Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 661-670 of 8919

ducky8abug said …
"Everything Bamon and Nothing Hurts!"

My golden glove peeps, you all are a group of awesome Bamon fans. I want you all to know that. By the way, after Bonnie kissed Jeremy to sleep, and walked past Damon (without giving him a second look), I thought thought that was the hottest stuff I'd seen in TVD to date...right next to Tyler grabbing Caroline with both hands and kissing her passionately (wish it was Bonnie, actually, but never mind....) Love Bamon. Always will! Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
I watch that scene, I really like this fierece, determined side of Bonnie. btw Am I the only one think that Damon/Bonnie kick ass as a team? over a year ago
aceg commented…
Oh I forgot to mention Elijah. Elijah/Bonnie/Damon looks totally bad-ass in the episode. over a year ago
aceg commented…
For once, Delena scene isn't involved with obsession, puppy dog eyes. over a year ago
elinochka said …
Damon is suck a doggy boy with Elena, his face expressions are disgusting to me when he is with her. -_- But when he is with Bonnie, he is this cocky, bad boy with who i fell in love in 1st season. Posted over a year ago
elinochka commented…
such over a year ago
aceg commented…
I always think Elena brings out unrecognizable side in Damon none of other females on Mystical Falls does (especially Bonnie) over a year ago
elinochka commented…
:P over a year ago
Allison__ said …
Hey guys ! I just found this song. Its lyric is GREAT for Bamon. ; )
Check it out:

I used to hate you, but now I love you
So like a rose, so like a rose
But when you kiss me I wanna slap you
But sorry it's lost, the feeling is lost


Do you wanna get to know me
Do you wanna learn to get inside my head
Do you wanna get to touch me
Cause now my ex is officially dead

I don't lalalala like you
I lalalala love you
I used to hahahaha hate you
And now I really fucking love you Posted over a year ago
Allison__ commented…
It's "I Really Fuckin Love You" or "Blender" by The Pretty Reckless. ; ) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I love this song... This is from The Pretty Reckless... AKA Taylor Momsem (Jenny on GG) It does actually make me think in Bamon over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
Everytime I'm listening this song I think about BD too :D over a year ago
big smile
nansoula said …
1639 XD XD XD Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
i posted new icons from 2.21! Enjoy! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Thanx ;-) over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Love em! <3 over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
:D gracias over a year ago
beepo123 said …
Haters gonna hate
Everything is Bamon and nothing hurts <3 :)
Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
yeap that's the spirit over a year ago
BeautifulLover said …
You know what I think? I think Bonnie will found with Stefan Damon´s cure. Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yo tambien lo creo pero tambien que ella estará en riesgo por salvar su vida over a year ago
BeautifulLover said …
Finally, many fans just realize that Bonnie is the real BADASS-girl from the show after last night with Elijah.
Seriously, that scene was amazing.
Is bad if I ship Elijah&Bonnie too? XD Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
No not at all mate LOL!! ;-) over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
I ship them a little bit lol over a year ago
aceg commented…
Sorry Elijah is taken by Damon hahaha over a year ago
veronicaaa said …
Do they really the next episode is the end of the season?
Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
do not see much action as above and I fear for bonnie but if you save there will be a great time damon bamon Do you think that the power to save the Destroy? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep hope we'll have some good bamon next week. over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Yes it's the finale next week and I think it's the first time I see you writing in english ;) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
jajajaja thanks to google translator over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
I kinda fell the need to say this. The wall isn't the place to post rant texts. The Rant forum exists for something and it's there for you to rant about anything. I don't like coming on the spot and seeing comments that dosen't have anything to do with Bamon at all. And seriouslly, we have multishipper in here and I kind of expected people to show some more respect to them. Posted over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
true, no more DEers ranton the wall would be cool over a year ago
hinata26 said …
I just want to say I LOVE MY LOVING BAMILY nobody can do nothing about it. You're all my sista!!!
Love all my people!!!!
Bamily mean LOVE!! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
We love you too, Hinata! ;D Bamily is the BEST!! over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Love you too, Hinata! Thanks for spreading the Bamon love! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
;-) !! over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
it doesn't matter how short or relevant Bamon moments are- i always enjoy them, and their teamwork is something SO uniquely BADASS I hope the show gives us more and more.

Bamon teamwork is so awesome it can substitute romance until damon gets over himself and his issues.


and since it's rmoured that the next season is going to be extremely dark, you can bet Bamon teamwork is something we will never be without! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Ain't nothing better than team Bamon LOL!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
^^ Agree with both of you!!! It's fiece, powerful, and HOT!!! LOVE those two together in any way I can get em!! And is it wrong that I get super giddy whenever they say each other's name?? I just remember when he used to call her "witch," and when she didn't call him any thing at all! LOVE hearing them say each others names!! Like it was MEANT to roll of their tongues!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Oh my GOODNESS, Jazzy!!! SOOO true!!! They will be UNSTOPPABLE then!!! Such a GREAT thought that is! Can't WAIT!! Next season PLEASE!! over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Everything I post pro-bamon on the bamon forum DE fans keep flagging it -.- their worthless lil trolls Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
That's so typical. Just try to ignore them. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Maybe they think it's funny!!! Let them play they have nothing better to do Bamon Is awesome and bamonators too they CAN do nothing about it mate ;-)!!!! over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 commented…
question how do you know it's the DE fans??!! you have way of proving that:/ over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
No Bamonator would flag somthing thats "pro-bamon" over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Ok, here's my official documented apology! I apologize myself, & on behalf of the other offending Bamonators! I think we just LOST OUR MINDS after the episode aired, & 4 some strange reason we completely 4GOT that there were ppl in other COUNTRIES who would not see it until the next DAY!! SOOO sorry!! Next time will be better I pray! Next time we'll use the forum up until the next DAY! Anyways, I'm sincerly sorry to any1 who may've been spoiled! :( Blame the episode, it made us lose our sanity! Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Hmmm I haven't been too much spoiled but I avoided the spot so I don't know what you guys have done. But yeah, next time PLEASE use the forum for both Thursday and Friday. In Europe when the episode airs it's like 2, 3 or 4 am so wwe have to wait until Friday to see it. Besides, it allows people to cool off a little bit and not to lose their minds on the wall like last week lol. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Yeah! Totally, FrenchGiirl!!! Next week will be better!! ;D over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Sorry about the spoilers I posted too. I hadn't known about the forum. It won't happen again :) over a year ago
elena1 said …
Now I hate Elena also in the show and not only in the books, because in the show every people die to save her and is annoyng.
The show now must be call The Elena show or Every people must save elena gilbert or elena gilbert diaries Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
ikr!! everyones getting hurt to ptotect hurt by the end of the show everyone will be dead. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Agreed stop with DES triangle over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
LOL Jazzy!!! Even Carol Lockwood!!! They're so BORING!!! And yeah, I wanted a Beremy hug too!!! SOOO badly! REALLY needed to happen!!! STOP NEGLECTING THE OTHER CHARACTERS!!! over a year ago
01trugirl said …
Man I am on such a Bamon high right now guys. You know how I see Bamon. I see them as being a hero like couple. Mostly because of last night's eppy and the last dance eppy. They are always the one to save Stefan and Elena when they're in trouble. I love it. They're always the one who have to put someone elses life ahead of their own, even through Damon can be really selfish at times. He still trys to save them. I love the vibe between them, its mostly because I love couples with funny banner. Posted over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
its amazing because when you have funny banner it keeps things interesting and it make you look forward to their intreactions with each other. And sorry but noone else on the show besides Damon and Kat has that. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Even though Damon totally made me mad in 2x19 and 2x20, Damon won some points with me in last night's episode. I guess we can all thank Bonnie for that. I really do believe that Bonnie does have the best influence on him. He's always on his best behaviour around her and after he has interacted with her. It's really incredible. over a year ago
aceg commented…
For a while I thought that Rose/Damon storyline didn't end in a good closure as Damon reverted to his you know who obsessive mode for a bit. I thought the writer didn't do justice to the Dose storyline as it is suppose serve as a mirror. But considering we got Bamon on the road and saw some positive side of Damon for now, that is all it matters. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I'm sorry but in the promo when Damon is telling Elena, "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I NEED IT." Ugh, Damon is just so selfish. Elena has lost so many people, and i always has to go back to him. It's always gotta be about what he wants. What about other people? Damon is just the most selfish person when it comes to Elena, it's pathetic. Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
I pity him for saying that he's so lost :( over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I feel bad for Damon and what he's going through but does it have to be about Elena all the time? over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
RIGHT?! RIGHT?! That's just the right thing to do!! But not Elena Gilbert! Not her people! She just feeds into it, and watches the brothers self destruct!!! Gosh, what a Katherine repeat! She's not as INTENTIONAL about it, but still!! Katherine REPEAT! over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said …
Hello, yes ladies I'm back as I see there's been quite the disturbance from DE fans since I've been away. Also I'm seeing alot of hype about the show lastnight. Anyway took a breather and decided that no matter what I'm a Bamonater, even if there are fans here who can't really understand or accept my outspoken persona, that's just me and I can't ever change that. I will try to make sure to keep some of my comments about Damon mild. So if everyone's cool with that, awesome:) Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Welcome back Forsaken! :) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
welcome back bamonator xoxo over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Glad to have you back :) over a year ago
nansoula said …
LIKE A LOADED WEAPON: this might be considered as spam as I have promoted this video twice (or three times) lol :P ;P but it's epic so watch it if you haven't yet and you won't regret it: link Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
nansoula commented…
see that's what Im talking about :P xo xo over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I love it too:) It always makes me feel better after some antiBamon comments ect. over a year ago
nansoula commented…
"yeah your mojo witchcraft honey it's working on me" I can't stop quoting this can you believe it!! I even have it in my profile pic lol over a year ago
nansoula said …
sharing bamon love and don't care if haters gonna hate :P BAMON WILL PREVAIL IN TIME Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
nansoula commented…
That's the spirit !!! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Bamon rules! over a year ago
aceg said …
I think FrenchGiirl and Lora is right. The wall should be a peaceful place as some of the DE discussions to Rant forum or episode chat. Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
we all have said that many times over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so true over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I agree fully. :) over a year ago
nansoula said …
Everything is Bamon and NOTHING hurts, got it everyone ? :P Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Absolutly ! ;) over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
yes nancy you too,you share the bamon love in this wall (wich needed to be clean with some bamon love) over a year ago
nansoula commented…
its was crazy I'm reviewing all the time as my exams start this Wednesday what about you, i will be gone for a while over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
BAMON LOVE BAMON LOVE!!!!!!!!! they need to buildup it'll take time but for BAMON i can wait...even if its going harder sometimes... Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I can wait ntill I will become vampire :P :D over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
loooool over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
oO what is going one here again ?! seriously TROLLS stop to come here and pretend you came in peace or that you ship Bamon and then treat us as immature, rude, stupid person because we dont like Delena, it's very ridiculous.... Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you over a year ago
aceg said …
Please guys just calm down a bit, all right. We are rational fans :) Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
You Forget I'm immature and over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Rude LOL! over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
I don't understand why there is so much hate anywho. I didn't see much wrong with the last episode. oO; (aside from the deaths. :(( ) over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
BAMON BOOKS/BAMON SHOW.... I CAN'T CHOOSE I LOVE BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
WE'RE NOT HATERS WE'RE JUST BAMON LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
I LOVE BAMON THATS ALL THE MATTERS!!!! Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Totally agreed with you over a year ago
hinata26 said …
If you read the last article Hi Bamon ;-) plz ladies don't react if you don't think the contain of that article just report it. No comment Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Like sorry!! over a year ago
gabii_ commented…
excuse me but i don't see nothing wrong in my article..are you really that immature?? i think that maybe you still can't face a normal and KIND conversation you rude girl over a year ago
aceg commented…
@gabii_: The funny thing is hinta doesn't fit your descriptions. She's evertything opposite of your judegment. over a year ago
gabii_ said …
hi guys!! i'm sneaking around for a while and finally decided to join.. i posted an article, please read it if you can!! ;) Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Dear cyber-bullies, I wonder how big and tough you are without your computer to hide behind? Sincerely, come at me bro. over a year ago
gabii_ commented…
sorry but what did i do?? why your so rude? so see what i say it's true!! i have not been rude in my article, i just said that truth but some of you i think that just won't lister other shippers opinion unless they are anti delena much . over a year ago
samjhart commented…
@hinta: There's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion,,she's not attacking anyone over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
olala...we're free to only love BAMON...that doesn't mean that we are hater and bashing evereything about the others couple....i LOVE BAMON and yes i dilike DE...so what...because of that i am a haters?????? we never wonder the death of one of elena or damon....but the bamon hater did.....with all of their "i hope bonnie'll die..." etc.... anyway....its your opinion,and i just exposed mine :) over a year ago
beccaxBLx said …
after the promo i totally want bonnie to save damon
Posted over a year ago
nansoula commented…
oh theres such an option wow!!! over a year ago
samjhart commented…
ITA. Why do I feel like she will? over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1636!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Up and down - It sometimes seems like endles circle:p WELCOME :) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep I hope so ;-) over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan said …
LOL You guys were the ones talking about making an episode forum and most of ya'll failed to use it lol. Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
LOL how ironic. Personnaly I don't mind I Love spoiler LOL!!! The pb is that I don't think everybody agree LOL!! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i love spoiler too :D over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
I'm a spoiler junky lol!!!!! over a year ago
silvina19 commented…
im not... well i think im not... i really try hard to be the most far away of coment here... XD over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said …
So there were four deaths tonight. How many next week? Posted over a year ago
BDBJTR commented…
A few more since Julie Plec said a recent interview that the death count was between 5-10. over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Dude thats like the whole cast. :O WTF are they doing to this show? :/ over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
LOL, SalvatoreBro!! Probably!! It's getting RIDICULOUS! But as long as they don't kill of Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler I'm fine! I say Jeremy because that would be a total COP OUT if you ask me!! And I don't mention Stefan or Damon because HELLO, they're not gonna kill them off!! Don't even know why people kid themselves with scenario! They're not going ANYWHERE! And if they do, they'll be BACK, TRUST me!! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
My sister just pointed out something that I think SOOO possible! What if when Elena came back, she came back with something OFF!! TOTALLY makes sense, I mean people RARELY come from back from the dead UNCHANGED!! Ex: Buffy!! Idk but what if its changed her emotions for Damon! Would make sense out of the inappropriate funeral staring! Such a cop out! But I'm all for cop outs in this epic fail of a romance! ;) JUST GET IT OVER WITH!! Gonna be an ANNOYING finale, but at least we get witch action! Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
If it did I will laugh so hard. I mean if THAT is the only way that they can do DE its just pathetic and I will laugh at this forced attempt at coupling. I mean, "I love you because I came back with a screw loose after I died." That is the kind of love I want...NOT. LOL! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Lol Jazzy!!! I just rewatched the episode though, and honestly Idk now! And from the looks of the scenes, it appears Elena will still be fighting off Damo's affections! The one who said, "I made the wrong choice" was most DEFINITELY Katherine! It was also her seen jumping out of the window! From this episode and the season finale, I think it's safe to say Kat is falling for Damon! Kind of cute honestly, but it only makes me think/know she will DIE next episode! But who knows really...but I'm officially taking back my original theory! I think Elena's just fine, and I don't know how she's going to end up giving into Damon's kiss, or even if she will cause theere sure was NO witch on witch action this episode! Lol. But yeah, time will tell I guess! ;) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
"I love you because I came back with a screw loose after I died." OMG LMFAO I ALMOST DIED AFTER READING THAT! :P over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Ugh, just watched the extended promo for the season finale. There looks like there is so much Delena in there. I think I might skip the finale but I'm really curious as to what is happening to Bonnie in the episode?! She looks like she is in significant pain or something... Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
The only reason I will watch is to find out what's going on with Bonnie and to see Emily. over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Same here! :/ over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Was i the only one who cried? :( Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
you're not sweetie i cried too over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
I'm still crying =( my niece saw me and she's like "why are you crying?" over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
llore solo por la tia jenna me agradaba desde el principio de la temporada. ademas cuando ella devia correr no lo iso sino que intento matar a la bruja over a year ago
01trugirl said …
From the extended promo my thoguhts is that Bonnie is bleeding because she is trying to save Damon. I think emily told stefan that there is a cure to the bite and Bonnie has to use almost all her powers to do it. I think she starts to want to save him in the scene where he says "dying sucks". I think Damon might be in her arms in that scene and so she starts begging for help from Emily. It may just be my Bamon heart but I really do think that that is what happens :) Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
I am keeping my finger crossed lol. over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
I think we can expect some Bamon in the finale :) over a year ago
01trugirl commented…
I am wondering how is stefan talking to Emily. It might be through Bonnie, like she makes Emily appear some how. Its going to be an interesting finale :) over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
o si seria increible over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Did anyone else roll their eyes hardcore at all of the forced and contrived DE scenes in this episode? Posted over a year ago
BDBJTR commented…
I most definitely did!!!! over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
The glancing at each other at the funeral was so random and out of the blue. I was like WTF? Its like Damon kept walking in front of her just to get her attention. For a split second though, I thought either Elena was gonna go run and hug him, or HE was gonna go over to her and hug her. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
It all seemed to forced and contrived IMO. over a year ago
redBird said …
Can some1plz give a small updat on the ep?!! Idg to watch it for another 4hrs :( Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Go here and you'll see some spoilers of the episode... I'm warning you to think about... this episode was heartbroken... link over a year ago
redBird commented…
Thank you :) over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said …
So remember that spoiler about Damon yelling Bonnie's name twice in urgency? I think that girl who said this was mistaken. It was Alaric. The scene when Bonnie trapped him in the house. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Yeah, I think you're right... over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Mmmmm hun you should talk about it in the forum linkbut I thought the same over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I was thinking the same thing. over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
Bonnie is bleeding and begging in the extended promo... God wut happenened? Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
OMG I don't know! I'm soooo scared! I have a really bad feeling. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Nothing bad is going to happen. Just calm down. over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
@BDBJTR I'm thinking that its Jeremy too. over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 said …
Extended 2x22 promo link: link Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
If the link doesn't work I posted the vid here. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan said …
0.13 who's with Bonnie?Is it Damon? or anyone else? Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
I think is Damon... he's out of control with this wolf bite so I think he's attacking Bonnie or something... because obviously Bonnie is going to help him.. over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
Stefan? over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
@BDBJTR But why would Jeremy want to do anything about Damon going off the handle. Why would he care. Maybe it affects Elena I guess that would be a reason. *shrugs* over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I don't even care about the Bamon scenes, this episode was really heartbreaking for me... Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
OMG! Me too I cried so hard and I'm watchin it in the campus library and ppl were looking at me crazy but I didn't care! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Word... I actually didn't get mad for the little BD + jeremy and john scenes because this episode got me crying all time... even now.... I have to say... one of the best epìsode of this season... I over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Why does the show do that. They randomly set up delena stares in the scenes. I sadly realized tonight that they will probaly be endgame. Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
...or not... over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
yeah that stare was pointless they just wanna give them scenes over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I COMPLETELY agree Sky!!! And Ace!!! I defnitely wouldn't say Delena is ENDGAME!!! They're barely even GAME!!! There scenes are forced, with ZERO chemistry, and maybe the writers are doing this on purpose. I don't know! What I DO know is that this only reassured me more that Delena is NOT endgame!! Not that I needed it... over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Thanks guys for using the forum for talking about the episode, it means a lot to those of us who just come here to pass time before we can actually watch the episode! <3333 Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Bamon was badass together tonight! Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
They were but I can't even appreciate it after what happend! over a year ago
BDBJTR commented…
They makes a pretty unbeatable team! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Hell yeah we got some bamon! Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
ahhh omg i cant wait to watch it now! :P over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
ruego por eso over a year ago
BB8fan said …
It's ON!!! AHHH!!!!! Enjoy peeps! Gonna vacate for a while and help my time go by faster! Talk to you later on tonight! Enjoy Bamonators, and no matter what, no disappointment! The show is too GOOD for that! Enjoy the Matt/Caro/Tyler moments, the witch battle, and every thing else! Bamon buildup is going on regardless, so rejoice in that! And take every thing in! The show is TOO amazing for us to get disappointed by little things!! ENJOY!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
TVD is ON in less than 10 minutes:

Link: link

Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
credits to tumblr =) over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
thanks for the link! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Well, some of you are approaching the hour mark! CONGRATS!!! T-minus 60 minutes! Time to put this episode discussion forum to good use! I know we're all wondering WHAT THE HECK IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!! You lucky people get to find out! I'm not jealous...okay maybe a little. But enjoy! ;) This last hour goes by the SLOWEST but get your food ready, and comment on some pick questions or something! TVD is about to be ON! Posted over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
Woo! Only a half hour left for me. Can't wait to discuss the episode in the forum :) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
LUCKY!! 2 hours and a half for me! But I'm bout to leave the spot and sing to pass the time! Lol. ANND I gotta get my food ready! Gotta have good food to eat when you're watching such an AWESOME show! HURRY UP TIME, GO BY!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks Ace and Silvina! Always looking out!! ;D I'm gonna exercise some of that Bamon patience though, and wait the two hours for it to air on my TV!! If I can wait for Bamon, surely I can wait a couple of HOURS for the show!!! Thanks a lot though guys! You're incredible!! :D over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said …
Is this photo , photoshopped? link

If not then Nian Has total chemistry and i doubt kian will happen
But im gonna keep hope (: Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Kian will never happen. Kat Graham has a boyfriend. over a year ago
aceg commented…
I don't ship real life couple. So if they Nina is indeed an item now, then I wish them happiness. But Who I ship won't affect by RL... over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol I thought "dynamic" is more suitable to powerful couples than chemistry does. over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Just a word BTW - This episode better to make it up to me, because GG already staked my Chair heart irreversibly this week, and i can't stand other disappontments. Posted over a year ago
nasraDsalvatore said …
Yo Tonight's Episode! Just Gimme A Bamon Scene & All Will Be Groovy!!! Posted over a year ago
Kurenai24 commented…
Hells yeah ....I just want something. over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
yes one nice Bamon scene and we would be dead :P over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
BB8fan said …
Just wrote my first REAL article!! It's not my BEST work, but I think you'll appreciate what it has to say! And I'll REALLY appreciate you checking it out! It's called "Operation: Secret Bamon Buildup!" Thanks in advance for reading it! Makes me smile like this :D!! ;) Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Oh cute! I'll read it and I'll comment then!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Your article is awesome. I like your optimism. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks a lot, Ace!! Thanks for reading it!! REALLY appreciate it! :D And optimism for Bamon comes easy for me, because I have unlimited FAITH in them happening! NO ONE can deny their palpalble chemistry and tension!! You just CAN'T!! And they have MAD chemistry in the books?? Bamon is the FUTURE!! ;D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Ok so everyone agrees NOT to post anything about the episode on the wall and use the forum that @BB8fan has kindly made for us? Posted over a year ago
aceg commented…
Yep you have my word. over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Yes!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
No problem, French! ;) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
Is there any other book written by l.j.smith were we can find similar pairing to Bamon?? I'm just looking for sth good to read :) Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Not sure, but read Mortal Instruments. It's a really good series. Jace and Clary are very similar to Book Bamon. over a year ago
uluai commented…
one of my favorite books by LJ Smith is the forbidden game! for me Bamon is unique and special, but i love Julian´s character so much! i am so happy she will write a sequel!!!! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
si jace y clary son similares over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Does anyone remember when Damon tries to kiss Bonnie in Dark Reunion? I'm trying to figure out if Damon was compelling her or Influencing her to kiss him. Does anyone know? Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
You mean chapter 8? He kissed her in the garden and matt saw tem?? over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Yes, that's the one I'm talking about. :) Was he influencing her? I can't really tell. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
yo creo que no solo utiliza su encanto y la deja sin habla cuando ella se pierde en sus ojos negros le da el beso no fue robado y la influye para ello el que no se si si es el de despues de horas over a year ago
BB8fan said …
OK, well I made the forum "Episode Discussion" forum! Here's the link!

I think this is a GREAT idea & hopefully we will all be able to use it as an outlet to complain, praise, or FREAK OUT about the episode, without spoiling those who not seen it!

We must be patient though! Some people may not even see this post, so if a few spoilers make it on the wall, be patient! We'll get it right soon!! Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Thank you :) It will be easier to disscuss about last episode in one place :) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
No problamo, Last_Kiss! Happy to do it! ;) over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Sorry, SalvatoreBro! Jumped the gun a little I guess...and no problem, Ace! It was a GREAT idea you guys came out with! Think it's gonna only make Thursdays MORE enjoyable for everyone!! ;) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
About the whole rose on the grave thing...I'm not even sure if anyone died on this episode, the group would be able to recover from it, much less the battle itself, well enough to not only bury, but have a FUNERAL for the person, and put roses on their grave! I just REALLY don't know...don't kow what to expect with that scene, but maybe their simply visiting and OLD grave...I think a Gilbert will be the LAST to die, because they would've made it TOO obvious, and this show is NOT obvious! ;) Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
The Gilbert grave is Elena's parents. i still think its jenna, and they buried her next to her sister :( over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Yeah the Gilbert grave next to the one they put the rose on is Elena's parents. But another thing though is that the dirt on the grave is fresh. If it were an old grave it would probably have grass growing over it by now. Just a thought. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I guess we'll just have to see...I'm eager to find out!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
bamonators are a passionate persons who CAN see what other people don't want to. Being artistic is one of their qualities and they know how to express themself without being rude or disrespecful.
They write beautiful stories, insightful articles.
BAmonators are friendly, intelligent, and welcoming.

In one word bamonators are : AWESOME!!!!
Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Haha Bamon rules :))) Awesome said :P I hope one day I will find myself doing sth artistic :P over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tu as entièrement raison :) over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yep bamonators rocks!!!! Yep les bamonators déchirent!!!!! Hey Hey!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
This is GREAT, Hinata! LOVING the Bamon love!!! Spread it girlfriend! Bamon fans are the BEST!!! :D over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Does anyone want to make the episode discussion forum ? If no one does I will but I'm not going to use it so I'd prefered if I didn't have to xD.
Btw do the episodes air in Canada first like last year or is it at the same time than in the US now ? Posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan commented…
Yep, Canada views the show before the US does. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'll make one! If no ones made one yet, I'm on it! And we can actually use it next Thursday and Friday as well!! It can be our episode discussion forum for the rest of the season! I'm LOVING the idea of it! ;) over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Oh okay thanks D :) I don't know why I thought it had changed. over a year ago
aceg said …
Welcome our 1632th fan lol, the red carpet is ready, the welcoming reception shall start now : D Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hi Hi Hi LOL welcome!!! ;-) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Ohayo :D Glad you come here:) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I have a strong feeling that Matt is going to die in tonight's episode. I'm gonna cry so hard.... Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
I'm gonna cry If we won't have any Bamon scene :P Matt is in pretty insecure position... over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
I don't think it will be Elijah because I read in an interview that him and the other Originals will be in the next season. As for Jenna, I think they are gonna use that magic elixar the Elijah brought to bring her back to life, I don't think they will turn her into a vampire. Katherine and Liz are the ones who are in the most danger I think. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
How can they bring her back to life when she's already died and come back to life?? Would be AWESOME, but I think it impossible!...Don't think Elijah will die AT ALL, but don't really know about Kat or Liz...it's nerve wracking! over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
Or there is always the infamous Bonnie in the bathtub scene in Nightfall, when he insists that his desperate attempts to save Bonnie were all "whim." I don't think everybody quite got it, that Damon was just trying to save face here, and that the "whim" was nonsense. Certainly Stefan didn't get it.

I just find it in guestbook 11 in l.j.smith side when she talks about her favourite Damon quotes:) Bamon love :D Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Is that a direct quote from L.J. Smith? :) over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Yeah!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
It basically means "spur of the moment!" Just something I did for nothing! Just in the moment! No reason behind it! Spontaneous! ;) Hope that helps! :) over a year ago
el0508 said …
Please vote for Bamon

link Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Some comments are really disgusting delusional much? over a year ago
aceg commented…
Voted and commented... What's with those reptitive picks that serve nothing purposful except make one fan feel superior than another? over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hi Hi can't wait to see it !!! Evil laugh LOL !! over a year ago
big smile
Viky11 said …
I'm stuck in the college without internet or any computer for two weeks. So I can't see the last two episodes!! :'( But maybe I'll be your lucky cat becouse last time when I had to stay here then was the Last Dance:D So I know the today episode will be great for us! Because we waited so much so we deserved at least a few minutes good DB moment! So girls I say we DESERVE Bamon! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
We do!! And you should try to watch the episodes in your campus computer lab!! I do that all the time! Ran into a tvd fan that way!! :D She was like, "oh my gosh, that's the show!!" And we talked through the entire episode! And I had to rewatch it! ;D over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
So are we creating a forum for discussing today's episode or not ? As far as I'm concerned I'll avoid the spot tomorrow but a lot of DB fans aren't from the US so in order to avoid posting huge spoilers on the wall, maybe having a forum just for Thursday and Friday would be better ? Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
YES PLEASE! Je me sens pas capable de revivre le drame de la semaine dernière! It would be great to have forum the spoilers on the sopt is just a kill joy for people who don't like them! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Lol qu'est ce qui t'es arrivé la semaine dernière toi ? Moi j'ai eu le droit à un magnifique "Spoiler : Jenna is a vampire". J'étais dégoûtée xD. over a year ago
Lempicka commented…
Yes but people should not post spoilers ont he main page, it's so unfair for us, they really spoil the fun :/ over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I seriously think that there are Delena trolls trolling in this spot.... Posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
of course there are. Those fucking losers have nothing better to do with their lives. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I don't know what their purpose of coming on here is for. They must feel rather insecure to keep on trolling in the Bamon spot. over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
^ Good said:D Bamon is future w just need to wait patiently :) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Posted an article about Book Bamon. Go check it out if you like... Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
tanto sin escuchar del libro bamon es una lastima que aun no llega a mexico midnight necesito mas sobre mi adorada bonnie del libro y voluble damon over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
great article! over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Going to check :D over a year ago
big smile
kindhiya3 said …
can't wait to see the 21th TVD episode...bonnie's back...and Damon with some issues about the wolf bite i wanna see if Bonnie'll heal him Posted over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
Me too :D I'd like to see it too but don't have much hope for that to happen :( I just hope we will see some Bamon conversation full of chemistry :D over a year ago
aceg said …
We've lost 4 fans today :( Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I don't trust that we have actually lost true fans. I think that they are trolls that are coming on here and messing with us. Real true DB fans don't just add themselves and then leave right away. over a year ago
aceg commented…
Bamonfreak over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
That's a real pity. I'm just glad there are those few fans that are still going strong. over a year ago
Kurenai24 said …
Uhm guys does anybody know what interview it was where julie plec says that Elena will be to Damon what Lexi was to Stefan....
I would definately want to see that interview so I can rejoice some more. Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Really?! She said that?! Well she's not doing such a great job so far...she's ruined him more than any thing! Oh well, we'll see I guess! I don't buy any thing the writers say anymore! Though I LOVE them, I'll believe it when I see it! But like I said, even if the trainwreck called Delena gets together, Bamon buildup and passion will still be UNDENIABLE, and I look forward to it ALL!! over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I'm not buying it. Damon is too obsessed and he's not going to just wake up one morning and be like, "Hey Elena, I didn't really love you just had a bit of an obessesion. You know how it is. Anyway you wanna be BFF's? We can have sleep overs and stay up late and braid the hair of my victims after I drain them..." Yeah I wouldn't count on it. over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I don't think she meant that Elena and Damon would just be BFFs. Come on, it's a triangle. I think she just meant that Elena would help Damon to be a better man/vampire. over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …

Ladies and gentlemen, the epitome of an ultimate loser.... Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
LOL! they seriously don't know how much of a laugh attack they give me! :P over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
iLauren: THANK YOU! Your comment made me go look up the definition and....I'm laughing so hard now... over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I'm telling you guys its the DE laced pot! What other explaination could there be. They are definite on SOMETHING! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
1635! is fanpop pms-ing again :P lol what's up with the numbers going up and down :P Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
I have a feeling it's a bunch of DE trolls coming on here to mess with us... over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
^ lmao! how lame can they get. :P over a year ago
aceg commented…
1634 again. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
muy raro ¿por que baja? over a year ago
elinochka said …
Delena kiss in season finally. *BARFS* Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
*sigh* how do you know it! over a year ago
aceg commented…
I think it is a rumor or spoiler over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 commented…
I want this SO bad its not even funny. I'll be so pissed if they DON'T kiss. Please just let this vomit-inducing shit be real. Pretty please!! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I don't believe L.J. Smith when she said that the book publishers don't like the Bamon connection. I think it's pure and utter nonsense. If the book publishers wanted S/E endgame (in which they were always meant to be and were going to be anyways, it was obvious from the beginning), then what in the hell does the Bamon dynamic/relationship have to do with Stelena? Stelena is going to be endgame anyways and D/B is a completely different, separate pairing than S/E, so I don't believe L.J.... Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
When she said that the book publishers don't like Bonnie and don't like Damon and Bonnie. I think she just told fans that through her emails to make the D/E fans feel better, knowing that they are the most rabid fan base in this entire TVD fandom. I really think she was trying to cover up. I don't believe that the publishers have any problem with Bamon in the books. If they did, then why did L.J. Smith write in her blog after she was fired that the immediate dynamics in the new books would be in favour of the S/E and D/B fan bases? It just doesn't make sense and I have a really hard time believing more then half the things that come from L.J. Smith's mouth (or better yet, her emails to her fans). over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Exactly to me you would think that they would want Bamon considering it would free up Elena for Stefan and Stelena could be endgame. And LJ ranted about the D/B and S/E connections to extreme once the firing surfaced so I don't get either. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
bamon tal vez no les afecta pero si bonnie ya que le roba mucho a elena por que a la mayoria que no es delena no el agrada elena over a year ago
hinata26 said …
Love Bamon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Bamily!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
1636 ;) over a year ago
aceg commented…
@hinata26: what about gelato with choclate biscuit, Italian flavor over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
yep sounds good lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
elena1 said …
I hope that in the next book(phantom) we will have more scenes with Bonnie, Meredith and Matt.
And I want more Bamon and Stelena moments and less Delena, because I hate Delena Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I love Meredith and I was bummed when they didn't cast her for the show. But I hope that we have more Bamon and Meredith in Phantom as well. over a year ago
solangel commented…
when is phantom coming out? over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
espero un chico como el que menciono l.j para bonnie dandole celos a damon over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon said …
OMG I don't know if I should write it on the wall but I just want to share with you what I read in one forum the topic was about last episode :" I think Stelena won't last long because Stefan loves Elena only because she looks like Katherina, but Delena is best choice because Damon loves Elena character and is grateful for all the things she did to him..." There was lot more post like this and I just feel like I'm going insane. *shakeherhead* Srly there were any scene in the show that proves it? Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
WTF? Delena fans are delusional. If anything, IT'S DAMON that's OBSESSED with Elena because she looks like Katherine. Stupid idiots. I don't take anything a Delena fan says seriously, because nothing that comes from them makes any sense. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
LOL., Jazzy!!! 'The Unholy Trio," I LOVE it!!!! Agree with EVERYTHING you three have mentioned!!! LOL, Delena rose glasses and Delena laced pot?! You guys are HILARIOUS!!! You're right though, Delena fans are definitely coo coo for cocoa puffs. Well most of them...:D over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
@BB8fan: Maybe I went a bit extreme but I'm not feeling the Unholy Trinity because I dealt with it enough in the book and frankly it just bores me and makes me hate Elena. I was NEVER drinking DE flavored koolaid so I can't take the rest of it back. LOL! over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I'm hearing some Bamon fans saying that Ian/Nina dating in real life (if it's even true) is going to affect Bamon happening on the show. Um, Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush anyone? It didn't stop Lucas/Peyton from being endgame on OTH. Bamon peeps should just relax. Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
DITTO!!! ;D We've gotta stop getting scared over every little thing, and have FAITH in our ship!!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Lol I don't think the fact they are dating will foreshadow obstcale or impact on the ficitional couple. Fiction and reality are entirely different from each other. Who you date and who you marry is belong to actors' personal life, they don't get in the way of actors' professional career. for example, Anne and Stephan are a couple in real life and play couple onscreen as well. Does this facts held back writer from creation of Eric/Sookie or their steamy scenes. No of course not. So it would be totally unreasoable to assume that Nina dating would create any unfavorable impacts for Bamon. Writer develop write in tune with storyline, not in conjunction with celebrity dating. over a year ago
aceg commented…
@Bamonfreak, Hey welcome back!!! over a year ago
hinata26 said …
1633 !!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
1634 XD over a year ago
Last_kiss_Bamon commented…
:D over a year ago
aceg commented…
1635 over a year ago
big smile
hinata26 said …
“You've spent your whole life running and running, trying to catch up with something that has never been there for you. And all you've done is go farther and farther away from the precious love that's been waiting for you all the time.”

It's so damon . Stop running in a path which isn't for you!!! Bonnie is waiting for ya!!
Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
HELL YEAH!! :D over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Thanx BB8fan!! XD over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
No prob, girl! ;D over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
I found this on a site:

Dear cyber-bullies,

I wonder how big and tough you are without your computer to hide behind?

Sincerely, come at me bro.

LOL! this is for all the bamon haters! Posted over a year ago
beepo123 commented…
lmao, love this over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
TWO great lines!!! Wow Wahinetoa and SalvatoreBro, you guys are on a roll!!! LOVE these!! People really DO need to respect OPINIONS more!!! We don't all think alike!! :) over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
@Wahinetetoa: LMAO that is priceless!! :P over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 said …
When Klaus finds out that Bonnie is still alive do you think that he'll want to recruit her? He does "collect witches" so to speak and her being alive would be a testimant to her power. And it would make sense if the show did go dark next season. Just wondering what you guys think. I don't think that Bonnie will go willingly but maybe if he bargained with Elena's life.... I wonder what Damon would do if his little witch went dark. Posted over a year ago
NaeNae1495 commented…
That would be an awesome storyline for Season 3. Damon would probably get more concerned about her then because she is a Bennett witch one of the most powerful and being with Klau would be dark. I know, I want Season 3 to go dark too. It would be awesome for Bonnie to like mess around with dark magic next season. Depending on how this season ends, her psyche could be so messed up sh thinks she needs it to get stronger faster or something. over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I was thinking the same thing about her wanting to get stronger faster and feeling inadequate. I'm not sure that she realizes that alot of it comes from her inexperience than a lack of power. And I could totally see Klaus playing mindgames with her since he is going to stick around. over a year ago
hinata26 said …
When I said katherine is the past Elena the present and Bonnie the futur I really mean it. I'm really surprise about the pessimism of some Bamontors. Yes we must past hell to go to heaven but that's it.
We might not get Bamon now but I think it's for the best. At this point I don't think a Bamon being woul be that great. They have issues to solves before they find their way to each other. I'm glad that will be the one who will teach me how to love for really. This will make their relationship Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
More special!!!! Have faith ladies!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'm with you, Hinata!! And like you said, Bamon right now would be bad. In fact I feel it'd be HORRIBLE!!! Bamon now would end in heartbreak for Bonnie, because he can't fully give himself over to her until he feeds his Elena obsession!! Sadly enough, Bamon needs to take a backseat, continue their awesome buildup, while Damon gets over Elena! This is whats best!!! But once Damon's finally experienced and satisfied his curiosity and obsession for Dopple, Bamon is ON!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
You got it sista LOL!!! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
When (Please Lord let it happen!!!) Bonnie saves/heals Damon, she HAS to point out that it's the SECOND time she's done so!!! Back to back season finales of her saving his butt, please!! Bonnie: Let's not make a habit out of this, alright Dracula? :D Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Lol! I hope that she does save his but cause then he would REALLY owe her and I would love to see her cash in as well. LOL over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
YES!!! Damon in debt to Bonnie, wonder how she would collect the debt?? GREAT though, Jazzy!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
Damon repay "debt" by offering his "closeness' to her when two of them end up in some old creepy house and Bonnie shows feeling of uneasiness and Damon wrap his arms around her as to comfort her and her head is on his chest, then one thing lead to another... over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Ooooh, Ace!!! :D I'm liking this!!!! I think you've started something! Anyone else want to add to their fantasy for Damon's payup?! ;D over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
BAMON BAMON BAMON BAMON! I will always be a fan and no "Bamon Healer" can change that. <3 Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
xD I think I know what you mean, she can be annoying with her Bamon ''healing'' quotes. :) over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
Like another person previously posted, there's supposedly a lot of Damon scenes in Phantom. I really hope there are more Bamon scenes also. But again, my hope for Bamon in the books is really high, I mean L.J. did mention that the dynamics in Phantom onwards are in S/E and D/B's favour. I just hope there's lots of Bamon moments in Phantom. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Amen :) over a year ago
crazysoul commented…
Holy crap there's another book coming out? Is L.J Smith going to be the writer or some ghost writer? over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
xD over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Just got done randomly looking at some season 1 clips, and I MUST say Elena was SOOOO much more likeable back then!!! :( I STILL like her, she's just made a maddening habit of frequently annoying me this season! :D Miss OLD Elena!!! :( Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Ditto. over a year ago
crazysoul commented…
Hah me too! Back then she wasn't that much a pain and her voice is getting on my nerves lol I don't know why. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Her voice DOES sound different now!!! SO weird!!! I'm starting to think the brother's make her less likeable! She should just be with Matt! Solve Caroline's dilemma, and be with Matt! Lol. Just kidding!! ;) over a year ago
crazysoul commented…
^Hmmm Elena & Matt was ort of enjoyable to watch way better than the Stelena relationship but I don't know anymore there's just too many crap occuring at once and the writers need to get their heads out of cloud 9 and start explaining the storyline better. For instance Bonnie? Does she even have a home? Parents? Siblings? A dog? I mean come on these questions need to be answered now! over a year ago
samjhart said …
Is it strange, that I'm sad that Bamon is losing in a fave couple pick on the Bonnie spot? Posted over a year ago
crazysoul commented…
It is sad but I no longer worry about the polls anymore because the other ships cheat by mkaing numerous accounts on here. it's extremely shallow that they would stoop to that level! over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Trolls... over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Argh, I've already voted a few days ago... over a year ago
Kurenai24 said …
I just wrote the longest post on tumblr about season 3 and Delena in season 3...wow who knew I had that much of TVD on the brain. Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Yea, I saw it and all I can say is ROCK ON. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Ugh, another reason why I'm so unsure about Bamon on the show is because of the obstacle that is Delena. It's not just Damon's behaviour that's a possible setback for Bamon getting closer on the show but also the dragged on and also, tedious "build-up" (which I find just plain annoying in the first place) of Delena, no, I'm sorry, DULLENA. The writers/show have been building up this ill-fated ship since Season 1 and you're telling me that they haven't gotten on with this storyline yet? Geez show, just let them kiss, get it on or whatever, and let's move on to bigger and better things (such as redeeming Damon's character and exploring Stefan and Bonnie's characters!). over a year ago
Kurenai24 commented…
Agreed! this is why I said in my article people will be highly disapointed when delena happens b/c it won't live up to the hype over a year ago
ApplePie88 said …
I don't care what anyone says, I think L.J. Smith is the ghostwriter. I really don't and never will believe her firing. Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Anything is a possibility, but i'm going to wait for the book after Phantom to make my decision. over a year ago
kivajayelle commented…
She most likely is, but grew tired of the threats from so-called 'fans'. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
^ Totally. I just find it fishy that she gets fired right before Midnight is basically released. over a year ago
kivajayelle commented…
It doesn't pass my sniff test either! over a year ago
monny1emano said …
Do you guys think we'll hit 2000 before season 3?(: Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Absolutely :) over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Definitely! We've grown so much already. over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Possibly. over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Yes!! over a year ago
skysamuelle said …
Can I say I love this fic?
link Posted over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Thats reason enough for me to tackle it. ;) over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
and if you need another reason, the fic is about Damon having Elena but realizing that he has always wanted Bonnie, years after he and bonnie became friends ;) it's written very cleverly over a year ago
BB8fan said …
1630!!!! Can I get a BOOOOYAH?!?! :D Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Welcome to the bamily new member! ;D over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
:D :D it's so good ! Welcome to the news bamon fans ! over a year ago
aceg commented…
down to 1629 over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
And right back UP to 1630!!! ;D over a year ago
nansoula said …
1629 wow that meter better be working properly!!! Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Hey. Hey amazing!!!! over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Every time the number goes up so does my mood! LOL! XD over a year ago
elena1 said …
I read in the guestbook11 of the lj smith blog that in the phantom book we will have a lot of Damon scenes Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
Bamon or Damon? We always had alot of Damon scenes lol over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Damon lj say damon because a fan of Damon is worried that after his death Damon isn't in phantom over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
Meh, just Damon though? I want more Bamon scenes. And how would she even know that if she isn't writing the books anymore? :X over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Me too I want more Bamon scenes and I believe that lj smith is in touch with the gost writer over a year ago
samjhart said …
Could everyone stop putting up polls/picks etc that are not in some way related to Bamon directly? For e.g...just Damon OR just Bonnie picks do not belong here. Thnx Posted over a year ago