Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 441-450 of 8919

soniabamon29 said …
bamon up our hope, down the road we will have our reward
Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
:) thankyou!XXX over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*clings, lovin' your bamoness!* You tell it Soniabamon29 and Tigerlily888! over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
;) <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …

Ian cut his hair! Pic just begging to be Bamoned with Bonnies photo on the phone. ;) Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
IKR I squeed over it lol...just for his haircut!!! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
GREAT, it was about time ! ^^ and LOOOL about the picture being Bamoned, ahahahah^^ that's cute and funny over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Lol @Wahinetoa. Your comment made me laugh!xD I want him to have the same haircut he had in Season 3^^ over a year ago
elena1 said …
And naturally Bonnie there isn't in episode 3x16 because she isn't interesting for the writer, because for them isn't interesting to see her reaction after that abby is become a vampire!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
^^ how surprising!!!! I don't think we'll have a real smackdown a least ONSCREEN. Maybe it could happened off screen as usual...... over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
@soniabamon29 well said! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Agree. <3soniabamon29<3 over a year ago
nansoula said …

link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
2325 ! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
<333333333333!!!!!!! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
2333 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
2334! Yay!! *throws glitter* WELCOME. over a year ago
Saku15 said …
I just don't understand how can people hate Bamon, when they're so perfect for each other. They've everything that a good couple needs to have: great story, hot chemistry, a friendship which turns deeper and deeper, some very romantic scenes and a great connection. Posted over a year ago
Adella98 commented…
they hate bamon because they hate bonnie and they hate bonnie because she kicks "perfect damon"s ass...It's not fair! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
they hate Bamon because delena fans have fear of the great potential and chemistry of Bamon over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
they are so interesting-i don't get it either! and even if you don't like them-calling them "disgusting" is ridiculous! over a year ago
big smile
el0508 said …

Bonnie and Damon: “Something” Will Happen

Damon did the actual deed. Picture a scene where Bonnie confronts Damon and starts trying to beat on him or give him headaches and Damon fights back enough to grab her and break the spell and Bonnie starts sobbing. Damon reluctantly puts his arms around her and….something.


Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I read it yesterday, and I got SO happy! But isn't it only a prediction? I mean, it isn't real, is it? o:<3 over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i wish this prediction come true, i can definitly see it happenning, it's just the right moment for our Bamon nugget of the season. We have waited long enough i think ! we deserve it ! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
siii que emocion :D :D por favor que suceda over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
link 21797641?slide=7
Go Here and Vote for Bonnie Thank you xo Posted over a year ago
HindEssa said …
It SUCKS that the show is coming back at 15th march! Seriously,it was like 3 episode ago, we had to wait an extra week!
Besides, I already know that I hate this Sage guy.. OOPS, I mean GIRL. Stefan had a vampire teaching him to be good, and Damon had a vampire teaching him to be bad. Seriously, I knew from the start that there was something off about Psycho-Doctor Meredith. If you ask me, I think that shes a supernatural. I mean, why would she run around shooting innocent people?? Poor Alaric.. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
IKR, it sucks, we dont have anything to really talk about :(, i want new and good spoilers, some photod stills, or episode descriptions...we have nothing right now it's frustrating ! I dont know what to think of Sage right now, i like the actress that all i know lol, and about Meredith, i was against the character coming into the show, because of screetime reasons, and i saw the actress as Psycho Nanny from OTH, i dont like her, she's annoying ^^ over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
There is spoiler about bonnie in her spot. over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
it's not exactly spoilery but it's a damn good thing! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
I don't know if it's only me, but don't you think the spot has been a little.. dead lately? I mean, people are hardly writing anything, the Bamonators I'm used to seeing in here - I haven't seen them..
I don't like it one bit.. ;/ Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I've noticed it too. Sometimes it happens a guess it's the periode we didn't have any scenes and people are angry because bonnie is treated poorly. Maybe people are just busy. over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Maybe.. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I know, i dont come anymore, no episodes, no bamon.....im waiting for some juicy spoilers, well i hope we'll have, it's the only thing that could shake this spot ;) over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
I'm waiting for smoochies, or smexy scenes from the two of them. I haven't watched since Season 2. No point in my belief. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
please vote for bon bon
By the way have a great day mates!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Thanks! You have a great day too!<3;) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Thanx!!! ;-) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
VOTED ! it's almost 50/50 :$, why are they hating her !!!??? i dont get it :( over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
^^ they are stupide it was 63% for bonnie when I voted hours ago. They are both jealous and stupid haters over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
I give up Bonnie gets absoutley no screen time at all no storyline,no on gives a crap about her in mystic falls its like shes invisbible i mean for god sake you would all be dead if i wasnt for her and she has lost the most though everyone says its Elena i think bonnie becauce she hasnt gt her Salvatore brothers to two time with for comfort bonnie stands on her own.The writers focous on Caroline and Elena as the main girls and bonnie peesh they dont give a dam i wouldnt be suprised if they kil Posted over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Kill her of or send her to the dark side becauce they just dont care this goes for matt to the writers are fucking idiots!!! :( over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
Fanfiction makes Bonnie important. It makes her the best in the world. I don't care about Elena. Probably never will. I over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Tell me about it :) over a year ago
HindEssa said …

“Stop!” said Damon. The girl had a melodious voice and listening to her was no great trial—it was rather like listening to a nightingale or a curlew, but he had to get his point across."
"The strawberry-haired girl looked at his smile. She looked at it very
carefully. Damon was happy to have overcome the linguistic challenges and held the smile for a long time, almost a whole second."
There was something... unreal about the entire moment.- Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
- And then he realized that that was exactly what it was. Unreality. She was setting up a tableau, a picture for the canvas. One could even think of names for it easily: The Maiden and the Vampire; or, more poetically, The Last Reach Toward Light. If only, he thought, enthralled by what he saw in his mind’s eye, she had been wearing a billowing white nightgown that was sliding off one lucent shoulder, and they had been outside so she could reach for the moon itself. What a moment! What a portrait! What a maiden! The only problem was that she was two or three years too young. over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
♥♥ over a year ago
claudiahl commented…
love it !!! its just too cute !!! :) over a year ago
teambamon said …
How are all my fellow bamonaters today? Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
pretty good-how are you?!X over a year ago
teambamon commented…
good tnx :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Happy to be among gorgeousness such as you all. *loves* over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
I love bamon forever!!! <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^This! Darn tootin'!! <33 over a year ago
teambamon commented…
ITA :) over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
<3 over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
I belive and I'm pretty sure it's true that what happened in 3x15 is just the turning point. The beginning. What Damon did with Bonnie's family from so long time she needs to kick some asses. He choose Elena over Bonnie( as in one of my odd mindfics) and that meant a brutually change for Bonnie. I think that after 3x15 we won't see the Bonnie we all know, but a psihically or mentally change Bonnie. It has to be. I know it will happen. Posted over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
Don't worry about your odd mindfics, in my twisted imagination, Damon and Bonnie are together. Lol over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I like your positivity in bringing a new way to see things. It explains why witches are so opposing vampires. Damon especially. With his and Stefans ultimate betrayal, I believe too that they will spark in her a change of 'tude to rival Katherines darkness. She deserves to get revenge against them, and that in itself can be a stepping stone to a new understanding/relationship. <333 over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
Nah way man, my positivity is living in my happy bubble where Bamon/Stefonnie exists. Whatever the term Delena is, its just a plain object that is non-existent over a year ago
Vamp321 said …
Every week I watch TVD my bamon heart breaks a little more.
I'm really upset with the writers I mean S3 is almost over and we can't even get a little friendship or something. They barely had any scenes! compaired to S1 AND S2 ( Which the scenes were still limited)
Instead of like a little bamon scene, we have to watch forced DE scenes or scenes about the stupid triangle. :////
KW needs to step up cause JP is bringing the show downhill for me.
JMO Posted over a year ago
1beaut commented…
No it's a fact. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I think both kw isn't a godwriter either both should go and let competant people handle the whole thing. More plot triangle free less hooks up create a real mythologie. over a year ago
Vamp321 commented…
exactly! new writers would be lovely! over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
I ignore TVD now. Fanfiction is the way to go now over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sending MASSIVE love and support to all. *smishes* Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Thanx I send some to you too sweety!!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Thank you...the same for you too!!! over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Sending the same things to you too hun!<33 over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Damon has some serious sucking up to do w/Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed! Starting with his toosh on FIRE, that includes Stefan too. More so, because out of them both he was truly her friend. :( over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
i totally agree and expect to see it soon! over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Question: Even though the writers are purposely keeping Bamon apart in scenes, does it seem they are having more cover build up? I mean Damon killing hybrid in witches house, find Bonnie's mom, planning with Bonnie about the coffin via text, coming up with a plan to save all even though it was ruined, and when he "killed" Abby, I believe he did that so Bonnie could still have some form of relationship, and not another loss, once she gets past the whole vamp mommy part. What do you think? Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I wish i could say yes of course, but i dont know, it really depend on the writers, i hope it was made on purpose, but i dont even know if i can hope and trust them...:/ over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
There is and always have been potential for them to explore Bamon relationship, but they never went anywhere, maybe now they will ? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I think turning abby was the only real choice because apparently they had to turn one of them to make the whole thing stop. They have no use turning bonnie because she's "their" only witch. So I thing they didn't have a real alternative. over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Stefan and Damon knew that only one witch had to die. So the choice wasn't really Bonnie or Elena (okay maybe it was) but IMO is was more Elena or Abby, I dont feel Bonnie was ever an option because Damon and Stefan knew they only had to kill one. Also Damon could have just killed Abby, but why didn't he? Damon knows how witches feel about vamps, so why turned her? Was it because he want Bonnie to spend more time with her mother? Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
Or was it because He didn't want Bonnie to have to lose someone else she cares about, for the sake of elena? over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
I would love for Damon to tell Bonnie "I didn't know what else to do..killing you wasn't an option.." i would love that, lol :) over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I think he HAD to turn one of them because that was the only way to make them stop being witches. Had he killed Abby for real, she'd still remain a witch, and Esther was using magic from the dead Bennett witches too, so it wouldn't have caused any damage. That's what I understood, anyway :/ over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Damon "The witches live, and Elena's safe." Remember this was Damon plan, to save everyone, even though he doubted Bonnie, (just like Bonnie does Damon sometimes) he still attempted to save them both. Oh yeah, I wish Damon would have said Bonnie's name. Like this

'Bonnie lives and Elena's safe.'
Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I can say this, this is the second time this season he made sure Bonnie lives and is safe remember the hybrid in the witches house? Damon had a plan to make sure everyone would be safe and live but Klaus messed that up. I know that Damon "killed" Abby but we know that he didn't want to do it. And did it seem to you and it could be just me, but didn't damon's plans seem more of protecting Bonnie out of the three. Her feelings if he for real killed her mom, making sure the witches were safe, etc over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Hey guys, I notice something (and its probably just wishfully thinking) but Damon already had a plan, to save both Bonnie and Elena. The funny thing is when Stefan asked Damon if he had a better plan. Damon responded by saying "You cant draw power from a dead battery" keep in mind that Damon already thought of a plan to take down the Originals, but Stefan said "Kill'em" assuming that's what Damon meant. Then Damon replied "If it comes to that." Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
My thing is, why would he say 'if', if its his original plan to kill the Bennetts in the first place? Damon said IF, which mean he had another plan. So by Damon saying " If it comes to that." makes me think that his comment about the 'dead batteries' had nothing to do with killing the Bennett but everything to do with taking down the Originals. What do you think? over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase said …
I just read that it's like so damn possible that The Vampire Diaries (books) Damon will end up with Elena.... )': I can't even describe how sad and frustrated I am. Posted over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
WHAT!?! NOOOOOO!?! OMFG he is characteristically and emotionally close to Bonnie! WTF, I'm hating Elena right now over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si es triste el escritor fantasmas olo empeoro la posibilidades bamon en mi opinion :( over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ana_tai_tadase yo tambien estraño a L.j ella nos habria dado un libro maravilloso en Phantom claro tambien habria delena pero eso es mejor a nada over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Does anyone else think its strange that Damon killed and turned both Elena's and Bonnie's mom?

The akward moment when you realize that your favorite character and your least favorite character, have a lot in common :/ Posted over a year ago
kaspo commented…
oh snap! i just notice just now lol! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, except Isobel wanted it and Abby didn't have a choice. I hope Bon goes dark and teaches them why "You don't mess with a Bennett witch" ;) over a year ago
kivajayelle commented…
Now all he has to do is turn poor Liz and he'll have a tri-fecta. over a year ago
Adella98 said …
OMG!I'm so happy! I finally made a banner with Klaus that is not hideous!!!Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!I cannot wait to do some Bamon banners!!! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
go for it! :) cannot wait to see them! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY! You go girl!! over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
The only thing that would make what Damon did okay, is if Abby likes the change and wish she would have done it sooner, and Damon takes it upon himself to teach Abby how to be a vampire. This way Damon gets to know his mother-in-law, lol. Also Bonnie could see how gently Damon is with her mom. Of course she will still give him a hard time, but i think they can kindly still make it. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I saw a picture of Ian and the actress who play Abby together, maybe they're shooting together ? and maybe Damon will help her ? that'd be cool over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
where did you see the picture? over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
On her twitt link over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
konta said …
I already posted my thoughts on Bonnie's page but I think this may also affect bamon so I decided to post here, let me know what you think!I really don't understand what the writers think about Bonnie. It's frustrating see that even the recurrent receive a better treatment! It's possible that they feel all the hate about the character but in the same time they know that she's very important for the development of the show so they use her only for her magic? Posted over a year ago
konta commented…
On the other hand I think that a lot of peolple don't like Bonnie because they don't understand her, seeing that her growth happened always off screen.It's not a coincidence that the most beloved characters are also the most developed in term of emotional (es. Caroline). Sorry for the poem but it was somethingthat I pondered for a while. over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Lol, when Alaric called Damon Judgmental, I thought: "Aye' Damon, looks like you have something in common with your JUDGEY!"<33 Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Hahah that is soo True :) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
lol same ^^ over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
that's amazing!!! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Hello everybody! I have just made a new Fanfiction, based on the books. Of course Bamon. I hope you wanna take your time reading it!:)
Link: link

Please tell me, what you think of it. Should I continue? :-)<3 Posted over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
COME ON! I NEED BAMON!!! CAN'T HANDLE THE LACK OF IT! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
neither can i-it's a joke! over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
IT IS! I don't understand anymore. Anyway I'm not watching it, until Bonnie returns. No point over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
So according to IMdb Bonnie will be in 3x16…BUT will not appear again until 3x22..what is this?! Front and center?! I hope in 16, she gets the full episode to get revenge, or justice, or give the Salvatores one heck of a smackdown for their betrayal. This needs to be put to rights. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Cant be possible, Joseph and Kat shooted a scene for ep 17..and Kat and "Abby" and "Jaimie" are in episode 18. Plus ep 16 is a flashback ep about Damon, dont think well see much of Bonnie. But can be wrong, she's at least in ep 17 for sure over a year ago
1beaut commented…
^^@LuCe60bis exactly. So tell those bonnie fans to calm down. It's been circulating through Tumblr. News travles extremely fast. over a year ago
Henrita commented…
she will definetly appear in 3x17 3x18. you shouldnt believe in these IMdb. klonnie scene will be in 3x18 and kat said she's been shooting. she said she is gonna shot 3x19 epi on friday over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Hello guys.. Did you notice the lyrics of the song that played in the background when Bonnie was crying, because her mom was in transition?: I've never been the kind to hold back
though I'd never felt the burn before
and all these years I begged for vengeance
and was only left with wanting more
but I can't be whole until I let all this anger go,
a silent strain I've carried long enough

The two last lines.. do you think it can mean something to Bonnie? I hope she'll have a big part in 3x16.:* Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Lawd, the lyrics just added to the momentous progression of that scene. *weeps, loving her* Someone needs to put this into a fic, or a musicVideo.. engraved on the dead hearts of the vampires with a burning cattle prod. The last two lines.. oooh, baby! You think she might go darkmagic witchtress? Boyhowdy, I'd PAY ZILLIONS to see that. As long as she's on screen, and the brothers are crawling for her forgiveness.. bring it. <33 HindEssa! over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Can someone please make a Bamon fanfic post 3x15? Please, cause I have all these feelings of anger and I need some good ideas coming out of this in a fanfic!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
THIS^ link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
ElijahBonnie link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^You're more than welcome darling! <3333 over a year ago
HindEssa said …
I couldn't help but cry a little on the scene with Caroline and Elena. When Caroline said that somehow Bonnie was always the one getting hurt at the end. Oh to Elena: Where the hell were you when her grams died? You sure did only go to Bonnie, because you didn't have a stalking Vampire puppy to entertain you -.-
But seriously, I LOVE Caroline for that. It was somehow worth watching the episode. And I couldn't help crack a little smile, when Damon said that he was better off being the bad guy<3 Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
the only one worth it in the episode yesterday (apart from bonnie) caroline WAS somehow she is the true friend of bonnie, always with her ​​and caroline thanks for telling the truth about bonnie, she is always Which Sacrifices for Elena, and Elena never appreciated.
elena hatred, I never thought I would say it, but if not I will hate forever changed jjj
Posted over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
Yeah think the same way, the only thing i like about this episode. But i really hate Damon! why Damon why!!! D: And don't get me started with Elena, sorry honey but you done for me. Bonnie always get hurts because of you, what a friend you are Elena. over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Lol. I just saw the scene where Elena told Damon Rebekah tried to kill her less than 48 hours ago. I found it pretty ridiculous. She was practically saying: "How could you be with another girl, and one who tried to kill me? Just because I made one mistake, you're going to stop obsessing over me?" -.-' Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Elena like the attention, she want both brothers, and if Elijah show any attention, she will want him too,... it's all about her... over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Yeah.. I wish Rebekah killed her. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's Elena being twofaced. Damon killed and turned her mother, she forgave him. Same with Bonnie/her mum, and low behold she'll forgive him this too. Yet, she expects differently when he 'forgives' the one who tried to kill her? Argh, Becka please punch Lena in the selfish throat. over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
Thursday of next week, TVD spend on TV. ?¿?¿

Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I don't know. A flame thrower to the show, might be better use of time.. ;) over a year ago
itsbamonbiotch said …
"All of this is a broken record. Elena gets in trouble. A plan we have goes to shit. Bonnie suffers a loss. AND BAM! ELENA IS SAFE!" - DarkSide by EclecticProse -- This basically sums up TVD as a whole. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
SO MUCH! Elena chooses to do things her way (thanks for telling Elijah, that dozy bird), then Lijah freaks out and the brothers.. argh.. Elena ruins them, not makes them better. Bring back Katherine! ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Piece of advice for Bon Bon-your the only decent girl on the show, leave while you can and see how they all do without you, ungrateful F*$^*$*£!"$(*$%£**@%....!!

I'm serious-she should move away while she can! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
this season war poorly in giving us bonnie so i dont wanna see her move away!!! but i wanna see her becoming kickass BADASS!!! and thats true she's the only decent girl in the show...even if i love caroline...i love bonnie so much more than her!!!! over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
@Tigerlily888 Totally agree with you! I'm just so pissed off, i swear if they keep hurting Bonnie i will stop watching TVD, she always gets hurt! That's not fair at all! She deserves more than that, a whole more over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
She's already a badass but she's used like a slave . Really what a shame!!!!! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Go Here and Give Feed Back to The CW about TVD & Bonnie BE NICE ABOUT xoxo link Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
HEY why not give some Story Lines Ideas to Them as well for Bonnie over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
When does Season 4 Start ?
Posted over a year ago
Henrita commented…
in september over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
It's gonna take a 1000 years til December;( over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Omg.. Sage was mentioned in the episode 16 promo.. And I still can't believe it's a girl-.- Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Yeah i saw that over a year ago
dcw132003 commented…
who's sage? over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
think the same way -.- over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Ok I was going to wait until the end of the day to say what i was going to post but i just have to say what i saw. Yes this sucks but I saw in the first part of the epi. Damon come up with a plan to lay out the originals so that the bennett witches could do the spell with mamma witch and still save dopple (which was more for Stefan since he's ticked) It kind of reminded me who would damon chose dopple or bonnie. Also the way Elijah stated it sounded like they were suppose to kill both of them
Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
The plan went wrong when Klaus started to fight alaric and the salvatores and undaggered klaus. As for the coin toss, that everyone is mad about they did not want to kill bonnie i believe that the plan was to turn her mom and bonnie wouldn't even be in danger and damon did the deed to take the heat instead of stefan. I believe in one point he made the point that since dopple like to sacrifice herself for her friends to let her. But he took in stefan's feelings. Damon came up with a way to save both girls and also a way were bonnie will still have her mother even though she will be a vamp over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
Caroline so stated everything that I and i know others felt. Bonnie always winds up sacrificing the most to protect others that no one seems to care about her loss. Also I do believe in a way this could have been a coverted bamon because Damon still chose to save bonnie along with dopple he just sacrificed his budding relationship with her for her hate for turning her mother to do so. over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
sorry undagger kol over a year ago
dcw132003 said …
i honestly just starting watching VD via Netflix and i fell in love with Damon and Bonnie falling in love but right now after the last episodes, i'm ready to give up on the entire series. its just like really, she means so little that you guys would flip a coin for who kills or turns her. who does that? CW writers need to seriously get it together, they're losing fans. Posted over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
Amen to that sister! over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
Word. I couldn't have said that any better. I'm just so pissed right now... over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yes some people are angry but it doesn't really affect that much ratings at the end of the day it's all that count. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
If you want you can join the bennett brigade on tumblr. There is nothing really concrete for now but I think some action will be taken soon. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
2317! <3 Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) over a year ago
BrightStar101 commented…
fantastic! :) <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE!! over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
:) over a year ago
Adella98 said …
I'm really mad right now.I ship Bamon,I really do,and Klonnie,but it's not just that it won't happen in this season,is that I don't want to happen in this season.With such a jerk Damon,and such a stupid Klaus because of what he feels for Caroline.No way! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
so i take it the episode was crap....i didin't bother! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I just heard.. wow, JP is gonna need to go into hiding. ((supports her BonnieBamon girls)) over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I am Still Team Bamon 4 Life Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
<3333333 hope she'll burn him soon he deserves it. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too, but first she's gotta lay the smack down to the Salvatores, and the Originals. It's been a long time comin'. over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
me too :) over a year ago
01trugirl said …
Oh Man I can't wait for the day Bonnie goes dark or lay into all their asses!!! I feel it coming to either in the next coming eppys or in the season finale. I feel it!! all I can say right now is thank god for Caroline:) Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I want it so bad ! it's the perfect moment to do it ! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i cant wait either she needs to be BADASS over a year ago
iLauren commented…
It's time for Bonnie to excute her own Oder 66 on every last one of those mofos! over a year ago
itsbamonbiotch said …
Guys. I'm DONE. I love you all, but I HATE this fandom. Poor Bonnie gets the short end EVERYTIME. It sucks that her life has such little value, that a game of "flip-a-coin" will determine who has the joy of killing her. What has she done to get all this shit? My little shipper heart is shattered. Hope this didn't spoil anything, I don't think it did. Posted over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
yes I feel that same way. It sucks man. At least Stefan was aganist killing Bonnie. I am so glad the some finally stood up for Bonnie. I am loving caroline so much right now:)!! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Stefan sucks as much as Damon because he was willing to kill bonnie just for elena, same damon. I hate those two. I hate TVD. I'm done with it. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
^LOL!!! RIGHT?! Though I'm actually happy with tonight's events. ODDLY!!! It was a HARD pill to swallow! BUT I think it's something that NEEDED to happen!!! Bonnie is really SOOOO loyal, and it does NOT get REPAYED!! Time she finds this out!! I think the Salvatore's are gonna need a new witch!!!! ;D About TIME!!! The girl won't be getting used ANY time soon! And I'd LOVE to see her set them BOTH on fire!!! BURNT CRISP! :D over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Goodevening mates I have just gotten over a really bad cold and now is in limbo with meh college school stuff. But fear not I have been payign attention too TVd and the Bamon spot from time to time, it breaks a bird's heart to see all the lackness of DB. Even though Im currently shipping Damon with umm *coughs* Rebekah I still loved DB it's gettin harder to belived they'll get together. Love ya all and have a wonderful day! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hi glad you feel better. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Lol!! I wish I could say the same! :( Debeckah makes a DELENA fan out of me!! Lol. It's THAT bad how unappealing they are to me!! :( LOVE Claire Holte though!! Nothing to do with the actors, it's just so PREDICTABLE and BORING to me!! :/ SOOO glad you're feeling better though, mate! And onboard with Debeckah! SOME Bamon fan has gotta be!! ;) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
OH Mates you guys are scaring a birdie lol I hope we get atleast one scene. Thnks for the warm wishes. over a year ago
elena1 said …
I change my icon with the amazing Bonnie Bennett Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
AWESOME!!! You better do it girl!!! ;D over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yup it's a great!!!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Icon ;-) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
it's beautiful! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
"Bonnie and Damon sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage; Then there comes a vampire in a baby carriage.”
Love this! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
<33333333333333333!!!!!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
:´)...this makes me so happy!!! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Go Caroline!!! I love this quote from Book Bamon!!! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
God Bamon, why do you keep distracting me?? I have a Math test tomorrow, and have to write about the history of Denmark, but all I have written is 6 lines, and we have had about 3 weeks!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hop hop go to work LOL!!!!! over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I just finished Math, but I have history, and If I want to finish that, I think I'll only get about 3 hours of sleep, Lol! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
IKR? I've got houseworki before making dinner, and I'm stealing away to come snuggle Bamon. Temptress! *runs off to do work* over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I know-should be revising for physics-ah well stuff that! over a year ago
Desara said …
Does anyone know where i could go to make banners ? Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
photoshop, picnik(website), lunapic(website...IDK so many... over a year ago
Desara commented…
thank you hun over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
yw! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
fotoflexer is good over a year ago
claudiahl said …
Happy Valentine´s day to all my bamily !!! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
and you too!XX over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
for you too! over a year ago
beepo123 said …
2310? Wow! <3 Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
2311! <3 over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
2312 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
2316!X over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
On a Whitney memory, the gorgeous EliSaab dress she wears in this video --> link
I'd have loved to see Bonnie turn up at the ball in. <3 The lyrics too - "I put myself aside to do it your way. But now I need to do it on my own." I love her sense of love and unfailing dedication, but I'd love to see S1/2 bonnie back, gun blazing especially the way StefanDamon speak to her. Melt some faces Bonnie, and look fab in Saab doing it. ;) Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I agree! You don't need a big puffy dress, to steal the spotlight<3 And wow.. Just watching this video,, It's just hard to think that she's,, dead, R.I.P ;/ over a year ago
nansoula said …
❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥
happy Valentine's day bamonators!!!!! xo xo xo xo xo xo ❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤    ❥❤     Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
I love bamon forever:) <3 Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
<3 over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
all day long over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
forever & always ❤ over a year ago
Contingent said …
Please, we have to show to the all fanbase how we feel about the way Bonnie and the other minority character are treated. Please, we have to show to the all fanbase how we feel about the way Bonnie and the other minority characters are treated.
link Posted over a year ago
grizzelda commented…
I've commented, I'm getting really frustrated with TVD and other shows at the moment with regards to poor treatment of the actors e.g. Kat Graham as Bonnie and Grace Park as Kono in Hawaii Five-0, it feels like their parts are getting smaller and smaller and I the producers are hoping we don't notice! It's so irritating on a personal not they are my favourite characters and I am literally hanging in there for them!! Please give Bonnie a storyline that is consistent and where she can have some quality screen time. Sorry sound a bit rantish apologies if I offend :) over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
Done over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Going in now.. thankyou Contingent! over a year ago
Contingent commented…
You're welcome :) over a year ago
hinata26 said …
please ladies vote for bonnie
link Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Of Course!!!! Thanks for posting the link!;-))<3 over a year ago
elena1 commented…
just voted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Just voted, thanks bb! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Nighnight darlings. Hope you all have a fab week, filled with Bonnieness and DamonNightly. The best way to have Damon ;)

Before bedtime, found this on tumblr. Is this Grams wedding ring that Bonnie wears on the show, or Kats since she's wearing it off set. Any help appreciated. ((cuddles))

ROCK ON, Divas! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
night <3333!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*smooches* Afternoone sweet hinata! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
This The CW Feed Back Page link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Good heavens.. what to say to them, I wonder. ;) Thankyou bb. I'm dying to know, who be that in your icon? <3 over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'm not quite sure, but from the looks of it from afar, it apears to be Lily and Cain from "The Young and the Restless!!!" Am I right, Gin?? Not really sure who the third person is though...but it looks like LANE from afar!! And if so...AWESOME!! :D over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
BB8Fan Yes it is Cane and Lily From Y&R and the Other Man is Cane's Dad Colin over a year ago
Adella98 said …
I just noticed something in Dark Reunion
When Bonnie got out of the car (before the auhdihdsfysgfyfsf awesome KISS!) she locked the door without wanting it.
I think it's awesome,because though the scene was outdoor,it was no escape for Bonnie.Nothing could've stopped the kiss.It was destiny!
When it's real,you can't walk away ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
If this was Facebook, I would have liked it a thousand times! You got a really important point there! There's nothing anyone can say to deny this, without sounding stupid. *sigh* <33 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ese es uno de mis libros favoritos es tan bello over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Adella, you sweet heavenly lass you! *huggles* There's a KISS? Oh, you're my fave a thousand times too!!! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
I don't know why I think of Bamon when I listen to this song: link
Maybe it has something to with Bonnie being the Beauty and Damon the Beast?;)<3
And am I the only one who thinks the story of Beauty and the Beast is a little as the story with Bamon? First comes the hate, one Beauty(Bonnie) sees a caring side to the Beast(Damon) etc.?;* Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YES! Totally can see him as the beasty, y'know he had expressive eyebrows too. ;) And she gets a pretty ballgown too... can't go wrong. *runs to check out the vid* Love you bb! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, my goodness, it does remind me of Bonnie especially. It's that mansion, or pillars, look like the wtiches house. The forest scene too. I'd love if they made that into Bamon. I'd have Ric as the teakettle. <3 over a year ago
elena1 said …
I noticed that Book Damon was born on the 31th October(the witch's night)it's a concidence? Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
everything happens for a reason...... :) over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Where do we get that piece of information? I don't remember anything about reading Damons birth date..;o over a year ago
Adella98 commented…
you can find it on vampireidaireswiki over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Very interesting.. everything is connected. :) over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
did you noticed guys that since the 2X18 Last dance episode we got any properly BAMON scene?..... did the writers afraid by the obvious bamon's chemistry? looool anway...the way that they treat bonnie's and bamon (klonnie) fans is just awfull but i'll always love Bamon/Bonnie Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
<3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
me also! I will always love and ship them....nothing can stop that but is' frustrating! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
highfives my friend yeah <3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
hey guys i just wanna share my new vid its not about manip at all just bonnie's treatment in tvd show.... i wanna share it with you guys and you can share it on twitter or tumblr this is for all of us all of bonnie fans guys...show our support with bonnie's character....thanks <3 love you all: link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i saw it, it was perfect ! im glad there is people like you making those kind of videos, we really need it, so thank you hun <3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're welcome im so glad that you like this vid!!!! we NEED this kind of vid you're right <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It is beautiful!!! I don't know how you do it, but the truth is breathtaking to behold. Well done! (I think some fans are tweeting it to JP and KW right now!!!!) over a year ago
lorastefens said …
Bitches I love you . Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
love ya more lol XD over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
lol no love ya! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. LOVE YA TOO! over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase said …
Hey, anyone know about some good Bamon or Bonnie's tumblr pages? Please let me know if you do (: Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I love this one link BUT if you type in Bamon or Damon and Bonnie and tumblr into google the top ones are all great! There's pages and pages of it! :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
link over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
Thank you alot @Tigerlily888 !!! (: over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks you Tigerlily!! I just started visiting these fantastic pages too when I can, the wealth of talent and support is amazing. LOVE the funny gifs too. :D over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Look at this what should have been for Bonnie link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
<3 <3 <3 so much better that the dumb tvd writers :O over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I agree! This could have been the PERFECT way to develop Bamons relationship.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I LOVE YOU!! <333333333 over a year ago
Desara said …
Bamon are like Tom and Jerry. They tease each other, knock each other out, But they cant live without each other. Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I like the comparison!<3 over a year ago
Adella98 commented…
awwww i love it! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Totally! .Tweetybird and Sylvester ("I tink dat naughty PuttyDamon wants to eat me. -- He does! He does want to eat me..). Would that make the oldwidow - Alaric? :D over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Heey My Bamon family
I really really want to start a Vampire Diaries RP( Role Play) if i make it would anyone be intrested :D Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
How can one play? XD over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
*Bonnie's eyes flickerd upon damon his lips ad then towards his sharp blue eyes she loved him and as muh as it killed her to say it she loved him* ...something like that but much longer and with talkig :D over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
Wooop!!!! :D over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
2307!!! <3 Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
:) over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
2310!!!! over a year ago
nansoula said …
Please check the new deadlines for the Bamon Fanvideos Contest & Bamon Paintings Contest> link Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Already done!!!!!!! over a year ago
nansoula commented…
great :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Goodluck all! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Sometimes the negativity narrows vision to just us fighting it - and the battle is never-ending, but there's more inspirational fans like these from everywhere, tweeting, blogging, tumblring up a VivaBonnie revolution storm! Their voices added to many, that prove we're not alone in support and love that Bonnie Bennett/Bamon has.
Never been more proud to be a part of it!
Nightnight darling Bamily. xoxoxo Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Sure thing!!!!!!! over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
linkKW is starting to make me wonder about TVD BOOKS over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Night!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love you back, hinata and xDenYsaDenYx, will chekc that link out too. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
from Glistenink
CAN BONNIE GET A LARGER ROLE PLEASE? She’s the only powerful human female character. She is intelligent, she is powerful and independent, she is a Bennett with, she cares about her friends, and she overcomes her own problems. That, and she’s the only African-American main character. DIVERSITY PLEASE. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
WORD ! Bonnie is the most strong character, she should be the lead ! She's next to Buffy and Selene <3 Love those girls over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
♥♥♥♥ Our fans are rockstars, right? ♥♥ Totally agree with ya! The Bonnie and Damon Kicktoosh diaries! :) Buffy totally. I'm trusting that Selene' last name isn't Dion? over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
lmao Dion ahahah of course not ! xD Selene from the Underworld movies ;) She kick ass :P over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Sorry for the lateness in reply sweet lass. Selene from Underworld.. of course! *hides blushing - stops re-enacting the Titanic bow scene. Kick toosh just like the Bamon fans!! Muah! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Quote by Shaymore
The writers act as if the Bonnie character isn’t desirable, or worthy of love. That annoys me to no end and that’s how Plec acts. Morals. Morals. Like having morals doesn’t attract people. Guess what when a girl has morals she attracts two kinds guys. One who wants to corrupt those morals and one who respects it. Therefore Bonnie should have two love interests guys like (Stefan and Damon or Klaus and Elijah lol). The logic behind that excuse was so mind-numbingly stupid Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
so awesome! and so true over a year ago
iLauren commented…
The 'morals' excuse is also insulting to Caroline and Elena because it seems to imply that both girls have no Morals since both have been in love triangles and have guys falling for them left and right. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I’m a Paul Wesley fan and Team Stefan all the way so I haven’t really thought much about what I want to happen for other characters. But damn if the Bonnie and Bamon fans haven’t sold me. I just want something to happen for Bonnie because her fans deserve it so bad. They’ve been waiting so patiently. The number of guys flinging their dicks at Caroline and Elena is just ridiculous while Bonnie (who is so f***ing gorgeous btw) isn’t thrown a bone? Get it right, TVD writers. Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I Read This It Was AMAZING!!!! LOVE STEFAN/PAUL FAN!!!!! over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
THANK YOU! OMFG YOU ARE SO RIGHT! COME ON BONNIE DESERVES A LITTLE. She reminds me of Willow from Buffy. Never got any of the hot guys. COME ON! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Y'know, I should be quoting YOU gurls, 'cause dang.. preach it bbs! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
RIP Whitney Houston. So sad. I'm still in shock. :( Posted over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
I know my mom went crazy! Its so sad. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
My ALL TIME favorite singer. SOOOOOOO sad right now!!!!!! She will always be remembered AND missed!! One of the BEST voices in the WORLD!! Would've loved to miss her. I wish her nothing but peace. God bless her over a year ago
tylerwog1 commented…
whitney was a great women we all will pray for her over a year ago
big smile
nansoula said …
Bamon FanVideos Contest
NEW DEADLINE 13/4/2012
You will have to use the song: Join me in death by HIM
This version > link
You can use any scene you want but will have to use this version of the song
Good Luck!!!
LINK IN THE FIRST COMMENT Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
link over a year ago
nansoula commented…
nansoula commented…
:) over a year ago
nansoula said …
Bamon Paintings Contest.
Second Theme Competition
THEME: Show Bamon ~ Your interpretation of their love/hate relationship in any scene of the second season.
notes: this second theme comp has been delayed 3 times the first deadline was 22/8/11 second 29/10/11 & now the last one 13/3/12
link to the comp & further info down here> Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
link the link to the official topic of the contest with ALL the INSTRUCTIONS and the RULES. over a year ago
nansoula commented…
nansoula commented…
lacage0 said …
accept the unconditional love that he has for his brother and that stefan has for him, and his (for now) genuine care he has for bonnie because these relationships are healthy ones and they will allow damon to be damon and still have that support of love and care. I have other examples in the show but to lazy to type lol Feel free to leave your thought and if you have other examples of the contrast of off the rails (dopple) and care (stefan and bonnie) please share Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
okay i couldn't resist an example last dance 2x18. He saved bonnie and it was a bamon epi. because he let bonnie choose her fate and respected her for it. In an episode or two later he is taking way dopples free will by feeding her blood. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep <333333333333!!!!!!!! over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
ALL THE AWARDS FOR LUCIE!!!!!! <3 over a year ago
lacage0 said …
genuine for bonnie because he cares whether subconscious or not he goes and wrecks that feeling or emotion by doing something wreckless concerning dopple. The same actions come when it comes to stefan. Stefan saves his life gives up his own freedom becomes a ripper and he kisses dopple. I know that DE aren't meant for each other but it seems to me that they are making it that damon is so use to disfunction that he runs from genuine care/love. Dopple represents the broke damon. Damon needs to Posted over a year ago
lacage0 said …
Hey I have an observation and i want to see if anyone else has notice this. It seems to me lately if damon does something that helps bonnie or stefan helps damon in a episode or two he goes off the rails over dopple. Case in point 3x12 and 3x13 damon interaction with bonnie and her mom and 3x14 off the rails. Damon finds out stefan saved his life by not letting kill klaus, damon kisses dopple. My hypothesis is Damon is afraid of unconditional love, care and support. When he does something
Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Sooo... one of my fanart was deleted and the others are being flaggered a lot... I'm so mad right now because it takes work to do it. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^hun we're always going to back ya up. Re-post it and we'll re-comment and fan unil THEY give up. No one messes with my Bamily's fanarts over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep repost it's war really can't you suffer in peace?! It's over for now so get a grip and leave us happily live alone !!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
VIVA BONNIE/BAMON!!! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
LOL! You know the thing I have written in the DE spot right? If you go into their wall, see what they have replied. -.- Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
I told ya...*sigh* over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Yep... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I admire you courage and the dignity you had to even call them on their bs. No matter what they say, delete if from your inbox, because what they have to say is unimportant to not letting them steal your voice. I love your voice, bb!! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Hey guys. I have been in to the DE spot and written this:
Hello DE fans.
I wanted to say that I and a bunch of other people are a little mad right now. Why? Because recently many DE fans have been in to our Damon & Bonnie spot, and reported our Fan arts, Videos etc.
So here I am, asking nicely "Will you be so nice, to stop that? It isn't a nice feeling to get something you have worked so hard on, deleted. Thanks" I know that it isn't everyone, but some of you have been there. So again, Thanks;) Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
they're gonna do it anyways, cause these people are trolls not essencialy the DE fans who usually go to the DE spot to chat, these are the lurkers...but I apreciate what you've done! Thank you over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I love what you said, and support you one hundred support. De never like being pulled up to what they do, but at least they know w'ere fighting back. Thankyou sweetHindEssa! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
We've got de trolls in our spot deleting legit artwork. So wanted to give a shout out to the artists, vidders etc - that if your work is deleted, keep posting it and we'll back you up. <33333 Love always. :) Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
You're right mis FOTM congrats. I thought they wouldn't come bz they were sooooooon depressed I guess I was wrong........ They can't suffer in silence what a shame!!!! Mates keep posting !!!! Like we say here jelalous will loose weight!!!!!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
THIS over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Grams line to Bonnie seems appropriate for all here. "You are so much STRONGER than all of this. I'm very PROUD of you." over a year ago
01trugirl said …
I am so glad that Damon is starting to see that he and Elena will never work because he is never going to be stefan or like stefan. It's like he just can win with her. First he didn't care enough and now he cares too much about her. So happy that the old Damon seem to be back. Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
Elena Like Katherine. I was hoping she would stay faithful to Stefan. now maybe just maybe we have a chance at bamon <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
she is toying with them..... over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
To be honest I feel like Damon got his balls back in that eppy. I agree with all you guys because she is starting to be like kat because she's been playing them off of each other. When she can't get what she wants from one brother she goes to the next one to see what she can get out of him. over a year ago
samjhart said …
OT: Stefan has his own discussion thread on his spot if anyone is interested!

link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks for sharing the link asma <3 over a year ago
samjhart commented…
np sweetie, I know many of my Bamily members love Stefan..XD over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks, I'll check it out soon! <33 over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Oh.. No.. They DIDN'T!!!!
I liked this episode, though Bonnie wasn't in it.. I sucks that Esther is going to kill the originals.. ELIJAH! YOU CAN'T DIE!!
Season 1 Damon.. I have missed you.. Welcome back... But. WTH?? Rebekah, and.. Damon.. you know mt hands are totally shaking right now.. I hope she'll die, while theyre doing it,... LOL.. But seriously... Him, a 145 years old vampire, with a over 1000 years old GIRL?? OMG! I feel like throwing up, But Im glad Damon is back.. What did you think? Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
at the last they are finally getting laid. Damon from season1 and Rebekah from over a 100 years it was about that damn time. As for Esther i think her plan will fail and she will turn herself or Abby or Bonnie into a hybrid to kill the Originals.Simple like that over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
"Him, a 145 years old vampire, with a over 1000 years old GIRL??" we can tell the same about him and dopple 18th or Bonnie so difference of age dont bother at all (because i want bamon lool) over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I know he isn't exactly the Season 1 Damon, but the look he had after he beated the Original Kol.. Weren't it somehow like the Damon from before. @BB8Fan It's okay. ;) over a year ago
Adella98 said …
You know what I've noticed?I mean,this episodes they worked together for that coffin.But we see more than the writers,seriously!They just did this at random but what I mean is that Bamon working together means that they trust eachother,and this is a huge step!No matter anyone says! Posted over a year ago
kaspo said …
I have to say, elena and damon relationship didn't even last for 3 episodes! To be honest, I knew this would happen. Damon and elena are not compatible. They are too different. Its normal fall for someone being the opposite of them but their opposite is too great and thats why it back-fired. Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
I agree over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
agreed....as well over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
I hope DE over we never know with JP she might have Stefan do something stupid and Elena not liking it we all know if Damon or Stefan don't do what Elena says she gonna go all bitch face on them.I do really hope there no more DE or I'm gonna go insane. over a year ago
nansoula said …
I am re opening the Bamon Paintings Contest, who is interested? The last one only got one participant :( Posted over a year ago
Adella98 commented…
meeeeeee over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
i would like too but it's depend on my inspiration ........ so it's just a maybe no promises over a year ago
nansoula commented…
ok I will set the new deadline it will be a long month for you to make it ladies, it's such a pity the second had only one participant I will renew that one :) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Guys, Kat Graham said (Klonnie) wouldn't happen because the producers give Bonnie high morals, so... does that means no Bamon also? I mean, that means she's going to be alone forever? She's a human girl after all and she has the right to fall in love recklessly... I swear if they continue to use that excuse in the next season so then Bamon can't happen, I'm gonna rip their hearts out Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
IA over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Bonnie has more morals?? BULL CRAP!!! She DOES, but that is NOT a reason!!! If the fanfic writers can work through it, SO can the TVD!!! I swear it's just a lack of EFFORT and AWFUL writing skills!! Honestly the way they're writing EVERYONE I wouldn't want Bonnie with ANY ONE anyhow!! Except Stefan!! This show SUCKS!! Klonnie was bypassed because of Bonnie's high morals?! And you decided to do what? Klaroline? The incest ship that KILLS Klaus' character and makes absolutely NO SENSE?!?! I bout barfed watching them on my screen tonight!! They might be worst than Delena!! And that's saying something! NO buildup or foundation WHATSOEVER!! Today was the guy's SECOND encounter with her EVER, and he's ALREADY in love!!! Was the first time!! Gosh! They've KILT his character!! :( RIP Klaus, gonna miss ya! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^THIS agree with all of your amazing comments. Morals. Like having morals doesn’t attract people. Having courage, leading your lifewith conviction, selflessness and ethics isn't attractive? Argh, Julie.. taking female values back 100years. Meanwhile Lena and Care reinact The tvd barbie/ken-klaus ball fantasy and Bonnie gets sweet naff-all. Agree, the two most important ones Stefan and Bonnie live in the shadows.. so very wrong. over a year ago
01trugirl said …
I can't believe I m saying this but I really m starting to like the originals Yes all of them. They r very entertaining. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're not the only one :) over a year ago
kaspo commented…
i have to agree as well (^_^) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
well i've always loved elijah but i used to hate klaus....he's growing on me! over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
I know I kind of hate that hes starting to grow on me. It feels wrong :) lol over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
So, the gorgeous artwork by ianisourqueen, from the magazine was deleted. :( However, I've removed the original photo (Keeping her signature) in layers, and drawn, painted over it in a Photopaint, and made it a digital artwork instead. Posted over a year ago
lilou265 said …
COME ON TWITTER FOR "#WhereisBonnieBennett"

We have one hour guys, only one hour to make #WhereisBonnieBennett a trend.

Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me enca que bien over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
amo tu imagen de bonnie y klaus es preciosa over a year ago
bmfan commented…
I'm so mad because it didn't trend.:( over a year ago