Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 641-650 of 8919

ILuvTV101 said …
wont see bamon again untill september. D: Posted over a year ago
TVD_Whore commented…
Tell me about it :\ Looks like I'll be reading fan fics for 4 months! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol Bamon fanfic is a wonderful friend over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Peps, we're gonna have one funny summer, reporting all these virus out of the bamon system so...LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE AND REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
Lol, that's the spirit. over a year ago
TVD_Whore commented…
Sweet! More bamon troops these trolls don't stand a chance against us! over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
I'm with you guys lets get reporting.(: over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Just who is the bitch posting the de scenes in the BAMON spot?
Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Just report and ignore. They're just trying to start trouble. over a year ago
TVD_Whore commented…
Wow this person mus have nothing better to do. This is ridiclous! When will these trolls learn that they are not wanted here and what their doing is extremly childish! over a year ago
stefanswifey10 commented…
I know right whoever doing it must not have nothing better to do with their boring lives like always. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Ladies I've noticed since the famous D&B drama on the wall we give ideas to trolls to come here saying that they are D&B fans to start a fight please don't respond to them. If they attack you just report them.
:-) Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
AMEN!!!! Please do NOT respond to them!!! You give them EXACTLY what they WANT!!! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
So...according to someone's post on Tumblr, the new ghostwriter's name is "Clare"; she will be writing the TVD series from now on. But......why don't I believe her [L.J. Smith]? Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Maybe because she lies a lot LOL! over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Honestly, I don't even think L.J. Smith is fired. I really think this is a huge cover up. I still think she's writing them books. She's playing up the "victim card" too much. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you ApplePie88 L.J. Smith is the ghostwriter of the Hunters Trilogy over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Bamon is my OTP love B&D together Ain't nothing better than them!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1666!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep that's great more fans no more trolls. over a year ago
aceg commented…
lol Sara I think you get it on torrent after the release in UK. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
oh kool! yay! :D over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
I need Bamon, i need spoilers :(, a little something. They start filming in July right ? Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Sorry it's too soon sweety . I think you should read fanfiction for The time being. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i dont really like fanfiction, i prefer the real thing :(, but maybe i should start reading some...^^ over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol There are some really good bamon fanfics you may not want to overlook. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep agree with aceg There some awesome Bamon fics. over a year ago
elena1 said …
1665! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
One more mate!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
1666 over a year ago
-RandomChick- said …
(Just for those who are curious.)

The song Bonnie and Damon danced to was Trent Dabbs - "Last Kiss"
The song that was playing when Bonnie was watching Damon dance (with them chicks,) is called "I Think We're Alone, Now." - The Birthday Massacre. (Originally, Girls Aloud. But, TVD had a idfferent version. By the way, I LOVE THAT SONG! :D)

Just thought someone would like to know :) Bamon FTW Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Thank you ;) I love those scenes <3 *Running just as fast as we can* "OH YEAH!" x)) over a year ago
-RandomChick- commented…
I know! And when Bonnie walked off with Elena, the way he sort of slowed down his dancing was pretty funny X) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i know it was an amazing episode for us ! :P over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Good Evening mates wanted too say I still Love Bamon but want be returning fully to TVD next season and We didnt get no bloody rain down here!!!!!! Though were not outta the flippin woods yet were all just very happy and thnkful. So thnks all who prayed for us D&B forever!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
D&B forever mate!!! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
We are huh? over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
*Sinffs* thnks mates I guess meh want quit out just yet maybe just on the flippin DE crap lol but I will hang in aswell possible it's, just soo bloody blah. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1664!!!!! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Hell yeah!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
We'll control the world soon LOL!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Not so bad, have to finish the bloody essay for tomorrow yuck. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Hello ladies!!!!!!
Have a great day!! Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
merci toi aussi ! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Slt sa va? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Oki ;-) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Does anyone else get the impression that L.J. deliberately wrote Book Damon to "love" Elena with his mind/ego/conscious, but for Damon to love Bonnie with his heart/soul/subconscious? That way, she could get Damon to be in love with two people in the books? I really think this was her original intention since the very beginning of the series. Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Yep. :) over a year ago
crazyjuliet commented…
Exactly! So much that she said about Damon's obsession for Elena, that he pursues Elena for a goal that he imposed in itself and Lj has also said that for her, it's as if Damon was fighting off his feelings for Bonnie. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with @ApplePie88 over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
1663 again!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-)!!! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Whoo Hoo! *Bamon dance* over a year ago
aceg commented…
Seems our fandom are stuck around 1660s for few days over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
amazing hope it stays this way this time :) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Does anyone else love how after he called Bonnie a little dolt and she heard him Damon just stared out the window with a face of "ice fury"... and wasnt even listening to anyone while they were talking. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Yeah, I remember that scene. I wonder what Damon was thinking at the time.? over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Probaly feelings bad and trying to make escuses/ over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
^^yep! :] over a year ago
solangel said …
Is it true that the bamon's bathtub scene in nightfall didn't mean anything because Damon was possessed at the time? Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Where'd you hear this? over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si es verdad yo lo he leido y espero que lo haga over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Oh the second meeting! I want to read it so badly now! :D over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Even though Delena may be the epic couple of the show. We ARE the epic couple of the books. The bathtub scene?The kisses?Epic. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
What? Damon/Elena are NOT the epic couple of the show whatsoever. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
LOL @ApplePie88 xD over a year ago
aceg commented…
Epic "groan" I almost spill my organge juice over my screen lol. Epic is cheap in TVD lol. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I love how the writers are dropping all of this parallels and future anvils for Bamon on the show. I think the writers are purposely doing that so that it's subtle but at the same time, obvious. I think it's actually really well done they way they are going about the Bamon paralleling. Posted over a year ago
suellim commented…
I hope this is the intention of them =D Because if you stop and think, it's so well built (even if very slightly) and so smart! Let's hope that is not just a coincidence ;) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Yeah <3 we need to write an article with all the parallels over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
Its ONLY obvious to us bamon fans, i think that's what the writers are intending :P cuz they know us bamon fans will analyze every bit and piece of it :P over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
Off topic Secret Circle is coming as show.I'm excited for it.I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will not destroy the novel series. Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Ah! I haven't read it. I heard it's good. I'm planning on reading the series. :) over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
Here is the preview from Honey2 with Kat, i cant stop watching >link *I can be a freak, i can i can be a freak* She's AMAZING ! :D Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
^ I agree! i love dance movies, and now kat is in it so its amazingg!! over a year ago
Allison__ said …
haha, I've just wrote this:
You are my music, You are my song
You are the only thing, which I never let go
I'm sorry, maybe I'm miser, but I want to say:
I never forget this amazing day.
With you.

[It's probably poem ;p] Posted over a year ago
Allison__ commented…
A bit like book Bamon ? over a year ago
Evanescent commented…
Book Bamon: yees. <3 over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Beautiful! Total Bamon! <3 over a year ago
big smile
Allison__ said …
Random question: where are yo from, guys ?? I want to know it, just because of my curiosity. ;p
Och, greetings from Bamon fans from Poland [Europe] !! ; D Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Portugal!! over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
kentucky over a year ago
Evanescent commented…
Poland. :D over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
What is it about Jacob and Renesmee from Twilight that reminds me a little of Book Bamon? I guess it's because Renesmee is "childlike" and petite like Bonnie and Jacob is strong, tall, big and robust like Damon. LMAO Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
but renesmee is a child right? and bonnie is a 17 year old over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Yeah, she's currently a child, but there has been many people who do fan art of Renesmee when she is older, like 16 or 17, Bonnie's age and she's petite and childlike, like Bonnie. IDK, there's just something about Jacob and Renesmee that remind me a little of Book Bamon. Jacob/Renesmee is so precious and adorable like Book Bamon. <3 over a year ago
elena1 commented…
yes I'm totally agreed jacob is like damon and renesme is like bonnie over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Any good new book bamon fan fics? Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Yes! *Hops off to find you a link* over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Here is one I really like. It's not complete yet but the writer seems devoted: link over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
You're welcome lol I always keep up to date on book Bamon fics over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1661... what's up with the dropping numbers?
don't give up on bamon guys! it's still season 2! we knew we would have to wait for bamon and that's exactly what we should be doing! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Who knows maybe someone's playing us... over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Trolls... over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
What @nasraDsalvatore said. <3 over a year ago
BB8fan said …
I for one, can't WAIT for Bonnie to find out about Elena and Damon!! CAN'T WAIT!!! Was just thinking about it, and I KNOW Bonnie is NOT the one to say, "Wait to go Elena!" She'll either give her the "Now you know!"/"Are you out of your mind look" admonishing look, or she'll straight up tell the girl about herself, which is what I'm PRAYING for! Either way, I can't wait for her reaction to Dullena! Her telling DAMON a thing or two about himself? JACKPOT! PERFECTION!! :D Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'm starting to think she's the ONLY one who can put the dude in his place! Stefan's too nice to him! God bless him. over a year ago
Bamonfreak commented…
I think Bonnie and Caroline are good friends to Elena and won't judge her(well I hope so) cuz Elena was so understanding to Caroline when she told her that her and Matt are together so if they judge Elena then well...it might make Bonnie look bad we don't want that over a year ago
aceg commented…
@BB8fan: I guess someone already download it from the site, but no I don't know if any bamonators download it. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
OMG, did anyone else notice in the season finale when Damon said he loved Elena, Bonnie said she loved Jeremy? But that's not even it. The fact that Damon said he loved Elena when he was dying and Bonnie said she loved Jeremy when he was dead?? Parallels much? Damon and Bonnie have so many future anvils and parallels dropped on this show lately..first with 2.18 The Last Dance, with Damon saying to Elena "I will always choose you" but he was being caring towards Bonnie in the same episode. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I really think that show Bonnie and Damon are more alike then they realize... over a year ago
aceg commented…
Foreshadowing much lol... which lead to my confusion about some bamonator's lost of hope in Bamon. I mean really? lol over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Good observation! these parallels will have a meaning!!! Bamon will happen!!! :D over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Keep The positive attitude!!!!
Spread the Bamon LOVE!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
hinata26 said …
Oki I think it's time for the silly song lirics or whatever :
Trolls trolls trolls
I know something about the futur

Trolls trolls trolls
And Bamon is happening

Trolls trolls trolls
You know Ain't nothing hotter !!!!

Trolls trolls trolls
Bamon us made of win!!!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Lyrics Whow I'm really tired!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
T inquiètes j ai plaider ta causes de tte façon elle c barée te prends pas la tête ;-) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
merci ;) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Ok well I just read ALL of the vickylovesSE post, and I must say, she WAS a little RIDICULOUS! Much! Wasn't making ANY sense after a while, and wouldn't accept you're apolgies! So I won't use THAT as an example, but in general, if we can, please try to be slower to anger and quicker to LISTEN! Let's not be so quick to snap, and try to be a little more optimistic! That's all I ask! Thanks! Love you guys, truly! Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
OMG, it's Me4Me with a new account! :O over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
She Is bit like gabii she's trotting un de se db spot go to her profilé and you will see. Like I said people don't always have good intentions believe. She was one of them. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
You're right, Hin. I'll take you're word for it! Everyone doesn't have good intentions, but how will you know the good from the bad unless you give them a chance? It's not loss to me either way. It's be rude to them or be nice. One takes less effort, and has the best affect. So I'll be nice. over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Sorry guys, but this has to be said. I love you all! I really do! But I just do NOT understand why some of you are so rude sometimes. The situation with vickylovesSE was just COMPLETELY uncalled for! Girl didn't sound like a troll AT ALL! Why did you jump down her throat! The Bamon community will NEVER grow, and will continue to decrease in members if you continue to treat people so disrespectfully. It seems Delena trollers have made everyone PARANOID and it's a really BAD thing. Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
It's gotta change. I say this in the most polite and honest way, It's gotta. REALLY giving our ship a bad look and this spot. I would like to be a spot people are proud to be apart of, and frankly the only reason I stay a member of the spot as of late, is because of the ship. Rudeness to DE fans and pessmimism about show Bamon is what tempts me to LEAVE. And I know some of you could care less if I stay or go, but just so you can stop the madness, and stop driving away FUTURE Bamonators to your spot, please try to count to ten before you snap, and please try to exercise SOME optmism with our ship. I don't expect SUNSHINE and DAISIES but to be nearly COMPLETELY pessimistic? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Did you saw how she insulted everybody? I don't think she would have done this if she was their for genuine reason. Nobody called her name but she did. She started to fight first. It would be great not seing people insulting other on the wall. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Yeah you're pretty good with it, Ace! But I'm sure you can admitt ALL Bamonators are just not this way! Lol over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Fantastic Bamon fic just posted Bamonators - and it's AU on S2 finale!
Trust me, it's cathartic reading: ttp://www.fanfiction.net/s/6990910/1/Turning_Tables Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
L'uo appena letta, avrei pagato ora per vedere quanto raccontato nello show!!! uffi!!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Do you think damon will ever give a proper apology to bonnie?
How could he make it up to her? Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
both, he should apologize, and show he mean it with actions :D over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
he already thanks her an awful lot so... i think he will apologize when they become friends. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
You're right actions mean more than words. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Everything is Bamon and nothing hurt!!! Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
<3<3<3<3 over a year ago
aceg commented…
Word mate Word!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hi what's up mate? over a year ago
aceg commented…
I'm great lol over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Hi bamonators hope you're fine!!!
I would appreciate that people stop coming here to starting!!
If you don't like Bamon this place isn't for you!!!
Anyway I send kisses to all my sista!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
To fight!! Ouups over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
amen sista :P over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Merci LOL ;-) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted a really interesting article about Damon/Bonnie in the books. Go check it out if you like.. Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for posted this amazing article over a year ago
big smile
LuCe60bis said …
*I can be freak, i can i can be a freak* x) lol sorry i cant stop watching the clip from Honey2, Kat is so amazing, so beautiful <3 Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
You are't alone... Damn have to wait until June 29 when DVD version is released so I can download it with torrent. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
PLEASE tell me where I can find this!!!! Would LOVE to see a clip for this movie! Can't WAIT till it comes out! Kat is beautiful and AMAZING! Gonna be so cool to see our girl in another role!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Thanks for the link :) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Observation: When stefan was trapped inside the tomb, damon and bonnie were working together to help get stefan out of the tomb and make sure elena is safe. Now that klaus has stefan i think bonnie and damon are gonna team up again to save stefan. what do you guys think? Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
yes, now that Stefan is with Klaus, there is more chance to see Bonnie and Damon working together :P. over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
Sorry, but after reading all of the cool things L.J said about Bamon on her guestbook, it is clear to me that she wasn't a hardcore Delena supporter. She loves Bamon just as much. <3 Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Agree <3 over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
sooo agree with youu! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
muy bien dicho que bien por l.j over a year ago
elena1 commented…
totally agreed over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
Again, Bonnie helped Stefan to save Damon :D Posted over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
it's becoming 'their thing', lol over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
tiene mucha razon ya lo noto over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
True :D over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
So, I'm trying to understand why i could NOT empathize with Damon at all during the finale. I don't think it has truly anything to do with shipping preferences. Damon agansting over his dual Katherine/Elena fixation could have been interesting, if we had not already seen that whole the season long- Damon hates himself and what he is, Elena loves him whether she is or is not in love with him and nothing of this was a novelty. If they wanted to make Damon's descent in madness truly impactful, they Posted over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
they should HAVE him set on making amends with more people than just Elena- i don't mean Bonnie in specifics, but what about STEFAN? Damon didn't even care that he was dying without seeing his brother for last time. That was strange. Whole the situation was so shaped to push DE forward that it only made the episode inorganic. I mean, DAMON WAS DYING. You would think he had more regrets on his mind than his love woes. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
yeah i agree, something was lacking. but i was happy he finally take responsability for his own misery, and the choices and things he has done, it's not Stefan's fault. I really hope to see more of his love for his brother in season 3. over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
ACEG- i sure hope so!: over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Off topic but they really need Meredith soon. Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Meredith, Bonnie's real best friend. I miss her a lot on the show since the 1st season I'm waiting. With more thought it's better that she's not there, the writers would destroy her personnality. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
At this point I don't want my another favorite book character to come in show and be destroyed.Love Meredith, hopefully she never comes in show because they hardly give Bonnie, Matt or even Stefan, the storyline they deserve, then with Meredith, they will not justify her character also.Look what they have done to our our favorite novel series,now the TVD show becomes OTH meets Supernatural. over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
What Luce said :) over a year ago
elena1 said …
Happy Saturday to all Bamon fans in the world.
Ciao from Italy xoxo Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Thanx you too mate ;-) over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Ciaooooo!!! Buon Sabato!!! ;) over a year ago
martinachan commented…
@helomusic J'ai étudié le français à l'école intermédiaire, et j'ai été à Paris pour deux mois; C'est vrai, le francais e l'italian ont beaucoup de similitudes! over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Bonnie and Damon <3 so cutee. But since "Delena" is going on i think bonnie should see someone new. like "francisco lachowski" Hes so cutee. i wish he was vampire diaries (: Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Mmm he's cute, but so is Steven. I think he's just too cute. Max Irons would be perfect...he's cute and hot plus he has a genuine intensity that I love! Plus, I'm totally ok with the British takin' over TVD lol over a year ago
lexiie commented…
I agree with samjhart , Max Irons ! :p over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
We just need a hot , bad boy for bonnie while damon has his "Delena " moment.. Us bamonators need to keep our mind occupied till BAMON happens over a year ago
elinochka said …
lol to everyone who read Gone with the wind! Damon reminds me of Scarlett who is in love with Ashley (Elena). But then realizes she never loved him.she loved rhett(bonnie) Posted over a year ago
iLauren commented…
I read GWTW and I can't really agree with that, to me they have an epic love story in the making that is new and completely different from anything that we've seen before. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
In the books, Damon is Bonnie's hero and maturity and Bonnie is Damon's humanity AND his strength. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
<3 over a year ago
uluai commented…
agree!! :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Yep <3 over a year ago
aceg said …
I don't if it is appropriate to post on the wall since it is about Kat's new movie Honey 2. If any bamonators are interested in watching this flim, you can find the download link here. link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks a lot aceg :D over a year ago
aceg commented…
No problem kindhiya :) over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
"The punch is in the line before it. Elena, the once-selfish Ice Princess--is glad that Damon loved Bonnie enough to give up his existence for Bonnie.

Let me say that once again. Elena knows that Damon loved Bonnie enough to give up his life for her." -L.J Smith

That's the answer to who was the "her" in the line with Elena near the end of Midnight. Elena was referring to Bonnie <3
Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Where'd you get this from? over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Thanks for posted this over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Oh thanks! over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Here are some thoughts on VD finale. 1. Delena scene. Ew? AND THE WHOLE i can love them both plot is getting old now. And Dating your bf while loving his brother? SUPER OLD. 2. everyone dieing for elena. OLD is this show all about elena. JUST NAME IT " The Diaries of elena" 3. Is Jeremy like being haunted by his ex's WTH. Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Didnt seee lassst nights epi. Anyone has linkk? Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Search for VD season 2 finale in www.filestube.com, It is basically like a downloadable sources search engine where you can find nearly every major tv series on it. over a year ago
uluai commented…
i have one, but with spanish sub over a year ago
uluai commented…
link over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
can't wait for BAMON KISS it'll be so EPIC,HOT,PASSIONATE...... Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Can't wait for bamon kiss lol over a year ago
aceg commented…
@ApplePie88: well Her motto's stelena and icons are stelena...So who knows... over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
looool so many trolls in this spot loooool over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
When is Phantom getting out yet? Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
October 25th I think. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que lastima a esperar mucho sobre todo aqui en mexico over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
of this year?? wow that is fast! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
rapido? haha a mi me parece una eternidad over a year ago
aceg said …
A strange idea flow out of my mind, inspired by the episode finale discussion. So here's my vision about the plot of season 3 premiere.

Damon's mind was preoccupied with the kiss. It was nice, but he hardly enjoy it because something was missing. Deep in his heart, he felt slightly guilty of betraying his brother... Being the master of "switch off", however no one sense his odd behavior except the little witch... I will leave the rest to you haha Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hope so ;-) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yeah I'll keep that in mind. over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Klaus wants to reproduce, it was openly stated by Elija... can you imagine if he decided that Bonnie is the perfect breeding mate?

it would make sense, with klaus faascination with witches and his desire to start an uberpowerful race... and Bonnie is the most powerful witch around right now... Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
OMG i would just DIE....the Bonnie/Klaus scenes would be EPIC! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
OMG AWESOME IDEA!!!!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
What if they bring Bonnie's long lost twin or something, played by Kat of course. over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
I wrote on the l.j.smith guestbook and she answered me so I want to share it with you ladies to improve our hopes for Bamon :) I asked her two quetion:WHat do you think about Bamon bond?
I'm not asking if you want them to end up together or not, but to describe it :)
After Midnight I'm pretty confused... he saves her, leaves her, says sorry but still hurts her...

Here's the answer I got: Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I think that the bond between Damon and Bonnie is that of a young man who is fond of what he has always considered a child-woman, but suddenly discovers is a woman-child. She is not all the way grown up yet, but she loves and trusts and forgives Damon. That's why the bad treatment in Midnight. Damon hurts Bonnie, but she continues to forgive him, making a shocked Elena wonder if Bonnie is more of a woman than Elena is. On Damon's side, the best description of what he sees in Bonnie is when he first meets her, in "After Hours" which I have edited and will put up soon over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
oh! thanks so much! it made my day!! ♥ over a year ago
Sarah2393 commented…
wow over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Dear Bamon mates last night was ok but I have to ask yee all to bloody pray meh town Cleveland, Ms. Is facing a possible Flooding that will destory and killed all the flippin residents so plz pray for us all. An thnks!!!! Bamon forever!!!! Posted over a year ago
iLauren commented…
Will pray for you and everyone in Cleveland, stay safe and know we're thinking of all of you. over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I'm with you with my pray and hope . Bamon Love over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
thnk you all who bloody showed sum love. were still hanging in no rain yet and were praying none comes. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
SPREADING SOME BAMON LOVE!!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Bamon Love on the wall!! over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Showing Bamon Love! Also, thanks for being so optimistic guys b/c Im really in need of it right now. over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Agreed aceg! Everything is Bamon and nothing hurts! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
I've a special quote for Bamon on The BAMON WALL:
Love is a strong feeling who find Is way in unexpected places.
Some people might try to fight against it but their is nothing stronger than real and selfless love!!!
Love CAN BLOOSOM even him heartless people heart. Real will find is way in damon's heart. Real love will find a way in bonnie's heart !!!
Real love will bloosome and take the place of hate. Real LOVE always reunited soulmate.

That's my new Bamon quote hope you like it bamonators!!!! Posted over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
i love it!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Glad you Love it mate! ;-) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
You're welcome Bamon is a great source of inspiration!!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Bonnie will be damon salvation and I'm glad for it!!!!!
She will help him grown (which is weird because he is really older LOL). Now I know Bamon will be epic because really bonnie will be the one who will make damon wanting to be better and trully be himsel!!! Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
It is really SAD to see people calling Elena such filthy names such as skank/whore/slut etc. You may not like DE & I respect that, but she kissed Damon ONCE. Nothing more happened.

To see how quick some resort to skank/whore talk is SO DISRESPECTFUL to every female out there. Not to mention the double standard you are helping promote. Guys can screw around all the time, but a GIRL exchanges ONE KISS & she's a whore?? I almost want to cry at how messed up of thinking that is. Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
And before anyone attacks me, I'm sorry! I just had to say SOMETHING. Because it's truly offensive to me AS A WOMAN to see this kind of talk... over a year ago
iLauren commented…
The reason I became such a strong advocate for promoting sexual education in young people, is a subject close to my own heart since I know several people infected with the disease; some of whom were born infected having caught the virus from their mothers and others who caught it from engaging in risky sex and let me tell you, once they got the news that they were HIV positive their lives have not been the same since then. The saddest part about those who caught it from having sex, was the fact that had my friends had the educational resources to teach her how to protect themselves or had someone taken them aside and educated them about the fact that sleeping with multiple partners without protecting themselves was putting their health in jeopardy; chances are they wouldn’t be infected right now. That’s a real tragedy to cry over, not someone name calling a fictional character on forum because they’re pissed that she cheated on her equally fictional boyfriend. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
That IS a tragedy, but i never said anything like that WASN'T. Once again, you DON'T know me personally so you have no right to jump to these conclusions that i just go around supporting irresponsible behavior. over a year ago
nansoula said …
hey ladies I just passed by to learn if we got any BAMON action and now i can get back to my studies I miss you xoxoxo Posted over a year ago
aceg said …
I'm glad this long and tedious season is over. I can finally breathe again and relax a bit... I am looking forward to next season and Bamon build up :) Posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
WOO BEING ABLE TO BREATHE AGAIN! What a relief!!! over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Bamon build up in season three is a MUST! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol Word!!! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
NO spoilers of any kind on the wall, please guys!! No articles, picks, videos, links, or any thing until tomorrow 12 o'clock easter, please! We MUST be considerate to the international fans!! NO ONE wants to get spoiled, especially for the SEASON FINALE! Let's be respectful and discuss the episode in the forum Kindhiya linked! Thanks!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
no spoilers in the wall but please if you got some spoilers in this last episode,please tell us in this forum
link Posted over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Hey guys! Been working nonstop for about 5 hours now, trying to make this Bamon video so that you guys could SEE how far they've TRULY come! I just want SO badly for you to be excited about tonight, because we truly have recieved GREAT Bamon this season! SO much better than last! And it's only gonna get better! And I feel like Bamon in the season finale is only gonna get better as well!...But I won't be able to get the video up b4 8. :( So just PLEASE watch 2x22 with an open mind. For ME! KHA! Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
We'll get more bamon in September over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Yes we will, Bangel!! WAY more, despite the Delena disease! Bamon friendship will be on the RAGE! And that's enough right there to keep me excited to see how the show leaves off! ;) Thanks for your comment! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Just a quick reminder, everyone : please use the episode discussion thread to talk about the finale. Use it today AND tomorrow please, and if anyone forgets about it or doesn't know about it and starts posting spoilers on the wall (spoilers for us non American fans I mean) I count on you to nicely tell them to take it to the forum. Thanks in advance :)

Also, question : once the season is over and while we're waiting for September, can we do a big scene survivor ? Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
soy de mexico y con que escriban "alerta spoilers" es perfecto yo veré el capitulo mañana que emocion over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
whats a scene survivor?? over a year ago
aceg commented…
Ok I am up for it. over a year ago
LilRihanna said …
does anyone miss the old damon from season 1?? i feel like in season 2 ,damon acted "bipolar" hopefully in season3 he turns back to his "charming" self :) Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Trust me you are not the only one who misses season 1 Damon. I hope so to, but I kind of doubt he will while he is still following Elena around like a love struck puppy. over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
Oh I definitely miss the old Damon as I mentioned in my article "An Inspection of Delena". over a year ago
fatinavi commented…
i miss damon sooooooooo much over a year ago
martinachan said …
"I think Bonnie is one of the most realistic characters on the show, so she’s not suddenly gonna be “Oooh, Damon, your eyes are so blue, I forgive you!” [laughs] Bonnie’s a tough bitch, she’s not gonna fall for that. But, at the same time, she is such a good person that she’ll always do the right thing." Kat Graham (PopWrap)
This is one of many reasons why I love Bonnie and Bamon! Posted over a year ago
LilRihanna commented…
omg kat said that! love her <3 over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
she's so right loool over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
LOVE that she said that! That's INCREDIBLE! Is it weird that that makes me MORE excited to see the finale?? over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
i spoke with my friend about TVD....she doesn't like it very much but she loves bonnie...the best character of TVD... and we talked about a lot of thing like elena,stefan etc....and damon...she loves him only in his interaction with bonnie....my friend think bonnie isn't ready to him because she can't forget all of the bad thing he did...but she thinks that damon is more ready than bonnie. he cares about her even if he won't admit that. she's got a power on him,but.....there is elena,so... Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
That's very cool. My friends doesn't even watch TVD. But I got to speak my little disaggrement with your friends, When he wasn't acting emo Damon around Elena, he's the best. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
tu amigo si que sabe lastima que mi familia no ve la serie la dejaron de pasar aqui en mexico over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Bamon is the futur and will be epic this is fate like Roméo and julliette !!!! Their love will shine and will be stronger than every other in this show. Remember ladies Bamon is The meaning of love!! Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Word ! :D over a year ago
nasraDsalvatore commented…
Truth! *nods* over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
LOL it's not the love at first sight that I compare lol it's the fact that it's fate that they will fall in love with each other LOL . over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Guys, let's pull ourselves together! Honestly! We're complaining, being pessimistic, and acting straight up cranky and defeated...(like D/E fans!) when this could be the BEST episode for us Bamon-wise! How stupid are we gonna feel if we get the most PROFOUND Bamon moment ever tonight?! STOP being so down in the dumps! You never KNOW what's gonna happen! Don't complain till you watch the episode! SERIOUSLY you guys are starting to bring ME down! If we don't have hope in our ship, who will? Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Don't worry I won't let you feel down. I give you all my Bamon faith!! ;-) . Spread the Bamon Love ladies!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks, Martina!!! They really are! And whether we get a Bamon scene or not tonight (which I'm sure we WILL!!), whenever the two are on-screen together it's FIREWORKS, and whenever they get back together in season 3, it will STILL be FIREWORKS! Bamon is an UNSTOPPABLE force of NATURE! Yes, they ARE written in the stars!!! They are just UNDENIABLE, and the writers of the show, the fans of it, and the Bonnie and Damon THEMSELVES can only deny it for SO long!! :D Can't wait for the two to EXPLODE from their UST, and builing emotions for one another! Get to watch it all grow next season!! ;D...And thanks SO much about he contagious positivity! It's one thing for me to put it out there, but it wouldn't go ANYWHERE if oeople ike you didn't help build onto it!!! So thank YOU so much for that! YOU make it contagious!!! :D And hopefully it continues to spread! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
@Ani :D over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Guys, do you think that Elena is going to be the one to cure Damon's werewolf bite? I have a feeling that she will and I will yell "predictable." Posted over a year ago
darlingbear commented…
I doubt that they will find a cure in this season at all. I think we will have to wait till season 3. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Yeah, that's also a possibility. I think Damon's werewolf bite/cure storyline is going to go all the way into Season 3. over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
I have to agree that Elena would of been prediciable. over a year ago
elena1 said …
1661! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
1662!! over a year ago
darlingbear said …
Julie Plec said "There are some moves and surprises that will make the audience yell at us."

I have a bad feeling that it coulb be Bonnie's death. I don't wanna believe it, but I'm extremely scared now. Gosh, I really hope that she's talking about Katherine. I know, many people like her (not me), but It would be better than Bonnie, isn't it..?
People, but what if Bonnie will die? It is so possible. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
No dont worry she will not die, i'm sure of it, she's too much important ;). But i can see something bad happenning for Jeremy and Sefan. plus there is Delena so yeah it's a already a good reason to yell at them ahahahah xD over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I don't think she's going to die. That would be overkill. :/ over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
The writers need to come up with more interesting story lines that don't always involve killing people *Rolls eyes* over a year ago
nightfall_kiss said …
It's season finale tonight.In last finale we got a small thank you scene.I'm hoping for a good scene from tonight's episode also.Maybe another saving scene of Damon/Bonnie.Damon is gonna be alright but what's the cure?I'm thinking that Elijah might bring something to him,Do you think if it possible that Damon would be human by drinking elixir, may be like books? Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Aah do you guys remember how excited we were last uear when Julie tweeted about our "small but powerful nugget" ? :D I hope we'll have one tonight too. I don't know if Damon is going to be turned into a human. I'm starting to think maybe he'll become an hybrid :O over a year ago
nightfall_kiss commented…
yeah it could happen also that he becomes hybrid and he would have the same amount of power like Klaus, still it's kind of predictable, but turning him human would be a huge twist, like in SS when he became human , he forgot how to breath,lol.it's hilarious...., really Julie had tweeted it last finale, I didn't know then but I suddenly got that scene in S1 finale, I was really happy over a year ago
jasamfan09 commented…
can't wait watch damon/bonnie scene. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
hi ladies I'm back ;-) !!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
hey hunnie :) you were missed! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Are you going to watch this episode ? over a year ago
aceg commented…
I don't know yet. over a year ago
darlingbear said …
Who Do You Want To Cure Damon?


VOTE for Bonnie, if you wanna :) Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
voted! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Don't worry I don't like her either LOL you're not alone. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
debe ser bonnie over a year ago
01trugirl said …
Just read the article about the finale and elijah's return. OMG I so called that!! I knew she would try to save Damon and I bet you she is asking emily for help. Their powers combine just might cure Damon. I can't wait until I see it!!!!!!!!!! Oh I am so hyped now!! ;) OMG you guys I am so happy and I can't wait. I am bounding off the walls right now lol :) Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Glad SOMEONE is, trugirl! Lol. I'm with you!! Been waiting for this all WEEK long! over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
right. Oh man 8:00 p.m. needs to hurry up because I can't wait. over a year ago
glossygirl125 said …
Guys, read this. Just scroll down until the Kat Graham quotes, then read the comments below it: link Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
i cant open it. is it possible if you can put it in the links? thank you :) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Gosh. It really just makes you realize how TRULY neglected Bonnie is character-wise. Even JEREMY'S had more development!! It's truly wrong! And I hope it's something the writers will correct BIG time in season 3!! I'm talking the BONNIE Diaries! Freakin EPISODES centered around her! She deserves it, and her fans deserve it! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
it's justt BS AND NON SENSE REALLY BONNIE didn't have a really storyline this season neither matt and jeremy. over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I agree with you, I'm tired now, I want to know more information about the life of bonnie! Stop to the Delena Diaries!!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …

guys vote bamon! for the first time it has NOTHING to do with delena :P lol Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Voted:) over a year ago
aceg commented…
voted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said …
“The second half of the episode is very much driven by Damon and Elena — as he’s falling apart — and what she does to try to bring him peace. This is very much an episode of Damon and Elena, and all their relationship issues that they’ve struggled with for two years now coming to a head.”
Julie Plec

Meh w/e, eye rolling SO HARD. Just be prepared, guys. Thats all I have to say. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Ugh, NOT looking forward to this epic disaster tomorrow. over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
Yes please, stop ranting on the wall it's depressing over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
que decepcionante over a year ago
NaeNae1495 said …
I wanted to weigh in on this "Are Bamon friends?" question that has been floating everywhere from here to youtube to twitter and back. I think Bamon are secret friends right now. Like they're supposed to hate each other, but they secretly dont wanna let the other know in fear of rejection. I also think Bonnie thinks she would be letting her Grams and ancestors down by really forging a friendship with Damon. It's different with Stefan because everyone likes him. Posted over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
I also think whether Bonnie admits it or not, she is getting more comfortable with the Salvatores. She not that guarded as she was in Season 1 or the beginning of this. I know really the friendship were made out of necessity for survival, but isn't that how people gain best friends. They go through something with them that makes the relationship stronger. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ You have a very good point and theory. :) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I think it's not only Bonnie but also Damon seems to be more friendly - like in the last episode the eye-sex looks they share - It was communication without the words which is amazing:P Hmm I think I go a litle bit off topic :P but anyway great theory :) over a year ago
aceg said …
I found comments posted under Bamon videos on youtube very interesting. On the one hand, you have some fans from both sides bicker like a child. On the other hands, you have fans who is able to talk maturely. Fascinating :) Posted over a year ago
aceg said …
Sequel to Bamon story "Tear the World Down" by Her Talentness, IsisIzabel.
link Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
My theory about tomorrow's episode:
As kat said in the interveiw that elijah will be back in the finale. I was thinking that what if bonnie "heals" damon and he is fine. Then elijah takes/kidnaps bonnie because he might need her for finding his "families bodies". oh and maybe this is my bamon heart speaking but what if damon decides to go after them, cuz he still "owes" her from last season? :P Posted over a year ago
suellim commented…
Can I say that is my dream to see Elijah or Klaus kidnap Bonnie? It would be magic to me! I mean, I can see them clearly acknowledging the power of Bonnie and bringing it to their side (using, preferably, some blackmail) and Damon for being in debt to her will try to save her (him and the rest of the gang) Oh, without a focus on Elena! over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
^ITA!! That is also my dream. How awesome would it be to have Season 3 full of Elijah, Bonnie and Klaus interactions since Klaus is "gonna take Elijah to the family bodies"?! With sides of Damon trying to find her and save her. I also think a good Stefonnie friendship to grow from this because I doubt Stefan would just sit around and do nothing. over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
^ I would like to see all of this on the screen :D Damon saving Bonnie and I am going to Bamon heaven :D over a year ago
big smile
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1660!!!! Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Ladies We ROCK!! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
yess we do!! over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
“Prepare to be gutted…. Bonnie is in some serious danger.
She’s asking for something she can’t do herself. And if Bonnie can kill Klaus by taking her own life, it must be something pretty big for her to need more help. A lot of what the characters will be going through is: How can we, if at all, save Damon’s life?

….If he acts out, I don’t think she’s going to hesitate to put him in his place. She’s like me!”

- Kat Graham about the season finale

Credits to: Tumblr Posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
lol that's already posted here. The original interview is anyway. But thanks for the info =) over a year ago
aceg commented…
I think she's teasing lol. over a year ago
suellim commented…
I remember Kat teasing us a lot about The Last Dance ... I was really scared at that time ... But what I really want is to see is Bonnie saving (or trying) save Damon over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Yes she is probably teasing us, but still I have a feeling that sth is going to happen to Jeremy :( over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
New show Bamon story! By the amazing UConfuseMe...author of the "Day at the Beach" series.

link Posted over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
oh! yeah! i love her tvd stories! over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ She's awesome :) Probably one of my favorite show Bamon writers... over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Does anyone notice how all of Damon't pet names have the word "bird" in it. I think he refers to her as a bird, because of her voice. Bonnie's voice is said to be harmonious, charming and melodious, according to Damon. This is where he came up with one of his pet names for Bonnie, "Songbird". I think all of his pet names refer to Bonnie's voice. JMO. Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
en despues de horas el toma en cuenta su armoniosa voz,su cabello rojo y su delicada y pequeña figura es lo que mas le llamo la atención creo que esas son las razones de que la final de "despues de horas" le llamara el dulce pajaro bonnie pero cuando le dice cardenal es mas que claro que hace alusion a su cabellera roja y cuando la llama Songbird lo hace mas por su agradable voz over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I always wondered about that...it's a pretty good theory over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
well i think is because he transforms to a crow most of the time... maybe he likes birds... so thats why i love so much that his pet names for bonnie are about birds like he deep down feels the contection they have...♥u♥ *sigh* over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
We are trending Hero Damon on Twitter. Come help out. Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Sorry I am not on twitter so... over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
@Maximumridefan: I agree. Let the Damon fans be happy. over a year ago
sandra2010 commented…
^Agreed.I will be trending HeroDamon, who doesn't want to trend, pass it.For me he is hero.So, I will tweet it. over a year ago
sihab said …
Are we getting any scene in finale?Fingers crossed, I'm always the optimistic one :D
Hoping for a nice Bamon scene, we deserve it. Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
we deserve at least one good moment before the season to end! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Maybe, that would be great :) over a year ago
aceg said …
We have a Bamon vs Delena spot on fanpop? Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I don't know, but I hope not! ps I was thinking our spot is so active and full of interesting suggestions!!! I love this spot and all of you!!! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
No way in hell am I joining that spot!!! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I reported that spot a loooong time ago I think :P But not many people visit it anyway. over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
My IQ level just dropped .... by A LOT!!!! .. im pretty sure you can guess why.
i seriously need my bamon fix :(
i hope we get ATLEAST one scene in the finale :( Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
What ? What happened ? over a year ago
kivajayelle commented…
Color me confused. What gives? over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs commented…
hahhaha :D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
lol i read some comments on some picks about bonnie... they were SO RUDE. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Elena is like Lana Lang when she is with Damon. But Elena is like Lois Lane when she is with Stefan. Which only means that Elena is at her best when she is with Stefan. This is the same way that I feel with when it comes to Damon with Bonnie. With Bonnie, Damon is a completely different person than the one he is around Elena. Posted over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
Elena's boring with Stefan, there is no chemistry. Just like there not that much chemistry between Damon & Bonnie. But it might grow, cos in 2x06 I was considoring Bamon :L x over a year ago
aceg commented…
@DustyMoonlight: Excuse for my different choice of word for chemistry, I would like to use "dynamics" here. The difference between my view and your view is the dynamics between Damon and Bonnie in my eyes, are easily perceived, very natural an easily flow in with their characters without effort. over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
Apple:Urm, you have no right to tell me my opinion is wrong? You're not better than me? I'm not even trolling? You guys are the DE hating more than us DB hating. I WANT book DB, and I like Bonnie and Damon as friends. I honestly respect this spot, and respect your views, I happen to noticed your the one causing arguements. Im not hating, I respect you all, so dont go hating on me yeah? over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Really you guys, are you for real, they're really trending poor Damon?? Not on twitter, so luckily I don't have to see the monstrosity! But I'm not too mad with Ian about it. Gotta keep the fans guessing and worrying I guess! How anybody can actually FALL for it is a true mystery to me though!...But on a brighter note! Just watched a Joseph Morgan interview, and I must OFFICIALLY declare, DUDE IS HOTT!! Klaus is one HOT vampire!...But Bamon's still hotter than him! ;) Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Idk about now but it was trending... And Klaus *sigh*... Damon, Stefan move over cause I think I'm in love with him now lol. I should probably hate him for what he did. Killing Jenna :( but UGH I CAN'T . over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Lol, ItalianAngel! We've got TWO sets of hot brothers now!! Vampire Diaries continues to grow more attractive! LOVING the eye candy! ;) Klaus, for me right now, is that guy you hate to love! Idk he's gonna have to do some more bad for me to write him off, but I still can't help but like him as well, at the moment! :) over a year ago
aceg commented…
Sorry I think Anthony Hopkins or Daniel would be better choice as Klaus than he does. Just my peronal opinon. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I know this is not Bamon related but just look at the total difference between Stefan/Elena and Damon/Elena. DE is just beyond disturbing compared to SE.

link Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
That DE scene is so disturbing and disgusting to me. Also Look at the way Damon and Stefan have their hands on her... Stefan is all soft and gentle on her waist while Damon has a tight grip on her arms. Like in a abusive way. And Elena, in the DE pic, looks scared and in the SE picture... thats PURE LOVE. over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
OMG! I just published my Anti-Delena, but those pictures are just scary. Damon looks really scary in the picture. I kinda got a lil teary-eyed looking at it because he just didnt look like hisself. :'( over a year ago
DustyMoonlight commented…
Honestly? Do you guys hear yourself? Stefan and Elena are so friking boring! And hello? Damon's been bitten, he's ill, and that isnt creepy? jeez. over a year ago
NaeNae1495 said …
OMFG!! Just published my FIRST article "An Inspection of Delena". It's a total breakdown of Delena and why I cant ship it. Check it out, please!! Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
vamos a verlo :D over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Just got done reading about a good half of your article, and I just had to take a break and tell you this while it was on my mind. PLEASE preach it girl!!! PREACH IT!!! My gosh, you are really laying it down!! And you are absolutely RIGHT!! Elena is SOOO trifling!! She is NO better than Katherine, and reading your article on makes me realize it MORE!! She is TOTALLY leading Damon on!!! What an attention seeker!!! She did have the PERFECT opportunity to turn Damon down in 2x18, and AGAIN in 2x19, but she refrains! She refrains from yelling at Damon to STOP BEING SO CARELESS WITH HER FRIEND'S LIFE!! She refrains from telling Damon she will ALWAYS CHOOSE STEFAN, SO STOP LOVING ME!!! She is really SICKENING!! And I blame her for the catostrophic mess we have to watch on our TV screens! You are KILLING every wonderful aspect that makes Damon Salvatore! Thanks A LOT! over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
^Thanks girl!! I'm just telling the truth. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
OMG, people really are being so overdramatic about Damon dying. Are people really serious? God, this fandom is seriously so pathetic. DAMON IS NOT GOING TO DIE, PEOPLE! I wish they would stop being so damn dramatic. -Rolls eyes- Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Oh and they're trending Poor Damon on Twitter... what about Stefan?!? over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me da pena que lo crean me han preguntado ya mi opinion y se dicen asustados por damon primero asesinan a todo el reparto antes que a damon por dios NO MORIRA y si lo ase sera como en midnight resucitara o algo asi yo temo por los demas caroline,bonnie o jeremy over a year ago
aceg commented…
Guys, I don't know about what the big deal is about it. You know he won't die. Bonnie won't die. So? over a year ago
BeyondTheStars said …
Interesting...I would of thought that this spot will have more fans :\ Bonnie & Damon are incredible and I don't understand why all the TVD fans don't see that. I can't wait for the finale...I hear our girl Bon Bon is helping a certain vamp out :P You go girl and find that cure for our dammy because without him TVD will be incomplete! Posted over a year ago
BeyondTheStars commented…
Also did anybody else notice that Emily is back? WTH isn't the chick suppose to be dead!?! So my quesiton is how is the writers going to pull this one off? Are they going to have bonnie do like a spell and bring her back? because in the promo I saw that bonnie was crying and looked hurt, I mean blood was flowing out her nose like a waterfall, and she was saying 'please, please help me'. Something tells me she was talking to emily but why? lol there's too many unanwered questions and my brain hurts for thinking too much. So I'm out peeps XD over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
aceg me alegra que digas eso el que lo odien significa que esta presente y somos un peligro para delena como en los libros BeyondTheStars con pena pero creo que si se besaran que horror pero delena tiene que avanzar para complacer a los fans pero no creo que sea mas que un beso y remordimiento por estefan de parte de elena pero no creo posible una atraccion como la que creo l.j over a year ago
aceg commented…
@SalvatoreBroFTW: lol Youtube is like dye vat there are some very cool fans but also many trolls. Here's the link to one of Bamon video: linkYou will see some nice DE fans around. over a year ago