Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 301-310 of 8919

NakedBarbie said …
We can't trust JP you guys. I have a feeling JP will write this storyline in a way where Damon doesn't even warn Bonnie about Shane or expression aka dark magic. And we have to remember that DE is happening now more than ever so Damon will be all focused on Elena & as usual Bonnie gets left out to dry. Next week is the cabin episode. Bamon will be there but she'll apparently help Jeremy while Damon is in the next room getting some of Elena's "golden" vagina lol. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Seems like Bonnie is gonna do all the work ( as usual) while DE is just there to have some cabin sex lol. That ain't right. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I agree mate we might get bloody friendship but who knows bout that? over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hahah goldenVagina :D i hope not i want some bamon scenes finally and i will be very angry if jp ruins it with dumbsex i think there was enogh the goldenVagina and mr fuckseverythingwhatsmoves could skip an episode . just please give us some respect woman !! over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
So Damon learns that EXPRESSION is a darker magic than dark magic. Then, Bonnie tells her friends that Shane teaches her a new kind of magic that is called EXPRESSION. But Bonnie believes that it is natural magic. Bonnie is smitten with Shane and doesn't listen to Damon and Caroline who warn her that Shane is creepy. Also we know that to access that kind of dark magic, they need to sacrifice 12 humans. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Maybe Pastor Young and the Council members will serve as sacrifices so that Bonnie can access that dark magic, like what happened to the witch Val. We also have 12 unsired hybrids that Shane is planning to use. It seems like Bonnie is in great danger and that she might go dark because of Shane. Can't wait to see what happens to Bonnie and how Damon will react to all that. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
i bloody agree and just saw this same ideal over on the tvd spot. i agree it makes sense but 12+12= 24 Bonnie will be loaded with dark magic. Almost like Willow she want even trust nor flippin believe him after this. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
i hope damon will makes Bonnie trust in him. he will earn her trust. im afraid of de will on the way with the damon will saves bonnie thing but i hope he will realize how important is Bonnie to him when it looks like he gonna lose her. and not just because of she is a witch. maybe we will get the first sparkle. all depends on jp. wait....what? shit. okay then dumbsex messy storyline lack of bonnie caroline with six boys....here is the future. i wish writers would be like presidents. we could replace them after four years... over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
oh god....JP is such A GREAT DAMON's FAN this is unbelievable......anyway i dont like this episode at all...everything just seemed so wrong so not like we knew since the beginning....bonnie wasn't the bonnie of the begining. this show is a waste of time....elena act like a sefish bitch vampire loool and...i feel like this episode was a waste of MY time. is this the tvd break? the mid season episode? if it is.... that was really not good at all.... Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
next week is the break over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
ok thanks over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I have to agree gorgeous lass, this show ain't worth watching for anything else than Bonnie. Don't waste your time, bb. ((huggles support)) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
One of my fave pics of our Bonnie alternative universe. (Would this make Damon, the mad hatter?" ;)
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
So I take it Bonnie found a little happiness? Was there enough to warrant watching bbs? Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
definitely not. :/ need much more over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
this happiness wasn't even for her it was for the Princess because she needed audience. I want a ladies night for Bonnie! Caroline got it, Elena got it multiple times but Bonnie never. who organized a pajama party or whatever when she had troubles? No one. STEFAN came over gave her a hug then ASK for her help. fascinating. okay I think I'm angry. sorry :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I totally get why you've got that reaction, heck, we've been having it since S2. Thanks for the warning, suprisingly easy to let the ratings die. :) Rock on bbs! over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Bonnie didn't seem to have much of an opinion when Elena told her about dex. Caroline flipped out more than she did. Bon looked like she didn't give a fuck which I'm glad she kept her cool. But in a way, I was thinking, shouldn't she ask Elena why she's with Damon like it's nothing when he tried to kill her & Caroline? It's like Elena didn't care that Damon attacked them as long as he's good to her pesonally. Wtf? Elena is acting like a bad friend. Even before the sire bond she never expressed Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
major anger ro him for constantly harming her friends includig her own brother! I think that's another reason I don't ship DE. Too unrealistic to me. Elena never reallyhas a realistic reaction to Damon's bad deeds whereas Bonnie does! She expresses anger, concern for the ppl he harms & she confronts him, never forgetting what he's capable of while Elena forgives him in 5 minutes. Ugh! Sorry for the rant ya'll lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^Couldn't agree more. Even before S2, she was excusing/dismissing their brutality against her friends/family for a lovelife. These two girls were there for 18years, and she stepped over them to coddle two boys she knew less than one year. Badfriend, she's no friend at all. I wish Bon would have put Elena in place because that betrayal not only cut stefan, but at everyone who has been hurt directly by him. Which is everyone. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
but maybe it means she also sees the light in Damon...you know he is her FRIEND anyway...so maybe she also know Damon is a good guy deep inside. but then here's the question: what's with Stefan? she definitely team Stefan so why didn't she spoke out for him? maybe a bit Stefonnie before Bamon? that would be soo awesome. :D okay my thoughts fly away.. over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Damon really what can you say he is a sad lap dog he could be so much more Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
sad lap dog haha so dam true! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Where's a rolled up newspaper/bulldozer when we need one? over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
haha Wahimetoa I imagined it!!! noooo hahahah Damon slapping on his ass by a rolled up newspaper XD over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
It was good to see Bonnie happy in this ep for a little bit Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Was she bb? Who made our girl happy, let me build them a castle. <3 over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I think they don't deserve a castle...a cave at least over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^lol. Dark and dungeony with spiders and bats. Although I like Care, will give her a flyswat. Elena is on her own. over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I WONDER is being a Bennett Witch make you Stronger. They seem like Witch Super Stars or like a Witch Goddess they have been at ever major Witch happening there is so far and the reason Shane thinks Bonnie can deal with Expression Magic is because of this Fact this if any body could handle Expression Magic it Would / Could be a Bennett Witch ? Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I think they are really witch superstars but because of JP, Bonnie couldn't act like a superstar just as a slave :/ maybe the dark side will put her glory and the leather jacket cuz' baby she's a rockstar! ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Mmm.. interesting! Emily was the strongest of all Bennetts, and even death didn't take the sting off her powers either. It's strange in a way that the Council haven't hounded them, given they hate all supernaturals. Why witches don't kill all them is a mystery too. Maybe darkmagic will link her to a storyline that is soley hers. Interesting that Elijah is the one with the Grimoires in his promo pic too. Make sense that witches and originals/expressional magic are bound eh? over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Has anyone noticed that Bonnie is never really in heavy DE episodes? She wasn't in the ep that DE kissed on the porch. She wasn't in 3x19 when they made out at the motel. She wasn't in the ep when DE had sex for the 1st time. Hmmm... It's like JP won't put Bonnie in a serious DE episode for whatever the reason. It's become a pattern that I noticed. I wonder if it means anything. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yes I noticed it too. i was glad there was no bamon in the sex epi because it would be so annoying. we never get de serious de scenes when there is bamon. before the fake kiss epiwe got a thank you. just imagined them in a same epi...it would totally ruin our scene. thats why a little part of me glad that bon wasntin the pom epi and wasnt met with damon. i think ithas to be mean something that she is not in these kind of epis. its like shewould be the other option.. i hope over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Very happy that she's not. Bonnie would steal the spotlight and everyone would know she's the true lead character wotth watching. For dang sure it ain't the one sleeping with her boyfriends brother. Just sayin'. over a year ago
YumYumBamon said …
After learning that what shane is teaching Bonnie is called Expression Magic aka dark magic aka the worst kind of magic a witch can do... I have all sorts of feels that Bonnie is about to go to the dark side once the second half of this season starts. I know the writers are dumb as fuck when it comes to the logic on this show but what I have noticed that they are good at ( and it is really just the one thing) is forshadowing. In the scene with Elena and Carolne once those two made up . Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Bonnie lifts everyones game, because she cannot be anything but the truth, so if vampires can get their emotions amped, please Lawd, let witches experince the same thing and see how these neglectful friends deal with that fall out. Heaven knows it's a long time coming. :) Love ya yumyum! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Story: Tethered to the Devil
link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Not DB related but meh was wondering mates Who here believes Karoline is a crackship or an actual couple? For meh they seemed to have come out of nowhere when JP has heard time after manky time that Bonnie fans wanted her, with Klaus. I have noticed a slightly pattern on this show when concering Bon she gets nobody while Elame,Carol, Other chicks when can care flippin less about all gets the whole flippin Town and beyond. I am truly digusted about that but who heres think of them as this? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Slightly off-topic. Please tell me this is real...
link Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
Ahhh! Hopefully :D over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I hope so too, my favourites. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks YumYum for the link and GLEE about it being totally real. *adores* Yeh, they did have the same hair.. see, coolness is mirroring their bbs. <3 *mirrors her bamon girls* Thanks again ladies! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Predictions for our BonBon next episode? Bamon? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: on Live Journal
link Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
'' Stefan came back for you ... I chose you because I love you and no matter what is the best choice I made.'' 5 chapters later ... and less than 24 hours after having broken up with Stefan: have sex with Damon. What makes me really angry is that people are happy about something like that = / fact or fiction, no matter what family you are, brother sleeping with your ex boyfriend with just 24 hours to have broken with the ... Bad.

I had to vent!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
PREACH! <3<3<3 over a year ago
elena1 commented…
JP has make Show elena worse and more slut than book Elena. Book Elena is virgin and she only make out and share blood with Damon and Stefan, while show elena make sex with both brothers and for me people that make sex with 2 brothers sire bond or not she is a slut over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yeah I'm waiting for a moment when they have a sweet threesome...grrrrrr with or without sex being with your boyfriend's brother is so off the rulebook. but this show is built on this so all we have to do to wait for our time over a year ago
YumYumBamon commented…
The real sad part is that people ( de fans) are ok with this because now they had Delena. I'm sorry but I can't understand that, I have never been a huge fan of Elena but this shit right here is just dumb. there is nothing attractive about sl;eeping with two brothers and people who are ok with this need to take a good look at how they few the world. over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Hey Team Bamon, I'm gonna need you all to go visit the Bonnie BENNETT fan club spot and check out the Team Bonnie Council forum if you're a Bonnie Bennett fan. This is very important.
link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
done. thanks honey! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb, going now. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
2625?!! WELCOME to the Bamily! (((that's utterly brilliant, thankyou.))))
Hope you enjoy your stay, make yourself at home - we're friendly, lovely and a bit saucy too. :D
Welcome. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
HUGE LOVE, Bamon fans! Apologies for being so late, been working on a flower dress for Bonnie at the Ball, in images if you wanna take a peek. Not sure it turned out okay :( skills are worse with mouse drawin' lately. Sent with love, anyway. Okay, you saucy minxys - keep up the good work, totally LOVE ya! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
missed you lovelyLady <3 saw your dress it's gorgeous. did you drew this with mouse?? jeez you are wonderful! we love you too! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^Love you right back, Vicky!! Thankyou bb, yep all my stuff is done with the mouse, all shaky and messy. I'd love those new fangled doohickeys that make it easy to draw even with your finger! Too clever. *huggles happily* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Touche Bonnie Bennett
link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Cheer Up mates Dumb Entertaiment is about to be bloody Snooze fest from here on out. Bamon is on their way how do I know? Becausse we are millons. Posted over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Just on TVD's Facebook page & saw this comment about Elena's sire bond to Damon "The feelings Elena is referring to is not love. it is kind of desperation, to make Damon Happy. That is what siring is. we sometimes compare it to compeltion. So Elena loves Damon, and she loved Stefan. but these magnified feelings are about her need to make Damon happy." Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
Then she writes "The problem that Vamp D's has is that Ian Somerhalder totally stole the spotlight, truthfully the Delena fans are just Damon fans, and we are in his corner either way. so if they want to reawaken the Stefan and Elena relationship without losing 60% of their viewers, they need to give Damon someone else to love." PREEEEACH!! And maybe that someone can be Bonnie, she doesn't put up with Damon's shit & he truly acts himself without ever having to change who he is just to get Elena's attention. Bamon forever <3 over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
^ this is exactly what I've always say. delena fans are so not Elena fans. they hate elena when Damon hurts and they love her when Damon is happy. I also think if he would so in love with Bonnie, the De fans suddenly would turn Bamon fans. loyalty is a bunch of crap out there. over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
I think so too, delena fans are just fans of Damon (Ian Somerhalder over a year ago
Viky11 said …
guys is there any chance to poppabennett comes to MF to celebrate his babys 18th birthday? or am i dreamin too much? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: Dormiente!
link Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
I've noticed something during Damon and Shane's confrontation. Damon was quite patient enough when he asked Shane about the name of another vampire hunter. But when Shane mentioned that only a certain kind of witch can perform the spell and he doesn't answer right away, Damon grabs Shane's wrist and twists it. It's only when Shane affirms that Bonnie will trust him more than Damon that he releases him. I believe that every time Damon hears "witch", his protective instincts towards Bonnie awaken. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
What do you guys think? over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
i concur with that statement over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Another thing, guys. I don't know if it's coincidence or what but when Shane says Bonnie's name, it looks like Damon puts even more pressure on Shane's wrist. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
I haven't been here in ages because of exams and stuff, so I just wanna say even if they never happen the amazing concept will always live <3 Love you Bamon x Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
welcome back babe and don't give up! Bamon will happen I'm sure!! <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
They will happen. I can see the future lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Tigerlily!! Darlin', we've missed you heaps! Hope exams went well, and bb, you didn't miss much. But your words of encouragement are GOLD and sweetly timed. LOVE YOU too!! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
thanks guys xxx :)) can't wait for more scenes! over a year ago
big smile
SanjaTanja said …
Want has been updated!link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*flirts coyly* My crush on you just keeps getting sweeter, bb... <3 <3 <3 over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Okay, to whoever is the brilliant master mind behind the fanfict story "Switch" I LOVE YOU! Seriously I'm sure everyone is in love with this story, I know it sounds cliché bragging about how much you love a story... but this is brilliant! If only this happened on TVD, Bonnie would be waaaay better than Elena. Bonnie needs some lovin on that show & for her to be in the Salvatore sandwich I'm all for it! Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
ALSO there are many other fanfic stories I am HUGE fans for, now gotta say we have some AHMAZING Bamon/Stefonnie authors & I tip my hat of for you all *tips hat lol. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yeah, Bamon fanbase is awesome! the show would be much better if these authors would write the plot instead of the untalented team of crap. thanks for every author to make our ship so stunning. over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
I know right, the best of the best!! Bonnie has so much potential but they never seem to give her a chance. I wish I was a billionaire, totes would buy the show & fire the writers and JP... Then get the Bamon fanfic authors to become the new writers instead! Aaaah, dreams are for free :) lol over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
I don't feel guilty about saying this. I want a Damon/Bonnie/Stefan threesome. LOL Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
me too!! I want Stefan and Damon to love Bonnie but I don't want Bonnie to be like Elena. I still want Bamon, I want Bonnie to a girl who knows what she wants. so the threesome is a very hot idea as long as Bonnie stays Bonnie and not become an Elena over a year ago
pomme_muis said …
Hey guys :) i just had a thought even though i did not watchthe recent episode due to things in that episode i shall not say because frankly did not want to watch it because bonnie was not in it. BUT ill get to my point lol so it had came to my mind from what we know we are assumed that elena is inder a sire bond to wards damon. So i was thinking if the writers are exploring these bonds. And in last season damon had given her his blood then bonnie gave damon and stefan klaus her blood Posted over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
Would you think the writers would explore the whole blood connection like when the time bonnie goes dark for e-lame damon would get a feeling shes off the brink or sething like that? over a year ago
4BonnieandDamon commented…
There's a chance but I don't know much about all the sired bonds and such but Elena's imo would be heightened because she's a vampire now. I don't know what that would mean for Bonnie when she gets in danger with the darkside. Damon was there when Bonnie told her mom basically that she could "handle it" and Damon was Team Bonnie. I think there has to be a reason for all of that in the end that Damon was the one there for that talk about going dark...we'll see. over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
Omg you guys are so great :)) but im just worried that they are going to fly by this whole drinking. The blood as a no big deal since the writers a squat. I was wondering when kevin wiliamson was there was he for the bamon and bonnie or was he like julie plec blinded by the triangle story?? And i havw to say everyone made good points that i wiuld not have thought of. Im thinking it says in the synopsis damon makes a cruscial desicion would that be in a reference to elena and maybe hopefully bonnie but i doubt they would do that whole choosing. Im so dying for damon amd bonnie friend ship to happen really soon over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Our girl has sexy swag - I'm longing to see more of that when she goes darkgoddess on all their tooshies. Oh, baby.. bow down to our virgin Queen!! <3 Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yesyesyes :D <3 <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated fic:Switch
link Posted over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Heeeeello Bamonaters! Was looking at the ratings for TVD this season and it has been dropping, however the 4x07 episode went up 1% haha, now since there was a DE sex scene i thought the ratings would go up the roof -____- which I'm glad it didn't. But we defiantly need to get the ratings up when Bonnie is present in a episode! Lets do this for Bonnie & prove to the ridiculous JP that Bonnie has some hardcore fans out there! :) xx Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hahaha DE sex scene worth nothing. make the ratings fly when Bon and her dad hit the show!! over a year ago
big smile
DamonsLilBird said …
Well mates I didn't manky watch Thurday's eppy but stupidly I deiceded to tune in for the manky promo and caught the whole sire and de sex scene. Yall may manky hate meh but I am beyond Manky happy. I mean finally after four seasons they finally sexed it up, Im not caring like their whinning fans about it being a sired bone or not. They bloody did it duh! Arent yall flippin happy their like "OMG JP screwed us" LOL yea thats why she gave yall a fippin sex scene. This means hopefully Bamon is here Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Another thing does it flippin matter what type of love scene they had or have? I mean honestly if I had to flippin choose I wouldnt be picky especially since they didnt share each others blood again. NO NO thats bonnie's and damon's making love hopefully scene. I do believed in the end Bamon will happen maybe a kiss or true feelings shown on both sides its time the trio has offically kicked off. An in my Hungar games effie voice "Let the Games begins" I only wanna see VD season five after that buh bye lol. Becuz honestly their no smallville, supernatural heck their no GG. Who's with meh? over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Interesting JP gives them what they beg for but they aren't happy on how it's presented lol Some people are never happy. The tri has already been set up in the season finale and first episode of the season. They have the two main females in Damon's life going through stuff at the same time. One not being true to herself and indulging in the dark side willling and regretting. Bonnie is working on getting her powers back to strength because she did use dark magic and that was the consequence. I find it interesting that Damon encourages dopple to indulge in the darker part of her nature and with Bonnie, he is being Damon and rude to get her to be herself and get back to being Bonnie again. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I agree mate sorry not allowed to comment on meh phone not sure why. Damon is always allowing Elame to be flippin baddie but Bonnie he wants her soft as a kitten kinda like book bon if ya manky look at it like this. All and All JP I have seriously thoughts about her racist butt but she knows bamon fans are out there. Why not roll over and give us our couple. over a year ago
elena1 said …
New Icon Book Bamon Kiss Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
You guys unintentionally helped bring in some high ratings 4x07, which was a Delena episode if you couldn't tell by the promo. Can we try to make sure this doesn't happen again please? Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
the final ratings are low 2.86 all almost blog said this also Carina over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
1percent, which considering the ratings fall all this season and last, even a blip is not enough. :) To truly make a difference our Stelena buddies shuld get in on this, they must hate JPs bs vision as much as we are. #Killtheratings over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Oh, goddess... THIS is the way the episode should have gone...
FIC: "Want"
link Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I Want to see some pics come out with Bonnie and Rudy Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too! Something that makes her smile with her whole heart, and supports her because she absolutely deserves to be. <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Bonnie will be in the next episode. Supposedly Elena will tell Caroline & Bonnie that she had sex with Damon. I bet Caroline will flip. She's so team stelena lol. How do ya'll think Bonnie will react to the news? lol Posted over a year ago
YumYumBamon commented…
I don't think that she will be happy, though things have been rock between Stefan and Bonnie I think she would much rather Elena be with Stefan then Damon. and once she learns about the sire bond thing she may point out that what she feels could be a result of that bond. I tend to think Bonnie to be the voice of reason while Caroline is the kind of girl to tell you your a dumb ass and not feel bad about it. Either way I don't see either of these girls being ok with Delena. In fact I don't see anyone being ok with it... sucks for DE fans over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You're so right, yumyum, she's gonna be the voice of reason like always because Elena retcons what he says or does to hurt/kill/sacrifice those she's supposed to love, in order to be with him. I hope Care and Bon both fire both barrels.. the crud they've been through because of her fickle lame decisions should never be forgiven. Bonnie, Care and Stefan deserve a better. over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
Best things about Bamon shippers or any Bonnie shipper is that we have the endurance and stability to overcome any shit, fuckery and issues dealing with the show. Gotta love Bonnie all together for tying in her fans Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Amen!! *loves you too* over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
I need to bonnie in the program, without it everything is so boring. Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
i had a feeling the episode is crap. gd thing i stopped watching it :) but do tell me when things get gd with bonnie and damon. then i may think of watching the show over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Exactly! Like the heart and soul of it is ripped out - why watch this show without the true lead? over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I have not lost Hope in Bamon BUT DAMON IS GOING TO HAVE TO FIX his self right now He is not good enough for Bonnie JP has made him so sad and pathetic So 1st thing on the list for Bamon is a Friendship then both being there REAL self with each other 2nd is trust going both ways and then we can talk about Love Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yes!! Thank you. ((huggles)) Damon has become more ugly and vile, and to be honest I want her away from his brutality, inhumanity & jealous spite towards those that save his life. Time he EARNED being called friend, let alone brother because right now, he deserves neither. over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
The CW rating WILL come down the ATL was NOT watching the CW at 8 PM we were watching Football so that Number will be coming down every body who was watching tv around the ATL was watching football not the CW show Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe.Ratings dropped for the other epi as well. :) I hope Stelena did the same thing we did, and continue to do so. Football? Who won? I was watching Michonne (Walking Dead).. this programme ROCKS. Actors, characters and writing. <3 Do you watch bb? over a year ago
louvreangel said …
I think I lost all my hopes for Bamon after 4x07... Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you shouldnt because this episode just show how pathetic are DE loool and something between damon/bonnie/shane ;) over a year ago
Bellazz commented…
I must admit I feel the same way. Bonnie deserves better, I could go for a Stefan/Bonnie pairing. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
See, Bonnie is still the amazing, intelligent, heroic and courageous young womans she's always been. That is what Damon needs to become better, 'cause sure as heck with Elena, he's never going to be. This makes me happily MORE Bamon, not less.. don't give up hope. We're not! over a year ago
elena1 said …
New Icon #BookBamon Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
beautiful <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Stunning, just like you are. MUAH! over a year ago
lacage0 said …
"Careful, Damon. I might start to think you actually care."-Bonnie
Has Damon investigated anyone close to Bonnie b4 Shane and mom doesn't count? I find it interesting we get DE scenes and then Bamon scenes. Has anyone noticed that Bonnie loses her powers around the time dopple goes vamp? Now dopple confesses breakup is bcuz of Damon and then we find out why Shane is here and his intentions with Bonnie. Why did Damon feel compelled lol to investigate Shane could jealousy of Bonnie's loyalty Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
and trust in Shane be the reason? What Damon fails to realize is that bonnie does trust him (to a certain degree) but he doesn't realize that yet. Damon seem so ready to kill Shane and Shane played the Bonnie card by stating Bonnie trust him more than Damon to regain her powers. Tell me, is Shane picking up on more than we realize when it comes to Bamon? He knew to use the fact that Bonnie trust to keep him safe from Damon. Soon Bonnie's dad will be there and how will he tie in with Shane and how will he feel about Damon around his daughter? Why do I have a feeling that the end of the season we may have another tri? Thoughts? over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
lacage, you're awesome.you put your finger on something very interesting. Damon still doesn't know that Bonnie trusts him, even after he saved her and protected her so many times. If Damon doubts that Bonnie trusts him, he sure also doubts that she could love him. And this is why Damon hides and denies any feelings he might have for her. Damon's doubts are his weaknesses which Shane knows how to use to his advantage. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Y'know after this episode, I've got more and more respect for Bonnie Bennett - and she wasn't even in the episode! Ms.Judgey has integrity,dignity, courage, honour and respect and knows, by heart, what is wrong and right and doesn't betray that for any one. Bonnie deserves to be the true lead of a show for young women who will rule the world - without having to serve themselves up to do it. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Preach it sister!!! Hecky yeah!!!! over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
:) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is our Bonny Bonnie in the next episode? I miss her, and I didn't even watch the show. :) I will legit die happy if PoppaBennett is a Vampire Hunter, or elder of the council. That'll make Bonnie taking heritage from being a protector of humanity, but the prodgeny of a Demon Hunter. Hand this girl a Katana, she's about to get her Michonne on. :) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hm I feel there is a huge chance that PoppaBennet is a hunter. it has much sence and it would be pretty interesting. daddy dont like witches cuz they help vamps. daddy vs his lilbabyBon so much to see. butthen again ideas come from jp so... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Yeh, there was some convo on it, where he didn't approve of Grams teaching his babygurl about her Emily Bennett heritage - he had to know about Abby (now there's a reunion!) he's gonna have issues with Damon, considering three women of his family were 'killed' by the same man within a year. Lord, let him go Terminator on all of them. :) Will JP write it? lol. Nup. Come back Kevin! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks SanjaTanja! over a year ago
big smile
ginbell84 said …
SHANE put Damon in his place and gave no fucks about it Now Damon is going to need to put Space between Shane and Bonnie In comes Rudy who Damon will go run tell that to Daddy Bennett so Damon can have some time to get bonnie to trust him and Damon and Shane are going to go to war over Bonnie that is what I want to happen so who side will Bonnie end up on we shall see Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Wait.. Damon got put in his place?! lol.. that's fantastic!!! YAY!! We just need Bonnie to do the same, and our girl is on her way back to full health, wealth and warfare. <3 over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
I am on vacation from TVD. Just tell me if there are any good Bonnie scenes, and I will come back. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'll come with and carry the sunscreen, drinks and hot guy attenders. :) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
can I join? I can make delicious cupcakes ;) hot guys, cold drinks and my Divas ....Heaven can wait! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^YES! -- bring the cuppies. We've got a party, right here! <3 over a year ago
amberausten7 said …
Best part of tonight's episode was Prof Shane telling Damon how much everyone needs Bonnie and that she trusts him more than Damon to help her. The look of defeat on Damons face!!! Yippee;) I think the prof is HOT!!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
HELL YEAH!!!!! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
This is the beginning of bamon....how damon will win bonnie's trust for real :) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
thanks so much amberautsten!! <3 that would be crazy!! yayy. okay I am a little slow with the plot so it means vampire could be human again?? sorry but for what the heck? :D because of Elena right? -.-' over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
guys dont be depressed by tonight episode because something great happend looool (i watched online) and of course that was weird and disgusting because of DE loool but SOMETHING PRETTY GREAT HAPPENED loool.... but i really missed bonnie :( Posted over a year ago
yvenie commented…
omg I dont think I'll ever stop feeling nauseous after that train wreck but you're right something great did happin . lol I almost felt bad for the DE fans. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
Almost loool... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Awww.. bb! Don't watch tvd, so ain't depressed.. besides you writing gives me glee and giddylove. Stefan deserves WAYFARBetter than another Katherine cloneskank, ain't no question now. Bring on Bonnie/Shane/Stefan putting skanks in their places. Tis love, bb. Tis LOVE! over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Can I just do a small rant?
I haven't been watching TVD since the new season or even last season. It's too predictable with all this Delena stuff. It's starting to get boring. I wish they would've went by the book. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
CinderBonnie owns Mystic town
hanging vamps, upside down
no more tears, fears or frown
doing it all, in her gorgeous gown.

Warrior Prince is her right
loves to dance, loves to fight
kicks toosh, day and night
makes life all the bright

Saves her prince, dragon slayed
Originals neutered, stayed
& Salvatores like it all
to have CinderBonnie at the Ball. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
brilliant <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is Bonnie even going to be on this episode? I heard that the stills were out, and she's the only one missing. *sigh* Why are we still watching this crud, peeps? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Will spend tonight making more Bonnie at the Ball dresses, or poems etc if anyone else wants too as well. Bonnie appreciation week! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
HELP US TREND "BONNIE BENNETT IN A GOWN" today (29.11.2012) at 3 pm EST, 9 pm CET and 8 pm UK. I hope we'll succeed in it. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Nans lovely story updated bbs! "Endings"
link Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
New Icon Cinderella because Bonnie Bennett is the new Cinderella of MF Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Aww.. that's beautiful bb! What's our official name? CinderBonnie or Bonnierella? Our Love Goddess. :) over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Cinderbonnie over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^Sounds good to me sweet elena1. Will tag my bonnie dresses from now on. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
The dress arrives 3hrs b4 the party, Bonnie reads the card & is about to shred them both, when the phone rings. "I wouldn't do that judgey." She scoffed angrily. "Wouldn't be the first time I don't listen to you." His voice sours. "Not a request, this comes from Elijah.. and Lucy." Of course. "She's really dating him." He snorts. "Imagine that, bonbon. VampireWitch love." "Imagine your a** on fire, I'm not going with you." He's at her door b4 she can continue. "It ain't a request sweetheart.." Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
"...This time, CinderBonnie not only gets to go to the ball, but her date is smokin' hot Prince. I'll even help you get in (and out) of that dress. What more could a witchy want?" over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
'and out'....hell yeah! ;) over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
Love it, why couldn't this happen in the series................ over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks lovely ladies! ((((Huggles))))) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Paul Wesley
As an actor, you’re sort of going, “What’s happening right now? How are we getting away with so many murders, and there’s no police investigating? Is there really no FBI thats coming to Mystic Falls, because 500 people die every month?
PAUL WESLEY FOREVER CALLING JULIE OUT ON HER BS. paul wesley hating on his own show
paul wesley basically being flawless

^^ Another general to our army. Love him! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I so in love with Paul, he always tell what he thinks. I think that's also a reason why Ian is JP's fave and not him. I'm definitely teamHonesty. Love you Paul <3 and you too sweetWahinetoa <3 over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
Paul actually knows logic. Ian is a blind puppy over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, I think there's 'pandering' to certain stars unless they question the direction, 'cause apparently having logic in a storyline is not winning you favors on this show. *rolls eyes at Julie* Love you back too Viky! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Meh have decided to manky not watch thurday's eppy. Who once to see Elame win title of the year for "Miss Mystic falls Whore?" She would still have to manky beat out Barbie Vampire for the title but anyhoo mates. I am disgusted at the flippin writers not one manky scene for Bonnie at a dance nor something with Damon. I wish she would get better treatment but alas we have a bunch of mangy jackaroos writing for this show. I will not watch next week's either unless I see Bonnie at least. Posted over a year ago
kraybaby commented…
I'm watching, but I'm not watching it live. And to let you know Bonnie will be episodes 8 and 9, episode 9 should have some Bamon since they will both be at the lakehouse. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thanks mate for this I'm not gonna watch period for now on the only bloody things meh telly sees at night on CW. is Arrow and Bamon/Bonnie/Stefan/Matt/Tyler scenes. Thank again mate. over a year ago
elena1 said …
In the next days I will put a Cinderella Avatar in Twitter and Tumblr because Bonnie Bennett is the new Cinderella that never goes to Balls but at the end she will not have the prince Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
CinderBonnie... exactly! Bonnies far too awesome to be wanting a Prince and will be slaying Dragons instead. She's the heroine of the story. <3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
amen sisters over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
THIS THIS THIS! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I'm supposed to be doing ball gowns for our bb to wear, but distracted by Michonne (twd) being bad-tooshed and awesome, pawning all the males in sight. *shipping her and Bonnie doing the same thing in Mystic* :D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Added a Bamon Nature Designs Bonnies Gown in Images. Used a Bonnie Doll a base. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
It's stunning honey. I think its so sad we have to do such things. :( So sad we have to do our BOnnieGown ourselves because we don't get one. Your dress is beautiful sweetW but I feel so sad when I look at it because of that. :( Sorry but it's so depressing we are just fighting and fighting and still got nothing. over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
OMFG, Michonne is my fav character. She is beauty, badass and strong which is rare on television nowadays. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic! by our very own darlin' Nansoula!! <333
link Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Bamon Love to all you guys you are the best just a reminder do not watch live link or a up load if need be Also can not wait to see Bonnie 's dad Rudy that the Big thing for me that is coming up Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE you back sweet ginbell! Darn tootin' and totally cannot wait for Rudy - want to see someone on her side for once. Bring back Lucy too! <3 over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
BAMON FOREVER!!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
<3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Amen sisters!! *adores* over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Thursday's night trend (29.11.2012)

What do you think about trending BONNIE BENNETT IN A GAWN and posting photos with gawns we would like to see Bonnie in because we won’t see her in it because of those stupid producers & writers. :( Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Great idea sweetie! I've got a picture in images if you wanna take that. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh! I found a Bonnie doll from tumblr that people can use too.... link over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I made a mistake in spelling. It should be GOWN not GAWN. Sorry. :D over a year ago
elena1 said …
Show Delena: The Emo Vampire and the Annoying Vampire I ship this couple I joke Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
loooooool over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*chuckles* over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
On Tumblr this Elena fan said "Elena is the warrior princess"....it causes laughter at the stupidity of that statement. Bonnie is more of a warrior princess and Damon should nail that lol Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
oh my God I don't even know that Elena fans still exist! :O over a year ago
elena1 commented…
@Vicky11 now only the dullena fans are fans of Elena but if she will reject Damon they will hate her again over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you said the fucking truth W. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sweet Divas!! How goes the Bamon World Domination? <33 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic
link Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Team Bamon can feel free to jump on here at anytime and voice their disgust for this promo.
link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
worst promo ever loooooooooool so not interesting over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i mean seriously this promo is supposed to make us crazy about the wait? if this episode never came out i will be more than ok because it seems so annoying. now its totally like the dopple diaries.... over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so damn true viky11 lool over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday and even to those who don't. Remember to be thankful for your blessings that you have now and what is to come in the future! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Happy Thanks! Thankful for all my girls in Bamon/Bonnie.. you divas (Bonnie/Kat & JoMo) are the BEST to come of this show. over a year ago
big smile
Viky11 said …
Alright guys, who started this whole Merlin thing?? All blame on her :D i am OBSESSED!! Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
I know right?!? Soooo freaking fabulous! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. Fab shows that are written exceptionally great - love them! over a year ago
kaspo commented…
lol my bad it was me i guess. ever since tvd was pissing me off i started watching merlin. ps merlin is one of the amazing tv show that allow me to be proud of being a UK! :D over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Damon is now suspicious of Shane. How do ya'll think this is gonna play out? Do u think Shane will come between Bamon & cause a bigger rift in their relationship? Do u think Bonnie will trust/side with Shane over Damon? Do u think Damon & Bon will argue over Shane? Do u think Damon will warn Bon about Shane or keep the info to himself? I mean, there's so many ways this could turn out. It seems Damon is sharing a storyline with Bon but JP might end that soon. Ya'll know how she is. Posted over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
If they do interact its time for some nice angry fucking. Sigh, Bamon gives me dirty thoughts. over a year ago
kraybaby commented…
The rate Bamon has been going since this season started. I doubt if he would tell her. But I'm hoping he does and I'm hoping that he is the one to bring her back from whatever Shane puts her through. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Like everyone thoughts on this too! over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Someone else who is Team Bonnie is Kat. It was Kat Damon was speaking with at the end of season 1 about how Bonnie saved him when she didn't have to(with a little smile). When Kat was in the tomb she told Damon if he could get his lil witch to get her out she would give them the moonstone. Now we have Kat telling Dopple how she is causing Bonnie pain. Possibly Pro-Bamon. because on top of what was mentioned, her reaction when damon got his phone back from her and he saw that text from Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Bonnie and he was going back and she reminded him no turning back and he told her to shut up lol The audience and Damon thought she was talking about Dopple because he would go back but what if he was speaking about bonnie because he wanted to go back after seeing that text. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you just made my night looool over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So true! hehe. You girls are wicked insightful and appreciate the sharing bbs. ^^Stabbing the princess, would've been a perfect ending for that statement. For any statement where she's concerned. :D over a year ago
lacage0 said …
"Careful, Damon. I might start to think you actually care."-Bonnie We wouldn't want that-Damon. To late Damon you are now showing up more in Bonnie's sphere, and going with her or being where she's at and if she isn't there you want her around. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
So true, lacage. And you know what every time I hear him say "We wouldn't want that", I hear something like "I hope so much that you want me to care for you." Am I the only one? over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I totally agree he wants Bonnie to care about him the way he cares about her and also how she cares about those closest to her over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
awww Damon is so cute in this light... :D He is already Bonnie's 'friend' so be patient Salvatore, you're almost there! ;D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Loved their banter so much, it showed how affected he was to her loyalty and courage, like the Halloween "You see Caroline?" over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Another thought, have you noticed that Damon is rying to make Dopple Kat 2.0 Kat even back that up in the last episode saying she use to be like Dopple. Notice Damon isn't trying to make Bonnie Emily 2.0 and Emily is a powerful witch. Notice Damon helps Bonnie grow into her powers and capabilities where he is allowing Dopple to feed into the dark side. Have you notice when Bonnie and Dopple are in the same scene he is himself snark and all with Bonnie no pretend just Damon where he tries to Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
to change himself for Dopple. Have you notice he seems to feed off of Bonnie strength because he knows she is capable of handling whatever. This could be the reason he is sometime just harsh in getting Bonnie to come back into herself. He knows she is strong enough to handle him and the situation. He has no faith in dopple and feels that she is gullible by his "good" nature and uses it in his competition with stefan. Thoughts? over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
soooooooooooooo true... he seems to be rude toward bonnie but he's just damon in his own way to help her...kind of. dont forget that he's team bonnie lool and he has faith in bonnie over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
I think he just doesn't know how to respond to Bonnie kindly because well their connection is unstable. So he just tries to be rude in a way of being nice to her. over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
The reason why Julie never has Bonnie enter a ball or party is because Bonnie is too damn beautiful compared to the other girls. She doesn't want Bonnie to steal the spotlight. Since it is obvious that all the men will be chasing after her, especially Damon Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
100% Agreed;) over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Completely true!!! But come on!!! It should be Bonnie's shining moment!!! We've all had enough of Elena and Caroline! It's time for Bonnie to get some hot guys coming after her! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I so believe this racist thing not right. I always wonder JP would treat Bonnie this way even if she would be a white red headed girl like in the books? I hope so. I so hope all this racist stuff just coincident because we just can't live in a world like that. Although I really don't understand JP, she is not even trying to defend herself, she has to know about what are we thinking and still she keeps killing and using black people on the show. I really hope she is just this stupid otherwise this is not the right world for us. It can't be. over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Hey guys typed my second article, go check it out when you get a chance it's titled Damon's Choice
link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
great article great though as always ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Saw this on tumblr, a lovely way to answer the bullies.

"This is my ship. I am the Captain.
If you don't like it.... walk the friggen plank." Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
haha right!! XD thanks sweetWahinetoa <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((snuggles tightly)) A pleasure, bb! over a year ago
pomme_muis said …
Hey guys it had occure to me in a thought idk if anyone else tought of this but you know in that one episode where damon tells elena if it came down to it and it ws elena and bonnie in danger in a life or death situation he wiuld gladly choose elena over bonnie. And i know some of us are hoping there will an episode that would show that scenes foreshadow in this season. But idk why but im feeling as if im scared that last season when damon and stefan were in the car and they had to figure out Posted over a year ago
pomme_muis commented…
A way to save elena and the only way was to kill the magic source which damon and stefan found out was to kill bonnie in order to save elena. Then it occured to me while i was in bed that what if that scene where damon chose to kill abby was that ones episode answer to the whole id save elena over bonnie that the scene we wanted had already happened. Where damon did save elena like he wanted but aswell he prevented bonnie from dying. And i truly hope what i said isnt true and that the TVD writers will surprise us with some scene where damon really has to choose then i will be most happy in my life. And yeah thats my. Comment of the day tha ks for even reading it. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Mmm.. interesting thoughts pomme_muis. Though him putting her life on the line for Elena, needs to be addressed. When he puts his on the line for her, it'll go a long way. Hoping it will be season finale. Great thoughts! over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
You know pomme_muis, when Damon said " if it comes down to you and the witch again, I will gladly let Bonnie die", he only said that because he was struggling to deny his growing feelings for Bonnie. I didn't truly believe a word of what he said. In "All my children", Damon actually proves that he isn't capable of letting Bonnie die to save Elena. He actually waited the last minute to save Elena and he refused to let Elijah kill Bonnie and her Mom. During the entire episode, Damon did everything he could to protect Bonnie. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Kaddy9 I so agree.Damon made sure Bonnie was alright. over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
Hey guys, check out my new article. I'm discussing my thoughts on the first episodes of season 4 about Bonnie's dark side and what Damon's recent tough behavior towards Bonnie might actually mean. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Will do, bb. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Breaking Dimensions
link Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said …
Why was 4x6 so boring?!? Why does the extended promo have Stefan talking about how and Elena broke up? Why does Damon want to get it in with his brothers sloppy seconds? I mean gross...Does JP realize that Damon's swagger is registering at -20? Oh and thanks to all that mentioned Merlin. I watched all 4 season in a week;) Xoxo!!! Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
And the next episode 4x07 there is a ball and naturally Bonnie isn't in the episode Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
meh... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*sigh* Once again, Julie is treating our girl like a slave. :( over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
I don't expect anything from Julie. We all know Bonnie is going to look the most beautiful in the ball and Julie doesn't want any of the male characters to go after her and leave Elena and Caroline over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Sadly:( I want our girl to shine and look beautiful! what would I give to see Bonnie dance with a hot supernatural guy at a ball!!! She is so beautiful!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: For Just One Moment
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Updated Want
link Posted over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
Despite the whole Delena thing that is going to happen. I still have hope for Bamon. But while this shit is happening, I am going to take a nice long vacation.
It is kinda nice to take a break from TVD and its fuckery. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Exactly. Regardless of anything that happens, I'm shipping Bonnie with happiness, better storylines and friends worthy of being her friend - because right now they FAIL on every level. Wait a sec, I'll pack my bags and we can pick up our bb along the way. Sun, fun and hot guys buying our drinks. Sounds like a plan? ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
It's refreshing! :) over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
Yep ;) over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Is it me or did anyone find it interesting that during the DE show, that even thought the Bamon's scenes happened they didn't have to because Bonnie could have went to see Shane by herself? Damon didn't have to go. Why have Kat specifically mentioned Bonnie and her loss because of Dopple when others have lost as well? I didn't watch the episode but did that scene of kat and dopple happen while Damon was with Bonnie? When Bonnie goes dark, Damon may have to choose who to help/save? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It is strange that Damon was all in her business though, wasn't it? Like if he didn't give a damn, he'd be out being the kicked puppy, but he chose to go with our bonnie? Hmm.. Right now, I'm not shipping him with anyone - he's ugly betraying his brother and we're not here for that. I think if our girl gets her wicked on, is it wrong to want Damon to be the first one to truly know just how much punishment the 'wicked witch' can live up to the name, but truly dish out? over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
i agree Damon isn't shipable right now. I do find it interesting that he is all up in Bonnie's business and the fact Stefan said you two do your thing just was like ok what are the writers doing? Notice since season 2x06 episode, Damon and Bonnie have off and on been on road trips together. I'm pissed because I would love to hear those conversations between those two. It seems that Damon wants to be in Bonnie's life and the fact she use the word friend was like ok writers what are you doing? I still say they are building the Bamon relationship while doing the other ship that shall remain nameless.lol Kat's right she is just like her loved how kat stated damon as an afterthought. Damon is trying to make dopple Kat. He wants to be around Bonnie because she is Bonnie period no comparisons or dopples. over a year ago
kraybaby commented…
I wonder myself, why they had him go with Bonnie. Because Bonnie could have gotten the info and called an informed Damon and he could have informed her about Jeremy and Bonnie could have told Jer herself. A lot of peopl are saying it was fan service, but I don't know of any Bamon fan that was so thrilled about those 2 minor Bamon scenes. In the books Damon died saving Bonnie, there has been a lot of forshadowing about Damon leaving/dying. It would be intersting if they kept this aspect or something similar in the show. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Sadly mates I have bloody decided to take a permanent leave of absence for good not the Bamon fandom, however the manky TVD family. Its a shame we have mindless bigots writing for this show, that they can't give one mangy DB scene without it being Dumb Entertainment involved. if these jackaroos were like Merlin writers not manky scared of interracial couples they would do great. However they quite give us rubish after spoon filled rubish. I am bloody done will watch all DB maybe scenes at YT. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Join the growing exodus party bb! We've got chips, dip and noguilt treats (hot and coldblooded vampire waiters everywhere). I wish too that the show could've continued to be exceptional from S1-2, but supporting them now is a chore, and heck to the yeh.. Merlin is much better! Did you see the stills for the next epi? *SQUEE* Bonnie in Camelot, would be amazing. Merlin could teach her, or even better Morgana get her freak on.. oooh, and get a dragon too!! Can you imagine Elenas face when Bonnie comes home riding a firebreathing dragon as her new pet? :D over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOL yes mate that would be flippin cool. eek I smell a new bloody fictional novel coming up. thanks for the idea sorry meh late meh phone wont allowed me to comment on post. Unless at the computer top. over a year ago
kaspo said …
is just me or everyone else that when i watched episode 6 and Katherine was tell elena that she is the causes of everyone around her pain, i was like 'girl preach! ". i was totally agreeing on what kat said. ps i know this bad minded but when elena stab jeremy in the neck i laughed! and also when she basically ran away from damon from her house! too funny. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Me too, I really love the way Katherine told Elena the truth about herself in her face. I have never loved Katherine as much in that scene. the characters around Elena should act the same. Elena has become a horrible person and I can't care for her right now. over a year ago
lacage0 said …
I thought the my friend Damon comment was interesting because he was just toasting and talking to his dead friend Alaric and then she comes in and says that. I also thought that the choice of wording that Stefan said when he left was interesting 'you two do your thing". Bonnie could have easily went to see Shane on her own why include Damon in that comment? As for Kat, wish it was Bonnie stating this but good to hear someone else state it and sees it. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Indeed, lacage. It's really good to hear Bonnie call Damon his friend, especially when you know what she thought of him in the first and beginning of second season. over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
There was a time when Bonnie would say to Damon "Just stay the hell away from me" or " one wrong move and I'm gonna take you out" and she would refer to him as "a homicidal vampire", and now - yet - Bonnie is like "This is my friend Damon. The development of their relationship is too awesome. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Yes that relationship has progressed. I did an article on Damon's choice check it out and tell me what you think. over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
I LOVE KAT (i mean the vampire) i love her for her speech about all the pain that dopple give to everyone... i love her words about bonnie's lost because of elena <3 Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
but im sick of the discrimination that i can see on that tv show...he drives me crazy. im fed up about all those black character who's just there for one thing: "BE KILLED" over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks god there was some bonnie in this episode :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^THIS! This so much. And it has become arrogantly blatant that race absolutely has everything to do with it, despite JP saying it's not - proof is seeing, and her argument dies. Bonnie is gorgeous, brilliant and talented, and seeing her at any given time, improves this show a gazillion times a zillion. But the racial undertones both in the writing and the fandom, they need to go. Srly damaging on every level. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Two positives of the episode, as far as I could see..
1st one. Bonnie/Kat is a stunning beauty. No doubt about it!.
2nd positive? Us.

We get to make the right choices, like put our darlin' in an elegant gown because she deserves it above all else. Give her a family and friends who care for this 17yr old courageous young woman, as much as she's given them. Create art, stories - just every beauty you could imagine for our girl.

It's well passed time this fandom did. <3 Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks a lot for your positivity sweetie LOVE U over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((huggles hard)) It's easy to be positive around positive & amazing women like yourself, bb. LOVEU2! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're such a sweetie <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Okay, let's have some cast fun... :) Guh... too cute!!!!
link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Viky11 said …
So we got nothing again, huh? I am not even surprised! :D What about : 'this is my FRIEND Damon?' not enough I know...Screw you JP XD But who cares? She ruins her own show as I hear so we don't have to do noting... :D
BonnieDaddy all hopes is on you!! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
sorry for the big smile but I can only laugh now... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ikr? Way to make Elena look like the skank she is, and that Katherine had to speak for Bonnie.. guh. I'm clinging to OUR writers right now, 'cause they'll kick this rubbish into touch. DaddyBonnie is the only hope. over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
i want to seee bonnie dad to over a year ago
kaspo said …
hey guys, i just want to say i will no longer watch the show anymore after watching the latest episode. The fact we were informed by JP that bamon will be spending more time together which was a lie cuz the show was once again focusing on elena. Im tired of JP bull crap. But im still a fan of Bamon all the way. keep me posted about bamon. xoxoxo Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
ps JP has no idea how to make character development to any characters equally. She has officially lost a fan of the show. I will be a fan again if the show is improved correctly. over a year ago
kaspo commented…
she can learn it by watching a called 'Merlin' (BBC version). She can a thing or two....or ALOT from this show. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
**huggles the newest member of KickJPtotouch** I stopped watching S3, but Bonnie keeps me on yt and here. JP will pimp her 3 at the expense of story, character and integrity. Merlin, WalkingDead, Person of Interest.. all have characters given their due respect, and consequences of their actions. Damon uses people around him & doesn't get called on it? Wtheck? We could trust BONNIE to do that, but Jp has taken her voice and given it to Care, Meredit and now apparently Kat. Time for JP to go... over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I am still Team Bamon I LOVE them

They are MY SHIP

But I am Mad that JP thinks we will Watch the Show Live For more DE SHIT Not me LINKS Only for now ON No Rating will come from Me

UNTIL TVD can Show Me something I Want on the show like More Bonnie or BAMON Posted over a year ago
wichitofan commented…
i get you guys are mad hell i would be too if i were you but think about it this way if raiting goes down all you are doing is hurting kat graham and the rest of the cast which is not their fault they work very hard to do this show and i think you should consider this :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with Ginbell, the way JP has constantly written this character to carry the consequences for ungrateful, selfish friends is disgusting. I can't in all honesty watch or give support to a writer who hasn't written with integrity for the characters in a long time. Let the ratings die.. the deserve too. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@wichitofan.. not mad, just.. disappointed that Bonnie/Kat are treated so badly by both fandom and the writers. So very much gonna support her, absolutely, all the cast infact - but not for the show/ooc we're seeing now. More than ratings, it's lost respect. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
@wichitofan sorry but I wouldn't watch a show what is sucks even if my mum would plays in it. I understand what you mean but we actually like the cast. I think JP is the one who is hurting Kat ,definitely not us. Maybe the low ratings made the writes to create a much better storyline for everyone because as you said they are working very hard so they deserve it. We have a right to show our discontent. That's my opinion. And we love every actor and actress in the show but you can't 'force' us to watch something what only give us bad feelings..but you are sweet to speak for the cast and tried :) over a year ago