Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 631-640 of 8919

DamonsLilBird said …
"So this has pop into meh mind thnks to the mayb spoilers for season3 if their is some reaping on what Bon BOn did, then I say. She brought Vick and meh gur Anna back from the dead or their ghost but here to deliver a sad warning. "Jeremy must Die!!!" it seems that way and how he's gonna be spending more time with them then here but if that's true and if Bonnie fights it they pulled out the even more sadder card "She Dies in replacement" becuz she did cast the spell. What do you think mates? Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOl thnks for replying mate and his death is bloody overdue!!!! I hope Bonnie doesnt do that she needs to be alived for Damon lol. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I think Jeremy's death is LONG overdue! Lol. The dude's not even in the BOOKS!!! I don't think the writers will make Bon sarcifice herself for him, because one, it's a major COP OUT death, and TWO, they'll have some VERY angry Bonnie book and TV fans after them!!! It would just be an EXTREMLY stupid decision on their part, on ANY person's part really! I'm hoping we won't have to worry too much at ALL about our girl's life in season 3!! But maybe that's just wishful thinking...:) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Metoo!!!! Stefan all evil and cute yes him and Klaus lovers? Hell even bloodier yes lol I love the ideal of that as well as Anna coming back home. I belived it's Bonnie and Matt their the most um where are they now? charachters of Mystic fall I much rather had Germ die in an alley far away from his suernatural obession, he needs manky help mate and it's flippin sad that he does lol. over a year ago
aceg said …
Oh those Bamon picks on TVD spot are buzzkills "yawn"... Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I know....they're almost as tiring as the never-ending polls on "which couple is better?" over a year ago
iLauren commented…
and that oft repeated question of, "Why do you like Bamon?" or the ever so delightful, "I don't know what you see in Bamon." I think that you could explain ad nauseum to them, but some people can't believe or respect that other people have opinions that differ from theirs. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*yawns with you* :s over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Just spent some hours making, and now posting some photos/wallpapers or what have you, hope you guys enjoy! Made them ESPECIALLY for you! Hope this brightens your day, and keeps you CONFIDENTLY walking the Bamon stride! One thing NO ONE can deny, the two look AMAZING together! So enjoy the hopefully amazing pics I made of them, and have a blessed day! ;) Posted over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Ok guys, it's been kind of quiet around here lately on the Bamon wall. Where are you guys?!?! Let's living this spot UP!!! Well I'll start, it's kind of off Bamon topic but I just wanted to point out that my MALE bff watched "The Last Dance" for the first time recently, and couldn't even ENJOY it, he swore he was having ULCERS the whole ENTIRE time he was SO afraid for Bonnie! And when she died? He CRIED! STRAIGHT male bff CRIED! Is that love for Bonnie or what?! Go Bonnie! Go BAMON!!! :D Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
LOL! He must be a Bonnie fan deep inside, but I hope he doesn't deny it. >:D over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Oh NO, Damon-Bonnie!!! He does NOT deny it at ALL!!! Bonnie fan through and through!!! He LOVES her! Caroline also!!! But he likes Beremy, but its' cool. :D It really does make you enjoy ALL aspects of the story when you watch it with fans of ALL couples! Makes me appreciate EVERYTHING! THAT'S why I really CAN'T complain about the season finale! I appreciated it for ALL it had to offer!! :D But yeah, he's a HUGE Bonnie fan, and soon Bamon hopefully! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Last Dance is indeed a very inspiring and bittersweet episode. Perhaps one of the best TVD episodes in season 2. I am not saying this because I am a Bamonator. For once, this episode is not about Saving Her Royal Highness or Elena obsession disorder... It is so heart-wrenching . over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
Mouhahahah > link
Guess who is winning this poll ??? ^^ Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
LMFAO. I don't give a flying fuck what they think. They're just jealous and insecure. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i was laughing so hard at the comments xD it amaze me how much they talk about bamon :P it's a love/hate relation btw them and bamon ahahah true love right there lool over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
They LOVE us! >:O :D over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Lj needs to get her bamon stories up! Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
When did she say she was going to put up After Hours? Do you know? over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Shedidnt say over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ella se esta tardando con la versión renovada de "despues de horas" ¿se habrá arrepentido? over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
Random, Kat now has Tumbrl and everybody is freaking out, she just followed one of my friends and the first thing that came into my mind was... "she is going to see all your Bamon stuff" LOL
Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
that good over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Yeah I heard that, that's awesome (I don't have a tumblr but I lurk on them all the time lol). over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
She's not following me, but she re-blogged one of my posts over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
I REALLY hope the ghost story will be in our favor, something that will give us more about Bonnie and her future, something that will definitly keep us watching, and not just some stupid ex girlfriends jealous who want Jeremy back x). Still it will obviously cause problems in B/J relationship (yey) but we have to remember it's also sent by Emily. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I hope it's a BIG message about Bonnie and the role she'll play in the future, her destiny, and that Jeremy is not part of it or he's in her way for becoming The Most Powerful Witch. over a year ago
aceg commented…
I agree with all of you. I hope it would serve as gangway for something greater like enlarging's Bonnie's role as a person and witch, also her character growth, not some issues of jealousy. Because that would be dumb. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
EXACTLY Aceg, you said eveything, it's really what i want more than anything <3 over a year ago
helomusic said …
Hey everyone! I hope you're all well (I'm on my pre exam week so I'm not really here!) Wanted to say Hi and I wondered what is a tumblr and who have one here? Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
hey hun Im officialy done with my exams and I understand what you are goung through bon courage! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
linkis mine everyone can make a page and post anything check it out over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Thanks guys it's really nice. Et franchement 3 semaine de partiel c'est la déprime dès demain. over a year ago
nsk said …
omg *___* Kat graham is on TUMBLR !

link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Super ! Mercii ! je vais aller voir ca ! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for this information over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
♥_________________________♥ Caramba, thanks for the info! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said …
Off topic...sort of.

KatGraham Kat Graham
ok I need people to follow on tumblr lol katgrahamofficial.tumblr.com I goof off on it when I'm bored ha

I never knew she had a tumblr. That's awesome. Anyone who has one, go follow her ;) Posted over a year ago
big smile
Maximumridefan said …

This author has written THE BEST Book Bamon fics I've ever read. She has them both in PERFECT character to the point where it is almost scary. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not L.J's writing. Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for the link posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ No probs :) over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Wow 1700!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep mate amazing isn't it? over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
It is!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
I second that lol over a year ago
elena1 said …
I read in the LJ Smith blog that the ghostwriter is her former editor for the vd novel and that they had created the characters and the historys toghether sorry for my bad english but i hope that you can understand me Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
wat this means mate? Were not getting Bamon?!!!! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
No that the ghostwriter for LJ Smith is the best choice for continuiing the novels because she know very well the characters and the dynamics because she is the editor of the VD novels over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I guess we'll see. It still won't be the same considering L.J. Smith didn't write Bamon or the ending. over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
I hate hate HATE being away from this spot im so sorry i havent been everyone I feel like im missing out and i miss everyone but im back for a week soo yay :) and 1701 members rock on!!!! :D Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
I know the feeling welcome back lady! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
wwelcome back! :D over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Yes Nicole Kidman a picture captured from Moulin Rouge ahhh i love it :D over a year ago
big smile
DamonsLilBird said …
1701 Go go power Bamon!!!!! LOL Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hi mate!! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
hey did we go down? *sniffs* over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
don't worry will be up again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1700 fans!! :D Goooo BAMON!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hey we CAN party it great . Welcome new mate!!! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
wow !!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
lol mate you would scare the kid away ha over a year ago
beepo123 said …
Hey Bamonaters! To help get us through a long, bamonless Summer, here is the link to some great Bamon fic pages on Live Journal. So if you are a writer, or are looking for some great bamon fics then head over their (you need an LJ account). There is also links on here to other Bamon fic pages.
And this one too

Enjoy! :) Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for the links over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
thnks hun. over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
While we wait for more bamon scenes in the upcoming future. any good shows do you suggest? I suggest Secret life of the american teenage , no ordinary family, rookie blue. OMFG WHAT WILL I DO TILL THEY COME BACK D: Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
New thriller/drama show Ringer with SMG. It airs on this fall. over a year ago
aceg commented…
on CW network over a year ago
elena1 commented…
I love the secret life of the american teenager I love ricky and amy , but my favourite show is One Tree Hill over a year ago
ducky8abug said …
Let's make a wish list: I wish Lucy would cast a spell on Bonnie and make her (for one night) go completely loopy on Damon. We've seen Caroline and Elena but Bonnie is uncharted territory. She's like the new front tier waiting to be explored by Damon's (or Matt's, I'm not picky) huge and gorgeous hands. And then after the spell wears off, Damon (or Matt, hey man, he's cute) can pretend nothing happened. Like, who's gonna tell right! Posted over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
Lol that's a good wish. My wish would be for them to be stuck going on a road trip together, where they would have to save eachother, hunt other monsters, all while dealing with the ridiculous amount of UST that would pile up between them ;) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yeah or they are captured by some big bad-ass mysterious monk that lock them in a cage... over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I swear, L.J. Smith needs to write a separate series about Damon and Bonnie and their love story, while including many different new characters (different ages, species, races, backgrounds, etc) as supporting characters for the series. It would seriously be so awesome. That way, L.J. Smith could really tell Bamon's story in detail. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
That would be awesome! It would probably end up being my favorite series lol <3 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
todos los dias entro a su sitio esperando la historia que nos prometió estoy muy emocionada over a year ago
elena1 commented…
It woluld be my dream a new serie about Bamon over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted another article. Go check it out. It's interesting.... Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks Apple Pie88 I love all your articles over a year ago
terabac said …
Elena or Bonnie???

link Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yaa bonnie va ganando :D over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Bonnie of course! over a year ago
aceg commented…
voted "sign" over a year ago
ducky8abug said …
You know, Bonnie is fine as fucking hell. She's sexy stripper perfection. Is Damon blind or is he into little girls (or should I say, ones that look very, very young)? I mean c'mon, what's wrong with him? Limp-dick or something?!?! Jeeze, get with the fiery witch already...we're waiting here! Posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
xD over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
LMAO!! uh huh... waiting with baited breathe! ;) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
hahahah good point! over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
LMAO true.lol over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Bamon is an L.J. Smith dynamic, not a TVD dynamic. After Hours was proof of this... Posted over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
Personally i grew enamored of the ship because of the TVshow dynamics between the tv show characters, before i even knew who LJS was, So i guess you might say that for me it's true the opposite, lol over a year ago
nansoula commented…
about this dynamic I read something I didnt like link check what Smith says here :/ over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si l.j fue la que me metió la idea bamon ella es la que en realidad los ha desarrollado (algo que agradecerle) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Book bamon...my one true love. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Agreed <3 over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Yeah! ♥ over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you Lannieluv7 over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1697!!!!!! Bamon and Bamily are the meaning of LOVE!!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Down to 1696 sniff over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yawn... After few weeks, this happen again "sign" over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
D:< ! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
1697 over a year ago
deluv said …

Nominate Ian.Nina, TVD and whoever you want by tweeting @TeenChoiceGirl. All you have to do is write the category eg. Best Acterss- Nina Dobrev. Now go . run. nominate Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
I do believe it's an inappropriate thing to post in a BAMON spot...one more of those and your comment won't be the only thing that will be reported! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I'm not on Twitter, sorry, but I'll vote when we're able to for sure :) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
sorry i cant, dont have a twitter over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted an article. Go check it out if you want. It's really truthful.... Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
1695 Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
1700 will come soon ! :D over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1696!!!!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yeah!!! over a year ago
nansoula said …
hey ladies Im back!!! Missed ya all!!!! :* Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hello ;-) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
hey hun :) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
thank you ladies!!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1693 !!!!!!!! Hello ladies!!!!! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Hello mate over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
What's up? over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan said …
Troll on the spot, report them please =) I have. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
Why is it that every time we hear a bit of a bad rumor and it's the end of the world? Let's have more faith in our ship peeps! Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I'm with you on that. :) over a year ago
beepo123 said …
Bamon and Stelena are going to be endgame, I won't doubt it for even a second, and neither should any of you <3 Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you over a year ago
1beaut said …
O, yeah yall was right about that bamon rebloggers. They keep changing the title. Bummer. Oh well, it's kind of fun. I just changed the last one to reblog if you want bamon sex, haha. :D Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I guess Bamon really is an AU ship/pairing after all.... Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
What's wrong mate? over a year ago
shannonfin commented…
I will not agree with this, until give me a reason ... Bamon was in full force in Midnight, and everything we know the next book is just hearsay and Kevin and Julie never said no to the couple ... so no .. . I don't think that Bamon AU ship until see reason to think so over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
And for PETE'S sake!!! If you're feeling down in the dumps about certain posts like this, POST IT IN THE RANT FORUM!!!! PLEASE!!! NO need to get EVERYONE down in the dumps, and or angry! If you feel you need to announce it, post it in the FORUM and then announce the fact that you did so ON THE WALL, if you MUST!!!! Please stop RANTING on the wall!!! I apologize for my part in this, and I'm about through! That's all! Thanks! Have a GREAT night! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
"An anonymous ghostwriter will finish the series, possibly making it more like the TV series, according to the only statement Alloy Entertainment Inc. (who owns half the copyright) has made to the public, in the Hollywood Reporter." - from LJ Smith's site regarding Phantom and The Hunters trilogy.

This deeply concerns me as a Bamon fan and especially as a Book Bamon fan... Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
So the next books will be more like the TV series? that means no or very little Bamon then, and more Stelena and Delena. Actually now that season 3 will be very much Delena heavy, there'll probably be more of Delena than Stelena... over a year ago
iLauren commented…
So...who owns the other half of the copyright? over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Really? I don't even like the show that much since it doesn't stick with the books... over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Hi guys I know this is totally RANDOM: but have you seen the new painting of Bonnie in L.J Smith's site...one word Gorgeous!!! Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I just got done looking at it....it's beautiful :) over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
i saw it!! i love it!! and did you see stefan??? is not how i imagine him but is so ... hot and sexy!!! i was like "omg this is stefan?" LOL over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Yes I did!! Stefan is hot... over a year ago
1beaut said …
Someone on tumblr said "Reblog if you're love Bamon." It has 1,130,813 notes!! I'm in shock at the notes & still unsure if it's a joke b/c where have they been all this time? They need to come here! Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
LOLOL It's a joke! You can write wherever you want there! XD over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
We don't need Tumblr to prove that Bamon has fans. Bamon has a HUGE and MASSIVE fan base. We are just not as loud, rabid and obsessive as the Delena fan base. over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
I agree with you Momo.(: over a year ago
elena1 said …
Happy Sunday! Posted over a year ago
Frenchiie commented…
Thanks you too! How was yours so far mate? over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Thanks happy sunday!! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Happy Sunday to you too! <3 over a year ago
fearless-x said …
I'm new in Fanpop and a huge Bamon fan! Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
fearless-x commented…
Thanks!! over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
Welcome.(: over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Damon: I can't lose you.

Intrepretation: If you're dead then Stefan will be devasted over your death and may want to kill himself. And I can't even think about life without my baby bro, therefore I can't lose you. Posted over a year ago
cizzi-B commented…
I LIke this interpretation alot lol xoxo :D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
lol i know right :P over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
lol thats the only thing i try to do when damon speaks non-sense :P i make up my own intrepretations :P it helps a lot! lol over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Attention, fellow Bamonators. Don't forget to cast your votes for FOTM for April. The poll closes in a week! <3

link Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yaaa :) over a year ago
fearless-x commented…
sure >3 over a year ago
elinochka said …
I love you guys, just saying.Bamon fans are so talanted, I mean all these pictures and videos..we just need Bamon to happen on the show, and we all be happy. Posted over a year ago
aceg said …
Lol this fall will be filled with excitement. First TVD is renewled for a third season. Second, Sarah (Buffy) make a comeback to TV . Third, there is a new witchy series... I couldn't be happier :) Posted over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
Anew witchy series? i didn't hear about that! post a link to the news please? i LOVE supernatural series! over a year ago
aceg commented…
@skysamuelle: link over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
oooh, thanks i'm excited now! over a year ago
aceg commented…
You're welcome :D over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
For everyone who, like me, are fascinated with the concept of a forbidden romance between a witch and a vampire, you need to try 'A discovery Of Witches' by D.Harkness. I'm reading right now and it gets more AMAZING with every page I turn. The heroine is also a descendant of Salem Witchbloodline, like our Bonnie. You can check it out here: link Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted another article. Check it out.. Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for posted this amazing article over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Hey guys!! Just made ANOTHER Bamon video!! This one has seriously GOT to be my last until September! Anyhow, the video is to this funny song called "Douchebag" by this group called 4guys! And it's kind of an illustration to Damon's letter in the "Questions for Bamon" article I wrote! Will make my DAY if you guys check it out and let me know what you think!! :D Here's the link!

link Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
lol listen to this review of the sun also rises link over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
its the second part of the interview over a year ago
beepo123 said …
Woo! Adverse Effect has been updated :D
link Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
OMG. Finally!!! Thank you for the news :) over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
read it and loved it over a year ago
beccaxBLx said …
There was a long pause and then the lightest, warmest, moth’s
brush of lips over hers. It was the sweetest kiss she’d ever had—and the
“Well, goodbye, then—little bird,” a voice said and Bonnie opened
her eyes to look long and deeply into fathlomless black pools, and then
she was alone. Totally alone Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
After Hours? XD over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ Yeah I think it was After Hours. Love it :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si despues de horas aayyy que bello over a year ago
elena1 said …
Happy Saturday to everybody Bamon fans Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
You too hun :) over a year ago
cizzi-B said …
Damon and bonnie may have tried to kill each other but they didn't...that has to count for something right?:p Posted over a year ago
Frenchiie commented…
^Yep it sure does! That's one of the amazing things about Bamon they both have the abilitly to kill each other but yet they don't? That says something right there! over a year ago
cizzi-B commented…
^and I'm paraphrasing Damon here lol bamon will happen eventually t. hat amount of potential greatness cannot go untapped over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
@beepo: that would be hilarious, bonnie using his words against him :P over a year ago
01trugirl said …
This might have been posted already but I have been gone with no internet for a while. But hey did you guys see Sarah (Buffy)'s new trailer for the ringer. It looks so interesting. I love that she coming back to TV. Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Wow!!! SMG make a comeback? COOL lol. over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
yeah bI saw it last night when I was watching supernatural which was awsome!!!! ODG (oh dear god). over a year ago
aceg commented…
Just saw the plot in wiki... Wow Sarah play two character who are twin sisters and the show involved with mystery, drama and thriller... It has great potential. I couldn't wait to see in this fall :) over a year ago
nsk said …
Ian is in Paris today and tomorrow ! i live in Paris and ive just found out haha *__* ( but i wont go cause obviously its sold out)
u actually have to pay to enter and also pay more to have an autograph ( 35 dollars for just one autograph) and pay EVEN more to take a pic with him , lol they are aware of Ian 's success !
3 fans will have the pleasure to talk with Ian , privatly during 30 min ! (but they will have to pay 1000 dollars lol each one!! O_o aka 700 euros ) Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Ah c'était aujourd'hui ? J'coryais que c'était plutôt vers Juillet xD. Enfin j'avais vu les prix et c'est beaucoup trop cher "juste" pour Ian. over a year ago
nsk commented…
^oui moi aussi , ca m'a vite refroidi lol , j'aime ian mais faut pas pousser le bouchon trop loin comme on dit over a year ago
nsk commented…
yep , nina sera a nimes je crois ;) over a year ago
serenity21 said …
Can someone please put a video of the latest episode... Cos i havent got it back here yet in my country... What happens to Bonnie and Damon??? Damon is alive right??? And what happened to Bonnie to have a bleeding nose??? Please i really need to know right away... From somene who is really desperate to watch it right away... Damn my country for not putting it on right now... Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
well if you go to the TVD spot and go in the links you can find the full episode :) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
Here you can watch it on this : link over a year ago
serenity21 commented…
Thanks so much, im gonna try it... over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
no problem :D over a year ago
lacage0 said …
My thoughts about the teaser is look at damon and stefan near dopple in beginning but look where they move to toward the ends? Could this early teaser for the show basically tell us the direction the show is going? If so towards the end of the teaser stefan is closer to caroline and damon is moving towards bonnie. Foreshadowing???? Any thoughts?
Posted over a year ago
Frenchiie commented…
IDK. You honestly can not tell with this show. but i will say one thing you are right damon was so close to bonnie that if he wanted to he could of touched her. i wish they showed that promo version more because the trio one is getting very tiring. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
i agree my line of thought is damon is on a journey and he is all about dopple but when all is said and done (end of promo) he is moving towards bonnie over a year ago
iLauren commented…
I remember seeing this promo on tumblr and a lot of fans wondering why they didn't use this ad to promote the show; especially in season 2 when so many changes were going on in Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena's lives. over a year ago
elena1 said …
1682 Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yes, Bamon picnic anyone? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Great let's eat LOL!! over a year ago
terabac said …
Bonnie's loosing....:(

link Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Oh boy, what else is new? over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
People are REALLY stupid and hateful! Sorry, HAD to tell them about themselves! I mean REALLY?! They are STRAIGHT UP hating! Unless they misread the question...but honestly it's RIDICULOUS! People are so cruel and hateful! Elena annoys the CRAP out of me, and I still didn't pick HER! Some TVD fans really make me SICK! But whatev, I'm over it now! What they say doesn't matter anyhow! They're just rude, patheic, unhappy, hateful people! :0 Yup, I said it! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Meh, whatever. HATERS GONNA HATE. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Another parallel: They both think they are "in love" with the 'Gilberts'! Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
shuddering at the declarations lol over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
"I wouldn’t say a vampire in my life would make a great significant other, but I would say that Stefan Salvatore makes a good significant other for a friend of mine." - Kat Graham
Posted over a year ago
jasamfan09 commented…
off topic really like that kelly rowland video motivation every time i hear it i think about bonnie and damon. this be really good song for them because bonnie b. can be motivation for damon to better and still be badass self. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Where did you get this quote from, Apple?? over a year ago
aceg commented…
Ani, she was asked who would she choose for mate between the brothers, she said both because she's greedy lol. over a year ago
pomme_muis said …
hi! haha new member so im actually pretty noob so bare with me, BUT i love bamon and this club soo..anyway this was my observation from ep 21?..yeahhh haha did anyone notice when bonnie put her spell on jerem and john said to go damon waited and she went forward he let her pass and layed a hand on her left arm when they were leaving together.. idk if anyone noticed but that had my heart all tingly and warm.
=) and this group is pretty epikly awesome haa Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Welcome! :) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Great welcome:) I didn't notice - thank you :) We must spread Bamon love :D over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
hey welcome!!!! ♥ over a year ago
aceg said …
1680!! we are almost reaching 1700 :D Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !!! It's because Bamily amazing Bamon too!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Go up and up YEAH can't wait to reach 1700 !!! :) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I find it kind of interesting how L.J. Smith has mentioned in the past that her favourite actor on the show is Ian Somerhalder and her favourite actress on the show is Katerina Graham. Also, KW says Damon is his favourite character to write about and I also think KW has a soft spot for Bonnie since he adores Katerina Graham. Secret Bamon supporters anyone? XD Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
That's cool! I actually don't remeber L.J saying that so it's a nice little bit of news :) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I read it sometime ago and keep my thumbs up that Bamon will have a chance :) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Want be back on until morrow mates but meh wanted to spring this on ya I find it bloody funny when Damon claims he only loves an cares for Elame. When in doubt he loves his brother Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy, even Caroline and Alric got his love. It seems Damon isnt looking just for Elame's approvel or love but he is also flippin looking for the other's aswell. Ok mates Im done time for sleepy now Luv ya all!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Sleep well ;-)!!! F4 mate over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol well-said that's why I think next season will be a major turning point for Damon...btw have a good rest mate. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thnks mate but meh up and ready!!!!! over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
Random... but did you saw the Secret Circle promo season 1? :)

link Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
I just saw the promo. It looks cool. I am very curious as to which direction this show will go to... over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Where's Nick?Oh..god Are they going to drop him?I love Nick :( over a year ago
uluai commented…
i love Nick :) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Just to piggy back off of what lacage posted earlier!!! It's TRUE!!! Sooo TRUE!! I was thinking maybe just in the heat of battle, Damon held Elena carelessly, but NO! He also did in the latter scene when he brought her to the old witch spot! CARELESS! Night and DAY from the way he held Bonnie! I like to look at it like book Damon coming out, and caring for his baby bird! The way he was so sweet caressing her cheek, and staring at her with eyes of love, before carrying her SO delicately...bliss! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Book Bamon bliss!!! Now I'm sure this is not what the writers or creators had in mind, but this is what I like to imagine! And it's SOOO easy to imagine too! 2x18 you were AMAZING!!! Thanks lacage for pointing out this AWESOME parallel, I overlooked!!! LOVE it when you guys point out parallels with Bonnie and Damon, and Bamon and Delena! It's AWESOME!!...And for anyone who wants to check out and analyze the scenes for themselves, here are the links! Bamon carrying - link Delena carrying - link over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Afterall, we didn't get our Bamon sparks ignited from the WRITERS bragging about them and talking them up! We got it from what we saw ON-SCREEN! The Bamon animosity, tension, banter, and covert flirting and caring! THAT'S where we got it, and that's where we'll CONTINUE to get it until the writers are openly ready to indulge Bamon and ADMITT they're in the works! But until then, I'll let my TV screen do the talking, and not any writers! Actions speak louder than words, Apple! Remember that! ;) over a year ago
aceg commented…
It is depends on from which angel you are looking at. KW and JP are very good at it, you know with manipulation and verbal appeal to the fans...They talked about how SE is lovely then shift to how DE is love blah blah blah. Don't let themsleves get to you and become pessimistic... over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I find it interesting how in the books, Elena needed to use her angelic powers to crack open the stone around Damon's soul, but Bonnie did it without any effort, any powers and without doing absolutely anything whatsoever.... Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
You are right it's very interesting! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que buena observación tienes mucha razón :D over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Observation i hadn't seen posted. When dopple "died" damon carried her body but you didn't see any emotion like with bonnie and he knew both weren't truly dead. He was content with taken and leaving her body with stefan and go back to the scene but stefan told him to take her and go and he would stay. Damon was going to leave "the love of his life" behind with his brother and go back to the fight and showed more emotion with his non-friend/frienemy. Parallel scenes are telling dont ya think? Posted over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
WORD GIRL!!!!! XD ♥ over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOl your on a bloody roll mate DE mates really should see this lol. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
well if those keep spying on this spot they will over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
guys!!! posted new bamon vid. so please go check it out and tell me what do you think about it :
link Posted over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
hun!! i love it!!! it's amazing! over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
omg good! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks a lot :) you can't imagine how happy i am when people tell me that about my vid over a year ago
big smile
KazceyLov said …
I wanna see bonnie reaction to seeing Damon shirtless OMG Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
awwww me too over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
YES!!!! Yes, Kazcey!!! Would be AMAZING to see!!! ALSO, Damon's reaction to walking in on an undressing Bonnie!!!! Can you just imagine that one, Kazcey?! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Me too, I've always thought that a scene with Bonnie accidentally seeing Damon shirtless or naked would be funny xD over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted another article. Go check it out! Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
love your article because is amazing over a year ago
darlingbear said …
Rate the character ♡ Bonnie Bennett

Ok, sorry, VOTING again. But Delena fans annoy me, when they pick that they hate her just because they dislike Bamon.

link Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Not this again. Why even bother voting? There's no point in trying to prove anything to these stupid Delena fans. over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
done over a year ago
aceg commented…
I choose like instead of love, I hope it is ok. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I think at the end of Midnight, when Damon was dying and he told Elena that he only loved once in his life, he was saying that he loved once in his life in his mind (Elena), but his soul/heart was saying something completely and entirely different at the same time (Bonnie). To me, it really proved that Damon listens to his mind/conscious/ego all of the time and has never in his life listened to his heart/soul/subconscious. Damon really is so confused. Posted over a year ago
cizzi-B commented…
Hmm you could be right but maybe Damon didn't mean he only loved elena...we all know what type of person he was,selfish,arrogant.it's possible he only now knows and feels proper love now,for bonnie AND elena(not just elena) lol maybe I'm wrong but whatever interpeting it that way over a year ago
BB8fan said …
I'm not sure if anyone's said it yet, though I'm kind of SURE they did, the Bamily always stays up on spreading the love and welcoming new members! But still, I just wanted to say myself, WELCOME ALL YOU NEW AND WONDERFUL BAMONATORS!!! Thanks for joining the spot! It's a pretty AWESOME place, with AWESOME people! Some Delena fans try to taint the greatness sometimes, but much like Bamon, this spot can't be stopped! I hope you'll stick around and enjoy yourself! ;D Again, WELCOME! Posted over a year ago
ducky8abug said …
Come on, Damon, put the moves on Bonnie. You know she's got it going on! She's hot, she's cool, and she's a nice accessory on your arm. Bonnie, give him a few good pick up lines. Check him out. Flirt. Do your thing. You know he'd be puddy in your hands if you came on to him. Bonnie and Damon can do this...and they can make it look hot. So please, TVD, BRING IT. Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Don't worry they will even if it's not for tomorrow we'll get some!!! ;-) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
That's right, Hinata!...I LOVED this, ducky!!! SO funny! Yes my friend, let's cheer them on and give them inspiration! C'mon Damon Bonnie is POWERFUL, she challenges you, she's BEAUTIFUL, and she's something you can't HAVE, because she still dislikes slightly! DON'T YOU WANT HER?! Bonnie, Damon's more your speed! He's just as powerful as you! You wouldn't have to babysit him! And you KNOW you've thought of how sex with him would be! I see the way you look at him when you banter!! EYESEX! You undress him with your eyes girl! Take him! You could have him! He wouldn't be able to REFUSE!!...Lol. LOVED your putty in the hands line! I TOTALLY believe it too!! If she started coming on to Damon, he'd be so SHOCKED, first of all, he wouldn't know what to do! But then he'd be EATING IT UP!!! He'd LOVE it, relish in it! And he wouldn't STOP her! Lol. I feel like she holds SO much power over him, and she doesn't even know it!!! She could have him if she wanted to!!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
hostile flirting or soft flirting whatever they are. They flirt with one another effortlessly as if it is normal thing to do. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Do really thing more bonnie family means less Bamon?
Personaly I don't think so!!! This means more Bamon and her dad but also more things about emilie, grams. We all know that damon is link with bonnie's family. This means more bamon at this point.
What do you think ladies? Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I don't think it necessarily means less Bamon. I'd just be happy that Bonnie's character had more development. Besides, Bonnie's still a witch and she's part of the gang now, so there's still going to be some Bamon team ups for sure :) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep More team Bamon and more character developpement ;-) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
ok, yeah i agree i would love too. but if i remember i think it was said, if Bonnie make it in the finale we would see more of her, where she lives and all, and it was about time, so i hope they keep their promises ! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Guys, I'm sorry. I had to. I HAD to comment under that Delena kiss video on youtube! I hope drama doesn't start because of it! I was as peaceful as possible! But I couldn't HELP but point out what a HYPOCRITE Damon was in that scene! I mean he JUST SAID, tell Stefan I'm sorry, it was MY CHOICE to love Katherine! BUT THEN HE TELLS ELENA HE LOVES HER?! Doesn't he realize that he's DOING THE SAME THING?! He's CHOSING to love his brother's girfriend!! Is he REALLY too dumb to realize this?! Gah! :D Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
lol its' the stupid obsession i tell you! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
He's got to get over it!!! He's becoming the world's DUMBEST vampire with it!! Do you LISTEN to yourself when you speak, Damon?! LOVE the guy!! But this was some stupid CRAP! If you're going to contradict yourself, at least wait more than a couple of SENTENCES to do it, kay?! ;) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Ditto, what Ace said! Didn't even know all of you had replied back to this! My alerts need an upgrade!...But yeah, he's totally CHOSING to be OBSESSED with Elena!! He don't love that girl! That's why I posted this statement in the first place! Hinata knows what I'm saying! You guys get where I'm coming from! He was being a bit hypocritical in that scene! But he'll come to realize this as well, I hope! In time, he'll realize he did the EXACT same thing with Elena, he did with Katherine! CHOSE to love her! CHOSE to love his brother's girlfriend! And yes, AGAIN, it was the WRONG choice! Hopefully he'll stop this vicious cyle of doom. It's LONG overdue! over a year ago
nightfall_kiss said …
LJ. is going to write a new short story on Damon and Bonnie's second meeting.she will publish a edit version of "After hours",I will be waiting for that. :D

A Damon Quote from books I love .
Damon: The name is Salvatore. As in saviour. Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Thats cool. :) over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
I cant wait!!!! im so impatient to read the new version of AH and the new story!!!! XD over a year ago
nightfall_kiss commented…
LJ. has a weak spot for Bamon, read her guest books answer, lol..she has confirmed again and again what Bamon fans are saying. over a year ago
BB8fan said …
I'd like to be happy about the growth spurt of our fandom, but I feel like a lot of the new members are just Delena ppl coming to start trouble. REALLY don't understand why they do that. What's the point of it?! Not gonna lie, it's starting to get annoying. But Bamonators, please don't EVER stoop down to their level! I LOVE what sets us a part from them, and if we became the same trivial, confrontation seekers I just couldn't take it. Bamonators, remain classy! No Monkey see Monkey do here! ;) Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Idiots will always be idiots. Unfortunately we can't change them!! over a year ago
jasamfan09 commented…
hey lovely i am back from work. glad the trash been take out our spot. over a year ago
aceg said …
1671!!! Very nice Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Even though we didn't have Bamon in the finale I am pleasantly surprised to see our fanbase grow each day over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !!!!! over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
maybe are book Bamon too!!!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Congratulations Bamonators! We have successfully removed the virus from our spot! :D Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep but I'm pretty she'll come back sniff!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
Well we shall fight, like we did today! :D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
ohh ok thanks @goodekl and thanks papa! over a year ago
nsk said …
i saw a tumblr that they release a sneak peak of the next TVD book "phantom" , is that true ?

link Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
Tha sneak peack was before Lj Smith got fired, so I don't really think it willl remain the scene like this... over a year ago
nsk commented…
^ah really ? i didnt know cause ivent seen it on tumblr before but thanks for the info !! <3 over a year ago
DustyMoonlight said …
Just been reading Midnight, and I realised I was flicking through the matt, stefan and elena parts to get to Bonnie & Damon.... Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
What did you think of the book? I still didn't find the energy to read it yet (I still have to finish the Sookie Stackhouse series first and it's quite big!). over a year ago
uluai commented…
i like midnight over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
i agree i find myself reading so fast the parts that were about others character, less of meredith and matt(i love them too, as friends) and then i read like 3 times each bamon part! :} over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
WTF? What is with all of these trolls coming on this spot?? Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
dont know mate. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
CAN you jeep reporting all Kat/damon icons please. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
she came back cuz her other ones got deleted, what a loser! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1669!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
WTF mates Seriously VickyKewi Barbara-DE plz if your gonna walk our spot then be alil more kind too the fans here. I dont go on Katherine&Damon spots and trash them(which by the way meh likes) nor do I bloody hell go on DE spot. (EEw gross mate) So just becuz you love .... Oh who am I kidding get off our spot before we report ya cheers!!!! Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
If sum do then report them Ok Im just bloody tired of everyone grilling the other fan bases. If their are sum wicked Bamon fans (DOUBT IT MATE) Then will deal with them, but you shouldnt trash our spot. Cuz their are sum just leave the rest of the Bamon family alonged thnk you!!!! over a year ago
DustyMoonlight said …
Hey, I just wanted to make a personal appology to ApplePie88, and Bamon fans. I just noticed what you guys suffered yesterday, and you didn't deserve that. ApplePie88, I shouldn't of said what I said, you can believe me in you want, I just wasn't in the mood, even tho thats not an excuse for what I said. I hope Me4Me and VickyKewi's account gets deleted. I've decided to ONLY come on this spot for the books, becuase I ony ship Bamon in the books, not Delena. Believe me if you want.
x Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Your ok mate I havnt been able to be on as much soo ur bloody ok in meh bank. Thnks for sayin sorry to us mate. over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
:) over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
@DustyMoonlight: I genuinely accept and appreciate your apology. It's okay. We're all passionate and sometimes it gets the best of us sometimes. It's cool. :) And VickiKewi: If you had as much class as DustyMoonlight has, you would get the hell of this spot and stop trolling on here. You are causing drama and we simply will not tolerate it. You should have been gone a long time ago. Why are you even here?m over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
were 1669!!!!! Yay Oh does anybody know how to change a image header on Livejournal? Found this cute Bamon pic and wanted to use it cheers!!! Posted over a year ago
darlingbear said …
How's your fave main character:}


VOTE for Bonnie Posted over a year ago
big smile
ItalianAngel89 said …
Just noticed that I got my Dedicated medal here Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Congrats! :) over a year ago
m_lima commented…
Yay! Congrats =))) over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
awww i missed all the fun!!! i love to report people :P LOL Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
guys just a quick reminder: if you report an icon as "broken" it will go away faster! :D over a year ago
m_lima commented…
Good to know! \o/ over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
oh that's really good to know ! :PPP over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOL over a year ago
aceg said …
1667!!! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
yay.. thought I feel we had been stick in 166"?" like forever! but yay! xD over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1668!!!!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
1669 over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Elijah/Bonnie spot

link Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
really I not want be mean or create a problem, but why you post this link here?, this is the "bamon spot" you have to post this link in the bonnie spot over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I don't mind, Bangel!! Thanks for the info! ;) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Agree with damongirllfriend !!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
I've seen many ppl post other ships WITH Bonnie in this exact spot...so don't blame me for it! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
How stupid ...someone is gonna come on here and post "DE" icons of Damon and Katherine.lol Posted over a year ago
iheartkat commented…
I was thinking the same thing lol. I laugh that delena fans have all these icons of damon and katherine. How stupid! over a year ago
iheartkat said …
Is there a way to delete the delena icons? I swear sometimes I think people don't have a life outside of this fictional t.v show lmbo.;) Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Report it it's The only way over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Bonnie is Damon's "Princess Of Lightness" and Damon is Bonnie's prince. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
<3 over a year ago
elena1 commented…
totally agreed over a year ago
elinochka said …
the fuck delena icons are doing here Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Stupid trolls. Oooh...I love your icon. Klaus/Bonnie PWN! over a year ago
elinochka commented…
ahah thanks over a year ago
helomusic commented…
The funniest think is that it's mostly Katherine and Damon, the girl don't even recognise her own ship! Forwood, lol it's just laughable! over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
LOL helomusic.(: over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Hey ppl there's another one!!!!! Lol What a fun night!! Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
lol! But seriously do they just randomly pick a spot to terrorize or is it some kind of troll fraternity where in order to be a member you have to not have a life and troll a certain amount of spots a certain amount of time. over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Never understand why people choose to be a troll over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Lol it's Me4Me over a year ago
aceg commented…
Me4Me is back? over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
This dumbass will be deleted, but she'll probably be back tomorrow with another account...*rolleyes* Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep what a shame!!!!! That won't stop us to spread the bamon Love!!!! over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
None of this would've happened if she didn't troll in this spot in the first place and on top of it, got her DE cult friends to come and personally attack me and cyber bully me on the DB wall of all places. Like, seriously? Come at me, bro. over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
it's okay Applepie88 we all know DE fans are childish and dumb founded and simple.DE fans act like we care what they think WE DONT CARE WHAT YOU DE FANS THINK back the hell up with that BS. over a year ago