Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 311-320 of 8919

DamonsLilBird said …
Yep as always these flippin writers can never manky do anything right. I watch for bamon and we had two bloody scenes, ugh yes bon was on but she shined so beautiful with Damon. Cranky mates I have gone tired of their rubish Princess of Whoredom was at her mangy useless self. One thing I've noticed is Shane will be key to evil Bon he is not wat he seems. All and all I should've not watch, won't be next manky week. What ya think mates? Btw on Nokia can not reply until morrow. Love yall Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
YES TVD is Crap right now I watch Live For Bonnie and Bamon We Not be doing that anymore untill TVD start to show me Want I want on the show BAMON . for now links are my BFF over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe. I didn't think it possible that Julie could write an episode to lose more fans than all of season3, but the forums I'm on, and tumblr.. :D.. whoa. Shane a key to wickedBonnie, I'm hoping Kat will teach her a few things about putting herself first for ONCE, or many many times, becase she matters too. Won't be watching either, we'll watch walking dead instead or Merlin. I'll bring the icecream!! ;) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
OOh Merlin fan? I just love them mates. I be inside Arwen fan spot alot becuz im flippin tried of tvd. I have always been a fan of the walking dead however I just started watching their new season got some much flippin stuff to catch up on. @Ginbell84 I understand your hurt mate tvd is crap. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Dormiente!! *squeeeee*
link Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
We are trending YAYBAMON tonight at 4pm EST, 10 pm CET and 9pm UK. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: And Lightning Strikes
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Usually, I'd say not to watch the next episode for realtime, but a bamonBonnie fan thinks we should to bump up the numbers it being a Bamon episode. Show 'em we do count!!

What do you girls think? Yes or No? Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Hell yeah! Let's do it!;) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I can't because it's not on the air in my country but I wish you good luck!! Bamon power! ;D <3 over a year ago
kraybaby commented…
lmao, not good at all. won't get me again though over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Question for the artists:
Is anyone using the new paint programmes for ipad/tablet, those tech goodies with the pen-thingy? Stylus? Any tips or recs for which is the best one to use? I'm on my desktop photoshop one from 11yrs ago, it's THAT old and the mouse-drawing is killing me. Would appreciate any help bbs. Thanks! Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
hey, erm u mean a graphic tablet (lol). I have a wacom bamboo graphic tablet (medium special edition). I use my graphic tablet on photoshop and sketchbook. I would recommend photoshop because it has more tools and more like to get the results want. But that's just my opinion. plus there are many tutorials available. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*blushing like crazy* Graphic Tablet.. thanks bb. ;) Do you use a pen thingy? Saw how it acts like an actual brush, which is dang snazzy gotta say! Do you have to have itunes to activiate it, oranything. I'd get a secondhand one, but someone said about a jailbreak using it, and I want nothing to do with illegal stuff so I'm back to buying from a store. LOVE you kasp thanks again! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
*Ju,mps in before work*
FIC: Updated: Want
link Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said …
Omg!!! This is a must read. Every point this wonderful woman has is perfect!!! Had to share cause I was misty eyed by the time I was done;) link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ohmmgee... I ADORE nasradsalvatore.. I swear too, this woman is hot perfection. Thanks amberausten, love ya! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Oh my God all these reasons!! That's why I love my fandom because we are able to think. The writers can't fool us because we are able to see much further than what they show us directly. All these reasons show that Bamon's relationship based on much deeper emotions than the DE relationship which more likely based on desire and obsession and I think somehow the fact that Damon is lost . I think Elena is like a safety point to him after the Katherine issue. Okay, you can tell me he loves her but I still think he tries to create a new Katherine...okay I go back to the article because it's really awesome! over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Hey Ladies!!! I am sooooo glad you got the chance to check it out. It's just soooooo amazing the love we got for Bamon! I hear Damon spends the majority of time with Bonnie this Thursday. Can't wait to see his interactions with the prof!!! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Can't wait too and thank you for the link babe, it took my afternoon away XDD Totally made my mood! My faith is strong again!! Thank you!! *kiss kiss* <3 over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Random thoughts: question did you see in 4x4 after Damon, Bonnie and dopple got out of the car, when Bonnie gets out to follow dopple if you look at the scene (like the camera shot) you would see that Damon didn't move after he got out of car until Bonnie was making her way to the front. You see Bonnie walking and Damon's head in the shot and then he comes around after she does. Not sure if it meant anything just thought that shot was interesting and he was snarky with dopple about college. Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Also, we have another episode that Bonnie isn't with the gang and is the one to mention her. Was he snarky, yeah but we are talking about damon kinda remind me of 3x4 (i think) where they make a plan and damon wanted bonnie on in on the plan but dopple said she didn't trust stefan not to hurt bonnie the witch hello but i digress. Then the office scene with the candles remind me of when bonnie first came into her powers in the first season. It was t he episode that she focused on the main candle and then the others in the rooms were lit. I find it interesting that Damon and bonnie's dad are on the same side and how focused shane is on her powers. Maybe bonnie is the key to getting the cure to make vampires human and he knows it. I've also notice that since the season started we have DE but we also have Bamon and I feel this is the build of the tri. I wonder if the words damon spoke in 2x18 about a choice would be at the end of the season talk about a cliffhanger. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You are STUNNING in every single way.. the insights were brill, and if Damon and her poppa meet, have mercy.. Bonnies champion to her challenger. We are so ready.. ;) over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
OK I was thinking how did Bonnie 's dad know about Shane in the 1st Place I am Thinking that Damon might have told Him about Shane and Bonnie because it looks like Damon is going after Shane Hard Core and you know Damon is going to want Bonnie to side with Him about Shane and I do not think that Bonnie will . And that will get Damon Even Madder so He will need some kind of way to put some space between Bonnie and Shane so He can get Bonnie on his side Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Oh my God I love your theory!!! I realy hope you're right! That would be awesome!! And it has logic much more logic than in JP's mind... over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
what a fucking GREAT theory !!!!! i wish it could be that way seriously...but with JP i doubt it but thanks for you theory it totally made sense over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm right now bowing to my screen - he's so needy, and will want Bonnie on his side.. but nope, she's gonna figure this out her own dang self and do so brilliantly. This will tick him off, and Damon will go hard out to put distance between them. I love you! over a year ago
Viky11 said …
2620 woah!! Welcome!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
welcome newbies <3 welcome to the bamily :D over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
i was thinking about something kind of hilarious (and not really related to bamon) the fact that in the tvd world "doctors" can be able to defuse a bomb looooool i cant remember the episode of the season 4 where we can saw that damon choose to call meredith the doctor over bonnie the "wicked witch" ....nonsense? yes i think so looool Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So true - just goes to show how OOC this show has become. S1, he's become a parrot/puppet/prick of every lame, cliche lead written by nonsense writer. :P I feel sorry for Ian, all he does now is take off his shirt and whine about his lovelife. Welcome to the CW, Somerhalder. ;) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hahaha yeah, poor Ian he totally lost it. In the past , during season 1 and 2 he did some smirk and every teen handed him their panties but now the girls give him some tissues first...and then come the panties of course...I mean he is still Ian and no matter what I think, that smirk still works :D over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I found some news about Bonnie's dad, maybe you already read it because its kinda old..but here it is : Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Spoilers Guide has gathered some great new info about Rudy’s role on the show, revealing that he is returning to Mystic Falls after an extended absence, worried about Bonnie’s life and future. He will be confronting Professor Shane (David Alpay), who at this point is serving as Bonnie’s friend and new (magical, presumably) mentor, and threatens to reveal Shane’s “past missteps.” It is also implied that Bonnie’s relationship with Shane might go beyond your usual teacher-student. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
So cool he will be a protector daddy finally, Bonnie needed him for long.. He will be confronting Shane!! I'm so curios I hope he will meet with Damon . I hope we will get some funny Daddy vs Damon scenes. And I really hope he will yell the hell out of the Princess for using her daughter as a slave. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb. Long absence, does that mean Bonnie was offically on her own for all this time? Can we adopt her already? YAY, DamonDaddy scene. Never mind Shane, poppabear, start up your "fillet-a-salvatore" for the real threat to your/our babygurl. Can't wait to see how Bonnie and Shanes relationship grows. MMMmm.. 7hr detention. Just sayin'... over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
guys...i just cant believe that we got only 5min of bonnie last night and that was the best part of the episode :O i mean WOOOOOOW. she's the leader the hero an episode without is just so sooooo boring. she brings tvd back to life (in this 5min) Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i dont care about elena again if she could die i'll be more than okay with it...stefan deserves better than that...and damon needs to wake the fuck up loool over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
oooh and **professor shane** was hot and mysterious and sexy and HOOOOOT... guys i cant help it guys i love him. and he puts a smile upon bonnie's face <3.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*flutters lashes* You've made a happy girl, even happier - That Archduke Joseph Diamond is on its way over. <3 over a year ago
01trugirl said …
I gotta say I crack up at Damon comments about Bonnie. Man he really had her on the brain yesterday. I maybe pulling at straws but it was like he was at a lost about what to do without her. "The wicked witch of the west" lol Its like why didn't he just call her. That Shane guy is just creepy, I think he's going to open the grates to dark Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
This is what meh been saying since seeing him and watching him confrimed my supicous. I believed in some way he wants Bonnie's powers or just wants to used her and what witch can be used if their heart is bloody pure? I say here it comes Dark bonnie we just gotta tuned out the flippin ruckus namely DE over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Yeah, he doesn't know yet but he needs Bonnie. He can't live without her guide. He needs her and we know that ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Without Bonnie they're all dead, which I'm wondering if he goes in search of the wanderin' hero next epi in order to make sure he's not without her again. DarkBonnie, oh, that would be exquiste! He'll have to work darn hard to save her this time, cannot wait. Cannot wait! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
A cup with a lid
& a Prof. saucy wink
Damons bitter mood
more than he think
missing his judgey
beside her in a blink
next epi Bamon
Rinky dink dink! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
haha I luv ya girl! <3 over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Awesomesauce!!! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THAT <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love you divas back! :) :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Damon should stop frontin' with that bitter comment - and just admit he misses Bonnie, 'cause their narrow tooshies just keep scrwing things up like they always do.

Without their Queen; they're all the village idiots. :D Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
^preach! what did he say? what bitter comment? over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so true over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Viky-“Maybe Bonnie decided to make herself useful again." which showed just how bad a friend Elena is, by not smacking that crud down like in S2 where she defended Bonnie after the 60s dance. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bonnies smile reached her eyes, and we've not seen that in a very, VERY long time. It's was glorious, enchanting and she is this freakin' worlds goddess because of it. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Yeah, I loved her smile! I really missed it. Her smile made me feel better. Kat is wonderful. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
xthesebonesx Bonnie had the shortest amount of screentime in this episode, yet, her smiling & laughing was the best part of the episode, to me.
I needed to see her happy, for once. Even if it was for two fucking minutes. I needed to see her worrying about HERSELF, finally.

I needed to see her OWNING her feelings, and not being afraid.

I got all of that in TWO minutes, TVD fandom. What were you saying about your faves, again? Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
preach it sweetie <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
BonnieShane scenes... YES! The flirting, the care.. aww.. and the cups had a lid! First Damon with his rugs and now Shane with his country cottage lidded cup. Bonnie could rule them like MarthaStewart.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
How cool was it to see Bonnie just be Bonnie. How Shane can make that smile blossom again, and that's something all Bonnie fans need and want. Damon - time you got your a** handed to you. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Yup! Looking forward to Damon getting all bent outta shape;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
From Yousaytroublefollowsyou
“Let me tell you something Bonnie Bennett you’re stronger than they are, you have a power of your own you havent even approached yet and you dont have to be afraid of anyone” Professor Shane thank you for telling her this she doesn’t hear it often. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Dayum that's hot!!! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I already like this Shane guy over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
looool over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
THIS.. this right here. *all the feels and dang more of these smiles. Guh.LOVE
link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
girlcrush again? Definitely it is! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^hehe bb. I'm a BonnieKat harlot, what can I say. ;) Yay, not the only one! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Well bon was on and sadly mates her scenes made meh cry she bloody needs more of a flipppin story. What happen ton "Its like flippin Xmas for Bonnie this season?" I understand it just started but they have cater to over fanbase besides ours then they kill meh hubby Connor. Gonna miss that sweaty body hmmm umm yep mates he was one hoyt chap. I'm also confused is DE getting another snoozefest scene? If so thnk you I can watch something else, while waiting on Bamon btw mates how pathetic was Elame? Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said …
If I'm hanging with a hottie for 7 hours we better be doing more than meditating!;) My thoughts on BB 4x5! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
im so with you on this one looool!!!! thanks god there is professor shane because all the other character was boring... thanks to bonnie and professor shane :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
AMEN sisters!!! Let that teachers desk be a hub of higher, thorough.. er.. 'learning' than ever has been learned before. :D over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Oh Ladies you're nasty *smirk*. that's why I love you! Whoa Wahinetoa you really have a point in here ;) over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Did you see photos from episode 4x07? My Bamon heart is broken! I am sorry for this comment but I am so dissapointed now. :((((( I hope I feel better soon but seing Damon and Elena on those photos....I just can't belive it. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Wait? What? Noooo! WTF?!? I'm going to find them now... over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
You think of this link (first pic)? Or there is worst? cuz' I can handle it. :D over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
thoes pics are just what ever to me DE is a Crap ship that will go down over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
I am not manky watching tonight's flippin eppy meh brothers always acting like tight up bloats who can not understand why I find no one really intresting on that show, but Bonnie. (Besides Matt, Stefan, Tyler) I am not watching it sucks yes Matt and Stefan is on but tonight is also another flippin DE special moment hint JP in her interviews, I will not be watching hope the ratings sink like crap. We should tweet #Bonnie should've been on today all over the world mates. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
No Bonnie again?!? What the hell was Kat talking about when she said "the writers are giving me so much stuff right now"? I'm down to tweet it UP!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Jp has been pimping DE from S3, but it still stinks of betrayal and makes Elena a skank for hitting both brothers. WORST Rolemodel ever. Bonnie is already cannon flawless, so you and me bbs.. watch her on yt. LOVE kat, she's sooooo much better than all of this. <3 over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thank you mates people are always saying Elame is hottier with Damon. Um no she's actually skankier with him. I mean now she flippin hates Stefan poor guy just can not manky win in this show, well hint hint he wins as well. *Smricks* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Rick Worthy(Rudy aka Bonnie’s Dad) just tweeted about working with Kat today.
Aww.. we'll get daddybennett and our girl scenes. <3 Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
i saw that it was great over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Tumblr: "I cannot believe that they have managed to put every character in 4x07 EXCEPT for Bonnie. Even the guest/recurring characters. And really, who cares about what dress April is gonna wear so why the hell is that included in the synopsis??"
^ Proof that JPs reasoning sucks to all fans. I'm waiting for the day when BONNIE gets to be belle of the ball, because out of all of them - she deserves to dress up and dance the night away. LOVE Bonnie!! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Bonnie won't go to the ball??? Again???????? over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
You've gotta be kidding me!!! I can't handle this...I mean WOW!!! What's so important now??? She better be in bed...practicing!!! over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Omgosh!!! My BFF rocks...she just called Bonnie Cinderella and JP the Evil Stepmother ...love it!!! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
jesus christ!!! this JP is really the evil stepmother!!! poor bonnie aka "cinderella" she deserves so much better. i think she know how hot is Kat and and that she will stole the attention over "dopple" so JP decided to not let bonnie go to the ball AGAIN. i think this so disrespectful to us bonnie/bamon fan because she knew exactly that we ask all the time about bonnie being invited to all tvd balls... over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
So Damon is going after Shane Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I'm not surprised. Damon doesn't like anyone moving in on Bonnie. He tolerated Jeremy because of Bonnie kicking his butt and dopple. He didn't care if Klaus killed Jaime or not he just sat there. He compelled Carter in season 2 to upset mason to later find out he was a werewolf. Shane maybe using Bonnie or could also be interested in Bonnie,but we all know how Damon is about Bonnie. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
He doesn't like anyone hotter than he is.. making eyes at his judgey. ;) I really hope though, that Shane is a goodguy and Damon will step up as her gladiator if he isn't. <3 Thanks ginbell *huggles lacage. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Is he fighting for Bonnie, or is that us bloody hoping? LOl I hope so but it seems not it would seem he would be effecting Princess Whordom Elame and thats the only reason, I know Damon cares for Bon but its not always shown especially the way JP always flippin right. I promise ya mates she makes meh wish she was fired sometimes. I know its wrong but gosh she is a pityful excuse of a writer and this is coming from the mind and not the hurt. What harm would it do or be for Damon to feel some what real manky emotion for Bonnie. While still be inlust over Elame? After all Book Damon juggled them both perfectly at times why can't show Damon do the manky same? over a year ago
amberausten7 said …
Do any of you follow VD on Wetpaint?!? It's like De-boring central over there. Let's represent!!!;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
No, too busy with the minxes in here.. you girls are a handful. *sends love though* over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I really want to get to the Bonnie learning A new way to do magic thing I want to know How is it Diff from the way Bonnie was doing it B4 Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
How Many ways is there to do magic and how does each of these ways effect Bonnie ? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^This! Stefan said there were celtic. hers was from way of salem - at the tomb Emily spelled, it was opened with something like ancient latin - so there's history in that too. Voodun etc. And dark magic, now is it the same spell only dark/evil with the witch saying it? Greta. The guy who worked for Klaus. Wonder if the witches punished them the way they keep doing to Bon? Neither one had selfless intentions as she did. Hmm over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Interesting question, my darling! over a year ago
big smile
kaspo said …
Oh and guys, I TOLD U THAT ELENA WAS UNTRUTHFUL TO BONNIE! the fact she didn't tell Stefen aka her boyfriend that she was pretty much dirty dancing and drunk on blood with damon. ps when drunk it is known to make u say or do what ur are actually thinking of. lool soz it about bonnie but meh watch video here: spoiler alert! link Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
*soz not about bonnie over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks kaspo! over a year ago
kaspo said …
hey guys i just learned that in this new season we get to see Bonnie Daddy! YAY! lol JP said it herself at: link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
hey, yeah we knew :D Her father will play by Rick Worthy. :) I think we will see him in the 10th episode. over a year ago
kaspo commented…
nice gd to know :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It'll be wonderful to see her family at last.. if this dude has a powerpunch that leaves no supernatural immune.. and he dishes it out in protection of our girl.. WIN. :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Episode 4.09 A WINTER WONDERLAND IN MYSTIC FALLS — As a Winter Wonderland-themed party fills the streets of Mystic Falls, Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline (Candice Accola) find themselves at odds with Tyler (Michael Trevino) over his plans for Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and his hybrids. When Caroline proposes a solution to their probl
em, Hayley (guest star Phoebe Tonkin) finds a dramatic way to make it clear that she is not on board. Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Later, Klaus makes a discovery that leads to chaos and violence. Meanwhile, Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Damon retreat to the Gilbert Lake House to help Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) conquer some dangerous inner demons with the help of Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Professor Shane (guest star David Alpay), who reveals a piece of ancient history that leaves them all speechless. Zach Roerig also stars over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I don't understand if Stefan is Elena's boyfriend (or not?) why Damon is the one who escorting her everywhere? Another note: Okay, I live in a small town like MF but we don't have a big ball every week. They always have something to celebrate? This is pretty boring...JP has two things what she thinks their make the show interesting: Party everytime (unreasonably) and there are always some main character who die in the end.. over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
What does it say that I'm looking forward to Bonnie getting in some cozy time with the sexy professor. I'm also hoping BB is all "in yo face Jeremy" while giving the prof (and Damon) the sex smile;) Of course I wish it was all Bamon but obviously our boy needs to bang it out with Elena before he's over it:( over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Why is she so flippin' gorgeous? Like hard out girlcrushing..

Damon, you need to hit that 'cause hot dang. <3 Bonnie is love. <3 Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
oh my...*-* I swear I feel the witch power when I look at her! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^Me too bb. *girlcrushheaven* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Two main characters will die this season" -Nina Dobrev
Any thoughts bbs, on who it would be?

Wasn't there a scene in the books, where Damon and Bonnie get trapped in the dark dimension? ;) Just sayin.. :) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I hope one of them will be Elena :D but this just a dream:( mayne matt or jeremy. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
or someone from the new cast like meredith or something. i dont know the new ones but i dont reallu care who dies as long as it not bonnie. and bonnie wont die because jp needs her if she stucks at writing and needs a witch to solves the storyline.... yay over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Tyler noo!!! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Hi just saw the 411 for 4x9 it looks good hoping we get some good Bamon in that Ep and looks like Damon and Shane will be in the same place with Bonnie and 2 others BUT wonder what will be done and said with them 3 ? Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
where can i see those pictures please :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb. I heard it's Elena and Jeremy. Shane is about to truly see how awesome our girl is. Hola! over a year ago
kaspo said …
is just me or everyone else because i seriously want to skip episode 5 and go straight to watch episode 6 cause theres gonna be some bamon. i really want to see if thats true. then again it was inform that elena is making attention go to her because she is having hallucinations.....serious, (sigh), i bet its gonna effect the bamon scenes...as always. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*highfives* Skip all Elena scenes and go straight to the goodstuff with our girl. Can't wait to see Bonnie with more sharp banter with Damon.. their chemistry, I swear, is primal foreplay for verbal carnivores. Gorgeous!! over a year ago
big smile
AGirlNamedSkins said …
Hey guys! It's me Skins the user skins-01-fan. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm back! What did I miss? Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
only the fact elena is the centre of everything and some are gonna stop watch tvd :( because of elena >:( over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
WELCOME BACK!! Nothin' goin' on worth saying, but Bonnie - as always - is reason alone to keep it here. We'll keep you updated. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
NEW FIC: The Six Senses (highly recced)
link Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Bamon is dying out. Just my point of view. I've watched this fanpage at its height , now its just sinking. I truly dislike how EVERyTHING is centered around Elena. It irk's me so much. Most of the characters have died for her or dedicate themselves trying to protect her. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I don't think it's Bamon that's dying, but tvd in general. Fans have been sick of the biased rubbish that's being spewed and voted to leave the show, but not Bamon/Bonnie ships. Kennett/Klonnie/Bamon still are popular. Participation, agreed is down, but with the scenes coming up that will rise too. *beams* Yeh, Lena centric is killing the show. Keep the faith! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Wahinetoa i agree mate this is what I bloody meant, when meh said I am done with TVD. Not Bamon in generally but TVD everything is for ride em and die whore princess Elame, she's flippin cast off on ever poor soul. I am tired of trying to cheer this show up as a whole, the only high eppy they said was good was DE's Feels so good moment ugh. They were a flippin hot mess off a white doe's butt. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^True. They took a strong female in Elena, to nothing but a grizzling self-entitled neglectful princess. Bonnie is the true heroine, no one else comes even close. <3 More than happy that more people see it. <3 over a year ago
kaspo said …
hey guys i have question do u think JP is maybe trying to save bamon relationship for the last relationship for damon and bonnie. I've been think this for a while that cuz JP has been using the book as reference and show is different because the plot different to the story maybe bamon will happen in a different time, like maybe bonnie will be his new love. JP does have a habit of surprising us in some way.... dont no, just a thought. Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
*thinking over a year ago
kaspo commented…
soz for my grammar. hope u get what im saying over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^LOVES! <3 over a year ago
nansoula said …
My fellow Bamonators this is the latest Bamon Video I made for our family please show your support by giving feedback thank you very much in advance link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
MUAH! Thanks, will go take a snuggle of it soon. <3 over a year ago
nansoula commented…
thank you very much sweetie :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's beautiful.. bravo! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
thank you hun :* over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Well mates I am offically done with TVD. Its a flippin shame for (Spoilers) inside the books. Bamon had some cute manky scenes but not a lot most was given to DE and their delusional love. I can say the outcome was what one fanbase hoped for while two others went into denial. Not DB related but gosh I wish Pc cast and her daughter would stop with the house of night books. Hidden is not the last one and it was flippin good. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Bad mood again Birdie? :) You can done with TVD but never can done with Bamon!! Face it: TVD is SUCKS but Bamon still rocks!! We make them shine, you are very lucky honey to have a fandom like this. Don't lose hope because we are still here! We keep Bamon alive but if everybody give up our Bamon will turn into dust forever. :( I also hate that DE get all the scenes but actually that's a good thing because every DE scenes are painfully ridiculous so these scenes will finally kill the 'love' .I mean no normal human being with normal brain and eyes could like this piece of shit forever.. :D So I say, stay with us Babe!! We need ya! ;) We need EVERYBODY<3 So noone leaves that's a command!! :D over a year ago
nansoula commented…
oh don't lose hope sweety! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Not leave Bamon mates but leave TVD generally. I am so sick to death of this show now I can bloody care less, just as long as meh Bon and Stefan, Matt , Tyler gets scenes. I'm fine with being half of a TVD universe. Yes mate House of Night was good well it was okay but she's got a manky one another one. Ugh over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
We will try to trend BONNIE BENNETT ROCKS today (05.11.2012) at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm UK, 7pm CET. SPREAD THE WORD! RT! #TVDFamily #BonnieBennettBrigade Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
We live a Bonnie Bennett fabulous appreciation life. <3 Ain't no regrets. :) :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I’m hereby dubbing Bonnie Bennett as the most competent and heroic female on The Vampire Diaries. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I almost forgot... there is someone who read the last book? Can you write the Bamon scenes to us? Or am I the only one who curious? Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
if upload their scenes: D I would be happy to hear from my favorite couple over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'd love to see their scenes too. Thanks Viky for askin' & veronicaaa! over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
Damon is such a jealous loooool i love the "he'is kind of...hot" scene and each time that damon was teasing our lil bonbon about the professor shane. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
;) I like how he pointed the Proff and Bonnie ignored him, gave her drink to Lena and was all "He's hot, I'm hotter - gonna get stuff done." ProfShane got more sexy than Damon - and don't he know it! over a year ago
nansoula said …
I added some fanarts yesterday, you know your feedback is the most valuable for me, thank you xo xo Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I LOVE YOU!!! I saw you on some of the Bonnie tumblrs, and just adore your passion and art.. *speechless with glee* In awe darling! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
oh thank you so much sweety, you know I love your enthusiasm xo xo xo many bamon kisses :D over a year ago
Lisim748 said …
Even though I will no longer be watching the show I will still support my Bamon. (: No matter what! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*highfives!* Dang straight - right with ya with banners flyin' high and happy. MUAH! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
We will try to trend BONNIE BENNETT ROCKS today (04.11.2012) at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm UK, 7pm CET.
Thank you in advance. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Okay, bb.. I'm putting it in my lj, and on the Bonnie/Bamon threads I'm in. Love you! over a year ago
big smile
Adella98 said …
Bonnie: "He`s hot."
Damon: *rolls eyes*

I just can`t be the only one who loved that.♥ Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
lol i did! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i loved that too :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. I did too!! (((huggles, great to see you again!))) <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic updated: Want
(a brill rewrite of the last episode.. highly recced!)
link Posted over a year ago
zoelety said …
ey bamon family, you have to see this

-Damon sigue pensando que bonnie ama a jeremy??
-buja mala del oeste. LOL
-Por fin se entera de que bonnie no puede hacer magia. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks zoelety.. will check it out. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I love the way she gets in his face, bold and unflinching about his deceitful, selfserving manipulative culling of Elenas humanity under the guise of 'fun'. Yeh, good luck with putting that passed Bonnie.
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Also, any one notice that they were acting like Elenas good side and evil? Damon promoting no empathy, compassion to be katherine he can control, & Bonnie fightin' for her last thread of humanity. Bonnie saved those college kids including the two idiots who'd have made it a blood bath. over a year ago
kaspo commented…
To be honest I wasn't angry at Damon's reaction on the eppy. It was Elena that pissed me off (as always). She doesn't own up to HERSELF that she was acting as the person that she really is. But for her to say this to Bonnie (her bestfriend) "who am i?" and blah blah blah, clearly show is quick to change personality in bonnie eyes to show she is good but her true self was shown when she was dancing around in the party, drinking ppl blood. So yea damon was right to lecture that she is like him (ish) but she not showing or telling the truth to Bonnie. The reason is say 'ish' on elena being like damon is that, well for one thing damon is not afraid to show his true self. the second reason is that damon doesn't cheat. elena on the other hand is a two faced cheater girl. Thats why I liked Katherine because she was truthful of who she is. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. I'm loving your thoughts on Elena not stepping up to her own actions. Julie is RUINING these once amazing characters Elena S1 broke a chair to stake a 500 yr old vampire Rose, and now? Now she lets everyone else fight for her, without lifting a hand to repay it or even a "Thanks." Bonnie who gets little to no screentime at all, is more the lead than the one that should be. <3 Love Kat/Bonnie!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Ok, not really Bamon.. but I woud've stayed at Uni a heck of a lot longer if he was teaching.. ;)

Can I just say how beautiful our girl is in the last pic? That whisper of devilment and innocence. I have a girlcrush SO MUCH right now. <3Kat/Bon<3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
From WintersSolstice10 (friends reaction to Damon shoving Bonnie)
Her: She must not be fully black because he would be like on the ground after getting smack
Actually, Bonnie fans would have left with his precious gonads in their change purse after that particular move - and really, any man who puts their hands/shoves their opinions/will onto a 17yr old girl, is askin' for a slice of pain he won't soon forget - and don't we know it.

Time for Bonnie to SHOVE back. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Okay, is it me or did we get a bit of bookBamon (little bird) with the cute necklace Bonnie was wearing in the episode?
link Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
interesting..... over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
OMGoodness, did you girls see the HOTNESS of Kats new pics??
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
From Stefans-Room “I was just saying how much I love witches”

“Yeah, you and me both, brother.”

-Oh look, it’s a light-hearted, subtle and cute foreshadowing of a

Damon-Bonnie-Shane love triangle! Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Ahhhhhhh!!!!! I loved that part;) Wish I could see it again...did BB get a chance to react to that? I forgot. over a year ago
katesbon said …
Guys I am back!!!last night eppy was awesome IDC what anyone says it clear who Damon should be with that is bonnie!! There was good moments in the eppy
1 Damon being all jelouse towards Shane ,he even roll his eyes when bon said he was hot!!
2 he loves witches
3 he explained him self to bon
4 he said bon was lovely and he looked at her
5 when bon said he was disgusting
6 he shoving here was all he could do, he can't caress her face !
scene was Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Okay I know mates, I'm bloody always marking up the walls but I guess meh just wanted to know is the Rant page still open? I need to rant about Last night's eppy and how DE fans are completely saying "They will Smack her across the face" for interuppting them. Or "She's not a good manky friend". She's always bloody judging blah blah honestly if Jp does not hurry up and give Bon the bottle. I will flippin freak out. Their so manky ungrateful we got less scenes yet their complaing. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
easy babe, who says such horrible things? :O You know what? Stop visiting pages like that for awhile! Just stay with us. I'm sure we won't hit your nerve like those people! Some DE fan are very pathetic and has no logic just ignore them. I totally understand you but calm down and keep your head up! ;) Love ya LilBird <3 over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
DE fans mate. I saw them on YT when watching Bonnie and Damon scenes it was rude and hateful. Thanks mate lol I wish I could but meh loves YT for meh soap love. <3 over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I know I know mates its just a bloody bummer sometimes. Meh loves ya too. over a year ago
1beaut said …
I'm still confused does Bonnie not have her powers anymore? Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
meh confused to. I kept asking mehself is this true? Did they take her magic away but spoilers just say mate she's too afaird because of grams images. Im totally out of the loop. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
The good thing in if she is powerless, the ungrateful group of jerks can't use her. over a year ago
kaspo commented…
she only powerless because of fear and guilt. once she removes that feeling, her powers will come back. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Grams once said her emotions are connected to her powers. Which is why I wanted her to roast Damons chestnuts when he was being disrespectful. Bring on the hell-for-leather dominatrix back!! ;) over a year ago
kaspo said …
HAHAHA I got another news! This is too funny! the 'Delena' fans are giving up! read the comments below of this site:link Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
And they have the audacity to come on our site and dis us just cuz they losing hope and our hope burn bright! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
loooooooooool thats so funny over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Kindhiya - PREACH MY GODDESS!! over a year ago
kaspo said …
i just found out some gd news! in episode 6 for season 4, it is said and I quote "Damon actually spends a good portion of the episode with Bonnie, learning about an ancient form of witchcraft from Professor Shane." link Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Yay!!! You totally made my morning;) Thanks so much! over a year ago
kaspo commented…
Aww. Your welcome! over a year ago
kaspo commented…
Your welcome Wahinetoa! ^_^ over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Random observation: We have the most beautiful and fearless heroine in all of tv fandom. Bonnie Bennett. Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Very, very true!;) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Awww very true mate. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so true sweetie W. <3 over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
you're right as always myGorgeousDiva ;) <3 love your words too over a year ago
Viky11 said …
Threw something hard to me but I've just watched the Bamon scenes and I didn't like them. At all. First of all their weren't even Bamon scenes . The Bonnie time was too little as always. The your disgusting part was funny but in the next scene Damon was all around the whore again. I didn't want to hate Elena but she is so easy to hate so I call her slut anytime without guilt. And the last scene with Damon? It was barely 30 second when he talked but I wished Bonnie to brainkilling him. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
So sorry to bitching but we need much more then that. You all are too kind and cute so my head is smoking instead of yours too. :D Maybe 4x6 will satisfies us a little. Sorry but DE really hit my nerve :@ LOve ya all <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with you. Had a feeling Elena would make it all about her, rather than about the friend she hasn't even cared since epi1 when Bon gave up her life to bring her back. They crashed her story, when they could've just wracked off, and let this be about Bonnie who saved their tooshies after all they've done to hurt her. Bah! Bonnie should INCENDIA both their betrayals. Wouldn't blame her at all. :) LOVE YOU BACK! And rant anytime you want. *applauds* over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
I say shove because it was very much like what a guy does to another guy on this show. What comes to mind is when Alaric pushes through Damon and Stefan when he tells them to go find Elena in 3x21. Sorry but it but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!!!;) over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
So saw this
BonnieNDamon ‏@BonnieNDamon

BonnieBennettRocks trend tomorrow@2pm Est. Spread! #TeamBonnie Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks darlin'.. I'll post to the threads I'm on. <3 over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Damon does not like Shane at all He was not here for Shane Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
We'll be there for Shane, right ginbell? ;) In 4x06 Damon's there for Bonnie. :) over a year ago
FlightofFantasy said …
4x04 ROCKED the Bamon! Favorite scene: "You're disgusting." "I know." sexy sauciness. ;)
Also: DAMON LOVES WITCHES! :D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Did he call Bonnie pretty? :) over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
No, but when Professor Sinister or whatever the hell his name is called him out on talking in class, Damon said: "I just really love witches," or words to that effect. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Right, you saucy wicked divas.. gotta skip for a bit and actually do some work while there's sunlight. Hope everyone had a brill Halloween, kept safe and had lots of candy! Love to those in the path of Sandy. Take care. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
xoxo sweetie...i missed you already loool over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bonnie and Becks need to become friends, soulmates/lovers because they've got so much in common right now. And both need someone who can be counted on, cared for and about, and take down selfish vampires with a manicured stilleto. Besides, I think Becks could totally make our girl wicked sexy! :) Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thats a good idea sweetie over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^hello sweet friend! I hear Shane is our new smokin'squeeze? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^Preach it, bb! He shows no compassion, empathy or care for anyone other than himself and what he wants. That kind of selfishness makes him ugly. Ian, thank heaven, ain't like that. *adores* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is there drama between the Bonnie stans Beremy and Bamon? *gasp* No way!! Bonnie love is Bonnie LOVE, ain't no drama or fighting in that. *Bonnie-adores-all-the-wayl.* <3 Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
<3 over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
i know this is not really relating to bamon but i have to say that the professor shane is just SO DAMN HOT!!!!!!!!!! i love him already even if i saw the "twisted end of the episode and who he really is....i dont care i love the way that elena and bonnie though the same thing about shane HE IS HOT!!! and i love the way that damon acts when he heard that looool Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
He is?! Okay, we're gonna be needing screencaps.. hehe.. 'cause anyone to put damon on the backfoot, needs to be screencapped & worshipped. *pushes Bonnie his way* She'll fix his wagon if he starts with the mess of using her. Or we will eh bb? *highfives* over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
THANK YOU W. for the good laughing you give me tonight over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou for being you, and creating love and joy when you speak. MUAH! Have a great night bb. xoxoxox over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
From rrs so far, Julie Plec has written Bonnie away from S1Bonnie who fought, snarked and stood against vampires blatant killing to being okay with it? Argh. Just.. that's not Bonnie! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i dont like that kind of writers...she's acting like a fangirl. she writes just for the character that she love...she write good thing and stories just for the character that she prefers.... its unfair and so UNPROFESSIONAL over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^So true bb. For the two new characters on the show have been on more than the original cast member - totally unprofessional. Using Bonnies story as a crutch for elenas lame lovelife.. is unforgiveable. I just wanna skip this into where she's getting her story without coddling babyelena or the Katherine-puppetmaster maker Damon. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*blushing* I was hungry.. forgot the name. ;) :P over a year ago
01trugirl said …
So what did u guys think of the bamon scenes we had tonight. I loved all of them except for the last one
, i wanted bonnie to have the last word because he needs to get it through his head that no matter what happens elena will b the same person at her core and because of that they'll never b together. If anything elena is going to b like Stefan, a self hating vamp. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm waiting for the yt scenes but bonniefans aren't impressed with what jp wrote, or the lack of screentime for her and shane. I was hoping there'd be a better history of her family and heritage. I'd rather Elena be good at her core, than Katerine in Damons narrow eyesight which I reckon he's trying to make her. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i hate their last scene too!!!! since when damon act like this in front of bonnie??? and bonnie always got the last words....and he never pushed like he did in that episode!!!! that wasn't bamon for real in that last episode...thanks to JP as always she did the wrong thing :/ over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@FlightofFantasy. We'll get better in six too! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Story bassed off tonights episode 4x04
link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Not sure wianita on meh phone so not able post. I hope not but meh gut is telling meh food bowl that he gonna hurt bon I hope jp, allows it. Dark bonnie is taking long. Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
knows the Bonnie hate is about to rise with all the cute Bamon scenes we've been getting lately, so I decided we should trend BonnieBennettRocks tomorrow@2pm EST. Get other time zones & help me spread the word. Thanks:) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Sadly, very true. They don't get that is shows their insecurity, and gives us a win off the back without even lifting a bonnie manicured pinky finger. LOVE you Brylannie! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
I bloody knew it mates. I knew professorShane wasn't up to no poke hoggin. :P I think he wants Bon manky power to kill all vampires. Or to make her flippin evil so far this season is bland. What did ya think mates? Btw meh loves yall Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Does he? I don'tthink she's that strong, unless the 100 witches help her again to get at the Originals - but that boat has sailed with Ester. Evil Bonnie being evil, sounds scrumptious, but would JP allow a story of her own without coddling Lena? over a year ago
01trugirl said …
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Tonight you guys!! tonight is our first Bamon eppy of season 4!! ;) I am so excited can't you guys tell lol Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yay!! XD Me too!!!! I wish the best for us! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Wishing all you gorgeous divas of lovely all the best - hope it's everythin' we hoped for!! <3 over a year ago
kaspo said …
did a few research and found out there gonna be few bamon scenes on TVD s4 e4 and e6! :) here is a video for ep 6 (pictures and details on descriptions) link Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
cant wait to see the next ep4. bamon scene woohoo!!! even so it maybe few scene but its gd enough of me! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: The Devil Within
link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …
Happy Halloween!! Beware of the Supernatural Creatures at night! XD Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Happy Halloween darlin'!! Have a good one! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
love the Bamon pic we got to see for 4x06 Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
me too! Their are gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the epi!! over a year ago
haalo_ said …
Hello Bamon fans! Popping in for the first time to see how everyone is doing? Anywho's, I know this isn't Bamon related... But since I'm a big Teen Wolf fan, has anyone read "Tell me silently" fanfic story of ScottxBonnie? If not, it is one very goooood story to check out! It's all I've been reading since my Bamon heart is not satisfied with this season of TVD! Much love to all, thought's and prayers got out to the families affected by Hurricane Sandy in New York. God Bless XO #staystrong Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Hello haalo, lovely to meet you! Welcome to the Bamily. <3 Thanks for the info to the ScottBonnie fic, all Bonnie love is love in these parts, I've read some DerekBonnie as well. :) Anyway, HUGE BAMILY HUGGLES and thanks for writing, hope to see you jumpin' in with gorgeousness again. :) over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
Thank you soooo much Wahinetoa! I've actually read quite a few DerekxBonnie fanfics too, they're AHmazing :) So glad to be apart of the Bamon family! Much love to all! XX over a year ago
Henrita said …
it seems like im finally gonna love at least one episode of tvd this season! no elena with damon and bonnie only these two,is this actually true? Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I agree mate this is what we've been wating on. I'm so scared to hope for something good. Pics are bloody decieving at times. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I hope that's the case, but with Julie, wouldn't put it passed her to make Bonnies story about elena. I heard she's in 3 episodes, back to back. But is out of the one that includes attending a grand ball in a pretty dress. :( Hopefully the Bamon scenes will make up for it. #NookieOnTheTeachersDesk. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sending love, prayers and best to those affected to the storms, hurricanes and weather trouncing happening. Take care, be safe - all love from us all. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
JoMo/Nat after hearing Kat was engaged.
AND Ian..
Our lovely lass is lovely according to the boys <3 <3 and especially to us. <3 Posted over a year ago
haalo_ commented…
OHMYGAWD! That had me in fits of laughter, were they actually talking about her engagement? :o Kat Graham is one lucky woman! *sigh lol over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Oh My God!! I love them they are so crazy!! But jeez JoMo I wanna hug him. :DDD "yeah but...hm...weren't you with...well nevermind" Oh Man!!! hahahaha That was hard. :O Love ya JoMo!!!<3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
is this for real? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^I think so, it was posted by a legitBonnie fan. Nates been very charmed by our girl, and I reckon has been taking notes of JoMos crush on her too. ;) Ian agrees! over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Just saw the stills with Bamon and it got me to wondering about a new tri starting. They have vampire dopple leaning towards Damon and have Damon basically tied to Bonnie's hip now that she is getting information on her heritage and witches. Actually since the episode where they drunk each others blood within 24 hr time, blood bond? Anytime Bonnie is around, he gravitates towards her regardless if dopple is present. Another guy in Bonnie's orb might not sit well with Damon, not trusting him. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Stills for 4x06 (Thanks ginbell84!)
link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
omg Omg OMG!!!!!!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Can' t wait! Bamon! <3 over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Can't wait!!! Finally an episode full with Bonnie!!! She deserved it!! <3 over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
there are bamon stills for 4x06 Posted over a year ago
4BonnieandDamon commented…
I saw them and I can't wait to see the eppy. All bamon scenes make me happy period no matter what's going on in them. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE them! A bit nervous to why we get so much pretty, without it costing something in return. Still, our girl with a meaty chunk of screentime.. ain't gonna complain! <3 Thanks ginbell, you're amazing! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
I have a theory for Season 4 (Spoiler warning) Okay We know Bonnie's dad arrives in eppy 10 after holiday break? Well he supposed to from spoilers try to protect Bonnie but I have feeling that Bonnie's dad is more than meets eye. He too me is gonna turn out to be one of the "The Five" it seems that way I have feeling Professor Shane will be too since he is wanting to protect her from him and magic. I can see this happening what are the "Five" are they stronger than supernatural beings? Decide. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, her dad could be a supernatural - good catch! It begs thequestion why he was so against Gram teaching our girl, to protect herself if he couldn't? The five, don't know. But if it's the same as what Klaus needed to be the hybrid, it's Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Human.. dopple is gone.. something else maybe? over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thank you mate. This is what I have been asking meh self for some time. Why would he keep hur away from Shane? Unless he's not what he bloody seems. I'm almost to scared to hope for something good for Bon Bon. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated -And the lightning strikes *YAY!
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is it true? Kat and Cottrell are engaged!! Congratulations to them both, wish them all the happiness!! But my Kian will live on, unashamedly lovely of all!! Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Its true saw it on Enews she is happy three years together but she is young too. over a year ago
Erika-Wesley commented…
I'm really happy for Kat and Cottrell!! I wish them lots of happiness... they deserve the best!! :D <3 <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It was on ENews.. that's cool bbs. :) A lot are saying that it's too soon, too young - but they've been together for years. They so deserve great happiness. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I know I've said this before, but can I just say again how proud of our bamily and Stelena friends too. We don't need to attack anyone else for who they ship, whether in their own forums or the ones we share together. We love who we love, without having to call people names, attack the actors, or the colour of their skin - to do it.

I respect, admire and adore every single one of our group. Yall gorgeous just the way you are!! <3 Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Why Does Bamon have to be called "Disgusting while Stelena be Stallena?" Meh is confused of such things said about fandoms I understand DE to be so cllalled main choice for TVD. Yet not true to us other fans who bloody enjoy the other couplings if Smallville and Gossip Girl can put everyone, an their mummy together why not Bamon? Or Klonnie or Belijah? Etc. I am stoned wall on this mates its sadden to hear DE (Sum as I have mates who love them) feel to call us names. We are all TVD fans. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Tvd attacks it's own more than any other fandom I've been in. What cowards say about us, or anyone with independent hearts, have NOTHING to do with who we are, and what we stand for. All that mess belongs at their feet - we, my darlin' - are too busy dancin' on ours! *Rock on bb!* over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Thanks mate I always allow them to bloody hurt meh heart. I know it saddens me to see such rubish especially since they beg to watch TVD but then attack us. Its really sad but we are the best! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Human "Game On Bennett
link Posted over a year ago