexual tension going on & remember that Damon called Sage's true love ( Fin)CREEPY. You know how we think Bamon has sexual tension & Damon also called Shane CREEPY. So now I'm wondering...is that what Damon calls guys when he's jealous seeing them with women he might have a connection with? And Damon did seem uncomfortable during Beremy's love confession. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, snap! Good thinking bb!! over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Since Bamon didn't make the list, please send your vote to Stelena because Delena currently have more votes than them. link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
where at mate and what for? ugh I hate bamon didnt win means tvd will use that to not bloody let us happen. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm on it, Stelena always! How many times can you vote, 'cause there's lots of votes for a random mag isn't it? over a year ago
Brylannie commented…
It's for portrait magazine/best couple. They do it every year. And you can vote as much as you like. --> link Team Lannie and Stelena over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Why can't I get more support from Bonnie Fans on this? link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE YOU! I'm gonna try this again, 'cause last time I couldn't find it. *pouts* Comin' in! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
" There's always different things that you can try out with the characters and there's always, you know, more Shipping to be had and relationships to be had. We just shot episode 14, There's some really incredible things happening for my character and I know sometimes if certain things don't happen you guys get frustrated but that doesn't mean that they're not going to happen, and it doesn't mean that they are out of the question." Kat Graham- LIVE STREAM link Posted over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
OMG... Does. That mean what i think that means... If it does im seriously... Omg..!! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I love Kat she is so cute. She tries to give us some hope because she knows that we are sad, disappointed and upset. she is such a cutie. :) <3 love Kat and you too SanjaTanja <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
What ship was she refering to? Was she talking about Bamon? Because honestly, the only person I ship with her is Damon. I don't mean to offend Beremy fans because I really love them as friends but that's it. I just really want more quality Bamon scenes! It's been 4 yrs & we still get nothing solid. Shipping Bamon hurts so much sometimes. The SE & DE'rs have it so easy compared to us. At least their ships gets acknowledged & is cannon. Even Klaroline comes before us & Bamon was CANNON in the books, not Klaroline. Wtf? I'm not even hating on Klaroline but it just pisses me off that JP made them happen before Bamon which she knew had fans since season 1 & has been very popular in the book world. Ughhh the frustration!!! over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
It looks like by the end of the season Bonnie will go dark and Damon will be her savior. The way Damon is involved in Bonnie's storyline can only point to that conclusion. Here's why: 1. Damon is the one who asks for Bonnie's help she is not around and who pushes her to use her magic back. 2.Damon was there with Bonnie when she met Shane for the first time. 3. From the start, Damon has been mistrusted Shane while Bonnie has been trusting Shane blindly. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
4. Damon threatened Shane several times to discover his motivations. 5. Damon is the one who was told about Expression, the dark magic Shane is teaching Bonnie without her knowing its danger. 6. Damon knows what it's like to be in the dark side and how to escape it. 7. Damon has been discreetly protecting Bonnie from the start. 8. Bonnie trusts and relies on Damon when it comes to magic, even if he still doubts it. 9. Damon helped, unwillingly, Val the witch, to access Expression. Will Damon help this time to get out of that Dark magic? over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
10. Damon was the one who was told by Shane that they are going to need Bonnie to unseal the cure. 11. Shane telling Damon that Bonnie will trust him more than Damon. Did I miss something, guys? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
i like your thinking kaddy. goodness knows he among most owes her the most when it comes to paying back the save. She has yet to go dark, and i worry that jp will again make this about every1 else but bonnie.this show will continue 2 lose ratings if done so. Stefan would save her but damon, we wouldnt expect it - hes still selfish with stefsgirl. the measure of who he is-is with bon. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
the time at the dance was bc she was loving selfless, loyal & fearless where she ynspired him to choose her life too. At the tomb, with Rick - again he could of left her, no one would have known, but in that moment with her he could be different than scoring points with his brothers gf. This was for him. Him going into darkness Expression to save her, will bethe measure of theman once again. <3 Thanks Kaddy! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Watching the Beremy scene, couldn't help but notice that even without long lines in the episode, the spiraling text meaning of nothing some get, Bonnie took quiet command of the scenes with just a LOOK. Her presence, alone, is power enough to move all the characters in that scene towards hope, than any other

How in the world, is she not yet, the lead? Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
So true love!:) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
She is the bloody lead in my heart lol well second to God but yet she is important lol. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Good Evan mates I smell DB scenes. Remember all the interviews before S4 started from Kat and *coughs* Fatty Mack cakes. Both discussed only two big names no no mates not Damon n Bonnie. But Elame bloody arse and her oh so beautiful smexy best friend Bonnie. We've seen the flippin interviews and saw the bloody videos. Their future s/ls were the top talks. Now how does this manky news affects DB? Well Elame has had her growth in the first half of the season, yes she will be still main point .. Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
But so will Bonnie her storyline has been slowly and i manky mean slowly progressing. Now we are as rugby players say in the quarter zone. Bonnie's daddy will be here in episode ten. Damon has gotten the "Shady vibe" from Professor Shady with Matty's help. Elame has had her main s/l we were forced to bloody watch her scenes. Now we slowly gotten clues as to what's happening with Bon using expression. Worse magic ever meh theory stands Bonnie will swallow twelve dead hybrids and human souls. Her neglected friends will be the key of her transformation. Damon will pull her out i say this becuz he's shown affection he doesn't realized it yet but he's doing it. She needs Damon who's tasted pure madness. Damon been getting closer to her. Damon knows only one woman can get through him he needs A partner who has walked thee line of darkness. He will be her saving grace and she him. Hope theory makes sense tried speaking properly English. over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Can you please write for the show?!? I really need this to happen!!!;) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thanks mate just meh theory well at least one of them. over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Did anyone find it interesting that when dopple said she know what she feels and Damon felt it to and to stop fighting it, Damon looked back in at Bonnie and Jeremy? He mentioned her being normal with her brother and then he goes into his recollection of him and Stefan both loving Christmas. Damon is a douche but he does love his brother. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yo that's what I'm sayin! I noticed that at some point he was staring & Bonnie & Jeremy while talking to Elena. He also looked uncomfortable when Jeremy confessed his feelings to Bon. He dramatically left the room. Really Damon? Was that necessary? lol over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Exactly he's envious because all damon knows is obsession not love. Damon's need to protect bonnie even if she doesn't know she's in trouble is out of love to bad he hasn't figured out yet. I find it interesting that they parallel the sire bond to what Bonnie is going through and how they intertwine with Damon. I think Damon figured out that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah like the time he fed her blood after Alaric bit her...he could've left her there to die but he didn't. Bon even called him out on it. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I think that is the reason he is protective of bonnie because he gave her his blood willingly without threats or any type of negotiating terms. I dont think i've seen damon give his blood to save someone's life, i've seen it used to threaten stefan. I wonder if the reason Bonnie is softening toward damon is because of what she has witnessed about Damon and the fact that he has faith in her even through the snark. over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
"I want to throw you back in my bed and never let yo leave" is not romantic and certainly not true love. Here's another hint that Elena is not Damon's true love. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I agree. I actually thought the " never let you leave" line was creepy & so not romantic. Sounds more like unhealthy obsession than love. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
oh my sweet God it's sexual abuse. :O Damon said this? so NOT romantic. where's the chains?who needs a sexSLAVE?? Jeeeez Julie please!! what kind of message is this? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic updated: Crow
link Posted over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Have a question, I know Damon feels guilty about hurting Stefan and lying but who also thinks his guilty conscious is affected by Bonnie? Anytime he is around her his common sense kicks in and he did avoid dopple advances etc. in the presence of Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Lacage, yes, I agree with you. Damon didn't feel guilty when he slept with Elena. Now that he is around Bonnie, he suddenly feels guilty and turns down Elena's kiss. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Well he did stare at Bonnie & Jeremy while talking to Elena.....lol over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Absolutely, NakedBarbie! It's like he was envious or something. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
It goes back to a previous comment in another post, I feel Damon trust Bonnie as much or even more so the reason he looked at bonnie before he said i wonder who that could be. I agree about staring at Bonnie because in the scene where he stated he was letting dopple go he had direct line of bonnie as well as dopple and how he could still see Bonnie. Damon wants that type of loyalty and love he feels it will be different with dopple than what he had with Kat but I think he is seeing that Bonnie is the way. Hence suggesting Bonnie as the detour and his need to protect her from professor shady pants lol over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
DORMIENTE IS UPDATED! YEAAAH! link Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
A few things about Bamon that caught my attention from the last episode:

- Damon saying to Stefan "Gotta go. Bonnie enlisted Dr. Evil in her plan and I have to thwart him" - Just another hint that Damon cares for Bonnie.
- Damon still distrusting Shane even after Shane's quite convincing explanations. - You're right, Damon. Don't trust him. You know you have to protect your Bonnie.
- Damon standing close behind Bonnie, Damon watching Bonnie's reaction when Jer tells her about his feelings Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
- Damon not keeping his eyes off Bonnie when she was stepping aside and saying to Elena not to move to let Jer hug her over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
- The way Bonnie breaths out, as if she had her breath taken away, the second Damon leaves - Is it because Jer confirmed he has feelings for her or because of Damon standing close to her? over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Bonnie'[s loyalty and love for others is what Damon longs for and he sees the depth of that in the bonnie jerm . I think the fact damon witness these scenes is to show the audience damon is taken notice of bonnie outside of her being the witch or friend which is why i found it interesting he chose her to be the detour. I feel damon may still sibconsciously has those types of feelings for bonnie and that is why he examines himself when she make comments. He wants to be someone she can care about and be loyal to. The interesting part is that she does trust damon to a point and does care but he hasn't really realized that yet. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"So, somehow even without powers Bonnie still is the only one to fix things."

Why the hell isn't she the lead, because damn sure, she's the true heroine deserving to be one!
^Preach. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so so true <3 oh my god!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Did anyone see the extended promo, apparently there's a lill' Kennett scene? I'm hoping she'll ask him for batting advice concerning Damon. (Is that being a meanie?)
link Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
lol and i love the fact that the scene was slower than most of the others over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^ Ikr? It was like they're rushing through the rest to get to the best part. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Have they ever met? I know that she sorta was on the phone with him, when Klaus was manipulaing her by threatening Jeremy. But I wonder if there might be a scene with her and her dad, and she's visiting him at the Mayoral office, when Kol comes strolling in. @Kaddy&Sanja thanks for the videos bbs!! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sending love, sympathy and support to the States for the tragedy taken place today, (Is it me or are people getting more violent these days? oh my goodness.. to those beautiful little ones) Please be safe everyone, everywhere - we couldn't do with out you here. *Global huggles* Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
:'( It's just terrible what happened and understandable. who is able to do such horrible thing? Please sing this petition in the case of gun control because its really needed right now. link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Will do, Viky thanks. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Updated: Touche
link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
pure evil like that witch did but Professor Shady is way over his head. I truly manky thinks he is a jackaroo fantasying of being immortal. here's to an hopefully bbmonnie/bamon s/l. Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Okay mates meh have theory. I believe Bon Bon daddy will be new mayor it fits him. Since he is probably a flippin founder. Since Tyler mum is dead also I still stand by meh first suspicious. Her daddy knows Professor Shady personal and he will not like her using expression. Here's to a hopefully darker Bonnie. Btw eppy 4x08 did anybody get the intent of Elame's comment about bon being good witch? JP put that in there for reason she's about turn dark. An it has something to do with swallowing. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'd love for Bons Poppa to be Mayor, but this is Julie we're talking about and she don't have people of colour being front and center, not even Bonnie who has been there since day1. Love a darker wicked Bonnie, a more s1/2 swagger too. Have mercy, it's why we ship Bamon when she gets out her verbal lasher-of-Damon-smackaround. ;) over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Great intuition, DamonLilBird, JP just said that Bonnie's dad will be interim mayor of MF. This is gonna be exciting! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
@*Wahinetoa ooh mate this is truly flippin great. i hope so plz be supernatural too. over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I've just read it on YT under the 4x09 "Bamon" scene and I have to say so damn true

'I'm getting tired of her just giving Damon dumb looks whenever he says something stupid instead of putting him in his place! Where is the fucking banter? Julie...stop...please just...stop!' Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
smh at Julie. This is why I don't watch anymore, Julies basically gone OOC on every character for one lead character to look better. Exactly.. bring back the sodding banter and backbone of our Bonnie! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
but at least Bonnie's looks still works without words because Damon changed his wording after that. and he always looked at her to sees her reaction. He almost BEGGED for some spicy comments. we're also begging for it. Please give back the fun!!! over a year ago
Viky11 said …
Oookay I watched (and uploaded to the Bonnie B/McCullough spot) the last Bonnie scenes but I have to say Bonnie was only a pretty background dancer. she got nothing again. only screen-time no words. thanks JP youre really great. and am I the only one who thinks Elena is dumbest than ever? my brain starts to burn every time the camera catches her. I'm begging for my life when she speaks. she has the dumbest voice ever. seriously. Nina honey you are pretty talented. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
and since when Jeremy the Terminator?? Those muscles man!!! <3 Jer is my man from now. :D :D over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
oh yeah but what was that touched look on Bonnie's face? she forgot that Jer cheated on her with a freaking GHOST? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou for the uploads Viky11!! I love that Bonnie is always "The Right Path." Though I wouldn't mind if he'd have struggled a bit more and attacked the interloper (not shane) again. That was the best part. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
your very welcome! Yes that would be fun. So in love with him now. You're not my sister....haha WORDS JerJer WORDS!! over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
I actually liked the episode. Reason: Plec knows how to ruin every ship even her own (Delena). Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
JP is the master of that. over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I like we got some Bamon talk with each other even if it was just a small bit Posted over a year ago
kaspo said …
so bb family, catch me up on whats been happening. not that i think there will be since s4 is crap but i'll asked just to see if im wrong. haven't watched it for a while. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
You're not the only one. Actually I total forgot the new epi XD over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Okay what the flippin just happen? Tyler's mum is dead and now he's on the bloody run. Rebekah is back Stefan grew a flippin pair (him and carol are so bloody cute) Eww to the beer-me scenes including professor Shady. Bonnie was in it but nothing much but bloody being in it. Matt was M.I.A until towards the end. April plz die so flippin tired of her manky arse. Elame just her normal gold digger cheating arse. Damon his jokes has become wash up for meh. This eppy sucked. Ugh tvd lost their flare. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
2630 !!!!!! WELCOME NEWBIES TO THE SWEET BAMILY!!!!!! i wish you to enjoy this amazing spot where we can share the BAMON LOVE/ BONNIE LOVE/BAMILY LOVE and LOVE in general lool Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Everything my darlin' just said!! It's wonderful to have you aboard, come and say hello. We don't bite.. well, only if you ask nicely. *huggles!* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: Crow
link Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
yesterday I read a show Bamon Fanfiction "Monster Inside of her" and I cried so much for this fanfiction Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Will check it out, bb. Thanks for the info. :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
NEW BAMON STORY! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
MUAH! Thanks lovely Sanja will check it out. <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You are welcome. :) :*** <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
The clip.. HOTDANG Steven McQueen.. arms of sinful intention."Do you trust me?" Cutting wood,wish we had more of that, or.. him cutting the arms and legs off the new arrivals. lol. Highly approve. Love that he trusts Bonnie, and really, out of them all.. Bonnie Bennett is by far the only one. <3
C'mon Julie don't wreck this as well! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
how can somebody stop trusting bonnie after everything that she did for ALL OF THEM and the entire people of mystic falls loool she's the best over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I don't know, it's like how can someone TREAT Bonnie so badly as they have, and she not leave their tooshies to rot. Julie Plec. Dang straight our Bonnie rises above tem all! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^hehe. He's been eating his spinich bb, we got another contender! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bonnie's the grand daughter of 'M' (Judi Dench) who kept Bon secret from MI6 fearing their enemies would go after her. But every year she gets Bonnie to Paris/Milan for a week & they catch up. When M dies mysteriously, Bond (Daniel Craig) finds a reservation with 'Bonnie' he thinks the worst. He goes to the apartment, bursting in to find the gorgeous Bonnie fresh from a shower in nothing but a towel. She uses her powers, he's intrigued. Agents attack them, they have to work together Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
..to escape and find out who was behind her grams killing. He admires her loyalty, compassion and courage during their time together & learning Bonnie was in danger in Mystic & her friends are blase about it, he determines to get her away from them. At the end; he is her champion secretly arranging a all-expenses-paid apartment and scholarship to a prestigious University in England, inclu. contacts to further her wiccan heritage with strong links to the Bennett line, and secret training as the new canididate for MI6.When she turns 19, they become lovers & for the first time she has fun & is loved & protected. Damon tries to drag her back to the misery, but can only drool as the hot new secret agent kicks his toosh to the door. :) The end. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
just great <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: Bawdy Proposal (Kol/Bonnie/Damon)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic:About Last Night
link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I so pity Damon. He's such a wretched guy. It's just pathetic and sad and somehow funny in a bitter way you know when you have to hit your head to something hard and say Oh please!! I mean its so AU. there's no real guy so blind and pathetic. he loved a woman who loved his brother and played with him and now with the other girl (who actually looks exactly like her) nothing changed and he CAN'T SEE IT!! XDDD Oh please!!!! *ouch* . Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
so dear writers please do something and stop looking us stupid! Everybody needs Bamon just not everyone knows it yet. Stop looking us stupid because we don't eat this shit no more! Give us a REAL man and not this paperguy. so ridiculous... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YES! Damon has gotten worse, not better since S2. It's ugly to see him degrade himself to the same pathetic obsessive about one dopple for another. Betraying his brother is ugly. Ian is gorgeous, but all I see when I look at Damon now is ugliness. Like JP has turned Klaus and Damon into emo-sooks. lol. At least with Damon he's got bite, I just wish our girl can get her S1&2 bite back as well. Y'know, watching them spar-faceoff was one of the most charged sexy moments of tvd. AMEN Viky... Give us a REAL man!! *adores the post completely* MUAH! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
I need a mate to answer meh supsicous on this flippin OMG TVD rumor about a certain two acting for cameras and the show? INbox meh and I will give details and you decide if truth or not truth. Love yall Be Bamon!!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New story: Providence
link Posted over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Switch is updated Bamonaters!! :)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love you, thans haalo_!!! <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Damon's infatuation with Elena isn't real. Nothing's real with her. If he had to share Katherine with his brother and countless others, why does he want to share someone else again? He obviously wants a girl all to himself and not feel second best like he always had done with Katherine and his father.
We all know if he was with Bonnie, it would be only him for her because she's the most loyal character on the show.
Sad that the writers can't do D&B's character a favour. They both deserves it. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Absolutely true! Damon will always be second best in Elena's eyes whereas with Bonnie, he will be able to find what he is so desperate to find i.e true love. And as you said, Bonnie is the most loyal character. She would never betray him. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
so true Tigerlily! Agreed completely with both of you over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Just seen the latest episode of Merlin. The strongest witches were known as Benduri (sp?) Priestess' of the old religion. Dark magic, like Morgana dallies with is expressive. heh. Could this be where Bonnies roots lie? I would LOVE to see her with a pet dragon that awaits her like “Aithusa*
Thoughs bbs? <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: And Lightning stikes
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you! :* <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
<3Sanja<3 :) over a year ago
gypsy9735 said …
Hey guys I am new here and new to Bamon! Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
WELCOOOOOOME!! Glad to have you join the Bamon family & I'm sure everyone else is happy too! xxx over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
welcome! :)) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
welcome babe over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated:Taking on Water
link Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
So Damon told Elena that he would have saved her first when she was drowning with Matt. I'm sure he would have. Then again, In 4x08, he tells Stefan that, to break the sire bond, he would have killed 12 innocent humans for Elena. Here, I don't know if it's just words or if he indeed would have done it. It remains to be seen. It's not a life-or-death situation. Knowing that Damon would do anything for Elena because he wrongly believes she is his happiness, I wouldn't be surprised. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
What is really amazing is that when Damon had the opportunity to save Elena, in a heartbeat, as he likes to say, he didn't because to save her it meant killing Bonnie. But he didn't do it. He made sure that Bonnie was safe and waited the last minute to save Elena. Guys,do you know what it means? It means that what he feels for Bonnie (even if he works so hard to hide it) is so much stronger than the love he has for Elena. Bonnie is the only person Damon wouldn't kill to save Elena's life because deep down inside, he knows Bonnie is the one who can save him. over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
When Damon attacked Bonnie out of anger with Emily, he stops before killing Bonnie and he stays until he was sure that Stefan saved Bonnie. It was in 1x09. When Katherine and Elena rejected Damon, he killed Jeremy to hurt Elena and left. It was in 2x1 and at that time he wanted Elena for himself. I believe that from the start, Damon has always felt something deep for Bonnie but has always ignored it. over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Wahinetoa, you're absolutely right! Bonnie is the heart of the gang. They all always trust her and rely on her, especially Damon. She always finds a solution to get out of trouble and get things done. They all need her for not only her magic but for who she is. In 4x05, Damon asked for Bonnie because he needed her but he doesn't realize yet that he needs her for himself. over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
Elena doesn't truly need Damon. Bonnie does. Elena is just attracted to him. If Bonnie had never met Damon, she wouldn't have become this badass witch. Bonnie needs Damon to fulfill her destiny. On the contrary, Elena's life hasn't profoundly changed in a good way thanks to Damon. BONNIE BELONGS TO DAMON. Not Elena. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
The sire bond is just another obstacle to Stelena's true love. I would love to see Elena fight against the sire bond to go back to Stefan. But I would also love to see Bonnie convince Damon to let Elena go. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed! In the end, it was always about Stefan and Elena. I hope that Bonnie not only convinces him to let himself not be his brothers exes seconds. As he discovers it, let him convince Bonnie that she should let Elena go too. Because she deserves to be first as well. <3 Love ya Kaddy! over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Since Elena has turned into a vampire and her feelings are being heightened, wouldn't that mean her feelings for Stefan be much more greater than her "love" for Damon- since she loves him more & chose him instead of Damon before she was turned. If it wasn't for Elena drinking Damon's blood they wouldn't be in a "relationship" where they are now. Which means people.. the Delena relationship is not love but infatuation, Elena is high on endorphin and adrenaline from the whole siring thaang. Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Want has been updated! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY!!!!! tHANKYOU bb. *adores* over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You' re welcome. :) :***** over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Lol meh mum gets a kick out of meh sailor mouth when trying to sound English and jackaroo who just skip the pit. I was discussing ratings dropping every since DE and some manky fans of theirs. Are accusing us as not being tvd troopers lol who flippin cares. Yall weren't bloody fair to Bamon and SE fans when we were manky able to have scenes. I truly believe jp loves her own fangurl dreams of Ian becuz she carters to him, like a mangy crack head craters to the bloody bookie. Lol Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
What is this I bloody thought this show was called the manky The Vampire Diaries not the flippin The Diaries of a Pornographic Vampire and her Useless Sap Master?! Explain to meh why is TVD very own Dumb Entertainment resembling something straight outta Bedward's honeymoon Post newly Bella vampire sex scenes top a True Blood sex scene rated B. For Boring? Ugh I distress these croackers are manky sniffing their own Rubish those scenes made meh and meh 45 year old mum. Screen copycats on pills. Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
And another thing is meh again but does Elame and Lamon are totally doing nothing else but humping like farm animals?! like eww were was the flippin tenderness or passion not sexual lust passion. But a passion that has both players mangy scared of each other a passion that cracks the flippin atmosphere a passion that bloody rivals all others. I get nothing but pornographic scene after another Elame is like a cheap tart. She handed herself out like candy having sex isnt love and I bloody notice DE fans are calling it that DEX. That's because it's just manky that with a hint of prono and there yee have it greatest pornographic passion misleading to believed is love. Lol fans strike meh as jackaroos when a girl and guy hook up and its all WOW! Yea wow indeed Elame was acting a darn flithy tart with Lamon. At this rate the show would be soon flippin dead ratings weeent good again i smell cancellation lol. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
eww sounds so disguisting..im happy not watching. actually it couldnt be better. de was always the desire and se the LOVE just look at the promotional photos. my fave is the very firts when they are lying and stefan leaned to her face while damon is licking her neck. love vs passion. imma girl and we know hot animal passion is exciting for a while but lets face it we need love more whats sweet honest and tenderly over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Yes mate we do bloody need more than that but honeslty im not manky team SE too hard. Stefan derseves better not a trampire. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
agreed. stefan deserves someone better. elena should ends up alone. or dead. i dont care... over a year ago