Damon & Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 341-350 of 8919

Jolie-Monster said …
I'm back yawl! What I miss?? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Hello darling!! Did you see the new pics (Official s4 poster of Kat - so beautiful!) and one that is possibly Kian. <3 over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
**GASP** I don't believe I have! **runs to check it out** over a year ago
katesbon said …
i had interesting chat wit my cusin.she loves tvd so much and i was waithing for her to spill out her love for damon,then bam " i hate him so much, He is not hot " i was so surprised and ask her ship then she said"well idc but stefan should be wit whoever makes him happy.my girl bon should be wit an wesome guy cos she deserve it other than that too much triangel and feelings will ruin the show" i was like ok then Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe. It's not often you hear that about Damon from the fangirls, but it's both amusing, refreshing and yeh, *highfives* sexy as sin to find a young woman who knows Damon loses his hotness with his selfishness. LOVE her already. :) You too, miss katesbon! <3 over a year ago
katesbon commented…
love u too gurl:). she still amazes me cos every time she sees him in a screen she goes arghhh! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
haha she's just like me. I also have my own arghDamon thing. :D but if he's with Bonnie he became Mr HotandCute immediately over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Lesson I learnt recently: Update your browser if you can, or use the old one in compatbility mode, 'cause mine knocked me off here for three days!! :(

Truth discovered: I'm hooked on this ship/people/lovedivas 24/7. <33 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
No regrets! over a year ago
katesbon commented…
we all are hooked hun. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*smooches happily* VIVA LA REVOLUTION! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Taking On Water has been updated! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*MUAH!* You're a goddess of Bamon writing love.. <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Dormiente has been updated !link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*sobs and clings to you* OMGosh.. did you read it bb? *clings harder* All.the.feels! What did you think happened? over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I read it, too. My sister read it too and we really can't decide what had happened. It was really out of blue. What do you think? over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Me too at the end I cry over a year ago
Brylannie said …
We're trending 'Let Damon be Bonnie's First' (09-8-12) at 2pm EST 1 pm CST 11am PST 12pm MST 6pm GMT & 7pm London Time! Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
help trend now because I am jailed :( over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm not on twitter, but BAMONLOVE sent always. <333 over a year ago
katesbon said …
Hello theee lovelies .do u guys heard any spoilers about bamon . Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Nope, just that they'll be going to the University campus where Grams was a professor, with the vampirelena. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
and from some spoilers Delena make out like in 3x19 and JP say that Elena will be OOC over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Phoenix Rises has been updated. GREAT STORY! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*runs in to read b4 bed* Thanks bb! over a year ago
YumYumBamon said …
So I was on TVD fourms and someone said that Bonnie had more development then Caroline. All I could think was where the hell was I when that happened . I mean I love Caroline but she is way more developed than Bonnie plot wise... or is that just me lol Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Everybody knows Bonnie & Matt are the least developed characters on the show. That person was misinformed. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. They must be on the same drugs as JPs statements promising 'front and center' Totally agree with both of you. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update: Taking on Water
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
OMGosh.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT!! 5th of September. Have a beautiful, fun-filled lovely day sweet Ms.Graham. We love you!! Posted over a year ago
katesbon said …
Guys did u see the new promo ?omg its aqesome bon is all martyre to save elena by dying and goin to z other side to bring her back ?idk if she is gonna be the same bon .she was bleeeing and jer was all no. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah, I heard Bonnie will have a tough time w/ magic & spirits this season. Joshua Butler said she will be getting a lot of scenes. I hope thst's true. I hear the professor will be her new luv interest too. Hope we like him for her. I think things are looking up for Bonnie ( at least regarding more screen time) but we'll see. So far I'm happy the writers keep talking about her. Maybe this time she'll get some shine! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Fic: The Witch and the Vampire
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: What Lies Beneath
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Dormiente is updated! link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY!!! Just seen it,it is truly a gorgeous romantic prose. thanks SanjaTanja <33 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You're welcome. <3 <3 <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
SPOILER! Though we won't see the Mystic Falls gang celebrate Halloween this year, we'll definitely get into the spooky spirit of the holiday. Damon, Elena,and Bonnie will visit the nearby college where Bonnie's Grams used to teach -- and, yes, where Aunt Jenna was working on her degree. While on campus, they all get invited to a fraternity's annual "Murder House" party, where revelers dress up as their favorite murder victim or murderer. (The Ripper of Monterey, anyone?) Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
(link over a year ago
elena1 commented…
this episode(404)would be also the episode where dullena make out like ep 3x19 and like that episode dullena make out when they go outside MF and Stefan remains in MF over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Gotta say look forward to seeing Bonnie getting to know her Grams influence and maybe find a future career in her footsteps? I don't know about elena around humans, or them making out. She's betraying stefan yet again? Argh. Only heroine with integrity, class and backbone on that show is Bonnie. <3 over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
Bonnie <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated: New found Romantic fic by yumyumbamon! <3
link Posted over a year ago
YumYumBamon commented…
Aww... Thanks for showing the love Wahinetoa ;D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
You're very welcome bb. It's a fab story! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC: new one
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Not exactly Bamon/Kian however Kat posted this pic (apparently) of her, JoMo/SebRoche/NateBuzolic
link Posted over a year ago
Randi527 commented…
I'm so glad Kat was the only girl there, and to not have to see Klaroline pushed down our throats... however I'm sure that will come soon at other events when Candice and JoMo are together... Ugh! :( Anyway JoMo in that pic looks like, "damn I wanted to be next to Kat." Lol... I was really hoping for them to take pics together. But oh well, I guess. Hopefully he tweets her on her birthday something really sweet. I would die... ;) over a year ago
YumYumBamon commented…
Kat looks amazing in that picture( I mean they all do lol) It's always nice to see her hanging out with other members of the cast... is it me or does it seem so rare to see pictures like that up of her? over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Updated Fic: Neglected Space
link Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE YOU GINBELL84!!! over a year ago
Saku15 said …
I got my die-hard medal! I'm so happy! Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Congratulation!! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Grautlálok!!! Mostmár 'hivatalosan' is megszállott vagy!! :D <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Congratulations!!! over a year ago
Saku15 commented…
Thank you so much, girls! I can't wait for season 4! I really miss Bamon!!! I watch DB scenes on You Tube all the time! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
We all have different OTPs, but in the end, we are all nice and respectful towards one another. We quite literally pair her with ALL things, and we’re FINE. We’re basically chilling on BB Island, and no f***s are given.Whether you ship Bamon, Kennett, Stefonnie, Klonnie, Bonlijah, Baroline, or anything else (even crossovers— hello, Berek!) we all get along. & that’s fantastic.But above all—we ALL ship Bonnie with DEVELOPMENT, and we all just want the best for HER. Posted over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Amen! I couldn't agree more! We all just want our girl to be with someone that will love her and see what an incredible girl we all see her as! over a year ago
aceg commented…
well I honestly believe that Bonnie need someone who will love her for her. It doesn't have to be Damon (because clearly they are underveloped so far) just a great guy.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Moonlightroxe16 & @aceg - Amen to both! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
So after having a manky covo about my favorite soap couple Jasam being destroyed thanks to bloody Renron I had to find out about Bon Bon manky's pappi coming over? Is it true? I mean it looks this way but Im now offically scared becuz we all saw what JP flippin did to Bon's mum. OTHO: I had a nice ending scene for Bamon that Im writing. Posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
You're going to hate for this but...I LOVE McBAM, lol. I've been enjoying Sam and John's scenes from the beginning of this year and I cannot get enough. I know we have some Jasam and Jolie fans here and I feel for ya, but c'mon, Jason is like a cyborg. All he does is blink yes or no before disappearing into Sonny's collective hive, but nevermind about him (I know that' over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
...woops....got caught off. What I meant to say was (....that's a sore point for Jasam fans). Look, John's arrival has accentuated Sam's personality/charisma. He's made me care about a character I hadn't looked at twice, and I am loving it. So, while I understand the sheer frustration of watching Jasam go bust, I do have to admit that as a fan of GH, I am grateful for it. I finally got a couple I love to watch, and it's McBAM. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Ugh I cant hate ya ducky but Mcbam fans on boardsoapcentral are rude. Gues what MA is coming lol. Wahinetoa yep unfourntaly lol. I hope Bon Bon Ice Elames butt. Im coming home mates. miss ya. over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
I'm dreaming of the day that Damon and Bonnie kiss <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Dormiente updated
link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I was about to write the same thing. Thank you! :* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
(((huggles tightly))) Love ya Sanja!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Love you , too Wahinetoa! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: New one
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Think Twice Updated
link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Just wanna say that I'm proud of all the Bamon trends lately lol. Love ya'll! Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
AND THE LIGHTNIN' STRIKES is updated. :) link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It is a wonderful update, thankyou bb for posting! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You' re welcome! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Hi. :d How are you? :) I found on fanfiction a new story called Differences, written by Lapis Love. Here is a link: link. IT'S A GREAT STORY! Posted over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
Ty for following me :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You' re welcome. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Lovely, how's all my bamon honeys? Thanks bb for the new story too. <3 over a year ago
chi_chi09 said …
Hey tvd and bamon lovers I'm a huge bamon fan etc so I would love it if you can support my tumblr blog which is about bamon and other things please support it by following... Would mean alot especially from u guys. Thnx! My blog is chrissy02.tumblr.com. Check it out if u like plz follow :) Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
hey I need help with my blog on tumblr get at meh mate. Cheers. over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
What is Your tumblr blog name over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Dormiente is updated. link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*melts into a puddle* I'm weeping with the beauty of it all - just overwhelmed by the poetry of her writing. Stunning!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou darlin' SanjaTanja, LOVE you! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Femme fatale was updated link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks Sanja, you're a star! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You're welcome Wahinetoa! Thank you. :) <3 over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
BAMON <3 Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
My sister told me that a TVD fan tweeted a racist comment to JP about Bonnie or Bamon. JP was so upset that she ranted about racism/bullying on her twitter page. Check it out. I just read it. I know we often get frustrated with Julie but I'm proud of her for addressing the issue rather than ignoring it. The nerve of some ppl!! Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
:O What did that idiot say ? I read Julie's response; finally she see clearly now and maybe she will treat Bonnie better. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
link check this out and retweet if you're agree over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Well done her for addressing the issue. Any sort of racism is disgusting! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic: Think Twice updated
link Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Love this fanfic! One of the best I have read, alongside power of three, but that does not get updated a lot, but have a read. Both enjoyable:) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Firstly, LOVE Stormy.. needs to be a mentor to our Bonnie. 2nd - there are some gorgeous writers for our Bonnie! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
"Dormiente "is updated
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE you! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
Thank you, I loved it!! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
You' re welcome. <3 over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
I Love Bamon Fans you Guys Think beyond what is Front of you , you see past the BS in TVD ,You Can see thing from every Side and give Great Analysis about TVD , You know what a Good Story is , You guys are Just awesome Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
And we LOVE you back, ginbell. <3<3<3<3 over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
Bamon Guide to Shipping link Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
Don't forget in 30 min Bamon sex!!! Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
And 1 hour after Bamon Trend we want trend Kat Graham is Flawless Posted over a year ago
big smile
SanjaTanja said …
Bamon Sex for a WWTT tomorrow at 2pm EST, 1 pm CST, 11am PST, 12pm MST, 6pm GMT & 7pm London Time! RT . Help us. :D Posted over a year ago
YourExWife said …
we're trending Team Bamon in 50 mins <:D get your party hats Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
The trend of Today is not Bamon Nation but Team Bamon and it's at 8.pm Italy, France, Germany Hour and 7 p.m UK Hour Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …

Here's a Bamon poll my sweet BamonArmy. Make your pick and leave a comment! ;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC:updated: Think Twice
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Hello my gorgeous divas! How's everyone this rainy Monday? Behavin' yourselves? ;) Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I can't wait to see Bonnie and Damon together working on the VampireElena thing. Doesn't matter the cause if we get Bamon scenes! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too. I'd love if for a change Damon and Bonnie will be working on Damon and Bonnie ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Bamon dream: sorta. AU. Abby took bon with her away from Mystic & a prophecy making bon the most pwrful witch ever. When abby dies, she inherits her mums powers & the urge to seek her family out in Mystic. Driving in she's hit by stefans racing with Tyler & tells him off. He's smitten. At her Grams she's met by Elijah who tries to wrangle her awakening powers, escaping him she discovers Damon partially owns the house, and for her to get it back he offers her a wicked deal with the devil. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Bamon trended ( yay!) but DE'rs trended Bamon hate after. The only way we can come out on top is if we keep trending! Let's not give up & keep doing it. I love trending. It's a good way to show our love & support for Bamon & if we keep doing it, it'll be to the point where we can't be ignored anymore. So yeah, I think trending is important. Shout out to all the bamonators who made it happen. We are a bamily...and ARMY lol. Looking forward to the Monday trend. Luv u guys! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*shakes head grinning* You know that it shows how insecure they are when they're intimidated by lill'sweet us, right? ;) Best ego boost for our side than anything they could ever do. BRAVO BBs! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
And then they wonder why there is no peace in the fandom? Child please! If you Bonnie fans have a twitter then find me! @ItsJolieMonster. I add back!! ;) over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
congratulation Bamonators!! ;D Seriously? They trended BAMON HATE? haha that's pathetic. You're right NakedBarbie. We are an ARMY. And belive me the Bamon army much stronger than the Delena puppys... over a year ago
elena1 said …
Monday it will be an other Bamon Trend on twitter"Bamon Nation" Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I was about to post it when I saw you did it. Thanks. Do you know when it will be trended? over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me encantan estos movimientos over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
If I can at the hour given, then I'm down for the cause!! over a year ago
YourExWife said …
"It's a Bamon thing" is gonna try and trend at half past :) hehehehee SPONTANEOUS <3 Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
It trended! over a year ago
YourExWife commented…
Wahinetoa commented…
Just seen it.. omgoodness way to go you lovely divas!!!!!! More Bonnie/Bamon. <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Everyone in 30 mins help to trend " It's a Bamon thing " spread the word :) Posted over a year ago
Brylannie said …
For all those unaware, I know it's last minute, but the Bamon Twitter nation will be trending It's a Bamon thing half past, which will be 5:30 pm today us time if anyone gets this late and Bamon nation on monday. Haven't decided a time for the monday one yet. Check back with me here or twitter for news. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*Flys the Bamon Nation banner with pride* May not be on Twitter, but dang sure, I'll be singing the anthem with all ya in sweet harmony. Rock on bbs! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
The Legacy of the Bennett witches, imagine the courage in the face of overwhelming injustice - not just keeping the balance between supernaturals but dealing with civilwar, the brutality of that era too - to stand and change it for the better? Save lives and do so, when they are hunted by all sides. I hope we learn about that legacy in s4 - that Bonnie knows how vital her place in Mystic heroes is.

Let Damon or Elijah be the one to reveal it. They owe her. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update:Everlasting
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update: Dormiente
link Posted over a year ago
rosaire2611 said …
heyy bamon fans !! :) i thought u guys wanna know that there were sighting of ian, nina and kat shooting ! :D i am not a bamon fan but i thought u might want to know :) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Wow, that's great and so sweet of you to let us know! :)) THANKYOU! xxxx over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
Thanks! :3 over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
So nice of you to share with us!! Thanks! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC updated: Dormiente
One of the most beautiful chapters written... go and be charmed. :) Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
We love Kat Graham trended worldwide. Kat posted it on her twitter page. Yay, we should come together & trend something Bonnie, Kat or Bamon related more often. It shows our fandom exists too! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YES!!!!! That is gorgeous beyond words. Thanks Naked and all the fans for the joyful BonKatLove! over a year ago
elena1 said …
Trend on Twitter We Love Kat Graham at 6:00 p.m Italy, Spain, France, Germany Hour and 5:00 p.m UK hour Posted over a year ago
Viky11 said …

Oh, my heart!! check this out!!! :o *-* Please somebody upload them!!!! Posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
It's hot! I love it. I wonder if it's real! over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
It's not real but a very good manip. This is a real ARTWORK! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh.my.goodness!! That is so HOT. Wish it was real, but I can wait till it is. <3 lovelovelove thankyou Viky11. <3 over a year ago
terabac1 said …
HELP! Bonnie is loosing :(
I know this is not Bonnie's spot, but I think you all love her as much as i do.


Please, vote for her . Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
I voted. That's so sad they still hate her. :( I read this nonsense comment : 'Can't stand Bonnie. I liked her in the first season, now she thinks way to highly of herself. And she is so not a good friend. She turns on Caroline because she was turned into a vampire. even though it was her fault that she was turned. She made Damon give her blood to heal her. and now that Elena is going to turn Bonnie wants her to just die. Julie Plec said so in an interview. So I don't like her at all. ' What??? She's not a good friend?? She is too good friend I mean she is highly over the normal best friend status. I'll be so happy if that thing about she wants Elena death is true. :D over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
just voted and post it to tumblr Viky11 I think that sad Trick made that up about the JP interview over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
What I don't like is... Bonnit haters pretend Elena doesn't have flaws herself! I mean, I love both Elena and Bonnie, but c'mon... over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
"Vampire Diaries Wiki ‏@TVD_Wiki

Tomorrow guys we trend 'We Love Kat Graham' 9 AM PST 11 AM CST 4 PM BST 6 PM CET Spread the word if you would like to see it trend! " Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I'm down! over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Daily reminder that Ian Somerhalder once said in an interview that Damon & Bonnie have a connection. And then he added that she's hot, of course. He always says that about Bonnie/Kat. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
That's right ;) over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
yesss <3 over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
Who wouldn't say that? [= over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
we are TT on Twitter We Love Kat Graham' tomorrow guys Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
There is no easier way for Bamon. Every moment is hard fought for & won. It has taken immense effort, steadfast courage & grace to be vigilant for three years, let alone against an impossible tide of negativity & hate. But we have survived it, surpassed it all & there is no regret.
More than the characters we ship our Bamily are people I've come to love, trust & be proud to count myself among. Shows may end, actors get old, hopefully some writers get sacked, but you girls are the WIN. Love ya! Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
We love you too Wahinetoa! Love your powerful words. Bamon & Bamily 4ever! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Woot woot! It's a Bamon thang! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster said …
It's a shame these regular Bonnie Bennett pages dont have 700 fans between them! If you're a fan of Ms. Badass herself then become a fan! Bennett Pride folks!

link AND link Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
listo!! ella merece muchos mas seguidores over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
^^ Right on! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
I asked Vampire Diaries Wiki ‏@TVD_Wiki to help us trend sth for Bonnie tomorrow or the next day. They'll help but we should be organized. So what do you think? Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Good idea! Let's trend Bonnie or Bamon MORE OFTEN. I'll do that shit every day or every week, idc. That's how much I believe in our cause LMFAO. over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I think we should do something for Bonnie because there a lot of trends for Paul, Ian, Nina and others and our Kat deserves to have trends at least once a week. :D over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
"Vampire Diaries Wiki ‏@TVD_Wiki What's everybody think about a 'We Love Kat Graham' trend? Tomorrow?" So, what do you think? over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
That's 10 am for me! :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Updated: Think Twice
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
ReminderFIC: Undisclosed.
(reposted and edited)
link Posted over a year ago
elena1 said …
What Lies Beneath Fanfiction is update with chapter 53 Bamon Fans read this fanfiction because it's amazing and I advise also "Turning Tables" of venusnv80 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FIC update: Witch and the Vampire Chronicles
link Posted over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
we have to try not to lose hope with bamon, they do exist, what happens is that the writers do not want to realize, you just have to see the chemistry between them.

Let's keep fighting for bamon Posted over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
I'm trying not lose hope... but i just feel as if Julie Plec won't give us Bamon. I honestly feel as though she really doesn't care for the Bamon fan-base. over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
If ya'll have twitter accounts then politely tweet her & Kevin about Bonnie or Bamon. Stelena & Delena fans are very expressive on twitter. We should get just as loud! As long as we stay polite * altho it's hard sometimes lol* we should just go for it. over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
if there's a entire book with Bonnies P.O.V. then how come is so hard for JP to give just a decent time on the screen, i mean come on, if she can't figure something new hen just follow the books instead of making new, i now a lot that read the books, they don't like the tv-series because they don't think is the same!
i think JP needs to realize that she can NOT just create a character that does nothing but help the main characters without giving her a story and enough screentime! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FicUpdated: Devil within
link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Lol, I just texted my friend, asking how her date went. She replied: Great, anyway. I wanna tweet Julie & ask if Damon & Bonnie will get more scenes this season... That made me lol cuz she had Bamon on the brain, not her date. She has a good point though. We should ask JP via twitter if Bamon will at least get more scenes in S4. I know she doesn't usually answer Bamonators but it wouldn't hurt to try. Plus, that's a good/valid question. Posted over a year ago
kalpana24 commented…
Good idea i think we should try this !!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
That is so cool!! The bloke never had a chance - when Bamon sexy is callin'. hehe. Great idea btw! over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
yess!!! over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
All these New People on TVD I just want Good Stories for all the People that have been on the show like Bonnie ,Matt,Tyler They are who I care about Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema commented…
yeah, with so many new people is going to be all about them, where are they from and why are they in mystic falls, i hope they don't get a bigger role than Bonnie! but is those characters also in the books? or is it persons JP just want in? over a year ago
elena1 commented…
And I bet that those new people(April, Connor,Haley)will have more screentime and storylines than Bonnie, that she will only used to make spells to save Elena over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
I am so tired of how the writers are trying to bonnie's character, the truth is that writers give much embarrassment over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Shall we trend something for Bonnie? In the past few days there were a lot of WWTs for Ian, Paul and even today there was a WWT for Phoebe Tonkin who is going to join TVD cast. What do you think? Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
I'm down! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Yeah we should definitely trend something for Bonnie. Like seriously. We need to let it be known that she's a loved character too. over a year ago
elena1 commented…
@SanjaTanja Now I follow you on twitter I'm @eleitaliana over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update: Lightnin' Strikes (You're gonna love this chapter...)
link Posted over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
ooohh...I'm all over it! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
The best chapter! And THE KISS! I need reread this chapter again. And exactly like that should be their first kiss. :D I know I sound silly. :D over a year ago
soniabamon29 said …
Team Bamon forever!!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
WORD!!! over a year ago
chi_chi09 commented…
to ur mother over a year ago
yazzyhunny said …
Kat Graham fans! If you want to help to make a gift for Kat's birthday contact @KatGraham_Spain on twitter. Deadline is this week! The more fans helping the better! Pass this on to other Kat fans please <3 Posted over a year ago
yazzyhunny commented…
(Just ask her if you can help with Kat's birthday gift) over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Not on Twitter.. but sending good vibes and well wishes any way. Do we have a snailmail addy to send another way? over a year ago
yazzyhunny commented…
If any of you guys don't have twitter her email is... katgraham98@hotmail.com over a year ago
YumYumBamon said …
I just have to say that being somewhat new to this spot it feels my heart with joy to see more people joining this spot. People are slowly coming aournd to the idea of these to and I love it... let's keep it up :D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
A warm bamon/bonnie/kat welcome to you then, and YAY! loving the love that we're getting as well. After three years of fighting, struggle and vigilance - having good folk like you, and the rest of the girls here - it's reward pure and sweetest of all. <33 over a year ago
Viky11 said …
I love it!!


I don't know how to download them. :/ Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks so much for the link - the gifs and the tumblr are great. Bookmarking! *smoochies you* over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Fic Update: Think Twice
link Posted over a year ago
Louiseneema said …
Just read that Bonnie will get a new love interest in season 4, and then i immediately thought it's gonna be him the new vampire hunter, because he's black, and they both hate vampires, i know Bonnie don't hate vampire, but she don't love them either! just hoping that it's gonna be hot otherwise i'm gonna stop watching the show, is all about the triangle, i wanna see some more Bonnie! and it woulsn't heard if it was with damon.... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Julie - argh. Is that the same hunter that is the professor too? The Alaric-replacement. Well, hopefully he'll protect her, since her other friends can't give a damn and expect her to be at their beck and call. Bring on Judgey - vampire slayer, and let every man get on their knees to worship their Queen! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
I think that the hunter and the professor are two different people and the professor will arrive in the second half of the season, so I read on Tumblr and twitter over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
I'd rather she fall for the hunter Connor instead of the professor becuz the professor * just that word alone* makes him seem old. I just picture an older man with a suit lol. Anyway, Connor ( played by Todd Williams) is HOT! U guys should google him. Total eyecandy. He looks like a male model. Ian, Paul & JoMo have major competition this season. over a year ago
soniabamon29 commented…
once again this season will be the major victim elena is not so difficult that writers comienzen to give more prominence to bonnie, which is a much more interesting than Elena. over a year ago
elena1 said …
I make an artice about the next book"The Destiny Rising" Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
crei que seria mas bamon pero por lo que veo sera elena, elena y mas elena "estoy tan triste" y me encantaría leer un articulo sobre el libro over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou elena1!! over a year ago
elena1 commented…
you're welcome @Wahinetoa over a year ago
Jolie-Monster said …
Waiting on Elena to finally chose Damon (and shit on his heart) so that we can move on from this completely redundant plotline. Tired of her indecisive butt dragging the brothers and the show down with her. Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Furthermore, can Bonnie get laid, soon? Not by Jeremy the cheater or her ‘not-really’ stepbrother. I’m talking 100% smoken sex god! Supernatural sex that makes Bonnie yearn for a cigarette and a nap! Vampire/ witch sex that short circuits my flat screen! It’s all I want for Christmas, darn it! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
@ Jolie-Monster....U made me laugh until I cried. over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
lmao... glad to be of service! ;) over a year ago
HindEssa said …
My video is uploaded on YouTube! Please comment what you think! Thank. Link: link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks darling! over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
You're welcome!<3 over a year ago
HindEssa said …
Okay guys, I'm done with my Bamon video, and it's rendering now. The rendering wil be done in 1 hour and 55 minutes. It better be worth it lol. The preview was lagging afer I added some effects, so I couldn't see how it turned out 100%, but well, I did my best. :) I'll put in a link when I've uploaded it YouTube. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
thanks, can't wait!! I bet its awesome!!! :)) over a year ago
Brylannie said …
Excuse me, I just created two new spots and am trying to add screenscraps to them, but can't seem to figure out how. Can anyone help me? I don't see the add screen scraps option. Posted over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
hmm...I'm not the best at that kind of stuff...I hope you figured it out ok? over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Those Bamon shirts are cute, especially the one with the pic of them dancing. BB8fan is on point! She's so dedicated to the Bamon cause lol. Love it. Posted over a year ago
Brylannie commented…
Are the shirts forreal because I'd order one... and wear it, LOL. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks a lot for the kind words, NB!! :D You're the best! The Bamon FAMILY is the absolute BEST, honestly! SOOO many Bamonators are dedicated to the cause, and SO creative! :D And Brylannie, I'm working towards making the short a reality! I REALLY wanna do it! But they're expensive to order, unless you order a bunch at once! I'm trying to get at LEAST 35 people to commit to buying, before I go ahead and put the order in! A LOT of money to be spending without any guaranteed sales! D: Hopefully i start getting feedback from Bamonators! ;) over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Maybe u can look for their contact info on the CW site? Or tweet one of the writers & ask for CW contact info but I'm sure if u wanna e-mail or send a letter, it'll be on their site about how to do so. Good luck! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
ATTN: Artists and clever talented souls.
Did you lovely lasses see Kats new pics? Dark Bonnieish - guh, why is she so flawlessly gorgeous?
link Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
OMG thanks Wahinetoa for the link. She's so hot with that red lipstick!! I love that picture *-* over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
se ve bellisima over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Viky @veronicaaa - You're both welcome, bbs. <3 over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I know this isn't Bamon-related but today is my birthday. I'm finna get drunk & party! I'm hyped! LOL Posted over a year ago
4BonnieandDamon commented…
Happy Birthday!!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Happy Birthday!!!! Have the time of your life!! But don't get trashed! After all, you do want to remember it all, right? Lol! Be safe, and have an AMAZING Birthday!! :D over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
Happy Late B-day I hope you had lots of Fun over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Hey guys!! I'm back to the spot for a hot second!! To say, 1, I miss you guys like CRAZY!! I hope everything's going WONDERFULLY!! And 2, I REALLY need your help with something!!! I'm working on getting some "Team Bamon" t-shirts out and for sale! I'm SO excited at the prospect of having NICE Bamon apparel out for myself and others! PROBLEM is, the t-shirts are really expensive to order unless I order a lot! At least 35! And it's too much money to be spending without GUARANTEED buyers! So Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'm coming on here to see if anyone is even INTERESTED!!! Please comment under this wall post or message me, SOMETHING, to get in touch with me and let me know if you are!! I'm SOOO excited about this!! I've created 2 designs! I want you to vote or comment under the one you like best! :D The one with the picture would be sold for 17, because the picture makes it more expensive! :( But the one without the image would be sold for $15! I appreciate your feedback like you wouldn't BELIEVE!! :D THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
BB8fan hiiii I miss u!!! Remember me? Yo, I swear to everything...I was just thinking about u today. I was thinking, damn when is she coming back? Real talk! You came back on time for my b-day. I'm even happier now lol!! over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Bamon first kiss? That's enough to keep me happy for a long ass time, lol! May that come true! over a year ago
YumYumBamon said …
So Destiny Rising came out and i was reading some reviews and maybe I'm just late to the game but L.J.Smith was fired. A fan posted as review with a lettler she wrote to fans here's the link ...link

If this is true I don't know if I want to even read the book now :( Posted over a year ago
elena1 commented…
yes she has fired her last book was Midnight, The Hunters Trilogy(Phantom, Moonsong and DestinyRising) are written by a ghost writer like the Stefan's Diaries, but the cover have the Lisa Jane Smith name in it over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
me encantaria saber que les pareció el libro y si hay bamon over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
FicUpdate: Think Twice
link Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Good morgan mates while meh been away with moving around and doing school work. Meh have decided to join a swim team lol and compete for the Team USA (can not ship meh manky home land anymore) for the Olympics. Also Heartkiller, Wanna say, and Put your graffite on meh is back onto my laptop but can only play when internet is plugged on, meh do not have any internet yet. Will get meh some soon. Just wandering vicky meh need help again "How to get the clips I want?" love you all. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Goodmorning! Sounds as if you have been busy, hope you get time for a rest and a cuppa. :) Yay, swim team! If there was an Olympics for girls who do bug all but watch the telly and eat chocolate, I'd be going for gold. :D Kats music rocks, right? <3 LOVE YOU BACK! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
LOl hello mate and yes that would be such an interesting sport lol. I agree Kat's music bloody rocks all the other houses off. Meh mum saw her perform on ellen an thought she derseve every shine. love ya back. *gloomps you* over a year ago
1beaut said …
Guys go like my comment ranting about Bamie/Bonnie mistreatment to show Carina I'm not alone. She had to tweet her minions about it to gloat. Why am I not surprised? She never wants to just fight her own battles without an audience. Fine. I can do the same. I'm Monique. link Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Wow! U guys really expressed yourselves to Carina. I'm so proud of u & the rest who stood up for their beliefs, especially cuz ya'll remained fair & didn't even curse her out lol. Bonnie fans or just TVD fans in general handled themselves quite well. I'm just sorry Bonnie fans have to go through this just to get a decent storyline for our beloved character. I know someone who said they're trying to contact ppl ABOVE Carina & Julie cuz they are obviously biased writers who don't seem to get it. Are they talented writers? I can't hate. They sure are...but they're only talented, inspired & creative for CERTAIN characters. I said it once & I'll say it again. Poor Bonnie, Matt, Jeremy & even Tyler lately. Damon, Elena, Stefan & Caroline are clearly the writers' priority. Even the Originals get more screen-time & focus than Bonnie, Matt & Jeremy who's been around since day one! Damn shame. over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
I had a few things to say about TVD writers. It's not a scathing criticism. It's more like an observation. Anyway, I totally understood what you wrote. Good girl! over a year ago
1beaut commented…
Thanks bb! I may have came a bit "ouch" at times but that's what happens when you're fed up and pissed. It boils over. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I did too, bb! I'm loving what you all said. Honestly, bamon/bonnie/kat fans are fricken gorgeous. BRAVO darlings!! over a year ago