Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 811-820 of 8919

Maximumridefan said …
You guys, I know this is old news but i'm getting really sick of Deluv. She keeps coming over to our forums and discussion, and then replaying every little thing we say to the other DE fans like we're the bd guys. I'm starting to think she's more obsessed with us Bamon fans then she is her own ship. LOL Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Hi @Maximumridefan I agree she is there little spy I wish she would get lost its freaky how she keeps coming over here kinda like a stalker. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Well...I hate them with all my Bamon guts but you guys get the point. :D over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
OMG another troll???!!!!!! Where where??? I wanna meet her, nah jk!!!XD over a year ago
aceg said …
OMG, 1328 within few minutes, I couldn't be more happier. Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
There is something weird about that. xxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Yes mate meh sorry late lol meh phone is slow. I was gonna make one but dnt know how lol. over a year ago
aceg commented…
@DamonsLilBird here is the link link over a year ago
chazzaf said …
1323 fans everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !!!!!!! over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Yep now lets get down to business. xxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Hehe yea were gonna party over her bloody head lol Look Katherine's cmon to join us mates. over a year ago
BeautifulLover said …
Am I the only who sees a double meaning in Damon´s last words to Katerina on the last episode? I mean, for me looks like he always is protecting Bonnie from the shades. Posted over a year ago
sandra2010 commented…
I'm with you on this also but you know ppl call us delusional.Lol..:P But I think writers have some surpise thing for DB-ers this season finale, wishful thinking. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
No can sumbody direct meh to a site for free online TVD eps? We didnt get bloody pickup here *cries* so meh didnt see it. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
thnk you all mates lol late meh no just hate where meh bloody from. over a year ago
01trugirl said …
Man thurs eppy was a good bonnie eppy but I m still not feeling Jeremy and her. I mean he is hot and everything but I just don't see it. Also like many of us I to was hoping that damon would have saved her at the grill. That would have made my day!! :) Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ Agreed. Beremy was the only bad part of that episode. On the other hand, though I am not really much of a Kathamon shipper, their scenes cracked me up last night! But I wish that it had been Damon who saved Bonnie too :( over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
i loved katherine/damon <33 they were hilarious :P over a year ago
aceg commented…
SalvatoreBroFTW: Totally understandable. I don't ship Kat/Damon, but it is always good to see their banter and badass, same with Damon&Isobel or Damon&Jules. over a year ago
jereimy said …
last night ep when Bonnie was in danger in the bar something inside me will hope that Bonnie will get trap and Damon rescue her but noooooo again is all around elena and well the only good thing katherine I wish katherine and bonnie willl be friends in that way Katherine will tell her that she deserves better than baby boy jeremy, she is a woman and he is a kid what a waste!!!!! Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
completely agreed Bonnie and kat should be friends¡¡ over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Kat&Bamon mate ftw lol Nina is ok meh naruto mate :p but as meh family saids she's not that great. Not being rude either she's ok too meh when she's Kat then ELame. over a year ago
kittykat17 commented…
booo goooo delena hahahahaha over a year ago
1beaut said …
Wait so Blairwardolffan said Damon called Bonnie baby witch in the last episode? Is this true? If so, HOW DID I MISS THIS? It must of been a scene I muted on. hahaha Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
i was wondering the same thing! which scene? over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
oh ok ... awwn but that would be soo cute if he called bonnie baby witch :P over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Thanks Italianangel for clearing up. over a year ago
nansoula said …
Im having internet issues :( :( I won't be able to be here everyday for a while... :( :( but we have 1322 bamonators yayayayayayayay XDXDXDXD Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que mal y que bien cada dia se unen por lo menos 2 nuevos fans over a year ago
nansoula commented…
[yeap :( :( ] New members is always something that cheers me up lol over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
@veronicaaa Es asombroso! (It's amazing! ;) over a year ago
helomusic said …
Hello everyone! I think it's time for us to forget DE and their fans a little! We kind of talk about them a little too much and we have to focus on Bamon since it's written "Damon and Bonnie" and if I'm right we are here to talk about them that's why we should do like before and ignore Dumb Entertainment and only focus on the couple we love and don't pay attention on what they think of us and else! I have decided to be more rational and not be angry because of them! Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
word girl XD ITA :) over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Good idea @helomusic after all it is the Bamon page. xxxxxxxxx over a year ago
nansoula commented…
i sooo agree over a year ago
samjhart said …
This is a warning/heads up. PLEASE do not just submit stuff that us JUST Bonnie or JUST Damon. It has to be BAMON. Otherwise, you will asked to remove it as it can be seen as spam. Thnx. And keep on Bamonating! Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Sure. xxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^really? haha great minds think alike ;D over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Okay hahah got it xxx over a year ago
elinochka said …
so, I was thinking, since Bonnie is going to be one of the main keys to kill Klaus, do you guys think we will have more Bamon scenes :) Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
hope so im really missing Bamon. xxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I don't think so :( over a year ago
elinochka commented…
=/ unfortunatly, but lets hope at least their friendship will develop next season over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I just got to say this and it's going to be simple and blunt: Delena fans, PISS OFF. Kthanx Bye. Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
That should be printed on our apparent 'welcome' mat. over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Well more like F*** OFF, but yeah I totally agree. over a year ago
thegleediaries commented…
Haha. Awesome :) over a year ago
chazzaf said …
Hi everyone I just wanted to say to the DE fans that come over here if you haven't got anything nice to say dont say anything at all for example some DE fan called poor @Blairwaldorffan dumb when im sure she has never said anything bad to them.So DE fans back off. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
It's always the samething with them they're really pathetic. over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
@Hinata26 my blood is boiling with that DE fan the cheek of it they better not come back to this spot again or they will have me to answer to.*cracks knuckles *. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
omg who's calling Blairwaldorffan dumb???? Let me at 'em!!! over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
Last Episode in Vampire Diaries for the 100th times Jenna opened the door and told the same dialogue in Mystic grill" Oh this is not going to end up well" .Seriously This season was getting boring & boring, writing is weak, and the rating was again low 2.95M.In this way, It can't make upto S4. Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
And when Jenna opened the door again, I was laughing hard. over a year ago
1beaut commented…
Wait WHATTT? Damon called Bonnie baby witch? Need a gif of this now! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
WHERE!!!!!!!!?!???? Sorry I get crazy when it comes to Bamon! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
We have bloody 1322 yah us mates Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) We should celebrate it with ramen and sake lol!!!!!!!! over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
whooo party!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
@LoVeLuStAnDLiEs and Sulad to you to my dear friend. xxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
"Human, I told you to LET GO," he snarled. He bared his teeth at her, which only caused her to bury her in his jacket and cling on Koala - bear style, wrapping both her legs around one
of his. "

This is the cutest thing ever. Such a little moment but so cute! One of my favorites from Midnight already. I can just picture Damons face with Bonnie clinging to him ...aww♥ Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I couldn't help but giggle a little reading that scene. Man, I need that book!! :) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
i did too! Its just to freaking cute! Bonnie was like a little girl in that scene but it was so cute. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
I know like her dad is going to work and she dosent want him to go :)) over a year ago
aceg said …
For me, feelings of pessimism is something hard to get out of system. Posted over a year ago
BeautifulLover commented…
Same thing said the Dair fans and now what? Even Chair fans like Dair. over a year ago
aceg commented…
When I really invest in a couple, it is just made everything so emotional for me. over a year ago
aceg commented…
It is like a emotional torture over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Season 1-Stelena
Season 2- Delena "falling in love"
Season 3- Delena " in love" but not together
Season 4- Delena still happening but bamon happening too :)
Season 5 - Bamon and Delena triangle
Anyone else agree? Posted over a year ago
BeautifulLover commented…
Yes. Season 6 - Delena still has a connection but Damon realizes that he loves Bonnie more. She give more stability on his life and finally, he will choose her. over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
With this last episode. I don't see the show as fullfledged Delena at all. oO; seems to be more going on, but once this klaus/katherine shit takes place, then what? over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
/\ i was wondering the same thing... they are taking it a bit too fast.. :S over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
Vote Bamon! ♥
link Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
voted! over a year ago
aceg commented…
voted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
done over a year ago
BeautifulLover said …
With the confirmation of Stelena´s endgame on the show, we can fantasy about Bamon because will happens in S3 or S4. I´m sure. Posted over a year ago
bvale211 commented…
Stelena Will Be Endgame? over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I will always think and know that Bamon deserve to be endgame in both! over a year ago
BeautifulLover commented…
I don´t talk about the books I am talk only about the show, without L.J Smith we don´t know if Matt and Bonnie will be endgame on the books. Is obviously that the preference is Bamon but I have no idea :S over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Damn! I wanted Damon to save Bonnie from the fire! Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
All of these comments!! I don't get to watch the episode until 8 over here, which is in two hours.... NOT fair :) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Sorry!!!!!!!!!! It was a pretty good episode though if that helps...probaly makes it worse because now your porbaly more excited. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Meh want see it until morrow Ogashi! over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Normally, I'm not a rude or hostile fan, but i'm really really getting tired of situation like this one:

I don't get it. We don't go in pro-DE spots to argue our pro-Bamon reasons. Why can we be granted the same peace? Posted over a year ago
1beaut commented…
This is a bamon spot!! Bonnie and Damon fans/shippers I don't get the people that come on here if they don't fall under that category. It doesn't make sense. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Darn I said tough i meant though I think... over a year ago
helomusic commented…
I've just see that what a bitch! Seriously I really want to slap her! She has no respect for anyone and then lie to her spot about us! I don't konw where she found what she claims but I never saw someone saying that! And then on the SE spot come on what a ..... Sorry I have so many naùes for people like that person I'll say! over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …

saved Bonnie and vote for pearl
"the bamon fans that voted for elena undo the pick and vote for pearl" Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I voted ;-) ! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thnk u mates thnk u all *bows and cries* to meh apponent your still meh fan :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
done over a year ago
chazzaf said …
1321 fans everyone yessssssssssssss. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
It's great isn't it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Makes me want a Bagel BRB!!!!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOL damon bonnie 12 yes!!! over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
Girls if you see that some people are not incluided in the pick about the fotm is because some girls we won in the past and for this reason are not included

as patty, asma , stela, allison, crazedbamon fan and me
Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
that was a question and more interestingly you will find over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
y las que aparecen por que lo asen por que por ejemplo yo no aporto nada solo entro y comento la informacion de el libro junto con las publicaciones over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
^^ not problem ;) over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
I'm hoping for a Bamon scene tonight.Otherwise "Crucio"to Writers or maybe Incendia. Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
LOL im also hoping for a scene if we do get a scene I will be *happy dancing * all over the place. xxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
*happy dancing too* um hmm do the Bamon dance mates! *dancing* we have bloody 1320 fans yah us. over a year ago
aceg commented…
agreed over a year ago
beepo123 said …
1319 XD Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
Bamon are growing quickly over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
yesssssss *hugs everyone* . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1321 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
katie15 said …
Hey guys, I've realised on fanpop and other forums, that DB fans think DE fans only ship DE because Ian is hot and/or Elena is the main female character. I assure you this isn't the case and about a month ago, my friend made a long article on the reasons we ship DE.


You don't have to read it, but I think it would help for you to understand DE fans reasoning better and not living up to stereotypes.

Thank you + Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
please don't be mad for me posting this. Peace out. over a year ago
jereimy commented…
this and many more are the reasons for delena, but like I said I already read that and really all comes the same conclusion Hot and Hot, Stefan is more complex charactert because he was really bad, he was in love with Kat, and he changes slowly it not was a suddenly change like Damon, it take years and now he tries to fight with his instints and he tries to be a better person for EVERYONE not only for Elena so. he is more mature and more complez character, Damon is so typical he is the bad boy who falls in love and changes mmmm I see that almost in every serie from United States nothing special and Damon is really really selfish he only thinks in Elena I think he is obssesed with her as he was with Katherine, the declaration of love it wasnt for her it was for Stefan and he as brothers and his relationship not for Elena... over a year ago
jereimy commented…
but the rest damon doesnt change or what he is doing with andy is because he is change???? no because he is a spoiled boy who can have the favorite toy of his brother so he prefers ruin the life of other people only for feeling powerful really seriously????? I bet if it was Paul who was Damon and Ian Stefan things will be different over a year ago
big smile
hinata26 said …
1318 Bamonators !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
cada dia somos mas :D over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
Choose the FOTM of february! I'll make the interview.. ♥ Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Damon: "I cant be who she wants me to be " " I cant be who i am"

#1 Reason i can never ship Delena. Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Ditto xxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
couldnt agreee more!! over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
Bravo. I'm with you! over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
Okay, after reading the earlier spoilers and the newest one from RandomChick, I HAVE to read Midnight. Can't wait for it to come out! Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Me too im so excited !!!!!!!! I loved all the spoilers! I loved when Damon told Bonnie to let go so eh wraps her whole body arounhd him !♥ And how he got her kinda drunkish. over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
I cant wait any longer for the book im driving my friends mad by talking about it grrrr I even have a coutdown timer for when it comes out on my ning page :D over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Book Delena fans are in denial LOL over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
I love how Damon always has nicknames for Bonnie, in both the books and show. "Judgey" and "Little Bird" :) Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Me too and i love the new onw kitten! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
if that is adorable kitty I love you all the reason he has many nicknames that I love very tender give more emotion to the relationship over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
very true, that should say something even though we tease elena about how beautiful and good she is now up aaassshhh over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Please vote Bamon at the moment were winning !! :D Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
omg we are!! :D over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
we are still in first place? AWESOME! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
@DamonsLilBird LOL! My mom speaks only spanish. XD I agree with your mom! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
What my brother thinks about TVD!

I told him who made a cute/hot couple since he's been watching the show with me and he said that he hopes Damon and Bonnie get together because he thinks DE is boring. He thinks Elena is ugly (Nah!She's not ugly bro...she's boring!)He thinks Bamon is great because they look bad together. :D
Stelena, he finds boring, too and loves the hate between Bamon. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Haha LOL. My little sister is a full on SE shipper and my brother says he likes Beremy. :( I think he only says that to make me mad though. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Lol the darkside good one mate were the Light side hehe or bloody close to it. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Beware the DARK!BOO! over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
vote for bamon¡

link Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Done today second tomorow first !!!!!! Ain't nothing better than bamon!!! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
done! over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
hahaha the de fans are impressed because bamon is winning; I hope theyrealize that we're big rivals for them, every day bamon have more fans over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Wow I've noticed that we are surely beating SE on some very few polls. over a year ago
darlingbear said …

vote for your least favorite female character on TVD show. Bonnie is loosing. I believe that she's not your least fave ;) Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
claro que lo hago me encanta esta pagina siempre esta actualizada incluso algunos hasta 20 000 fans tienen mensajes muy viejos over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I voted pearl. she and bonnie were tied and now pearl is loosing! good, but we seriously need to vote more over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Lol ELAME! I voted for Elena because I liked Pearl. :d over a year ago
chazzaf said …
1314 fans everyone.Im so happy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
1315 now yesssssssssss. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Yay, to more Bamon fans over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
I am dying for Midnight and some bamon scenes. Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
As we like to midnight on that book is everything I thought o.O over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I've decided that i'm just going to skip the DE scenes in that book. Sorry, but I can't stand book DE! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
hhaha i agree^^ over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
Did you guys hear that two people are supposed to die pretty soon on the show? I hope one of them is John... Posted over a year ago
1beaut commented…
lol, yeah I heard about it. I could care less if John died too. Even though we haven't seen the sheriff(Caroline's mom) much I'm leaning towards her, John, or Jonas/Luca. :O over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I've heard about it too and maybe it could be Johnn and...someone new?Or complete starngers... over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*strangers over a year ago
aceg said …
1313!!!!! Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Yeah were on a roll LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
Miss_Diaries said …
PLEASE vote!! Bamon is losing by far...We need to show them that there are way more fans than just this.

Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
done! over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Done xxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Ditto mates! over a year ago
Smartlooks said …
22 more days till Vampire Diaries Midnight comes to the U.S and is in my hands(after i wait forever for the mail and visciously unwrap it.:P) Posted over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Hahaha I cant wait either :D over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
AHHHHHH! over a year ago
Smartlooks commented…
19 now to be evact.:) over a year ago
nansoula said …
1312 !!!!!! Posted over a year ago
chazzaf said …
1309 fans yesssssssssssss happy dance xxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Do thee happy dance *doing it* Oh Lovelustandlies meh sorry I will do so mate :D over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
@DamonsLilBird me and you will hit the clubs and celebrate Bamons 1309 member LOL xxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1312 ladys !!!!!!!!! over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Hey guys ive updated my fanfic on here called Sigh No more chapter 2 is up hehe :) I loved writing it so if you havent read it yet please do :D Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
What date is Midnight coming out in the U.S Again? Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
lMarch 15th one day after meh bro's bday,On meh cousin's bday and way before meh own lol. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
25 de marzo espero y ese sea el dia tambien para mexico over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
welcome mate :p over a year ago
samjhart said …
Can I just say, thnk u to all the Bamonaters who have joined/ just come to read/visit this spot? U've honestly made this place a delight to be & I am so proud of u guys keepin it civilized. Remember a time when Patty, me, Sisi & Aly wre the only active ones on this spot..bt those who came after us, thnk u soooo much, for keepin up the Bamon love! I knw Bamon may nt be happning for a while bt I'm ok with it I guess cz I'm with the fandom's best fans Hope until they hppn we can have loads of fun! Posted over a year ago
juliapattzstew commented…
aww...you're welcome! over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
<333 Asma over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Bamon luv hug mates *hugs yee all* We rock! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Showing bamon love ♥ Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
accepting it. ♥ :P over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I ♥ bamon over a year ago
christina1988 commented…
:-) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Forever...no matter what... :* over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1308 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Yesssssss happy dance LOL xxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que biiiiiiiiien over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Whooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
We have crossed 1300. Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me alegro tanto de que cada dia hay mas fans sera por el libro o por la serie? over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
1307!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
yay! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Hey mates morrow I will be gettin a new Livejournal for Bamon fics, other bamon related stuff. An for meh fiction novels so plz again be on the look out. Cheer mates! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Great! :D over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Guys please stop posting articles here which have nothing to do with Bamon whatsoever. It's the Bamon spot here, not the "Hey Bamon fans let's talk about everything" spot. If you want to talk about anything, you can do it in the "Why Damon and Bonnie" forum but don't spam the spot please :) Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
That's why I don't commment on that post.Some fans spam with broken content way too much :P over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
tienes razon me gusta tu imagen de elijah no puedo creer que lo mataran over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
1306!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que biiiiiiiien :D over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
Yippe! I finally got my signed copy of Secret Circle from the Cassie's Unicorn Egg contest today! Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
You won it?! Congratulations! lol over a year ago
pattykirsche commented…
You won! *hugs* over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Thanks Patty :) over a year ago
nansoula said …
1305 wooooooowwwwwww Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
No way... I'm soooo happy! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
yayyyy we have to keep up this good rate of new members :D over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
Ferdasomuch said …
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
1302!!! Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
OMG! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I can't wait to see how many people will become Bamonators when b/d will have screen time over a year ago
nansoula commented…
1304!!!!!!! yes!!!!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
I want to say something it might be really but I french everyboby know to french aren't nice people lol. Ok enough bad joke. I want to say to all De's fan that want to come here to talk about bamon that they are welcome but if you want to come here just to complain about de you're not in the right place. Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
It might be really nice xcuse me I don't know why I always forgot Words when I write something over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
Yeah I don't mind DE fans coming over to express their opinions but if they are just going to cry about how DE have had hardly any scenes lately then the can just go and cry on their own page xxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Lmao crazed we're allowed to be territorial, this is OUR spot. ;) over a year ago
big smile
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1300!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Whew finally!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Amazing!!!!!!!:D over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
yippie! over a year ago
deluv said …
Hi people, i come in peace. So you know how we haven't had DE scenes lately, I feel like going on twitter and bash the writers in the most possible ways, i'm crazy in love with DE like that. (but i respect the writers and i won't bash them) So my question is how do you guys control the urge of bashing the writers every week. It must suck for you guys cuz right now i feel like screaming GIVE US DE!! and its only been 2wks so how do you do it EVERY week?????????? Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
sorry .... but this is the D/B page not D/E page over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
We just take it week at a time with minor or sometimes a lot of ranting on the side. It’s cop able but in the long run, can’t say I hate what’s been going on lately. The writers seem to be more focused on Stefan/Damon building up their relationship, the calls between the constant contact. I like it – I can’t say, I’m looking forward to that changing again or them losing track or working backward on all their stories. It’s constantly one step forward and two back – it has to get better. @Blair Yeah baby! More Stefan too. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I like them having no scenes but I guess the book Midnight or Stelena in the show makes me feel good. over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Ive wrote my own fanfic here on the spot called Sigh no more :) hehe Posted over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Hey Guys its OrlaghxCullen here ive made a new account because I wanted a cooler name but im still the same person with a 180% love for my friends here and BAMON!!! Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Welcome back! :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que bien bienvenida :D over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
hehe :) over a year ago
Ferdasomuch said …
link BAAAAMONNNN!! wwopp wooop Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Thank you for the link. :) over a year ago
Minaftw commented…
I love your stories over a year ago
Ferdasomuch commented…
Thaaanks!!!! Can't wait to read yr review for my new chap :) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Vote for Bamon (5 hearts) only if you want of course =)
link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya commented…
done over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
We Bloody need Bamon the rest can go BUH BYE! LOL Oh plz be on thee look out for meh Bamon fic, Plus meh own Witch story. Thnks mates Cheers! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thnk yee's lol Oh DEluv it's sad for ya mate but do know this spot is bloody called DB, not DE. Anyhoos How meh mange?... Well for pointers not an obessed fan *coughs DE* and I have meh fanfics plus my first novel so I'm good until Season3 or 4. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
What did you guys think about this week's episode? :D Posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
I say this show recycles too much shizz. I'm peeved because they get rid of Elijah...like wtf? WHY? So we can go back to the quad fuckery. With no development whatsoever on everyone elses forefront. I mean I liked last week because everyone was doing something and I actually liked Elena last week. But no it's two steps forward and one step back with this show. Like come on already...do something else besides play captain save a ho to Elena...ffs. Bonnie the only person who was looking into this damn ritual gets her powers taken away and Elena and her pets are playing pattycake with Elijah when HE WASN'T EVEN THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH FREAKING KLAUS ON THE WAY. This show...I'm pretty much over it. Loved seeing badass Stefan and Lexi though. over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
i love so much lexi! im glad that at least damon seems regretful for kill her… shame of you damon!!im still mad for that! And Stefan like a bad boy was great! But I love him more when he was mad with Elena she deserved that! and what about the salem witch!! So bonnie is the real descendent of the funder families… but this information may have a good storyline for our little witch and elija was asking to damon? He knows something!! elija don’t seems dead for good so im not worry about that for now.. But bonnie without powers made me mad!! I don’t get the real purpose of that! like Alaric given the ring to john… stupid!! over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
My post is to long but on a side-note.. I enjoyed it. over a year ago
01trugirl said …
I posted this on another site but I am just so mad I have to say it again:
man I gotta say that after tonight eppy its very clear that they don't give a crap about the bonnie character. They made her powerless and she only had like 2 or 3 scenes ( they weren't that long and had nothing to do with the vampires). Man I want her to b more involve with the vampires. That is the only way we r going to get more Bonnie and possibly a Bamon scene.

Posted over a year ago
elinochka commented…
<3 I understand but I am sure her powers will be back and she will be more powerful this time over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
well yeah.... you havwe your point, the producer really are like making stupid things.... over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
yeah I really doubt Bonnie's going to get a storyline because if I remember the spoilers correctly at this point we're susppose be learning more and more about the witch's history and we haven't got anything. Like I said the only way bonnie is going to get more airtime is if she is more involve with the vampires. And that is so sad. It pisses me off because they give carline (spelling?) a story about turning into a vampire and then they tied her into the vampire and werewolves' storyline. It amazes me that they haven't done that with bonnie. All they have done is give her some punk a** love story with jeremy. It would b a good story if he was interesting but he's not. over a year ago
deluv said …
Hi guys, I come in peace. Please watch the show today, so we can get those ratings back up. WATCH DON'T RECORD!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEE : Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
It depends how the writing goes, dear.. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
@DamonsLilBird so true! LOLZ! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
@Damon_Bamon12 lol thnks mate but it's true... An bonnie is a descent founder?! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said …
So there are two episodes left and then another hiatus. I'm hoping we get at least one Bamon scene. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Yeah *Crosses fingers* Is it just me, or does it seem like there were way more hiatus's this season then there were last? over a year ago
1beaut commented…
It's not just you. It's getting ridiculous. Next season bet not have this many breaks over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Omg tat's wat I tell meh brua their known for taking breaks! over a year ago
Smartlooks said …
was there any good bamon moments in midnight?if so can u put them up all the updated spoilers are making me sad.:)thnxz Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yo creo que si habra buenos momentos lastima que no hay mas spoilers ....mira abajo tal vez RandomChick nos muestre como esta el libro over a year ago
Smartlooks commented…
sorry not to be rude but I cant speak or read spanish.Can you translate to english,please? over a year ago
nansoula said …
link i know what you think Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
that De fans are cheaters; and that all we should vote for Luka to save Damon for the next round over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Bonnie has always been nice, loyal and good. People are just blinded by their love for Damon's wants. over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
i'm myustified by this level of DEsperation a certain brand of fans keeps displaying. It's like they think they can have the endgame they want just by willing it so and bashing everything and everyone in their way. Bha. I have not even the energy to fully care about it. over a year ago
-RandomChick- said …
I would just like to say that I have now brought and read Midnight and it. Is. AWESOME! I know I said I'd post spoilers but... I cant reallt think of one... Sprry guys, I'll skim the pgaes later and post one, kay? xx Happy valentines day! Posted over a year ago
-RandomChick- commented…
Sorry** Really** Pages*** LOL, Sorry I got excited :P over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
yes omg please do post ones we havent seen yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and tell us your overall impression of midngiht please!!!!!!! over a year ago
-RandomChick- commented…
Excited :P over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Happy Valentines Day Bamons. Luv you all ♥ Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
You too hun. Hope it was a good one. :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que linda :D over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Happy White Late Day "bows um japanese Vday* lol half Japanese :) over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
Hi girls happy valentine day ♥
btw Lora wishes a happy valentine day too but she have problems
to sign on Fp Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
gracias feliz san valentin desde mexico over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
Feliz san valentin desde Venezuela¡ over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Happy late White Day Lora? *bows* over a year ago
marze2403 said …
Happy Valentine's Day Bamon fans! =) Posted over a year ago
1beaut commented…
You too!! :) over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
same to you!!!<3 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
feliz san valentin desde mexico over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
hinata26 commented…
Thanx you too over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
same to you¡ over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
feliz san valentin desde mexico :D over a year ago
kindhiya said …
i love you bamonaters Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1285 !!!!!!! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si que somos muchos ya :D over a year ago
nansoula said …
ok guys I have a problem I had created some hours ago a new spot named Bamon Fangirls and I wanted to make it a surprise for you guys, but it just vanished and I was updating it with material all these hours. Im so sad and disappointed right now how is this thing possible, does someone know why this might have happened?If you visit to its link it just opens the main fanpop webpage (www.fanpop.com/spots/bamon-fangirls)
Im so sad I spent valuable hours of studying to make it and now it's gone :( Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
if you google it it will show you the pages but when you click the links it opens the main fanpop page :( over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
It was a great idea I hope the problem will be revolve soon. I'm really sorry over a year ago
nansoula commented…
I make a question maybe someone knows or had he same experience over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Everyone should go say they want Damon with Bonnie for Valentines day .

link Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
I think we should make our presence more in Twitter to writers , not the actors/actresses, as they don't write the story, they are just acting their part , so we should make our presence clear in Twitter, I'm going to open an account in twitter so that writers can notice, we are here waiting for Bamon, It's writers who should be informed more and more. over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I'm already on there - so two for team bamon on twitter. :P over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
And that was real sweet of Kat. I really like her new song, its catchy. over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
Bamon for Valentines Day!!!!<3 over a year ago
jereimy said …
Happy valentine's day bamonators Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Thank you. Happy Valentines day to you too! :) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
Happy Valentine's day!!!!!!!! over a year ago
kindhiya commented…
thanks!!!!!! you too.... JOYEUSE SAINT VALENTIN a vous toutes!!!!!!! over a year ago
nansoula said …
1281 yes!!!!!!!! Welcome new Bamonator! Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
1282!! over a year ago
skater_girl23 commented…
Hey Just joined, They have sizzling chemistry and love-hate couple are always my favorite, hopefully writers will give them more scenes and a chance to be together. over a year ago
skater_girl23 commented…
^ I have not read the books, so no idea about them in books but I like them in show. over a year ago
nansoula said …
I have a surprise for you ladies and will reveal it in the next 10 hours. Don't try to ruin the surprise :P .... .. ...... . .............. ....... ......... .................. ls s................ ............... .................... <3
(Huhuhuhu Evil laugh) Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Good bamon surprise? over a year ago
nansoula commented…
hmm you can say so.... over a year ago
nansoula commented…
my surprise was ruined :( plz read my last post in the wall and you ll understand Im so sorry :( over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
"Then, still in slow motion, Bonnie's knees bent and she launched into the air above the circle."
But she never touched the ground. Somehow, a black streak, stunningly fast even in a slow-motion horror film that Elena was watching, landed where Bonnie would have landed.

He loves her ♥ Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Such a great quote. :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
claro que la ama como no pueden verlo los delena over a year ago
nansoula said …
lol seriously link save Bamon :P Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
aww its ok ... im tired of these stupid picks, but ill save bamon anyway! this just shows how much of a threat bamon really are!! :P over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
........ and they are not even a couple yet!! LOL :P over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I don't enjoy those picks - it's always the same crap over and over again. stefan/damon/matt/jer... and then it's back to brotherly clashing. *eye roll* It always leads to the same thing... over a year ago
big smile
Damon-Bamon12 said …
1280!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Go bamon ♥ over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
We're awesome!!!!<3 over a year ago
nansoula commented…
come on already I want to see 1281!!! :P over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
OMG the De fans says in the Bonnie spot
that Bonnie and Jeremy sex scene is going to be HOTTTT
how? the sex with a kid is hot
and Bonnie can't loose her virginity with Jeremy (I think that she is virgin)

really she need a man, a for her first time, she need Damon, and in the books Bonnie not have sex with anyone ( of course that the show is different) but jeremy?

if sex beremy happen I not see this show more
Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
theres going to be a sex scene? What????? over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
I do not know, but they says that beremy sex scene would be hot? but with this producers everithing is possible over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
woooooooow que noticia over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
Hey to my Bamonator girls just got a quick question for you. If I wanted to go about starting a petition to raise awareness on a certain subject on a show I love, how would I do that and where to start? Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Just go to change.org and start an online petition. Hope that helps :) over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
thanx so much!!! over a year ago
Smartlooks said …
ummm,how do ppl already have Midnight?I still have to wait until March 15th....and rhe aploilers made me sad can't you post happy,awesome OMYG moments????From the book? Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
It's already out in Austrailia and I think it's out on March 25 but I may be wrong. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Oh and for the spoilers just check out :Omg! Midnight Spoilers! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Yeah U.S ppl have to wait til March 15th, but its already out in Australia. over a year ago
Smartlooks commented…
o wow, i can wait...is the Bamon moments trumping delena moments?Or no over a year ago
big smile
nansoula said …
1279 wow! ΧD Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1279 ;-) bamonators it's great !!!! over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Not anymore. Trolls left tthe building. ;) over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
1780!!! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
You guys i dont think this whole ghostwriter thing will be good for bamon:

"I’m not at all sure they liked the things I was doing with Bonnie and Damon—they kept trying to cut such scenes."

"I won’t spoil it if you don’t know. But they wanted Bonnie to have just put it all behind her—and with Bonnie’s character, I don’t think so!" Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
I can’t pretend that Bonnie and Damon’s relationship will continue to grow as Damon learns to respect her as well as to love her. She has become “his girl” but I can’t follow up on that. I had to tell the ghostwriter that he would address Bonnie as “little redbird” when he speaks to her. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
^^^^ That dosent soubnd good. over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
IN "LJ. Smith got fired" article, LJ. at the last paragraph of the e-mail to Emily told us about the manuscript that she has given to Ghost-writer but her firing is still fishy to me, I agree with Applepie88. over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
Is anyone else getting the impression the writers are trying to belittle Bonnie becuz she happens to be a stronger and more interesting character opposite Elena??? Posted over a year ago
Klaira commented…
so true... over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I think the same over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I never really felt that. I just think they dont show the character enough appreciation by actually going indepth with her story. We've seen matt's mom, caroline's mom, tylers mom, everyones parental figure and Bonnie has been drifting on the side-lines with a teary glance at cousin lucy's retreating back. I felt so bad for her... it was nice seeing more of her in this last episode. over a year ago
1beaut said …
And our fanbase is growing! Question: Why do we have icons of ppl that look nothing like Bonnie/Damon? :S Posted over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
LOL I was wondering that too!!! Could it be more trolls??? over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
W-what? I'll be right back... over a year ago
1beaut commented…
Ohh okay. book bamon. Just caught me off guard hahaa over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …

vote for stelena
the gross beremy is winning Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
done!! over a year ago
nansoula said …
1277!!!! Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Go bamon!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
We're growing muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
1278!! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
World Domination!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Can someone tell me some really good Damon& Bonnie videos please ♥ Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
link over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
You can check my Bamon/Stelena (Mostly Bamon presently) playlist. I have many that I really like! :) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
thanks!~ over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Pleasure! I hope you saw some good ones. :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
Wow! It was only 1274 fans a minute ago and a minute later BAM! 1275!!!!! Posted over a year ago
1beaut commented…
OH YESSS!! over a year ago
louvreangel commented…
I wasnt expecting any attempts to this spot after that crap Beremy kiss but wow. And yay! :) guess someone's out there still have some hope for Bamon. over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Beremy isnt a threat! It's a pass-time. lol, Bamon time is on the rise! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Am I the only upset that bonnie isn't the center of her own storyline?
:( This is not fair. Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Yeah..I agree it's still all Elena for Damon and Bonnie, Damon's storyline is centered around Elena, Bonnie storyline is centered around Elena, absolutly annoying, give me some some book Bamon JP & KW.DB fans have suffered most in show . over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I think so. over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
She always looked gorgeous to me, so didnt really notice. ;) over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Okay guys I've read o lot of reactions about Beremy and, seriously, can we just sit for a second and THINK ? Honestly, do you know a lot of people who fell in love at 17 and remained together for the rest of their lives ? No, right ? The Elena/Bella kind of characters are exceptions. And was any of you expecting Bamon to happen this season or even next season ? Again, no. So please stop saying that Beremy will ruin all the chances of Bamon, this is completely ridiculous. Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Beremy will NOT last for the rest of the series. And even if they stay together for a while, it doesn't mean anything. Bonnie will date other guys, because she's SEVENTEEN. And one of them will be Damon. Don't forget we're there since the beginning of season 1, Julie and Kevin won't be able to ignore that forever. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
^Right and it's not love, only attraction because the guy was only helping her and like Bonnie said she found her hot, so it's only only attraction but it's not love. over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
lol The whine is a little silly. But it's w/e over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
"In the front yard, Bonnie was abasing herself. She couldn't help thinking, even now, about how handsome Damon looked, how wild and dark and ferocious and gorgeous. She couldn't help thinking about the times he smiled at her,laughed at her, come to save her at her urgent call. She honestly thought that someday...but now she felt her heart was breaking in two. " Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
So heartbreaking. Yet so adorable. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
But she never touched the ground. Somehow, a black streak, stunningly fast even in a slow-motion horror film that Elena was watching, landed where Bonnie would have landed. over a year ago
pattykirsche commented…
So sweet, I can hardly wait to read... over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
aayy necesito ese lirbo me muero si no lo tengo y en español tardara mas porfa mas citas ya que lo tengan over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
Guys wait until you here what I just found out. Apprently DE believes the ratings are low for TVD becuz of Stelena ROTFL!!!!! And then remember that troll (sunflower diguised) well a DE fan went on her spot and told her not to make the Dullena fanbase look bad becuz LJS had already planned for DE to be endgame all along LOL!! Posted over a year ago
Spikefan74 commented…
Actually, it would be a pretty big deal if it were true. No one knows for sure yet. LJ Smith was supposedly fired by Alloy entertainment for wanting not only Delena endgame but she also wanted to explore Bamon as well. Alloy Entertainment told her no to both and strictly ONLY Stefan and Elena. Alloy also has the rights to the VD show too, but I dont think they gave up control of the story so the TV show is safe anyway. I was pretty upset cause I was a big book fan. over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
So do the publishers just want Damon to end up alone? If that's the case, i'll be really pissed :( over a year ago
Spikefan74 commented…
LJ Smith updated her blog. She was let go due to creative differences. She asks fans on her blog not to boycott her books and that midnight is the last VD book she will write. Looks like a ghostwriter will take over. Not sure how this will effect Midnight. Here is the link link over a year ago