Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 391-400 of 8919

Bangelusfan said …
"she was bitten by Alaric, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to go the way her mother did — in fact, Damon will see to that by saving her life. "
—via TV Guide

I knew it! Posted over a year ago
konta commented…
I want to see the scene where Damon finds and saves Bonnie and don't jump directly when he takes her to Gilbert's house. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGoodness..... AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Thankyou sweet Bangelus. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I love Kat and Ian in scenes together, nothing is forced between them it's natural and beautiful, even -- heh -- especially when they're fighting. But Damon healing her, coming upon her to save her life.. "In fact, Damon will SEE TO THAT BY SAVING HER LIFE." *joygasams* over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Hey my lovely Bamonators.
I am leaving for a vacation with my family - I am gonna be gone for a month, BUT because I know that I won't survive without checking in here now and then, i am gonna log on sometimes.
The best part is that I'm not gonna have school in a whole month. *Wink*. ^^
Anyways, I just wanted to tell you all that I really love you, and to keep our Bamon hopes up.
C'Ya<3 Posted over a year ago
teambamon commented…
Enjoy, lots love to u too:) over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
See you soon ! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*jumps in with her swimming togs and beachtowel.. oooh, where are we going? ;) Have a GRAND time, my darling! Drive safe and We'll see you all tanned, toned and terrific (and dragging me back a hot guy please) in a month. LOVE YOU!!! over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
Thinking again about Damon and Bonnie's confrontation in the classroom, it is interesting that Damon is the one who brought the blood tube to Bonnie. Knowing that she is still mad at him, Damon could have easily avoided that uncomfortable situation. Jeremy, Matt or Stefan could have done it. But instead, Damon went. Why would he put himself in an uncomfortable situation? Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
I believe Damon didn't want to leave Bonnie unprotected with Klaus. Knowing that Klaus has a habit to threaten Bonnie, I believe he wanted to be there to PROTECT HER. Even after their argument, Damon doesn't leave or move far from her. He STANDS and REMAINS BY HER SIDE. Whether he is aware of it or not, Damon has an INSTINCTIVE NEED to PROTECT BONNIE. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I love your thinking!! I'm sure that Damon wants to protect Bonnie! And not just because of the lovely Elena... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love your girls thinking awesomeness! Agreed, it could've been any number of blokes to take it to her, Steffy first and foremost for that apology he was intended on giving. Damon had been unusually quiet during the clssrm confront. That's not him MO, but him and others were enchanted, and I think the sadness/grief at her look to stefan - still floors me - underlined what debt they both owe her for Abby. Placinghimself between her and Klaus (he didn't back off or move away) was slowly realizing ass Lacage said, Bon is worth fighting for and he owes her. over a year ago
Kaddy9 said …
I realized something about the scene with Bonnie and all the guys. Damon is the only one who says nothing and does nothing. DAMON!!! We're talking about a guy who ALWAYS takes action, comes up with a plan and argues. Here, NOTHING. He just sits on the tennis table with his arms crossed and often looks at Bonnie (except when Jeremy blocks his view). Damon has ALWAYS something to say. So why here is he so calm and silent?

Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
I think that seeing Bonnie making out with Jamie impacted him and now he's starting to see Bonnie in a new light. Maybe he realizes that he didn't like seeing Bonnie with another guy and starts to imagining himself with her. Is it crazy? What do you guys think? Do you agree that it's not Damon's usual behavior? over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
I swear when Jeremy moves and blocks Damon's view (right when Jeremy suggests he and Matt go find Esther), Damon looks Jeremy up and down. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Yeah, it's a little crazy but I love it! :D Although, Damon often use his unconcerned-self.. but who knows? His mind is really... chaotic; you never know.. XD I also saw that Damon looked Jeremy up and down. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
EXACTLY!! He's always snarking or jumping in, but he was watching her. Gotta say too, her reciting ancient latin/witchy woo is all out sexy!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Divas of Wickedness! *highfives* Hope you all are having a great day. Loving the new artwork. Just posting some more before work... <333 Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I read the scenario article & I LOVED it. I wish the writers were that invested in a good Bamon moment. Knowing JP, she will totally skip the scene where Damon finds her body in the cave & just have them show up at Stefan's doorstep...or was it Elena's house? Whatever. I bet that's what the writers will do. I hope I'm wrong. This is a BET that I hope I lose lol. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ooh, love to read the article NakedBarbie! Is it on here?? Yeh, I think we'd all lose that bet.. she's been doing that a lot lately. I guess that's why the show has been tanking. ;) over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Hey babe. The Scenario is an article written by our bamily member BB8fan. Yeah, it's on here. It's about what could happen if Damon found Bonnie in the tomb, cave, whatever they're calling it lol but we all doubt they will give us that scene. I'ma be soo mad when they skip it lol but I have my bamily to make me feel better. Thank goodness 4 u guys! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Smooches. You make me happy too, thanks for letting me know too - it will be a great scene and we've waited oh-sso-long, it'll be smashin'! <3333 over a year ago
BB8fan said …
pLEASE read my little article/drabble, guys!! When you get the time! I'd REALLY appreciate it! :D Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Which one ? :P I read the scenario and I lOVED it!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
^Yeah!! That's the one I was talking about!!! :D Just REALLY wanted to know what people thought about it! If they liked it alright! Thanks A LOT!!! SO glad you liked it!! :D over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks A LOT, Nennylove!!! :D And sorry I haven't gotten around to it yet, but WELCOME TO THE SPOT!!! :D Thanks for taking out the time to read! ;D over a year ago
nennylove said …
hey bamon lovers, i`m new ! fan 2469
love bamon and cant wait for 3x21 <3
im Mia btw ;) Posted over a year ago
el0508 commented…
Welcome Mia! :) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
welcome :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
*you;re over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
1-2-3 Bamon, 1-2-3 Bamon :) jejeje
Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …
Wish me good luck, Ladies! I'm going to paint little kids faces for the first time in my life!! I'm afraid!!!! I can do this, right? These are just kids!! Oh God, I'm gonna die...
I want you to know I love you all!! :)) <3 Posted over a year ago
Henrita commented…
good luck:) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
HUGE LOVE and LUCK bb. I know you'll do wonderfully!! Like face painting, or painting them on canvas? lol. Either way have a blast!! over a year ago
Saku15 commented…
Hajrá! over a year ago
nansoula said …
Hey loves! Check this out link I want your opinion hahahahah Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks darlin'.. going now. :) over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Hey everybody! I'm new here ( brand new) but I luv Bamon with a red hot passion! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
WELCOME!!! :D Great to have you!!! Glad you love Bamon SO much! They ARE pretty undeniable, huh?!...Make yourself at home! Read some articles, answer some pick questions, view some vids and pics!! LOTS to do here! Have fun!! And again, WELCOME. :) over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
welcome mate love ur name lol u a nicki fan too? over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
Welcome sweetie! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"You start killing the people she cares about, and she'll tell us all to go to hell."

Klaus looked at her, and BAM! he knew it. Everyone in that room KNEW it.

Reminded me of Damons quote to Katherine in the tomb..
"Don't mess with a Bennett Witch."

There's very real and justified anger there - hundreds of years of her family heroically fighting monsters and villians ancient and stronger than they were - to save the people they loved and Mystic.

Bonnie owes the salvatores nothing. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
.. and it's her grace and compassion that is the sole reason Damon and stefan remain attached to their skins. Already strong enough to take Damon to his knees without breaking a sweat - how long do you think her patience and benevolence will last. Even Klaus (all powerful pony drawer :D) was under no illusion she was deadly serious. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
And rightfully so. over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Exactly Bonnie Own Nothing To NO FUCKING ONE IN FACT THEY ALL OWN HER!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Exactly. I think it's time she cut them loose. They're just dragging her down. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Reality Fanatic quote here too..

"And YEAH, she is Mystic Falls HERO!! And they better start treating her RIGHT, before she really goes of the RAILS!! They are pushing, shoving, LAUNCHING her there!! #hatetobethem "

Heck to the YEH with all of this ^^ :D Right now, that witchy/grams moral compass is not allowing rightful vengence to take hold - but one more life taken - and she's gonna let the vampires burn. Frankly, I don't know why she hasn't already. I'd have. she owes them nothing. Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
♥♥♥!!!!! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Yeah, you're right!! She's the Hero who saves everybody's worthless ass and they use her like a slave! That's not right..I'm curious when she says ' That was enough, I go. Do what you want!' She needs some respect!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Realityfanatic best quote EVER.

"Damon was like "WHAT HOT SPOT?!" Lol. He was interested! Probably had to twiddle his thumbs embarrasingly when he realized they were talking about an ACTUAL landmark/place!"

Dang, I noticed that too. Just the way she said it, intimate and low, like it was pillow-talk with Klaus. ;) Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
<3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bangelusfan!!! *****HUGGLE**** how's my gorgeous lass doin'?! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Hey lilou265 -- LOVE your ♥♥♥!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Goodmorning my lovely Bamon hunnies!! Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Morning' how are you doing?:) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Morning!! <3 It's midnight here.. XD Time differences annoying..:/ Have a good day, Whainetoa!! :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Glomps you with toastandtea. Morgan? As in Joesph.. now if there's glomps to be having, you've got the best breakfast goin'! over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
doesn't anyone feel excited for the cave/tomb bamon scene from 3x21? I mean they will be alone and she will be unconscious #GoFigureThatOneOut Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'd feel OVERLY excited for it...if I thought it were going to happen! :( Something just TELLS me they're going to start things out with Damon and Bonnie at the Gilbert house, with no in between!! :/ BUT!! If we got to see Bamon alone time at the tomb!!! Oh my GOSH!!! I can't even EXPLAIN what that would DO to me!!! How HAPPY I would be!!! One can ONLY hope!!!!...But I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. :/ Would be a VERY pleasant surprise though, for sure!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'm missing the part where he changed clothes!!! When I look at the clips, Damon's wearing the SAME THING!!! Am I missing something?! #CONFUSED!!! over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Ok, ket's forget about pants and colors and let's only focus on the shirts. In 3x20, Damon wears a simple t-shirt with no buttons and no collar (check any picture or clips of this episode). In 3x21, Damon's shirt is with buttons and collar (check out the Before Sunset clip and extended promo video). Please tell me if you see the difference. over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Bonnie & Damon forever and always..;)<3 Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
OTP ! ALWAYS <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LoveLOVEloveLOVEloveLOVEloveLOVEloveLOVE is Bamon!!! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Watch Damon and nothing BUT Damon in the classroom scene, after Klaus (RUDELY) interrupts his and Bonnie's argument (Lover's Quarrel!)!! He is the POSTER CHILD for guilt and shame! He even does a slight swallow/gulp before they show Bonnie snatching the blood away from him! You can practically SEE the wheels turning in his head, as he takes her words in, realizes she's right, , fights off the remorse! I'm sorry, but I can't seem to gush about this moment ENOUGH! It's TRULY incredible to watch! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I SWEAR Ian Somerhalder does his BEST acting with this girl!!! I don't know why! BuT I'm telling you!!! :D Please let a SINCERE, HEARTFELT apology be on its way!!! You can see he finally GETS IT, and he's SORRY!! Now I need him to tell HER this!! Need by Bamon to make up!!! :D They're SO INCREDIBLE!!! :D over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
wow.. you're very crazy right now!! :D I love you! :D WEll, let's hope it's not just Ian 'over-acting' himself.. XD I don't need to focusing on Damon , the shame and guilt was obvious for the first time already. Bonnie's opinion count so much for him. He knows that he can't controll her, he just can't ignore what she says to him. I look forward his apology... over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
I agree that Kat and Ian do an amazing job together in commuicating their feelings and emotions with their eyes, voices and facial expressions. This is incredible and beautiful. I'm so dying to see Damon apologize and them finally make up. I just can't wait. over a year ago
big smile
terra_rocker said …
lately there is something going on loads of people can sense it Bamon will happen Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I agree!!! With everything that's been happening here, you almost believe there A LOT closer than ANY of us realize!! Perhaps right around the corner!! ;D over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
a lot of hate because of 3x20 and 3x21. a lot of trolls too. Was it this way too when 2x18 appeared? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I think it was regulated to community sites etc, but because ratings are down and Bonnie and Bamon and regular tvd fans don't visit anymore (Deviant art forums are near dead) they don't like being ignored and come here thinking we could give a toss. lol. Um, nooo.. too busy with the Bamon glee thanks. over a year ago
BB8fan said …
After watching the Damon/Bamie cockblock scene, I've come to a new observation!

If you watch Damon's eyes closely, he looks to Bonnie first, then Jamie, then lastly Bonnie! And THIS is what his face was saying!

1) (stares at Bonnie) ... Gross, witch. Seriously?
2) (stares at Jamie) ... Who the heck are you?
3) (takes Jamie in) ... Worthless. And not nearly as hot as Bonnie!
4) (moves back to Bonnie) ... Focus. Bigger picture! Got work to do!

;D See for yourselves! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
WOW. WOW. WOW!!!!!!! Strike that!!! ^ Take it back!!! After watching the scene a couple more times, I've come to a NEW discovery ALTOGETHER!!!...You have to watch CLOSELY, but when you do, you'll see Damon doesn't even LOOK at BONNIE till the END!!! He only stares at her when his eyes are more soft, and his expression COMPLETELY different!! When he says "We've got a problem!" All BEFORE this, he's staring disgustedly at JAIME!!! SOOOO incredible!! So he's STILL thinking all I stated above, but is SO focused on the grossness of Jaime, he doesn't even look to Bonnie till the end!! CLEARLY thinks Bonnie's too good for the guy!!!...Couldn't agree MORE, Damon!! Couldn't agree MORE!!...So how about YOU wise up and sweep the girl off her feet already?! ;D over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Exactly, Lacage! When I watched the scene with all the guys ( I have already watched this episode several times and the Bamon scenes so many times), I was laughing so loud. When Klaus grabbed Jamie by the throat, Damon didn't move one finger. He was the only one sitting ( all the guys were standing and on their guard). But Damon was peacefully sitting with his arms crossed, as if he was hoping Klaus would get rid of Jamie (like all the Bamon fans) for him. Damon seems to never approve of Bonnie's guys. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Lol!!! You guys are GREAT!! :D i TRULY hope that's the reason Damon was so idle!! :D And I definitely LOVE how he was the one to walk in on Bamie!! I bet Ian was like...DANG! When's it gonna be MY turn!! Hurry up, Julie!!! I wanna kiss this girl!!! :D NEED scenes of him belittling Jamie now!!! NEEDS to happen!!! :D And YES, Kaddy! Damon can DEFINITELY be sweet when it comes to Bonnie!! He did SO many sweet things for her last season! I really need a return to that!!! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Things I LOVE about Bamon in the Bamon/Klonnie classroom scene:

1) EYE CONTACT the ENTIRE time!! (It's pretty intense, but check it out! When he's defending himself, he's glaring DIRECTLY into her eyes! And when she shoots him down, her eyes are glued to his orbs as well! ;)

2) The way she stares bitterly at him, as she snatches the blood tube, and turns away from him! (HOT!!! And! It may just be me, but she seems more dissapointed and angry, than she does hateful! I think she's truly just Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
hurt and dissapointed (DEFINITELY ANGRY!) by this man she was beginning to trust and maybe actually LIKE.) :( over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
lacage, I wonder the same thing. That's their second second with the 3 of them (the first one being when Damon was tortured by Rebekah). I don't think it's a coincidence that Klaus is always in the middle when Damon and Bonnie have intense scenes. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Oh my GOSH!!! If Klaus said something team Bamon?! I would LOSE it!!! I mean their letting everyone ELSE put in their two cents! Why not HIM?! He has seen TWO Bamon interactions now, and I'm sure even HE knows SOMETHING IS THERE!! And if not HIM, Jospeh Morgan knows!!! I bet he's like...so THAT'S why they ship Bamon...I UNDERSTAND!!! He was TOTALLY a third wheel in that classroom! That's why he had to speak up! Poor sod felt neglected watching Bamon argue like the married couple they are! :D They've got something! They've got A LOT, whether they know it or not! :D Would be pretty cool, and funny if nothing else, to see KLAUS of all people point it out! ;D over a year ago
teambamon said …
Hey all :) 2463 Its so amazing, even with all the hate going on new Bamonaters just keep coming. Much love my bamily. Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
<3 over a year ago
pattykirsche commented…
trolls have been here... over a year ago
HPCouples commented…
<333 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
MMmmuah!! How's my girls this evening/morning? Watching Person of Interest and then off to bed. Jim Caviezel, oh.. howzer! Hotness, intelligence and kicktooshery all done with brilliant writing. <3
Are you girls watching this?

Anyway, lotsa love to all.<3 Nightnight! Posted over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Haha. AMonkeyGirl(My friend IRL) said that DE, means: "Dying Elena." What a Genious. :P Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
:D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
How you doing sweet lass? over a year ago
LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said …
Why is it mostly DE fans who want Bonnie dead? Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
because they afraid of Bamon... over a year ago
iLauren commented…
You'd think they'd switch it up and want Caroline dead. Caroline is a huge supporter of Stelena and is pushing those two back together; meanwhile Bonnie has said nothing negative about either guy or pushed Elena towards choosing one or the other. Besides that Bonnie stays saving their favorite characters, so how can you hate her? over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I'm agree Lauren. If Bonnie dies whos gonna save the lovely triangle's life?They don't think rationally. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Blind stupidity - they know without Bonnie the brothers are dead in the water. As we've seen, they can't do ANYTHING without her. And for dang sure, no witch would sacrifice their life for any of them. They're scrwed. "Don't be stupid Klaus, you kill the people she loves and she'll tell us all to go to hell." Amen. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
What was the ratings on the last episode? Anyone know?

This show is dying -- ratings have been sinking ever since 3, and I've seen on twitter, fb and tumblr -- on forums across the Net, that it's a trend that keeps getting stronger.
Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Of course it's dying! The storyline is sucks and there are no Bamon scenes..I'm not surprised.. over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
there are a lot of reasons why people don't watch the show. One of the main reasons is the plot-if there is any over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Julies done this to herself. You don't pawn your own ship at the cost of the plot, or make it only about the triangle and deny the rest of the incrediable cast fair screentime. Marysues are hated for a reason. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
the ratings were 2.23 over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
In the promo pics I wonder if Damon gave a little of his blood to help Bonnie heal? That would be so cool!

Goddess.. she is gonna ROCK in the next episodes. Like always, it will be down to Bonnie Bennett to save all their tooshies.

Can't wait! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Yeah, I'm so curious!! I hope she accepts Damon's blood!!!Finally Damon is the one who saves her. :D <3 BUt if the blood thing happening off-screen, I will be very angry!! over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
It won't happend off-screen. And I think Damon healed her but she is too weak to walk because she was possesed over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Timezones are horrible, but I'm glad I get to snuggle online with my divas before bed. How's it goin' wild lasses? *glomp* Yes, unfortunately, Julies MO is having everyone os unless it's her own. Bad move after another. She was weak because of Ric. otherwise I think she'd have been okay. Like S1 till Damon got snippy. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I miss Grams (Jasmine Guy) and Bonnie (Kat) in scenes together.

Their bond and love for each other was the truest connection Bonnie could count on. It's one of the many, many reasons I continue to support her against everything..

17yrs old, with no help or mentoring in the craft, without family and she still fights courageously on, for those who have shown they don't deserve it.

Bonnie is, without any doubt whatsoever, is the only reason any character has survived thus far. Love her! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Barefoot Bonnie.. did she walk all that way, over stones and gravel, and out into the wilderness barefoot?!

Don't drink and drive.
Don't txt and drive
Don't drive while tired.. and now..

Don't fall asleep at the wheel, pull over to the side and let a 1000yr old witch immortal with a family-mean-on drive for you.

Mickleson auto-pilot: We'll deliver you to destiny (Damon) & a yummy bite to eat on the way. :D

Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
The lovely vampgurl2005 mentioned Bonnie being possessed - like in S1 by Emily.

1. Damon didn't realize then either, until he overheard Stefan talking.
2. The same with Ric when he was being driven by Klaus.

So possession is undetected by supernaturals till the possessor decides to make it known? ( Damon and his crowform - where did the bird go? Die? Fly off.. finding itself in the mouth of Bonnies kitty cat?)

Witches and Originals have this power. so technically does Bonnie? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, wait.. I think he knew somthing was hinky in the deleted scene. But not sure if that's still cannon. ?? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
My jumbled memory aside, there might be a way to track him.. like Bon did in finding and saving Elena with Jeremys blood.

That is still the coolest Mystic Falls Witch invention. The first EVER GPs. Boy howdy, Salem Witches ROCK! (And they're liked owed a ton of royalties from At&t) :D

Bonnie Bennett; Inventor, Entrepreneur, sexy Heroine and Benefactor of the innocent, the not-so-innocent and now fabulously wealthy 17 year old superwoman in all the world!

Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Blood sharing 2

Blade: Memory fuzzy there, I think it's still Vamp to Human to 'connect'.

Interview with a Vamp: Louis couldn't bring Odette? back when he drank her blood. It was different from him and Claudia because he turned her.

Although, when she turned her 'adoptive' mum, she was still human when she begged Louis to turn her.

If Bonnie gave her blood, would there be a connection or does it only work one way? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Blood sharing -

True blood was to sire, meant the sire had them loyal. Um if we don't count Pam and Eric later season. LOL.

Buffy, does anyone remember? Angel drank Buffys a fair bit, but I think that was more emotional and intimacy than anything Sire related.

(running outta room, cutting for length) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
--Oh, yes.

Bonnies donation. What's the tradition on Vampires again on this show? Was it on True blood that when you share blood you're bonded? Even briefly? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Do you think given the Bonnie donation.. ;).. wow, what a way to give -- considering the head tilt and the back arch.. did you see the back arch?! HOTSPOT indeed- (Y'know if Salvation Army had a way for me to give with the same back arch, they'd be Millionaires right now)..
um.. where was I? :D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Gotta say the ending of last epi, was exciting! Was frightened for both Bon and Damon, given Rics.. um.. sudden burst of power. Yikes! Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
i know! i tried to ask julie plec on twitter if bonnie was posessed or what but of course she didnt answer... bust be because my name has the word bamon in it over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((hugs)) You did? Oh, I know.. heard about her doing that to other fans too. Do you think she was posessed, like with Emily in S1? It confused me how Damon didn't know that, given she was acting the same? Barefoot too! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
She was DEFINITELY posssessed!!! Barefoot walking in the woods, eyes glazed over, didn't know what the HECK was going on!!! Poor Bon! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^This. ((huggles bonnie)) It's very lucky that Esther didn't pull Emily into it, and took his ring. Sun comes up, and bbq Salvatore! lol. You'd think he'd learn his lesson about ticking off witches, eh? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Did the CW bring out the next promo yet? Is our gurl in it? Ric? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
You know it wasn't long ago that we were just hitting 2000, and BOOM! Fireworks into almost half way to 3000!!

:D That's brilliant. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
2461! A very warm and hearty welcome to all Bamon/Bonnie and Damon fans! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Howdy my gorgeous Bamon lovelies! Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
lol i think most ppl left already over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, that'ss okay. I'm in a different time zone, so yeh.. catching up. ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I'm finding it increasingly amusing that trolls consider us a very real threat to troll here. I mean.. really? ROTFL. Gosh.. best compliment EVER. Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
aw its sweet that you wanted to talk to us. we love you and welcome you with open arms :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
ROTFL. Oh, my gosh.. we ARE a threat to you. If we weren't, you wouldn't feel the need to be here. LOL. This is sooooo cool! I've never been envied before, it's made my day! over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
come on... dont make this ugly. ship wars can even be kind of fun when it doesnt get too out of hand. you have your opinions we have ours. lets not fight over fictional tv show characters Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
poor jeremy though all they do is erase his memory lol and i am seriously not hating on anyone when i say that over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
what ever happens in the true finale i just hope that stefan and damon are happy over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Couldn't agree more, bb! <333 over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
loooooooooooooooool maybe that's the problem Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
ahahahahahahah LMAO over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
YOU are the problem ! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOL. Good one Bangelus!! ^^You too, sweet LuCe!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
lol killed her brother...it's love!
Bonnie set him on fire...she's a bitch Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
xDDDD over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
Wahinetoa commented…
Sso agreed!! Damon kills off her Mother AND has sex with her. Ewwwww. Has sex with her ancestor Kat. Ewwww. Kills her brother. HER BROTHER for freaks sake. over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
loooooooooooooooool maybe that's the problem Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
ahahahah THAT is pretty funny ! over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
loooooooooooooooool maybe that's the problem over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Weird, independent, sexy, fantastic, strong, intelligent and eternal. That's Bamon! over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool keep shipping your sinking ship...he killed her brother...it's love! Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
lool he killer her brother in front ofher! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
He killed her brother in front of her AND he slept with and killed Elenas mum. Yuck!! over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
Lol they hate Bonnie because she's a bitch but not because they feel threatened by the ship...' i love you elena' lmao... 'i will always choose you ' lmao...yeah right! Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
LMAO ! They make no sense, they're so dumb ! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
so why are you even on the bamon spot ? loool idiot over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Agreed! I've watched Elena treat him like dirt. Nag and cry, but he's not changed one bit. Bonnie, on the other hand stands against his crud and gets results. He wouldn't of saved her otherwise, or "I owe you" which was the first time we saw Damon actually give something that important. Thankyou too. It meant ssomething. *shrugs* over a year ago
Bangelusfan said …
I'm just wondering...Do they consider Bonnie this much of a big threat to their ship? I mean it's ok to feel threatened, but hating on a character that is flaw free is just way too pathetic...seriously! Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Not flawfree? Oh so if she's so much of a bitch why is that everyone on MF is alive? mmm over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
thats what we're saying, Bonnie is a bitch because she is a threat, you wouldnt come in the BAMON SPOT if it wasnt that ! you would be only in the Bonnie's spot LOOOOL BAMON ALWAYS ! over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
there is no character on TVD thats flaw free, but i think she is misunderstood. her father is never there for her because she is a witch and he doesnt want anything to do with that, her mother abandoned her and the only one who was truly their for her, her grams, died. she is alone :( over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
Damons decisions have affected her in many ways like her grams dying? when damon wanted the tomb open. also i think they could have come up with a better plan to save elena than snapping abbys neck. honestly i do not hate any characters on the show nor do i like any better than the other... my bamon ship really is mostly the book version :) over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
trolls make the world go round :) Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
boob troll is coller than garbage troll :) Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
sorry just speaking the truth :) and i dont F trolls over a year ago
big smile
Bangelusfan said …
Guys lets keep on reporting Non-stop these trolls out of our system. They need a babysitter and it's not easy to find one these days.... Thank you! <3 you! Posted over a year ago
chelle11 commented…
Sorry they scape. We need to catch them and bring them home, so we can start the rehabilitation process. over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Apparently they are in need of a lot of sex and when they don't get some they come to us to get themselves off over a year ago
chelle11 commented…
Yes thats why they need rehabilitation. Apparently they are sex addicts O_o over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
WORD Bangelus. I'm on it bb! over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Would love to stay an chat but going to watch once opon a time Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Have a groovy time bb! LOVE YA! over a year ago
HindEssa said …
1:45 AM. Going to read Bamon fanfictions, and then going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.:)<3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Good night sweetheart!! over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Bamon is the best Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
ABSOLUTELY!!! *highfives* over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I love bonnie and Damon Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I love Bonnie and Damon too! They rock! over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
team Defan! i really just want the brothers to keep their brotherly love in the show... thats what matters Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too! It's heartbreaking to see yet another woman tearing them apart. I hope they won't let this split them. over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
i know! i hope that elena doesnt treat them more like katherine did over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
bonnie Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Totally ROCKS! over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
party time Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Sweet Bamon! over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
chilling Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
happiness Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
first love Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
the best ship ever Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
bamon Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
joy Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
peace Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
love Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Hope Posted over a year ago
iLauren said …
More trolls, clearly this fandom is a 'family' and filled with mature individuals who respect opinions; even if they are different from their own. Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
:) over a year ago
HindEssa said …
I think Bamon has kissed more times, than DE in the books. ^^ Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
true!! show or not Book Bamon is the best :) over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
The kissed 1 time in After Hours. They kissed at Alarics party, they kissed in Dark Reunion. They kissed several times in Nightfall, and they kissed in midnight.^^<33 over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
honestly whether it happens in the show or not i just want the brothers to be at peace over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
It's almost 3 AM in my country. See you later? Goodnight Redbird23 and thanks for trying to make pace. It won't happen
Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
Goodnight :) over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
but if we can admit to or mistakes, admit to yours. Why are you hear if you hate Bamon, or the Bamon shipper? Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
^^^^ *cough* over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
you love them the way i love DE and still i dont troll their page over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
Boob troll, garbage troll, and banana troll, i just wanted to say that I love you, so dont kill yourselves keep on living and find your path back to the Delena page Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Why aren't there a "Like" button?._. over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
Lol over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
they really should install like buttons i would have liked to like a lot of posts over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I'm sorry what one of the Bamon shipper said @ bamonsbanana , regarding the gun and shotting your self, it was wrong. No matter how angry we are we should never result in such violence Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
i like Bamon, what is so wrong with that? Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I have never, never, not once insulted a Delena fan, I may not understand your ship or agree but I have never said anything to a delena fan regarding my indifference. Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
I love you little trolls! you warm my heart :) Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Haha.:) over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
You dont get what your doing wrong? I dont know if I should be angry at you or feel so for you. Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
stop trying to look like a victim over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
dont kill your selves ... live your life somewhere other than trolling pages :) over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Oh, so you DO have feelings? Treat others, as you want to be treated. You're trolling on a spot, and writing not-so-nice things. What did you expect? over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
What do you want? What are you hoping to gain? Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
or like me *evil smile* over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Are you hoping to make someone bitter and heartless here. Do you want us to hate and start a war? Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Actually I told you this because of the trolling over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
stop trying to look like a victim over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
And when did you become this person? Did anyone come to your spot and do what your doing to us? Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Why are you doing this? Is it really for laughes or do you hate us that much? Posted over a year ago
chelle11 commented…
I am really sorry for this. I don't think they are true TVD fans. If they hate on a character they hate on the entire series. But I would like to let you guys know that not DE fan is like that. There is always that rotten apple in the bunch. over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
they are looking for fun and pain. Don't give it to them over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
we are survivors over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
You guys make it easy to ship Bamon, thats why I'm happy I found this spot. Posted over a year ago
HindEssa said …
What time is it in your town? I live in Denmark, and it's 01:14 AM.. Heh. I don't want to go to sleep, though I have school tomorrow. Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
2:17 AM and I don't have school tomorrow over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
its 4 in california :) over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
lol yep over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
You guys (Bamon shippers, not the trolls) make me strong, when I want to give up. Thank you guys, You are all truely amazing, and I love you guys :) Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
Aww. We love you too. over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
#trollsDEtected over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
aw little trolls dont be sad :( you will make some friends some day... just not here Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
Okay trolls, Let's get things straight: it doesn't matter what you will say I will comment back. Keep trying to annoy me, it won't work. I won't let some trolls to walk over me.Clear?
The only trolls I 'respect' are the ones who came with their ACTUAL account and troll. I respect brave trolls, something that you're not. So don't complain about my 'suggestion' as long as you came with this lame fake account.Clear? Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
*Words*<3 over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
because I don't want you to get the wrong idea. If i put a happy smile than you would think I am friendly over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
banana troll i have to say i dont like telling ppl to kill themselves either the same way i dont like when people use foul language :) over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Sorry trolls, didn't mean for you to see that side of me, though you were gone. More like hoped :( Posted over a year ago
Aleyna3199 commented…
🎬 over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I pray I dont fall to the side that is weak, that say hurt them all. I hope I can continue to stay strong. Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Learn.How.To.Write. over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
stay strong :) aw so supportive boob troll. over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
wow garbage troll your foul language really supports your name choice over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Don't.Come.And.Troll. over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I want to tourment them, and hurt them like they did us, but what would that me, what will I gain? Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
IDK. You're so paceful. over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
actually I am the one over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I agree. Of course there are consequences, when you come into our spot, and talk **** about Bamon. over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
There's a side of me that says ignore it, but there's this other part, the weaker part that say war. Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
fight hate with sarcasm,it's so damn funny over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
lol i am having fun either way :) over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
#ShameLessSmile over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Finally. I though they would never leave. Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
And you know who will be here when you come don't ya? over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
i will be here too :) we love you boob troll and garbage troll over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Some of the fans from the ship are going to help flag :) Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
what boob troll said over a year ago
HindEssa said …
"They hurt you, didn't they, little bird? I saw.. I saw your face." Damon said in his new choked-up voice.
Bonnie didn't know what to say, but suddenly she didn't mind how hard he squeezed her. She even found herself squeezing back.
Suddenly, to her shock, Damon broke the koala-grip, and pulled her up, and kissed her on the lips, very gently.
"Little Redbird. I'm going to go now, and make them pay for what they did to you." - Midnight.<33 Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
so beautiful! one of my many fave bamon moments over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
<3 over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
<33 over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
I went to Damona & Elena, Stefan & Elena, and tumblr tagging each ship regarding the trolls. Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
your the best :) over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
thanks over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Going to tumblr and advise of the trolls Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD said …
funny how each of their names suit them... there's the garbage troll, who is garbage. then we have banana troll with the IQ of a banana, then boob troll who is a boob... Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
aw boob troll dont cry just pick a better name next time :) over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
That is so right.<3 over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
lol idk if anything even needs to be said about that one over a year ago
HindEssa said …
2460 fans.<3 Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
:') is right boob troll over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Go to the Stelena spot to advise of the trolls Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
what do they say? over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 said …
Going to Delena spot to advise them of these trolls Posted over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I got your back.;)<3 over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
I will talk to the trolls while you're gone over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
;) over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
which DE spot? over a year ago